Why dream of looking at the river. Why do you dream about the River? Who is having the dream: a man or a woman?

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy and satisfaction with the course of one’s life.

The sound of a river in a dream foreshadows some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river, reflecting the surrounding nature, foreshadows future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life.

If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. Failures predicted by this dream may adversely affect your future.

Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great trouble, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of serious illness or death.

A milk river in a dream foretells great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure.

If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surrounding area, then you will be in for a great shock and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream could also mean a big scandal, which could have a bad effect on your future.

A dream in which you saw that a river is carrying you away with its current means that you should control your feelings and not try to take it out on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to the rupture of some relationships. Such a dream also foreshadows danger, illness or a lengthy trial.

It is better to see in a dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you started.

Looking at a river from a high bank in a dream means that you will soon have a road ahead. The longer the river, the longer your road will be.

If you dream that a river is blocking your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail.

Swimming across a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a great goal. Such a dream often portends big profits.

If in a dream someone helps you cross the river, then a happy occasion awaits you. Such a dream may portend winnings or unexpected money.

Fording a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles.

If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon your house will be visited by a rich guest who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny.

If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm flow of your life and lead to long-term discord between members of your family.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope that your affairs will improve soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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The image of a river in a night dream is associated with the passage of time, the transition from the present to. Such a dream foretells success and prosperity if the water is clean and clear, and misfortune in different areas of life if the water is dirty and cloudy.

To find out what else a river means in a dream, you need to remember the smallest details of the dream and compare them with several proven dream books.

What do the interpreters say?

    Miller's Dream Book

    calm river predicts a stable period in life, financial wealth and prosperity, as well as getting a chance to realize oneself. Muddy, dirty, promises disagreements with loved ones, a quarrel with superiors, or an accidental conflict that will have huge consequences.

    If in a dream a river suddenly appeared in front of a person, then this is a harbinger of imminent troubles in the service. The dreamer, with his rash actions, will provoke a series of events that will lead to his collapse.

    Seeing ice on a river in a dream is a negative sign. Such the dream portends various troubles, in addition, some ill-wisher wants to harm you.

    Swimming in river waters in a dream means the dreamer's firm decision to follow his dream no matter what. Finding yourself in the company of drowned people or drowning indicates that luck will not smile on the dreamer for a very long time, so he will have to rely only on his own strength.

    Dry river - to painful losses and strong feelings.

    Freud's Dream Book

    A river flooding in a dream suggests that in reality, the dreamer has secret intimate fantasies that he is afraid to tell his partner about. the dream indicates the excessive modesty of his partner, to whom he is even afraid to propose such experiments.

    Float with the river means that a person completely surrenders to his feeling of falling in love in reality, without noticing anything around. For a woman, such a dream indicates her falling in love with a person who is not worth it.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Fall into the river in a dream means that the dreamer’s affairs will soon improve and he will receive a lucrative job offer. The dream also promises material gain.

    Fall into the river with your clothes on means that neither the dreamer nor his loved ones will need anything. Swimming against the flow of the river speaks of the strength of character of the sleeper, which will help him cope with all trials.

    Swim ashore from a stormy stream denotes that after several obstacles and trials the person will finally become rich.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Wash with river water promises loss and anxiety. Swimming across a river in a dream means that in reality a person will have to face serious troubles. Swimming ashore portends receiving good news.

    See how a dam is being built across the river, indicates imminent testing of obstacles on the way. Catching something from the river predicts sorrow and sadness, catching a snake in the water predicts financial well-being. Fishing in the river means winning a love battle, taking your loved one away.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    I dreamed of a clean river in a dream - this denotes satisfaction with your current life and reluctance to change anything in it. Muddy water in the river predicts imminent quarrels and conflicts between the dreamer and people around him.

    Falling into the river prophesies an opportunity to prove yourself, to show your talent at its best.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Washing with water from the river means that the dreamer will have to solve some problems, which without his intervention will increase many times over. Clear water in the river promises success, while muddy water predicts financial difficulties and possible job loss.

    Wash with water from a waterfall or mountain river warns of the danger of getting sick.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Watch the river flow from the shore portends an interesting and long journey or business trip. Swimming in the water promises increased income, promotion, and getting a more profitable and significant place. Rowing a boat on the river predicts a big win or receiving an expensive gift.

    Ford or swim across a river indicates many obstacles on the way to what you want.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    A clean and fast river in a dream prophesies many joyful events, reward to the dreamer for years of labor and suffering. Swimming in river water promises an inheritance, enrichment at someone else's expense, or a reward for some service.

    Fall into the river in a dream predicts receipt of important news, information that can change the dreamer's current lifestyle.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    Spilled river in a dream represents the path that a person follows: if the waters are clean and transparent, then the person will successfully implement all his plans, but if the waters are cloudy, then the person will never achieve anything along this path.

    Swim against the tide - This means that in real life a person will begin to lose energy, money, people’s affection, and health. All this happens because he forgot about his purpose and turned in the wrong direction.

    Cross a river in a dream indicates the dreamer's thirst for knowledge, on his desire to constantly study and learn something new.

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    Watching the river flow in a dream indicates the sleeper’s readiness for change. Swimming in the river means leading people, being a teacher or mentor for someone. Washing things in the river or washing any objects indicates that the dreamer is the master of his own destiny.

    Drinking water from the river indicates to increase the dreamer's potential, to develop his talent and inner strength.

    Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

    Seeing a river in a dream means that the dreamer will soon meet an important person who will significantly influence his life. Drinking river water portends receiving help and support from the powers that be.

    If river water tastes salty, there is a possibility that the dreamer will be forced to commit a crime or he will witness it. If the water turns out to be sweet, then a love interest will interfere in the dreamer’s business matters.

    Catch fish from the river portends prosperity and well-being in the sleeping person’s family.

    Muslim dream book

    Sailing a river on a boat means that the person will soon be busy with important work. Going with the flow indicates luck and success, and the fact that a person is under the protection of higher powers.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Watching an object plunge into the river, means the dreamer's involvement in a dubious operation, loss of profit and reputation. Seeing garbage in the river indicates that it is time to start over without regretting the past.

The image of a clean, transparent river portends the receipt of pleasant news or profit, the opportunity to meet interesting people. A muddy, dirty river indicates a difficult period in life, problems and financial losses. Muddy water also promises trials in the love sphere.

Calm river flow talks about small troubles and vanity, and a river with a fast flow means the dreamer is conflicting and uncompromising, which is why he often quarrels with people.

frozen river indicates a period of stagnation and boredom. A dry river means health problems, as well as a person’s tendency to hysterics and despondency.

Big and wide river speaks of the dreamer’s intimate fantasies which he cannot bring to life. A narrow river indicates the sleeper’s dependence on something or someone.

Shallow river - lack of vitality. Perhaps these are the consequences of exposure to magical rituals.

Dry river means the dreamer takes advantage of someone else's fame or success to increase self-esteem. A mountainous, raging river symbolizes unexpected changes in life, in particular in the personal sphere.

If the water overflows its banks

If in a dream a river overflows its banks, then this promises troubles in the service and financial difficulties. If the river has flooded the entire surrounding area, including the sleeping person’s house, this foreshadows the commission of a daring act or a risky action.

If a river spills onto a stone embankment, this promises unexpected enrichment and increased social status dreamer If the water in the river was cloudy, this indicates health problems.

Stand on the edge

Standing calmly on the bank of the river means a peaceful resolution to the conflict, harmonious, successful relationships with the opposite sex. The dream promises a young girl a move to another city, where she will meet her chosen one.

Standing on the bank of a fast and noisy river speaks of a person’s propensity for risk and adventure. Standing on the shore during a thunderstorm or storm foreshadows a stormy showdown with your significant other, scandals in the family.

Standing on a steep river bank promises danger and trouble related to violation of the law. Standing on the shore and watching fish splash in the water promises monetary reward and profit.

Your actions in a dream

Swimming in the river indicates that a person is at peace with himself and with the people around him. Swimming in muddy water predicts imminent changes in the way of life, the cause of which will be an accident. Swimming in clear water means good health and longevity.

Swim across the river - means to cope with all the trials and obstacles in life. Swimming against the current in a dream means that the dreamer is betraying his dream and following strangers. Wading across a body of water indicates the dreamer’s rash actions, taken in the heat of the moment.

Walking along the bottom of a dry river means that the dreamer will achieve his goals easily and quickly. Walking on the surface of the water speaks of receiving a priceless gift from your relative.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of the smooth calm surface of a river- this means you will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities.

If the river waters are muddy and turbulent- grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you.

If you didn't catch anything- your sexual failures arise due to your inherent inferiority complex.

Dream book of lovers

Dreamed of a calm and clean river- portends love and cloudless happiness.

Muddy River- means losses and quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

River in a dream- symbolizes the course of your life.

Noisy, fast, muddy- troubles, worries, grief and disagreements among others.

Trying to cross a wide or flooded river- don’t worry about your actions, audacity and courage helped you in this case.

River overflowing during flood- portends troubles at work, shallow during severe drought- grief in the family.

Walk along the river embankment- exhausting laundry and general cleaning awaits after a long absence from home.

Travel along the river on a raft- make a risky deal.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The river is clean and bright- a lot of happiness; swim in it- wealth; fall into it and be carried away by the current- hear the news; swim across- hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water- hear an oath; flood- Your plans will be late.

Women's dream book

If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm- soon intoxicatingly joyful events await you, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

If the water in the river is cloudy and choppy- grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you.

Dry river- dreams of sad events.

If the river overflows and blocks your path- troubles await you at work. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged.

General dream book

calm river- dreams of good news.

You swam, washed yourself in the river- you have a long journey ahead of you in the near future.

Fall into the river- to unnecessary troubles.

In a dream you drank from a river- know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

If you dreamed that you watched someone bathe in a river- one of your loved ones will soon have to go on a long trip.

Swim across the river- to a successful completion of the case.

If you dreamed that you were sailing along a river and moored to the shore- an unclouded life awaits you.

If you dreamed that the river overflowed its banks- this means troubles and minor failures.

You dreamed of a stormy mountain river- due to bad character traits, your activities will stall.

Dry river- warns of poverty.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The river has- a number of deep symbolic meanings. You may hear expressions such as “river of life,” “stream of life,” and “river of time.” This is always a sign of movement and rhythm of change. In order to move with the flow, you should not “rush the river.” There is no need to swim against the current. Let the river carry you on its own. Don't fight her.

River- may also represent an emotional barrier that is difficult for you to overcome. Look at the situation from a new angle to understand it better, you may have to change your route.

Dream book of the 21st century

Drop something in a dream to the bottom of the river- means that soon you will have to invest money profitably or make a successful purchase.

Big river in a dream- means big tears or joy, important conversation, gossip.

swim across it- to fulfill intentions.

A river carrying a lot of rubbish, trees, etc.- means that you will have to rebuild your life, as well as harm and losses.

River among the rocky desert- a sign that you are facing a closed life full of restrictions.

Swim across a river in a dream- to fulfill a desire.

English dream book

Seeing a wide, stormy river with muddy water in a dream- this is a prediction of troubles and difficulties in love and business.

But if the river is calm, quiet, with a smooth mirror surface- this means that great happiness in love or a happy marriage is destined for you by fate, which will subsequently give you beautiful children and a comfortable existence in a cozy home.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Cross the river- this portends safety.

Crossing a quiet river- promises safety, and if the river is turbulent, this portends anxiety.

Crossing a stormy or very fast river- to fears, or to accusations, or to worries, or to troubles.

See how the river flows into the house or has already filled it- to abundance.

Fall into the river after leaving the house- this portends mortal danger.

Swim in the river- to unrest or cramped circumstances.

Fall into the river- to losses.

Italian dream book

River- denotes the course of life. The nature of its flow (swiftness, slowness), the nature of the flow, fullness, purity, turbidity, dirt, etc. indicate the “behavior” of instincts. The typical nature of the surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, personal and social effects that arise as a result of individual behavior.

If the river is clear and flows towards the sea- such an image may indicate the subject’s self-realization and his approach to a dream (i.e., a vision of life as a whole and each of its parts). In this case, the subject perceives himself as water or sees himself as being in water at the moment the river merges with the sea.

River- also symbolizes female genitalia. Since the river is moving, this image also denotes movement forward (progress), as well as other images of a similar type. Identification with the characters and actions related to water are more important than the fact that the river appears.

River flowing from top to bottom- if this is emphasized in the dream: a tendency to seize a lower place.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

The river is wide and fast flowing- means danger and death; but quiet and calm is generally a favorable sign. It is especially good for judges, litigants and travelers; muddy river- has a completely opposite sign and threatens the one who sees it. Sleep of disfavor of a strong nobleman; the river is clean entering our room- means a visit from a noble and, moreover, virtuous person; but the river is muddy, entering our room and spoiling the furniture- marks violence and oppression from obvious enemies; see the river coming out of our room- threatens us with dishonor, illness, and sometimes death itself; walk on the river as if on dry land- portends exaltation; see a river, stream or dry- means ruin.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream, then coming out of it clean and refreshed - means recovery, prosperity and receiving new opportunities. Swimming in muddy water, or seeing it from the seething side, means dangerous incidents. To find out what a stormy mountain river means in a dream, it is enough to remember the small nuances of the dream and look into traditional dream books.

What does Miller's dream book portend?

According to psychologists, a seething stream in a dream symbolizes a sharp change in mood. The subconscious mind tells you that you should be prepared for a sequence of important events. They can be both good and bad for you. For example, if you dreamed that you had to swim across a dirty river, be prepared to fight for your place in the sun. In reality, everything will depend only on the correctness of the decisions made.

Don't forget your responsibilities

Gustav Miller in his dream book also gives twofold explanations of why a dirty river is dreamed of. According to his interpretations, seeing muddy water in a dream means stepping onto a difficult stage in life:

  • swimming - to petty gossip, domestic squabbles;
  • swimming - to health problems;
  • swim across - to rivalry in the work team;
  • swim to the other side, overcome a stormy stream in any way - to personal victories.

It is better to insure deposits and savings

Seeing a dirty river and observing it from the side means the dreamer’s readiness for risky transactions. Dream Interpretations warn that you should first obtain a full package of guarantees and only after that enter into transactions and agreements. Even if you dreamed that you had a chance to cross a river in a dream by boat or other water transport.

A sharp change in the mood of the authorities, intrigue among colleagues, the danger of failure - this is exactly what any troubled waters dream of. Your actions in the coming days should be aimed at establishing relationships with management, connections with influential people, and try to find a common language with employees in the work team.

Monitor your health carefully

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream is also very bad. A dream means the onset of a disease that you are not yet aware of. Vanga’s dream book describes well what misty streams mean in dreams. The great soothsayer reduces the interpretation of sleep to a sharp weakening of the body.

It is worth paying attention to your health in cases where you dreamed of even a small cloudy body of water. The healer recommends postponing urgent matters for the future and focusing on relaxation. If it is impossible to quit, try to establish a work and rest schedule, alternate types of activities, and spend more time in the fresh air.

Why do you dream of a water stream? In a dream, it symbolizes the flow of life, while the water in the river characterizes the features of what is happening and the future. The dream book will explain in detail everything that happened to be seen at night.

Don't relax!

If you dreamed of a lot of water, then, depending on its quality, the future promises both minor failures and empty talk, as well as joy or successful progress of affairs.

If in a dream you happened to see a lot of water in the river, then the dream book does not advise you to relax in any case.

Keep it under control!

Why else do you dream about a particularly large and wide river? This is a symbol of an important conversation. At the same time, the dream book warns of gossip and tears.

Swimming in it is good. It literally means being in tune with time. If the water in the river reflects the sun, then illusory luck can slip away at any moment.

Everything will be alright!

A flood in a dream signifies trouble at work. In a more global sense, the interpretation of sleep means a threat to life or a very serious illness.

Watching the river fill with water is good. The dream book is confident that everything will get better soon and the danger will go away.

Did you dream that you were washed away by a flooding river? Things will go extremely badly, and all attempts to improve them will not bring results.

A deep river in a dream reflects a calm, but overly boring life. Did you dream of seething water in a river? A real generator of new ideas and creative plans will awaken within you.

According to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream of an exceptionally smooth water surface? Mr. Miller claims that life will be filled with joy, and bright prospects loom ahead. And walking along it in a dream means elevation and comprehension of sacred mastery.

Specific transcripts

Stormy water in the river conveys no less stormy life events. A particularly fast flow reflects lightning-fast changes and successful overcoming of obstacles.

At the same time, the dream book definitely advises taking into account what exactly the water in the river was like. For example, a river with blue water warns of hidden danger, while blue water reflects daydreaming and illusoryness.

  • Dark - focus.
  • Black is a harbinger of illness and death.
  • Green – career growth.
  • Brown – stability.
  • Warm - quiet happiness, pleasant impressions.
  • Cold - balance, good health.

Difficult times ahead

Why do you dream of muddy water in the river? The dream book advises to prepare for constant quarrels, showdowns and squabbles. Recruiting it means backbreaking work.

Muddy water in a dream symbolizes gossip, angry conversations and gossip.

If you dreamed of a muddy and seething river, then it will not be easy to implement what you have planned. Moreover, in reality, some kind of disaster is coming that will disrupt all plans.

Profit or collapse?

Dirty water in the river has almost the same interpretation, but even more negative. So a dirty river warns of serious conflicts with others.

If in a dream the water in the river foams and bubbles, then the dream book believes that there is a streak of endless difficulties and troubles in all areas of life.

Did you dream of a rather narrow but dirty river? You will have to go on a risky trip, which, with some luck, will bring significant profit, but can also end in complete failure.

Freedom or debt?

If you happen to drown in dirty water in a dream, then you will literally be mired in debt. Why do you dream of absolutely clear water in a river?

It symbolizes independence from circumstances and freedom in every sense of the word. Did you dream about a transparent river? The dream book promises improved health and successful business progress.

Financial difficulties are coming

Why do you dream that there is no water in the river? This means that some sad event will happen in the family. A dry riverbed symbolizes the loss of a source of income and even complete ruin.

Did you dream that there was no water at all in a wide river? The dream book believes that you will have to go through a period of total bad luck and lack of money.

Think about it!

In a dream, seeing water in a river drying up is bad. This is a sign of the imminent loss of a stable position or high position.

Seeing that there is no water in the river means sad thoughts and sadness. This is a sign that you have lost vitality and energy.

Sometimes a river with no water at all hints that your time has come to an end.

Don't trust!

In a dream, are algae clearly visible through a layer of water? You are clearly striving for a different way of life. However, the dream book suspects that this desire remains only in distant plans.

Why do you dream of algae at the bottom of a clean reservoir? Do not trust beautiful words and deceptive information.

In a dream, do algae grow right before your eyes? Be less frank even with very close people. Seeing a muddy bottom literally means getting into an extremely unpleasant situation.

Curb your desires!

Why do you dream about water in the sea? It reflects the need for anticipation, but sometimes promises the realization of a big dream.

Did you dream about deep water in the sea? The dream book is sure that you strive for physical contentment, forgetting about spiritual joys.

Did you dream about a lake? This is a symbol of a personal attitude towards the current life situation.

A whirlpool reflects a deadlock that literally drains energy from you. A waterfall in a dream means that you need to curb your desires, and then fate will give you happiness.

Don't get carried away!

In your dreams, did you happen to swim along a river without any particular purpose? The circumstances will be extremely unfavorable.

Swimming in the company of a stranger means a new feeling that will captivate you completely.

Sailing in a boat is much better. The dream book believes that you will get rid of troubles and do a very important thing.