Programs. Introduction to the Hologram: Stanislav Müller read book online, read for free How to switch to family education

I asked this question to many people - and almost always received the same negative answer, just expressed in a different form. What a question? Yes, the same one that you just asked yourself:

Is it possible to improve your memory by 2 times in 45 minutes?

Think back to yourself 10 or 20 years ago. And it’s better even earlier, if your age allows you. Did you have a cell phone then? What about a personal computer? How often did you use the Internet at that time?

If you track the pace of scientific and technical progress in technology, then it will most likely be quite clear to you that other areas of our life also have a chance to develop at the same speed.

Today, after special training, people can read fluently at a speed of 15 seconds per page. And now the time has come for equally rapid and effective memory development. Of course, if you already live in the third millennium. Those who are stuck in the last century, or worse, in the deep Middle Ages, are unlikely to be able to accept the reality of the present time. All that remains is to wish everyone who seeks and goes to live in step with the times, and maybe even ahead of it in some ways.

Istanbul. June 15, 2006. An office on the fourth floor in the center of this amazing, seemingly ageless city. In the front row among those studying in the holographic memory group is a sixty-year-old opera singer. Sings fluently in five languages. I came to improve my memory specifically for mastering the Russian language. I ask her:

Why do you want to know Russian?

I have long wanted to speak Russian and read Tolstoy in the original. But Russian is a very difficult language, and I hope that these courses will help me jog my memory.

Our dialogue is in English - the Turkish woman does not know Russian, and I do not speak Turkish. This is already the third lesson in a compressed cycle of the training course - her eyes begin to sparkle with contented lights - she feels a significant improvement in the memorability and recall of information. Two days ago, she remembered - completely unexpectedly for herself - half of the children from the first grade, although she had always believed that these memories were lost to her forever. And in the middle of this training, another shock awaited her - she was able to freely memorize poems, simply by sketching them in the form of pictograms, quickly and firmly.

May 28, 2003. “Extraordinary Personalities” show at the “Letur” nightclub (currently the “Citrus” club) in the center of Omsk. On stage - Nikolai Zubov. The host announces him as a person whose memory has no boundaries. The bright light of multi-colored spotlights blinds the eyes. A minute earlier, an excerpt from the film “Rain Man” was scrolling on a large video screen about two brothers, one of whom had a naturally phenomenal memory, thanks to which they won 80 thousand dollars in a casino in one evening.

An hour before his exit, Nikolai handed out cards with numbers to everyone entering the hall, asking their names. And, naturally, I remembered. And as the third number in this program, he already performed on stage, calling by name everyone who came out to the center of the hall. The audience escorted him from the stage with friendly applause, and during the break they surrounded him, showing their cards and asking for names. Nikolai, in turn, spent about ten minutes reciting people’s names from memory and answering questions from the enthusiastic audience. I was pleased to see the triumph experienced by a man who by nature did not have a phenomenal memory, but who managed to develop it to such a high level through easy training.

During our last lesson, two days before the performance, Nikolai said that he could already freely remember up to three hundred names in a row. And only if there are more names, sometimes it starts to get confusing.

Yulia was brought to memory courses by her dad. He immediately said that money doesn’t matter, the main thing is to develop the graduate’s memory. It was June, and in August she had to take an English language exam to enter a university.

The whole paradox of the situation was that the girl did not study a foreign language at school at all, because she believed that she would not need it. And six months before admission, it turned out that I would have to take an entrance exam in English. As I was later able to verify, she generally had a very unique attitude towards her studies; almost all of her memories when displaying a hologram of the past were the same: I go to the store, I go shopping, I choose something for myself in the store. I didn’t even imagine what kind of trouble I would get myself into when I agreed to work with her seriously.

Naturally, the tutors worked with the girl, but the father frankly said that she still didn’t speak English, although she had been preparing for several months.

As a result, after ten lessons, a radical change occurred in both memory and learning ability: Yulia, in my presence, freely remembered and spoke about the topic “England” in English. And a couple of months later, three of her friends – Natasha, Alena and Sveta – came to the “Super Memory” courses, reporting the good news - Yulia was accepted on a budget! In their group, as in everyone else, at the very first training I focused on a very important feature of the holographic memory course - not only memory improves, but to a large extent this leads to streamlining of thinking, increased learning ability, and improvement of many other processes at the mental level.

Another girl, let’s call her Galya, came to “Supermemory” arm in arm with her mother. The girl had the most serious consequences of cerebral palsy; she could hardly walk on her own, since her body was mercilessly contorted by convulsively compressed muscles, and only the eyes of her amazingly beautiful face betrayed the desire to move, develop, and improve.

Having completed half the course, Galya asked whether she should continue her studies, since she did not see any results. The attending physician, whom she consulted about her memory, said that with such a diagnosis as hers, it is quite natural for her to have mental retardation. I thought differently:

You may not have to pay for further classes, but it is certainly worth continuing your studies.

She had to go through not one cycle, but two in a row before she really felt a change in her memory. On February 23, she brought me a chocolate bar, proudly telling me that she passed the test without tails for the first time. And a few years later, Galya brought and showed me a law degree. She managed, despite pessimistic forecasts and a serious illness, to obtain a higher education, and not just any education, but a legal one.

The pages of this book outline a fundamentally new technology for memory development, the technology of the new millennium. A method that allows you to improve your memory at least twice even with distance learning. And with minimal time investment. Provided that you already live in the present, and do not belong to a well-known category of people who, according to Griboyedov:

“Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers,

The times of Ochakov and the conquest of Crimea.”

Basic provisions

Holographic memory is a volumetric goal O grams of our memories, perceived by us in strictly defined places in the space around us, addressing which gives quality n but b O higher level of memory.

The main provisions of the holographic memory method can be formulated as follows:

Memories in a state of high concentration are perceived by people in strictly defined places in the space around and (or) within themselves strictly individually (each in their own way).

Targeted access to memories (concentration on a specific area in space) increases the quantitative and qualitative indicators of recalled information.

To make it easier to find the memories you need, you can arrange them in a convenient order for working with them.

Recall of touch sensations, as well as sounds, smells, etc., is perceived by most people on other time lines. Connecting them together, coupled with lining them up in a line, both improves memory and harmonizes thinking.

The most durable memorization during repetition is achieved when referring to specific places in space - in the perceived storage location of the initially remembered information, it is recommended to turn on the mental screen and transfer the repeated information to it, which will help increase the brightness of these memories, similar to combining two or more weakly exposed slides together.

Emotional stress helps to increase the brightness of memories in the hologram field.

By organizing memories in chronological order, most people remove their unconscious blinders on unpleasant memories. As a result, the “level of deformation of the general perception of memories” is reduced - when the negative emotional background of an event leads to the displacement from conscious memory of both the episode itself and an entire period of time lasting several days, weeks, months or even years.

A rational increase in time when fixing memorized material on a hologram as a result of its logical or figurative transformations contributes to better memorization.

Thoughtless, irrational repetition of information, leading to an increase in time spent working with educational material, makes the hologram more “blurred” in the space-time field; the required degree of memorization is achieved with much more time.

On the hologram, real actions are best “manifested” and consolidated, and logical conclusions are much weaker.

To retain logical conclusions in memory, it is advisable to use several senses, relying on something real as a background for memorization.

The use of various models when working with a hologram can strengthen or weaken both individual memories and the memory processes as a whole.

Breathing practices, as well as other exercises that have a positive effect on the functioning of thinking, have a similar effect on the hologram.

Repeated daily access to the hologram provides additional improvement in memory performance.

While working with a hologram, the unconscious mind is activated (to one degree or another), which in itself opens up significant opportunities for various mental practices.

It is interesting to watch the development of science, which confirms what was written by the ancient sages. The connection between the physical body and the body of society and the body of the Universe and the forces of nature. Read and watch examples of holographic memory technology by Stanislav Müller

Holographic memory is an ordered, systematic perception of all past experiences and ideas about the future, facilitating a person’s conscious access to any information available in his mind.

The main provisions of the holographic memory method can be formulated as follows.

The process of remembering occurs in a state of high concentration of attention on certain areas of space around and (or) inside the body. This process is individual for each person.

Targeted access to memories (concentration of attention on a specific area in space) increases the quantitative and qualitative indicators of memory.

The hologram is part of the mind of every person, and the conscious arrangement of memories in order greatly facilitates the work of memory and reason.

Memories of touch, sound, and smell occur on different timelines for most people. Combining them with arranging them in straight lines provides both improved memory and harmonization of thinking and leads to the formation of a compact and easy-to-use information space, shaped like a triangle.

The most durable memory during repetition is achieved when referring to specific places in space. When accessing the storage location of initially remembered information, it is recommended to turn on the mental screen and transfer repeated information to it, which will help enhance the vividness of memories. This is similar to combining two or more poorly exposed slides together.

Application areas of holographic memory technology

Strengthening the brightness of memories in the hologram field is facilitated by both emotional stress and life in a state of holistic awareness of oneself in the world.

Once the stress load is removed using this method, most people's unconscious blinders to unpleasant memories are removed. As a result, the level of deformation of the general perception of memories is reduced, when the negative emotional background of an event leads to the displacement from conscious memory of both the episode itself and an entire period of time lasting several days, weeks, months or even years.

A rational increase in time when fixing memorized material on a hologram as a result of its logical or figurative transformations contributes to better memorization.

Thoughtless, irrational repetition of information, leading to an excessive increase in time spent working with educational material, makes the hologram more “blurred” in the “space-time field.” The required degree of memorization is achieved in this case with much more time.

Examples and disadvantages of holographic memory technology

When using a hologram, both real actions and logical conclusions and mood are remembered equally well. At first, to better consolidate logical conclusions in memory, it is advisable to use several senses, relying on something real as a background for memorization. The use of various models when working with a hologram can strengthen or weaken both the memorization of individual episodes and memory as a whole.

Breathing practices, as well as other exercises that have a positive effect on the functioning of thinking, have a similar effect on holographic memory.

Daily repeated access to the hologram helps improve memory.

While working with a hologram, the unconscious mind is activated (to one degree or another), which in itself opens up significant opportunities for various mental practices. Forgiving all grievances and accepting the past and future with love helps not only to remember any information, but also to cope with stress more easily.

Stanislav Müller is a practicing psychologist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, head of the City of Talents center, editor-in-chief of the magazine SUCCESS for everyone. Before you is a fundamentally new technology for memory development. The effectiveness of this method is so high that after just 30 minutes of training in initial skills, information recall improves by one and a half to two times! But the main difference between Stanislav Müller’s method and all those currently existing is that even with distance learning you can improve your memory at least twice. Like life itself, the technique is constantly evolving, supplemented with new unique capabilities and effective techniques. Here is the latest version of the supermemory development method. It allows you to master the most effective mnemonics as you read the book, using special tips and spending a minimum of effort! Use the technologies of the new millennium and discover your own hidden capabilities!

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The given introductory fragment of the book Remember everything: secrets of supermemory. Training book (Stanislav Muller, 2010) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

How to double your memory in 45 minutes, or an introduction to holographic memory

"At the beginning of glorious deeds..."

Several years ago, after finishing the last lesson on memory development, one of the students made a complaint to me:

– Stanislav, people come to you to learn how to remember the text they read. And you offer different mnemonics, we need to do something, strain our brains. Is there really no way to develop your memory so that you can then simply remember everything you need? At that time, this was the only openly expressed misunderstanding of the essence of memory development training in my practice. Typically, people either apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired and then share their successes with me and others, or they stop classes for various reasons, mainly due to changes in their school or work schedule, and then make up for missed classes with another group. However, sometimes we break up due to a simple lack of faith in our capabilities and in the capabilities of the method.

I understood perfectly well that the use of mnemonics seems artificial and inconvenient to many. At the same time, standard memory development is carried out according to similar programs all over the world. (Methods of training “men in black” do not count; this is a topic for a separate conversation.) Since then, I have been constantly worried about this question: how can you easily and quickly memorize, with little or no effort?

At one time, the first positive results in the development of phenomenal memory in students inspired and intoxicated me. But a little time passed, and here it was, sobering up: the rapid development of “absolute” memory in all cases was caused not so much by the skill of the teacher, but by the internal predisposition of the student. For an ordinary person, the path to a paradoxical level of memory takes too much time to talk about putting such learning on stream...

Several years have passed since then. Several years of work and experiments. I was lucky enough to be trained by the most powerful specialists involved in various areas of self-development. And the director of the best school for memory development (“School of Eidetics” in Moscow), Igor Yuryevich Matyugin, helped me to perfectly master not only mnemonics, but also the art of teaching memorization skills to people of different character and abilities.

But, paradoxically, the most seemingly ordinary people helped me make real discoveries (in the field of memory development and not only). Many of them then began working with me through the City of Talents program, rapidly developing their abilities and moving through life at breakneck speed. The result was the creation of “Holographic Memory” - a method that provides rapid and significant development of memory and thinking without the mandatory use of mnemonics.

Let me dwell in more detail on the very moment of the emergence of technology. During one of the brainstorming sessions, Alena Polyakova, a student at the Medical Academy, suggested using the time line to recall information: “You can also try recalling information by referring to specific places on the time line... It was said in an absolutely indifferent tone. Neither this girl nor I thought then that this would later become the starting point in the creation of a fundamentally new method of memory development. Memory, which, despite numerous studies, publications and dissertations, still continues to remain for humanity a blank spot on the map of its own development.

A few hours after the brainstorming, the idea occurred to me that, in addition to the visual timeline, there could also be an auditory, bodily, olfactory and gustatory timeline. That same evening I checked it for myself and was literally shocked: these lines really exist. Moreover, they all have different configurations!

Imagine a situation where memories of the same event are perceived differently through different channels. Real confusion (“instead of music”)! What kind of good memory can we talk about?

After conducting a number of trial sessions with students, I realized that I was dealing with a surprisingly simple, but at the same time very effective technology. And the very first mass tests showed an improvement in memorizing information by 1.5–2 times after just 30 minutes of training in the initial skills of this technique.

Once again I felt dizzy from success.

But it soon turned out that not everyone could be taught, but only 80%. In addition, finding other timelines was a real challenge - an effort that proved too difficult for many at first. I had to change technology, experiment with different options for time lines, try again and again. From 2004 to 2005 alone, I processed more than 3000 (!) forms with memory tests. As a result, a technology has emerged that is effective for 100% of students.


Based on the memory hologram, a number of techniques have now been developed, seemingly not directly related to memorization, but paradoxically providing a quick positive result.

I will not hide that I would like to receive as much feedback as possible; I am extremely interested in learning about the effectiveness of my methods in distance learning.

I hope you find the new book not only entertaining, but also useful.

Basic provisions

Holographic memory is an ordered, systematic perception of all past experiences and ideas about the future, facilitating a person’s conscious access to any information available in his mind.

The main provisions of the holographic memory method can be formulated as follows.

The process of remembering occurs in a state of high concentration of attention on certain areas of space around and (or) inside the body. This process is individual for each person.

Targeted access to memories (concentration of attention on a specific area in space) increases the quantitative and qualitative indicators of memory.

The hologram is part of the mind of every person, and the conscious arrangement of memories in order greatly facilitates the work of memory and reason.

Memories of touch, sound, and smell occur on different timelines for most people. Combining them with arranging them in straight lines provides both improved memory and harmonization of thinking and leads to the formation of a compact and easy-to-use information space, shaped like a triangle.

The most durable memory during repetition is achieved when referring to specific places in space. When accessing the storage location of initially remembered information, it is recommended to turn on the mental screen and transfer repeated information to it, which will help enhance the vividness of memories. This is similar to combining two or more poorly exposed slides together.

Strengthening the brightness of memories in the hologram field is facilitated by both emotional stress and life in a state of holistic awareness of oneself in the world.

Once the stress load is removed using this method, most people's unconscious blinders to unpleasant memories are removed. As a result, the level of deformation of the general perception of memories is reduced, when the negative emotional background of an event leads to the displacement from conscious memory of both the episode itself and an entire period of time lasting several days, weeks, months or even years.

A rational increase in time when fixing memorized material on a hologram as a result of its logical or figurative transformations contributes to better memorization.

Thoughtless, irrational repetition of information, leading to an excessive increase in time spent working with educational material, makes the hologram more “blurred” in the “space-time field.” The required degree of memorization is achieved in this case with much more time.

When using a hologram, both real actions and logical conclusions and mood are remembered equally well. At first, to better consolidate logical conclusions in memory, it is advisable to use several senses, relying on something real as a background for memorization. The use of various models when working with a hologram can strengthen or weaken both the memorization of individual episodes and memory as a whole.

Breathing practices, as well as other exercises that have a positive effect on the functioning of thinking, have a similar effect on holographic memory.

Daily repeated access to the hologram helps improve memory.

While working with a hologram, the unconscious mind is activated (to one degree or another), which in itself opens up significant opportunities for various mental practices. Forgiving all grievances and accepting the past and future with love helps not only to remember any information, but also to cope with stress more easily.

A hologram as an information space can play the role of a connecting link in the interaction of our consciousness with the unconscious. A link that is completely conscious and controllable at the level of consciousness.

Four ways to develop memory

Repeatedly encountering publications with catchy titles like “The newest (or secret) methods (or secret techniques of the special services) of memory development” on the bookshelves of stores and looking through them from beginning to end, I almost always saw the same thing: the general development of memory, mnemonics and eidotehniki. Sometimes there were recommendations on how to rationally repeat information for better consolidation in memory. By the way, I read the best description of optimal repetition algorithms for all occasions in a small book “Alone with Memory” (authors I. A. Korsakov, N. K. Korsakova).

The book you are now holding in your hands proposes a fundamentally new technology. Information about it can be found on the Internet (though without illustrations and diagrams), people master it, use it (but don’t tell anyone about it, like a person who finds a treasure). But this method has not yet been discussed on the pages of a printed publication, so we can safely say that you are holding in your hands something completely new. Just doing the exercises for developing holographic memory given in this book improves memorization and recall by 2-3 times. If, in parallel with the development of holographic memory, you do simple exercises for the general development of memory, and also use mnemonics, the result will be even better.

That is why in this publication four directions of memory development are given in parallel. Naturally, most attention will be paid to holographic memory. During the preparation of this publication, the wishes of readers were taken into account; many sections were revised to increase the efficiency of mastering this relatively new technology. The text contains instructions: is executed immediately. This means that immediately as you read, you are asked to perform special exercises (in italics), without even reading the next chapter to the end. In addition, separate sections will be devoted to the following topics:

General development of memory and imagination;

Development of associative memory;

Mnemonics are techniques that make memorization easier.

And you, dear readers, choose what interests you: it can only be a holographic memory (perhaps you have already read books about other ways to develop memory) or the complex development of memory and imagination. So, let's go directly to the description of the 1st method - holographic memory.

Time line concept

But it soon turned out that not everyone could be taught, but only 80%. In addition, finding other timelines was a real challenge - an effort that proved too difficult for many at first. I had to change technology, experiment with different options for time lines, try again and again. From 2004 to 2005 alone, I processed more than 3000 (!) forms with memory tests. As a result, a technology has emerged that is effective for 100% of students.

Executes immediately

Look closely straight ahead. Try to just look, without evaluating anything, without any emotions, as if it were not you who perceived the picture of what was happening, but a camera or video camera. It is suggested that you spend 1–2 minutes on the entire exercise on non-judgmental perception.

The brilliant scientist of the 20th century Georgy Lozanov, studying the phenomenon of hypermnesia in Raja Yoga, found out that the ability of some Indian yogis to recite lines from the Upanishads by heart for several hours and even days in a row, without making mistakes or repeating themselves, is explained not by long “memorization”, but by the ability to enter into a special state in which you can freely access almost any information that you have consciously memorized.

I would like to note that the very understanding of the term “conscious memorization” between us and yogis, to put it mildly, differs.

A Western person, in order to remember something, either repeats it many times, or looks for logical patterns that help understanding and promote memorization. Yoga, the abilities of which were studied by G. Lozanov, to remember information enters a special state of very high concentration of attention, using mental and respiratory practices. That's all! It would seem so simple. But we do not even suspect the existence of a huge difference between our concentration of attention, which seems natural to us and which we have never trained and do not intend to train, and the highest concentration of attention of Indian yogis, who have achieved this state through several years of long daily training.

I’m not calling for daily hour-long meditation, but I’m drawing attention to the obvious: the ability to concentrate can and should be developed even with today’s fast pace of life. Moreover, most people only think that they can control their attention. In fact, the opposite happens: sometimes attention controls them.

One of the features of the technology: turning on the hologram is always combined (or coincides) with an exercise for high concentration of attention. It is very important, especially at the initial stage of mastering the method, to perform an exercise to concentrate attention before turning on the hologram. 10–20 After

repetitions, the high concentration will be fixed like an anchor and will turn on whenever the memory hologram is activated. Unlike many other techniques, everything turns out as if by itself, as you perform completely easy exercises.

Executes immediately

Feel your body. Sensations of touching clothes, shoes (if you are wearing shoes), internal bodily sensations. If you don’t like something, try to remove the emotional background and simply perceive all your bodily sensations without judgment for 1-2 minutes.

A few more words about the benefits of high concentration. When in 2003 year I underwent retraining in Moscow, studying modern methods of memory development, I. Yu. Matyugin told me about the phenomenon of high concentration when memorizing foreign words using the fixation method. It turns out that all you need to do is stare at the word and its translation for 10 seconds, without thinking about anything, then the word (with translation) becomes very firmly fixed in memory. For most people, this method is not applicable, because, as a rule, there is a constant crowding of a variety of thoughts in the head - about beer (cosmetics), women (men), etc. As a result, information in memory is erased before it has time to be properly consolidated.

During the experimental training, the volunteers were students who had completed the “Superlearning” course, which allowed them to almost instantly enter a state of very high concentration. But for the usual practice of mastering holographic memory, it was necessary to find a different, simpler algorithm for controlling attention, since I could not additionally teach superlearning skills to everyone.

Once the problem was clearly formulated, a solution was found. The practical classes that were conducted at our faculty when I was still studying to become a psychologist, Firgat Zaripovich Kabirov, came at a very opportune time. A professional of the highest class, he masterfully presented both simple and complex techniques, ensuring that students fully understood them.

During one of these seminars, when we went through Gestalt therapy games, I immediately became interested in the technique of “self-awareness”:

– Probably, when using this exercise during learning, everything is absorbed much better and easier to remember?

- Naturally. And not only…

After this, the problem of increasing concentration for mastering holographic memory was solved. I began teaching mindfulness techniques to each group. And on the pages of this book it is designated as "Exercise 1 to quickly achieve high levels of concentration."

Why "exercise 1"? As you develop your holographic memory, you will perform new exercises that are based directly on the effect of the hologram of the mind and allow you to concentrate much more strongly. And now I propose to move on to the ABCs of attention management.


Exercise 1to quickly achieve high levels of concentration

Sit comfortably in a chair or armchair. The back is straight, the gaze is straight ahead, the breathing is even and free. Try to simply and without judgment perceive everything you see.

After about 1-2 minutes, after you have looked at everything you see in front of you, turn your attention inside your body. Mentally, without judgment, move your focus from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You need to feel everything, pay attention to the rumbling in your stomach, the sensations from your clothes, the belt that slightly presses in your waist, etc. After this, most of the unnecessary thoughts will leave your head. You can repeat again and move on to the main part of the exercise.

You need to combine both components: at the same time perceive everything non-judgmentally, like a camera or video camera, and feel your body.

At first it may not be so easy. A person either sees everything or feels everything. No problem, it will work out over time. Just return to the exercise 5-10 times a day, freeing your head from annoying thoughts.

Let's return to the yogis. Another important component of Raja Yoga, which was studied by G. Lozanov, is the postulate that memory is not in the brain. All information is simply stored in the Universe, and in order to access it, you need to enter a special state of high concentration of attention. Holographic memory is a natural human memory, absolutely all the information that a person has received during his life. It is perceived in the form of holographic images, which can be either brighter or dimmer. Only a small part of holograms comes to life freely in our conscious memory, while the rest requires special skills. Here is another exercise that I recommend doing if you have difficulty finding the baseline of visual memories.


Transferring the psyche to visual mode

Sit up straight. The head is slightly thrown back, the gaze is directed upward to the left, breathing is even, shallow, with the upper part of the lungs (clavicles). Of course, you need to breathe like this without experiencing much discomfort.

When mastering the practice of finding a visual time line (as well as bodily, sound and others), people notice that memories of different events often correspond to different places in the space around or inside them.

In presentations or lectures on holographic memory, I invite the audience to focus, remember what happened 3 or 4 hours ago, and pay attention to where the picture of this memory appears. Not everyone is able to determine the first time that a visual memory can be perceived as a certain image on a plane, for example, 30 cm in front of the face. But when I suggest remembering something from the events of yesterday, many more people notice that they perceive the memory differently compared to the previous one.

In your free time, experiment with memories of what happened a week, a month, a year, nine years ago. If you connect the centers of these pictures with each other in chronological order, you will notice that our memories are built along a certain trajectory, which is called time lines.

In NLP practices, there are two approaches to the time line. Some authors suggest working with its original configuration, others advise building it in a way that is convenient for use. For the development of holographic memory, working with the initial configuration of the time line does not make sense, since a person at the level of consciousness has at least nine time lines, and not one, as stated in NLP. And for almost all people these lines in space are located differently.

In fact, each type of sensation has its own time line - visual, tactile, sound, olfactory, gustatory, time perception, etc. And even a simple connection of two time lines into one can in itself improve memory. There are several ways to find a time line. When mastering the skill of holographic memory, I recommend combining two exercises into one: finding the original time line and building it in a new configuration that is convenient for memory and consciousness. If you do not intend to become an instructor in teaching holographic memory to schoolchildren or adults, then finding the original time line does not need to be done.

Although the concept of “line” usually implies a straight line, a time line can have any shape - spiral, broken line, curve - and size. The type of time line is individual. Everyone stores their memories in their own way.

Finding and building a visual time line

When taking courses on memory development with another group, I always try to improve something, try something new, to check how much it can improve the dynamics of memory development. In addition, from time to time, new developments are tested on employees (usually students) who are interested in everything new. As a rule, it is this category of students who receive the maximum knowledge and skills, and I manage to create more and more advanced technologies for teaching memorization skills and other areas of working with thinking, which are then used in subsequent trainings.

As a result of numerous experiments, we have identified the direction of the time line that is optimal for the vast majority of people. As you know, the model of time for most people is a kind of coordinate line on which there is the present, past and future.

Estimating the duration of a time period largely depends on what events filled it. If there were a lot of events, and interesting ones, then time passed quickly. And vice versa, if there were few events or they were not interesting to us, time passed slowly. However, if you have to evaluate past events, then the assessment of duration is the opposite. We overestimate time filled with various events; the time period seems longer. And vice versa, we underestimate time that is uninteresting to us; the time interval seems insignificant.

If we proceed from the postulates of holographic memory, these and many other paradoxes of time perception become clear: they reflect the spatial localization of memories and our conscious attitude to what is happening in each specific period of time.

Memories of events that are interesting to us have much greater vividness compared to the display in memory of a time period that is uninteresting and not saturated with colorful events. As it turned out, holograms of memories and ideas about events that concern us are usually located closer than holograms of other memories dating back to the same time. Hence the deceptiveness of ideas about which events happened earlier and which later.


Executes immediately

Remember what you saw when you looked in front of you while doing the first exercise in the immediate series. How does this picture come to life? How bright, in color, with movement or static? Are there sounds, touch sensations, or smells? How exactly do you perceive this memory? Is it around you or do you see it somewhere in space, like on a big (or small?) screen? If like on the screen, then where, at what distance from the face? Is it directly in front of you or to the left, right, above or below eye level?

Domestic scientists E. A. Golovakha and A. A. Kronik in the book “Psychological Time of Personality” ask a rhetorical question: does this mean that such paradoxes of psychological time as “the past after the present” or “the future before the present” are quite real?

If we turn to memory as a hologram, then these paradoxes find a completely natural explanation. For most people, the following spatiotemporal aspects of memory occur:

The closer the events are located on the hologram, the better they are remembered;

The more emotionally an event was experienced, the greater the brightness of its hologram and, therefore, the better we remember it.

Thus, subjectively, people can perceive distant events as close, and vice versa. Before addressing the topic of timelines in class, I usually suggest checking the initial level of memory so that you have something to compare with. As a test, we offer a test for differentiated memories, which was developed by me specifically for this technique, and then began to be used by psychologists and managers for various purposes, sometimes unrelated to holographic memory.

This test is very simple. I give out forms where you need to indicate your name, age and gender, and then I ask you to try to remember your classmates from first grade.

But it soon turned out that not everyone could be taught, but only 80%. In addition, finding other timelines was a real challenge - an effort that proved too difficult for many at first. I had to change technology, experiment with different options for time lines, try again and again. From 2004 to 2005 alone, I processed more than 3000 (!) forms with memory tests. As a result, a technology has emerged that is effective for 100% of students.

Executes immediately

Remember and write down the names (or surnames) of boys and girls from your first grade. Provided that you remember exactly where they were sitting. You can only write down the names or surnames of those about whom you can remember everything (in which row you sat, at which desk, on the left or on the right).

So, remember and write everything down in the table. 1.

Table 1. Normal recall

The very first reaction:

-What are you talking about?

- How can you?..

- First grade?!

Then someone still manages to remember 1-2 classmates, or even more. The test takes a few minutes.

Then comes a block of exercises on the basics of holographic memory - finding the visual time line and arranging it in a comfortable position. The exercise described below usually takes no more than 30 minutes.


Finding the visual time line and lining it up in a comfortable position

Imagine that in the area of ​​your left eye or left eyebrow you have turned on a bright beam in the upward direction to the left. If you are now looking straight ahead, then you need to look left about 30° and look up the same amount. This is the optimal direction of the time line (the past corresponds to the left ray) for most people.

Think about something you saw 5 to 15 minutes ago and try to see where you perceive the image. To your left or right, above or below eye level? How far is this picture?

– Where do you see a picture of what happened to you ten minutes ago?

Natasha: I see her right in front of me, about forty centimeters away. Victor: And my picture is a little to the left and below, approximately at the level of the stomach.

Angela: It seems to me that the picture is somewhere behind, a little above the head. Or does it just seem?..

– That’s right, Angela, you really perceive the picture where you said. When we arrange visual memories in the optimal order, it will be much more convenient for you to operate with them.

Alexander: What if I don’t see the picture, but remember it as if I were inside the memory? Where should I look for the picture?

– It’s good that your memories have volume, depth, and have a pronounced effect of presence. You don't have to search for the location of the picture.


On the mental beam, at a distance of about 5–9 cm from your face, imagine a small screen of arbitrary dimensions (for example, 5 x 10 or 10 x 15 cm). Imagine how this screen lights up, like a TV screen or computer monitor, and an image appears on it of what you saw 5-15 minutes ago. Make the image bright and moving. Not everyone is able to find the original timeline, so this method of building a hologram works well for everyone. You can expose a hologram without even finding the original location of the visual memories.

If you do find where the image with memories is located, simply transfer the existing picture of the recent past that you just saw to the left ray, onto a mental screen located at a distance of 5–9 cm from the face, and fix it there. To more accurately determine the new spatial location of the hologram, I propose using individual body proportions. The screen with the memory of what happened 10 minutes ago will be located from the face at a distance of an outstretched thumb. For people of average height, this is 5–9 cm. Fix the picture in the new position, mentally holding it in this place for 10–15 seconds. Thisfirst reference pointon a hologram.

– Alexander, were you able to imagine on the screen what you just remembered?

Alexander: Yes, but not as clearly as before. And the picture loses in brightness, and the colors are not so clearly visible.

– Everything is fine, your task in this case is to fix the image at the desired point. Alexander: What is the point then in such a memory, if now, imagining it on the screen, I see everything not as clearly as with a normal memory?

– When performing this exercise, you just set up reference, key points of memories, so that later, thanks to them, you can collect all the memory in this direction. And then you will simply animate the screen at the required distance from your face and immerse yourself in memories not as on the screen, but as you remembered for the first time - live. But at the same time, the qualitative and quantitative indicators of your memory will increase by at least 2–3 times.

After fixing the picture with the memory, you can release the screen. The word “let go” means the cessation of volitional conscious control of a given imaginary object. Usually after this the image, along with the mental screen, either disappears or becomes less bright.

– Remember something that you saw 3-4 hours ago, and try to see where you perceive the image. How far is this picture from the first image? To your left or right, above or below eye level?

Victor: I see the picture to the left, at about the same level.

Angela: It seems to me that I have the picture in the same place, at the back, a little above my head.

– The original time line can have the most unexpected configuration. Don't let this bother you. Often memories can not only be located on different sides, but also coincide in space.

Then on the mental beam we turn on a screen of the same or slightly larger size. At a distance of one elbow (less than half the length of an arm) from the face, we present on the screen a visual image that was seen approximately 3-4 hours ago. For people of average height, the distance is approximately 30 cm. It is better not just to imagine a visual image, but to transfer it from the original time line. We make it brighter, try to turn on the movement, fix it for 10–15 seconds, then release it.This is the second reference point.

– Remember something that you saw about a day ago (give or take 3-4 hours), and try to see where you perceive the image. How far is the picture from the first image? To your left or right, above or below eye level? Natasha: I see her right in front of me, but even further away. Approximately at a distance of fifty to sixty centimeters.

Victor: It seems to me that the image is a little further and a little higher than the previous two.

Angela: I find it difficult, but it seems to me that I perceive this picture in exactly the same way as the previous ones.

We transfer the image to the left beam, placing it at a distance of a bent (in the form of an arc) arm from the face. For people of average height, this is 50 cm. We present an image on the screen, the size of which we make even larger or leave the same. If the original timeline could not be found, we simply include a picture depicting what we saw during the time period indicated above. We try to increase the brightness, add movement and fixate for 10-15 seconds, then release.This is the third reference point.

– Think about something you saw about a week ago and try to see where you perceive the image. How far is this picture from the first image? To your left or right, above or below eye level? Natasha: I see the image much closer, about ten centimeters from my face.

– This must be some kind of very emotional memory if you see it much closer than other pictures?

Natasha: Yes, a week ago I was at a party.

Victor: The picture is behind my back.

Angela: For some reason the image is on the right and slightly in front.

We turn on the next screen of a similar size by extending our straight arm upward to the left, where we have the base of the thumb. Thisfourth reference point.We transfer to the screen an image from the original timeline, from the place where we looked at the memories of what happened to us about a week ago. If the original timeline has not been found, then we simply present on the screen what corresponds to our memories from about a week ago (plus or minus 1-2 days). We try to make the image bright and moving. We fix the picture in space for 10–15 seconds. For people of average height, the distance from the face is approximately 60 cm.

Think about something you saw a month ago and try to see where you perceive the image this time. To your left or right, above or below eye level? How far is the picture from the first image? We turn on the next screen of a similar size at a straight arm's distance with bent fingers. For people of average height, this is about 4–5 cm further than the previous screen. Thisfifth reference point.

We transfer to the screen an image from the original time line, from the place where we looked at the memory of what happened to us about a month ago. If the original timeline has not been found, then we simply present on the screen what corresponds to our memories from about a month ago (give or take a few days). We try to make the image bright and moving. We present the picture in this place for about 10–15 seconds.

Think of something you saw about a year (give or take 1-2 months) ago, and try to see where you perceive the image. To your left or right, above or below eye level? How far is the picture from the first image? We turn on a screen of the same size as the previous one, or a slightly smaller one, at the distance of a straight arm with bent fingers. It is located 4–6 cm further than the previous one. Thissixth reference point.

We transfer the image to the screen from the original timeline, from the place where we looked at the memories of what happened about a year ago. If the original timeline has not been found, then we simply present on this screen what corresponds to our memories from about a year ago (give or take a few months). We try to make the image brighter, more moving and fix the image in space for 10–15 seconds. For people of average height, the screen is located approximately 70 cm from the face.

Remember what happened to you about 9 years ago. Consider where the visual memory of that time is perceived. Transfer it to the corresponding screen on the left beam. The screen you turn on when doing this exercise is positioned from your face at arm's length with your fingers straight (about 70 cm for people of average height). Thisseventh reference point.

The screen size is arbitrary: it can be 2–3 times smaller than the previous one or the same. Transfer to the screen from the original timeline an image corresponding to what happened to you about 9 years ago, or simply try to view these memories on the screen. We increase the brightness, add movement, and fix it for 10–15 seconds.

If you're over 40, another memory is needed. Remember what happened to you about 20 or 25 years ago. Consider where the visual memory of that time is perceived. Transfer the image to the corresponding screen on the left beam. The last screen you turn on on the left beam when doing this exercise is a hand's length away from your face with your fingers straight. We try to extend our arm even further to the left and up, but without turning the body. For people of average height, this is approximately 76 cm, 4–6 cm further than the seventh reference point. If you are under 40 years old, then you do not need to set this point.

Most often, difficulties in determining the initial location of visual memories are due to insufficient concentration of attention. In this case, I recommend performingExercise No. 1.And it’s better not to be distracted by finding the original time line at all, but simply display memories at appropriate distances on an imaginary hologram.

So, you have found visual memories and set reference points on the left ray of the hologram. Now you need to fix the new timeline configuration and collect the rest of the memories onto it.

First, we concentrate as much as possible by performingexercise number 1 andsimultaneously presenting the left beam of the hologram with the exposed pictures. At the same time, you need to continue to feel your entire body.

We turn on all the screens and try to see them all at the same time for a few seconds. If it is difficult to see all the images, you can limit yourself to just the frames of the screens. Or even just the outlines of an information triangle. At the same time, we imagine how the remaining visual images that we did not remember also gather on the left beam of the hologram and occupy places corresponding to the spatio-temporal relationships.

Some people imagine visual images as a lot of photographs that fly from all sides from the space around the body to the left ray, some see them as pieces of paper, others as a vague fog... Some people find it more convenient to imagine them as yellow folders from a computer screen: a lot of folders are collected on the left beam, they are lined up close to each other. In the future, you can select the desired folder, and it will turn into a screen with an image. When you display a hologram, you will have several options for working with memory: you can either immediately see the desired image on the screen, or remember it by fixing your attention on the corresponding place in space, or in some other way... Usually, you will perform an exercise to collect all the memories the left ray of the information triangle takes 1–2 minutes. Let me remind you that the effect of the exercise is much higher if, at the same time as you imagine how all visual memories are collected on the left ray, you feel your body and fully see the information triangle in which the left ray (past) and right (future) are located symmetrically. The third facet connects the extreme points into a single information system.

After setting the time line for the first time, I suggest seeing how much better you can remember the same first class. We carry out exercise No. 1, then on the left ray we measure a distance from 65 to 80 cm (depending on age), then we turn on a mental screen there, on which we imagine those with whom we studied in the first grade.

If there is no immediate effect, remember for a few minutes. Your memory can work much better!

Write it down in the table. 2 names or surnames of those you remembered this time.

Table 2. Remembering on a hologram

Memories: colored or black and white, three-dimensional or flat, stationary or in motion, with sounds or without sounds, with bodily sensations or not, with the effect of presence or not (underline).

Typically, students are surprised not so much by the quantitative improvement in recall, but by the qualitative one. Many people begin to remember the first grade much more vividly; the effect of presence appears. Someone remembered how their feet didn’t reach the floor when they were sitting at their desks, someone noticed that the tenth graders seemed like just huge uncles and aunts... Not everyone succeeds at once, have patience. Some people need to spend 20–30 seconds for their memory to start working much better, while others need 2–3 minutes.

No less interesting for many is the reverse amplification of the hologram. What it is? After placing visual memories on the left ray, you need to take a break from working with the hologram for a short period of time (from 8 to 15 minutes) and complete the second part of the test for differentiated memories for 3–5 minutes. Later in the training, we discuss the reasons why some students fail to remember first grade. This takes on average from 8 to 15 minutes. Then we perform an exercise to reverse amplify the hologram.


Exercise for reverse hologram enhancement

On the left beam of the hologram, we first include a picture of what happened to us 9 years ago (those who are older first remember the events of 25 years ago). Then on a hologram we represent memories separated from the present by about a year, then a month, a week, a day, 3-4 hours, 5-15 minutes. In this series of memories and ideas about the past, as you might guess, only the two closest images, corresponding to 3-4 hours and a few minutes, change. It is at this moment that many begin to observe the effect of an avalanche-like improvement in the recall of information: on the second pass through the hologram, they see the events of the past so clearly and perceive them so vividly, as if all this was happening to us right now.

After 3-4 hours of reverse amplification, you need to return to the hologram again. During trainings we don’t always have these 3 hours at our disposal, so we most often perform the second intensification of the hologram after 1.5–2 hours; During this period of time, we master and train classical techniques (mnemonics), which greatly simplify and facilitate the memorization of various types of information, as well as specific techniques that work only when using a memory hologram.

So, the second strengthening (fixing) of the new location of the holograms begins with turning on the closest screen on the left beam (we see what happened from 5 to 15 minutes ago). Then we turn on the screen with memories of what we saw 3-4 hours ago, a day, a week, a month, a year, 9 years (those who are older also remember what happened 25 years ago). Both after the first and after the second reverse amplification of the hologram, it is necessary to mentally imagine the entire information triangle with rays filled with pictures.

The second enhancement of the hologram usually takes a minimum of time (3-5 minutes), and the benefits from this are very significant. To get the maximum effect from the visual memory hologram, it remains to return to consolidating it twice more (after 1–2 months and after a year). But more on that a little later.

When displaying a hologram, I strongly recommend that you do not be shy, raise your hand and mentally place the screen on your palm. The effect with this exposure is higher than with the usual “suspending” of a hologram in space. Why? Everything is very simple. When a person fixes his palm in the place where he imagines the plane of the hologram, this simple action itself generates an image of a specific place in the cerebral cortex, in contrast to the imaginary representation of the screen without pointing with the hand. As you know, real events are usually fixed much better in memory and mental representations much weaker. Therefore, when placing a hologram, we try to measure the distance and show the location of the screens of the past with the left hand, and the screens of the future with the right, holding the palm perpendicular to the direction of the hologram beam (like a screen).

I will note that when placing screens and showing their position with the palm of your hand, other components of the subtle mechanism called the mind begin to work. I usually cover this issue in more detail when training instructors (teachers, psychologists) on holographic memory.

What size screens are best represented in a hologram? At first it may be in A4 format with minor variations. Gradually, your mind itself will choose the most convenient parameters for the hologram and all its components.

It is best if everyone chooses the optimal screen size for them. For some, it is more convenient if the holograms closest to the face are a little larger in size, for others, on the contrary, it is better to imagine them a little smaller.

Many people find it more comfortable to imagine larger holograms located approximately in the middle of the beam.

As they master the intricacies of working with the information triangle, most people see the left beam as consisting of many screens of approximately the same size.

The screens line up to the left, above eye level.

While working with people from the BOS (Blind Society), I was faced with a very difficult question: how to teach holographic memory to those who are completely or partially blind?

The situation was aggravated by the fact that some of the group members were blind from birth, and for this audience my standard phrases like “Remember what you saw ten minutes ago ...” or “Imagine what you will see in three or four hours ...” were completely inappropriate for this audience.

It was thanks to working with these people, and especially with Vyacheslav Vasiliev (candidate master of sports in checkers, almost completely blind, but possessing an extraordinary love of life and optimism), in completely non-standard training conditions, that I had to once again change the space-time code of the hologram. It became clear that a person should be able to “reach out with his hand” to all his memories. Further more. An understanding of the interdependence of mental tactile contact with represented holograms of memories and improvement of the processes of retrieving information from memory was discovered (and then confirmed in practice). Which, in turn, made it possible to shift a number of accents in the technology itself and obtain additional advantages when working according to this scheme. In further sections of the book, we will not only talk about this in more detail, but also see in practice the undeniable advantages of this approach.

But it soon turned out that not everyone could be taught, but only 80%. In addition, finding other timelines was a real challenge - an effort that proved too difficult for many at first. I had to change technology, experiment with different options for time lines, try again and again. From 2004 to 2005 alone, I processed more than 3000 (!) forms with memory tests. As a result, a technology has emerged that is effective for 100% of students.

Executes immediately

Imagine that you are touching a holographic plate (screen) on the left ray of the information triangle at a distance of about 25 cm from your face - that is, approximately at the level of the second reference point. Try to imagine what it might feel like: slippery or rough, hard or flexible, warm, cold or cool. Perhaps it will be a sensation like touching an x-ray, or a glass plate, or paper...

After a series of classes on teaching holographic memory, Vyacheslav sent me the following letter (the author’s style has been preserved).


Hello, Stanislav!

The training is over for now, and we can sum up the results...

The first effect that I observed after trying to build a hologram was a slight improvement in vision. It’s just that after exercise (well, for example, the next morning), when you put on a shirt, you see its color and pattern a little more clearly. This effect can occur when there is a rush of blood to the head and, due to this, blood supply to the eye improves (for example, during work, certain parts of the brain become tense and a rush of blood occurs).

The effect is quite stable. Or maybe stress relief also played a role in this.

I can’t say that sometimes I haven’t seen it more clearly before, but the fact that this effect appears every time after working with a hologram in class or at home is a fact that I checked.

Now further. I never had problems with memorization and recall, but I had the opinion that the capabilities of memory were rather limited, although I knew examples of outstanding personalities, and my own abilities were not bad. In addition, I was a little afraid of overloading my memory with unnecessary information.

Now, after familiarizing myself with the theory being studied, this fear has completely disappeared. Despite the workload, I had a desire to memorize all the phone numbers or memorize an entire book, and more than one. And the volume of this book

should be, for example, like “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Pushkin. Some textbook on the theory of checkers openings would probably have been more useful, but I had no desire to learn it.

At first it was difficult to understand the operation of the hologram, but after recalling phone numbers that had not been memorized before, everything became clear almost immediately. Doubts about the effectiveness of techniques that could improve memory have disappeared.

After I tried to remember first grade, a lot began to become clearer. I remembered one girl, but I still couldn’t remember the last name of the other. I know her name, I remember her visually, but I’m stuck on the last name. Now about the sensations from the holograms themselves.

The hologram of the future is perceived more clearly, as the presence of a warm substance with scattered edges, but the hologram of the past is cold, in the last lesson it became a clot of wave-like vibration with fuzzy edges.

I couldn’t clean the thin RAM table to a shine; it’s uneven. The edges are oval and the surface is bumpy, but it's hard to tell what it is. Maybe it’s a layer of current affairs, or the surface itself is something that doesn’t need to be cleaned. The right side is definitely busier than the left, but the back is clear.

Despite poor vision, it was best to build a visual line and, probably, a line of sensation of touch, but the sound line was a little weaker, although I noticed a change in the sound design, and some sound moments were quite bright.

The moment of collecting all the memories is quite difficult. It’s just that he’s probably not yet prepared enough to perceive flying photographs or another form of collecting memories.

This is probably the weakest area in my mastery of the holographic memory model.

When trying to relieve stress, both from birth to four years, and from four to ten, the water in which the discs were first washed (almost to a multi-colored shine) was black. I also attribute this to extreme events in my life that I don’t remember. I know that I burned myself after pouring a mug of hot milk on myself and suffered pneumonia. This was still at an unconscious age, and in the period from four to ten years there was a serious injury when I was hit by a motorcycle. It may seem that this could be the cause of the loss of vision, but no doctor can associate the changes that occurred in the eye with the injury, after which I was fine for four years.

In general, injuries are not uncommon in my life.

It’s definitely better for me to divide the hologram into folders according to the years, but organizing memories by date works best when they are associated with illnesses or injuries (unless, of course, traditional holidays, etc. are taken into account).

When relieving stress, it is more convenient to wash the parts of the hologram in the form of disks.

The anxiety about the seemingly distant images that appeared disappeared after I learned that this was quite possible. At first they were more than two meters away, sometimes they seemed closer. At this time

At this point, one can easily imagine a more compressed hologram.

This is, perhaps, almost everything that I felt when working with a hologram.

It remains to note the most positive point. Now I am armed to work with information of any volume. Thanks to the knowledge of the holographic model of the structure of the world, I began to feel more confident and not be afraid of possible overloads associated with intellectual activity. I will definitely try to deepen and master the secrets of this theory. I wish you further success and creative discoveries.

End of introductory fragment.

Unlock your memory: remember everything! Muller Stanislav

Exercises to develop holographic memory skills

Directly during classes, we use various memory simulators to perform exercises to develop the skill of working with a memory hologram. The most common ones are iconic and full color. If you don't have them, you can use color postcards or photographs as full-color simulators. You can make iconic simulators yourself - cut out 4 icons from the application and laminate them or stick them on cardboard or whatman paper.

I first became acquainted with memory simulators from Igor Yuryevich Matyugin at his Moscow center “School of Eidetics” several years ago. I. Yu. Matyugin, known for his scientific achievements in the field of pedagogy and memory development, has developed a number of simple and interesting games on simulators, which both adults and children enjoy playing.

In this publication, we do not analyze games that are aimed at developing ordinary types of memory and practicing mnemonics, so as not to overload readers. The fact is that along with the description of the games, it is necessary to give mnemonic methods of memorization, which somewhat goes beyond the scope of the topic of holographic memory, although it does not contradict its development, in fact, it even helps. Those who are interested can familiarize themselves with the online newsletters that I have been doing for many years (“Supermemory-thinking technologies from Stanislav Muller”, “Playing Memory”).

So, let’s look at exercises selected or specially designed to develop the skill of holographic memory.

From the book Mnemonics [Memorization based on visual thinking] author Ziganov Marat Alexandrovich

Exercises for the development of speech automaticity Perform these exercises if, when memorizing text exercises, you have a problem with their non-stop (even, without breaks) retelling. Exercise “Meaningless monologue”. Say out loud any

From the book Unlock your brain and start living! author Muller Stanislav

From holographic memory to a hologram of the mind Do you know which memories are important to us and which ones can be forgotten? I think you know approximately. People don’t remember how they simply walked down the street 5 or 10 years ago, how they washed, had breakfast, and performed certain everyday tasks.

From the book Unlock Your Memory: Remember Everything! author Muller Stanislav

Phenomenal capabilities of holographic memory I deal with amazing manifestations of the abilities of the human mind in almost every group. Nikolai (from group 2-2009) told how he imagined on the right ray what he would see in fifteen minutes - and he saw

From the book Development of Super Memory and Super Thinking in Children [It’s easy to be an excellent student!] author Muller Stanislav

Maintaining and developing holographic memory With the acquisition of the holographic memory skill, almost all restrictions on the development of memorization and recall are removed. Previously, immediately after setting the first time line, I recommended going through the

From the book Remember Everything [Secrets of Super Memory. Training book] author Muller Stanislav

A little about the essence of holographic memory. What is the difference between the technique that thousands of people around the world are learning from books and in absentia? What is there in it that is not in other books and manuals? The main difference is in the approach to memory in general. Do you know what memory is? How did it develop?

From the book Superintuition for Beginners author Tepperwein Kurt

Phenomenal capabilities of holographic memory C

From the book Fundamentals of General Psychology author Rubinshtein Sergey Leonidovich

Maintaining and developing holographic memory With the acquisition of the holographic memory skill

From the book An unusual book for ordinary parents. Simple answers to the most frequently asked questions author Milovanova Anna Viktorovna

Exercises for developing holographic memory skills Directly in class we

From the book Turn on your working memory to its full potential by Alloway Tracy

Chapter 5. Exercises for developing intuition This chapter describes a number of exercises for strengthening intuitive powers. You will feel for yourself what kind of exercise you need at the moment. You'll probably just trust your intuition. Start mastering this chapter and selecting

From the book Your Purpose author Kaplan Robert Stephen

The main stages of development of behavior and psyche; the problem of instinct, skill and intelligence Behavior refers to a certain organized activity that connects the organism with the environment. While a person has an internal plane of consciousness

From the author's book

From the author's book

Working Memory Exercises The working memory director helps you control your emotions, which is an important step towards achieving happiness. These exercises will help strengthen your working memory and help you maintain self-control.

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Exercises and Techniques for Developing Working Memory Information to Help Teachers Determine Your Students' Working Memory Level Tracy has developed an Alloway Working Memory Assessment that allows you to accurately determine each student's level of working memory. Tests

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Exercises to test and develop working memory 1. Carry out the “ruddy test” (for children aged two years) Place the child facing you under the pretext that he needs to wipe his nose. While wiping your nose, discreetly draw a small spot on your baby's nose with lipstick or

From the author's book

Exercises to develop working memory 1. Method of fast mental multiplication The algorithm developed by Rudiger Gamm is to sequentially multiply numbers from left to right and then add the results. Example 1. Multiplying two-digit

From the author's book

Exercises to develop new abilities Most of our professional lives are spent in hustle and bustle. In fact, our whole life is vanity, and, no matter how sad it may sound, it is not always possible to stop to look into the future. There's no time to think about him

Homeschooling is a general name for all forms of receiving school education outside of school: family education, self-education, additional education in school curriculum subjects.

The Russian Law “On Education...” places full responsibility for the organization and results of home education according to school programs on parents and obliges them to return the child to school if he does not pass the certification on time.

The Algorithm Home Education Center invites you to share this responsibility with us: organize and ensure successful home education and certification of your child in the school programs you have chosen with the help of our qualified teachers, modern educational resources and technologies, many years of experience and professional knowledge.

We will help solve all the problems of school education outside of school: from choosing the optimal form of education and external school from among our partner schools – to preparing for the Unified State Exam.


    Galina Z., mother of a student

    Oksana K., mother of a student

    Maria K., mother of a student

    Alexandra P., mother of a student

    Maria F., mother of a student

    Irina K., mother of a student

    My son Pavel graduated from school, passed the Unified State Exam, and all this thanks to a very well-organized learning process at the Algorithm school. I would especially like to express my gratitude to the teacher of Russian language and literature, Polina Leonidovna, who spent a whole year helping to comprehend the intricacies of these difficult subjects. Tatyana Evgenievna, whose concerns everything was clearly planned. I also want to say a lot of kind words to the math teacher! How wonderful it is that there is such a wonderful school! THANK YOU!

    Olga K, mother of a student

    Anastasia L., mother of a student

    Anastasia P., mother of a student

    How to combine school and creativity Last year at school I dreamed of switching to distance learning, since theater work and violin took up most of my time. And in a regular school I was not satisfied with the attitude of teachers towards students. Distance learning saved me, allowing me to free up time for what I love. In addition, no school in many years has been able to give me what I received in two years of study in the program compiled by the online school. Studying here fully met all my expectations. Thank you!

    Nadezhda S.

    Plenty of time for specialized studies! I finished grades 10-11 in one year – I really liked distance learning. I got into college with good results the first time! Online learning allowed me to prepare for specialized exams without spending extra time on secondary subjects. True, sometimes it’s difficult to force yourself to study, but then the result is better!

    Anna V.

    Now I have time for everything After 9th grade I decided to switch to distance learning. After all, I play sports professionally: I train a lot, constantly attend training camps, and have absolutely no time to attend classes at a regular school. My parents and I began to actively look for a school: it turned out that many athletes initially study remotely. Being anywhere in the world, I can study on the Learning Portal and with teachers online, do all my homework remotely, and come to school to take all my work in person several times a year. The form of training, which does not require daily attendance, literally saved me.

    Anna Sh.

    Studying is important for athletes for their future life I compete for the Russian Youth National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and spend most of my time at sports training camps or competitions. In the spring of 2014, we became the winners of the Youth Olympic Games in group exercises! With such a schedule, it’s almost impossible to go to school, but I understand that studying is very important for my future life. Now I have the opportunity to study remotely with tutors in Russian and mathematics at a time convenient for me and successfully prepare for passing the mandatory state certification.

    Daria A.

    The opportunity to play your favorite sport and gain the necessary knowledge I have been playing hockey professionally for many years. I have been a player in the Russian Youth Team for several years. This year, together with my team, we won bronze medals at the Youth World Championships! But I don’t want to connect my life only with sports, so studying is also very important for me. In the future I would like to do journalism. Distance learning for me is an opportunity to play my favorite sport at a high level and gain the necessary knowledge.

    Nina P.

    For health In the 7th and 8th grades I was constantly sick, often missed school, this, of course, raised many questions at school, I don’t even want to talk about large gaps in knowledge. I decided to switch to distance learning in 9th grade - to improve my health, try to fill gaps in knowledge and, of course, prepare for the Unified State Exam. After switching to online learning, in all classes, both independent and with online teachers, I quickly received answers to complex questions without leaving home. I significantly improved my results and successfully passed the OGE :)

    Angelica K.

    Studying at Algorithm is easier and more interesting than in a regular school In distance learning, I have to do everything on my own, and I have already learned how to do this. But without self-discipline skills nothing will work out. Now I can calculate my own time. I think that regular school students have much more problems with self-discipline. But for me this is already a need. There is nothing superfluous in this form of training; knowledge is absorbed better. Mathematics and physics lessons are especially exciting for me - they are accompanied by excellent video materials.

    Rama Z.


Galina Z., mother of a student

My son Rama has been studying at Algorithm since primary school. And we have never regretted our choice. Distance learning frees up time for additional education - and this has become a determining factor for us.

In my opinion, the school has three main advantages: excellent organization of the educational process, professionalism of teachers, comfortable learning for children with a low stress component.

We are very pleased with both the educational system and the high level of professionalism of the teaching staff and school administration. The quality of teaching here, in my opinion, is one of the best in Moscow. Children like teachers; they skillfully motivate them to achieve good results in their studies. The most important quality of teachers, in addition to professional qualifications, I consider their obvious sincerity and friendliness in communicating with children.

Children's learning is monitored here on a daily basis; this is facilitated by a conveniently designed planner. Every six months, children take exams. We learn about children's successes from the markers in the planner, from the curator's reports, and from test scores. The curators know their students, their learning rhythm and are very attentive to all the problems and tasks of the children. We see our son's success and are very pleased with his studies at the Algorithm school.

We would like to especially note the Russian language teacher Elena Petrovna. Her professionalism and teaching skills had an extremely beneficial effect on our child. Elena Petrovna managed to motivate Rama’s desire to study Russian language and literature. Being professional teachers ourselves, we evaluate Elena Petrovna’s work as worthy of an example to follow. Every lesson she taught was carefully prepared. All the individual characteristics of the child were taken into account, homework was always selected taking into account the capabilities and specifics of thinking.

Before Elena Petrovna, Rama had an aversion to the subjects “Russian language” and “literature”. Now the child reads a lot and enjoys it, and he has developed an interest in writing essays. Rama strives to attend online classes taught by Elena Petrovna and enjoys communicating about the subjects she teaches. We express our sincere gratitude to Elena Petrovna for her love and care for our child.


Oksana K., mother of a student

The main advantage of distance learning in Algorithm compared to a traditional school is the ability to independently plan and manage time. Alternative education should be chosen by those parents who are ready to seriously invest in their children’s education and their future. At the same time, the children themselves must understand that this form of education will require a lot of independent work; they must set themselves a clear goal related to the choice of the profession they dream of acquiring.


Maria K., mother of a student

Dear teachers and school management! I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the great work you do to ensure that children have access to modern, effective and interesting educational tools. Children are different, they all have their own characteristics, their own strengths, which the current education system does not always allow to reveal. And your method helps to focus on knowledge that is truly important for every child. Thank you from me and my son! If today I was old enough to go to your school, I would go without hesitation! For anyone who wants education to become not a boring and unpleasant obligation imposed, but an interesting and valuable activity for which one should instill a love for life, I recommend sending your child to your school.

I am sure that this is the only way to study today - saving time, energy and working at your own rhythm. Before joining Algorithm, we changed several schools, we even had experience in education abroad, but it was in your school that we found what we were looking for - a high level of teaching, a comfortable format and strong programs in the required disciplines. Children are interested in studying here, and your teachers are truly authoritative teachers for children.


Alexandra P., mother of a student

We chose the Algorithm school 2 years ago, respectively, we finished 9th and 10th grades, this year we will graduate from 11th grade and take the Unified State Exam. My daughter plays sports professionally, and our priority is training, which is why the distance learning form attracted us. But knowing how difficult it is for a child to organize himself, I chose the part-time form of education.

In the ninth grade, 6 subjects were taught face-to-face, in the 10th grade - 4, those that we take for the Unified State Exam. For the last two years we chose the 10+ form, that is, in a year we completed the 10th and 11th grade program, and this year we will prepare only for those subjects that are needed for admission.

I really like that they are taught not only by school teachers who are Unified State Exam experts, which means they can prepare students well for the Unified State Exam, but also by university teachers who can prepare a child for additional university entrance tests. You can always choose convenient groups for classes or switch to a group with a teacher you like. To be honest, I was afraid that studying would be just a formality, but it is not so. There are also homework assignments, tests, and quizzes for each subject. Due to the small number of students in groups, everyone is under the close attention of the teacher. At the same time, classes are not every day; homework is given for a week. That is, it becomes possible to plan your time yourself.

The administration resolves all issues promptly, both remotely and in personal meetings. Always ready to help, offering different options for solving emerging issues. Total: the ability to plan your time, a clearly defined scope of tasks, a new level of independence and responsibility for the child, since the format is more reminiscent of a university, there are no nannies, but they will help if there is a desire.


Maria F., mother of a student

“Algorithm” fully met our expectations, and we would like to continue learning from you next year. We express our gratitude to the administration for their excellent work. We are very pleased that we spent a whole year together with such wonderful teachers as Elena Petrovna, Tatyana Viktorovna, Sergei Pavlovich.

I want to express my gratitude to your team! We spent the school year in a calm environment and were able to achieve our goal. Communication with you has always been constructive. All emerging issues were resolved promptly. We were also pleased with the results of this training. We will recommend you to friends and acquaintances. Good luck, patience and further success in your activities!


Anastasia L., mother of a student

I thank you and the entire RBS Algorithm team for the fruitful cooperation. You helped us a lot. Thanks to your technologies, Seryozha was able to catch up with the entire primary school curriculum and now it will be much easier for him to continue his studies in secondary school. I wish prosperity and success to your project!


Anastasia P., mother of a student

I am the mother of Polina, a 1st grade student. We like it here! We will continue to study with you next year (in 2nd grade) using the same form of education. Thanks to the approach, methods and teachers of your school, I am growing a healthy, inquisitive child who loves to learn.

Polina is assigned to a local school by registration, and what she learned in the first grade is taught in our school in the second. So we are following an accelerated program and will take exams three times: 1) when moving from elementary to middle school 2) then to high school 3) final exams.

Polina’s main success is this: Polina herself decided to learn English, chose the courses herself, passed the test herself and signed up for classes, leaving her phone number. They called me from the English school and said: “Are you Polina’s mother? She was tested with us and left your phone number." I didn't know anything about it. I liked the act, free and fearless (I know other opinions on this matter, but in her place I would have done the same).

What is family education

Family education is the education of a child according to general school programs, organized by parents. Upon completion of basic school or upon reaching 18 years of age, you can master the 10-11 grade program independently - in the form of self-education. In Moscow schools, since 2013, it is also possible to study part-time and part-time, reducing the number of full-time classes at school. Regardless of the form of education, all students have the right to free intermediate certification at school (externship), the right to use the school library and other general rights of schoolchildren.

Home learning at the Algorithm center

Depending on the choice of form of education and relationship with the school and the Algorithm programs you have chosen, you can study with us completely, online (in an online school), face-to-face - in one of our training centers located in the center of Moscow, or a combination of face-to-face classes at these training centers with online classes on our training portal. All classes are held individually or in groups of up to 12 people.

Our programs are online and offline.

We offer:

  • training according to school programs from 1st to 11th grade
  • preparation in all subjects for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam
  • additional and in-depth course training in individual subjects,
  • with final certification for GSCE and A-level programs at our examination center in Moscow (international external study)
  • parallel training in Russian and international British and American school programs (for example, preparation for the OGE and GSCE)

All programs are accompanied by a personal curator.

About certification

All “homeschoolers” undergo mandatory regular intermediate external certification at the Center’s partner schools - in all subjects included in the mandatory component of the curriculum. “Algorithm” provides constant consulting, organizational and legal support in all relations with the external school, on all issues of training and certification. We take British international GSCE and A-level exams in Moscow, at our international external exam center “Algorithm”, accredited by Pearson Edexcel International.

How to switch to family education

According to the Law “On Education...” you only need to “notify the local government body of a municipal district or urban district.” However, of course, serious preparation for this important step - organizing a “parent school” - requires careful planning and consultations in a family education center - for example, in our “Algorithm”.