Pepper sauce. Pepper sauce for steak: homemade recipes Steak with pepper sauce

The taste of any dish can be varied by choosing a recipe for steak, vegetable, fruit salads or for dessert. Seasonings, the preparation of which is simply necessary for meat dishes, can be especially interesting. If there are men in the family, then it is a holiday for them when they eat hot pepper sauce with meat, of any kind. France became the trendsetter for sauces. Cooks named sauces based on the main ingredient. Pepper has become the “main character” in a number of recipes. One of them is pepper sauce for steak.

Gourmets know well that there are a lot of varieties of meat or fish. Each type of meat dish is served with its own type of wine. And in the same way, each dish has a specific gravy recipe.

Classic pepper sauce

The main thing is to remember the golden rule of preparing sauce for steaks from beef, chicken, lamb shoulders - the seasoning should complement the taste of the meat, make it richer, softer and spicier, so that the aftertaste remains in the memory for a long time.

The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Pepper - peas of different colors (black, white, pink, green) - to taste;
  • 1 medium sized onion;
  • Cognac – 50 ml;
  • Cream – 100 ml.
  1. Prepare it like this: chop the peppercorns, fry the finely chopped onion until transparent and golden brown.
  2. Then add the chopped pepper and mix. After this, pour cognac into the mass and set it on fire.
  3. It is important to remember that it burns well and the flame rises quite high, so caution is a good idea.
  4. If you are afraid, just simmer the resulting mass over low heat longer - the cognac will evaporate, leaving its unique spirit.
  5. The next step is adding cream.
  6. The mixture should boil and boil until thick.
  7. Hot sauce is poured over the meat before serving, but the gravy is also excellent when cooled.

Traditional version of pepper sauce

Unlike the classic one, the recipe includes a higher percentage of cream, which makes the sauce more tender, despite the hot pepper flavor. It is easy to prepare - you just need to know the ingredients, proportions and cooking procedure. We do everything the same as in the classic version, only the cream can be of a higher fat content, the cognac can be replaced with vodka, and the shallots can be replaced with regular onions. Yes, and one more thing: it is better to pass the pepper through a special grinder so that it is freshly ground.

The most “masculine” steak sauce is hot pepper.

Judge for yourself how strong the blow will be with these ingredients:

  • Chili pepper – 1 large pod;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper – 2 fruits;
  • Blue onion – 2–3 bulbs;
  • Spicy adjika – 200 g;
  • Wine vinegar – 30 ml;
  • Sugar – 10 g;
  • Coarse salt (without iodine) - to taste.
  1. Spicy - so spicy. The base is a chili pod, seeded, and put through a blender.
  2. Using a blender again, grind the fruits of the bell pepper - without stalks and seeds.
  3. Add chopped onion to the mixture obtained in the blender container.
  4. Together with the previous ingredients we get a puree, to which we add adjika, wine vinegar, sugar and salt.
  5. The whole mass must be mixed very thoroughly and allowed to brew for half an hour.

Not a sauce, but a fire without a flame!

Creamy pepper sauce - delicate seasoning

The creamy base of this sauce softens the heat of the peppers. This gravy is tender, delicate, but with its own “zest” in the form of peppercorns.

The composition of the products is also somewhat different:

  • Peppercorns (different colors) – 15 g;
  • Shallot – 50 g;
  • Butter – 60 g;
  • Cognac – 100 ml;
  • High fat cream – 80 ml;
  • Salt - to taste.

This version of the sauce is prepared in the same way as the classic and traditional gravy for meat and any types of steaks. Only act carefully and carefully when burning alcohol. Remember that this is an optional manipulation - you can simply simmer the mixture in the container longer. Sauté the shallots in butter until golden and translucent. The sauce is served cooled in a saucepan.

So, if you want to pamper yourself, your men and guests with a sauce with “pepper,” then from the recipes you can always choose exactly the one that everyone will like. Not only will the meat you cook taste, but also the sauce, which will become a bright addition to your culinary delights and will be remembered for a long time.

In contact with

Pepper sauce is an indispensable helper for meat eaters, and especially steak lovers. Of course, the taste of the sauce with pepper is quite spicy, as they say - not everyone likes it, but a fried thick piece of meat is not suitable for everyone. And, if you still decide on such a dish, then this duet will give you a lot of pleasure.

Cooking secrets

Pepper sauce in the classic version has a small set of ingredients:

  1. Pepper. This is the main component of the sauce, which is used both dried and fresh. For convenience, it is better to use dried peas and grind them just before cooking using a food processor, coffee grinder or mortar and pestle. All types are suitable: white, red, black, fragrant (for aroma). It is advisable not to use ready-made ground pepper, since it contains practically no essential oils that impart a specific aroma and taste.
  2. Oil. Its presence is mandatory in the recipe for the creamy version. It adds richness to the dish and softens the burning effect of the pepper. It goes well with meat, removing excess dryness.
  • Onion. Each chef chooses at his own discretion. There are many suitable varieties:
  • Ashkelon onion (shallot) - the owner of beautiful green feathers and bulbs with a unique taste;
  • onions of different varieties from white to blue;
  • slime, whose leaves are tougher than ordinary ones, releases a gel-like juice when cut, and tastes like garlic and onion at the same time;
  • leek, which uses a white tender leg.

  1. Cream. Ten to twenty percent fat in creamed milk makes pepper sauce for steak higher in calories, but no less delectable. You can’t add vegetable cream, otherwise nothing good will come out of it, but the natural product will delight you with its milky tint.
  2. Alcohol. There are options here. Many people prefer cognac, but to make the sauce more aromatic and milder, it is recommended to add dry white wine.

Along with the usual composition, pepper sauce may include:

  • vegetable, mushroom and meat broths;
  • flour;
  • fresh tomatoes and tomato paste;
  • spicy spices and seasonings: coriander, basil, dill, cumin, cumin, ginger, bay leaf.

The thickness is adjusted according to your preferences. Specifically for steak, a medium-thick or thin gravy is more suitable.

Some foodies like hot sauce. The “sparkly” sauce contains not only the lion’s share of chili, but also a garlic-vinegar mixture.

Classic pepper sauce

This option has medium spiciness, so it will pair not only with a juicy steak, but will also be suitable in addition to any meat delicacy and even fatty fish.

We will need:

  • a glass of 15-20% cream;
  • 2 tbsp. pepper mixtures;
  • 1 large (or 2 medium) onion;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • half a glass of budget cognac;
  • 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • a couple of sprigs of fresh dill;
  • salt, ground coriander - to taste.
  • Peel the onion, wash the dill and place it on a napkin to dry. Finely chop the dill and crush the peppers.
  • Pour the flour into a dry, heated frying pan and heat it over low heat until golden brown. Place in a plate and cool.
  • Then melt a piece of butter in the same frying pan. While the butter is melting, finely chop the onion. Fry it together with ground coriander. The onion will become transparent and acquire a characteristic pleasant smell.
  • Meanwhile, pour browned flour into a cup and add water, stir quickly with a teaspoon so that there are no lumps.
  • Place the frying pan on medium heat. Add cream, flour water, cognac and pepper to the fried onions. Stir without allowing it to burn. Cook for 7-10 minutes until thickened, add some salt.
  • Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat and sprinkle with dill. Serve warm.

Hot pepper sauce “A la Mexico”

Pepper sauce is as important to steak as water is to fish. We can say that these two dishes cannot exist separately from each other. The sauce complements and sometimes hides flaws in the preparation of the steak (in case something went wrong).

By the way, this sauce is very spicy, so people with stomach and intestinal problems should not use it, or use it with caution - in very small quantities.

  • a pod of red hot pepper;
  • white leek petioles - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • beef broth - 1 cube;
  • 200 ml water;
  • winter garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • 18% sour cream - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • allspice and cloves, 2-3 pieces each.
  • We wash the pepper stalk under running water, cut it and remove the seeds from it. Cut into four parts.
  • We clean and wash the onions and garlic. Press the garlic and chop the leek with a knife.
  • Dissolve the broth cube in warm water.
  • In a saucepan in oil, brown the finely chopped onion, garlic and pepper for 5-7 minutes, do not forget to stir. We make the fire the smallest.
  • Pour in the broth, add sour cream, and add the remaining spices. Mix.
  • Boil with the lid closed for another 10 minutes.
  • Remove the remaining pod from the finished sauce. Pour into another bowl. Cool to room temperature. Bon appetit!

This sauce will be useful for meat lovers, and especially for those who like beef steak with sauce. I always associate pepper sauce with juicy steak. Making this sauce at home is not difficult at all. It turns out aromatic due to the fact that the mixture of peppers is crushed in a mortar before preparing the sauce and the aroma of the pepper makes the sauce spicy, but the cream and onions give the sauce softness and sweetness.

Almost all the ingredients for it are ordinary, however, I made a couple of deviations from the classic recipe. I didn't have shallots, so I replaced them with regular onions. I made beef broth from a bouillon cube, and from the suggested vodka or cognac, I chose cognac.

So, let's prepare the ingredients for making pepper sauce for steak.

Chop the onion very, very finely. Melt the butter in a frying pan or saucepan, add the onion and fry for 5 minutes until soft.

Now pour in the cognac and, if you do not fear for your safety, set the cognac on fire in the frying pan. The alcohol should quickly evaporate and the fire should stop on its own. If you are afraid of such extreme manipulations, just simmer everything over the fire for 3 minutes so that the alcohol evaporates.

Grind the peppercorns in a mortar. It is better to use peppers of different colors for the sauce.

In a separate bowl, prepare the broth from a beef bouillon cube and boiling water.

Add a mixture of peppers and broth to the frying pan with onions and cognac. Simmer the sauce for 10 minutes until the onions are completely cooked.

Pour the cream into the pan and salt the sauce to taste. Let the sauce boil and immediately remove it from the heat.

Pour the prepared pepper sauce for steak into a gravy boat and serve.

Or pour pepper sauce over a freshly cooked beef steak and then serve the dish. Bon appetit!

A steak, no matter what it is made of, does not need a heavy side dish, but almost everyone will want to pour a spicy sauce over fried meat. The choice of seasonings for steak is large and varied. The main thing is to figure out which gravy is correct, which one is suitable for this particular meat. For example, sweet and sour gravies can spoil the taste of beef, while others will only emphasize the taste and juiciness of a piece of fried meat. Some classic gravies are suitable for fish and poultry, but specific ones only for a certain species.

The standard method for preparing steak with sauce is the same. Place the meat in a frying pan or oven, fry it and pour gravy on top. Alternatively, you can serve the sauce in a special container.

We have selected a review of the best gravies for pork, trout, tuna and turkey especially for you.

Sauces for beef

There are several main types of gravy that go with beef. Let’s take a closer look at what ingredients each of them consists of.


The most popular sauce for fried meat. Red wine perfectly emphasizes the delicate taste of meat. The sauce contains:

  • beef broth - 250 ml;
  • red wine - 125 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • a little brown sugar and salt and pepper.


A spicy, unusual sauce that accentuates the heat. A steak with this seasoning is called a pepper steak. Pepper Gravy Ingredients:

  • onion - 1 piece;
  • cream 33% - 70 ml;
  • cognac 100 ml;
  • black peppercorns, oil and salt.

Lingonberry or cranberry

Classic berry sauce can go with any meat, but the most suitable sauce for this sauce is. What does lingonberry or cranberry seasoning consist of:

  • lingonberries or cranberries - 500 g;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • dry white wine - 125 ml;
  • sugar 100 gr;
  • starch - 1 teaspoon.

Meat is often served with pomegranate sauce; this fruit adds sourness and, in combination with red wine, makes the meat softer and the taste more noble.


The easiest seasoning to prepare, but also the healthiest. Mustard contains a large number of microelements and vitamins. The mustard sauce itself gives the meat flavor and boldness. Contains:

  • spicy mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • mayonnaise - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • sugar and water.

Sauce for fish

Gravy is different for almost every type. The only classic option that will suit any fish is creamy. The sauce dulls the taste of the fish; it is recommended to add lemon juice to each version.


All kinds of creamy sauces or lemon toppings go best with fish. The creamy flavor pairs well with salmon, further lightening the flavor. To prepare this gravy you need:

  • cream 33% - 200 ml;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • spices, garlic, onion, lemon - to taste.


This fish, in addition to the classic creamy sauce, can be served with cheese sauce. It will be thicker and give the steak an unusual charm. To prepare you will need:

  • milk - 125 ml;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • cheese - 200 gr;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • spices to taste.


A special sauce is prepared for tuna, which contains the most interesting ingredients. This “fish sauce” has won the hearts of many tuna steak lovers. The seasoning consists of:

  • Worcestershire, soy and oyster sauce - 3, 5 and 4 tablespoons;
  • BBQ ketchup - 2 tablespoons;
  • ginger, honey and herbs.

Mushroom sauce made from champignons is also common for fish. For example, salmon is very often served with this gravy.

Sauce for poultry

For poultry meat, a gravy with honey notes is usually used. For example, Hela seasonings are very good for poultry.


  • olive oil
  • soy sauce.

The famous English, ancient Worcestershire sauce has a complex composition and a huge number of ingredients. If we consider the classic composition, then it is from 20 to 40 components. Lots of spices, molasses, sugar - Worcestershire sauce is the most flavorful seasoning for meat. The old recipe is still used in restaurants. One teaspoon is enough to fully enjoy the spicy taste. Cooking this at home is quite problematic. At the Goodman steakhouse they serve the most tender ribeye with this gravy.

As you can see, the recipe for a classic steak sauce is quite simple; making it yourself is not difficult. If you serve the gravy in a special bowl, it will also be an original presentation and decoration. Prepare and show off photos of your finished masterpieces to your friends and family.

True gourmets know that not just any sauce goes well with a classic beef steak. It is better to serve this dish without any gravy at all than to add anything that will distort its taste. There's no mistaking pepper sauce for steak—it's one of the liquid seasonings traditionally considered appropriate for grilled beef.

Cooking features

There are few recipes for pepper sauce suitable for steak, but they differ significantly from each other. There are just a few general points you should be aware of. Otherwise, you must follow the instructions accompanying the specific recipe.

  • One of the main ingredients of pepper sauce is peppercorns. It is not added whole, but is ground in a special mill immediately before being used to prepare the sauce. In this case, it retains not only the taste, but also the aroma. If you grind it in advance, some of the essential oils will evaporate, which will make the pepper sauce less flavorful. You cannot replace peppercorns with store-bought ground pepper - this will negatively affect the result.
  • The second important ingredient is onion. The traditional version uses shallots. Without much damage, it can be replaced with onion, which is somewhat sharper, but otherwise has similar characteristics.
  • The third component of pepper sauce in its classic version is cognac. It can, although not advisably, be replaced with vodka. Avoiding alcohol when making traditional pepper sauce would be a mistake. There is no need to worry that alcohol may enter your body with the sauce - by the end of cooking there will be no trace of it left, but its use will have a beneficial effect on the taste of the finished seasoning.
  • When preparing traditional pepper sauce, it is customary to set fire to cognac, pour it over the onions and peppers, and wait until it burns out. If you are afraid to carry out this manipulation, simply hold the pan on the fire until the alcohol has completely evaporated. This will affect the taste of the finished seasoning, but only slightly.
  • Most often, pepper sauce is made with cream, but it can be replaced with broth. The sauce will have a less refined taste, but it will not be as high in calories and will be cheaper.

The most famous recipes for pepper sauce for steak are not alike. Each option allows you to get a new seasoning, thereby diversifying the menu.

Pepper sauce for steak with cream

  • black peppercorns – 10–15 g;
  • onion (onion or shallot) – 50 g;
  • cognac – 50 ml;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop the onion.
  • Melt the butter and fry the onion in it until soft.
  • Grind the pepper and sprinkle it on the onion, stir. The amount of pepper is determined taking into account how hot the seasoning is desired.
  • Pour cognac over onions and peppers. Light the alcohol and let it burn or evaporate while continuing to fry the onions on the stove.
  • Pour in the cream and stir. Keep the sauce on low heat until some of the cream has evaporated and it becomes thick enough. At this time, the sauce must be stirred periodically so that the onions do not burn.
  • Add salt to the sauce, stir and after 2 minutes remove from heat. You need to add salt to the gravy last, otherwise there is a high risk of overdoing it.

Steak sauce is usually served chilled, so it’s best to prepare it in advance. If you didn’t have time to cool the seasoning, it doesn’t matter, it will also be delicious when hot.

Pepper sauce for steak in broth with wine

  • peppercorns (different types) – 20–30 g;
  • table wine (preferably dry white) – 100 ml;
  • shallots or onions – 150 g;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • meat broth - 0.2 l;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • fresh parsley (optional) – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the pepper using a special grinder.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  • Prepare meat broth. It is acceptable to use a purchased concentrate in cubes or powder for this.
  • Mix broth with cream.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  • Add pepper to the onion, stir, reduce the intensity of the flame.
  • Pour wine into the pan and stir.
  • Keep on the fire, stirring, until the wine has almost completely evaporated.
  • Add broth mixed with cream, reduce the sauce by about a third.
  • Blend the sauce with an immersion blender until smooth.
  • Return to heat and simmer to desired thickness.
  • Finely chop the parsley and mix with the sauce.

According to this recipe, the sauce is as aromatic as that prepared using traditional technology. The creamy taste in it is less pronounced, but present. This is one of the most economical options for liquid beef steak seasoning.

Hot pepper sauce for steak

  • bitter capsicum – 50 g;
  • sweet pepper – 0.4 kg;
  • purple onion – 0.2 kg;
  • wine vinegar (6 percent) – 30 ml;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • spicy adjika – 0.2 kg;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash both types of peppers, remove seeds, and cut off the stems. Cut the vegetables into several pieces and puree them using a blender or meat grinder.
  • Finely chop the onion or puree it in the same way as the pepper.
  • Mix the pepper mixture with the onion.
  • Add adjika, sugar, vinegar. Beat with a blender or mixer to obtain a sauce that has a uniform consistency.
  • If necessary, add salt and beat again.

Before serving, the sauce made according to this recipe must be infused. Place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. It has a bright color and a burning taste. Fans of spicy seasonings will love it. The products included in this pepper sauce are not subjected to heat treatment and retain their beneficial properties. The energy value of the seasoning is low.

Pepper sauce for steak can be prepared using several recipes. The taste of the seasoning and the finished dish will greatly depend on the chosen cooking option.