Biology test on the origin of primates. Test on the topic "human origins". Factors of human evolution


Option 1

Exercise. Choose one correct answer.

1. The fossil group of primates that gave rise to ape-like and human-like creatures is called:

A. Ramapithecus

B. Dryopithecus

B. Australopithecus

2. The first representative of the Hominid family, who lived in the territory of modern India and Eastern Europe 14 million years ago, was:

A. Australopithecus

B. Pithecanthropus

V. Ramapithecus

3. A descendant of Ramapithecus, found in South Africa, is considered to be:

A. Australopithecus

B. A skilled person

B. Homo sapiens

4. The first upright hominid who knew how to make primitive stone tools is:

A. A skilled person

B. Homo erectus

B. Homo sapiens

5. The most ancient people leading an active lifestyle, hunters who knew how to use fire, are grouped into the following species:

A. A skilled person

B. Homo erectus

B. Homo sapiens

6. Ancient people with a height of 1 m 70 cm and a brain volume of up to 1600 cm3, who lived during the Ice Age, are called:

A. Cro-Magnons

B. Pithecanthropus

B. Neanderthals

7. Fossil people of the modern type, with developed speech and thinking, mastering various types of art, are called:

A. Cro-Magnons

B. Neanderthals

V. Sinanthropus

8. For the first time, he clearly identified the characteristics of four races:

A. Francois Bernier

B. Charles Darwin

B. Jean Baptiste Lamarck

9. Coarse straight hair, a wide face, a narrow palpebral fissure are signs of:

A. Caucasian

B. Asian-American race

B. Equatorial race

10. A good heat insulator in the sun is:

A. Curly hair

B. Straight hair

B. Slightly wavy hair

Option 2

Exercise. Fill in the missing word.

1. The fossil group of great apes -... gave rise to two evolutionary lines: the family..., to which modern gorillas and chimpanzees belong, and the family..., of which Man is a representative...

2. 14 million years ago, the first representatives of hominids appeared -..., eating... food.

3. 3.5–1.0 million years ago, the African continent was inhabited by...: upright creatures with a height of... cm, using natural materials and resources to meet their needs.

4. Man... first learned to make stone..., walked freely on two legs and had more developed... limbs.

5. 1.0 million - 300 thousand years ago, representatives of... people appeared, constituting the species Man..., whose main activities were: collective..., making stone tools and collecting... food.

6. Ancient people who lived... years ago belong to the species Human..., had a brain with the volume... and a strong physique; lived during the Ice Age and learned to mine...

7. People of the modern type are called... and belong to the species Human..., have height..., brain volume...; as well as the ability to make clothes from..., draw on..., sculpt dishes from...

8. A historically established group of people united by a common origin, morphological and physiological characteristics is called...

9. Representatives of the equatorial race are characterized by:... skin,... hair,... lips.

10. Caucasians have... skin, straight... hair,... nose.

11. Representatives of the Asian-American race have coarse... hair,... skin,... face, leathery fold... eyelids.

Option 3

Exercise. Give a short answer of one or two sentences.

1. Name the descendants of Dryopithecus and explain what their fundamental difference is between each other.

2. Based on what characteristics can Ramapithecus and Australopithecus only conditionally be classified as human ancestors?

4. What are the main evolutionary achievements of Homo erectus? What primitive features are preserved in his appearance?

5. What characterizes the period of habitation of ancient people?

6. Which fossil people belong to the species Homo sapiens? Give reasons for your answer.

7. What reasons do you think led to the emergence of different human races within the species Homo sapiens? What proves the unity of origin of the human races?

8. Name the main features of the three main races and explain the biological meaning of their occurrence.

Option 4

Exercise. Give a full detailed answer.

1. Distribute the names of the various ancestral forms of modern humans in chronological order: Pithecanthropus, Homo habilis, Neanderthal Homo, Cro-Magnon, Dryopithecus, Sinanthropus, Homo sapiens, Homo erectus. Which titles were not included in this series and why?

2. Look at the picture in the textbook on page 12 with the locations of the supposed areas of the ancestral home of man. Explain why most of the sites of ancient people were discovered here?

3. Look at the picture of a person’s family tree on page 10 in the textbook. What major changes did you notice in the structure of the skull of human fossil ancestors? With what it can be connected?

4. Look at the pictures at the bottom of pages 12 and 13 in your textbook. What important evolutionary advances in the social sphere do they depict? What is their significance?

5. Complication of the brain, upright posture, improvement of the hand. Which of these morphological transformations do you think occurred first? What are its causes and consequences?

6. Anthropological data show that over the past tens of thousands of years, the physical appearance of humans has remained virtually unchanged. What is this connected with? Does this mean that human evolution has stopped?

7. Proponents of racism claim that there are “superior” and “inferior” races. What evidence can be given to refute this theory?

Human Origins

Evidence of evolutionary human origins

Option 1

1 . What was the name of the group of great apes?consisting of the earliest primates?

1) anthropoids

2) pongids

3) hominids


2 . Which monkeys are not pongids?

1) chimpanzee


3) orangutan

4) capuchins

3 . Which scientist was the first to suppress a person into one group?pu with primates?

1) C. Darwin

2) J.B. Lamarck

3) C. Linnaeus

4) T. Huxley

4. Which biological feature does not characterizekind of Homo sapiens?

1) large brain volume

2) strong jaws

3) predominance of the cerebral part of the skull over the facial part

4) upright posture

5 . What does the Australopithecus stage correspond to in evolution?hominid family?

1) archanthrope

2) paleoanthropus

3) protoanthrope
4) neoanthropus

6 . What is the name of the oldest man, fossilswhose remains were found on the island of Java?

1) protoanthrope

2) Pithecanthropus

3) paleoanthropus

4) Sinanthropus

7 . What kind of modern people appeared on Earth?40-30 thousand years ago and continue to live today?

1) neoanthropes

2) archanthropes

3) Neanderthals

4) paleoanthropes

8 . At what stage of human development as a biologicalWhat kind of species did ancient people appear - Neanderthals?1) at the stage of neoanthropes

2) at the stage of archanthropes

3) at the stage of protoanthropes

4) at the stage of paleoanthropes

9 .To which systematic group of the class Mammals does the species Homo sapiens belong?

1) marsupials

2) rodents

3) predatory

4) primates

10 .Which of the driving forces of human evolution is of a biological nature?

1) articulate speech

2) ability to use weapons

3) heredity

4) abstract thinking

11. They were the first to learn to use fire



3) Neanderthals

4) Cro-Magnons

12. Which of the following can serve as an example of a rudiment in humans?

1)excessive hairiness

2) presence of a coccyx

3) presence of a tail

4) additional mammary glands

13. In humans, unlike mammals

1) the upper limb consists of the shoulder, forearm and hand

2) hook-shaped hand, with an underdeveloped thumb

3) the lower jaw is movably connected to the skull

4) the thumb forms a right angle with respect to the other fingers

14. What feature distinguishes Homo sapiens from animals?

1) development of the peripheral nervous system

2) the presence of two circles of blood circulation

3)developmentS-shaped spine

4) formation of three germ layers during embryonic development

15. Which trait in humans arose earlier than others in the process of evolution?

1) speech

2) consciousness

3)regular work activity

4) upright posture

16. What does the presence of a tail in human embryos at an early stage of development indicate?

1) about development with complete transformation

2) about the variability of organisms

3) about the origin of man from animals

4) about deviations in its development

17. Scientists include the group of ancient people

1) Australopithecus

2) Cro-Magnon

3) Neanderthal


18. Consider the picture depicting the fossil ancestors of the human genus in the chronological sequence of their appearance on Earth. What number shows Homo erectus on it?






1) the presence of teeth in the jaw sockets

2) the ability to regulate your body temperature

3) the presence of a nervous system

4) alveolar structure of the lungs

5) anlage of the neural tube embryos above the notochord

6) the presence of an arched foot

20 used in human taxonomy, starting with the mostlarge.

1) hominids

2) primates

3) chordates

4) person

5) mammals

6) a reasonable person


work activity


abstract thinking




mutational variability


population waves


second signaling system




Human Origins (anthropogenesis). Evolution of primates.

Evidence of evolutionary human origins

Option 2

1 . What were the names of extinct arboreal humans?various monkeys that are the ancestors of modernapes and humans?
1) hominids 3) dryopithecus
2) tarsiers 4) pongids

2 . What pre-existing group of tarsiershidden in the evolutionary trunk of the Old monkeysSveta?

1) lemurs 3) ramapithecus
2) necrolemurs 4) baboons

3 . Which scientist was the first to prove kinship in his work?humans with apes?
1) C. Linnaeus2) T. Huxley
3) J.B. Lamarck4) C. Darwin

4 . What property of the species Homo sapiens is notsocial?

1) big brain box

2) creation and use of tools

3) consciousness and speech

4) social lifestyle

5 . How is the word “Austra” translated from Latin?Lopitecus"?

1) Australian monkey|

2) the oldest monkey

3) ape

4) southern monkey

6 . Fossil remains of what ancient manwere found near Beijing?

1) Pithecanthropus

2) paleoanthropa

3) Sinanthropa

4) Australopithecus

7. What are the names of the first representatives of biologicalWhat kind of Homo sapiens?

1) Australopithecus

2) Cro-Magnons

3) Neanderthals

4) paleoanthropes

8. At what stage did Sinanthropus and Pithecanthus appear?ropes?

1) at the stage of archanthropes

2) at the stage of paleoanthropes

3) at the neoanthropic stage

4) at the stage of protoanthropes

9. Which of the following structural features of the human skull is an adaptation to speech?

1) the presence of a protruding chin

2) vertical forehead

3) fusion of the skull bones

4) enlarged compared to the facial part of the skull

10. In humans, unlike the orangutan

1) larger facial part of the skull

2) greater brain volume

3) the upper limbs are longer than the lower ones

4) the chest is formed by ribs

11. What factor of human evolution is considered social?

1) work activity

2) hereditary variability

3) the struggle for existence

4) natural selection

12. What characteristic of the class Mammals is characteristic of humans?

1) diaphragm

2) pulmonary breathing

3) brain and spinal cord

4) closed circulatory system

13. Which representative of the genus Human belongs to the presented images of rock paintings?


2) Neanderthal

3) Cro-Magnon

4) Australopithecus

14. Scientists include the group of the most ancient people

1) Cro-Magnons



4) synanthropes

15. Determine the correct sequence of the main stages of human evolution.

1) ancient peoplepredecessors of peopleNeanderthalsCro-Magnons

2) predecessors of peopleancient peopleNeanderthals ⇒ Cro-Magnons

3) Cro-Magnons ⇒ Neanderthals ⇒ predecessors of humans ⇒ ancient people

4) Neanderthalsancient peoplepredecessors of peopleCro-Magnons

16. What characteristic characteristic of humans is a characteristic of animals of the Chordata type?

1) lungs, consisting of alveoli

2) nodal type nervous system

3) hair

4) gill slits in the wall of the embryo’s pharynx

17. What contributed to the emergence of upright walking in humans?

1) settlement of new territories

2) faster movement on the ground

3) closer communication between people

4 ) freeing your hands and developing your work activity

18. Consider the picture depicting the fossil ancestors of the human genus in the chronological sequence of their appearance on Earth. Under what number is the Cro-Magnon man depicted on it, if the number 1 shows an Australopithecus?





19. By what characteristics are humans classified as Mammals? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) tubular nervous system

2) gill slits on the pharynx of the embryo

3) four-chambered heart

4) ears

5) skeleton of the upper and lower extremities

6) grooves and convolutions in the cerebral cortex

20. Establish a correspondence between the example and the factor of anthropogenesis for which it is characteristic.

second signaling system


manifestation of mutations


struggle for existence


transfer of accumulated experience


traditions and rituals






21 .Establish the chronological sequence of taxa,used in human taxonomy, starting with the smallest

1) vertebrates

2) a reasonable person

3) chordates

4) person

5) mammals

6) eukaryotes

Test on the topic: “The origin and evolution of man.”

Option 1.

1.What kind of people does Pithecanthropus belong to?

a) ancient, b) most ancient; c) new.

2.What kind of people developed social relationships?

3.What signs does a person acquire during his life?

a) speech; b) breathing; c) thinking.

4.What kind of people is a skilled person?

a) the most ancient; b) ancient; c) new; d) to none

5. Which people were the first to master articulate speech?

a) Neanderthals; b) Cro-Magnons; c) Pithecanthropus.

6 .Which feature, unlike apes, is unique to humans?

a) labor; b) four-chambered heart; c) 4 blood groups.

7.Which of the listed factors of human evolution is social?

a) hereditary variability; b) speech; c) the struggle for existence.

8. Of the listed human ancestors, the most ancient people include:

a) Australopithecus; b) Neanderthal; c) Pithecanthropus.

9.Labor activity provided:

a) upright posture; b) consolidation of members of society; c) arch of the foot.

10.What is the significance of the dark skin of indigenous Africans?

a) protection against overheating; b) camouflage; c) protection from ultraviolet rays.

1. The first people appeared on Earth more than 2 million years ago.

2.Modern apes descended from Parapithecus, just like humans.

3. Ancient people, compared to the most ancient people, represent a more progressive type of person.

4. Pithecanthropus belongs to the most ancient people.

5. Apes, like humans, have 46 chromosomes.

Option 2.

1. How do humans differ from apes?

a) 4 blood groups; b) the presence of mammary glands; c) the ability to speak.

2.Which factor in human evolution is considered a biological factor?

a) labor; b) thinking; c) isolation.

3. Social factors of human evolution include:

a) mutations; b) speech; c) natural selection.

4. The social way of life of human ancestors contributed to:

a) upright walking; b) the appearance of speech; c) freeing your hands.

5. Which of the human ancestors belong to the ancient people?

a) Cro-Magnons; b) Neanderthals; c) Pithecanthropus.

6. The difference between humans and apes is manifested in the presence of:

a) 4 blood groups; b) nails; c) S-shaped spine.

7.Human upright walking led to the appearance of:

a) speech; b) arch of the foot; c) thinking.

8.The first modern people include:

a) Cro-Magnons; b) Pithecanthropus; c) Neanderthals.

9. Which of the human ancestors had a brain volume of 1600 cubic cm. and the chin protuberance was clearly visible on the lower jaw?

a) Cro-Magnon; b) Neanderthal; c) Pithecanthropus.

10.What is the significance of the narrow, protruding nose of the native Europeans?

a) to warm the inhaled air; b) for beauty;

c) to cool the inhaled air.

IN 1. Choose the correct judgments:

1. Neanderthals lived during the Great Glaciation.

2. Australopithecines were a transitional link from animals to humans.

3. Social relationships already arose among Pithecanthropus.

4.Neanderthals are ancient people.

5. Speech appeared earlier than society.

Option 1

1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c

Option 2

1-c, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-c, 7-b, 8-a, 9-a, 10-a

Option 1

Choose one correct answer

d) the oldest monkey

6. The human skull differs from the skull of primates in a) the presence of only one movable bone b) the presence of sutures between the bones of the brain part c) a more developed brain part d) the structure of bone tissue

7. The biological factor that ensures the development of thinking at the early stage of human evolution is considered to be: a) progressive development of the brain b) care for offspring c) four-chambered heart

d) increase in the respiratory surface of the lungs

8. The ability to make simple tools first appeared in:

9. Which part of the human upper limb has undergone the greatest changes in the process of evolution: a) shoulder b) forearm c) hand

d) shoulder girdle

10. What is the adaptive significance of dark skin color in the Negroid race:

11. Which of the following signs is attributed to human atavisms:

d) the presence of five-fingered limbs

12. Who had the most developed chin protuberance: a) Pithecanthropus

b) Sinanthropus c) Neanderthal d) Cro-Magnon

13. What is the place of man in the taxonomy of living organisms?

Testing on the topic "Human Evolution"

Option 2.

Choose one correct answer

1. What Not


a) Chinese man b) ape man c) skilled man

d) homo erectus

c) Cro-Magnons and modern people d) modern people

7. What are human races a) different populations

8. What is the significance of light skin in Caucasians a) repelling ultraviolet rays b) trapping ultraviolet rays

9. In the process of settling people on the planet, the last people to populate were:

10. What does the development of brow ridges indicate in human ancestors?

d) upright posture

11. Homo sapiens is distinguished from other types of people by: a) the ability to produce tools b) the development of care for offspring

12. Who studied the social factors of anthropogenesis:

a) Engels b) Darwin c) Lamarck d) Linnaeus

Give a short answer to the question

13. Make a human evolutionary tree.


Option 1

1b 2a 3c 4a 5d 6c 7a 8c 9c 10a 11a 12d

Option 2

1b 2a 3c 4d 5b 6c 7a 8b 9a 10a 11d 12a

Testing on the topic "Human Evolution"

Option 1

Choose one correct answer

1. The main factor of anthropogenesis is: a) social way of life b) work c) speech d) rational activity

2. The reason for the emergence of upright walking was: a) arid climate b) herd lifestyle c) the need to free up hands d) work activity

3. What does “australopithecus” mean in Latin: a) Australian monkey b) ancient man c) southern monkey

d) the oldest monkey

4. The similarity between humans and mammals indicates their:

a) kinship b) same level of organization c) convergent similarity

d) origin from different ancestors

5. Unlike apes, humans have:

a) Rh factor b) rational activity c) four-chambered heart d) abstract thinking

6. Who had the most developed chin protuberance: a) Pithecanthropus

b) Sinanthropus c) Neanderthal d) Cro-Magnon.

7. The number of cervical vertebrae in humans, as in all mammals, is 1) 10, 2) 7, 3) 12, 4) 11.

Give a short answer to the question

1. What is the place of man in the taxonomy of living organisms?

Testing on the topic "Human Evolution"

Option 2.

Choose one correct answer

1. What Not belong to the social factors of human evolution:

a) speech b) upright posture c) work d) consciousness

2. Due to upright walking, changes in the structure of the foot have occurred in humans: a) an arch has formed b) the claws have turned into nails c) the phalanges of the toes have fused together d) the big toe is opposed to all the others

3. Which of the following signs of people are considered rudiments:

a) multiple nipples b) the presence of a tail c) the remainder of the third eyelid

d) excess body hair.

4. On the driving forces of anthropogenesisNot include: a) the struggle for existence b) social way of life c) hereditary variability

d) modification variability

5. What does “pithecanthropus” mean in Latin:

a) Chinese man b) ape man c) skilled man d) homo erectus

6. What kind of people belong to the species Homo sapiens:

a) Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons b) Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus

c) Cro-Magnons and modern people d) modern people.

7. Based on what factors is the relationship between humans and animals confirmed? 1) general plan of the structure, 2) upright walking, 3) features of the structure and feeding with milk, 4) similarity of emotions.

Give a short answer to the question

1. What consequences does upright walking have for human health?

Testing on the topic "Human Evolution"

Option 3

Choose one correct answer

1. The human skull differs from the skull of primates in a) the presence of only one movable bone b) the presence of sutures between the bones of the brain part c) a more developed brain part d) the structure of bone tissue

2. The biological factor that ensures the development of thinking at the early stage of human evolution is considered to be: a) progressive development of the brain b) care for offspring c) four-chambered heart d) increase in the respiratory surface of the lungs

3. The ability to make simple tools first appeared in:

a) Dryopithecus b) Ramapithecus c) Australopithecus d) Neanderthals

4. Which part of the human upper limb has undergone the greatest changes in the process of evolution: a) shoulder b) forearm c) hand, d) shoulder girdle

5. What is the adaptive significance of dark skin color in the Negroid race:

a) protection from ultraviolet rays

b) protection from enemies c) adaptation to high air temperatures

d) improvement of the respiratory function of the skin

6. Which of the following signs is attributed to human atavisms:

a) presence of a tail b) division of the body into sections c) appendix

d) the presence of five-fingered limbs.

7. Select a feature by which a person can be classified as a Mammal: 1) pulmonary respiration, 2) two circles of blood circulation, 3) the brain, consisting of five sections, 4) division of teeth into incisors, canines and molars.

Give a short answer to the question

1. What do humans and apes have in common?

Testing on the topic "Human Evolution"

Option 4.

Choose one correct answer

1. What are human races a) different populations

b) different species c) different genera d) different families

2. What is the significance of light skin in Caucasians a) repelling ultraviolet rays b) trapping ultraviolet rays

c) protection against hypothermia d) improved skin respiration

3. In the process of settlement of people on the planet, the last people to be populated were:

A) America b) Africa c) Europe d) Asia

4. What does the development of brow ridges indicate in human ancestors?

a) food composition b) speech development c) brain volume

d) upright posture.

5. Homo sapiens is distinguished from other types of people by: a) the ability to produce tools b) the development of care for offspring

c) the use of fuel and clothing d) the emergence of science and art

6. Who studied the social factors of anthropogenesis:

a) Engels b) Darwin c) Lamarck d) Linnaeus.

7. Human rudiments are: 1) caudal vertebrae, 2) external ear, 3) diaphragm, 4) pelvic bones.

Give a short answer to the question

1. By what characteristics are humans classified as mammals?





(theoretical part)

tests in the form of the Unified State Exam


9 – 11 CLASS


biology teacher

Andreeva Elvira Yurievna

Norilsk – 2010

Test option No. 1

(theme “Human Evolution”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

A1. The evolution of man, in contrast to the evolution of the plant and animal world, occurs under the influence of:

    biological and social factors 3) only social factors only biological factors 4) mostly biological factors
A2. Morphological and physiological changes in human ancestors that contributed to its formation are called:
    modifications 3) degeneration by biological regression 4) anthropomorphoses
A3. Upright walking is considered an important change in human evolution, as it contributed to:
    closer communication between human ancestors, faster movement across the earth, freeing up hands and development of labor activity, settlement of new territories
A4. The closest common ancestor of humans and apes is considered to be:
    Dryopithecus 3) Australopithecus Pithecanthropus 4) Sinanthropus
A5. Homo erectus includes:
    Neanderthal 3) Pithecanthropus Australopithecus 4) Cro-Magnon
A6. The social way of life, the use of fire, and the construction of dwellings first appeared in:
    Neanderthals 3) Australopithecines Sinanthropus 4) Cro-Magnons
A7. The production of complex tools, the construction of settlements, and the emergence of agriculture were characteristic of:
    Neanderthals 3) Cro-Magnons Pithecanthropus 4) modern humans
A8. The oldest people include:
    Neanderthals and Pithecanthropus 3) Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus Australopithecines and Neanderthals 4) Dryopithecus and Pithecanthropus

A9. One of the results of the evolution of Neanderthals was:

    upright walking 3) use of tools the appearance of primitive speech 4) change in the shape of the skull
A10. Human evolution is -
    macroevolution 3) organogenesis microevolution 4) anthropogenesis

IN 1. Select several correct statements. It is believed that the most ancient people: A. no longer had powerful brow ridges. brain mass reached 600 g. They hunted buffalo, rhinoceroses, and deer. There was no chin protrusion D. brain mass reached 800 – 1000 g.E. knew how to use fire

    maintaining a fire A. Pithecanthropus caring for others B. Neanderthal making fire simple forms of collective activity speech consisting of individual cries the rudiments of articulate speech

C1. What is the evidence for the origin of humans from animals?
C2. What are the main stages of anthropogenesis?

Test option No. 2

(theme “Human Evolution”)

The test consists of 3 parts.

The first part contains questions under the letter A. In them you need to choose only one correct answer.

The second part contains questions under the letter B. These tasks can be:

    or to choose several correct answers;

    tasks to establish correspondence positions between processes and objects, as well as a description of their properties and characteristics;

    tasks to determine the sequence of biological phenomena or processes

The third part (under the letter “C”) includes a detailed answer to the question posed.

A1. In the early stages of human evolution, in the era of Pithecanthropus, the main role was played by the following factors:

    social 3) biological predominantly social 4) biological and social factors
A2. The unity of team members and communication, first with the help of sounds and then words, was facilitated by
    upright posture 3) walking on the ground work activity 4) eating meat
A3. The main difference between human labor activity and animal behavior is:
    making tools, using environmental items for protection from predators, using environmental items for hunting, using environmental items for cultivating land
A4. The most ancient people include:
    Neanderthal 3) Australopithecus Pithecanthropus 4) Dryopithecus
A5. The appearance of tribal communities, rituals, and rock paintings is typical for:
    Neanderthals 3) modern humans Pithecanthropus 4) Cro-Magnons
A6. Making primitive tools and maintaining fire was already typical for:
    Neanderthals 3) Pithecanthropus Australopithecines 4) Cro-Magnons
A7. The stages of the predecessor of man in his evolution correspond to:
    Dryopithecus 3) Neanderthals Pithecanthropus 4) Australopithecus
A8. The ability of Australopithecines to use primitive tools was associated with:
    an increase in brain volume 3) a change in the structure of the teeth with the appearance of a five-fingered limb 4) flexibility of the hand and opposition of the 1st finger
A9. The manufacture of complex machines and mechanisms, the development of science, art, and technology are typical for:
    Neanderthals 3) Pithecanthropus of modern humans 4) Cro-Magnons
A10. The decisive step on the path to man was the appearance of:
    social way of life 3) articulate speech tool 4) upright walking

IN 1. Select several correct statements. It is believed that ancient people: A. They lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa from 300 thousand years to 30 thousand years agoB. They lived in Africa from 300 thousand years to 30 thousand years ago. Late European Neanderthals are characterized by: strong development of the eyebrows, a wide cavity of the molars, an occipital ridge, and a volume of the brain cavity from 1350 to 1700 cm3.G. It is believed that the Neanderthals of Europe are descendants of migrants from Africa. Stone processing was characterized by a high level of splitting technology and secondary processing of flakes. Late Neanderthals were characterized by burying their dead.
AT 2. Find a correspondence between the characteristics characteristic of humans and representatives among fossil forms of humans:

      social way of life A. Neanderthal man use of fire B. Cro-Magnon man the appearance of rituals the construction of dwellings the appearance of rock paintings the appearance of tribal communities

C1. Give a detailed answer to the following question. How is it proven that all races belong to the same species, Homo sapiens?

C2. Give a detailed answer to the following question. What is the role of biological and social factors in the process of human evolution?

Answer key to the test on human origins.

question number