Evgeniy Yurievich Epov is a hero. Personalities. New combat mission

Evgeniy Yurievich Epov(1988-2012) - sergeant of the Chelyabinsk special forces detachment “Obereg” of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Hero of the Russian Federation (2012).


Born on October 4, 1988 in the village of Milgidun, Chernyshevsky district, Chita region (now Trans-Baikal Territory). He studied at a local school, and since childhood he was fond of sports, playing boxing and football. He graduated from vocational school No. 20 in Chernyshevsk with honors.

After completing his military service, he remained to serve under a contract in the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chelyabinsk, where he lived with his common-law wife Anastasia Vershinina. In October 2009, Evgeniy successfully passed qualification tests and received the right to wear a maroon beret. In November 2011, Sergeant E. Yu. Epov was sent as part of the 23rd Special Forces Detachment (military unit No. 6830) on another business trip to conduct counter-terrorism operations in the Republic of Dagestan.


On January 27, 2012, a group of special forces escorted FSB operatives in the Kizlyar region. In the forest area between the village of Chernyaevka and the Ukrainsky farm, militants from the so-called Kizlyar bandit group organized an ambush. When trying to block five terrorists holed up in a dugout, a battle broke out. The bandits opened fire with machine guns and machine guns. As a result of the armed clash, all the militants were destroyed, but four Chelyabinsk special forces soldiers were also killed, among them Sergeant Epov. 23-year-old Evgeny Epov, the oldest of the fighters of the 23rd detachment and the only one of them who had a maroon beret, covered with his body a hand grenade thrown into the group. The militants threw two hand grenades. One, having exploded, fortunately, did not cause any harm. The second fell next to Epov’s guys. Evgeniy shouted: “Grenade!” and covered it with his own body. The explosion threw him up and turned him on his back. At the cost of his life, Sergeant Epov ensured the completion of the combat mission. Thanks to him, the losses were less than they could have been.

By Decree of the President of Russia dated April 28, 2012 No. 532, Sergeant Evgeny Yuryevich Epov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for heroism, courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.

He was buried on February 3, 2012 in the cemetery of the village of Milgidun, Chernyshevsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory, where his mother, Valentina Ivanovna Kozhukhovskaya, lives.

The group combs the copse, but finds nothing. The bandits were thoroughly disguised. The group commander decides to conduct a repeated and denser combing. One of Epov’s subordinates finds the cache hatch and lifts it. Grenades suddenly fly out of the hatch and machine gun fire is heard. The discovered bandits break out of their holes and group in one place behind cover. The furious fire from their side does not stop.

Eopov orders his subordinates to disperse. The special forces keep the bandits in a tight ring of fire. Realizing the hopelessness of their situation, the terrorists make a breakthrough. Dozens of grenades are flying from their direction. Two special forces soldiers are killed and three more are seriously wounded by shrapnel. The fire on their side is weakening. The bandits are trying to take advantage of this: they want to break out of the encirclement through the positions of the wounded special forces, finish them off, and at the same time use their weapons. Sergeant Epov fires daggers at the militants, preventing them from getting closer to their wounded comrades.

At this moment, a hand grenade flies from the side of those breaking through and falls next to the wounded special forces who could not hide from the explosion. Sergeant Epov shouted “Grenade!” and covered her with his body. The next moment there was an explosion...

The special forces who came to the rescue completely destroyed the bandit group. Only after the battle it became clear that Sergeant Evgeny Epov, at the cost of his life, ensured the completion of the combat mission and saved his comrades from death...

A couple of years ago, Evgeny Epov was contracted to serve in Chelyabinsk, in the 23rd special forces detachment. He was one of the first to receive a maroon beret. Zhenya was even shown on Channel One in a story about the army.

He was our main cheerful fellow,” recalls the detachment’s political officer, Semyon Vyacheslavovich Sharapov. - During my trips to Dagestan, I took part in KVN games between fighters: it’s very difficult without humor in hot spots. And when he remained in Chelyabinsk, he took care of the families of his comrades who were on business trips. I visited their parents and helped with housework if required.
From his homeland, from Transbaikalia, his fiancee went to fetch Evgeniy. She got a job as a school teacher. After getting married, they received official housing. Zhenya loved his wife very much and protected her from prying eyes, almost never showing her to friends. At the same time, he received higher education at a technical university. There were a lot of plans for life...

Father always blesses us on the road, his friends say. - Zhenya, like all of us, was a believer. There are no atheists in war. And he knew well the words of Christ from the Gospel that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. To a person who has accomplished such a feat, God gives eternal life...

Four people and one date of death - January 27. The plane with the bodies of the dead soldiers landed in Chelyabinsk at 8 pm. Despite the severe frost, the thermometer dropped below minus thirty, several hundred people came to meet the fighters: comrades, relatives, friends. Before this, the ship made a landing in Orenburg, where the body of Evgeniy Sadchikov was handed over to relatives. Video footage from November 2011 shows him holding the unit's banner. Alexander Poryadin, commander of the Ural Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said: “One of our servicemen covered the grenade with his chest and died. Two servicemen were mortally wounded and died on the spot. One subsequently died after being wounded in the helicopter.”

After the farewell, the body of Evgeny Epov was sent to the Chita region, and two residents of the South Urals - Denis Kozlov and Evgeny Malov - were escorted by honorary escort to their relatives in the village of Ozerny, Bredinsky district and in Kasli.

By presidential decree, Sergeant Evgeny Epov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

04.10.1988 - 27.01.2012
Hero of the Russian Federation

E pov Evgeniy Yurievich - commander of the assault squad of the 23rd special forces detachment of the Ural regional command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, sergeant.

Born on October 4, 1988 in the village of Milgidun, now Chernyshevsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory. Russian. In 2003, he graduated from nine classes of the Milgidun Secondary School, and in 2006, with honors, from the Chernyshevsky Vocational School No. 20.

In 2006, he was called up for military service in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since 2007, he served under contract in the 23rd special forces detachment (military unit 6830) of the Ural Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, stationed in Chelyabinsk. In October 2009, based on the results of qualification tests, he received the right to wear a maroon beret. Repeatedly performed service and combat missions during counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus region.

In November 2011, he was sent on another business trip to conduct counter-terrorism operations in the Republic of Dagestan. On January 27, 2012, Sergeant E.Yu. Epov took part in special events to search for and eliminate a bandit group in a forest in the Kizlyar region of the Republic of Dagestan. During reconnaissance and search activities, units of internal troops discovered a carefully disguised base of militants and entered into battle with them.

Commanding the side patrol, E.Yu.Epov assessed the situation and dispersed personnel to firing positions. The bandits repeatedly tried to break through the battle formations of the special forces. E.Yu.Epov confidently led his subordinates, and he himself conducted aimed fire at the enemy. The militants, throwing hand fragmentation grenades at the positions of the special forces, made another attempt to break through. At a critical moment in the battle, when the militants’ fire became especially dense, several special forces soldiers were wounded by shrapnel.

Not giving the militants the opportunity to approach the wounded, E.Yu. Epov rushed to the aid of his comrades, covering their evacuation with fire. At this time, he noticed how a hand grenade fell next to the wounded soldiers, who could not hide from the explosion. Without thinking, he shouted “Grenade!” and covered it with his body. The next moment there was an explosion. The special forces who arrived to help evacuated the wounded from the line of fire and completely destroyed the bandit group.

Only after the battle it became clear that E.Yu. Epov, at the cost of his own life, ensured the completion of the combat mission. In this battle, the special forces detachment suffered significant losses among contract servicemen: in addition to E.Yu. Epov, Sergeant D.B. Kozlov, Junior Sergeant E.G. Malov and Corporal A.A. Sadchikov were killed, and four more were injured.

He was buried in the cemetery in the village of Milgidun, Chernyshevsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory.

U Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 532 dated April 28, 2012 for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region, sergeant Epov Evgeniy Yurievich awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

On July 20, 2012, at a solemn ceremony in the Great Hall of the garrison House of Officers in Chita, the Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory R.F. Geniatulin and the chief inspector-coordinator of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Colonel General S.S. Topchiy, presented the special insignia of the Hero of the Russian Federation - medal "Gold Star" (No. 991) to his mother - Valentina Ivanovna Kozhukhovskaya.

Sergeant (2011). Awarded the anniversary medal “200 years of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (2011).

In 2012, his name was forever included in the lists of personnel of the 23rd special forces detachment of the Ural Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In September 2012, a memorial stele in his honor was unveiled in Chita at the “Military and Labor Glory of Transbaikalians” Memorial. Memorial plaques in his honor were installed on the buildings of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Railways (in 2012) and Chernyshevsky Vocational School No. 20 (in 2013), as well as at the Milgidun Secondary School.

Many young guys dream of serving in the army, getting a decent education, achieving success in their careers and having a strong family. Most of the dreams come true, but some of the guys are not destined to fulfill them, because their lives are cut short in military service. One of these guys is Evgeniy Yurievich Epov. He was a special forces sergeant who died while performing a combat mission.

Brief description of Zhenya's childhood

Epov Evgeniy Yurievich was born on October 4, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight. He grew up in the small village of Milgidun, which is located in (currently Trans-Baikal Territory).

The boy was fond of sports throughout his childhood, playing football and boxing. He graduated from nine classes in a regular high school, after which he entered college. Evgeniy graduated with honors.

Service to the Motherland

In two thousand and six, Evgeniy Yuryevich Epov went to serve in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After serving for a year, he decided to continue his military career and stayed, signing a contract. His place of service was in Chelyabinsk, where Evgeniy met his love - Anastasia Vershinina, who became his common-law wife.

In October two thousand and nine, he successfully completed qualification tests and received full right to wear

Epov Evgeniy Yuryevich more than once took part in service and combat missions that were assigned for the purpose of counter-terrorism operations. These tasks were carried out by his detachment in the North Caucasus region.

New combat mission

The next business trip for Evgeny was a trip to Dagestan. It was in November two thousand and eleven. His squad was to take part in a counter-terrorist operation, clearing out militants. They were sent to where on January twenty-seventh two thousand and twelve they entered into battle with a group of militants. The case took place in a forest area, the bandits were hiding from the law there, but were discovered by special forces.

The feat of Evgeny Epov

Epov Evgeniy Yurievich, whose photo you can see in this article, commanded his detachment. He dispersed the people, trying to detain the militants who wanted to break through the special forces.

Epov Evgeniy Yuryevich, commanding his people, himself resisted the bandits. The militants threw grenades, which at one point injured many children.

Evgeniy, the eldest of the guys in his group, went to help his wounded comrades, not allowing opponents to approach them. He, firing back, moved closer and closer to his guys. Suddenly the militants threw another hand grenade towards the wounded commandos. Evgeniy, without thinking for long, rushed to her. But realizing that there was simply no time to throw it away, he fell for it. Thus, Evgeniy saved many guys by covering the grenade with himself, taking the full power of the explosion upon himself.

In addition to Zhenya, three more guys died in this battle, four were seriously injured, but survived.

Help arrived in time for the fighters, carried the wounded to a safe place and completely destroyed those remaining from the bandit group.

After everything was finished, it became clear that Epov, at the cost of his own life, helped complete the combat mission assigned to them. Within one day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops lost their best fighters.

At the time of his death, Evgeniy was only twenty-three years old. He was buried in the cemetery of his native village, where Zhenya’s mother, Valentina Ivanovna Kozhukhovskaya, currently lives. For her, the loss of her beloved son became the tragedy of her life.

The funeral took place on February 3, 2012. A monument was erected in his honor near the school where Zhenya studied. Epov Evgeniy Yuryevich, whose biography is so short and sad, became a hero not only in his village, but throughout Russia. In Chita, a stele was erected in his honor next to the residents of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Epov Evgeniy Yurievich - Hero of Russia

For the courage, boldness and heroism that Evgeniy showed on his last battlefield, by presidential decree he was posthumously given the title of Hero of Russia. This decree was signed on the twenty-eighth of April two thousand and twelve.

In July of the same year, a ceremony took place in the garrison house of officers in the city of Chita. Valentina Ivanovna - Evgeniy's mother - was given the Gold Star medal. This medal is a sign of special distinction for the Hero of the Russian Federation. The medal was presented by the governor of the region and the chief inspector of the command of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Evgeniy’s name was forever included in the twenty-third combat detachment, in the ranks of which he went to Dagestan. Memorial plaques in memory of Evgeny Epov were placed at the school where he once studied, and at the Chelyabinsk Institute of Railways.

The whole country mourned the loss of its citizen. Many people in Russia know about his feat and remember.

There are few such brave guys in the world as Evgeniy Yurievich Epov was. This guy was a real hero, he did not spare his life so that other guys could live. Eternal memory and honor to him.