Robert Greene is the art of seduction for the sake of achieving power. Robert Greene - laws of seduction. Don't trust your friends unlimitedly, learn to use your enemies

24 laws of seduction Robert Greene

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Title: 24 laws of seduction

About the book “24 Laws of Seduction” by Robert Greene

The cult American writer, author of popular works on psychology, Robert Greene, was born on May 14, 1959. He received a higher education majoring in comparative philology and classical literature. I tried myself as an editor in several publications.

At the age of thirty-nine, Robert Greene writes his debut book, which brought the author enormous popularity. From that time on, he began to write professionally. From his pen come books that make you read, think, analyze, and reflect at the same time: “33 War Strategies,” “24 Laws of Seduction,” “48 Laws of Power.” The writer is fluent in six languages; he also worked as a translator. The writer has a personal blog dedicated to the laws of power. The author is constantly improving and loves to travel a lot around the world.

The writer’s work “24 Laws of Seduction” is written in several genres: “psychology”, “family, marriage, sexology”. It has an age limit that recommends reading the book to people over sixteen years of age. On the cover of the work, the author once again emphasizes people’s desire to be seduced.

The book is based on the story that every person has the ability, like a magnet, to attract people to themselves, to charm them, to pull them into their networks.

It’s just that not everyone realizes their inner potential. But in order to master the art of seduction it is not at all necessary to be outwardly attractive or to change your behavior and character. It is enough just to know some principles of human psychology, to look at the world through the eyes of a seducer.

Robert Greene tells his reader about the magical and unearthly state of falling in love, when people stop thinking adequately and are under the spell of their loved ones. Seducers act slowly, according to plan, as if enjoying every moment.

The work is very interesting from the point of view of gender relations. At first it reads like a psychology textbook, but then the author dilutes the content with specific examples, including those based on historical figures, for example, Cleopatra, Madame Pompadour, Napoleon and others.

The writer reveals the image of a seducer; his task is to look not inside himself, but inside the person he wants to seduce. He must be in his body, feel his thoughts and desires. Seducers bring joy and pleasure to a person’s life; they are endowed with special charm and charm. They must study the person’s character, his habits and preferences well, so as not to make gross mistakes.

After reading the book, you will learn the twenty-four laws of seduction and will be able to successfully apply them in your practice. Nothing is impossible.

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A sophisticated expert in human psychology, Robert Greene will help you master the art of seduction and power, attract love, and skillfully control the thoughts and moods of other people. By following the advice collected in this book, you will be able to turn every smile, every gesture, every word into a devastating weapon, and achieve the boundless trust and respect of your superiors and colleagues. You can charm any woman (or man), and also become a confident, bright, successful person.


The feeling of lack of power over people and events is usually unbearable for us - powerlessness makes us feel unhappy. No one strives to have less power; everyone wants more of it. In today's world, however, it is not safe to appear too eager for power, not to hide your desire for it. We should appear nice, honest and humble. So you have to use a subtle art - to be well-intentioned, but cunning, democratic and - insincere.

Such constant duality is most reminiscent of the games that took place in the old days at the court of royalty. Throughout history, the court has always been formed around a powerful person - a king, queen, emperor or, in other words, a leader. The courtiers who made up the court were often in a very, very delicate position: on the one hand, it was necessary to serve their masters, but on the other, if this looked like outright sycophancy, too blatant ingratiation, other courtiers did not miss the opportunity to speak out against them. Therefore, it was necessary to resort to tricks so that attempts to earn the mercy of the monarch did not look too blatant. And even experienced courtiers capable of such subtlety still had to remember to protect themselves from rivals who were ready to push them away at any moment.

At the same time, it was assumed that the court was the color of sophistication and civilization. Rough and undisguised zeal for power was not encouraged; the courtiers acted on the sly, secretly opposing anyone who used force. This was the dilemma of life at court: outwardly displaying an example of elegance and nobility, the courtiers tried to outwit and outflank the enemy as quietly and subtly as possible. The successful courtier over time learned the science of winding paths, learned to stab his opponent in the back with a hand in a velvet glove and with the sweetest smile on his face. Instead of using violence or direct threat, a true courtier achieved his goal through strategies of seduction, cunning, charm and intrigue, always thinking many steps ahead. Life at court was an endless game that required constant vigilance and tactical thinking from the participants. It was a polite war.

Today we are faced with a very similar paradox: everything should be civilized, decent, democratic and honest - in appearance. But if we play too strictly by these rules, if we take them too literally, we will be crushed by our opponents, unless they are also simpletons. As the great Renaissance diplomat and courtier Niccolò Machiavelli wrote: “Whoever tries to be good all the time will inevitably end up buried among the vast multitude of those who are not good.”

The court perceived itself as the culmination of sophistication, but under the shiny shell were hidden dark passions - greed, envy, lust, hatred bubbled as in a boiling cauldron. So our world today perceives itself as the culmination of virtue, but the same unsightly passions still rage within us, as they always have been. The rules remain the same. Outwardly you are obliged to respect fair play, but in reality, unless you are a complete simpleton, you quickly learn prudence and prudence and act as Napoleon advised: put a velvet glove on an iron hand. If, like the courtier of old, you can master the art of acting on the sly, learning to charm, flatter, intrigue, and gracefully deceive your rivals, you will reach the very heights of power. You will subjugate people to your will so that they will not even notice how it happened. And if they do not understand what you have done, there is no way they can resist and resist you.

Think of The 48 Laws of Power as a guide that teaches you the art of taking detours. After reading the book, you will become familiar with power and its properties. By applying them in practice, you will be able to live happily and achieve success, skillfully manipulating others and at the same time looking in their eyes as the embodiment of decency and virtue.


NEVER eclipse your lord

Statement of the law:

Always ensure that those in charge feel comfortable at the top. In an effort to please or impress them, don't go too far in showing off your talents, otherwise you risk doing the opposite: instilling fear and uncertainty in them. Make your bosses seem more brilliant than they are, and you will reach the heights of power.

Keys to Power:

Everyone has their own complexes. When you go out into the world and present your talents, you are faced with envy, rejection and other manifestations of insecurity. You need to be prepared for this. You cannot live by trying to spare the feelings of others. With those above you, however, you should take a different approach: when it comes to power, overshadowing your superior is perhaps the worst mistake of all.

Don't fool yourself into thinking that life has changed much since the days of Louis XIV or the Medici. Those at the top are still kings and queens: they want to feel confident in their place and excel in intelligence and charm. A gross but common misconception is to believe that by demonstrating and demonstrating your talents and abilities, you will earn the approval of your boss. He may thank you, but at the first opportunity he will replace you with someone not so smart, not so bright, not so attractive.

This law includes two rules that you need to remember. First, you can unintentionally outshine someone above you by simply being yourself. Among those occupying high positions, there are those who are more insecure than others, monstrously insecure. You can overshadow them with your charm and attractiveness, the properties of your nature.

Second: never imagine that if your boss loves you, then you are free to do whatever you want. More than one book could be written about favorites who fell out of favor only because they mistook their favored position for permission to outshine their master.

Knowing how dangerous it is to overshadow the ruler, you can turn this law to your advantage. First of all, you need to flatter and inflate your boss's ego. Overt flattery can be effective, but has its limits; This is too direct and obvious, and it looks bad in the eyes of other subordinates. If, for example, you are smarter than your superior, try to make it look the other way around. Give him the opportunity to seem smarter than you. Act naive. Show that you need his experience. Make harmless mistakes that will not harm you in the future, but will allow you to turn to him for help. Overlords love such requests. The boss, deprived of the opportunity to pour out the treasures of his experience on you, may instead direct his anger and resentment towards you.

If you are a more creative thinker than your manager, attribute your ideas to him, if possible publicly. Make it clear that your recommendations are just an echo of his recommendations.

If you are by nature more sociable or generous than he, be careful not to become a cloud blocking his radiance from others. Your immediate supervisor should appear like the sun, radiate power and splendor, and be the center of attention.

In all these cases, hiding one's strength does not mean showing weakness, because it ultimately leads to power. By letting others outshine you, you remain in control of the situation instead of being a victim of their insecurities. All this will be useful on the day when it’s time for you to rise to a higher level. If you help the ruler to shine in the eyes of others, you are truly a gift from the gods for him and should immediately rise to the top.

Image: Stars in the sky. There can only be one Sun in the sky. Never block the sunlight or compete with the radiance of the luminary; it is better to fade, leave the sky and find a way to increase the brightness of the glow of the higher one.

Authoritative opinion:"Try not to overshadow the master. Any superiority is disgusting, but the superiority of a vassal over his prince is not just stupid, it is fatal. This is the lesson that the stars in the sky teach us - they may be akin to the Sun and shine just as brightly, but never appear in his society."

Balthasar Gratian (1601-1658)



Statement of the law:

Be on your guard with friends - they are more likely to betray you, as they easily give in to envy. In addition, they quickly become darlings and tyrants. But call a former enemy into service, and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has something to prove. In fact, you should be more wary of your friends than your enemies. If you don't have enemies, find a way to make them.

Keys to Power:

It's natural to try to get help from friends when needed. The world is a harsh place, and your friends often soften the harshness. Besides, you know them. Why rely on a stranger when you have a friend nearby?

The trouble is, however, that you often don't know your friends as well as you think. Friends often agree with you just to avoid arguing. They carefully disguise their unattractive features, they laugh loudly at each other's jokes. Since honesty rarely strengthens friendships, you may never know your friend's true feelings. Friends will say they like your poetry, they will admire your music, they will be really jealous of your taste in clothes - perhaps their admiration is sincere, but often this is not entirely true.

If you decide to hire a friend for a job, you will gradually discover the qualities that he or she has hitherto hidden. Oddly enough, your good deed completely upsets the balance. People like to think that they deserve their luck. Reality can bring disappointment and bitterness: it turns out that you were chosen out of friendship, that is, not on merit. The crack gradually becomes more noticeable: a little more frankness in statements, sometimes outbursts of resentment and envy - and before you know it, the friendship is over. The more gifts and benefits you use in an attempt to revive the friendship, the less gratitude you will have.

The challenge with using or hiring friends is that it inevitably limits your power. A friend is rarely the one who can best help you; after all, knowledge and competence are much more important than friendship.

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| Laws of seduction

Everyone around us is constantly trying to influence us. We are constantly instructed and taught how to act, but every time we reject these attempts, resist the arguments, and meet the arguments with hostility. But sooner or later a moment comes when everything changes and a person begins to act differently. This happens when we fall in love. It’s as if we fall under the power of a magical spell. In normal times, our head is busy with our own worries, but now it is filled with thoughts about our beloved. We become emotional, lose our sanity, and do stupid things we would never have done before. If this state drags on, something inside us breaks: we eventually give in, submit to the will of a loved one, and at the same time to our own desire to possess him.
Seducers are fully aware that in such moments of surrender they gain dizzying power. They delve into the souls of people in love, study the psychological aspects of these processes: what awakens the imagination, where does charm come from? Guided by instinct or gaining experience, they learn the art of consciously and purposefully inducing a state of love in people. All the great seducers Ninon de Lenclos know: it is much more important to arouse love than lust. The lover is sensitive, vulnerable, easily deceived (the Latin word seductio - “to seduce” - literally means “to mislead, lead astray”). A person who is in the grip of lust is more difficult to control, and, moreover, having received satisfaction, he will leave you without regret. Seducers act slowly, they bewitch, entangle their victim with bonds of love, ensuring that physical intimacy only enslaves her more. Making someone fall in love and then conquering them is a model common to all types of seduction: sexual, social, political. The lover is simply forced to capitulate.

Love requires immeasurably greater talent than commanding armies.
Ninon de Lanclos

It is useless to rebel against this force, to convince yourself that you have no interest in it, that it is immoral or ugly. The more you try to resist the temptation of seduction - as an idea, as a form of power - the more it takes hold of you. The reason is simple: almost all of us have at least once felt the power over those who fell in love with us. Our actions, gestures, words we say - everything seems beautiful to a person in love with us. Perhaps we ourselves do not fully understand how and why this happens, but the feeling of power penetrates us like a sweet poison. It gives us confidence, which in turn adds seductiveness.

Everyone is probably familiar with days of special inspiration and uplift, when those around us better understand us and succumb to our influence. Such moments of power are fleeting, but they are forever etched in the memory with vivid memories. We want them back. Therefore, people are unable to resist the call of the Siren, and nothing in the modern world brings

Be sure of one thing: there are no women inaccessible to you!/ Just open the net - each one will be yours!/ The nightingales will fall silent sooner in the spring, and the cicadas in the summer,/ And the Menalian dogs will begin to be afraid of hares, / Rather than a woman resisting the caress of a man, - / How He doesn’t say “I don’t want to”, but he will soon want it, like everyone else.
Ovid, Science of Love. Per. M. Gasparova

To acquire this kind of power over people, it is not at all necessary to radically change your character or improve your appearance. Seduction is a game built on psychology, not beauty, and almost all of us are capable of mastering it in the best possible way. All that is required is to look at the world through different eyes, through the eyes of a seducer.

The combination of these two elements, charm and surrender, is therefore vital to the kind of love we are discussing... Love is surrender due to charm.
Jose Ortega y Gasset, “On Love” has more power than the ability to be seductive.

Seducers are not self-absorbed. Their gaze is directed outward, not inward. When meeting someone, their first aspiration is to look into the very inside of this person, try on his skin, see the world through his eyes. Self-absorption is a sign of uncertainty, and uncertainty is anti-seductive. Everyone has complexes, but seducers manage to overcome theirs. In those moments when they are overcome by doubts, they do not withdraw into themselves, but merge with the world. This gives them a love of life, and we want to be around such people. The ability to get into someone else's skin, to imagine oneself as someone else, allows seducers to collect valuable information, to understand what worries this person, what makes him lose the ability to reason sensibly, and how to lure him into a trap.

What well? – Everything that increases a person’s sense of power, the will to power, power itself.
What's wrong? – Everything that comes from weakness. What is happiness? – A feeling of growing power, a feeling of overcoming opposition.
Friedrich Nietzsche, "Antichrist" Trans. V. A. Flerova

Seducers are providers of pleasure. As children, we spend a significant part of our lives playing and having fun. Adults subsequently often have the feeling that they have been expelled from this paradise: they are deprived of joy, crushed by the burden of worries. The seducer knows that people lack pleasure and joy in life - they are not able to help themselves, even friends or lovers are not able to satisfy this need to the fullest. That is why it is impossible to resist someone who comes into our lives and offers adventure and romance.

Whatever is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.
Friedrich Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil"

For a seducer, life is seen as a theater; for him, all people are actors. It seems to most that their role in life is limited within narrow boundaries, and the consciousness of the impossibility of changing anything makes a person unhappy. Seducers, on the contrary, have many faces; they can become anyone and play any role. It is this freedom, bodily and mental mobility that attracts them.
The Art of Seduction is designed to equip you with the weapon of charm and charm, thanks to which people will happily obey you without realizing what is happening and why.
Every seduction includes two components, each of which must be deeply analyzed and understood: first, you yourself and the seductive things that are in you; the second is your victim and the actions taken to break her resistance and achieve surrender. Both are equally important. If you start acting without thinking about which aspects of your personality are attractive to others, you will become a mechanical, insincere and inflexible seducer. If you rely only on yourself, without taking into account the characterological characteristics of your partner, you will make serious mistakes and thereby limit your capabilities.

Which of my fellow countrymen has not studied the science of love, read my book and, having learned, fall in love.
Knowledge guides ships, guiding both the oars and the sail, Knowledge rules the horses, Cupid is subdued by knowledge.
Ovid, "Science of Love"

Therefore, the book “The Art of Seduction” consists of two sections. The first section, “Portrait of a Seducer,” describes nine types of seducers. By examining them, you will be able to determine what type you belong to, because it is your personality that will serve as the main building material of any seduction. The second section, “The Process of Seduction,” includes twenty-four chapters describing the basic strategic moves of seduction. These chapters will teach you how to charm, how to break resistance, how to give life and force to the seduction, and how to persuade the victim to capitulate.
As you delve deeper into the pages of this book, allow yourself to be captured by the narrative, yield to it, open your mind to it, casting aside preconceptions and preconceptions. Gradually you will feel the sweet poison slowly seeping through your skin. By mastering this art step by step, you will learn to be vigilant, to see seduction in everything, including the structure of your own thoughts, and from now on this will determine your perception of the world.

The greatest virtue is the need to recklessly succumb to temptation.
Natalie Barney

We are all endowed with the power of attraction - the ability to attract people to us, enslave them and make them our slaves. Not every one of us, however, is aware of this inner potential; on the contrary, we perceive attractiveness as some almost mystical trait that only a select few receive from birth and which the majority are not destined to master. But in order to realize your capabilities, little is required - you just need to understand what it is in the human personality that causes natural admiration among people, and then awaken and develop these dormant qualities in us.
Seduction, if successful, very rarely begins with real intrigue and cunning tricks. Such actions would certainly seem suspicious. Successful seduction begins with your individual personality, with your ability to radiate something that attracts people to you and awakens such strong feelings that people lose control of themselves. Hypnotized by your seductive personality, your victims will no longer notice your subsequent manipulations. Now it will be as easy as shelling pears to twist and seduce them.
There are nine types of seducers in the world. Each of them is characterized by special features inherent in the depths of nature and giving attractiveness. Sirens have overflowing sexual energy and know how to use it. Rakes are greedily attracted to the opposite sex, and their insatiability is contagious. Ideal Beloveds are endowed with a sense of beauty and use it in romantic love. Dandies love to play with their image, creating an attractive, defiantly dual image. Naturals are unpredictable and open. Coquettes are self-sufficient, captivatingly cold and indifferent. Charmers want to give pleasure and know how to do it - they are social creatures. Charismatics are distinguished by unusual self-confidence. Stars are ethereal creatures shrouded in mystery.
The chapters in this section will introduce you to the world of each of the nine types listed. At least one of the chapters will touch a chord in you, and you will recognize a part of yourself in the type described. This chapter will be the key one you will rely on to develop your attractiveness. Having determined which type of seducer predominates in you by nature, do not leave things to chance. Begin to develop these natural qualities, master an art that can bring you unlimited power.

Often a man is secretly burdened by the social role imposed on him, which obliges him to always control himself, be responsible, and rational. Siren is the highest embodiment of male fantasies, because she offers complete liberation from any and all restrictions in his life. Her appearance, as a rule, is emphatically bright, and even exaggeratedly sexy. In her presence, a man feels as if he has been transported to a world of pure pleasure. She is dangerous, and by vigorously pursuing her, a man may lose control of himself, which is exactly what he secretly wants. A siren is a mirage; she attracts men using a special appearance and demeanor, which she carefully cultivates. In our world, where women are mostly too constrained to project such an image, you can learn to take control of a man's libido if you become the embodiment of his fantasies.

The siren is the most ancient type of seducer of all those described. Her prototype is the goddess Aphrodite, but do not imagine that this figure belongs entirely to the past, that all this is just a legend and history: no, and now she personifies the most vivid male fantasies about a super-sexy, self-confident, attractive woman, promising endless pleasures and at the same time slightly dangerous. Nowadays, this fantasy is especially relevant; it beckons and attracts the male soul. This is understandable - after all, a modern man lives in a world that, more than ever before, limits and suppresses his aggressive instincts, makes everything safe and insipid, this world leaves him almost no chance for risk and adventure. In the past, a man had some kind of valves to let off steam - wars, navigation, political intrigues.

Her [Cleopatra's] charm was irresistible, and there was an attractiveness in her appearance and voice, as well as in the remarkable strength of her character, a strength that shone through in her every word, every deed and captivated everyone who came into contact with her. Just hearing the sound of her voice was already a pleasure - using it like a musical instrument with many registers, she easily switched from one language to another.
Plutarch, "The Founders of Rome"

As for sex, in the past, courtesans and kept women were the social institution that provided a man with both choice and the opportunity to satisfy the urgent need to hit on a woman and create an atmosphere of flirtation. Now, having no way out, a man’s unspent energy turns inward, gnaws at him, becomes more and more elusive, and is forced out of consciousness. It happens, after all, that a strong, well-controlled man suddenly commits completely reckless actions: for example, he starts a love affair at the most inopportune moment simply for the sake of tickling his nerves, for the sake of danger as such. Recklessness can sometimes be irresistibly seductive, and for men who are so eager to demonstrate their sanity, this is true even more so.

What captivates us? Headdress and attire, gilding, stones; /The woman in their spectacle is the smallest part. / It’s time to ask, what do you actually love? / So Cupid averts our eyes with the sight of wealth.
Ovid, “The Cure for Love” Trans. M. Gasparova

If we talk about the power of seduction, then Siren has no equal. She appeals to the basic, deepest human feelings, and if she plays her role properly, she can turn a man, otherwise reasonable and responsible for his actions, into a boy or an obedient slave.
First of all, Sirena must stand out among other women. By nature, she is a rarity, a myth, the only one, a reward worth fighting for with another man. External appearance is extremely important, because first and foremost the Siren is nothing more than a spectacle to behold. An appearance characterized by emphasized, sometimes cartoonish femininity and sexuality will allow you to easily stand out from the crowd, since most women lack self-confidence to create such an image.

First of all, you will meet sirens, who with their singing seduce everyone, no matter who meets them... The sirens, sitting on a soft meadow, will enchant him with their sonorous song. All around are huge smoldering piles of human bones, covered with wrinkled skin.
Circe to Odysseus, "Odyssey", canto XII Trans. V. Veresaeva

After the Siren becomes apart from the other daughters of Eve, she should take care of two other necessary and most important qualities: firstly, the ability to induce a man to chase after her headlong and, secondly, the taste of danger. Danger is surprisingly seductive. Making a man follow you like a shadow is relatively easy: sexy appearance will allow you to achieve this without difficulty. But at the same time, you should in no case be like a courtesan or an available woman whom a man pursues only so that, having received his, he immediately loses all interest in them and forgets about their existence. You, on the contrary, should seem elusive, elusive - a fantasy turned into reality. The harder a man pursues you, the more firmly he believes that he is acting on his own initiative.
It will not be difficult for you to make it clear that some kind of danger is associated with you, and this highlights other properties inherent in the Siren. Sirens are often fantastically reckless, and this in itself is irresistible to men who are tired of their own prudence and predictability. The element of fear is also fundamentally important: by keeping a man at the proper distance, you thereby evoke a respectful attitude towards yourself. Maintain this fear in him with sudden changes in mood, throw him off balance, from time to time frightening him with irritability and whims.
For Sirena, the most important thing is the physical, the carnal - this is where the main instrument of her power lies. The aromas of perfume, exaggerated femininity, which can be achieved through cosmetics or an exquisitely seductive manner of dressing - all these stimulants act so reliably on men because they do not carry a semantic load. They are so ahead of everything else that they act bypassing the mind, and the effect is similar to the effect of a bait on an animal or a bullfighter’s muleta on a bull. The appearance features of a true Siren are often mistaken for physical beauty, particularly facial beauty. But for Sirena, a beautiful face is not at all an indispensable attribute; rather, it creates a feeling of excessive detachment and coldness. A siren is meant to evoke a vague longing, and the best way to achieve this is to create a generalized image that is both seductive and enchanting. We are not talking about any one specific trait, but about a combination of characteristic properties.

Voice. Obviously, this is the most important thing, which is confirmed by the legend. The Siren's voice has an immediate effect and has incredible hypnotic power. The siren should have an insinuating voice with only a slight hint of eroticism, rather affecting the subconscious. Under no circumstances should the siren chatter, speak quickly, aggressively, or in high notes. Her speech is calm, unhurried, always as if Sirena is not fully awake or is still basking in bed.

Body and decorations. If the voice can lull, then the body and its decorations are designed to dazzle. It is the clothes that help Sirena look like a real goddess.
The main thing to consider: let your appearance dazzle with brilliance and splendor, but at the same time it must remain harmonious so that no luxurious decoration distracts attention from you. The appearance should be complete, bright, fantasy personified. They resort to jewelry to charm and turn heads. With the help of outfits, Siren can give herself some sexuality, quite obvious, but not flashy, but rather piquant. Connected with this is the tradition of being partially naked, revealing only a small part of the body, but in such a way that it excites and awakens the imagination.

Movements and manners. The siren moves slowly, with grace. Precisely calibrated gestures and movements are no less important for her than the voice: they hint at something exciting, they are able to arouse attraction, while avoiding unwanted certainty. The siren seems languid, relaxed, as if all she does is swirl in a whirlwind of love and pleasure. There is a certain duality to her gestures, suggesting a mixture of innocence and eroticism, as if she is unaware of the impression she is making.

Water. The Siren's song is melodious, melodic and attractive, but she herself is fickle and grasping. Like the sea, the Siren attracts you, promising endless adventures and an abyss of pleasure. Forgetting both the past and the future, men rush after her into the sea and die in the abyss.

A woman never feels sufficiently desired and loved. She needs constant attention, and the man is so inattentive and insensitive. The figure of the Rake is a core female fantasy: if he really wants a woman like that (no matter that this moment may be very short), then for her sake he is ready to go to the ends of the world. He may turn out to be a treacherous traitor, dishonest and immoral, but all this only adds to his attractiveness. Unlike the usual, cautious representative of the strong half of humanity, the Rake is unbridled, unrestrained, completely at the mercy of his feelings - and this is amazing! There is an additional lure hidden in his bad reputation: it is not without reason that so many women have already fallen victims to him - there must be a reason for this. Women love with their ears, and the Rake is a master of seductive speeches. Arouse hidden, suppressed desires in a woman by using the Rake's cocktail - an explosive mixture of risk and pleasure.

At first, it seems strange that a woman could like a man who is obviously dishonest and who, moreover, does not even think about marriage. But for some reason, throughout history, in all civilizations, this particular type of man has enjoyed truly fatal success. The rake offers women what the norms accepted in society forbid them: reckless pure pleasure, a delightful, nerve-tickling game with fire. Society habitually sees a woman as a soft and gentle civilizing force; she is required to be devoted and faithful for life. But in reality, marriage and love relationships often bring not romance and devotion, but a painful routine and the need to drag out your days next to an inattentive partner who insults you. In such a situation, the imposed role of a faithful spouse is depressing and makes you feel deeply humiliated. A woman can only endure and dream of meeting an ideal man who would give himself completely to her, who would live for her, even if this does not last long.

But then, what is this force through which Don Juan seduces? This is desire, the energy of sensual attraction. In every woman, he is attracted to the entire female sex as a whole. The reflection of this gigantic passion illuminates and ennobles the one he desired, makes her flare up and shine with spiritual beauty. Just as the frantic ardor of an enthusiast can ignite and captivate even casual listeners, so Don Juan in some sense transforms every girl.
Soren Kierkegaard, "Either/Or"

The main requirement for the player playing the role of the Rake is the ability to overcome his own constraint and infect a woman with his ardor, to bring her feelings to a state where the past and future lose meaning.
The rake is in no way bothered or stopped by the woman’s resistance, like any other obstacle on the way - be it a husband or some kind of material obstacle. Resistance only spurs his desire, inflaming him even more. Remember: if you do not encounter resistance or obstacles on your path, you must create them. No seduction without this is unthinkable.
The extremism of the Rake is inextricably linked with the feeling of something dangerous, forbidden, even with a hint of cruelty. Just as a man falls prey to the Siren because of his desire to be freed from male responsibilities, a woman succumbs to the Rake because of her desire to become free from the shackles of virtue and propriety. And in fact, it is often the most virtuous women who selflessly fall in love with the Rake.

The art of seduction


Everyone around us is constantly trying to influence us. We are constantly instructed and taught how to act, but every time we reject these attempts, resist the arguments, and meet the arguments with hostility. But sooner or later a moment comes when everything changes and a person begins to act differently. This happens when we fall in love. It’s as if we fall under the power of a magical spell. In normal times, our head is busy with our own worries, but now it is filled with thoughts about our beloved. We become emotional, lose our sanity, and do stupid things we would never have done before. If this state drags on, something inside us breaks: we eventually give in, submit to the will of a loved one, and at the same time to our own desire to possess him.

Seducers are fully aware that in such moments of surrender they receive dizzying power. They delve into the souls of people in love, study the psychological aspects of these processes: what awakens the imagination, where does charm come from? Guided by instinct or gaining experience, they learn the art of consciously and purposefully inducing a state of love in people. All great seducers know: it is much more important to induce love than lust. The lover is sensitive, vulnerable, easily deceived (the Latin word seductio - “to seduce” - literally means “to mislead, lead astray”). A person who is in the grip of lust is more difficult to control, and, moreover, having received satisfaction, he will leave you without regret. Seducers act slowly, they bewitch, entangle their victim with bonds of love, ensuring that physical intimacy only enslaves her more. Making someone fall in love and then conquering them is a model common to all types of seduction: sexual, social, political. The lover is simply forced to capitulate.

It is useless to rebel against this force, to convince yourself that you have no interest in it, that it is immoral or ugly. The more you try to resist the temptation of seduction - as an idea, as a form of power - the more it takes hold of you. The reason is simple: almost all of us have at least once felt the power over those who fell in love with us. Our actions, gestures, words we say - everything seems beautiful to a person in love with us. Perhaps we ourselves do not fully understand how and why this happens, but the feeling of power penetrates us like a sweet poison. It gives us confidence, which in turn adds seductiveness. Everyone is probably familiar with days of special inspiration and uplift, when those around us better understand us and succumb to our influence. Such moments of power are fleeting, but they are forever etched in the memory with vivid memories. We want them back. Therefore, people are unable to resist the call of the Siren, and nothing in the modern world brings more power than the ability to be seductive. To acquire this kind of power over people, it is not at all necessary to radically change your character or improve your appearance. Seduction is a game built on psychology, not beauty, and almost all of us are capable of mastering it in the best possible way. All that is required is to look at the world through different eyes, through the eyes of a seducer.

Seducers are not self-absorbed. Their gaze is directed outward, not inward. When meeting someone, their first aspiration is to look into the very inside of this person, try on his skin, see the world through his eyes. Self-absorption is a sign of uncertainty, and uncertainty is anti-seductive. Everyone has complexes, but seducers manage to overcome theirs. In those moments when they are overcome by doubts, they do not withdraw into themselves, but merge with the world. This gives them a love of life, and we want to be around such people. The ability to get into someone else's skin, to imagine oneself as someone else, allows seducers to collect valuable information, to understand what worries this person, what makes him lose the ability to reason sensibly, and how to lure him into a trap.

Seducers are providers of pleasure. As children, we spend a significant part of our lives playing and having fun. Adults subsequently often have the feeling that they have been expelled from this paradise: they are deprived of joy, crushed by the burden of worries. The seducer knows that people in life lack pleasure and joy - they are not able to help themselves, and then friends or lovers are not able to satisfy this need to the fullest. That is why it is impossible to resist someone who comes into our lives and offers adventure and romance.

For a seducer, life is seen as a theater; for him, all people are actors. It seems to most that their role in life is limited within narrow boundaries, and the consciousness of the impossibility of changing anything makes a person unhappy. Seducers, on the contrary, have many faces; they can become anyone and play any role. It is this freedom, bodily and mental mobility that attracts them.

The Art of Seduction is designed to equip you with the weapon of charm and charm, thanks to which people will happily obey you without realizing what is happening and why.

Every seduction includes two components, each of which must be deeply analyzed and understood: first, you yourself and the seductive things that are in you; the second is your victim and the actions taken to break her resistance and achieve surrender. Both are equally felled. If you start acting without thinking about which aspects of your personality are attractive to others, you will become a mechanical, insincere and inflexible seducer. If you rely only on yourself, without taking into account the characterological characteristics of your partner, you will make serious mistakes and thereby limit your capabilities.

Therefore, the book “The Art of Seduction” consists of two sections. The first section, “Portrait of a Seducer,” describes nine types of seducers. By examining them, you will be able to determine what type you belong to, because it is your personality that will serve as the main building material of any seduction. The second section, “The Process of Seduction,” includes twenty-four chapters describing the basic strategic moves of seduction. These chapters will teach you how to charm, how to break resistance, how to give life and force to the seduction, and how to persuade the victim to capitulate.

As you delve deeper into the pages of this book, allow yourself to be captured by the narrative, yield to it, open your mind to it, casting aside preconceptions and preconceptions. Gradually you will feel the sweet poison slowly seeping through your skin. Step by step, comprehending this art, you will learn to be vigilant, to see seduction in everything, including the structure of your own thoughts, and from now on this will determine your perception of the world.

The greatest virtue is the need to recklessly succumb to temptation.

Natalie Barney

Which of my fellow countrymen has not studied the science of love,
Read my book and, having learned, fall in love.
Knowledge guides ships, guiding both the oars and the sail,
Knowledge rules the horses, Cupid is conquered by knowledge.

Ovid, "Science of Love"

Whatever is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.

Friedrich Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil"

What well? - Everything that increases a person’s sense of power, the will to power, power itself.

What's wrong? - Everything that comes from weakness.

What is happiness? - A feeling of growing power, a feeling of overcoming opposition.

Friedrich Nietzsche, "Antichrist" Trans. V. A. Flerova

The combination of these two elements, charm and surrender, is therefore vital to the kind of love we are discussing... Love is surrender due to charm.

José Ortega y Gasset, "About Love"

Be sure of one thing: there are no women inaccessible to you!
Just open the net - each one will be yours!
The nightingales will fall silent sooner in the spring, and the cicadas in the summer,
And the Menalian dogs will begin to be afraid of hares,
Why should a woman resist the caress of a man?
No matter how much he repeats “I don’t want to,” he will soon want it, like everyone else.

Ovid, Science of Love. Per. M. Gasparova

Love requires immeasurably greater talent than commanding armies.

Ninon de Lanclos