World of Vedas: clean water is always closer to the source! Ritual of removing the hood for money and luck Method of removing the hood program cleaning constrictions

What is a stealer?

Hello, my dear readers and students. Have you ever wondered why some people suddenly receive a golden shower, a loving person nearby, while others also suddenly lose everything - money, health, family?

In magic there is one well-known Black Rite of Stealing. With its help you can steal whatever you want - health, love, financial well-being and even extra years of life and beauty

I’ll say right away that freely available stealers are of course ineffective, the result will be weak and short-lived, but with their help people manage to take away what they want.

Naturally, no one will post a good ancestral ritual, and in our age of the Internet, even if some Master shares the ritual, you are unlikely to find what you need among thousands of similar sites. Most likely, the words will be replaced with your own, and why this cannot be done I wrote in training section.

Below I will give a working procedure for cutting off leakage channels; my students can easily do it. Also, at the request of my students, after all a new article has been released with a strong (Black) way to remove completely and Be sure to check it out.

Almost all the famous personalities we see on TV have achieved everything that we admire so much precisely in this way. I myself have done similar rituals and therefore I know what I’m talking about. Of course, at the age of 70 you can look 30 through several dozen operations on the whole body, but This will not achieve the youthful sparkle in your eyes, the grace of 18 years old, money and the love of millions...

The essence of stealing is to replace one of the energy fields surrounding a person with your own projection. If a good Master does this, you won’t be able to remove it yourself. You can only cut off the leakage channels yourself, below I will give this method. It is impossible to return stolen goods.

How to understand that you are a thief.

Everything is simple here. If you suddenly start getting sick and your husband leaves you, and your neighbor suddenly blossoms and has a fan, and she is also sympathetically interested in what happened to you, most likely they have put a fraud on you. From my own experience I know that they do this most often they are well-known people who know all your ins and outs, because you can mistakenly steal a serious illness from a stranger, for example. Although in order to install a stealer, in most cases you don’t even need to know your name. But removing it is not easy.

How to remove the guard.

In order to cut off leakage channels you will need

  • 40 candles,
  • larger denomination coin
  • a pack of rock salt purchased on the day corresponding to the gender. Change cannot be taken.
  • candlesticks
  • ritual robe (black) or a new shirt, a long T-shirt without a pattern, preferably black.

This ritual is done on the first day after the absolute full moon, when the moon is just beginning to wane and it is not visible to the eye, after sunset. Be sure to read how, otherwise your efforts will be of no use. So,

  • Strict fasting is required for three days before the ceremony.
  • On the chosen day, wash the floor at home, thoroughly and with your hands. There is no need to wash the bathtub and toilet! Take the washing water outside and pour it on the grass.

When there are three hours left before the ceremony. You are no longer allowed to talk, eat or drink at all until the morning - all this and brush your teeth, wash your face and pee only the next day. Keep this in mind.

  • There should be no animals in the room, not even fish or parrots.

When the sun almost disappears behind the horizon, put on a robe. Get down on your knees and with the words “God bless, God help,” sprinkle salt around you in a circle and place all the candles in this circle

Light it with matches. All the salt should go away!

Take small candles so that you don’t have to read until the morning))) Without fanaticism.

The moon is constantly waning, but the thief’s does not come,

No belly, no goodness, no beauty,

Neither the love of a young man (a girl) nor a thick braid.

Not on Wednesday (Monday)

Not on Friday (Tuesday)

Not on Saturday (Thursday)

Not on Sunday.

The key to my affairs.

In my words, a castle.

Hold the coin in your left hand all this time (if you are left-handed, in your right hand). The words written in brackets are read if you are a man.

The next morning, sweep the salt and candle stubs onto paper and, together with a broom, take it out of the house and throw it away.

The coin must be tossed in a public place on the same day.

The ritual must be repeated for three moons (months) in a row, and completely stop communicating with the one you think you are, otherwise he will automatically connect to you again.

The ritual is working and my family one, that is, even Masters will have a hard time stealing from you again, not to mention those who have read esotericism and imagine themselves to be sorcerers.
You just need to repeat it periodically until the thieves get tired of “connecting” to you and get sick from it.

How quickly they will leave you behind depends on the “perseverance” of the thief. 4-5 repetitions completely discourage the desire.
Severe fever and nausea usually last for about two weeks, even a home-grown “mage” will understand what it’s from. And if you’re completely stupid or a Master, then 4-5 times and you’ll fall behind, realizing the pointlessness of your work. There are, of course, cases when you have to “fight” and for a longer period of time, but this is unlikely.

I repeat, this ritual does not remove the seal, it only cuts off the leakage channels. To completely remove it, you need a good Master. If you think that you won’t succeed, you can write.

If you have any questions, I will answer in the comments or by email.

I wish you health and prosperity.

Sincerely yours Svetlana (Vasilieva)

During my youth, during the heyday of cable TV, I accidentally saw a film in which a beautiful woman sells her beauty to a witch. She really needed money (I don’t remember why), and the witch took her beauty away for a while. However, when the time came to return what was sold, the old woman disappeared somewhere, her beauty did not return, and a nightmare began in the girl’s life. By the way, I still can’t find this film, I only remember that the girl put on makeup all the time, masking her loss, and told her boyfriend: “I don’t want to look like a schoolgirl.”
So that's what I mean. And about the fact that the carousel of New Year's corporate events, meetings and other parties is about to begin, when people lose control and the risk of getting the evil eye or a very specific type of damage - stealing increases.

Kradnik - magical influence, with the help of which vitality, wealth, luck, happiness, health, beauty, youth are taken from the victim of witchcraft. There are many stories about how old witches grew younger at the expense of girls, poor people improved their affairs, and their “donors” lost everything they had acquired. Some of these stories are fiction, but some are certainly true.
They steal a variety of things - beauty, money, health, and any other energy. They say they steal your destiny, your happy destiny, but in my work I have not encountered such stealers and I don’t really believe in it. Karma works the same for everyone. And everyone has their own lesson in this life. There is no way to steal or copy someone else's lesson.) But stealing someone else's beauty or luck, alas, is quite possible. It’s obscenely easy to do this in our age of social networks and selfies. Therefore, you shouldn’t brag too much about what you have: keep your hair in your hair, don’t waste money in front of people, don’t put too many photos with fans on VK and Facebook. Alas, our country has a LOT of envious, unhappy people who will simply quietly bite off a piece of your life. Also, be careful with your personal belongings.
“I had gorgeous curly hair almost to my waist. I gave my colleague my comb. She stayed with her. A couple of days later she returned it with a smile. And since then I have had no hair... She always had a mouse tail. And now - a luxurious mane. She says she just changed hairdresser, but something’s not right..." You cannot give your personal belongings (underwear, shoes, clothes, cosmetics, etc.) to other people. A special conspiracy or ritual is made on them, with the help of which what you own passes to another person. And finding such conspiracies is quite easy. There are a lot of ways on the Internet on how to make a stealer. But! Almost nothing about how to remove the consequences of this theft from yourself. Greed and envy pushes such people to steal. However, the one who steals is always punished for this act. All thieves realize this, but usually it’s too late, when they no longer know how to “break the spell” back. Or they don't want to. I have been approached more than once by ladies complaining about their relationship with their man, who is usually ten years younger than them, and who they got with the help of a steal. Moreover, they are not even ashamed to admit it: “Yes, she stole it! Because mine and because I am a great witch!” However, when it turns out that they have a terrible relationship with this young man and they need to remove the steal in order to improve their energy, they retreat - because they don’t want to part with even such problematic “property”. And it's truly terrible. People are more willing to endure a terrible relationship than not have one at all.
What types of stealers are there?
The first type of stealer is a one-time “stealing” of energy. It manifests itself abruptly, as a deterioration in well-being, or as a series of unpleasant events in the area in which the theft was made: family, career, health, fans, etc. Then magic comes to the rescue. The money is gone - we clear the money channel, beauty - we delight ourselves with manipulations to acquire it. The effect is usually very good and long lasting. You fell into an energy trap, but were able to get out. Magic simply helps to quickly return what was lost.
AND the second type of leakage is when leakage occurs from one to another constantly and little by little. Some do this unconsciously, at a minimal level, but in total they pull together very well.) Often happens with friends or in a mother-daughter pair. Here, the factor that is almost always visible is that the victim sympathizes, feels compassion, feels guilty, shows empathy for the kidnapper, while she herself is not protected in any way. Therefore, in fact, almost 90% of this is not a steal, but a voluntary sacrifice of oneself for the sake of one’s beloved mother (aunt, sister, daughter). During cleansing, this often looks like a strong evil eye-binding from a woman close by blood. For example, a mother does not want to let her daughter go, and the daughter does not get married, her fate does not work out. This energy trap holds long and stubbornly.
And you probably know some elderly lady who always surrounds herself with young, beautiful assistant secretaries. They adore her, at first they shine and chirp, and then somehow suddenly lose their strength, wither and leave. They are being replaced by others. The lady blooms and smells. And so on for many years. I don't think she even realizes what she's doing. Such elegant energy vampirism.)
Basically, this universe is full of predators. Therefore, when going to a crowded place, pin a pin on the inside of your clothing - it will deflect the blow. And in general, it makes sense to always wear a pin - a person is exposed to negativity not only on New Year's days. After the celebration, do not rush to post photos of your happy party for everyone to see - someone will definitely envy your dress, your hair, your husband...
How to track a thief
If you hear nearby or there's a whisper behind my back, similar to prayer, in 99% of cases it is not a prayer, but a conspiracy. And if you hear it, it means it is addressed to you. If even the slightest shadow of suspicion flickers, say in a low voice: “Your speeches are on your shoulders”. If it is something good, when it returns, it will not bring harm to the person, but if it is malicious, the boomerang effect will work, and the karmic lesson “you can’t do that” will begin. The world teaches this way. However, this does not happen immediately.
During this pre-New Year time, there is a high chance of getting a good luck stealer. Take a closer look at your neighbors and acquaintances, especially if you notice that something has gone wrong in life.
After all to take someone else's luck, you don’t have to be a magician and perform complex rituals. It is enough, for example, while cleaning to sweep under the doors of prosperous neighbors to your door and say in any form something like: “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself,” etc. (I warn you right away - for those who suddenly decide to use this method, there is still a second part of the ritual, without which these words are useless. Don’t even think about it. Otherwise you’ll get something like this for yourself).
And vice versa - sometimes you can observe how neighbors sweep from their door to someone else's, muttering something. This is how you get rid of diseases and problems. Found someone else's trash under your front door or under your rug? Such garbage is not picked up by hand, it is carefully collected (you can use a newspaper), taken out and burned with the words: “Go back to where it came from” or “Go back to the one who did it.” The broom, by the way, is actively used in beauty and youth scams - do not let someone sweep you off the snow with a broom if at the same time they are also saying something under their breath. Then this broom is burned, the ashes are put into a bag and placed in personal belongings. This damages the girl, and the thief's appearance.
In addition to the fact that stealing is a direct violation of the commandment “Thou shalt not steal,” it is also one of the most dirty and difficult to detect acts.
Stealers in diagnostics
Kradnik is more difficult to detect than other types of damage. Therefore, the basis for making a “diagnosis” will be the manifestation of signs of a burglar in at least two different types of diagnostics. In the Tarot, these can be cards “7 Swords”, “5 Swords” in combination with the Arcanum “Moon” - a catch, betrayal, deception, a stab in the back... In runes - symbols denoting betrayal, theft, manipulation, energy vampirism, say, Eyvaz in combination with inverted runes of Power (Uruz, Berkana, Teyvaz, etc.).
Remove the stealth It's not always possible to do it on your own. It can only be removed by magical cleansing of negativity. Therefore, it is advisable to put in place protection - prevention of any such problems, and follow basic safety rules:
1. Try to stay in the shadows more. In order to avoid various troubles, it is better not to expose yourself again - no one ever knows how many enemies he has, obvious and hidden.
2. Don't trust everyone. Don't get too close or too fast with strangers.
3. Wear a pin on the inside of your clothing. Or a talisman thread on the wrist.
4. Do not give personal items to anyone, even your loved ones. Not worth it.
5. Pay attention to the “strange” behavior of other people, it may be directed in your direction. If something happens, cross yourself, or better yet, read a prayer and move away.
6. It’s good if you have some kind of protective talisman or amulet. Many people wear various amulet, amulets, crosses, medallions with images of protective saints - and this, of course, helps.
7. Get good quality protection from a specialist from negativity: for yourself, for your family, for your home, for your relationships. Then you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property.

Are your financial reserves disappearing at an incredible rate for completely ridiculous reasons, contrary to the predictions of an accurate financial horoscope? Your health begins to deteriorate, your sleep is disturbed, your mood fluctuates, and your loved one begins to irritate you out of nowhere?
Don’t rush to blame yourself for everything and give up. Such drastic changes in life, according to psychics, most often occur as a result of negative influences - a stealer of luck and vitality.

What is a stealer and how to recognize it

A steal is a negative impact on your energy in order to take away something positive from your life: money, luck, health or love.
There are several ways to cause such damage:
using runes;
throw a lining into the house - an object that draws positive energy from the place in which it is located;
through exposure through photography.
More often, material energy is taken away through linings - financial well-being, and through photos or rune staves - everything else.

How to remove the guard yourself

You can try to get rid of the creeper damage yourself. To do this, you need to perform several steps.
Carry out a general cleaning of the apartment, including the front door on both sides. This is necessary to get rid of negative energy in your home. The cleaning itself should take place in two stages: on the physical plane - take out the trash, wipe the dust, put things away, and so on - and on the energy level: cleaning the room by fumigating with wormwood and wiping all surfaces with warm water with salt dissolved in it.

Cleanse yourself. If the spoiler has been caused to you and your family personally, then cleaning the house alone will not be enough: you need to cleanse your energy field from the influence of others.

To do this, you need to take a bath at the end of the day, add a few drops of wormwood essential oil and add a handful of sea salt, while saying:

The salt of the earth, and fresh water, and sea water, and earth herbs, and underwater plants, washes away all the pain, all the illness, all the troubles from me, dissolves it in itself, returns it to the offenders! My goodness is returned to me, all the evil inflicted on my enemies into the hands of my enemies, my troubles fall on their heads with dirty water - a river of goodness and good luck to me. Truly!
Lie in a bath with enchanted water, visualizing how your troubles dissolve in it. After this, wash off the remaining salt water, repeating the spell again.

Negative energy programs can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. Therefore, it may be that it is not immediately possible to find out what type of black magic you are dealing with. Damage to the thief is precisely one of these types of conspiracies.

The human body is a complex energy system where energy flows move through various channels. Therefore, any magical programs that are negative in nature can be easily diagnosed and, therefore, removed.

At the same time, the influence of the stealer is aimed at the outer shell of a person, and a redistribution of the stolen energy occurs. Regular cleansing will not help with this damage; you should not clean the victim, but return what was stolen. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that stealing and damage are one and the same thing.

It is believed that the most powerful thefts are made on things that belong to the victim. Therefore, under no circumstances give your belongings to strangers or people you do not trust. For the same reason, you should not accept any items from those who are unpleasant to you. Often such an exchange of energy leads to disastrous results. If you take some little thing, you will give a lot more in return.

There are several types of stealers. We will look at each of them in more detail.

  1. The most common type is conspiracies aimed at stealing luck and wealth. There are many selfish people who want to make a fortune at the expense of others, without making any effort. In this case, the victim begins to lose money at every turn, excessive expenses arise, costs increase, and wages decrease. To the person who initiated such a conspiracy, on the contrary, money begins to flow from everywhere.
  2. Stealer of youth. This type of damage is especially popular among women who want to return the past years. A person suddenly begins to fade before our eyes, his appearance changes by the minute, his hair and nails deteriorate, while another, on the contrary, becomes younger and healthier.
  3. Stealer of family well-being. If quarrels and conflicts occur in the family on every occasion, spouses sort things out, cheat on each other, a woman cannot bear a child or children often get sick, then most likely there is a thief of family happiness. Therefore, if you live in harmony with your partner, take special care of these feelings and do not share your well-being with everyone, enjoy it quietly together.

How to remove damage to a burglar?

If you notice that some area of ​​your life has noticeably begun to deteriorate, then it is time to do everything possible to remove this negative impact from yourself.

  1. First, cut off all ties with the person who, in your opinion, may be an energy thief.
  2. If you have things at home or at work that he gave you, then get rid of them.
  3. Sanctify your home and invite only trusted people to visit.
  4. Start reading daily prayers.
  5. Put protection on the most vulnerable area of ​​your life.

Remember that by following basic safety rules, you will protect your home from such a scourge as a burglar.

Kradnik is one of the types of damage or, in other words, a negative program introduced into your biofield through witchcraft and magical influences. The presence of such a program is quite difficult to diagnose. Since its action is not aimed at completely blocking one of the energy channels of your biofield, but at stealing the generated energy and redirecting it to the acceptor, it is therefore quite difficult to remove damage of this type on your own.

That is, when installing “Kradnik”, the victim of damage is an energy donor. And what kind of energy is taken from it depends entirely on the desire of the recipient. But most often, it is the energy of prosperity, well-being, good luck, health and youth.

From the outside everything looks decent. Changes become noticeable only in the event of a sudden and medically unfounded deterioration in health, a sharp decrease in income under normal business conditions (up to ruin), intensive aging, despite the use of various anti-aging agents.

How to damage "Kradnik"

It is not difficult to plant this type of negative programs on a person’s field to the point of intimidation; even a non-practicing, but a little “indulging” magician and an energetically strong envious person can easily cope with this (otherwise you can’t call it a person who seeks to profit “for free” from the work of another person), who:

  • knows a special conspiracy, it is part of a simple ritual;
  • knows how to work with runes;
  • has an idea of ​​what a “lining” is and how to make it;
  • knows how to influence a person through photos.

The main condition for a non-practicing magician, that is, one who practices magic from time to time, is a good acquaintance with the potential victim in order to have access to his home, personal belongings, and photographs.

Therefore, be vigilant when inviting a stranger into your home or making a new acquaintance. And among those around you, you should identify people who obviously or indirectly envy you. After all, there is no guarantee that one day you will not pay for such an acquaintance with your health, wealth, youth or love.

Make it a rule to never share your victories, joys and happiness with anyone. Well, of course, except for those closest to you, whom you trust or want to trust.

How to define "Kradnik"?

If you suddenly begin to lose things, your general health has deteriorated, causeless fatigue has appeared (and this is not the cause of seasonal vitamin deficiency), failures have come from all sides, then you should think about the presence of spoilage.

Remember that the acceptor is not interested in immediately squeezing you to zero. A change in position can occur gradually, over a long period of time and, at first glance, seem like some kind of coincidence. But if this combination of circumstances occurs regularly, and along with this the mood also worsens, even to the point of depression, you should think about visiting a knowledgeable person or try to remove the “Kradnik” damage yourself.

Is it possible to remove the “Kradnik” damage yourself?

An experienced healer does not need to determine the address for. For him, it is enough to identify its presence in order to do everything to neutralize it. Although, on the astral plane, this type of negative program looks like a funnel with a thin thread-bundle connecting the victim and the customer, through which the stolen energy is actually redirected.

To try to get rid of this problem yourself and ease your plight, you will have to take a closer look at your surroundings. And also analyze your relationship with each person and perform a number of operations:

  • do a complete general cleaning of your home or workplace. And not only purely physical with washing the front door, windows, walls (if possible), cleaning ceilings, furniture, and so on. It is also necessary to carry out energetic cleaning of the premises with fumigation with wormwood, incense, incense, and wiping surfaces with salt dissolved in it. It’s good if you have Epiphany water - you can add it to a container of water for cleaning the room;
  • try to identify a person who, in your opinion, can make such a gesture as try to take over your luck, health, youth, love. Find all the objects brought by this person into your house and get rid of them using fire;
  • cleanse your biofield by taking a contrast shower or bath at the end of each day for ten days with the addition of essential oils of wormwood, juniper, and coarse sea salt.

I would like to warn you right away that in this way you can completely or partially remove the “Kradnik” damage at home only if someone who wants to profit from your achievements uses a lining. If a negative program was planted in your field using a ritual with a conspiracy, exposure to a photograph or runes, you will not be able to remove it yourself; you need the help of a specialist.

Important! You should not expect that when the “Kradnik” damage is removed, everything that was stolen from you will be returned to you. This will not happen, but you will have a great opportunity to gain new achievements. That is, if, due to the damage caused, you lost your business, or things went very poorly. After restoring your balance, you should not return to the same business. You will have to change the direction of business development, start a new business, meet new love and gain health and youth.