Biography. Video clips of Alisa Kozhikina

Alisa Alekseevna Kozhikina. Born on June 22, 2003 in the village. Uspenka, Kursk region. Russian singer, winner of the first season of “The Voice. Children" (2014).

Alisa Kozhikina was born on June 22, 2003 in the village of Uspenka, Kursk region (on the outskirts of the city of Kurchatov).

Father - Alexey Vasilyevich Kozhikin, nuclear power plant engineer.

Mother - Anna Viktorovna, housewife.

She has a younger sister, Ariadne.

There are no musicians in Alice’s family, but her mother plays the piano, loves music, and the girl plunged into the world of sounds very early.

At the age of four she began studying vocals at the pop song theater “Listen to the Heart” under the direction of Victor and Olesya Lukyanovsky.

From the age of six she began attending music school, while simultaneously studying piano and vocals. By the end of the second grade of music school, she was completing the 5th-6th grade program.

In Kurchatov, Alisa participated in numerous competitions and tried to sing whenever possible. She is a laureate of the “Constellation of the Young” competitions; Alisa has won the Grand Prix of the St. Petersburg competition “Childhood Holiday” and “Wind Rose. Moscow - Rossosh transit."

In 2012, she became one of the winners in the qualifying round and represented Russia at the Children's New Wave 2012 competition, which took place on August 15 - 17, 2012 in Artek.

Alice is an excellent student at school.

"She was a very uncommunicative girl, very complex, so I wanted her to believe in herself. In kindergarten she had only one friend, and it seemed to her that all the other children did not want to communicate with her. I wanted her she found something in which she could express herself, something that would help her believe in herself, and then other children would be drawn to her. Therefore, at the age of 3, we sent Alice to all kinds of clubs - drawing, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics.

When she started singing, everything became clear. At the age of 6 she took first place at a local competition in Kursk. She was successful in everything, she played the piano well. She is diligent herself. If she takes on something, she can do it for 4-6 hours, not paying attention to anything,” said Alisa’s mother, Anna Kozhikina.

In 2014, she took part in the first season of the vocal competition “The Voice. Children" on Channel One. She performed in the team of Maxim Fadeev.

In the final, Alisa performed Tina Turner's hit "The Best", and in the super final the song "Everything" - a cover of Mariah Carey's song "My All" with new Russian lyrics written by her mentor.

Alisa Kozhikina won this competition, beating her older and more experienced competitors - more than 400 thousand people voted for her - 58.2% of those who watched the show. The prize for winning was 500 thousand rubles and a contract with the Universal Music record label.

Alisa Kozhikina - Simply the best (Final of the show "The Voice. Children")

On 22 September 2014, it was announced that Alisa Kozhikina had been selected as Russia's representative at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014.

She performed the song “Dreamer (White Angels)” and took fifth place. The music for the competition song was written by Maxim Fadeev, and the words were written by Alisa herself together with a member of the Serebro group Olga Seryabkina.

She was a special guest of the music award “MUZ-TV 2014. Evolution” (in June 2014), voiced all the vocal parts of the main character in the Russian-language version of the American musical film “Annie” directed by Will Gluck, which was released in Russian cinemas on March 19, 2015.

In April 2015, Alisa released her first (debut) single on the Universal Music label. It was a cover of Daft Punk's "Get Lucky". By August, she had two more singles to her name - “Cap” and “I’m Lying on the Beach.”

In the fall of 2015, her song “Became Stronger” entered rotation on dozens of radio stations in Russia and around the world. The song reached number 53 on the TopHit Weekly General chart and number 74 on the Top Hit Weekly Russia chart.

In 2015, together with Semyon Treskunov, Alisa performed the main song for the full-length animated film “Fortress. Shield and sword."

In 2016, in collaboration with the team of the French TV channel Gulli, she recorded the soundtrack for the children's animated series “Princess Sissi”, which has been airing on the Russian version of the TV channel since December 2015.

At the beginning of 2016, she participated as a leading role in the Safronov brothers' New Year's show - "Alice in Wonderland", which was visited by more than twelve thousand people.

Collaborates with composer Mikhail Chertishchev. He wrote such songs for her repertoire as “Cap”, “I’m lying on the beach”, “Fallen”, “Became stronger”, “White snowflakes”, etc.

On October 31, 2016, Alisa Kozhikina presented a video for the song “I am not a toy” - the title song in the singer’s debut solo album. The video talks about unrequited school love. And Alisa Kozhikina herself plays the main role.

Alisa Kozhikina - I'm not a toy

Songs by Alisa Kozhikina:

2014 - "Dreamer"
2014 - “Get Lucky”
2015 - “Cap”
2015 - “I’m lying on the beach”
2015 - “Fell”
2015 - “Became stronger”
2015 - “Your Road”
2015 - “Black Smoke”
2015 - “White Snowflakes”
2016 - “Princess Sissy”
2016 - “Sky without rain”
2016 - “Spring will come soon”
2016 - “Dreams”
2016 - “I am not a toy”

Video clips of Alisa Kozhikina:

2016 - “I am not a toy”

Alisa Kozhikina was born on June 22, 2003 in a small town in the Kursk region, Kurchatov. At the end of 2013, together with her parents - Alexey and Anna Kozhikin - she moved to the Leningrad region, where she currently lives.

The doors to the wonderful world of music were opened for Alice by her mother, who often sat down at the piano and literally mesmerized the little girl with her amazingly beautiful playing. Alisa has been studying vocals since she was 4 years old. The team where the talented girl tried to take her first creative steps was the pop song theater “Listen to the Heart,” led by Victor and Olesya Lukyanovsky. Alisa’s first achievements were also here, in Kurchatov, when in 2009, while still a kindergarten student, she became the winner of the “Princess of the Year” competition.

Despite her young age, Alisa Kozhikina has already managed to take part in many competitions - city, regional and international, having achieved tremendous success. Of course, much credit goes to her first vocal teacher, Larisa Kireeva.

In 2010

  • competition “Wind Rose. Moscow-Rossosh Transit" - Grand Prix winner;
  • international competition “Wind Rose. Moscow final" - winner of the 1st prize;
  • international competition "Constellation Eagle" - laureate.

In 2011

  • international competition “Childhood Holiday” in St. Petersburg - Grand Prix winner;
  • regional competition “Constellation of the Young” in Kursk - laureate.

In 2012

  • participant in the international festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "BALTIC CONSTELLATION";
  • participant of the international competition “Children’s New Wave”;
  • performance with Mitya Fomin in the Christmas song of the year.

In 2013

  • joint performance with the group “Silver”;
  • joint performance with Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh at the “Children's New Wave” with the song “Together”.

In 2014

  • winner of the show “The Voice. Children";
  • representative of Russia at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 (Malta) - 5th place.

Alice in the Land of Boundless Talent

Like every talented person, Alice is talented in many ways. Along with unique vocal abilities, the young talent has extraordinary mathematical abilities: participation in Olympiads in mathematics and the Russian language often resulted in prizes for Alisa. “She really likes to study and take an active part in competitions, theatrical performances, fairy tales - this is her favorite activity, this is her favorite vacation,” the girl’s grandfather, Viktor Vycherov, shares with us.

Alisa has been playing the piano since she was 6 years old. Her teacher Natalya Balashova says that the girl always moved forward by leaps and bounds, wanting to master all the secrets of vocals and playing the piano as soon as possible. In the regional competition “Teacher and Student,” Alisa performed a rather complex program, although at that time she was only a second-grade student. By the end of second grade, she was in a program designed for fifth- and sixth-graders.

Alice does everything with great pleasure, which she gets from her favorite activity, and that is why she probably attracts such attention to herself.

Build your Destiny!

They say that if you devote all your time to something you do with love, your dream will come closer and become a reality. The stories of many famous people about how they became famous are very similar: no one, as a rule, strived for popularity and fame, but simply did what they loved, and success found them. If this was not a favorite activity, it is unlikely that everything would have turned out this way.

A business that a person chooses, one might say, by chance, works on himself and puts his whole soul into this work, at some point turns out to be very necessary for people. However, it is not unreasonable to assert that randomness is a pattern that cannot be explained. It is she who changes fate, turning it in a completely unexpected direction. And suddenly it turns out that this particular side is the only true one.

So, on one of the beautiful, warm days of summer 2013, Alisa saw a commercial on TV that invited talented guys to take part in the new project of Channel One - “The Voice. Children". The thought that she definitely needed to become a member of it dawned on Alice instantly. However, the parents did not immediately support such a bold statement, but deep parental love and the daughter’s persuasion did their job: the application to “The Voice” was sent on the girl’s birthday! Neither mom and dad, nor Alice herself even imagined that they would be able to overcome the qualifying round, because over the past year the little girl didn’t even have a vocal teacher; self-education is what Alice devoted all her time to. However, the mentors were able to “discern” her talent during the blind auditions: Alisa came under the “wing” of Maxim Aleksandrovich Fadeev. The mentor was not mistaken; the time of their unique tandem was not in vain. Alice herself perceived the project as a fairy tale, the ending of which, as she claimed, was not known even to her. “As long as it lasts,” she said, “I appreciate every moment, every second, every moment...”.

Hardly anyone could have expected such an ending. With a large gap over her competitors, much older and more experienced, Alisa won the show “The Voice. Children”, collecting more than 400,000 votes in its favor in the final.

From the bottom of her big, kind heart, little Alice thanked all those who believed in her to the bitter end. “This is our common victory!” - she addressed fans of her talent - “I couldn’t have done it without you!”

The competition is over, but for Alisa this is only the beginning, the beginning of her great creative journey.

Alisa Alekseevna Kozhikina is a young and talented Russian singer who, despite her young age, has already been able to become a laureate and winner of not only many Russian, but also international competitions. She even took part in Eurovision, where she took an honorable fifth place.


Alisa Kozhikina was born on June 22, 2003 in Russia. The birthplace of the young talent was the small village of Uspenka, which is located in the Kursk region. The mother of a talented girl plays the piano masterfully. The daughter, who spent a lot of time with her parents, became addicted to music from an early age.

Soon all the relatives began to notice the girl’s remarkable vocal abilities. Therefore, as soon as Alice was four years old, she began studying with a teacher, developing her innate talent.


In 2007, Alisa’s parents brought her to the “Listen to the Heart” pop song theater, where the directors were Viktor and Olesya Lukyanovsky. But the girl’s musical education was not limited to this. At the age of six, Alisa Kozhikina also began attending a local music school, while still taking vocal classes. Soon she was already successfully playing the piano.

All teachers recall that by the end of the second year of study, Alisa Kozhikina coped well with the program, which students in the fifth or sixth music class usually have difficulty studying.


In 2014, the whole family moved to the small town of Sosnovy Bor. This was due to the girl’s creative activity, since at this time Alice was ready to begin more serious training. In Kurchatov she participated in various competitions, but Alisa Kozhikina began building her creative career after moving to the Leningrad region.

At the same time, she became a laureate of the famous competition called “Constellation of the Young”. And then the winner of the special grand prix of the “Childhood Holiday” competition. Soon Alisa Kozhikina becomes the winner of the Grand Prix of another Moscow competition.

2012 brought the girl new victories. She becomes a participant in the popular competition “Children's New Wave”, where she represents Russia. The girl won the qualifying round, which brought her popularity.

Participation in the competition “Voice. Children"

Alisa Alekseevna Kozhikina reached a special peak in her career growth in 2014. She becomes a participant in the “Voice” project. Children", which was broadcast on Channel One. She was selected to join the team of musical mentor Maxim Fadeev.

The girl reached the finals of the competition, where she performed Tina Turner's famous hit. After an excellent performance, she became a participant in the super final. Her mentor remade one of Mariah Carey's songs - it was with this composition by Kozhikin that Alisa became the winner of a popular television competition. Of course, the victory was not easy, since older and more experienced performers took part in the competition.

The prize for this difficult victory was five hundred thousand rubles and a contract with the Universal Music recording studio. This probably became a kind of trigger, because already on September 22 of the same year the whole country learned that the young star had been entrusted with representing Russia at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. In this international competition, Alice successfully took fifth place.

Creative activity

In 2014, Alisa became a special guest at the Muz-TV music awards. She also helped voice the American musical film Annie. But the girl still sings and records her songs.

Several albums have already been released and are enjoying success. In 2015, she voiced the main song for the cartoon “Fortress. Shield and sword." The following year, the girl began collaborating with one of the French television channels - she was asked to record the soundtrack for the popular children's series "Princess Sissy".

In 2016, Alisa Kozhikina, whose songs are known and sung by the whole country, received the main and interesting role in the New Year's fairy-tale performance of the Safronov brothers. This show with the beautiful name “Alice in Wonderland” was visited by a huge number of viewers. And in the spring of 2016, the first solo concert of a young girl takes place in Belgorod.

It is known that Alisa has a close and fruitful collaboration with Max Fadeev. In 2014, a ten-year contract was signed between them. But a year later the girl decided to break off these business ties. As Maxim Fadeev himself explained, this was a deliberate decision by the young singer’s parents, who wished to interrupt their daughter’s musical career for some time. After all, Alice needs not only to perform, but also to study and get a school education.

A little later, however, an agreement was concluded with Mikhail Chertishchev, one of the most famous and popular composers in St. Petersburg. He wrote many compositions, which, performed by Alice, quickly won the love of television viewers and radio listeners. This includes “I’m Lying on the Beach” and “Fell” and many others. At the end of 2016, this short cooperation was terminated - the reasons for this, unfortunately, are unknown.

Alisa Kozhikina is a young singer, winner of children's vocal competitions, including the show “The Voice. Children" 2014, finalist of Junior Eurovision 2014.

Fans of the young star with the angelic voice are interested in where Alice is from. The girl was born in the village of Uspenka, located on the outskirts of the city of Kurchatov, in the Kursk region. Alice's parents could not even imagine that within a few years their tiny daughter would show promise as a brilliant vocalist.

There were no musicians in the Kozhikin family, but the girl’s mother, Anna Viktorovna, plays the piano well, so Alisa literally grew up listening to the enchanting melodic sounds of this instrument. Anna Kozhikina recalls that in the junior group of kindergarten, her daughter was withdrawn, shy and complex.

The girl told her mother that in kindergarten no one wanted to talk to her or play with her, she had only one friend. In an effort to rid the girl of complexes and insecurities, and to make her believe in her strengths and talents, her parents enrolled Alice in various classes when she was only three years old. The little girl did drawing, dancing, and gymnastics.

At the age of four, Alice took her first singing lesson, and even then it became clear that the girl had found her calling. This happened in the children's theater “Listen to your heart” in Kurchatov. At the age of six, Kozhikina entered a music school, where she studied vocals and piano.


The first success for the talented and very diligent girl came in 2009. Alice, still a kindergarten student, won the “Princess of the Year” competition. Subsequently, the young star shone at city and regional competitions, while at the same time managing to study in regular and music schools.

Alice’s mother admits: without her daughter’s diligence and perseverance, love of music and singing, the future finalist of “The Voice” would hardly have been able to achieve such brilliant results. The girl’s talent played a decisive role in her ascent to the children’s musical Olympus. So, in the second grade of a music school, Alice easily mastered the fifth and sixth grade curriculum, and not at all because she wanted to be the first in everything, it was just that singing and music became her life.

Alisa Kozhikina at the Children's New Wave competition in 2012

From 2010 to 2012, Alisa Kozhikina participated in seven music competitions of various sizes. In 2010, the little singer won the Grand Prix of the Wind Rose competition. Moscow-Rossosh transit”, and in its final received first prize. In the same year, Alisa became a laureate of the Eagle Constellation competition, and a year later she won the Childhood Festival in St. Petersburg and the Young Constellation in Kursk. In 2012, the girl participated in the Baltic Constellation competition and represented Russia in Artek at the international competition Children's New Wave.

In 2013, Alisa Kozhikina’s musical biography was replenished with joint performances with real “adult” stars - the group “Silver” and with and.

Show “Voice. Children"

In the summer of 2013, Alisa saw a commercial on TV about auditioning candidates for participation in the show “The Voice. Children" on "Channel One", and caught fire with this dream. The parents did not succumb to persuasion for a long time: they did not believe that their daughter would pass the selection and blind audition, since over the past year Alisa had given up her vocal classes, she did not even have a permanent teacher.

Alisa Kozhikina on the show "The Voice"

The girl managed to persuade her mom and dad to apply for the casting; Loving parents made this gift for their daughter's birthday. Alisa passed both the casting and the blind audition, so in 2014 the Kozhikin family moved from Kurchatov to Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region, so that the girl could participate in the recording of the show.

Dad Alexey Vasilyevich got a job as an engineer at the Sosnovy Bor nuclear power plant, and mom became closely involved in her daughter’s musical career. The singer and composer took the young singer under his wing and made no mistake. The girl passed the qualifying rounds and reached the finals. In the final, Alisa sang the hit song “The Best”, and in the super final - the Russian version of the hit “My All”.

Alisa won the show “The Voice”, beating older and experienced competitors. 58.2% of the audience voted for her. The young finalist was 11 years old. In addition to the victory, Alice received a prize of half a million rubles and a contract with the recording company UniversalMusic.

In 2014, Alisa Kozhikina went to Malta to represent Russia at Junior Eurovision. With the song “White Angels” (Dreamer), written by the girl in collaboration with Max Fadeev, Kozhikina took fifth place.

Alisa Kozhikina now

Today, Alisa continues to combine her studies in high school with music and vocal classes. The girl does not forget about concert performances. She performs in clubs and concert halls in Kursk, Belgorod, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, and not so long ago she participated in an anniversary concert in the Kremlin dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the show “The Voice”.

The girl is unusually cheerful, she has many friends, and she communicates with fans on her pages

In February 2014, the premiere of the unusual show “The Voice. Children” took place on Channel One of Russian television. Its participants included 130 young singers, selected from 8 thousand applicants, who performed to the live accompaniment of the jazz ensemble "Phonograph". The hosts of the show were celebrities such as Natalia Vodianova and Dmitry Nagiyev, and the mentors of the contestants were Pelageya, Dima Bilan and Maxim Fadeev. "The Voice. Children" immediately became one of the most rated programs, second in popularity only to the "Time" program. Over the course of nine episodes of the show, millions of television viewers watched the formation of teams and fights, worried and rejoiced with the participants, and voted for their favorites. Six candidates made it to the finals, and the winner of the super final, which was broadcast live, was the charming ten-year-old Alisa Kozhikina.

Alisa was born on June 22, 2004. Her small homeland is the village of Uspenka in the Kurchatovsky district of the Kursk region. After some time, the Kozhikin family moved to the regional center of Kurchatov. Alice showed early vocal and musical abilities. From the age of four the girl began to study singing, and from the age of six she began playing the piano. Alice was a mandatory participant in all city and regional

local competitions.

In 2010, she became a laureate of the “Wind Rose” competition, and in 2011 she received the Grand Prix of the “Childhood Holiday” competition.

In 2012, Alisa Kozhikina successfully performed at the children's "New Wave", and in 2013, as part of a trio with Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh, she performed the song "Together".

In the fall of 2013, the girl learned about the casting for the new show “The Voice. Children” and really wanted to

become its participant. Her parents met her halfway - the family moved to Sosnovy Bor near St. Petersburg, where Alexey Vasilyevich Kozhikin became an engineer at a nuclear power plant. Alisa began studying at gymnasium No. 5 and working via Skype with vocal teacher Veronica Worship.

On June 22, just on her birthday, Alisa submitted an application for participation (at that time she was considered a living

female worker of the Kursk region). Having successfully passed the casting and blind audition, Alisa was selected to join Max Fadeev’s team. Having won the fights, the girl reached the finals, where she had a difficult fight against very strong participants. To perform the song “Simply the Best,” Alisa diligently learned the most difficult version of the composition and successfully made it to the super final, where a battle awaited her

meeting with Ragda Khanieva and Lev Axelrod.

Kozhikina’s brilliant performance of the Russian version of Mariah Carey’s hit “Everything” brought her a convincing victory. According to the results of the audience voting, out of 8 thousand SMS messages and phone calls in support of Alice, more than half were given (more precisely, 58.2%). The winner was awarded a contract for cooperation with the banner

that company "Universal Music" and a prize of half a million rubles, which Anna Viktorovna Kozhikina plans to spend on her daughter's education.

Alice's victory came as a surprise to both the girl and her parents. At her native gymnasium, Alisa Kozhikina was congratulated by teachers and classmates, and she herself worked hard on her studies to catch up on the material she missed while participating in the competition. Nesmo

Despite the record number of visits to Alice’s “In Contact” page, she does not suffer from star fever; the girl thanked everyone who supported her. Fans of the little singer have already created an official group and are helping her create her own website. After a short rest, Alisa Kozhikina plans, in addition to collaborating with Universal Music, to continue working with Maxim Fadeev