New Year and calendar from the Nativity of Christ. How Peter I established the calendar Peter 1 changed the chronology

“Everything that exists in nature is mathematically precise and defined”

M. Lomonosov.

New Year, in accordance with the accepted calendar era, it is celebrated at the moment of transition of the last day of the current year to the first day of the next year.

In connection with the onset of the next New Year, there is a need to talk about the emergence of the modern chronology “from the Nativity of Christ” in Rus' and the hidden secrets of this calendar. After all, the chronology introduced 1st of January 1700 by Peter the Great, represents one of the Masonic secrets of our time, which has not yet received a satisfactory explanation in the works of academic scientists. And in this article we have to answer several mysteries of Russian history at once. I have already written more than once that most calendar eras of antiquity are in one way or another connected with the dates of cosmic global catastrophes on Earth, and in the overwhelming majority of cases they are dates in memory of these cataclysms. The date from the Nativity of Christ was no exception, the mystery of the origin of which I spoke in detail in my book “The Mystery of the “Retribution Comet.” Before the reform of Peter the Great, Russia used the Byzantine chronology “from the creation of the world,” according to which the world was created in 5508 years before the birth of Christ. (In chronicles, millennia were usually not written, but only the last digits were used.) It is also important to say that The New Year according to the Byzantine chronology began on September 1, therefore, from January 1 to August 31, the difference with the chronology “from the Nativity of Christ” is 5508 years old, and for dates from September 1 to December 31 the difference is already 5509 years. Looking ahead a little, it should be said that the presence of a “transition year” is due to the fact that the orbital period of the “retribution comet”, and accordingly the time between global cataclysms, was slightly longer than 4008 years. That's why in folk mythology when calculating the dates of previous disasters, the interval is conventionally used exactly 4008 years old, A uranic mythology uses exact dates of previous disasters, As a result, the dates of cataclysms shift by one year. However, this will be discussed in detail in the appropriate place. New Year celebration from January 1 was first introduced by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e.

Calendar reform of Peter the Great. On December 19, 7208, Peter the Great issued a decree “On the writing henceforth of Genvar from the 1st day of 1700 in all papers of the year from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the Creation of the world” .

In this decree, the calendar reform was explained by the need to have a calendar coordinated with Christian countries: “ And then We, the Great Sovereign, ordered that in many Christian surrounding nations, who hold the Orthodox Christian Eastern faith in agreement with us, years are written as the date from the Nativity of Christ.”.

In honor of such a significant event, the royal decree prescribed: “along large thoroughfares, and for noble people and at houses of special spiritual and secular rank, in front of the gates, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine spruce and juniper. And for poor people, they should at least place a tree or a branch above their gate or over their mansions. And so that the future January will be ready by the 1st of 1700 of this year. And stand by that decoration of the General 7th the same year. Yes, on the first day of January, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on New Year and a century old, and do this when the fiery fun begins on Big Red Square, and there will be shooting, and at the noble houses of the boyars and okolnichi, and the Duma noble people, chamber, military and merchant ranks, famous people, each in his own yard from small cannons who have , or use a small gun to fire three times and fire several rockets, depending on how many you have. And on the big streets, where it’s decent, January, from the 1st to the 7th, at night, light fires from wood, or from brushwood, or from straw. And where the small courtyards, gathered in five or six courtyards, also put a fire, or, whoever wants, on pillars, one or two or three, tar and thin barrels, filled with straw or brushwood, light it, and in front of the burgomaster's town hall, shooting and such decorations are at their discretion.”

What was significant about this event, after which the Muscovites, unaccustomed to innovations, celebrated the New Year twice for a long time: on September 1, as bequeathed by their ancestors, and then on January 1, by decree of Tsar Peter?

New calendar.

Despite the violation of the usual counting, the new calendar was more logical than the previous one, because the New Year followed, as expected according to the calendar from the Nativity of Christ, immediately after Nativity of Christ and endings Nativity Fast. And there was also a hidden logic in this. Let's recall the secrets of the calendar from the Nativity of Christ, hidden from the uninitiated. Despite the fact that the chronology in the new calendar began on January 1, the dominant date in it is still the date of Christmas. But this requires another additional explanation.


Firstly, I have already repeatedly reported that in the new chronology the Nativity of Christ is celebrated December 25, and the generally accepted chronology begins in eight days, With 1st of January. The apparent contradiction is easily explained by the fact that the Jews did not celebrate the physical birthday of the child, but widely celebrated circumcision day, which was carried out on the eighth day after birth, and it was this day that was considered the starting point of the life of the newborn Jew Jesus Christ.

Secondly, chronology from the Nativity of Christ (December 25, year) is the date of memory of Noah's flood, i.e. space catastrophe 1596 BC. (1528 BC), associated with the passage of the “retribution comet” through the orbit of the Earth, from which it is located exactly three sacred indictions.

Thirdly, the era from the birth of Christ ( December 25 1596 BC) is and date of commemoration of the Second Coming of Christ (“the end of the world”, “Last Judgment”), to be held December 25 2412 years.

And here it is appropriate to talk about a comparison of the Mayan calendar, in which chronology is artificial ends on December 21, 2012, with a calendar from the Nativity of Christ, in which starting point is December 25 year (which is the date of the memory of Noah's flood). This comparison, without any scientific stretch, allows us to assume that the civilizations of the New World and the Old World, separated from each other, when calculating the date of the upcoming “end of the world” (December 21 (25), 2412), used common reference points for the passage of the “retribution comet” through the Earth's orbit.

Fourthly, another Masonic secret of the new chronology was that the expression “Happy New Year”, when the new calendar was introduced, had a dual meaning. The fact is that the word " Year" (English " God» German " Gott"), in German and English have the meaning "God". And the word “year” in this particular expression was introduced into the Russian language from English or German by Peter’s Masonic circle, who spoke mainly German and English. Therefore, the expression “with the New”, previously unusual for the Russian language, year" is identical to the expression with "New God" And this really is the pronounced essence of the new chronology. The fact is that after each global cosmic catastrophe, the supreme gods of the Earth change their names, which is easy to trace from world mythology. Therefore, the long, fruitless debate among linguists over whether to write the word “Year” in the expression “Happy New Year” with a capital or lowercase letter has an unambiguous interpretation. The word “God” was originally written with a capital letter.

Fifthly, due to the fact that this is the calendar of the new God (i.e., “comets-retribution”), like all the great calendars of antiquity, it used “comets-retribution” to count the period of revolution the secret of the great sacred indiction. The cyclical nature of the indiction in the calendar made it possible to use dozens of sacred “memory dates” hidden from the uninitiated, which made it very convenient in religious cults. That is why the main sacred numbers of the “comet-retribution” cult are the numbers 7, 8, 12, 40, etc.

Another Masonic secret of the calendar from the Nativity of Christ is that it is a calendar of cyclical catastrophes of the Earth, directly linked to the period of circulation of the “retribution comet” and the dates of global cosmic catastrophes. And the chronology from the Nativity of Christ very successfully linked the date of the previous cosmic catastrophe (Noah’s flood) with the date of the next cosmic catastrophe (the date of the expected “end of the world”). Therefore, religious holidays have special attention in this calendar, one of which was Christmas Eve, which comes on the night from 24 to 25 December. This holiday is the last holiday of the passing year, and on the eve of the upcoming “end of the world”, draws a line under the next cycle of the “retribution comet” orbital period. In addition, it should be said that the date of change of the calendar by Peter the Great was also not chosen by chance, for it is exactly six indictions away from 1492 BC (For more details, see the article “The Second Coming of Christ” on the website website)

Julian calendar.

The Julian calendar, or "old style", which is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church, lags behind the Gregorian calendar by 13 days. Historically, the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar gradually lags behind the zodiac astronomical calendar by one day every 128 years, which is approximately three days every 400 years. In the Julian calendar, every fourth year (the serial number of which is divisible by 4 without a remainder) was leap year, and has 366 days, instead of the usual 365 days.

Gregorian calendar.

Therefore, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII improved the Julian calendar, and in order to level out the lag from the solar calendar, in the Gregorian calendar all centuries that ended in 00 were recognized as non-leap years if their serial number was not divisible by 400 without a remainder. That is, the 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800 centuries were considered leap years, and not the 1300, 1400, 1500, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700 centuries. It is easy to understand that every centenary leap year ending in 00 increases the gap between the Julian and Gregorian calendars by one day. In 1700, when a new chronology was introduced in Rus', the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars was 11 days, and to date this difference is 13 days.

The Gregorian calendar was adopted on October 4 (15), 1582 and was immediately introduced in Catholic countries by Pope Gregory XIII to replace the Julian calendar previously established by Julius Caesar. When switching to the new calendar, the next day after Thursday, October 4, became Friday, October 15. The new calendar immediately shifted the current date by 11 days due to errors accumulated in the Julian calendar. After all, an earthly year is 365.2422 days long. A few words should be said about the first month of the new calendar.


The Russian name for the month January came to us from the Romans. In ancient Rome this holiday was dedicated two-faced Janus, god of doors and every beginning. Therefore, the month of January in the Julian calendar received its name in honor of the two-faced god Janus, one of whose faces always looked forward and the other back. Explaining the name of this month, Cicero believed that the name of the god Janus is in connection with the verb inire and saw in Janus the deity of entry and exit. According to other great Romans, Janus personifies chaos (Janus=Hianus), or the collapsed firmament (fallen sky). Nigidius Figulus identified Janus with the sun god (see Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron, 1907)

The Slavic name of this month is no less interesting. In Rus', January is called Velesov (Volosov) month. This name is given in honor of the ancient supreme god of the Slavs Hair. It is no longer difficult for us to guess that our name Hair God received in honor of the “hairy star” - the most terrible star in heaven. However, this will also be discussed in detail in the appropriate place.

Another most famous name for the month January is Prosinets. However, you will search in vain in dictionaries and encyclopedias for the true meaning of this strange word. Meanwhile, this Masonic term can be translated as “harbinger of death.” The prefix “pro” in this word means “before” (the event), and the root of this word "Syn" means the god Sin, the supreme god of the Akkadian pantheon of gods. Sin is the god of the moon, the father of the god of sunlight Shamash, the goddess Ishtar and the god of fire Nusku. God Sin was usually depicted as an old man with blue(purple) beard. (Blue (violet) color was the color of death and eternity). His sacred symbol and crown was considered Crescent Moon in Passover day position. (This is a generally accepted graphic designation for the day of a cosmic catastrophe.) On the tab is the god Sin, a photograph from the relief on the boundary stone.

In 1700 A.D. Peter I issues a decree abolishing the old calendar that existed in Rus' and introducing the Western Julian calendar from the Nativity of Christ. At the same time, he moves the beginning of the calendar (New Year) from the day of the autumnal equinox (among the Old Believers Slavs) and the first of September (among Christians) to the first “Genvar” (January). He chooses 1700 as the starting date.

I couldn’t find a photo of this order on the Internet, there is only a test that begins as follows:

Decree of Peter I No. 1736 “On the celebration of the New Year”
On the 20th day of December 7208, the Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Peter
Alekseevich, of all Great and Lesser and White Russia, indicated to say:
The great sovereign became known to him, not only in many
European Christian countries, but also in the Slovenian peoples, who with
Our Eastern Orthodox Church agrees on everything, like: Volokhi,
Moldavians, Serbs, Dolmatians, Bulgarians, and most of his great sovereign
Cherkassy subjects and all Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was received,
all those nations, according to their years, count from the Nativity of Christ in the eighth
a day later, that is, from the 1st of January, and not from the creation of the world, for many
discord and counting in those years, and now from the Nativity of Christ it reaches 1699
year, and the next January, from the 1st day, the new year 1700 begins, and a new one
centenary century; and for that good and useful deed he indicated henceforth the summer
count in orders, and in all matters and fortresses write from the current
January from the 1st of the Nativity of Christ 1700

But what was the calendar in Rus' like before 1700? After all, the month “Genvar” is already the fifth month in the Slavic account: The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter I by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, i.e. On the first day of January, the Christian Church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord.

This is the date that Peter the Great chose. By his decree, he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on the New Year.

Although I was not able to cite the order of Peter I as proof, it is possible to post several other documents, not Peter’s, but quite historical, archival, and in which the date is clearly visible not from the Nativity of Christ, but from the Creation of the world.

Why year, and not in summer, as was customary in Rus'? At the court of Peter I, Russian was hardly spoken, since it was considered the language of the common people. Basically, all communication was in German and Dutch. So the word God in these languages ​​means God. Those. By his decree, Peter forced his subjects to congratulate each other on the New God on the day of his circumcision. This Peter's joke still exists, and people, having lost the original meaning, continue to congratulate each other on the first of January on the New Circumcision of God, and not on the New Year, as it was before.

Why is it New Summer and not a year? Let us remember: ancient records of past events were called Chronicles, not Chronicles. We still ask each other “how old are you”, not “how old are you”. Among the Old Believers, chronology is still calculated from the autumn equinox (September 22-23). Unlike the first of January, this date is still tied to astronomical events.

In addition, Peter I did not just replace the old calendar with a new one. He stole 5508 years of Great Heritage from the people and ordered foreigners to write a History that did not exist before. Nowadays, few people remember that earlier the dates in the Chronicles were written in the initial letters of the Old Russian language, and not in the numbers that were introduced by order of Peter.

Before the introduction of the new calendar, the Russian people celebrated 7208 New Years in their Kolyada Dara, and the dates were always written with a capital letter. This proves that writing existed among the Slavs long before the “enlightenment monks” Cyril and Methodius. If it were not for the reform of Peter I, then the fairy tale about the enlightenment of illiterate pagans by Western monks would look like someone’s stupid joke. It was not for nothing that Empress Catherine II said: “The Slavs had their own writings many thousands of years before the birth of Christ.” The event from which our ancestors counted years was the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC).

The Creation did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally: the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple according to the Chislobog Circle after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern sense - China). By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, known in Christian tradition as St. George the Victorious, actually symbolizes precisely this victory. That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Rus' among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

Konstantin Dormanchuk, source

We need to remember our history and follow our own path.

Currently, we use dating years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar.

The Julian calendar, the so-called “old style”, has not been forgotten either. Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the “old” New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds us of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars.

Of course, it broadens our horizons. Let's broaden our horizons.

But, to make our horizons even broader, let’s touch on the ancient tradition of calculating the chronology of the Slavic peoples - the Daarian Circle of Chislobog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago.

Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism.

The widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar into the territory of Rus' and ordered to celebrate the advent of 1700 years from the birth of Jesus Christ on the night of January 1. The calendar reform stole (at least) 5500 years of our stories.

And in Rus' at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

But it is not said at all that the emperor not only changed the calendar, he actually “stole” it, at a minimum (!). five and a half thousand years of our true history.

After all, the event from which the years were counted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC) did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally; the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple according to the Circle of Chislobog after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the Empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern sense - China).

By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, known in Christian tradition as St. George the Victorious, actually symbolizes precisely this victory.

That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Rus' among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was chronology based?

A natural question arises: from what event was the chronology until the Creation of the World in the Star Temple?

The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event.

Moreover, years from different events could be counted in parallel. This is exactly how the ancient chronicles began with the mention of several time periods.

As an example, here are a few dates from RX for the current year 2016:

Summer 7524 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Summer 13024 from the Great Cooling

Summer 44560 from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia

Summer 106794 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria

Summer 111822 from the Great Migration from Daariya

Summer 143006 from the period of Three Moons

Summer 153382 from Assa Dei

Summer 185782 from Thule Time

Summer 604390 from the Time of Three Suns, etc.

Obviously, in the context of modern “official” chronology, these dates look simply fantastic,

But for an independently thinking person who is interested in the ancient cultural heritage of the peoples of the Earth, such “chasms of years” do not look so frightening.

After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite numerous written monuments that have reached us throughout the Earth, much longer periods of historical time are mentioned,

Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies also point to these same facts.

It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Rus', not numbers were used to designate numerical quantities, as is now customary, but titular initial letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius “fix”?

And since the calendar is a written tradition (try orally leading and transmitting such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing already existed in Rus' for at least (!) seven centuries. more than a thousand years.

However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us “illiterates” by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand.

And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pompousness during the annual “Cyril and Methodius celebrations” and “birthdays” of “Slavic” writing is surprising. At present, since we use the modern calendar (from A.D.), it would be more correct to use it only for events of the last three hundred years.

And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the chronology system that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible.

The dating of pre-Petrine events in modern textbooks is sincerely regrettable.

For example, the year of the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus is called 1242, and at that time in Rus' it was 6750.

Or, for example, the year of baptism of Kyiv is considered to be 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ.

But in Kyiv they celebrated the Summer of 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it, if evil minds are hiding it from us on purpose.

The Slavs are a great race.

In the Slavic-Aryan Calendar - Our calendar and all history until 1700 was canceled by Peter 1

Our Slavic-Aryan (Orthodox, pagan, Russian, Old Believer, etc.) calendar and all history before 1700 was canceled and crossed out by Peter the Great with his very first Decree.

In Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.H (Creation of the World in the Star Temple), Peter I postponed the New Year, issuing a decree on December 20 to congratulate each other on January 1 “on the new Got”, and to introduce a new foreign Julian calendar, where after December 31, 7208 from S.M. began on January 1, 1700 from the birth of Christ (Until the 18th century, the Moscow state adopted the chronology “from the creation of the world” (CM), i.e. from Adam, introduced in Byzantium in the 6th century. The creation of the world belonged to 5508 BC. That is, plagiarism of our latest calendar form is visible). The foreign “Got” is consonant with our “Year”, only ours denotes a time period. The word “godit” (to expect) is associated with “year”, from here “wait” (wait for me), etc. That's why "Got" became "The Year" so easily.

Slavic-Aryan Calendar (Vedic)
Our chronology is not connected either with the Sun, or with the Earths, or
with the Moons, nor with the Stars, but is connected with the Laws of the One Creator.
For the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons speed up and slow down their
move, and the Laws of the One Creator are UNSHAKEABLE, and their observance
is observed by Chislobog, who is the guardian of the Rivers of Time.

Origin of the word "calendar"
We are told that the word calendar comes from the Latin "calendarium", which translated from Latin literally means the following: "record of loans", "debt book". The fact is that in Ancient Rome, debtors paid debts or interest in the first days of the month, i.e. on the days of the Kalends (from the Latin “calendae” or “kalendae”, also “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans). But the Greeks did not have calends. Therefore, the Romans ironically said about inveterate defaulters that they would repay the debt in Greek calendars, that is, it is not known when. This expression has become popular in many languages ​​of the world.
If we return to the Latin language, it turns out that “debt” in Latin is “debitum”, “book” is “libellus”, “liber libri”. "Note" - "nota", "litterae". Note in the sense of "notebook" - "album", "tabella". "Loan" would be "faeneror". And some people translate the first part of “calendarium” as “to proclaim,” but they cannot translate “ndarium” (or at least “darium”). It is clear that calendarium has nothing to do with courts and debts. So maybe this word was borrowed from us?

Calendar number forms:

7519 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC)
13019 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cooling) (11,008 BC)
40015 Summer from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun (38,004 BC)
44555 Summer from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia (42,544 BC)
106789 Summer from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) (104,778 BC)
111817 Summer from the Great Migration from Daariya (109,806 BC)
143001 Summer from the period of Three Moons (140 990 BC)
153377 Summer from Assa Dei (151 336 BC)
165041 Summer from the Time of Tara (163,030 BC)
185777 Summer from the Time of Thule (183,766 BC)
211697 Summer from the Time of Svag (209 686 BC)
273905 Summer from the Time of H'Arra (271 894 BC)
460529 Summer from the Time of Gifts (458 518 BC)
604385 Summer from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daarian calendar) (602,374 BC)
957519 Summer from Time from the time of the appearance of the Gods (955 508 BC)
1.5 million Summer from the arrival on Midgard of the first Whitemara of the Great Race of the Celestial Race

So we can say for sure that 7208 cm.s.h. summer was replaced by 1700 AD.
You can watch the continuation and download the calendar itself on,
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