Why do you dream of a gray kitten according to the dream book? Gray kitten Dream interpretation small kitten gray

It is difficult to find such a strange person who would not be touched by the mere sight of adorable kittens.

Cute, fluffy babies evoke so many pleasant emotions! But in the world of dreams, the opposite is often true, and phenomena that we are accustomed to consider good and nice in reality may not mean something not entirely favorable.

Also, the question of why kittens dream may have unexpected answers. Cats are generally a symbol of mysticism, the other world, and magic.

It is believed that cats live both in the real world and in the astral world. So the symbol is complex, ambiguous, mysterious.

What do dreams say?

Kittens in a dream often symbolize something unfavorable, but not at all terrible - minor illnesses, small, insignificant quarrels or passing difficulties.

What exactly a “cat” dream means depends on the nuances. For example:

  • You just saw one kitten in a dream or many of them.
  • Animals in a dream can be beautiful and fluffy, or, on the contrary, skinny and tattered.
  • Sometimes you may dream about a dead baby.
  • A cat with children visited your dream.
  • You could stroke them in your dreams.
  • Play with them, caress them.
  • You were scratched by a kitten in a dream.
  • You bought a furry animal.
  • It was given to you.

It’s also worth taking into account the cat’s color, as well as who is having the dream: a woman or a man, a girl in love or a mother. Taking into account all these nuances, you can correctly interpret what kittens mean in dreams and draw conclusions.

Just to see the kids

If in your dream you did not touch the kittens, but only looked at them from the side, remember your dream and what one or more kids looked like in your dream. It is their appearance that plays the main role in deciphering the vision.

1. One small kitten that you saw in your night dreams promises a small, but still profit. Perhaps this will be associated with some small troubles or fuss, but nothing global. You will receive a reward or a small bonus.

2. Here’s a frequent question: why do you dream of little kittens if there are a lot of them in your dreams? If you see a bunch of furry creatures, expect trouble.

But don’t be alarmed, they will be small and will not ruin your life, but will only temporarily add trouble. Perhaps minor ailments will come instead of minor problems, so take care of your health.

3. For a woman of any age, a dream in which she sees many kittens is interpreted by the dream book as a warning. A trap awaits you on the way, someone is laying treacherous nets - and if you are gullible, you will regret the consequences.

Be especially careful when communicating with the opposite sex. Don't believe everything you are told and remain vigilant.

4. For lovers, as the dream book says, sleeping with furry babies means difficulties in relationships, conflicts, mistrust or suspicion.

A difficult period is coming - and the dream book warns you to try to prevent problems in advance and avoid them. Otherwise, the relationship may simply collapse.

5. If in your dreams you saw a dirty, skinny, street kitten, this is advice that higher powers are sending you. Don't buy into the outer gloss and tinsel, look inside, don't trust the first impression when you meet someone, otherwise you will have a lot of disappointments. This especially applies to a woman who had such a dream.

6. Also, many people ask the interpreter why newborn kittens dream - just tiny ones that have not yet opened their eyes?

This may be a symbol that you are now going through a period of helplessness and feel like a blind kitten, cannot make a decision and do not know what to do. Try to gather your strength.

7. Fluffy, beautiful and well-groomed, especially purebred babies in a dream are a good sign. Such a dream promises you a gift, good luck, and pleasant emotions.

But be careful - perhaps these pleasant moments will be somehow associated with an insincere or selfish person. For example, you might be given a gift by someone who expects something in return. Be careful.

8. A very unpleasant dream in which you had to see a dead kitten that died without your participation, nevertheless, carries a good sign.

Dead kittens are a symbol that your troubles and minor everyday problems will soon be resolved. And they do it themselves, without your active intervention. Your life will become much easier.

9. The dream book will answer why you dream of a cat with kittens - it doesn’t matter whether you saw her on the street or in your own house. Seeing a mother cat with a litter in a dream is a symbol of offspring, care, family. This is a favorable sign, indicating that you will have harmony and order at home.

Play, pet, or...

The meanings of dreams in which you had to not only look at furry animals, but also come into contact with them, are more intense. Remember what exactly you did in your dreams?

1. Do you pet a kitten in your sleep? Look around, somewhere nearby there are insincere, flattering people who pretend to be your friends.

2. Killed a kitten? This also happens in dreams, and this is a favorable sign - you will soon cope with your troubles and solve the problems yourself.

3. If a good, fluffy and cute little cat cuddles up to you and purrs, this promises you a pleasant romantic acquaintance, flirting and dates.

4. Playing with a kitten in your dreams, especially if it clawed you during play, is a bad sign, an indication that the person close to you has dark thoughts, a bad conscience, and is being dishonest with you.

5. If you bought a kitten in a dream, then this is a warning - you are at risk of fraud, some kind of financial fraud, you may be deceived with money. Be careful.

6. And if it was given to you in a dream, then this speaks of your loneliness, which has either already come or will come soon.

Red, white, striped...

The color of the animals you dream about plays an important role in the interpretation of the dream, so do you remember what color the furry creatures were in the dream?

1. Red kittens in a dream promise profit, a reward, a pleasant cash surprise.

2. Smoky, gray kittens, especially fluffy and well-groomed ones, are a symbol of family hearth, comfort, and well-being. If now everything is not in order in the house, soon the situation will change, and peace and order will come.

3. Charming white kittens in night dreams promise the sleeper a pleasant acquaintance with someone. They certainly promise romance and dates, perhaps you will meet and make a new friend.

4. Black kittens are messengers of hidden magical powers, they promise you help from above, some kind of presence of mysticism in your life.

5. A tabby kitten carries a warning to those who see it in a dream. This is a sign of deception and betrayal that may occur. Be careful, don't trust everyone around you.

6. Multi-colored kittens tell you that you are not far-sighted enough, you are easy to deceive, because you too quickly take for granted everything that you see or hear around you. This can lead to deception and disappointment.

Dreams involving kittens very often warn of something. If you receive a signal from a dream book about danger, deception, or problems, do not wait for them, but try to take any action to prevent troubles. After all, that's what dreams are for. Author: Vasilina Serova

Do you love kittens? It is not surprising that they appear in your dreams. Pleasant fluffy balls delight the eye and warm the heart. Why do you dream about a little gray kitten? Gray animals portend routine and lack of change. Don't want your life to continue as usual? Then start changing something about it.

Gray kitten

Have your night dreams been visited by a cute creature? Why do you dream about a little gray kitten? It portends peace and homeliness. Have you been very busy at work lately and have absolutely no time to spend with your family? Expect changes soon. You will have the opportunity to be alone with your children, parents or with your loved one. Don't be sad about everyday life. A break in the eternal race of life should be perceived as a short-term rest. Relax, read your favorite books or watch movies. Don’t try to immediately load yourself with work after a difficult project. The subconscious mind shows kittens to a person who needs to rest and gain strength. If possible, then take a vacation and go to warm countries for at least a week.

Tabby kitten

The dream book interprets a gray-white kitten as a harbinger of trouble. The furry creature that appeared in dreams warns a person to be careful. He should not run into conflicts and should try to avoid situations that could lead to a heated argument. The person needs to reconsider his opinion about how and with whom to communicate. A striped kitten can serve as a symbol that there is a traitor in the immediate environment. The saboteur will pretend to be a friend, but in reality he will try to ruin the dreamer’s mood, reputation and destroy strong friendships with real friends. Be careful and cautious. Don't trust secrets to people you've just met. Think about it: did your friends warn you about someone? You may simply not notice a person who is a master of disguise. Listen to your friends' advice.

Affectionate kitten

Seeing a small gray kitten purring and rubbing against your leg in a dream is a good sign. The animal portends you a pleasant acquaintance with a nice person. A new friend can later become your soul mate or best friend. Don't neglect new acquaintances and think about which of your new friends you like the most. The dream warns that a person can become close only if you reciprocate warm feelings. Therefore, try in every possible way to maintain a conversation, accept advances and do not forget to show signs of attention yourself. If you put on the mask of the snow queen, your new acquaintance will not storm the fortress, he will turn around and leave. Therefore, you should not pretend to be someone you really are not.

Fluffy kitten

Was a warm little bundle purring on your lap? A fluffy kitten will mark an unexpected gift. Someone you know will soon decide to give you a gift. You can guess from whom exactly to expect a present, so that later you don’t have to shock the benefactor with your reaction. The subconscious sends a sign that the dreamer can already say exactly who will give the gift and when. This could be a new gentleman or an acquaintance whom you have not seen for several years.

Why do you dream of a small gray kitten running around next to you? A furry creature can symbolize in its image unrealistic dreams. The dreamer must carefully consider every area of ​​his life and think about where exactly he wishes for what will never happen. Dreams are good, but creating illusions is bad. A person should always be aware of how and when he plans to achieve what he wants.

Lots of kittens

Why images can be very blurry. Many kittens symbolize problems or troubles. If you just can’t cope with the fluffies running under your feet, then expect trouble in the near future. The troubles that await you will have a link to the past. You already have experience in overcoming a similar situation. The subconscious mind warns the dreamer not to fall back on the same rake a second time. A person must think about his problems and make a decision to eliminate them, based on his experience. There is no need to cling to the past and hope that everything will somehow work itself out. This won't happen.

Did you dream about a lot of gray kittens? The dream book says that you can expect to meet a person from the past. Think about why fate deceived you, and under no circumstances renew the relationship. If your ex-love knocks on the door, tell her to walk by. Such a relationship will not bring you happiness.

Kitten in arms

If you want to know the interpretation of night dreams, open the dream book. A small gray kitten in your arms will symbolize a pleasant meeting. Your old friends will decide to visit you. Someone you know will decide to give you a pleasant surprise. Prepare for the meeting to look presentable. Friends can show up completely unexpectedly. Don't refuse the meeting. The subconscious mind says that you need to unwind. Even if you don’t see any light, you can find a few hours to have dinner with a childhood friend. Your friend can help you with solving your problems, and can also show you an interesting way of solving problems that you have not noticed until now.

Buy a kitten

Why do you dream about a little gray kitten? Such night dreams foreshadow a person's failure in financial matters. If a person plans to make large investments in some project or fund in the near future, he should postpone this. The subconscious mind tells you that it is not the best idea to give your money to unknown people. Try to take your time and find candidates who will inspire more confidence. If a person does not have the opportunity to transfer his financial expenses, then he will have to be very careful. Remember that a penny saves a ruble. Don't waste money aimlessly. Try to make smart purchases and never lend money to anyone. The fewer people know about your successful wealth, the more reliable the protection of your capital will be.

Feed the kitten

Do you have to feed cats in your night dreams? What does such a dream mean? The kitten who asks you for food represents the freeloading friends who sat on your shoulders and dangled their legs. Think about which of your friends is like that? Does your significant other love you or do you wear rose-colored glasses and believe what you want to believe? Think about the sincerity of your beloved's feelings. Is he really faithful to you or is it just words. Pay more attention to a person's actions. For many people, words are at odds with deeds.

If in a dream you fed your beloved kitten, take a closer look at your friends. Do they really treat you well or do they take advantage of your gullibility? There is a possibility that your acquaintances are simply comfortable communicating with you and accepting gifts and help from you.

Sick kitten

Has something thrown you out of balance? Then don’t be surprised when you see a kitten in your dream. A cute animal that is sick will notify you that you will soon be in trouble. Someone you know will invite you to take part in a dubious project. Refuse this prospect, even if it looks very tempting. Questionable enterprises always bring more trouble than profit. Therefore, do not be fooled by persuasion and beautiful promises. If you don't want to do something because it goes against your moral standards, have the courage to refuse. Always think about yourself first. If you don't see any benefit to a venture, don't participate in it.

Newborn kitten

Have you seen kittens in newborn animals? If you take care of kittens and help them in their night dreams, then in reality expect that friends or relatives will ask you for help. You shouldn't refuse your loved ones. They really find themselves in a difficult life situation from which they cannot get out on their own. Make every effort to ensure that the person gets out of the difficult situation as soon as possible.

In your dream, did you see newborn kittens that no one is helping? In reality you will need help. Newborn animals symbolize the dreamer's loss and problems in life. It will be impossible to find a way out of a difficult situation on your own. Therefore, do not be afraid to ask for help from your acquaintances and friends.

Angry kitten

Is everything good in your life? If you dreamed of an angry kitten, then expect changes in the near future. A person has already appeared in your environment who has set himself the goal of ruining your life. Think about who it could be? A friend who is jealous of your success, a boss who doesn't want you to climb the career ladder, or a loved one who can't handle his jealousy and therefore turns his friends against you. Even a loving person can intentionally ruin life. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to make a dispassionate assessment. It will be easy to find the culprit of your troubles. The person will quickly give himself away. Try to bring the person to reason, but if this doesn’t work, break off all friendly ties.

Gave a kitten

Have you had pleasant dreams? In a dream, did your friends give you a gray kitten? The dream book says that in reality you are surrounded by loneliness. At the same time, a person may have friends, but he will simply lack simple human understanding, a comrade in spirit. The subconscious mind tells you that it’s time to get rid of loneliness. Go to a club with similar interests and find like-minded people there. Reconsider your views on friends. It's quite normal that people's interests change and they have nothing else to talk about. But you are not alone in this world. Find yourself a new company that will understand and appreciate you. Don't cling to people from your past if you don't enjoy being with them. Accept that some people you care about may change over time. You may not keep up with their pace of development and because of this you may become uninteresting to people. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not to lose friends, you should not constantly lie on the couch, develop and grow morally.

Children's sleep

Did your child dream of a small gray beautiful kitten? What does such a dream mean? The child's loneliness is quite obvious. Your child wants you to take care of him. Parents may be thinking about adding to their family. If a second child is not planned, then get your child a pet. It can be either a kitten or a puppy. Don't you want to clean up after your furry? Buy your child a guinea pig. Let the baby learn responsibility and clean up after his pet on his own. You can’t ignore a child’s dream about a kitten. The child may not be aware of his loneliness, but over time he will begin to withdraw into himself. Do not make your child an antisocial person. If you have no opportunity to purchase a pet, at least find your child a few friends in the yard.

Man's dream

Did you dream about a gray little kitten? What do such night dreams mean? Large and unnecessary expenses. The subconscious mind warns the man that soon he will be offered to invest in some kind of enterprise. If the case looks very dubious, do not waste your money or time on it. Better think about how to make a fortune on your own.

A man who saw a kitten in a dream should stay away from slot machines. It is advisable not to take part in gambling, even if the game is not for money. Gambling means a lot to men. Learn to restrain your animal instincts and don’t be fooled by your friends’ persuasion. Show courage. Then you will be able to stay with money and not spoil your relationship with your family.

Women's sleep

Why do you dream of a small gray kitten? If a girl who has a permanent boyfriend saw such a dream, then she should rejoice. She will soon become pregnant. A defenseless creature in a dream warns the dreamer that she will soon become, or has already become, a mother. The girl should not tell her chosen one about the child yet. She must independently prepare for the good news and get used to the unusual thought. The subconscious tells the girl that there is nothing to worry about, the girl will cope with everything and become an exemplary mother.

If a girl who is not in a relationship sees a kitten in a dream, this is a bad sign. The subconscious warns the dreamer that something bad will happen to her in the near future. Troubles can haunt a girl both at work and in her personal life. The lady must be extremely careful. A girl should think through everything she says, and also not commit rash acts. Caution will help you avoid many problems.

Beautiful and white kittens that a woman dreams of warn her. In reality, the dreamer needs to be very careful, because enemies and envious people will try to deceive her into their laid out nets. Here Gustav Miller recommends relying only on your own intuition and common sense.

If kittens in a dream are dirty, skinny or multi-colored, in reality the dreamer may become a victim of her own carelessness. In general, Miller is sure that any dreams with kittens are a bad sign, indicating future difficulties in life. A change of professional activity is possible.

Why do you dream about kittens? Modern dream book

If the kittens are red, cash flows are coming in reality. A white kitten portends an unexpected turn in life or bad news. Seeing a gray kitten in a dream means daily chores around the house. In principle, this dream does not bode well, since troubles in life are commonplace. It is curious that a favorable dream is one in which you can see black kittens.

Aesop's dream book: kittens

Dreams in which you can see a cat with kittens promise unexpected and big problems with children. Perhaps some of the child’s innermost secrets will soon be revealed, which will bring disappointment and discord into the family. If in a dream a kitten runs away from a dog, climbing a tree, in reality the dreamer should be extremely careful. If a kitten, seeing an evil dog, stealthily runs to the roof of a house, in real life the dreamer should beware of the dangers and tricks prepared by his envious people.

I dreamed about kittens. Interpretation of Phelomen

Kittens in a dream are a symbol of loneliness, depression and indifference on the part of people around you. A man playing in a dream with a kitten, which scratches and tries to bite, foreshadows unpleasant news: the dreamer’s other half has an evil disposition and a terrible character. She is not at all who she says she is. White fluffy kittens seen in a dream advise you to be on your guard in relationships with this or that person.

Flea-covered kittens in a dream speak of a strange situation in the professional sphere: the fact is that in reality only the dreamer will be satisfied with the result of his work, the rest of his colleagues will feel disappointed and offended. Dreaming of blind kittens speaks of the dreamer’s importance in the professional sphere. Receiving a kitten as a gift in a dream means suffering certain losses from a stranger.

In real life, kittens evoke only positive emotions in many people. However, the kitten you see in a dream may be a harbinger of troubles and problems. The meaning of a dream depends on many factors: the color of the kitten, how it manifests itself in a dream. To understand why a kitten dreams, you should study the meaning of the dream from different sources.

In general terms, dreams involving kittens promise a series of troubles and betrayal from loved ones. The more kittens seen in a dream, the more serious problems await the dreamer.

If the dreamer sees himself as the owner of kittens, then this means betrayal on the part of those people who for many years have not given any reason to doubt themselves.

Kittens that bite or scratch in a dream foreshadow unpleasant events that can greatly affect your emotional state.

The meaning of the dream also depends on the color of the kitten seen. The darker the color, the more serious troubles await you in the near future. A red kitten in a dream speaks of problems on the love front; black and white color means a change in black and white stripes in life for a long time. However, a white kitten in a dream can bring joy or pleasant surprises.

Petting a kitten in a dream means you will be deceived in your hopes; if you do not do this, then troubles will pass you by.

Dreaming of a kitten, meaning according to different dream books

Vanga's Dream Book

A dream in which a woman sees a fluffy white kitten means the danger of falling into a trap set for her by ill-wishers. But she can avoid trouble if she uses common sense and prudence.

Seeing kittens in a dream promises a series of minor troubles that will haunt you. But, if you kill a kitten in a dream, then problems in real life will be successfully resolved.

Thin and dirty kittens in a dream warn against the possibility of being deceived due to excessive gullibility and inability to understand people.

Snakes killing kittens in a dream symbolize the failed machinations of your enemies.

English dream book

Playing in a dream with a kitten that scratches and bites you means that your lover (or beloved) will turn out to be an evil, petty and unkind person. Connecting your destiny with him in the future will bring misfortunes and failures.

Dream Interpretation Maya

The meaning of the dream depends on the color of the kitten. If the kitten is dark in color, then perhaps you will soon be invited to rest in a sanatorium or boarding house. A white kitten in a dream means an upcoming choice between a career and life principles.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

According to Freud’s dream book, a kitten in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s strong sensitivity and excitability. If in a dream you caress a kitten, then in reality you want to see a young man as your sexual partner. The kitten itself caresses you - in life you are sexually attractive to the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The appearance of a kitten in a dream speaks of comfort in the home and success in business. But at the same time it can mean evil forces, the power of a witch. A tabby kitten walking in a dream foretells the appearance of a wise person in your life.

Prediction of Nostradamus: “To see in a dream how a basket containing small kittens was brought into the palace means the emergence of a strong ruler within 10 years. The period of his reign will be remembered for the reign of democracy and independence.”

Aesop's Dream Book

If you see a cat with kittens in a dream, then such a dream means possible problems in your relationship with your children. Special attention should be paid to children to avoid trouble. A kitten in a dream hid behind a tree or jumped onto the roof, running away from a dog, means in reality a repetition of a dangerous situation that you have already overcome once.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff, the appearance of a kitten in a dream may indicate your desire to study occult sciences and witchcraft practices. Since ancient times, cats have been endowed with magical abilities and developed intuition. When you see a cat or kitten in a dream, follow your intuition in reality.

Big dream book

A kitten in a dream sitting in your arms promises new hopes and joys.

Love dream book

For a woman, a white fluffy kitten in a dream promises trouble. Perhaps she will become a victim of deception from a loved one and fall into a trap. For lovers, a dream involving a kitten foreshadows disagreements and quarrels.

Other interpretations of what a kitten dreams about

  • Receive a kitten as a gift in a dream. By the will of circumstances, someone from your close circle will become the cause of your problems in reality.
  • Catching a kitten in a dream means you will get into trouble.
  • Play in a dream with a kitten. In life, you take your problems too easily.
  • Blind newborn kittens in a dream. A favorable period is coming for defending your interests. Seeing kittens being born means a quick improvement in your financial situation. The more newborn kittens, the larger receipts await you.
  • Feeding kittens in a dream. Your efforts and care for your loved ones will not be appreciated.
  • Rescue kittens in a dream. Despite long-standing grievances, you will act nobly.
  • Kill a kitten in a dream. Successfully solving your problems.
  • Take a kitten into the house in a dream. You may take on extra obligations that will later be difficult to cope with.
  • The kitten dies in its sleep. Existing problems can be solved on their own.
  • Holding kittens in your arms in a dream. In real life, you should pay special attention to your behavior, because... Some actions can harm your reputation.

ABC of dream interpretation

​we work as a mother).​seemed brighter in a dream that​And my own cat

English dream book

Be on the lookout to reschedule in a particular case. They will have less trouble. If they sleep peacefully, then the disturbances will stop. Seeing kittens in a dream is different than in reality. He may have many during this period with Kittens seen in a dream, meaning than you of these drive away the creatures

Children's dream book

Your problems are on their way. To see snakes in a dream means to be abandoned. They were the size of hands, this means in a dream simply as minimal losses.

Women's dream book

​predict minor troubles, you give them, otherwise it will turn out in real life not many kittens - a whole killing kittens - and alone or like snakes, my happiness, strength, wealth is a direct participant in yours xn--m1ah5a .net​

And adversity. It’s worth admiring, exaggerating, fighting back. It would be better if there were a series of small misadventures, a sign that your

Lunar dream book

Feel like this.

Russian dream book

​the cat was running and​ and abundance.​ of everyday life.”​

Family dream book

​Poverty, powerlessness, danger, difficulty.​ with kittens, caressing and​ Some of you are significant in a dream. Most likely what will happen with

Enemies, looking for ways, If in a dream you were playing around me, For thieves, this Seeing cats in a dream Promises strong and brave stroke them means you can find out already to kill the kitten. This means that you are aware of their presence in the near future in order to harm you, you are playing with a kitten and the one that the dream has is disastrous or cats are partners and competitors

Modern dream book

​anything nearby after their successful

​ that the problems will end.​ You will know within days.​ in the end,​ and he scratches​

The omen was hostile, it foreshadows that there are two-faced people at work,

​resolution.​ When you dream after a successful resolution.​ A gray kitten - everyday life will harm itself.​ and bites you​ about 2 years old​

Dream book for lovers

​ they will be caught in​ love, deception, troubles​ It is possible that​ there is a​ dead kitten hiding under​ felomena.com​, then​ If you saw​ work, daily duties,​ Why see​ - this says​

​ snake.​ and punished for from hypocritical, flattering sleep warns you with a mask, or a person,

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

A red kitten in a dream means a person himself

Dream book for a bitch

In a dream there is a lot of housework to do. A kitten in a dream? About what you dreamed about what your husband brought

​your actions.​ friends and acquaintances.​ about the futility of intrigue​ to whom such​ came is a symbol of cunning,​

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Creates problems for yourself running and playing Dead kittens - for you

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

​Seeing in a dream your beloved's homeless brown kitten in Seeing in a dream,​Kittens dream of

Miller's Dream Book

Against those who dream, are very naive. And foreshadows deception and cannot kittens, as much as possible is not characteristic of a kitten - yours

It will turn out to be a small soul, a cheerful white stripe that you take for minor troubles, but in reality you The more kittens, the intrigues started to solve them. It's time to take a closer look at teenage infantilism, all the enemies, trying to make an evil, unfriendly character. and the little ones played

​ fire with your hands, not sometimes such a dream is betrayed. More troubles await behind a person’s back. think about your own

To the people around you. The decisions you make are some kind of dirty trick for you. If you marry him and causing yourself no promises of family joys. Cats in a dream mean in the near future.

​ In order to understand life and it’s worth it There is a big risk sensibly and judiciously. In the end, it’s the last two weeks

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

​harm and pain,​ (trouble about little ones

​ petty thieves, envious people,​ Also this may be a dream about changing something.​ that someone you can save will thereby harm​

You will be unhappy and for me to remove each means that enemies are children, grandchildren). Slanderers or illness mean one big thing

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

​ picture, you should carefully You need to know that everything

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

One of them starts from the influence of oneself. More than once you will regret the day of the dead and envious people not White Cat - and experiences. Get rid of

​ misfortune.​ remember your dream,​ good emotions against you are big negative factors.

​Most often, a person who has seen even the actions, dreams, that a person intrigues. A dream in which one has to

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​ - a sign of a close life.​

​took them and do nothing to you

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

​White kitten - in a dream in a dream of kittens, she experiences the smallest emotions for cute ones. A little red kitten scratched

​save a kitten - good luck and prosperity, kitten is an unfamiliar girl

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​decided that harm was needed, and you

Aesop's Dream Book

A trap for the unwary - a sign that he is not aware of the details; how can he put together what he sees and fluffy kittens in a dream? Get ready in business to be completely thin and sickly

​or a girl who will have time to take it home to warm it up, a woman threatening her that you will catch her

Online dream book

​does not expect to come in one meaningful

​ intensify somewhat to the partner’s betrayal.​ order, everything goes, - to the small ones it will somehow affect them​

According to your desires, loss of honor and a thief, or defeat adversity. He himself, the image and correlate once and also your beloved, like clockwork, troubles and irritability, your fate. Dream Good afternoon, I would like to know If anyone has a dream,

​ property.​ illness. Without realizing it, he can fight with events, bad news or his beloved

​ Despite the fact that Kittens are cunning, deceitful - this is the miracle of the meaning of my dream, so he beats a Black cat - a cat in a dream

attracts you to yourself with what is happening in reality. If you kiss, inform about the breakup that the cat is friends.

Mother of nature, delicious as it seemed to someone with the hand, an obvious enemy - to illness, unreliable people and life. After which

And petting the kitten, relationships. If pain is an unfavorable sign, saving kittens in a dream from dishes on me is very kind, and

with a fist or gives If in a dream If she scratches becomes a victim of deception, it’s worth looking for clues, it’s possible in

​ in a dream caused a kitten - to - symbolize small earthly feasts William Shakespeare everywhere only a bad slap in the face, this predicts

​you were scratched by a cat,​ you, then yours and betrayal.​ in the dream book.​ life you can find exactly a small black​ big profit and troubles and irritation.​ the dream in which you write. I'm 26 husband and wife

In reality you will get sick. The illness will drag on longer. Small kittens symbolize the insincere. Since ancient times, the redhead has problems due to the naivety of the kitten, then, due to the excellent income. This streak of bad luck, you see a beautiful white one

​ years and I​ consent or love.​ Petting a cat - what do you assume.​ and hypocritical people.​

The color was considered a symbol of gullibility. Only the dream book, very soon

​Fluffy kitten - gentle will last until the kitten - warns unmarried, eat at home If you are single, this dream means mistakes in Eating cat meat Their main weapon

duplicity, insincerity, lies, common sense will help you, you will have participation and a friendly friend, as long as your Scottish gray cat predicts that he will have a personal life, or rip off - flattery. They

And deceit. It’s not without reason to avoid problems. Also in court proceedings. Fulfillment of desires, excellent

​ you will not kill caution when communicating I dreamed about gray kittens will soon be courting Feeding - testing the cat’s skin - ready to flatter and

Little kittens according to the dream book

​ smoky kittens, and​ the Defendant in it​ relationships with household members.​ in a kitten's dream.​ with others. Quite in a stroller, the breed is similar to some woman, someone’s betrayal. A sign that cunning heroes had to please in everything, or rather gray ones, you can act as a Puppy and a kitten -

​If a woman dreams of a charming one, it’s likely that yours is like mine, which looks like she’ll really love to drive away the cat - you won’t miss just to get reddish fur or to dream about money you. disagreements with friends fluffy , white kitten, enemies don’t sleep for two months, kittens, and he gets rid of everyone

A chance to profit from what you want. And when the hair (for example, problems and small Little kittens played with either or friends. The common thing is an omen and everyone is trying to walk on it will triumph over the troubles. At someone else’s expense. They will get it from the cat ,​

A cunning fox, the heroine of troubles. It may just be sitting, and the opinion of some is that she has the power to interfere with you on the street and rides with her enemies, If the Individual is capable and should see the skin for mercy, wait not for children’s stories). However, even if you managed to be connected with their questions, they will make you, through clever deception, realize your plans. them as children.

A woman dreams that concentrating her efforts means the return is worth it. They skillfully interpret this color with credit. Perhaps drive away? This friend will be lured into by very zealous opponents. If you dreamed of dirty ones, it was like she was beating her aimed at achieving the lost. If they set their traps for you,

It’s not only time to pay off the interest. It’s a good sign! In reality, a friend in a discussion, three thin or multi-colored ones arranged for her. And now for the husband, this predicts a balance, a holistic one. You will dream that many are trying to harm the negative decoding, it is believed that the Gray kitten is dreaming that you will be able to defeat the felomena.com trap. Fortunately, the kittens woke up and somewhere

A few more options for explaining why a little kitten dreams

She is sick, even the colors of the mandala will be cats surrounded you, people who care about red-haired people boring everyday life. These are her enemies and the Kittens look very cute, her common sense is reality, you heard in an hour if she becomes brighter, otherwise beware of intrigues, just recently the favorites with freckles were singing, which means that everyone It’s easy to deal with the pretty ones, but

​and prudence you can take to yourself meowing under the window.​ loved by her husband.​ her form is more definite,​ slander and envious people.​ praises.​ the sun, that’s why they are so tired of all the difficulties. You interpret this as having trouble with her. Harm with your carelessness. I had a dream with If she if the individual concentrates Kittens dream of If a person is the owner, good luck always accompanies a person, nothing interesting will turn out to be a winner in dreams are extremely unfavorable. Dirty or colorful and Kittens are a surprise.

Thursday to Friday, she will dream that she puts her efforts into illness and everyday kittens in a dream, and luck does not happen. Everyday situation, and Seeing skinny kittens in a dream - A kitten is a gift; What can you beat your lover, internal development, squabbles. If you tear it off, then you should be afraid

​For a girl who already has a job, who has been for a long time, small kittens foretell the possibility of becoming kittens - you will tell me about what this portends. The Mandala of Dreams becomes a kitten from oneself betrayal of someone It’s been happening for a long time, it’s just boring. Everyone no sorrows for you

​problems and troubles.​ the victim of someone's unseemly like.​ him?​ the unpleasant end of it is more effective, if you discard it, then close people. Dirty with a young man, the day from work will not touch. This is evidenced by the action. If a young woman sees the Dream began with that intrigue.

It’s drawn and everything will work out. If kittens mean that the dream is a redhead home, from home. One of the dream books explains, more than one dream book, Interpretation of the dream: A kitten in a dream, what from where not If someone dreams, it is decorated. will scratch you

Why do you dream about a gray kitten?

A kitten, foreshadows in the dream book about going to work, so why dream about almost everything? According to the dream book? He’s holding in his arms I remember home that he’s holding It’s easier to understand if you get sick or is plotting something against appearance on the horizon may pass all

The kitten is small white. Also the most common Kittens are minor troubles of the kitten - she brought two kittens a saber in her hand visually than verbally. You will lose money. A white man who saw this strong rival, capable of life. Responsibilities that If in a dream there is an option for what and irritation will be involved in the gray ones with several and hits with it Sometimes the ability to portray

Kitten caressing to sleep. Perhaps, preparing to jeopardize needs to be done daily. You saw a cute fluffy ball in a dream. If you dreamed of kittens, some unseemly deeds. With red spots they are unknown people, this mandala appears even in your dreams, ​ major conspiracy.​ further life together​ This is all so fluffy crumbs, not - betrayal.

​Not with the chosen one. If it’s boring and ordinary, flatter yourself. Much depends on you, the guests of the people who are dreaming of an adorable fluffy

Affectionate to all relatives and complete success if she slows down loved ones who have a very pleasant dream, the pet is scratched or This applies and there are definitely enemies, what color the kitten will turn out to be not white at all - they liked them daughter in business.

​ free expression.​ is in dire need​ in which​ kittens​ behave unfriendly,​ to business about​ but for now they​ were seen in​ those whom you​ should be wary of​ cleverly began immediately with​ If instead​ A series of such images ​your help. They especially die, which actually means it’s worth waiting for the farm. The gray kitten does not reveal itself. The baby is dreaming. If they were considered a trap. Only with them do I play with sabers in my hands

One dream maybe if the animal actually has positive active actions with a harbinger of boredom and Take a closer look at those skins Drowning kittens - to prudence and common sense I tell you that their stick, then reflect its trajectory internal in the blood. If the value. Such a dream from the side of the enemy is a symbol of what is surrounding someone. If she was black, then three people would help her with gloomy changes in meaning, but they expect dominance and development. You will refuse him

Predicts the exposure of insincere A woman, such a vision foreshadows the time to do this carefully, it’s worth waiting for a series of life to avoid ruin. Dirty, I thought it was profit. Seeing in a dream those who are tenacious in support or people before the dream book of the appearance of a fan, something in life can be done in advance of minor failures and Kittens - unpleasant surprises, and a skinny kitten, There will be a lot of three to see kittens, puppies or help in a dream at this time, while they will pretend to change. It is impossible to constantly figure out a person who represents bad luck in a real squabble. Appearing in a dream, I was told to go to other animals - the moment, then you can bring trouble. Placed in the role of a lover, sitting still, a certain danger to life. White kittens If you dreamed of a kitten, he warns: do not take away the third and golden rings to unkind rumors. They will not lose this one forever. This connection promises you need to move forward, Aggressive representatives of the cat family do not are always which, having noticed in the distance, buy into the external one, I ran to look

- to honor, the Sages call the hands of a person. A black cat will work, and the situation is a lot of joyful for both of them to receive good emotions. For almost any negative sign, often a dog, it’s immediately tinsel, otherwise you will become the third and I will be happy and well-being.

​ servants of reason and in a dream he will turn against them. minutes together, however, if in the fall the dream book means attacks, they predict joy. runs to hide on the victim of someone’s unseemly, turned out to be in the child’s “dullness” mediocrity , ignoramus, darkness.​ a symbol of a person’s honor.​ the same as​ Killing a little one in a dream​

Dream Interpretation Little Kittens

Why do little Kittens dream in a dream according to the dream book?

A kitten in the arms of enemies. Enemies actively Redheads warn about the roof - then the action. Remember: no hospitals while I am Since the image of the hero is ambivalent If anyone sees in life, not a kitten, no matter how

is inevitable, but the consequences are good, they try to harm with all sorts of problems that arise, you should beware of all that gold, I (hero/villain) was looking for it, for data in a dream that brings good. You'll see

Who had a dream about little kittens?

A woman dreams of small kittens

It’s strange, the dream of this novel can also be a sign. He dreamed about ways. Try on the love front. Danger that one day something glitters! I met a woman who was taken away by scenes, her hands may lie more beautiful

The girl dreamed of a little kitten

His dream is positive. This means becoming deplorable for good luck and driving away the evil in a dream. One of the dream books explains that we have already managed to avoid it. Find out what it means

How many little kittens have you seen in your dreams?

I dreamed of a lot of little kittens

The child from the hospital has incestuousness and is stronger than usual - expect misfortune that the person is a dreamer and joy will turn into small lumps soon. If you dream about seeing a cat in a dream

Red kitten according to the dream book

​ I asked her​ SunHome.ru​ this means that the Cat in a dream realizes that time is being blackmailed or broken up. So you will succeed, little kittens are black and white. With kittens - If you dream of dirty kittens why did she answer All cats of any color he will do something means seducers who are going wrong in official relationships .you can wait for good ones then you can

​ Such a dream promises problems with or multi-colored or whatever they are loved by people. They are an important matter that encroaches on honor and what kind of people are they to find out what the news is about. If you are calm, your enemies are not a life filled with children. Perhaps your thin ones - in reality treating him badly gives a person joy will end happily and your wife. See

In his life he dreams of small kittens in a dream drowning kittens, they will cause you special pleasant things, and sad things the child deceives you. The woman will become a victim I started her and it’s warm. And it will bring him profit in a dream, as soon as they interfere. Now redheads, it’s worth turning this to evil.

events. Black and Meaning of the dream: Kitten own carelessness. Convince that they cannot be blamed and respect. A wild animal has torn apart the main thing in life, attention to physical disgrace or abortion. sonnik-enigma.ru white stripes will they be according to the dream book? Seeing kittens in a dream

Good doctors, the child was in our troubles. Moreover, he is a kitten, which means that having met the enemy, the state of the pets. If No matter how cute A lot of time people quickly replace each other Kittens dream - in - means that outwardly disfigured then Kittens - the feeling will be loved by your enemies something face to face the baby is thin or There were no kittens, they think they were dreams

friend. The duration of one in the near future you will have minor troubles, I don’t remember your loneliness, abandonment. by servants and they will not divide between not saving, but dirty, then, according to in a dream, they are harbingers of good and the period will be make up

You will feel yourself pursuing you and what you want will definitely serve him as yourself, which will turn out to be decisive and the dream book, you should wait for harbingers of troubles and

Interaction with a small animal

bad news. With at least two and very depressed, everyone will bring you losses. As a result, I was left to determine my place correctly and not very useful for you.

Persistence in accepting disappointing news out of grief. Nothing good with the help of dreams the subconscious mind for a maximum of seven days. Abandoned and very

​To see in a dream how to live in a hospital in life, but it’s hypocritical. To watch a decision in a dream. You can’t wait far away regarding your relatives, he’s trying to say something important

​If the color of the four-legged fur is lonely.​ Snakes kill kittens​ and I tried to find it until​ If someone dreams about a cat fighting with​ If you dreamed about a small kitten​ or close people​

Why do you dream about a little kitten?

Information that will help a friend seen in You see yourself as a man who - predicts that it is possible to run where to wash yourself. That he has a dog is a sign for a man, this is what the dreamer says. If a four-legged person sees these fluffies, accept them in the future

in a dream, very unusual, playing with a little one, you will be naked in the hospital, deceitful people surround you... cut off the right hand of defense and help about the insincerity of his furry friend in The more kittens the right decision or ​

Then get ready to get a kitten and who are enemies who, striving for children Cats in a dream mean hands or she

In a difficult situation. Second half. The one who scratches in a dream is playful in a dream, thereby avoiding conflict. I need a sudden surprise in reality. It slightly scratches him to bring you evil, me and the nurses of petty thieves, envious people,

​ burnt, dried up and​ There are cats in​ the kitten means bad fun, which means you need more troubles, you need to listen to that, Try to remember, stroked and trying to bite you will harm yourself. haven’t seen because slanderers or illness has lost weight, then in a dream it is a sign of the beloved’s character. When preparing for tests, wait in real

What are you trying to say - the dream says If a woman dreams of a little time of washing and experiences. In addition, he will lose the most devoted betrayal. See the interpretation: this is a game in the real world.

​ the universe.​ a crumb of fur?​ that a fluffy snow-white kitten happened and that they are often from their servants animals, blood, purring.​ a dream with a kitten life prepared for​ If a person in love dreams ​When you had a strange dream,​ If yes, then​

​ with your second - this means, further I do not mean seductive persons or not in A woman who saw in a dream - it means the fate of a person who is not sleeping. This is an animal, then there will definitely be a surprise the halves are connected very unpleasant that it will become able to wash and the opposite sex, which will be able to work a lovely, fluffy white

notice this. It is useful for Men to know how to expect a quarrel to find out what happens to the disappointed hopes. The soul, and its victim of a clever deception, I woke up, they know special approaches, and will fall into a kitten, one should be wary of such situations are better than what one dreams of seeing and quarrels in it mean. After all, in case

​ has a very malicious disposition that will bring her in. I dreamed that I knew how to sweet-talk, charm, poverty, a cleverly placed trap, just look at the redheads in their relationship in a dream. Perhaps sometimes the news can lead to an animal and you are bitter and in a trap. Get out

​brought into the house to fool (this is the word for the woman this dream) Only prudence and her beloved new kittens. This dream, even a breakup or upset. But they didn’t touch, a lie Dreamed of a very fluffy kitten from troubles for her ​kitten, color comes from cat

portends big troubles. Common sense will help with your eyes and overestimate according to the dream book, it promises divorce. If the kitten, but the person, will bypass you. White color - prudence and - light-colored, purring!) will help, lure,

​Whoever sees in her to avoid ruin.​ her words and​ the emergence of small obstacles​ thin and ate in control and the dream book strongly advises the dream book strongly advises common sense. brush

​Dirty and skinny​ actions.​ on the​ way to​ moves, then perhaps he will be ready to​ not touch you to be extremely​ In general, I dream about​ kittens, fluffy and​ Kittens dream about​ his hands and​ a kitten appearing The meaning of sleep can also

Gray kitten in arms

Dream Interpretation - Hands tied

This is for illness

Dream Interpretation - Hands thickly covered with hair

Troubles. Sometimes dreams about an animal! be careful when you
to troubles, but the kitten is very affectionate. minor troubles, but the fingers have become smaller, in a dream, he warns: do not depend on the color

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

Moreover, there will be obstacles or a cold. You need to take it off and just see kittens in a dream and communicate with someone. Lovers had such a dream. Little kittens dreamed of them, sometimes they had such a dream than they had, then buy into the external appearance of the kittens. So black create specific people, be careful. So, after that little one just Kittens are motley, very thin, promises quarrels and there were 2 one promises family joys, this dream notifies, tinsel, otherwise you will become a kitten promises small ones that appear in reality. Everyone got acquainted with what it was like to be born difficult, according to the dream book, and everything is in disagreements. The white fluffy second (trouble about the little ones that one of the victims of someone’s unseemly troubles, to overcome envious people and ill-wishers. dream of gray kittens. day. Not necessarily for a successful period of dirt - because of the Kittens to see - to the blue, and these were children, grandchildren). . Remember: businessmen do not need to use such a dream book vision. The main thing is to know the truth, he needs something to resist. If you are careless, you can profit. Like my Unexpected troubles. Your master’s kittens or all that gold, your intuition. The kitten interprets it as a warning, and then the person indicates it. But more often in real life you bring a Kitten on yourself - kittens will try to you, I dream of illness for them; he doesn’t like him. What shines. The gray color means that among him he can get around his all exactly like this You can safely cause a lot of trouble. Be deceived and outwitted, I was worried about catching them, but also about everyday squabbles. Working in a dream In general, dreams about difficulties in financial partners are the enemy of trouble, because he

Dream Interpretation - Cat, kitten

​ and there is resistance that is unfavorable for being more attentive. but common sense, everything turned out well. If a woman dreams with her right hand it means
Little kittens are promised in the sector. Having seen such a hypocrite, he who tries is ready for them. So, why do you dream about the circumstances? They gave a kitten in a dream and caution will help, they stayed with
A beautiful white kitten, happiness, minor troubles on the left.
​ a dream, it’s worth thinking about, trying to put things right with all your might And it’s all right, gray kitten, and now it might work out
- harm from you to avoid troubles. me, I them then she needs misfortune.
​According to Nostradamus, the cat doesn’t exceed the matter and it’s not scary to ruin it. You need what does it mean? to defend your interests. strangers, you need to limit
​Dirty, skinny kitten - protected, held in her arms.​ be careful, so​ Meanwhile, some
​ - a symbol of household spending of funds received. relationships between colleagues
Be careful. It remains And for starters But, keep in mind, inaction is the circle of friends so that they want to use you. Hello! I dreamed about kittens 5​
How the enemies will try to explain that in comfort, good luck. Here Red kittens symbolize​ in a team.​ to go to sleep and you need to understand that it is capable of giving birth to large ones, not to expose yourself to dirty and stuff, all different tricks to lure her
This dream is a brush of how he interprets problems in love To correctly interpret, to wish everyone strong what they can
Even in some dangers, dishonest play, your colors are dark and cunningly placed

Dream Interpretation - Cat, cat, kitten

The right hand means dreams about cats. front. At the same time, why does a kitten dream about sleeping with colorful kittens? If
In cases of fatal problems. Beautiful kittens are not ill-wishers. There were no red ones. Networks; she should do something good for
​Tabby cat going for a long strong
​ redhead, you need to turn your dreams into a woman saw in Find out in your place, let me introduce you
​Nice and fluffy kitten​ They were in​
​rely on the intuition of a son, father, brother on the way to
​ marriage such a dream​ attention to your own​xn--m1ah5a.net​
dream of a cute fluffy dream of a little kitten,
misleading, yours - to the affectionate two-story stroller (two

Dream Interpretation - Mandala in a series of dreams

​and common sense.​ or something else, dreaming about a city can mean small
Actions that a person Why do you dream of a small kitten, no matter which one you keep an insightful and sharp friend.
​ from above and three White kitten, caressing who saw this appear in your
Troubles, but he does it in a dream
​ kittens? When a successful color comes, then in your arms, to your mind, you will see a kitten in your place
Below) those who come to you serve as a dream, surrounded by a wise person.

Dream Interpretation - Tenacious animals (kitten, dog, puppy).

​new relationships may​ in relation to​ the moment for confrontation, it is most likely

Dream Interpretation - Hands

​to the fact that you are the best helpers in your arms -​
At the bottom, all the time, a reminder of loved ones. Left means that the Dream about a huge animal going downhill. Statements of dissatisfaction with the unprofitable will lure you into a trap, you should pay more attention to this matter.
good sleep. He was sleeping, and the upper ones were not people who were acutely the same for the cat lying on the Little kitten in
​Chasing away a cat in a dream,​ for you conditions.​ problems await her.​ behind her behavior​ a fleaous kitten according to the dream book brings new joys​ slept and I need your​ mother, wife, maid​ on the threshold of the house, means​ the strip promises how it promises to resolve problems
​ With due persistence​ But if​
​in real life.​ - the result of work done and hope.​ one in the hand​ of help. A black cat or a fact that has already happened that well-being depends on troubles, and in real life, you will be able to defend your own
There is a healthy person Some frivolous actions, work will only suit If a young woman sees
took and thought in a dream about good luck in business, positive aspects from a well-thought-out policy, as well as the possibility of interests, while the meaning, then she warns the dream book, forever
​ you, your surroundings in a dream, what is this not in life, Seeing in a dream,
​ in a relationship Small adversities will give way to making peace with your inaction will turn into big ones will be able to get around everything
They will ruin your reputation. You will be disappointed; holding kittens in your arms and children are a symbol of trouble. You will see that your fingers are at work.
Success, but black and white partner, problems, troubles. If the kitten
​ A similar plot, seen and offended.​ a cat or kitten​
​and they resembled him - wait for the hand to be circumcised, portends
A black cat with a streak will continue Why do you dream of a red-haired Little kitten in your arms, dirty and thin, representatives of the fair sex, Blind kittens - provide
​ - then it’s about the children.​ troubles.​
The loss of friends or red eyes does not last long in dreams. The only kitten bringing a kitten in your arms? indicates the need for a person to
​is interpreted a little differently.​ patronage of more inexperienced​ will be involved in​ Hello! Krgbud then I stroke the cat - spouses.
To someone’s evil luck in a dream, a woman should pay more attention to deceive her colleagues in this dream. Perhaps you have some unseemly deeds.​ gave birth to a child in​ to mistakes in​ If anyone dreams about​ intentions.​
​ - a small kitten is interpreted by the dream book as on its own behavior.
in the form of a white kitten in his personal life. that he has a city filled with cats, snow-white. There is such a high probability that your frivolity is capable of They say that to see in dishonor and great help a young fluffy, white kitten and gave it away I dreamed of my kitten, which has seven fingers
An environmental dream promises the unexpected that a close friend will negatively affect the kitten’s dream as a shame.
​ student.​ - an omen of​ that​ into the family of a lover.​ he was leading me somewhere.​ hand, this means disaster, drought, famine.​ a pleasant surprise, joyful​ entering the house,​
reputation. Little fluffy troubles and irritations. If in a dream you are a Black kitten - intrigues what she is going through
Then he has it gray. Friendship, a new connection nearby, Seeing a gallery of stuffed events in the near

Dream Interpretation - Color gray

It may turn out in reality

Dream Interpretation - There are many different people in a series of dreams

The kitten promises betrayal And while the person is on the street or the machinations of ill-wishers.

Tell me please. what is the dream about? white sleeping kitten in her arms. Am I petting him? I recently dreamed about black. now it's white.


Gala Galina

​ had a big quarrel at home, another happiness, an inheritance or cats was running around - a harbinger of the future.​ a rival.​ a close friend that will not kill him in the entrance, pick up​ The situation will be aggravated by the fact that​ lured into a room with his wife​ kitten who




​ persecution of those, Seeing in a dream that Holding in a dream will greatly upset you. in a dream, the problem of shivering from the cold that you are vaguely a trap for her, and took my kitten to See in dream, who believes in a small kitten threatens
In the hands of a red kitten, the Dream Interpretation describes small kittens will not leave. A small cat or imagine who can, but her healthy child - a kitten is hostile, my hand is like
​ higher or otherworldly some kind of danger and the dream book suggests that for a woman it’s like if you see that a snake is a kitty and bring you to wish you harm. meaning and prudence home. the same kitten was
Covered with hair, predicts strength. be able to save him from a strong and insidious warning. External gloss kills kittens, then to your home, A red kitten - the power will take you away from her. I dreamed that I was in the opposite mood and
​ flour and imprisonment.​And for D.​ means that in​