Adding an essence to a person: signs, how to get rid of it. The introduction of an essence into a person and signs of the presence of another in the body. What is damage with the addition

Strange, negative behavior of a person is often explained by the settling of one or another alien creature in his astral body. This is not such a rare case, and even those who are far from esotericism and spiritual teachings and practices can notice signs of an essence entering a person.

Reasons for moving in

There are two types of creatures that can move in with a person - these are low- and high-vibration creatures. Entities with high vibration can be called friends - they enter into symbiosis with a person in order to protect, help and advise, that is, to bring benefit. Such sharing occurs as a result of magical practices and ancestral heritage, and often a person is fully aware of the presence of the essence within himself.

Unfortunately, cases of precisely this type of settlement are the most common. Entities with low vibration are dangerous, and the reasons for their settlement may be the following:

  • Carelessness during a magical ritual or spiritual practices.
  • Conscious decision to share essence into your body.
  • Strong negative emotions and thoughts - hatred, anger, desire for death, anger at the whole world, and so on.
  • Presence of vicious addictions and bad habits - drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, fornication, committing crimes of various types, and more.
  • Lack of astral protection, a decrease in “spiritual immunity” - every person has a natural spiritual defense (, ancestral protector, and so on), which during life, for various reasons, can be depleted and even disappear.

A low-vibration entity can move into a person during:

  • The absence of his consciousness in the physical shell (during sleep or anesthesia).
  • Spiritual practice, for example, a seance or trance.
  • Taking drugs and alcoholic substances - that is, those that cloud the mind.
  • When taking sleeping pills and strong tranquilizers.

Another special case of inhabiting an entity with a low vibration is corruption. Some magicians and sorcerers inflict damage or a curse on a person by attaching an unfavorable entity to him, which will dry the individual to the bottom, thereby killing him. Such magic is unusually strong, and it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

Signs of an entity

The essence enters the human body through a small gap in the body, which opens due to the above reasons. For some time, the entity remains inactive, showing no signs of its existence, and gains strength. This incubation period can last from several months to several years, and the longer the creature is in the human body, the stronger it is and the more difficult it is to expel or destroy it.

The essence appears very sharply, and then the behavior of the “vessel” suddenly changes. This becomes noticeable to the people around him - even the nicest and most well-mannered person becomes rude, irritable, aggressive, and begins to develop bad habits.

Main features subdivisions:

  • "Fog" in the head, detachment from reality.
  • Panic fear, strengthening of existing phobias.
  • Permanent anxiety, development of paranoia and other mental illnesses.
  • Apathetic state when a person cannot and does not want to perform any actions (for example, such a person can stare at one point for hours).
  • Loss of appetite or, conversely, eating large amounts of junk food.
  • Insomnia.
  • Tremor arms and legs.
  • Seizures like an epileptic attack.
  • Permanent Bad mood, development of depressive states.
  • The emergence of bad habits and addictions - drinking alcohol, drugs, sexual liberation.
  • Reluctance to take care of one's appearance and personal hygiene.
  • The desire to accept physical and mental pain others (quarrels, fights, humiliation, and so on).
  • Suicidal thoughts and impulses.
  • Indifference to yourself and those around you.
  • Severe pain and vibrations in the chest area.

In the case of a difficult situation or possession by a particularly strong entity, a person may hear voices and see unpleasant hallucinations. He becomes obsessed with the idea of ​​hurting someone or committing suicide. Often such people become patients in psychiatric hospitals and outcasts from society.

It is also worth mentioning external changes. The more a person is under the influence of a malevolent entity, the worse he looks. as if it is slowly flowing out of it - the eyes become cloudy, dead, lose their shine, the quality of the skin deteriorates, bags and dark circles appear under the eyes. Such a person, as a rule, becomes painfully thin, haggard, and his hair and teeth may actively fall out.

Such external changes are also appear suddenly but progress quickly. Soon the unfortunate person becomes unpleasant to be around.


Having become familiar with the signs of a foreign entity being in the human body, it is easy to guess that nothing good can be expected from such a neighbor. Entities with low vibration prey on human energy - it is food for them and the meaning of existence. But they cannot penetrate the body of any person, so they look for a victim among weakened people, and then penetrate it.

All people from time to time are in a zone of vulnerability for these creatures: in a bad mood, loss of strength, grief from the loss of a loved one or animal, despondency, irritability, and so on. It is not for nothing that the Bible lists despondency as one of the most terrible mortal sins - after all, it is in this state that even the most righteous person is vulnerable to the penetration of dark forces within him.

The main consequences of settlement:

  • Decreased immune defense body.
  • The emergence of diseases varying degrees of severity (from a simple cold to cancer, AIDS, and so on).
  • Development of mental illness(very often this is schizophrenia, paranoia, Cotard's syndrome).
  • A loss, loss of strength, bad mood.
  • Death.
  • Soul Destruction a person, the seizure of his body by an alien entity (such a consequence is an extremely rare phenomenon, but the losses and troubles from it are colossal. This phenomenon is often shown in horror films, for example, in “Insidious”, “The Last Exorcism”, “The Conjuring” and others ).

Invaders are dangerous not only for the human carrier, but also for the people around him. To an entity that has attached itself to a person’s body, other entities of the same nature are attracted, like moths to a light. These arriving entities in search of food can weaken the energy field of surrounding people and move in with them.

How to get rid of it?

An entity can enter the body of almost any person, but driving it out can be quite difficult. Depending on the severity of the case, there are two ways to expel the creature - self-expulsion and contacting specialists.

A particularly severe case of attachment is called possession, and the process of eliminating the entity is called exorcism. As a rule, exorcism is carried out by priests with certain training and esoteric exorcists. To expel an entity from another person, the exorcist must have an unbending will and a pure soul, otherwise he will break and become another victim of the malevolent entity.

Often, an exorcism procedure carried out incorrectly or by an insufficiently strong specialist is useless - the entity stops its attacks for a while, seems to hide, and then appears with renewed vigor.

But freeing a person from being a settler is not all - we need to help him return to normal life, restore his health and emotional state. There are cases when a person cannot get rid of the consequences of this kind of proximity until the end of his life - he becomes a patient in a psychiatric clinic, kills himself, or from time to time suffers from attacks of inexplicable melancholy or depression.

As for the second method of getting rid of an entity, it requires strength of character. Such a person must monitor his every emotion and prevent the urge to commit a bad act in the bud. You need to ask yourself - “do I really want this, or is someone else demanding this?”, and be aware of your every action, and not have your head in the clouds.

To expel an entity yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • Always to be “here and now”.
  • Don't allow yourself to be weak and fluctuations.
  • Create a daily routine and strictly follow it.
  • Control your thoughts and don’t give in to a bad mood.
  • Look for the positive and joy in everything, doing things that make a person happy.
  • Refuse from bad habits.

And remember that a person is the master of his body and his emotions, and he has the right to decide who is in this body and who is not.

Often, some people are not even aware of the presence of otherworldly entities in their bodies, because... it happens unnoticed. This phenomenon can be determined only by several signs, which are usually noted by close relatives, but cannot find explanations for changes in behavior or life.

There are two types of entities that can take over people’s bodies – low- and high-vibration.

The latter can even be called a person’s friends: they bring benefits and help in solving certain problems, and their settlement occurs as a result of certain magical rituals.

Low-vibration settlers are considered dangerous. They enter human bodies without permission, and live by feeding them with energy, as a result of which people can begin to develop severe chronic diseases and the likelihood of death increases.

Reasons for the introduction of essence into a person

Most often, negative aliens penetrate bodies during the performance of magical rituals, even if they relate to white magic. There are also other reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Conscious infusion of the black essence by the person himself.
  • Bad emotions: anger, envy, hatred, thirst for revenge. They negatively affect human energy and make the protective field more vulnerable.
  • Bad habits and vicious addictions: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, tendency to commit crimes, etc.
  • Decreased spiritual immunity. Each person has his own guardian angel and energy protection, which at times, for various reasons, can weaken or disappear altogether.

We can also highlight a separate reason for the introduction of dark entities - the purposeful infliction of damage on a person. In this case, expelling the alien from the body is very difficult and only experienced magicians can do it.

If you do not kill it in a timely manner, your health may deteriorate and big problems in life may arise, so it is necessary to consult a specialist in time when the first signs appear.

Signs of settlement

The main symptom of sharing is a sharp change in a person’s behavior: calm and positive people can become rude and irritable, apathy and unreasonable fear appear. Thanks to this, the settler’s strength increases, because it is fueled by negative emotions that ultimately lead people to madness, illness and death.

What other signs exist:

  • Chronic fatigue. A person constantly feels exhausted even when he does nothing during the day.
  • Regular panic attacks. They usually bother you in your sleep when you have nightmares.
  • Bad luck. Any, even elementary business ends in failure. What a person could do “excellently” before, now he can’t do it.
  • Uncharacteristic behavior. An optimist can become a pessimist, begin to be rude to others, and often lash out at other people.
  • Soreness. Both mild and severe illnesses may appear, and your state of health will sharply deteriorate.

In this case, first of all, behavior changes: the possessed person may commit inappropriate actions and not be aware of his actions, become more aggressive or prone to depression.

Types of essences in man

There are several types of settlers that usually overcome human bodies:

  1. Lyarva. They appear most often with constant fear and lack of self-confidence. Their goal is to destroy the human biofield; they feed on energy and have practically no intelligence.
  2. Demons. They arise due to bad habits and the constantly changing emotional state of a person. The stronger the dependence on alcohol or drugs, the stronger the demons.
  3. Demons. The most cruel settlers. They disorient a person’s thoughts, forcing them to commit tough and sometimes merciless actions. The donor does not see the difference between evil and good or confuses them, thereby causing suffering and pain to other people.

If they penetrate deep into the energy biofield and greatly destroy it, special rituals will be required.

It is advisable to do them with an experienced magician, but there are several rituals that you can perform yourself, and they will be no less effective.

As you know, entities are afraid of fire and water, so to combat them it is advisable to visit baths and saunas more often. Additionally, it is recommended to light church candles and read prayers.

If it is not possible to visit the sauna, you can simply take a moderately hot bath using candles, aroma lamps with lavender oil or incense.

Ritual to eliminate entities

This ritual is one of the most popular even among magicians and guarantees almost 100% results. It is best to perform it while the moon is in its waning phase:

Some people attend prayer services held in monasteries to cast out demons. If a person is possessed, during the deduction his behavior changes dramatically: he may start crying, swearing, screaming and even rush to fight the priest.

Protective amulets

To prevent demons from entering the body, you can use various protective amulets. It is desirable that they are inaccessible to the eyes of others. They can be spoken beforehand before wearing, and then their strength will increase several times.


To enhance its effectiveness, you can speak it: “Give me strength, little pin, so that other people’s envy does not jinx me and evil things do not curse me.”.


To prevent financial setbacks, you can do the following:

  • In the evening we place a coin in the ground in a pot with a healthy plant. The earth will feed money with positive energy. It is recommended to do this during the waxing moon;
  • In the morning we take out a coin, mark it so as not to confuse it with others, and put it in our wallet.

Red thread

Red threads are used to protect against damage in many Eastern cultures. To protect yourself from the evil eye and otherworldly creatures, you can hang it above the front door, or wear it on your left hand as a bracelet, but in the latter case it should be wool.


If you need a universal talisman, a ring is best suited for this. In some families, it is customary to pass on jewelry by inheritance and, if something untoward happens to its owner, it must be cleaned. To do this, just rinse the ring in salt water, but so that it does not corrode its coating.

Bag of salt

Salt protects against the evil eye, damage and dark forces. You can make a bag of salt and leave it at home, or carry it with you. How to prepare the amulet:

  • We make a small bag, pour salt into it and tie it tightly so that it does not spill;
  • We say: “ salt for happiness, salt for troubles»;
  • Place the pouch in your pocket or bag.

If the salt spills out while being worn, it means that the amulet protected against troubles that were about to happen. In this case, throw a pinch of crystalline powder over your left shoulder and prepare a new bag.

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Removing sub-populations

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Unlike disembodied spirits, vampiric entities, as a rule, were never human. These are intelligent beings of other planes of existence. A person encounters the largest number of entities on the astral plane, during sleep. It is known that sleep is a “little death”, during which a partial or complete exit of the astral body occurs, setting off on its next astral journey.

Among the entities there are also representatives of demonic hierarchies. In general, the task of the entities is to receive a certain amount of energy from the victim - the separated astral body of a sleeping person. Hence the nightmares that successfully provoke those very entities of demonic hierarchies. At the moment of severe fright (in a dream or in reality), a person releases a portion of energy into the subtle space, which goes to feed the entities.

The incorporation of a disembodied spirit or astral entity can be either temporary or permanent. In the first case, settlement can occur during sleep, as well as when visiting cemeteries and occultly unfavorable places. In the second case, a person unwittingly “accepts” an extraneous spirit or essence into his energy shell. In this case, the spirit or essence is constantly in the energy shells of a person, regardless of whether the person is sleeping or awake.


Signs of settlement

If we talk about temporary accommodation, then the signs are associated mainly with sleep or being in one of the natural trance states, such as prosleep:

regular nightmares
lack of time for sleep, increased required rest time
frequent appearance of deceased relatives in dreams
general fatigue, lack of energy

Signs by which one can draw conclusions about the presence of a permanent settlement, in addition to the above:

complete apathy, lack of interest in life
the emergence of a subpersonality, a certain “second self” at the mental level
exacerbation of the so-called lateral vision
periodic appearance of visual, olfactory and auditory illusions
radical change in tastes and preferences
almost continuous depression accompanied by aggression
Removing addiction and obsession

Subsistence is one of the most dangerous occult negatives, which must be neutralized. This will definitely not go away on its own; it can only get worse over time. The fact is that even temporary accommodation violates the integrity of a person’s energy shells, which act as “skin,” but at subtle levels. Just as a wound on the body opens the gates of infection, so a considerable number of entities rush into the resulting energy gap, seeking to gain a foothold on the donor person at any cost.

The decision to begin working with a patient who has been attacked by spirits and entities is made individually and only during a face-to-face consultation. In this case, much depends on the duration of the existing problem and the degree of impairment of the victim’s consciousness.

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What is an essence? Usually an entity is a living being from another dimension or another world that somehow came to our world and settled in a person. All existing spirits were created by God for some reason and serve some purpose in the universal program of life. Nothing ever happens by chance. Therefore, in their home world, entities are necessary and useful for the entire Universe as a whole. But in our world they are a big problem.

An entity can settle in a person and slowly destroy him from the inside. Outwardly, this can be expressed in different ways: a split personality, strange behavior, one’s own lack of understanding of oneself and some of one’s actions... Everything happens as if there are two of them in one person and completely opposite in character - one is gentle and kind, and the other is cruel , aggressive or extremely strange, and these two personalities alternate in one body. But in fact, there is a foreign creature inside a person that can behave quietly, can begin to rage, especially if he doesn’t like something, if his enemy appears on the way. However, one should not confuse the external manifestations of the essence with the flaws in the upbringing of a person, especially a child.

There are different kinds of entities. This could be a human spirit, which for various reasons did not leave our dimension, but chose to live in the body of another person. This happens if a person dies prematurely - he does not complete the earthly path destined for him, for example, due to suicide. Such restless souls with inadequate life experience hang out in our dimension for some time until their fate is decided. And dark forces use them for their own purposes - in search of energy recharge, these soul essences very often inhabit the bodies of living people and, using their energy, corrode them from the inside.

There are also possible entities such as extraterrestrial spirits that may or may not be from this dimension, but they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. To understand this better, let's draw an analogy with the cellular level of the human body. Each cell is unique and exists in a specific part of the body. It does the work for the benefit of the whole body. The cells of different organs are different from each other: brain cells are not the same as heart cells, which in turn are different from liver cells, etc. As long as the cells are in place, there are no problems. But if you make, for example, an incision in the stomach, it will fill with blood cells. They should not be there, so in order to remove these foreign cells and stop their further influx, healing is required.

The insertion of an essence into a person occurs as a result of serious damage (breakdown) to his energy protection, when a channel appears in it through which the essence penetrates the body. This event itself most often goes unnoticed by a person. At first, the entity usually behaves quite restrainedly, gaining strength and manifesting itself gradually, so for a long time the behavior of a person as a whole can be within the framework familiar to him, without arousing suspicion about the appearance of a guest either in the person himself or in those around him. This can last for months, and even many years, until some special circumstances force the uninvited guest to fully manifest themselves (for example, bursts of unprecedented aggression, cruelty, inappropriate behavior, emotions and actions). This can happen suddenly - and then the strange behavior of a hitherto reserved and kind person amazes everyone, although in fact it is not him, but the essence in him that has manifested itself. When the essence takes possession of a strong person, at first he has enough strength to resist its harmful influence for a sufficiently long time, and then changes in his behavior can occur gradually. In these cases, people may develop serious illnesses that have a persistent course that is extremely unusual for doctors and cannot be treated in any way.

Entities can inhabit a person at different ages. Entities most often take up residence in an adult because he has used hard drugs or alcohol and has become vulnerable to them, or because entities have been able to detect a passage while the person is using sexual energy, or because he has become terribly afraid and helpless. Sometimes entities inhabit a person who, without proper protection, has experimented with certain types of meditation that involve leaving the body. The addition of an essence is not always the result of a breakdown of a person’s energy protection due to some of his own gross violations of the Law. A small mistake of your own and a targeted request from other “kind” people is enough. A similar way of sharing entities is also typical for children. This can happen when their energy protection is sharply weakened by serious illnesses, complex medical procedures with general anesthesia, physical and mental trauma caused by gross violations of the Law by their parents. There are other ways, but the ones listed above are the most common.

People are to blame for the appearance of a myriad of entities in our world. The amount of anger and aggression that people throw out into the world every day has created a wide channel through which creatures from the lower worlds were able to penetrate to us and began to occupy our territory. Essentially neutral, once in our dimension, the entities began to serve Evil - the side subject to the highest Angel of Darkness, Lucifer (we usually call him the Evil One). Once in our dimension, the entities became one of the many cogs of his gigantic machine, which ultimately was supposed to help him achieve his main goal - to become God. But this is a separate topic.

In our world, an entity cannot exist for a long time without a body. Only in the human body can she receive the energy necessary for her life and realize herself here. When a person tormented by the essence no longer satisfies it energetically, it tries to get rid of him in order to later find a new victim. An entity can leave the body only after the death of a person, so its ultimate task is to kill, physically destroy him. At the same time, this is done most often through suicide, which almost always is fraught with the destruction of the soul. The entity also pursues such a goal, because the destruction of human souls adds to its track record and allows it to rise up the hierarchical ladder in the corresponding “essential” table of ranks. The entity whispers, incites a person to commit suicide - to fly from some floor, cut his wrists or throw himself under a train. The victim's death frees her.

An entity can attach itself to almost any person, but it is quite difficult to drive it out, especially if this entity is strong. The process of expelling an entity has long been called exorcism, and the church, by its nature, tried to take on the main role in this matter. But how can she cope with this?

Both the Orthodox and Catholic churches try to drive out evil spirits from the human body with prayer, the cross and incense, sometimes with brute mental force, without really thinking about the mechanisms of what is happening. But this procedure can sometimes only frighten a weak entity, some former drunkard who hangs out between the physical and subtle worlds and needs a little energy replenishment. If the entity is strong or, God forbid, a demon occupying a high hierarchical level, then such a procedure cannot cause anything other than laughter. To expel such evil spirits from a person, you need to have a remarkable Light of the soul, which many priests cannot boast of.

In addition, they usually have little understanding of what is happening on the spiritual plane. The priest simply wants to exorcise the entity and does not care what happens to it next. Few people know that the expelled possessor, as soon as he has the opportunity, will enter another body; as a rule, this will be the first suitable person he meets. The entity needs to live inside the human body. She cannot stay outside of any form for long. The correct expulsion of an essence from the body presupposes its sending to the underworld - the lowest worlds of the Universe, its peculiar furnace, where decomposition of unusable or insolvent material into “molecules” occurs. The clergy do not and cannot do this.

No matter what the clergy do, the essence still remains within humanity. She is still not in her world. In her own way, she is very unhappy. And now even more so, because the one they served - Lucifer - no longer rules them and they have no one else to serve.

Is it really possible to get rid of an entity? - Can. By turning for help to the Creator and those very few people on Earth who, by the Will of the Almighty, are allowed and who are able to do this.

Freeing a person from the essence is only part of the process of restoring him and returning to a full life, and sometimes a very small part, because the long stay of the essence in a person greatly affects his health, psyche, and personality as a whole. The essence destroys the soul, and the longer it sits in a person, the more his soul suffers and the more difficult it is to restore it. Removing an entity is not a problem, but when it leaves, its traces remain in a person, and it happens that getting rid of them is extremely difficult, sometimes almost impossible, especially when the mind has suffered the most.

Whatever options for the development of events people encounter with entities, one must remember the main thing - the essence sitting in a person will sooner or later lead to the premature death of his soul - either from suicide, or due to the complete loss of its legal capacity due to severe mental or physical diseases. And this is clear - there are no other options. Freeing a person from essence gives him a chance - not to die prematurely, but to completely go through his path destined for him from Above. How much he can use it will depend on the person himself and on those who are sincerely ready to put all their strength into helping him get out of the abyss - those who really, really love him.

Dysfunctional thought form

It is a thought of another person or being that has entered into someone. Usually it is brought in from outside intentionally. People usually call the effect of such a thought form on a person an evil eye or a curse. A spell, a curse, a wish directed by hatred, and the like - all of these can enter and reside within a person, causing accidents and diseases that are difficult to treat or cannot be treated at all. Once in a person, such a negative thought usually takes on almost any form and requires the energy of that person's life force. The resulting form gives the impression of being alive. It is very difficult for a person to get rid of someone else’s negative thought form (curse or evil eye) on his own, especially when his strength is exhausted by the fight against it. But it's possible. It is extracted from it in the same way as essences.

And one last thing. Don't be afraid of entities or dysfunctional thought forms. They cannot do anything to you as long as you live according to the Law and as long as only love connects you with them. In this special state of consciousness you are immune.

Are there any ways to make sure that there is definitely an essence living in a person?

1. Alas, there are no instruments for absolutely accurate determination of whether a person has an essence. The best diagnostic “device” in this case is a person who is able to FEEL the presence of an alien entity in a person or has the ability to receive information about it from Above. It is very difficult to describe the sensations from the essence in words. This is something like an energy field in which you feel uncomfortable, somehow pressed down or something - a feeling of heaviness on the physical level; someone feels unpleasant vibrations, someone “like putting a battery to your tongue”, in different ways... This concerns the sensations of people who are capable of feeling. The eyes of the possessed can also say a lot.

2. The fact that there is POSSIBLY an essence in a person can also be judged by the following signs:

The feeling that within the same person there live two completely different, sometimes completely opposite personalities - in character, in behavior, in actions;
- mental illness (perhaps half of the patients in psychiatric clinics are simply obsessed people and real help for them is not mountains of tranquilizers and antipsychotics, but the removal of entities; unfortunately, it is already extremely difficult to help people who were prescribed drug treatment - almost impossible);
- the presence of strange, from the point of view of official medicine, diseases that have an incomprehensible atypical course and are completely resistant to conventional treatment;
- sometimes a completely frank self-manifestation of the essence, when an possessed person (even a small child) acquires terrible power from nowhere and several strong adult guys cannot restrain him, or begins to speak in a completely alien voice and very strange things. Anyone who has encountered such manifestations of entities will no longer confuse them with anything.
- suicide

And yet, individual signs or their simple mathematical summation cannot be absolutely accurate confirmation that an essence lives in a person. In order to make sure that it lives in a person, you need to have other abilities and, of course, experience.

How exactly can you get rid of an entity? Can someone help with this?

An entity can be removed by specific people who have access to the Higher Energies of the Creator and are given the authority to do so. They can also help in restoring a person after the presence of an entity in him. You can’t just learn to “cast out demons.”

How does an entity get expelled? How hard can this be for people who are ultimately abandoned by entities?

1. To remove an entity, the desire and personal request of the possessed person or his parents, if it is a child, is necessary.

2. The essence of expelling an entity is its removal from a person and the MANDATORY sending of it to the worlds from where it came to our world - these are the lower levels of the Subtle World, which we call the Underworld. If this is not done, then sooner or later the entity returns to its possessor, since it cannot exist for a long time in our world without a body that provides it with energy. Expulsion of an entity without sending it “to its homeland” - to the underworld - is not a real expulsion.

3. The removal process consists of creating a completely closed Light (energy) ball around the possessed person, in which the essence is removed from the person. After this, with the help of the same Higher Energies (Light), the entrance to the underworld opens on the subtle plane, and the entity in the light ball is sent there. The entrance to the underworld is quickly closed with the help of Energies.

2. The removal of essences from children occurs most successfully and without any consequences, since the essence in a child usually does not yet have time to manifest itself in full force and significantly disturb the soul or physical state. In adults, everything is much more complicated - the result of removing the essence depends on the time it remains in a person and the degree of impact on the body and soul. The longer the essence lives in a person, the more pronounced the changes, the more complicated the situation with the subsequent restoration of the person. During removal, theoretically there could be some health complications if the essence was in a person for a very long time and practically destroyed the soul, but in practice this did not happen. Typically, entity removal occurs asymptomatically.

The greatest difficulty is the process of subsequent recovery of a person and, unfortunately, there are often cases when mental and physical disturbances are so great, and a person has so little strength and desire to recover, that it is no longer possible to fully restore him. The same applies to people who have been prescribed medication for mental illness.

Who is open to sharing?

These are people who have in their field of consciousness rejection, condemnation, hatred, pride and FEAR, FEAR, FEAR! With their stupidity, ignorance, and stubbornness, people tear their aura, and low-vibration entities enter through these gaps.

And no one can help an “infected” person until the person himself realizes and changes. Another person can only temporarily alleviate the fate of the “infected”, give him information and techniques about healing. Next, you need to take full responsibility for healing and walk the path of healing.

If a person is highly spiritual, open, sincere, lives in joy and love, he is protected from the introduction of low vibrational entities.
After initiation into Reiki, a person is protected from negativity for several days and is vaccinated. Then he goes out into the world. And here you need to work on yourself.

We need to cleanse, open the chakras, work on our emotions, on our consciousness. Reiki will not work on its own. The work of your soul, your consciousness, your intuition is necessary.
Entities will whisper a sweet tale about a white fluffy bull in your ear. Don't give in to them. The choice always remains with the person. We make choices every day. It's nobody's fault. You and only you give birth to low vibrational entities. You either live with them or part with them.

How can you recognize a sharing (without a session)?

1. Shifty eyes.
2. Constantly interrupts.
3. Doesn't hear what they say to him.
4. Always right.
5. Dry eyes, lack of clarity.
6. Aggression.
7. Doesn't remember what he's talking about.
8. I feel physically sick next to him. This is what you hear about the astral-mental plane of a person.

How can you recognize a subdivision at home (without a session)?

In addition to all of the above, constant weakness, lack of power, a feeling as if there were a veil before my eyes, frequent dizziness and the feeling that I was being manipulated.

How can you recognize the addition during a session?

1. Makes faces.
2. Rocks or bends.
3. May shake as if with a fever.
4. Unreasonable laughter.
5. May cry or squeak pitifully, may make different sounds: grunt, bark, etc.
6. You may feel nausea in your solar plexus.
7. Strong vibrations may appear in your hands, your hands may become sticky, wet, and something may move under your hands.

You should know that nothing in itself is bad or evil. An entity can be destructive only because it is alien to a given world, dimension, body or time. But there are places that are her home. And if we help her find her home, the entity will willingly go there.

Therefore, instead of perceiving invading entities as forces of evil that need to be hated and driven out to the edge of the universe, into the underworld, we can consider them lost travelers, souls, entities from other worlds.

They will be grateful if we help them return home.

Whatever energy invades our space, we need to treat it with compassion. When we think that we need to “get rid of” something, we come from a place of hostility, anger and fear, and we frighten the entity with this attitude. We must give love to the low vibrational entity. In a state of fear, she will not enter into dialogue. The entity senses when it is under attack, and like a frightened child, it can hide in a secluded corner that it has created for itself in your body or field. The entity will not risk going out to where destruction awaits it. The more we dislike something, the more energy we give to it. And it’s even more difficult to get rid of it.

Practice of entity inference.

A prerequisite: there must be no feeling of fear. Fear can be filled, replaced with love, filling the place of fear with Divine Light.

Session with yourself.

Enter the Reiki channel, call on Your Higher I AM presence (In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I invite my I AM Presence, a particle of God in me, to be with me throughout the session and today. I ask you, my Self I AM Presence, take direct control of all my actions, deeds, words, feelings and thoughts. I ask you, my powerful I AM Presence, to work through me throughout the session, today, to guide my life).

Set up and pronounce the program: all entities that have settled in my astral-mental plane, accept help in complete harmonization, fill yourself with my love and go to your own space and time, where you will be in complete harmony with the universe.
And do a session for yourself, as your master taught you, as you want at the moment. Place the Reiki symbols that come to mind. You will be guided by your Higher Self. Throughout the session and the entire time of work to remove the entity (entities) from your field, from your body, you need to guide the Essence, communicate with it.

For example, you say, turning to the entity: “Now the space is open, come out, don’t be afraid. You can go to your home. I fill you with Light, Love, you are no longer comfortable in my field, in my body. You have grown up and can live separately from me. Go to your space and time, where you will be in harmony with the Universe. Don’t be afraid, look here is your universe, it’s good here!

It’s as if the birth of your child, created by you, is taking place! When you feel something begin to separate from you, help it leave with love, even if you feel disgusted. After all, this is a part of yourself that is separated, which is already foreign to you, and which has already served you.

A memory may come flooding back. You can realize what situation gave birth to this entity. Ask for forgiveness from everyone who was involved in this situation and forgive everyone.

Cosmic entities inhabit a person to be filled with love. Having received what they expected, i.e. love and light they leave the field, the human body, go into their own plans. A tumor, rash, growth, etc. may appear at the site where the essence has settled; coughing, stuttering, and anger for no reason may occur.

When the entity leaves, it is necessary to fill the place where the entity is located with light, Reiki energy.

People please be CLEAN. And there will be only CLEANITY around.

Working with a patient is the same as working with yourself.

The patient needs to put knowledge into his ears. If a person is not ready, then you will not help him.

You can work with children through water and at a distance.

How can you help the “infected”?

He needs to go through a forgiveness diet: write forgiveness 70 times for 7 days. Then burn everything.
There are many techniques.

There is a radical forgiveness questionnaire on the website. During the session the patient should work together with you. Before the session, recite the program, the same as for yourself, only add: the session takes place at the necessary and sufficient level and only in this apartment (room) here and now. Keep your hands in positions for no more than 3 minutes.

If the patient cannot withstand the vibration of the session, may show aggression and other side effects, you can simply do meditation at first.

You sit opposite the patient, point your hands in his direction and conduct a calm meditation. Sometimes you need to do 30-40 sessions to completely heal a person or to heal yourself.

Protection of the home from settlement.

Many types of damage are carried out by introducing dark forces and harmful entities into a person’s home. Usually, for this purpose, specially charmed objects are thrown into the room, capable of transmitting negative energy to the people living in this house. In addition, even a visit to your home by an unfriendly or envious person can cause negative energy contamination of the home and thereby become the cause of many of your failures, conflicts and illnesses. Surely you yourself could notice this when, after the departure of certain people, an oppressive, oppressive atmosphere remains, caused by their unusual behavior or silent presence. Over time, this feeling may smooth out and be unnoticeable, but the negative energy left by such people will still be present and suppress your personal strengths - affecting your health, well-being and relationships with everyone who is in this room. To avoid all this, it is necessary to create an insurmountable barrier to alien influences and harmful forces. Various amulets and amulets serve this purpose, capable of protecting and neutralizing both the usual envious glances of your neighbors and serious witchcraft attacks on your home.

Square Saturn

The Square of Saturn is one of the most famous talismans used to protect people and animals in confined spaces of rooms, houses and premises. On the first Friday after the new moon at ten o'clock in the morning, draw a magic square consisting of nine numbers on a paper square with black ink. Be sure to enter all the numbers in the square according to their ordinal value, that is, first depict the number 1, then 2, 3, 4, etc. When depicting each individual number, determine it with a repeating witchcraft formula. Before writing a number, say:

Merka abe abu lab,

Having entered it into the square, finish the spell you started:

ite luba, abe maud.

At this moment, you should see or imagine that you are seeing how the number revived by your spell begins to glow with a cold bluish flame, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, acquire volume, meaning and influence. It doesn’t matter what you imagine or see, all that matters is that behind the usual writing of the symbol your directed will and the witchcraft power associated with it will be hidden. It is your internal tension that should give an ordinary material thing the spiritual strength necessary to create an invisible energy barrier that protects the entire space of your home from any witchcraft attack.

When all nine numbers are completely spelled out, cross your talisman with three fingers of your right hand (do not clench your fingers, but stretch them straight forward, as a Catholic priest does) and say:

Aus tsenriom vene.
Liot exiota fat.
Krato monet giate.
Ligira lone tat.

Under the influence of these words, the already animated numbers will begin their secret, internal interaction and external witchcraft work. Roll this magic square into a tube and tie it with red thread. Hide the scroll in a crack in the floor in the very center of your apartment or wall it up in the eastern wall of your house. This talisman will have great power if you make it on “Saturian holidays,” that is, on days when earthly nature is associated with the influence of close constellations - Capricorn, Libra and Aquarius (time periods from January 20 to February 18, from September 23 to October 22 and from December 22 to January 19).

Witch's ball

Without thinking about it at all, every year we continue to perform a magical ritual associated with the protection of our homes. Spruce branches, once in your home, can neutralize many dark energies. And a glass ball silvered on the inside, which is usually used to decorate a New Year tree, is one of the most reliable amulets of protection against witchcraft attacks.

The custom of bringing a Christmas tree into the house and decorating it in this way arose in the pre-Christian period. At this time of year, the dark forces of nature are most active and capable of interfering in human affairs. Therefore, it is in the middle of winter that more serious protection is needed from the negative manifestations around us. In the Middle Ages, silver-plated balls were called “witch balls”, as they were intended to scare away witches and the evil spirits under their control.

If you decide to protect your home with such an amulet, then buy a regular New Year's ball without any drawings or decorations. Store it all year round on the windowsill so that it is visible from the street, or hang it above the front door.

In order to give this amulet even greater witchcraft significance, fill the inner cavity of the ball with scraps of multi-colored threads or pour dill seeds into it. Keep this ball completely clean so that its mirror surface can at any time reflect all the negative energy directed towards your home. Be sure to remember that a dull or dirty ball will not only lose its effectiveness, but can also cause the energy to flow backwards.

The “Witch Ball” should be adequately perceived by all those who live with you in your home, so as not to become a cause of misunderstanding and irritation. If such friction does arise, then replace the shiny ball with a less noticeable amulet.

Bottle of protection

Buy two pounds of small nails. Place them in a small glass bottle (it is best to use a dark green glass bottle), which you then seal with sealing wax or a wine stopper. Hang this bottle in the north corner of your home or in the hallway above the front door and say:

Neither near nor far,
neither high nor low,
neither in the deep nor in the ford,
neither narrow nor wide,
neither this way nor that way, nor that way, no way,
neither to the word, nor to the matter, nor to the mind,
neither for me, nor for you, nor for him.
Everything said to move,
cross, shift,
rear to front, front to reverse.
Black thoughts get lost in my words!
An evil tongue should cling to iron!
A bad deed will never happen!

Thus, you will receive an excellent “lightning rod” to neutralize negative energy directed at you and your home. Instead of nails, you can use pins, needles or metal filings.

An equally strong protective amulet will be a bottle with scraps of multi-colored threads (use threads of all colors that you have in your home, with the exception of black). Making such an amulet requires a longer time, since each thread must be placed in the bottle separately, and the length of the threads should not exceed 5-7 cm. When filling the bottle with threads, say mentally or out loud:

Fire to fire, water to water, earth to earth, neither you nor me.

Amulet from damage and the evil eye

Combine five parts of coarse salt with three parts of dry St. John's wort and one part of dried and powdered garlic flowers. Stuff an old sock with this mixture. While doing this, say the cherished words:

Where they put you, there is no black power,
no evil intent, no bad word.
Salt will take away the blackness, grass will unfurl evil,
the color of bad words will open,
no one will know, no one will pass,
no one will wither, no one will die.
Three times three turn
three times three twist,
three times three from the gate.

Bury this protective amulet under the threshold of the front door of your house, repeat the spell again, and then not a single dark force will be able to penetrate your home. This witchcraft action must be performed on the full moon or in the first days after it.

Needle protection

On Friday afternoon, buy a regular sewing needle, a skein of white thread and table salt. After making all these purchases and going home, do not greet or talk to anyone. You must remain completely silent until you have completed all your witchcraft work. When you get home, pour half a glass of cold water, dissolve three tablespoons of salt in it and cut about a meter of white thread from a skein. Place the thread in a glass of salt water and cross it three times. When the thread is wet, remove it from the water and thread it through the eye of the needle. Tie the ends of this thread with a triple knot. After this, holding the needle in your right hand, trace its point along the entire length of the door frame. Start doing this from the top door hinge side. If the loop is on the left, then move from left to right, down, right to left and then up again to the same loop. If the loop is on the right side of the door, then move the needle down, from right to left, then up, from left to right to the loop. Having completed this action, stick the needle into the upper corner of the door frame above the hinge and say the spell:

Needle needle, steel pile,
slaughter all enemies and foes,
take all the nonhumans away.

Do this while inside the house with the door closed. This magic lasts for about a year, after which the needle and thread should be replaced with new ones. While casting a protection spell, carefully remove them from the door frame:

Black to black, white to white,
dead to dead, and living to living.

Immediately after this, go to a deserted place and bury the needle and thread in the black earth. If you suspect that various harmful influences are constantly directed at you and your family, then replace the needle and thread more often - once a month or a week, but be sure to do this on Friday evening.

Nails will ward off damage

Drive three small nails into the door from the street side so that their heads form an ascending equilateral triangle (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). After this, go into the house, close the door and say:

Three nails in this door.
The first nail is to stab all enemies,
the second nail - to kill all non-humans,
the third nail is to ward off all evil.
All my words are turning into action,
all three nails - in favor of turnover.

This will protect your home from the invasion of evil spirits and reduce the effectiveness of black witchcraft aimed at your home.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 37 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Take away the power of the sorcerer

Take away the power of the sorcerer

Situations are different. For example, if for some reason a sorcerer has become attached to you and is tormenting your entire family with witchcraft, then you can neutralize his witchcraft like this: go to the field and there, standing with your bare feet on the grass, trample it, knead it and say:

You, my heels, crush the grass, crush

And take away his power from (so-and-so).

And how I (so-and-so) crushed the grass,

So that she could take all the power from (name).

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


Or do this. Stretch a black thread along the ground in the place where that witch or sorcerer walks that harms you and your family. As soon as he goes and crosses this thread, you should quickly say:

You stepped over the thread

And she gave up her strength

To me, God's servant (name).

Amen. Amen.


The thread must be burned, otherwise the one whose power you took will take it again when he goes back.

From the book Protocols of the Sorcerer Stomenov, part I author Tsenev Vit

Protocols of the sorcerer Stomenov

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To take milk from your neighbor's cow and give it to yours. During a declining month, read a special spell over the grass, which you then feed to your neighbor's cow. The spell words are: Little devils, Come out into the field, help me, At the cow (neighbor's nickname)

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How you can take a patient away from death There are several ways in which you can try to raise a terminally ill person to his feet. In this book I would like to print three methods. Method one: Take a live frog, place it with its belly on

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What to do so that the child can be easily weaned from the breast Wait until the child falls asleep and pour milk from the breast into his feet, saying: “Child, are you sleeping?” - I'm sleeping. – Did you forget the white light? - Forgot. – Also, forget your mother’s breasts! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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How to protect yourself from a sorcerer From a letter: “Hello, dear, dear Natalya Ivanovna! I’ve been meaning to write to you for a long time, but apparently the time has come only now. I have all twenty-five books in paperback, and every time I look forward to the release of the next book and

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Take away the anger of a drug addict To prevent a person from getting angry, throw crumbs or grains to the birds, saying: You, God's messengers, peck, fly, convey my words to the Lord God. Let the servant of God (name) not scream at me, the servant of God (name), or grind his teeth, or let the evil in him, day or day.

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How to force a sorcerer to retreat From the story of Koptelova

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How can you take a sick person away from death? I have already described ways of secret healing of a terminally ill person. In this issue I give three more ways: Take a frog, put it on the dying person’s stomach and say to yourself: Cold to cold, and to the servant of God (name) - life. Having said that three

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To make weaning easier for your baby, wait until your baby is asleep. Drip a stream of milk from your chest into his feet and say: “Child, are you sleeping?” - I'm sleeping. – Did you forget the white light? - Forgot. – Also, forget your mother’s breasts! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Initiation of a sorcerer at the crossroads I said that initiation can take place either in a bathhouse or in another place. For example, at a crossroads. It must be remembered that the start of the exercise is only on Monday. So, in the evening you need to stand at a crossroads and read the witness summons for

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Papa = Queener = Will, its instruments... The Sorcerer's Arsenal Chapter V THE Sorcerer's ARSENAL We saw how Satan sits in his abominable temple and how the Black Magician, the Supreme Pontiff of his cult, performs a magnificent service there. We were curious to look into all the corners of this building,

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Lover = Sener = Opposition = Mutuality Middle term = Work Modern Avatars of the Sorcerer Chapter VI MODERN AVATARS OF THE SORCERER Sorcerers in the 19th century? Real sorcerers? This hypothesis does not stand up to criticism! - Monsieur Abbé, I am not afraid to defend it. - Are you kidding? IN

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Take away power from the enemy At the moment when a cow is being milked, you need to come up and, looking at the stream of milk, whisper: Just as milk is taken away from a cow, So (so-and-so) will say goodbye to power. It will be thick for me, but (for so-and-so) it will be empty. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

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A sorcerer's memo Before each work, especially before removing the damage, so as not to catch the return, we read the spell, placing our hand on the cross: “I cross myself with the cross, I lock myself with the castle. The Mother of God is in the head, angels, archangels on the sides, the holy cross in the hands.” If we work with icons,

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The sorcerer’s tools As I already noted, the tools are a secondary matter after your will and your energy, but for those who are scrupulous and pedantic, I will dwell on this

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Chapter 11 How Cosmic Energy Gives You the Power of Healing, Strength of Spirit, and the Strength to Overcome Obstacles Cosmic energy created all of us, as well as all living beings. There is an infinite healing presence within every person. We can see the action

A common type of damage in which the magician uses his power to summon a dark entity, a demon, a larva. Then he “addicts” the even entity to his enemy. And then it is not the magician himself, but the summoned and implanted black essence that does its job - sucks out life force, destroys luck and takes away health.

The sub-population affects a specific person, although, of course, by destroying his life, it indirectly affects other people who are in contact with him.

Corruption with a sub-population can be made of different strengths, because the choice of summoned entities is very wide. And here the qualifications of the magician are of great importance, since not everyone can cope with powerful demonic creatures that are capable of not only ruining a person’s life, but also taking it away, transforming and destroying the soul.

There are a huge number of applications of damage to the population. I can offer such damage, depending on the specifics of the situation. Therefore, I always listen to all the person’s wishes, evaluate the situation, the presence of other magical influences, and so on.

When doing damage, I make sure to put up protection, use payoffs and blindness. Since this is serious work and black magic, I will not give examples here for independent work. That is, if anything else can be done to return evil to the enemy, then interaction with initially evil creatures, demons, demons, and so on without knowledge and preparation is suicidal.

In terms of duration, damage can last for half a year, or 5 years, or even forever. For the essence of the subtle plane, time passes differently than for a living person. What seems like a long time to us is just a moment for an eternally living being.

Since the damage is placed through the work of the magician and the entity, a kind of contract, it is impossible or very, very difficult to remove it from the outside. So before you decide to order and make a mess with the room, think carefully.

There are a lot of questions in this area of ​​magical help. They all need to be considered and paid close attention to. The influence of corruption is so diverse that healers, magicians and healers need not only to know the basics of the action of corruption, but also to constantly look for new information and constantly learn. Each case will be special in some way, so only a specialist with extensive experience can deal with damage.

What is damage

To put it simply, then, damage- This evil energy that destroys human life. Corruption can affect one or more areas at once. Damage can manifest itself quickly and immediately as very strong negative events and phenomena, or it can gradually and for a very long time exert its influence, causing harm every day and every hour.