Chemically hazardous objects (presentation). Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities Chemically hazardous facilities concept types presentation

summary of other presentations

“First aid for skeletal injuries” - Sprains and tears of ligaments, tendons, and muscles. 1. What types of skeletal damage do you know? If the integrity of the skin is damaged, apply a sterile bandage. A) exit of the head of the bone from the articular cavity B) displacement of the bones C) severe pain and swelling. Types of damage. Bruise recommendations for pain relief. Dislocation. In case of an open fracture, apply a sterile bandage to the wound. Trauma – damage to organs and body parts of various origins.

"Volcanism and Earthquakes" - Feature -. The reason is the internal energy of the Earth. Earthquake map. Which areas experience the most intense uplift? Volcanism. Over the past 300 years. Why is Altai higher than the Urals, although it was formed earlier? Eruption. It has erupted more than 30 times. Identify seismically active regions of Russia. Where and why are active volcanoes located on Russian territory? Forming relief. Show calculation results. Plot the research results on a map.

“Chemical accidents” - Food industry facilities. Chemical accident at a Hungarian plant, 2010. Accidents involving the release of hazardous chemical substances. Pulp and paper industry. 8th grade. Mechanical engineering and defense industry. Dairies. Utilities. Wounds on the body. Chemically hazardous objects. Chemical industry enterprises. Storage areas for hazardous substances.

“Life Safety 8th Grade” - Didactic goals of the project: To teach how to use the Power-Point program. How to escape in a fire? subject: life safety Participants: 8th grade. Preparation of a report presentation (room. Teach how to select material from different sources. The main causes of fires? For what reasons do fires and explosions occur in Russia? Develop skills for independent work in a group. Fundamental question: Master the rules of safe behavior in case of fires and explosions.

“Accidents at hydraulic structures” - Presentation by 8-3 grade student Evgeniy Kosenko. - Breaks of dams (dams, sluices, dams, etc.), leading to the occurrence of breakthrough floods; The main hydraulic structures include; dams, water intake and drainage structures, dams. Main types of accidents: The consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are: The main causes of destruction of hydraulic structures.

“Fires 8th grade” - Basic. Lack of control Deviations from the technological regime. Secondary. So let's avoid such disasters. In industry: Causes of fires. What are the causes of fires and explosions? Damaging factors of fires. Short circuit in electrical wiring. The consequences are very dire. “I lit the stove and went out onto the porch.” At enterprises: Damage to production tanks, equipment and pipelines.

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Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities and their possible consequences.

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Emergency chemically hazardous substance
A chemical substance, the effect of which on a person can cause acute and chronic diseases or even lead to death

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Routes of entry of hazardous chemicals into the human body

Through the eyes
Through the nose
Through the mouth
Through the skin

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Largest consumers
Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, etc.) Pulp and paper industry (chlorine, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid) Engineering and defense industry (chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen fluoride) Utilities economy (chlorine, ammonia) Medical industry (ammonia, chlorine, phosgene, nitrile acrylic acid, hydrochloric acid) Agriculture (ammonia, chloropicrin, sulfur dioxide)

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City industries using hazardous chemicals
Metallurgical plant Machine-building plant Confectionery factory Brewery Distillery
Meat processing plant Dairy plant Cold storage plant Utilities Water treatment plants

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Chemical accident (CA)
This is an accident at a chemical waste facility, accompanied by a spill or release of hazardous chemicals that can lead to death or chemical contamination of people, food, food raw materials and feed, agricultural animals and plants, or chemical contamination of the natural environment.

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1 group
Substances with a predominantly asphyxiating effect
2nd group
Substances with predominantly general toxic effects
4 group
Substances with asphyxiating and generally toxic effects
5 group
3 group
6 group
Neutropic action
Substances with asphyxiating and neutropic effects
Metabolic poisons

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Characteristics of hazardous chemicals used in production
AMMONIA 1.Colorless gas, with a sharp suffocating odor of ammonia 2.Lighter than air
CHLORINE 1. Greenish-yellow gas, with a strong suffocating odor of bleach 2. Heavier than air

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3. Application: - nitric acid - liquid fertilizers - soda - ammonia - for silvering mirrors - as a refrigerant in refrigeration units 4. Signs of poisoning: Irritating the respiratory system, eyes, skin Rapid heartbeat Runny nose Cough Sharp pain in the eyes Nausea Delirium
3. Application: - chlorination of water - for the production of plastic - solvents - disinfectants, bleaches, detergents production of glycerin 4. Signs of poisoning: Sharp pain in the chest Dry cough Vomiting Impaired coordination of movement Shortness of breath Pain in the eyes Tearfulness

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5.Protection: -GP of all types -Cotton-gauze bandage soaked in a 2% solution of baking soda 6.Medical assistance: -put on a gas mask Remove from the danger zone Wash the skin with water, apply a bandage for burns Transport in a lying position If breathing stops, perform artificial breath
5.Protection: -GP of all types -Cotton-gauze bandage soaked in a 5% solution of citric acid 6.Medical assistance: -put on a gas mask Take out of the danger zone Wash the skin with water, apply a bandage for burns If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration Rinse eyes Give inhale warm water vapor

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High level of depreciation of fixed production assets Imperfect production technology Negligence of industrial personnel Lack of modern protection systems Natural disasters

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Environmental contamination with hazardous chemicals Massive injury to people Chemical contamination of the ground layer of the atmosphere Contamination of water sources, soil, vegetation

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Protection of the population from hazardous substances

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Basic ways to protect the population from hazardous chemicals
Personal respiratory protection (cotton-gauze bandage, respirator, gas mask) Use of protective structures (shelters) Temporary shelter for the population in residential and public buildings Evacuation of the population from areas of possible infection

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Protective structures

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Evacuation of the population
On foot

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Early Actions
Creation of a system and establishment of a procedure for notifying the population
Training of civil and emergency situations management bodies
Preparation of shelters, residential and public buildings for protection from hazardous chemicals
Determination of evacuation areas
Accumulation of protective equipment and determination of the procedure for providing them to people
Preparing the population for protection from hazardous chemicals

Chemical accidentA chemical accident is a violation
technological processes on
production, damage
pipelines, tanks, storage facilities,
vehicles, leading to
release of emergency chemical hazardous
substances (hazardous chemicals) into the atmosphere in
quantities that pose a danger
for the life and health of people,
functioning of the biosphere.

Classification of chemical accidents

Chemical accidents are classified as follows:
accidents with the release or threat of release of hazardous chemical substances
(hazardous hazardous substances) during their production, processing and storage;
transport accidents involving the release or threat of release of hazardous substances;
formation and spread of hazardous chemicals in the process of chemical reactions,
started as a result of an accident;
accidents with chemical munitions.

Chemically hazardous object

A chemically hazardous object is
object, in the event of an accident on which or
when it is destroyed, it can occur
mass casualties of people,
animals and plants are dangerous
These types of objects include:
Chemical industry,
Petrochemical and similar
factories and enterprises.

Chemical hazard levels

Chemical degree
object danger
is established based on
proportion of the population falling
into the area of ​​possible chemical
infection during an accident
chemically hazardous facility, from
total population.

Causes of accidents at chemical facilities

Violation of established norms and rules for the placement of newly built and
reconstructed chemically hazardous facilities;
use of outdated technologies and equipment;
insufficiently high level of labor and production discipline among
service personnel;
violations of the technological regime; design errors and
construction of hazardous chemicals warehouses;
gross violations of labor protection rules during the organization and conduct of
loading and unloading and repair work, during transportation and
use of hazardous substances in the production process.

Actions in case of an accident at chemical equipment

In the event of an accident at a chemically hazardous facility, people located near it
wear respiratory and skin protection;
close windows and vents;
turn off sources of electricity, water supply and gas;
take documents and necessary things and, having warned neighbors, leave the area

Rules for movement in contaminated areas

Sometimes it becomes necessary to move around contaminated areas. At
The following rules must be followed:
do not touch local objects, raise dust or step on
liquid spills and powder spills;
do not remove personal protective equipment if toxic substances are detected
remove substances on skin, clothing and protective equipment with a paper swab
or rags;
When moving, do not drink or eat. After leaving the infection zone, you should
carry out sanitization.

Chemical protection of the population

Chemical protection of the population is
measures aimed at reducing
force or complete exclusion of influence
hazardous chemicals on people
(close population and workers
COO), reducing the scale of consequences
accidents at facilities using
production of chemicals.

Chemical protection measures

detection of the occurrence of a chemical accident and timely
incident notification;
investigation of the chemical situation at the accident site and
distribution of hazardous substances;
protection with personal protective equipment for respiratory organs and skin;
evacuation of the population from the contaminated area;
protecting the population from exposure to hazardous chemical emissions by sheltering in shelters;
the use of antidotes, treatment of the skin;
sanitary treatment of the population and emergency service participants;

Consequences of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities

The chemical can enter the body through inhalation (through the organs
breathing), resorptive (through the skin, mucous membranes) and orally (gastrointestinal
Acute chronic poisoning occurs in the human body. It's connected with
high rate of penetration of the substance into the blood, increased pulmonary ventilation
and an increase in blood flow in the lungs during difficult work.
To determine the environmental consequences of accidents at chemical facilities,
the processes of distribution of harmful substances in the environment and their migration speed are studied
in different conditions. Accidents can lead to serious disruptions in ecosystems.

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Accidents at chemically hazardous facilities Krainova E.V., teacher, Pomogalovskaya secondary school, Tutaevsky district

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Chemically hazardous object This is an object, in the event of an accident or its destruction, massive injuries to people, animals and plants from emergency chemical hazardous substances (AHS) can occur. Statistics: in the Russian Federation there are over 3.3 chemically hazardous economic facilities that have significant quantities of hazardous chemicals, the total stock of which reaches 700 thousand tons. The total area of ​​the Russian territory where chemical contamination can occur is about 300 thousand sq. km with a population of about 59 million people

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Emergency chemically hazardous substance This is a dangerous chemical substance used in industry and agriculture, the accidental release of which can cause contamination of the environment in concentrations that can affect a living organism.

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Hazardous chemicals There are more than 600 thousand types of chemical substances currently used in industry, but only a little more than 100 are classified as hazardous chemicals. The most common of these hundred are 10: ammonia, hydrazine, dioxin, carbon monoxide, ethylene oxide, carbon disulfide, sulfur dioxide, phosgene, chlorine, carbon cyanide. More than 50% of chemically hazardous facilities use and store ammonia, 35% - chlorine, 5% - hydrochloric acid. Significant reserves of ammonia and chlorine are concentrated in the food and meat and dairy industries, in refrigerators of retail stores, and in housing and communal services.

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The main damaging factors of all hazardous chemicals are their toxic effects on the human and animal body. People and animals suffer damage as a result of hazardous substances entering the body through the respiratory system, skin, mucous membranes, wounds and the gastrointestinal tract (with food). Damaging factors also include the occurrence of high or low temperature and, during an explosion, a shock wave.

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Chemical accident This is an accident at a chemically hazardous facility, accompanied by a spill or release of an emergency chemically hazardous substance (HAS), which can lead to death or chemical contamination of people, farm animals and plants, and chemical contamination of the environment. As a result of the accident, a focus of chemical damage is formed (an area within which mass damage to people, animals and plants occurred as a result of exposure to hazardous chemicals)

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The main causes of chemical accidents, according to EMERCOM experts, are violations of production technology and the “human factor” (violation of production discipline and safety precautions, ineffective production control over compliance with safety requirements for the production of chemicals)

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Measures for chemical protection of the population: Timely detection of a chemical accident and notification of it; Providing the population, personnel of the emergency facility and participants in the liquidation of the consequences of a chemical accident with personal protective equipment for the respiratory system (gas masks, respirators, cotton-gauze bandages, etc.) and skin (raincoats, capes made of rubberized fabric, rubber boots, gloves) and the use of these means; Sheltering the population and personnel in shelters that provide protection from hazardous chemicals

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Actions upon a signal in case of a chemical accident When the signal “Attention everyone!” Turn on the radio or TV to receive recommendations on signal actions. Close the windows, turn off electrical appliances and gas. Put on rubber boots, a raincoat, take documents, money, a three-day supply of food and water, and notify your neighbors. Leave the area of ​​possible infection perpendicular to the direction of the wind at a distance of at least 1.5 km from the place of stay. Actions after a chemical accident Avoid any physical activity, drink plenty of fluids and consult a doctor immediately. If you are directly exposed to hazardous substances, then as soon as possible, remove contaminated clothing and throw it away, take a shower (at least 15 minutes), rinse your eyes with a 1% solution of boric acid, wet clean the room and consult a doctor