Attention - Pisces! Children's horoscope advises... Pisces-children: features of the zodiac sign, character and interesting facts Children's horoscope according to the zodiac signs Pisces

Pisces is the last sign of the entire zodiac circle, belongs to the element of Water, is under the protection of the planet Neptune, and combines various qualities taken from previous signs. People born in this constellation are spiritually developed, they perfectly feel the pain of others, they are generous and kind. The Pisces woman is perhaps the most sensitive and romantic person; everything that happens inside her cannot be understood by those around her, because she is not used to talking about it.

Characteristics of a Pisces woman

A lady born in the constellation Pisces is charming, feminine and romantic. She is incredibly seductive and capable of self-confidence without difficulty, and there are few men who can resist her charm. She always strives to join high society, the elite, where people of a certain circle gather - respectable, successful, creative, and it is among them that the refined and sophisticated Pisces girl feels comfortable.

Most women born under the sign of Pisces are not ready for cruel reality; they like to live in their own fantasy world, among illusions and naive dreams. They are too sensitive, sentimental and helpless in the face of everyday difficulties. They definitely need someone they can rely on and who will help them cope with any problems.

Sometimes among Pisces there are women who have an inner core, are strong and resilient, but even they outwardly look too defenseless and sensitive, in need of support.

The Pisces woman is very dependent on the phases of the Moon. During the full moon, their thirst for activity awakens, they are cheerful, active, ready for any accomplishment, but when the Moon is born and enters the growth phase, it becomes apathetic, lethargic, sad, and often falls into depression.

The Pisces woman's horoscope states that she is a good conversationalist. She is polite, pleasant and calm, she does not tend to make trouble or try to impose her own opinion. Thanks to her charm, delicacy and gentleness, she is able to easily achieve what others achieve for a long time through hysterics and endless swearing. She tries to avoid any conflict situations without bringing them to a critical state. It’s easier for her to calmly leave than to waste her nerves on sorting things out. The Pisces woman does not like quarrels, is afraid of coercion, and besides, she is kind and attentive, so she has no enemies. She is reluctant to take on any responsibility, and she skillfully hides her inherent insecurities or hurt pride behind ostentatious fun.

In general, due to excessive sensitivity, it is common for her to inflate any, even the most insignificant problem to a universal scale, so it seems to her that there are more troubles and disappointments in her life than others. She is always ready to give everything to people without asking for anything in return. She has a kind, sympathetic heart, but she is completely unsuited to the struggle for happiness. The Pisces woman will sit back and wait for a better life, believing that fate will definitely turn her face to her, and she will meet her prince on a white horse.

What Pisces women love

Women of this sign naturally have excellent taste, so they always look impeccable. They know how to select gifts, sparing no expense, although sometimes Pisces have difficulties with finances. Pisces women love luxury and comfort too much, so they try to surround themselves with the appropriate things, which require considerable funds. At the same time, they are completely incapable of saving money or skillfully solving financial issues in their favor.

Pisces is the most talented sign of the zodiac; representatives of the fair sex are unusually musical and often achieve success in the creative profession. In addition, thanks to their extraordinary artistry, Pisces women are able to try on different roles not only on stage, but also easily embody them in everyday life. Sometimes it is very difficult for others to understand where is sincerity and where is the game, so strongly do they get used to the chosen role.

Representatives of this sign are selective when choosing their environment, they have few friends, because each of them must meet a lot of high requirements, and if it happens that a friend lets them down at least once, then the friendly relationship with this person will cease completely. In addition, Pisces women never forgive insults, and at the first opportunity they will definitely take revenge for their wounded pride.

Pisces - a woman and the love in her life

The psychological portrait of a Pisces woman reflects a person who rarely falls in love. But when this happens, she gives herself over to her feelings completely and always idealizes her chosen one too much, although most often he is completely unworthy of it.

She is not inclined to show leadership in relationships, preferring to give the leading role to her partner. Sometimes a representative of this sign becomes too attached to a man, and he, knowing how dependent she is on him, allows himself to say unpleasant things to her.

Because of her strong charm and external defenselessness, a woman of this sign always has a lot of fans and patrons, and each of them is sure that she will choose him as her life partner. She treats this state of affairs completely calmly, taking it for granted. The Pisces woman is not flirtatious, but she perfectly feels that with her attractiveness and charm she is able to keep men near her.

Men lose their heads when in her company, but she is too secretive, and it is impossible to guess who she will prefer. Her choice often causes misunderstanding, because neither influence, nor the presence of a large fortune, nor attractive appearance play a role in choosing a partner.

She can determine who she should marry by paying attention to various factors that sometimes defy logical explanation.

The Pisces woman easily hands over the reins of the family boat to her husband. Expecting that he is able to create a certain material level on his own, although in a difficult situation, she is able to moderate her appetites and begin to spend money more economically. But in general, the Pisces woman is a caring and loving wife, capable of making her beloved man the happiest.

She loves her children beyond measure, considering them the main happiness in the life of any woman. She will make every effort to give her child the best. She sees the future in her child and has high hopes for him. She rarely has many children, most often it is one child, because she tends to worry too much about children and is afraid that her love simply will not be enough for everyone. She tries to help the child make his way in life, but sometimes such excessive care makes the child too dependent.

Sex life of a Pisces woman

A woman of this sign feels confident in the bedroom, she is able to create the necessary atmosphere and knows exactly what needs to be done so that her partner receives a portion of incredible emotions. She is used to pleasing her partner, so she is not able to refuse. In bed, she behaves at ease and naturally, she likes sensual games that add variety to her sex life.

It is enough for her to watch an erotic film, and she is already excited and ready for exploits with her partner. She is not averse to repeating with him what she saw on the screen. Most likely, the first author of the erotic textbook was a man born in the constellation Pisces.

The Pisces woman, thanks to her natural artistry, can make such erotic sounds that the man, experiencing a powerful surge of strength, greatly increases his zeal to give her even greater pleasure.

Having found out what exactly her partner loves, she will create a mesmerizing atmosphere, wear the sexiest lingerie, and use all her inexhaustible imagination, even learn how to satisfy all his secret desires. She likes to make love in the “on top” position, so she can better match the pace with her partner and can control the situation to achieve a better effect.

Because of her reliability, she sometimes falls into an unpleasant dependence on a man, when he behaves towards her like a master, ordering what and how she needs to do. Sometimes a partner’s sadistic tendencies awaken on this basis, and a woman of this sign will endure this as long as she has enough strength.

Representatives of this sign have a pronounced tendency towards fetishism. She likes to dress in the same clothes for sex, wear jewelry that will slide over the body at the moment of intimacy, causing additional pleasant sensations. Many items of her clothing also have a stimulating effect on her partner, these include lace stockings with garters, gloves, crotchless panties and erotic bras without cups. If she wants non-standard sex with sadomasochistic tendencies, then she will definitely wear leather underwear, high-heeled boots, leather gloves and not forget about the whip. She accepts everything in sex that many consider abnormal.

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Pisces is a truly mystical sign of the Zodiac: they are sensitive people, easily susceptible to mood swings, gifted with a rich imagination and possessing deep spirituality. They are able to swim in the subconscious river of knowledge that unites all people, and when they surface, their imagination weaves tales of what they experienced there.

In a group of children, the Pisces child stands apart. It is marked by amazing eyes - pools of water, serenely looking out from the depths of another world. We see such eyes, which are the quintessence of this sign, in Liz Taylor.

Neptune, as the ruling planet of the sign of Pisces, gives this sign special, contradictory characteristics. On the one hand, Neptune breaks the rules, creating interference and uncertainty. On the other hand, it gives a rich imagination, creative spirit and spiritual depth. Your Pisces child is likely showing both sides of Neptune's influence.

In everyday life, this means that it is difficult for your Pisces child to form an opinion about the simplest things. Should he eat chicken or a casserole of rice, vegetables and meat for lunch? Should he go roller skating with friends or to the movies with you? But as far as intuition is concerned, he does not hesitate. And such a child always asks difficult questions that his subconscious tells him: “Who was I before this life?”, “What will happen when I die?”, “Will I go somewhere between these two lives?”

Pisces children are like spiritual sponges. They easily absorb the vibrations emanating from the people around them, so it is important that they have positive, confident friends. This sensitivity makes it easier for Pisces to communicate with others and is a source of empathy.

Pisces children are very inquisitive

Your child's imagination can work for or against him. While alone in the room, he hears a noise that may come from little green men knocking on the window. Or it could be monsters hiding under the bed, or a fairy godmother. On the other hand, imagination is one of the most important tools with which he understands the world around him.

During sleep, his subconscious is extremely susceptible to suggestion. For example, if a Pisces child is not feeling well, then whispered words about his quick healing can cause the immune system to work at an accelerated pace. In the waking state, Pisces children are also open to suggestion, and you can easily cope with a problem such as fear, as well as restore his health.

Pisces boy. The two fish that symbolize this zodiac sign swim in opposite directions. This represents your son's inner life. His head tells him one thing, but his heart cries out for something else, which is one of the reasons why he has such a hard time making decisions. Some of these tensions soften as your Pisces son enters manhood, but when he is still young, it can drive you crazy. For example, you tell him to hurry up and get in the car because you are late for an scheduled business meeting, and he still hasn’t decided whether he wants to go at all. And having made a decision, he will have time to change it ten times while you are walking to the car. As a parent, if you gently encourage your son to follow his first instinct, he will develop confidence in his intuition that will carry him throughout his life.

Your son is very sensitive to the subtle moods of family members as well as friends. If he tells you that his older sister is confused because of a fight with her boyfriend, believe him, even if you don't see any signs of what's going on.

The Pisces boy is very sensitive to the elusive moods of his friends

Pisces boys are very emotional, just like the female half of this sign, and their feelings can be hurt just as easily. But due to the masculine restraint instilled in them, they may not express it so readily. For this reason, Pisces boys can become moody and withdrawn, so the wisest thing to do would be to let them express how they feel.

For Pisces of both sexes, it is incredibly useful to tell their dreams to people they trust. Encourage them. And I guarantee you, you will be surprised by what you hear! You may also be able to pick up on some hidden clues in your child's dreams about what is really bothering him.

Pisces girl. As she passes by, the Pisces girl will give you a fleeting smile, and her eyes, glowing with a mysterious light, will illuminate the darkest corners of your heart. You will feel confident that your daughter is the greatest gift of fate, a true blessing from heaven. But then she suddenly withdraws into herself, sinking into one of her gloomy states, and it seems that no matter what you say or do, you cannot “get through” to her.

The Pisces girl is very emotional, and this feature of hers does not change with age - as she matures, she will simply learn to better control her emotions. While still at a young age, your daughter is reluctant to spend evenings away from home, which means that her home is the center of her life.

The Pisces girl is the greatest gift of fate, a true blessing from heaven

One of my daughter's friends, Pisces, often comes to visit us with the intention of having a good evening and spending the night. Her overnight backpack is chock-full of toys and movies that she and my daughter are going to watch that evening. But around nine or ten o'clock the girl begins to feel homesick. She complains of a headache or stomach pain. and generally feels bad, and then invariably calls his mother and says that he wants to return home.

Pisces children love all kinds of mysterious stories, as well as games during which they have to strain their “intuitive muscles.”

Age stages of a Pisces child

From birth to seven years. For parents, this stage is usually very easy. Your Pisces baby sleeps all night in a calm, healthy sleep, once again plunging into the mystical world from which he only recently came. If you still have problems putting your baby to bed, gently scratch his feet - this will calm him down.

During this stage, Pisces easily makes astral travel. Unencumbered by indoctrination, the soul of the Pisces child seeks ways to return to what it knows best. It is during this time that the Pisces child may have an imaginary playmate. And if your child tells you about such a friend, try not to scare him away with the usual parental reaction. Take what your child is experiencing seriously and be grateful that he or she has told you about it.

Pisces child from seven to fourteen years old. For a Pisces child, school can be something shocking. Suddenly the carefree days of games and imaginary friends are gone, and he has to deal with the classroom, the teacher, the alphabet - the things of the real world. But Pisces make friends easily and attract people who share the depth of their imagination and intuition. Pisces children excel in subjects that pique their interest and feed their imagination.

If a Pisces child already has some kind of constant passion - art, animals, books - then in the period from seven to fourteen years this passion becomes more pronounced. His indecision may also become more pronounced. As long as such a child knows that he can rely on the people he loves most, he can avoid emotional anxiety during adolescence.

Pisces teenager from fourteen to twenty-one. The big danger during this period is escapism (escape from life). This can be expressed in different ways, characteristic of the sign of Neptune: drugs, alcohol, sex - choose any and as parents you will be provided with nightmares. But if you can channel his escapism in the right direction, you will save yourself and your Pisces child from an ocean of headaches. Acting classes, painting, poetry, dancing, music or fiction can easily replace drugs, alcohol and sex.

Children at an early age are very cognitive and love to learn a lot of new things.

At this stage, your attitude towards him as parents is vital for the Pisces child. Be always attentive, loving, always ready to support him and help him. Encourage him to follow his intuition. Help realize your potential.

Pisces after twenty-one years. Pisces cannot decide what exactly they want from life. They change their minds about college so many times that with two more years of school, they could graduate with certificates in three different majors. Pisces are also indecisive in their personal lives. And when a child starts to have a tantrum, you just stand there, your eyes wide, and you don’t know what to do. In essence, you feel like a hostage to him.

Take a deep breath. Think before you say anything. Remind your child that he already has all the answers. All he needs to do is listen to the voice of his heart, and only then act.

The inner world of a Pisces child

Pisces' natural home is the twelfth house, where the unacknowledged parts of ourselves lurk. Due to this, your Pisces child will have problems.

Some of them could be resolved with the help of intuition. For example, Pisces could work for some time in a prison, in a hospital, in a charity home, and similar institutions that require understanding others and accepting a certain degree of martyrdom. They could work behind the scenes in some theater, be the director of a movie or a play. They could write stories about mysterious murders or read tarot cards. Whatever areas the work of people born under the sign of Pisces touches, it will somehow enable them to confront the hidden problems of life, scare them away and eventually get rid of them completely.

The inner world of a child born under the sign of Pisces is incredibly huge and colorful.

At one level or another, metaphysics is part of Pisces' life. If they do not explore this area, then time will pass and they will have to return to it again, and this will continue to happen until they begin to rely on their intuition, develop it and listen to its voice. Like their sister Water sign, Scorpio, Pisces have an incredible capacity for personal transformation. But unlike Scorpio, they can be so adaptable that they become a kind of chameleon and, in the process of transformation, lose themselves as an individual.

This child can get into his past lives with the same ease as you and I in a car to another city. He has the ability to leave his earthly body at will and take pictures of the area he enters.

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Children born under the sign of Pisces, pronounced spectators. They have a very well developed visual memory; they remember objects better only after they see them in person. A child born under the sign of Pisces develops fine motor skills very well and can easily convey information only through gestures.

Watching illustrations or all kinds of cartoons is one of the fish’s favorite pastimes. As for reading and listening to fairy tales, this activity does not bring the desired delight to these children; they prefer visual viewing of pictures. Kids willingly play with cubes, putting them together into all sorts of shapes; when they get a little older, they put puzzles together into pictures. They sculpt and draw much better than their peers. Computers are learned very easily at an early age, so there is a possibility that Pisces children will become too interested in video games. This is worth paying special attention to. Pisces’ speech is well-executed; they speak a lot and correctly. The Pisces child is known for taking many small things to heart.. Therefore, an incorrectly spoken rude word or gesture towards him can seriously offend a child. This also includes insufficient attention. It is worth checking that the child does not withdraw into himself and can defend his rights. Guys born under the sign of Pisces are very talented, but their talent may not be fully demonstrated. Therefore, a Pisces child must necessarily self-realize. It is recommended to help him in this matter in every possible way. Thanks to talent, a child can occupy a significant position in society when he grows up. Pisces children are capable of compassion, they often worry more about the problems of loved ones than about their own, and they will also be much happier and more joyful if someone around them succeeds. It is for this reason that Pisces expect the same feelings and returns in return. Kids are very vulnerable and sensitive. Little Pisces are big dreamers who have a well-developed imagination. The child needs to be instilled with the feeling that he is truly capable of much. Because by their nature, Pisces are very shy and self-conscious, and this cannot be done without the help of their parents. If the child feels your support and also believes in his own strength, he will be able to “move mountains.”

Pisces girl

Since the qualities inherent in Pisces are well compatible with feminine qualities. Pisces girls have a much easier life than boys born under this zodiac sign. Sensitive, good dreamers, children know how to show compassion for their neighbors; girls are endowed with these qualities. When choosing a specialty, a girl will be constantly changeable, then she wants to be a nurse, then a ballerina, and an hour later she wants to be an accountant. She is impressionable by nature, so the girl easily reflects what she sees in people. A child is like a mirror of the family, she will show everything that she sees in the house, and adopt the character and mood of its residents and those people with whom she has to constantly keep close contact.

Pisces boy

Pisces boys will have to work hard to show masculine character traits. Boys born under this sign are not ringleaders. Parents need to teach the boy to stand up for himself and instill in him self-confidence, since by nature they can be driven.

Pisces' thoughts are filled with fantasies and dreams. The most important ally of Pisces children is their talent. But it can also pose some kind of danger; if there is no way out for it, then the fish live in their dreams and dreams. Pisces are good at capturing nuances and are able to transform perfectly. Pisces are far ahead of those natures that try to win the power and favor of other people through cruelty; by their nature they are very soft and vulnerable. At that moment, when their peers are destroying and breaking everything around them, Pisces do not understand the meaning of their actions and condemn them. They are not interested in such games.

Raising children born under the sign of Pisces

During school years, raising children does not cause difficulties for their parents. The charm of Pisces lies in tenderness, sensitivity and impressionability. These are very polite and friendly people. The attractiveness of Pisces lies in their grace and beautiful eyes, which reflect the whole gamut of experiences and feelings. The strength of children lies in their developed intuition, mercy, and peacefulness. They have the gift of persuasion. The best traits and virtues of Pisces are the following: caring, tenderness, willingness to help, responsiveness, softness, flexibility, sensitivity, warmth, vulnerability, sublimity of thoughts and feelings, but the main virtue is belief in the good, no matter what. He likes most of all to immerse himself in secrets and riddles. He likes to be alone in order to immerse himself in his thoughts and dreams, to reflect on his plans and methods of implementing them. Pisces love to listen to music and tell interesting stories, only in a friendly and calm audience. They love to do art; with their rich imagination, this activity brings a lot of pleasure. They take care of the weak and everyone who needs help. Pisces do not like to be treated rudely and do not accept violence against them. They are very upset when they are not believed and exposed as deceivers. Always sincere and caring children - Pisces treat everyone with care and respect, but if their feelings are trampled or betrayed, then this will be the most painful period in life - to experience betrayal. They quickly forget grievances. They do not like to do tedious and uninteresting work, especially if they know that this action is obviously prohibited and unacceptable.

The Pisces girl is calmness itself. The child is very modest and shy, vulnerable and subtle. Pisces girls are very friendly and peaceful, and they also dream a lot, so they often confuse fiction with reality. In addition, Pisces can also easily confuse day and night.

If your child is a girl according to the horoscope Pisces

The Pisces girl attracts people like a magnet, this is due to her unusual beauty and femininity. Good and cute, this is what people say who have at least once met fish on their way.

Pisces love to attract attention. In kindergarten and school, not a single boy will lose sight of her; everyone wants to be friends with a Pisces girl. Although this is often the reason for their lack of girlfriends, because... they are so keen on communicating with boys that they simply have no time left for girls.

That's why girls don't like Pisces, which is not surprising. No friend will like it if all the attention is paid to the girl - Rybka. Moreover, this all happens involuntarily, but my friends, of course, do not think so.

What parents of Pisces girls need to know

Due to the increased attention to themselves, representatives of this sign have many enemies, in particular women. Situations often arise when friends who live in perfect harmony quarrel because some boy paid more attention to a Pisces girl than to her friend. It is thanks to such typical situations that strong friendships collapse.

Girls of this sign are very lazy, but with age this quality simply disappears and is replaced by determination and hard work. Therefore, being already in adulthood, Pisces achieve success in their careers. But sometimes she still needs to be a little lazy in order to gain strength and again achieve new successes.

Features of raising a Pisces child

  • Parents may feel like they are losing touch with their girl because she is always in some kind of fantasy world. Therefore, they should develop a sense of reality in the child.
  • These children have a very hard time concentrating on anything, so it is necessary to teach them how to make decisions. For example, ask your child to think about what he needs to wear: sandals or shoes, a raincoat or a dress. Through such training you will achieve the desired result.
  • It is very difficult to understand what talent is hidden in a Pisces girl. Because these children are well-rounded and can study and do anything. But still, it will be more useful for them to engage in art; it is this activity that can improve their mood.
  • Parents, if you have a Pisces girl, be careful and try to devote more time to raising her. This is how interesting and unique the Pisces girl is.

The Pisces girl inspires confidence in the people around her. Always a friendly person behaves exemplary, does not argue and is not rude. A gentle, fragile creature needs protection and is drawn to strong people. He has a calm character and likes to spend time alone. Fantasies and dreams are the best refuge from disappointments.

The sign of Pisces is the embodiment of softness and femininity. The representative of the sign that completes the zodiac cycle has a special, fragile beauty. Vulnerable and sensitive natures are popular with the opposite sex. The Pisces girl prefers to be friends with boys; their company gives her a feeling of security. She often faces the envy of her friends, although she does not deserve bad treatment. A distinctive feature of her character is the desire to gain a strong shoulder.

Character of the Pisces Girl

The Pisces girl is highly sensitive; any unpleasant event deeply hurts her. A representative of a water sign prefers to lead a quiet lifestyle. Avoids responsibility in any matter. The need to act quickly and decisively causes mental discomfort. He is afraid to commit a rash act, he is afraid of life's trials.

The girl has a subtle artistic taste and understands painting. Rich imagination and intuitive instinct characterize her as an extraordinary person. Tries to choose a job that does not involve communication and frequent travel. She likes a quiet time away from bustle, gossip and intrigue. Recommended professions: artist, designer, scientist, art critic.


Pisces is a water sign; the dominant element endows its representatives with receptivity and impressionability. The girl is so unsure of her abilities that any criticism confuses her. He is afraid of letting down his loved ones and is very worried about his inability to meet his parents’ expectations. She always thinks that she is not studying hard enough at school or that she is not helping her mother enough with the housework. Constantly reflects on the topic of his inadequacy. Increased anxiety can lead to mental disorders. Parents should constantly praise their daughter and emphasize the importance of her achievements.


The Pisces girl easily succumbs to outside influence and tries to catch the mood of the people around her. Strives to earn the respect and trust of friends, diligently fulfills their requests and instructions. She does not know how to refuse at all, she is afraid of seeming tactless and rude. Therefore, her decision changes several times a day. In the morning, she can listen to one friend and fully support her decision. By the evening, he will definitely fall under the influence of an authoritative classmate and begin to express a completely opposite opinion. A delicate, sensitive nature gets tired of constant doubts and often cries. It is impossible to predict how the most ordinary conversation will end: a cheerful girl can fall into a bad mood in a couple of minutes.


The Pisces girl is not interested in material values; the main thing for her is peace of mind. Selflessly takes on any difficult task. Easily sacrifices his interests for the well-being of loved ones. A responsive girl will not do her homework, knowing that she will get a bad grade and listen to the teacher’s lectures. She would be happy to help her friend design a poster or write an essay. Unscrupulous people often take advantage of her kindness and responsiveness. A girl may get into an unpleasant situation; her parents should teach her to defend her interests.


The complex nature of the Pisces girl is most accurately expressed in creativity. The baby draws well and loves visiting exhibitions and museums. She is a keen connoisseur of music and reads a lot. Parents should pay attention to their daughter’s talents and take her to developmental classes. At school, the girl is often assigned to design stands; she enjoys quiet creative work alone. She shows herself especially brightly in labor lessons; a modest schoolgirl can come up with and sew a collection of fashionable clothes. Over time, he will become a professional in the field of arts, the main thing is to believe in himself.

How to Raise a Pisces Girl

The Pisces child does not have a calm demeanor. The baby often cries and reacts painfully even to changes in weather. Any quarrels and troubles in the family are reflected in the girl’s state of mind. May be capricious over trifles. He has a poor appetite and often wakes up at night. Parents should pay close attention to health, vulnerable areas: kidneys, respiratory organs, nervous system.

During her school years, the Pisces girl shows average success. He has perseverance and a good memory, but is very shy when answering at the board. Tries to avoid too close communication with classmates. Completely lost from arrogant, assertive behavior. Teachers must politely communicate with a suspicious girl; rude, harsh words can make her cry bitterly. The schoolgirl is generously endowed with talents, but avoids performing in public, although she could make a wonderful actress. The girl does little sports and shows no interest in physical exercise.

The Pisces teenager cries more often than sorts out relationships with the people around him. Natural indecisiveness prevents a girl from directly expressing her thoughts and desires. Parents are left to guess what could have upset their daughter. The girl is not active in her personal life and does not know what to do in the future. He tries not to attract attention to himself and experiences failures alone. Parents must find the right words to support their daughter and point her in the right direction.

Raising a Pisces girl requires tact and patience from parents. A suspicious and vulnerable baby intuitively seeks support, even if she does not express her desires out loud. A gifted girl deserves careful attention and is constantly waiting for approval. Parents should remember that insufficient participation in their daughter’s life can result in significant problems in the future: alcohol, drugs, unsettled personal life.