Minister of Ecology of the region Alexander Kogan. Alexander Kogan. A principled ecologist from a large road near Moscow. Basically, family

Kurakin began his career in St. Petersburg. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University and was engaged in legal consulting and real estate transactions. He was one of the founders of the Severnaya Korona law firm and worked at the Nevsky Syndicate company. Kurakin moved to the civil service in 1998, his work was related to the management of state property. First, he worked in the legal department of the city property management committee of the St. Petersburg administration, then from 2002 to 2008 - director of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "City Department of Inventory and Real Estate Valuation", and then again in the city property management committee as its chairman. From May to November 2012, Kurakin, as Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, oversaw issues of land and property relations, ecology and environmental management. And in November 2012, he was appointed director of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense, replacing the notorious Evgenia Vasilyeva in this post. In April 2017, Kurakin was appointed vice president of Rostelecom and held this position until recently.

Vedomosti was unable to contact Kurakin.

The new Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources will take office at a difficult time for the region: over the past year, numerous “anti-garbage” rallies have been held throughout the Moscow region - in Volokolamsk, Klin, Kolomna, Troitsk, Ruza, Balashikha, Serebryanye Prudy, etc. Residents are protesting not only against existing landfills, but also against the construction of new ones. Several landfills should close, but next to some of the remaining ones it is planned to open new ones, the capacity of which may be even greater. Residents are unhappy with the current situation and are trying to defend their areas from the construction of new landfills and incinerators.

Over the past few years, 24 landfills have been closed in the region; the remaining 15 receive most of the waste. According to the regional Ministry of Ecology, their capacity will be enough for two years. Last year, the Kuchino test site near Balashikha was closed on the personal instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the direct line, residents of the Kuchino microdistrict complained to Putin about constant fires at the landfill and the inaction of the authorities. However, the actions of the Moscow region authorities to close old landfills give rise to new problems, since all the garbage had to be taken to the remaining 15 landfills. It is the increased flow of garbage trucks and the stench due to the colossal influx of garbage that residents of the Moscow region are complaining about.

The location of landfills in the Moscow region is regulated by the territorial scheme for waste management. This document specifies where landfills, waste sorting and incineration plants should be located. According to this scheme, by the end of 2018, half of the region’s residents should be equipped with containers for separate waste collection. The separate collection system involves the installation of two types of containers - for dry (plastic, glass, paper and metal) and “wet” waste (food).

On September 20, the Moscow Regional Duma approved the leadership of the new government of the region. The main change is that the Ministry of Ecology, instead of Alexander KOGAN, is headed by Dmitry KURAKIN, a native of the Ministry of Defense.

Three vice-governors instead of the old two

Two days earlier, the regional Duma approved the governor’s proposals Andrey VOROBYOV changes in structure. The position of first vice-governor appeared in the regional government.

Now Vorobyov has three vice-governors at once, one of whom will be the head of the governor’s administration. Previously, there were two vice-governors.

He took the new position of first vice-governor Ildar GABDRAHMANOV, who previously served as a “regular” lieutenant governor. Retained her post as vice-governor Natalia VIRTUOSOVA.

Two other lieutenant governors - Dmitry PESTOV(former deputy prime minister) and Mikhail KUZNETSOV, who will also be the head of Andrei Vorobyov’s administration.

The leadership of the new government of the Moscow region

Olga ZABRALOVA became the first deputy chairman of the government and minister of education. Previously, the regional Ministry of Education with the rank of minister was in charge of Marina ZAKHAROVA.

The posts of deputy prime ministers were retained Maxim FOMIN And Alexander CHUPRAKOV. Remained Deputy Prime Minister Denis BUTSAEV, but lost the prefix “Minister of Investment and Innovation”. The former head of the Ministry of Transport became the new Deputy Prime Minister Igor TRESKOV.

“Toxic” Kogan was replaced by a person from the Ministry of Defense

A native of Novosibirsk, Dmitry Kurakin was Deputy Prime Minister from May to November 2012, when he headed the Moscow region Sergei SHOIGU. Afterwards, Kurakin served as director of the property relations department in the Ministry of Defense until May 2017. Since May 2017, he has been vice president of Rostelecom.

Now Kurakin has become Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources. His candidacy, among others, was submitted to the Moscow Regional Duma for consideration by Andrei Vorobyov.

Dmitry KURAKIN, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources

Representatives of the regional government do not specify whether outgoing Alexander Kogan will remain in the leadership of the Moscow region.

Kogan has headed Mineco since April 1, 2015. The activities of the department under his leadership were regularly criticized. The Ministry of Ecology ignored environmental problems: landfills, “sand poachers”, destruction of rivers and lakes.

The situation especially worsened in 2017. Calls for Kogan’s resignation were heard at rallies in different areas of the Moscow region. The Yadrovo training ground in Volokolamsk thundered throughout the country, and Governor Vorobyov was pelted with snowballs.

Political scientists called Alexander Kogan “toxic” for the head of the region and assumed that he would be dismissed before the elections on September 9 in order to raise the rating of the current governor and “calm down” the masses a little.

Alexander Kogan - former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region

But the resignation did not happen. Kogan served as part of the old government until the end. However, it is hardly worth talking about the end of his work in “Vorobiev’s team,” since the governor often appoints high-ranking officials who were left without posts as his advisers.

Vivid examples - former Minister of Health Nina SUSLONOVA, not fulfilled in the Odintsovo Central District Hospital; former Minister of Construction Complex Marina OGLOBLINA, whose son became a defendant; German ELYANYUSHKIN, During his work as Deputy Chairman of the Government, the Ministry of Construction issued many permits for the construction of large residential complexes in the Moscow region, most of which grossly violated regional urban planning standards.

Perhaps Alexander Kogan will soon join the number of advisers to Andrei Yuryevich.

“We have been working with Alexander Kogan for a long time, he has always focused on breakthrough topics,” said Vorobiev. The head of the region noted that the strategic task for the new minister will be to combat the accumulation of garbage and, in particular, solid waste. “For us, a strategically important topic is victory over garbage,” Vorobiev noted.

“The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources has done a lot of work to account for the subsoil of the Moscow region, but the main task outlined by Governor Andrei Vorobyov is organizing the removal and disposal of solid waste,” said Alexander Kogan. “You can’t close all the landfills at once, because the area will be littered with garbage. Before January 1, the ministry needs to develop a waste removal scheme throughout the region, starting from the container and ending with a specific landfill where this garbage will be processed. This is a huge job that will need to be done.” He also emphasized the importance of maintaining favorable environmental conditions for comfortable living of residents of the Moscow region.

“Today the State Housing Inspectorate is a clearly functioning supervisory body that uses all its powers and, when identifying violations of housing legislation, is guided by the principle of the inevitability of punishment. Based on the results of inspections by the State Housing Inspectorate, over two years, residents of the Moscow region managed to return almost 300 million rubles, illegally accrued by management organizations. Data on the technical condition of apartment buildings has been consolidated - no other region has such an automated system for monitoring the housing stock as in the Moscow region,” said Alexander Kogan.

As Kogan explained, the State Housing Inspectorate will complete a large block of tasks on licensing management companies by May 1. Work will continue to train both management organizations and house councils. “I have always emphasized the need for dialogue between residents and management companies. House councils should become guides in the dialogue between owners, management organizations and authorities. We created the Association of Chairmen of Councils of Apartment Buildings in the Moscow region. Its goal is to coordinate actions, train, and create a discussion platform on housing and communal issues. All this work will continue,” Kogan commented. Socially oriented projects of the State Housing Inspectorate will also continue: “Owner’s School”, “Open Day in Management Companies”, “Ice Age”, “Your Yard, Your Tree” and “Heroes of Our Yard” will also continue to develop. The recruitment of public inspectors who will assist the State Housing Inspectorate will continue.

Deputy head Mikhail Sylka was appointed temporary acting until the appointment of a new head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region.

Alexander Kogan was a deputy of the State Duma of two convocations, worked as an adviser to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and Minister of the Moscow Region for shared housing construction, dilapidated and dilapidated housing. He has headed the State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region since September 2013.

I'm leaving, I'm leaving beautifully (c). What happened was what was supposed to happen, and even on the deadline set by the media and specifically by EcoGrad - the new-old governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, got rid of living incriminating evidence. Today in Kolomna, at a public discussion of the projects for a waste processing plant and landfill in the village of Myachkovo, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, uttered a sacramental phrase: “Vote against, protest, but we will build the plant for you anyway.” It came out beautiful, but incomplete. The icing on the cake appeared only in the evening, along with the diffusion of rumors about Kogan’s resignation and the complete replacement of environmental management in a particular Moscow region, and then this phrase became a meme. This is how EcoGrad perceived it, in the light of the permanent but sluggish “garbage revolution”, which is preparing a full debriefing of the outgoing minister. In the meantime, the revolution is not over, but a disco break has been announced.

"... Your day is your last. The bourgeois is coming!"

According to the telegram channel “Green Serpent”, Dmitry Kurakin will be appointed Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Ecology
and environmental management of the Moscow region. This will be a combination of the positions of two retirees - deputy chairman of the regional government for ecology Alexander Chuprakov (whose departure, but only from the environmental sphere, was confirmed before the elections) and the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Alexander Kogan (whose resignation was in question).

Previously, Dmitry worked as director of the property relations department of the Russian Ministry of Defense (under Minister Shoigu), deputy chairman of the government of the Moscow region (under Governor Shoigu), and chairman of the property management committee of St. Petersburg (under Governor Matvienko).

Appointing Kurakin as Minister of Environment, strengthening his status with the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government, is an extremely correct decision by Governor Andrei Vorobyov.

The long-suffering nature of the Moscow region will have a chance to get rid of the chaos into which Chuprakov and Kogan plunged it, the Green Serpent telegram channel believes.


There are positions for which strong nerves are much more important than clean hands, or even more so the presence of a conscience. In the Moscow region, this unexpectedly turned out to be the post of Minister of Ecology.

This place is amazing - the Moscow region! Now, if you, dear reader, were to form your own regional cabinet of ministers, what portfolios would your friends fight for? Internal affairs to threaten everyone, social protection to protect everyone. Construction is in the recent past, and certainly in the future it will be a bonanza! Finance – to now take money away from builders. Yes, at least communications – to communicate to everyone’s pleasure.

“Ecology and environmental management” would never even occur to anyone. Meanwhile, this particular ministry is now actually one of the key ones in the region. Without its sanction, development permits cannot be issued; it regulates environmental zones, including transferring lands from the status of a reserve; in general, it has extensive rights and zero liability. Exactly like the fostered Ministry of Emergency Situations with its greedy and incompetent fire inspectors (here, by the way, it is appropriate to remember that the governor of the Moscow region is the successor and protégé of Sergei Kuzhugetovich). It is Kogan’s ministry that conducts state environmental assessments for small and even large federal projects, all construction sites and quarries, landfills and waste incineration plants. And with enviable regularity he issues positive conclusions for a group of favorite entrepreneurs. The explanation for this phenomenon has long been circulating in the chats of environmental activists: they joke that Alexander Kogan takes nature management literally - and uses it, uses it...

Basically a businessman

The future Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, as befits an official from the Moscow region, was born far from the place where he applied his forces - in Orsk, Orenburg Region. On February 26, 2019, he will celebrate his 50th anniversary.

The roots of the success of many officials stem from a fortunate family. Little is known about Kogan’s parents: his parents Boris Zinovievich and Albina Pavlovna met during the war in an orphanage; It is unclear what positions they held at the time of the child’s birth. But the first steps of the steppe wolf did not suggest the wealth of the clan and its future greatness - after school, he went to the 46th vocational school in Orenburg to become an installer of electronic equipment and instruments. And when Alexander turned 18, he was drafted into the army, into the tank forces. Next was the Orenburg Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Industrial Electronics.

The transformations in the country unleashed the hidden talents of Alexander Borisovich, who under other circumstances would probably have worked all his life in some research institute and earned extra money by selling spare parts for radio amateurs. But already in 1992, that is, obviously before graduating from college, he put this simple business on an industrial basis, organizing the KomInKom company with friends: “We bought equipment that, basically written off from the factory: televisions, double-cassette tape recorders, brought them to perfection and then took care of their maintenance,” he said about this period of his life. A quick-witted reader will easily understand what the delicate formulation “in principle, they copied” means.

In 1994, Kogan headed his miracle company and remained in this post until 2003. During this time, KomInKom significantly expanded the scope of its activities, and its director and main co-owner became one of the richest people in the region. Already in 1996, 27-year-old Kogan was named “Person of the Year of the City of Orenburg” - no matter the year, so is the person. Kogan generally loves small awards - either he is “Excellent in Education”, or “Honorary Patron of the Arts”, or someone else. In all biographies it is written that “Alexander Borisovich is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling” - however, there is no information about his sports career. But some officials like to collect not only awards and degrees, but also sports titles - for example, Kogan’s party member, a former fiery democratic lawyer Andrey Makarov made chess players all over Russia laugh, making himself the title of international master. However, let’s not be picky - Kogan looks much more athletic than Makarov...

In principle, the deputy

Alexander Borisovich has been involved in political activities since 1998 - he became a deputy first in the regional and then in the city parliaments. A common practice for those gop times: to protect business, entrepreneurs tried to be closer to the authorities. This did not guarantee protection from bandits in black Adidas, but at least it helped control the bandits in blue shirts. Moreover, the wider the business, the higher you need to be, the more unpleasant people you have to greet. And the business grew...

Transfer of the unique Arkhangelskoye estate near Moscow from the status of a “monument” to the status of a “remarkable place”;

Refusal of the ban on high-rise development in the region;

Sale of the surrounding area of ​​Lake Krugloe for cottage development;

Basically, family

As for Alexander Kogan’s dubious family connections, it was not difficult for him to save face; a crowd of hungry relatives does not run around the official. The parents are from an orphanage, there are no brothers and sisters (at least they are not mentioned), the father died, the mother lives in Orenburg. It would seem, live transparently, provide for your wife, make your daughters models or fashion designers...

There is such a company, or rather a “family of companies” - KASKAD Family, “a leading Russian full-cycle development holding, specializing in creating an organized residential development in the Moscow region" Its board of directors is headed by Valery Vladimirovich Mishchenko. A man with exactly the same name and appearance at one time - when he was already sitting on the board of directors - was Alexander Kogan's first deputy in the Ministry of Ecology near Moscow, but for some reason this honorable fact is not displayed anywhere in Mishchenko's biographies. And the marketing department of the “Cascade family” is run by a young and pretty Ekaterina Kogan. Coincidence?

As for the wife of Alexander Borisovich, then Marina Ivanovna once worked at the notorious “ComInCom”; judging by the register of court cases, until recently she was an active individual entrepreneur registered in the Orenburg region. Now her activity is manifested, surprisingly, in Moscow, however, New - she is the founder of the NP for managing the territory of the Akinshino cottage village. But even in the Moscow region, traces of an energetic businesswoman supporting her husband are visible: for example, the name of Marina Kogan is associated with the barbaric night eviction of children and pregnant women by machine gunners in Veshki, near Moscow. But our hero had just taken up his post - and even then he was very fond of the PIK Group. Which, by the way, will later eat Gabdrakhmanov’s favorite group “Morton”. This food chain is tight...

In Russian literature, the surname “Kogan” is associated primarily with heroic death: the fictitious Joseph Kogan, killed by a Makhnovist from Bagritsky’s immortal “Duma about Opanas,” and the young poet Pavel Kogan, who died in reconnaissance during the Great Patriotic War, author of the well-known lines “I have not loved since childhood.” an oval, I’ve been drawing an angle since childhood!”

Alexander Kogan chose a different path - he preferred an oval, rich life to heroic death. But all the nature he touches dies.