Research work “Ecological factors influencing the life activity of bees. Environmental problems of beekeeping and possible solutions to them Is it possible to sleep on bee hives

Heavy metals in nectaries and anthers of fireweed in residential areas

Oct, 2013

Published by: Petr_MS

The perennial, cross-pollinated plant sainfoin has a high feeding value, is well eaten by livestock, and is an excellent honey plant. Its red-pink flowers are collected in thick long racemes. Violet veins are visible at the base of the flower flag, indicating the path to nectar for pollinators. According to research by V.K. Pelmenev and L.F. Kharitonova (1986), the nectary of a flower is located at the bottom of the flower tube.

Oct, 2013

Published by: Petr_MS

International Convention on Biological Diversity

In 1992, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Russia signed the Convention on Biological Diversity (http:/ documen/convents/biodiv.htm), and ratified it in 1995.

The term “biological diversity” refers to the variability of living organisms, including within the same species. The signing of this international obligation was dictated by the realization “... lasting value biological diversity, as well as environmental, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic significance.”

Sep, 2013

Published by: Petr_MS

Honey bees are in danger

I remember the wonderful years of working with bees before 1978, when in the spring and summer the colonies grew and developed very rapidly. It happened that you would come to the apiary after a week's break, and all the hives there were full of bees. And you begin to hastily expand your nests. And they developed this way because there was no varroatosis or ascospherosis, and the honey-bearing flora was richer and more diverse then.

Aug, 2013

Published by: Petr_MS

Seed production of Siberian sainfoin

Onobrychis sibirica (Syrj.) Turcz. ex Grossh.] of the legume family - a relatively tall (124-130 cm) perennial herbaceous plant, reaching its maximum height in the third year of life. It grows in steppe meadows, on southern slopes and as a weed near fields and roads in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Western Siberia. A wonderful honey plant. According to data from the Kemerovo beekeeping station,

Aug, 2013

Published by: Petr_MS

The main pests of honey bees in the Udmurd Republic

The life of bee families is closely connected with the environment. , like other representatives of fauna, natural predators and pests cause significant damage, knowledge of which will allow us to identify optimal measures to combat them and ensure higher profitability of the industry.

Aug, 2013

Published by: Petr_MS

Attention - marten!

The village where the bees live is small and dying out. The gardens are running wild, overgrown with bird cherry and maple. Foxes, hares, and martens appeared. Two years ago I came to my bees at the end of March and saw this picture.

Do people often think about the benefits bees bring to nature?

Everyone knows why they are beneficial to people. Many people associate them with honey and other bee products, which are used for various purposes: in the treatment of diseases, cooking, cosmetics, simply as food or as a dietary supplement.

Every beekeeper has friends who will say that we don’t need these products, we don’t use them. How then can you explain to them what the benefits of bees are?

Not every person knows about the value of honey-bearing insects in nature. But on planet Earth, the lives of bees and flower plants are closely connected. They cannot exist without each other.

The reasons for this phenomenon: uncontrolled use of pesticides, pesticides, breeding work to create self-pollinating and genetically modified plants and agricultural production. crops

Scientists have already calculated that the further disappearance of honey insects will lead to a deterioration in global food security throughout the world.

More than 20 thousand species of flowering plants will disappear from the Earth, which will undermine the foundations of the Earth's ecosystems.

So don't forget about the benefits bees provide and remember that they provide more than just honey.

You can watch the film “The Silence of the Bees” about what will happen when bees disappear, about the problems that concern beekeepers today.

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Greening of all types of work, incl. and in agriculture - one of the prerequisites for fruitful, safe and sustainable development in modern society. Nowadays, agricultural production requires special approaches to ensure growth without large additional costs.

In this regard, beekeeping provides invaluable assistance in increasing crop production. Pollination by bees of many agricultural crops provides a significant increase in yield.

At the same time, it should be noted that intensive human economic activity worsens the living conditions of especially wild bees. This includes the plowing of fallow lands and inconvenient areas, and the reduction of ruderal vegetation with hollow stems - the main nesting sites for wild bees. The widespread mowing of flowering vegetation for hay and the treatment of crops with herbicides lead to a decrease in the food supply for them and, as a consequence, to a significant decrease in the number of wild pollinator species. Therefore, one cannot count on satisfactory pollinating activity of the few wild insects. This work can only be provided by honey bees.

According to the Beekeeping Research Institute, one bee family has an environmentally beneficial effect on 250 hectares of land, and all apiaries available in Russia - on 27 million hectares. Keeping bees in these areas increases the yield of apples by up to 300%, strawberries by 150%, cherries by 30%, sunflowers, buckwheat by 40%, meadow clover and alfalfa, according to our research, by 40-100%.

By participating in cross-pollination, bees contribute to the reproduction and formation of plant cover on the earth. They provide all other living organisms with plant food, replenish the atmosphere with free oxygen and free it from carbon dioxide. This is the only unique technique that successfully combines the interests of agronomists and beekeepers. The agronomist is interested in increasing productivity, the beekeeper is interested in having . And these interests are achieved by one method - bee pollination.

Bee pollination, as the most important factor in increasing productivity, in many cases occurs without human intervention. Because of this, apparently, its importance is often underestimated. Low yields are explained by poor agricultural practices, lack of nutrients, bad weather, pests, and not a word is mentioned about pollination. Meanwhile, it has been established that the cost of marketable agricultural products obtained with the help of bees is 10-15 times higher than the cost of direct beekeeping products (honey, wax, pollen, etc.).

The leading role of honey bees is explained by the fact that they live in large families (50-70 thousand individuals) and are able to collect a lot of honey and pollen in reserve, visiting a large number of flowers for this purpose.

It should be emphasized that bee pollination is the cheapest, most profitable and environmentally friendly way to increase the productivity of entomophilous, field and fruit crops, as well as protected soil crops. According to our calculations, the total need for bees to fully pollinate agricultural crops grown using advanced technologies is 532 thousand families.

The deterioration of the ecological situation and pollution of the biosphere occurs mainly as a result of human economic activity. According to scientists of our republic, at least 30 kg of sulfuric and nitric acid falls on every hectare of arable land, which has led to the deterioration of the bee habitat between the Volga and the Urals.

Thus, in Bashkortostan, for this reason, the number of bee colonies decreased in the public sector by 30%, among the population - by 17.8%. And as a result, the yields of horticultural crops, cereals, oilseeds and legumes have noticeably decreased.

Significant damage to beekeeping is caused by the unreasonable use of chemical methods of controlling pests, plant diseases and weeds. Of course, the method is quite effective, profitable and accessible for widespread use. However, most pesticides are harmful to both humans and bees and other insects, animals and birds.

Bee products - honey, pollen, wax and honey, which are widely used in medicine and cosmetics, must be especially environmentally friendly.

M.M.Akchurin, R.A.Zaripov, S.B.Bakhtiyarova, R.B.Zinnurov
Bashkir experimental beekeeping station

In this article, the author talks about the benefits of bees for humans. A brief description of such beekeeping products as honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly, and bee venom is given. Specific facts about the benefits of bees for the flora of the planet and all humanity are given.

Of all the insects living on the planet, the bee is one of the most useful for humans. The worker bee not only provides healing products that are unique in their composition, but also pollinates plants, contributing to the continuation of life on Earth.

The benefits of bees for humans are explained by the fact that all bee products are natural antibiotics. They, unlike pharmaceuticals that destroy pathogenic and beneficial microflora with equal force, act selectively, preventing the growth and development of harmful microorganisms. In the process of life, a bee produces the following substances: honey, bee bread, royal jelly, propolis, wax, bee venom. Even a dead bee has a number of healing properties. Medicinal tinctures are made from bee pestilence.

In ancient times, honey was called the food of the gods and liquid gold. It was believed that its use gives strength, relieves diseases, and prolongs life.

Thanks to its rich mineral complex, honey treats gastrointestinal and cold infectious diseases, and helps strengthen the immune system. It has been noticed that there are no alcoholics among the beekeepers. It is enough to consume 150-200 g of medicinal treats every day to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Wax is a valuable product widely used in many industries. Based on it, many pharmaceutical and cosmetic products are produced. To prevent the development of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to chew beeswax.

Royal jelly is the most unique substance on the planet, containing a lot of useful microelements. If an ordinary worker bee lives no more than 30 days during the honey harvest period, then the queen bee, with an active lifestyle, lays up to 2000 eggs daily, lives up to 6 years.

And she eats exclusively bee milk. Royal jelly is successfully used to treat many diseases of varying severity.

Propolis is another bee product used for ingestion in its pure form and for preparing tinctures. It is used to treat burns, frostbite, purulent wounds, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Many centuries ago, people noticed that beekeepers and wild honey hunters do not suffer from joint diseases. As it turns out, this is a consequence of a bee sting. Bee venom is an excellent healing agent. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves the functioning of cardiovascular and nervous activity.

Even a child knows what benefits bees bring. The entire modern plant world owes its diversity to this insect. Thanks to the bee, man rapidly developed agricultural activities, growing food for himself and livestock. Working bees tirelessly pollinate plants in fields measuring tens of thousands of hectares.

The most modern technology will not be able to replace them and do the job so delicately. When collecting nectar, pollen sticks to the fluffy body of the insect. It is carried by bees from one flower to another, promoting plant reproduction. They also act as pest fighters, leaving them with no sweet nectar and depriving them of nutrition.

The benefits of bees are obvious. Man cannot survive without these hardworking insects. The bee works every day, dying in flight. She cares about people and we don't. Over the past 100 years, more than half of bee species have disappeared. Scientists have calculated that 4 years after the complete disappearance of this beneficial insect from the face of the planet, humanity will die from hunger and lack of oxygen.

The impact of urbanization on the environment. bee protection

The huge scale of urban and road construction, industrial processing of natural resources and chemicalization of agriculture have led to significant disturbances in the ecology of flora and fauna. According to N. Stoilov (Union of Beekeepers of Bulgaria, 1997), 98% of substances obtained in nature eventually turn into waste. Almost all of this mass pollutes the soil, water and air. In agriculture, about 5 billion tons of mineral fertilizers and 3 million tons of toxic substances, including pesticides, are used annually. All this does not go unnoticed for the bees. Moreover, it has been established that of all representatives of the animal world they are the most sensitive to environmental pollution. As a result of these reasons, in a number of once prosperous areas of beekeeping, this industry has fallen into decline.

Poisoning of bees on a large scale can occur due to industrial waste released into the atmosphere, spreading over 30 kilometers or more. It has been established that during the active period of life of bees, their death is most often observed during a decrease in atmospheric pressure and drizzling rains. Under such conditions, industrial waste, when distributed over long distances, intensively falls on plants.

Great damage to beekeeping is caused by waste from chemical, oil refineries, aluminum, phosphate, bauxite and brick factories. Magnesium dust is especially toxic to bees, exposure to which in certain regions leads to a complete cessation of beekeeping. Industrial wastes containing arsenic and carbon oxides, fluorine, hydrogen sulfide, phosphorus and chlorine compounds, lead, zinc, titanium and other elements are harmful and to a certain extent toxic to bees.

The harmful effects of industrial waste can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, arsenic oxide can accumulate in honey and bee bread, and bees poisoned by it die in late winter and early spring. The proximity of oil refineries leads to outbreaks of ascospherosis and increased death of queens.

The use of pesticides causes great harm to beekeeping. More than 350 chemicals are approved for use in agriculture. Let us recall that pesticides are divided into insecticides that act on harmful insects, herbicides that act on weeds, and fungicides that destroy pathogenic fungi. Of course, the use of these means, along with positive effects, also causes negative consequences. The use of pesticides leads to large losses of bee colonies, especially in those areas where notification of such actions is not established and penalties are not applied to violators.

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