Ready presentation on the topic of the evolution of the earth. Presentation “Concepts of the origin of life on Earth. "Stages of development of life on Earth"

“Life in the Universe” - For wireless communication on earth, radio is mainly used. Search for extraterrestrial civilizations. On Mars, water can only exist in the form of steam and ice. There is no atmosphere, and the surface temperature varies from –170 to 450? C. Unfortunately, due to its proximity to the Sun, Venus is not at all like Earth. Introduction. Neptune.

“The Ancients about the Universe” - Aristotle (384 – 322 BC). How ancient people imagined the Universe. Ancient Egypt. Universe. He was the first to suggest that the Earth is not flat, but has the shape of a ball. Claudius Ptolemy. Ancient India. Aristotle's model of the Universe. The system of Claudius Ptolemy explained well the apparent motion of celestial bodies.

“The Origin and Evolution of the Universe” - Cosmology: the origin and evolution of the Universe (Big Bang hypothesis). Chronology of the evolution of the Universe. Parallax - to nearby stars (maximum - 1000 parsecs). Jeans. Planets of the Solar System. Options for the evolution of the Universe. Evolution of the Sun. How distances to other galaxies are measured. Origin of planets and the Sun.

“Evolution of the Universe” - The evolution of the Universe includes the evolution of matter and the evolution of structure. The astronomical picture of the world is a picture of the evolving Universe. Evolution of the Universe and life. And therefore it is difficult to come to terms with the idea that we are alone in the limitless Universe. It is with such civilizations that earthlings are interested in establishing contact.

"Universe" - Uranus. Ptolemy. Constellations. Universe. Neptune. Solar system. Planets Stars Asteroids Comets Meteors and meteorites The Sun is the center of the Solar System. Tasks: Completed by: V.R. Mindiyarova, teacher of biology and chemistry at Staro-Shagirt secondary school, Kuedinsky district. Terrestrial group Mercury Venus Earth Mars. Saturn.

“Universe of space” - The starry sky is a small part of the boundless space. What to expect from space - good or evil? At the same time, visual observation of the earth's surface by spacecraft crews began. The first space photographs were taken in 1961 by German Titov. Are there other creatures like us somewhere else?

There are 9 presentations in total

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In the process of formation of the evolutionary paradigm, three stages are distinguished: Stage 1 - TRADITIONAL BIOLOGY (C. Linnaeus). Stage 2 - CLASSICAL THEORY of biological evolution (C. Darwin). Stage 3 - SYNTHETIC THEORY OF EVOLUTION (S. Chetverikov and others)

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The Swedish natural scientist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) was the first to consistently apply binary nomenclature and built the most successful artificial classification of plants and animals.

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Evolution is a process of long-term, gradual, slow changes, which ultimately lead to radical, qualitative changes, culminating in the emergence of new material systems, structures, forms and species.

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W century BC Aristotle The Ladder of Beings 1749 J. Buffon The unity of origin of all living beings 1762 J. Bonnet The term “evolution” 1804 J. Cuvier The principle of correlation, the theory of catastrophes 1809 J. B. Lamarck The term “biology”, the first evolutionary doctrine, the inheritance of acquired characteristics 1846 A.R.Wallace The idea of ​​gradual change in all types of living beings 1859 C.R. Darwin Biological theory of evolution

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Lamarck was the first to identify the two most general directions of evolution: 1) ascending development from the simplest forms of life to more and more complex and perfect ones; 2) the formation of adaptations in organisms depending on changes in the external environment (development “vertical” and “horizontal”).

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Darwin's theory of evolution is based on the concept of heredity, which is understood as the property of organisms to repeat similar types of metabolism and individual development in general over a series of generations. Heredity, together with variability, is an integral property of living things and ensures the constancy and diversity of life forms and underlies the evolution of living nature.

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The second principle of Darwin's theory is to reveal the internal contradiction in the development of living nature. It lies in the fact that, on the one hand, all types of organisms tend to reproduce exponentially, and on the other hand, only a small part of the offspring survives and reaches maturity.

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The main theses of this theory are as follows: 1. The various species of plants and animals currently existing on Earth arose through continuous changes that lasted millions of years.

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2. From the primary simplest clumps of living matter, more complex and highly organized forms gradually formed.

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3. In nature, there is a continuous struggle between different species, as well as the intraspecific struggle of individuals for a place on Earth.

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4. Only those who are better adapted to environmental conditions survive this fierce struggle for life.

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The struggle for existence includes relationships with the surrounding natural conditions (abiotic) and biotic conditions - the struggle among themselves. There are three main types of struggle for existence: Interspecific - the struggle for an ecological niche between species. Intraspecific - most often, between males for territory, for a harem. Combating unfavorable environmental conditions.

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The inevitable result of the struggle for existence and hereditary variability of organisms, according to Darwin, is the process of survival and reproduction of organisms most adapted to environmental conditions, and the death during the evolution of those who are unadapted, i.e. natural selection (the main mechanism of evolution). The inevitable result of selection is species diversity.

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stabilizing selection - all noticeable deviations from some average norm are eliminated, as a result of which new species do not arise. Such selection plays a minor role in evolution. leading (driving) form of selection - picks up the smallest changes that contribute to progressive transformations of living systems and the emergence of new, more advanced species;

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destructive (cutting off) selection occurs when the conditions of existence of organisms suddenly change; a large group of individuals of the average type finds themselves in unfavorable conditions and dies; balanced selection leads to the existence and change of adaptive, or adaptive, forms. When selecting for increased variability, those populations that are distinguished by the greatest diversity in certain traits receive an advantage in selection.

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Synthetic theory of evolution (STE) is a synthesis of various disciplines, primarily genetics and Darwinism. Differences from Darwin's: the elementary structural unit of evolution is a population and not an individual or species; an elementary phenomenon or process of evolution - a stable change in the genotype of a population;

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factors and driving forces of evolution are divided into basic and non-basic. The leading factors include mutation processes, population waves and isolation. The material for evolution is mutation and recombination variability. Natural selection is the main reason for the development of adaptations, speciation and the origin of supraspecific taxa.

Lesson topic:

"Stages of the development of life on Earth."

What science studies the history of living organisms from preserved remains?


Development of life on Earth.




manifest life

hidden life



Development of life on Earth.



Main events




Development of life on Earth.


Main events

Archean era

Age of prokaryotes: bacteria And cyanobacteria. Photosynthesis appears, and as a result, oxygen begins to accumulate in the atmosphere.

from 3.5 to 2.5

billion years ago


Development of life on Earth.


Main events

Proterozoic era

Formation of the ozone layer. Appear first eukaryotes unicellular algae And protozoa. The process of soil formation has begun. The sexual process and multicellularity appeared.

End of an era - eukaryotic diversity (protozoa, jellyfish, algae, sponges, corals, annelids.

from 2.5 billion to 534 million years ago

Development of life on Earth.


Main events


appeared on Earth trilobites , as well as organisms with mineral skeletons (foraminifera, mollusks).

from 534 to 248 million years ago




Development of life on Earth.


Main events


Appear Cancerscorpios , echinoderms , first true vertebrates . The most important event is the emergence of plants, fungi and animals onto land.

from 534 to 248 million years ago



armored fish

Development of life on Earth.


Main events


In the middle of an era dominate cartilaginous fish (sharks, rays), the first ones appear bony fish , dipnoi , which gave rise to amphibians .

from 534 to 248 million years ago



Development of life on Earth.


Main events


Appeared mosses, horsetails, mosses, ferns (at the end of the Paleozoic they died out, forming coal deposits). At the end of an era appear reptiles, insects And gymnosperms.

from 534 to 248 million years ago

Development of life on Earth.


Main events

Mesozoic era

Appear crocodiles And turtles , first mammals (oviparous, marsupials).

from 248 to 65 million years ago



Development of life on Earth.


Main events

Mesozoic era

Appear Archeopteryx (ancestors of birds). At the end of an era appear higher mammals , real birds , angiosperms. Almost all reptiles die out at the end of the Mesozoic.

from 248 to 65 million years ago





Development of life on Earth.


Main events

Cenozoic era

Dominate mammals , birds , insects And angiosperms .

Appear first apes , species of plants and animals close to modern ones are formed.

End of an era - emergence person .

from 65 million years to the present
