Horoscope for August Pisces

The last month of summer will give representatives of the Pisces sign a significant opportunity to experience new things in feelings and emotions. August 2017 is a favorable time for events aimed at finding personal happiness. Pisces should not expect drastic love experiences and changes during this period of time, but this is not a reason to give up and go with the flow of fate. People born under this zodiac sign are not used to relying on the whims of the stars and very often become the main initiators of all events that affect their personal lives.

In August, free representatives of the Pisces sign will be able to devote their time to planning their future lives, which will reflect a passionate desire to find a loved one and find a happy relationship. However, for many representatives of this zodiac sign in August, things will not go beyond dreams. The stars insist that to achieve harmonious relationships, single Pisces will need constant work. Therefore, without some effort, Pisces’ plans may remain unfulfilled.

Representatives of the Pisces constellation who are married or in a permanent relationship may be a little confused in August by the love activity of their significant other. Such an increase in love feelings will cause unpleasant suspicions among some distrustful Pisces, but soon they will completely dissipate under the pressure of the passion and romance of the spouse. The atmosphere in the Pisces house in August will be favorable. The emotions caused by the last hot days will be able to melt away all grievances and omissions. An accurate love horoscope recommends that Pisces, in turn, also keep up with their spouse and maintain the fire in each other’s hearts and eyes.

Love horoscope for Pisces women for August 2017

Single Pisces girls in August 2017 will pay more attention to their own beauty and self-development than to the search for happiness with men. These girls will still not be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex, but for them it will not become a decisive argument for flirting. In August, representatives of the Pisces sign will have their head in the clouds a little and wait for obvious manifestations of attention and interest in themselves. During this period, Pisces girls will want to give their attention only to the most persistent suitors.

Married ladies born under the constellation Pisces in August have the opportunity to evaluate the results of their efforts and time devoted to creating warm relationships with their loved one and household members. The feminine wisdom of Pisces and the ability to attract loved ones to a common cause will help strengthen the family. This month will help to find new facets of relationships between spouses and connect them even more with common goals and work to achieve them. In August, Pisces women will be surprised to see their family so passionate and united that this memory will warm their hearts for a very long time in unpleasant moments.

Love horoscope for Pisces men for August 2017

Lonely Pisces men will not be too active in dating and courting pretty girls in the last month of summer. One small failure in August can cause a refusal to communicate with the opposite sex for a long time. The accurate love horoscope for August 2017 recommends in such cases not to become hermits, but to treat these events with a dose of humor. Patience and maintaining a favorable mood will make single Pisces men more attractive to girls in August.

In August, married Pisces men will be able to see and appreciate manifestations of love and respect from their beloved woman and other family members. This attitude of loved ones will not leave the hearts of representatives of this sign indifferent. The love horoscope for August recommends that Pisces family men do not diminish the significance of this feeling and try to preserve it and increase it with reciprocal care and love. Harmony in such families cannot be disrupted even by emerging problems in other areas of life, so Pisces need to make every effort to maintain it for as long as possible.

Pisces will experience déjà vu in August 2017, since they already experienced similar sensations due to eclipses in February.

Also, in August 2017, Pisces will need self-control after the 13th, when the “passions” after the eclipse will subside, but turmoil will enter the arena of everyday life. It is important to understand that a week before eclipses and 7 days after are not the best period for committing rash acts or making decisions. Let everything take its course.

The total solar eclipse on the 21st will also try to affect the well-being and actions of Pisces. Health and career may be at risk, but if you treat this event with philosophical tolerance, no devastating consequences are expected in August.

Love horoscope for August 2017, Pisces

The horoscope for Pisces for August 2017 advises living by the principle: “the spool is small, but expensive.” Married couples with a representative of the Pisces zodiac sign can experience conflicts, quarrels, and misunderstandings. There is no need for unnecessary self-criticism in August 2017. Making claims to your other half is also unnecessary. Now emotions are ruled by the power of eclipses.

In August, they need your insight, sincerity, and patience. New acquaintances are unlikely to lead to a Mendelssohn waltz.

Favorable days for love in August 2017 for Pisces: August 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 16, 17, 18, 19, 27 and 28.

Pisces financial horoscope for August 2017

August 2017 is not the best “friend” of working Pisces. Now is the time to relax - specifically, by the sea or river, and in general - to be away from the workplace.

The active Sun will not allow you to focus on business relationships; it will be difficult to control the progress of events.

If the vacation ends before August, it is more effective to focus on the details of a long-running project. Monotonous work will bring more benefits to Pisces this month.

Favorable days for money in August 2017 for the Pisces sign: 4, 5, 7, 8 and 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, as well as 23, 24, 26, 27 August.

Health horoscope for the Pisces sign for August 2017

The horoscope for August 2017 strongly recommends refraining from drinking alcohol, especially in the days before, during and after eclipses.

The first two weeks of August, Pisces can devote time to physical health - give up heavy food, enjoy a variety of seasonal vegetables.

After the middle of the month, it is also not recommended to suddenly start active physical exercises and large feasts.

Taking into account the astrological trends in the Pisces horoscope for August 2017, surgical interventions and deep cosmetic procedures will have to be postponed until calmer times. Emergency operations must be performed with caution.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Pisces sign by month

For representatives of your sign, August 2017 will be a time full of passion and vivid impressions. Expect sudden meetings, even love at first sight is possible.

Venus is located in the house of love of Pisces - an ideal combination for love affairs and enjoying the joys of life. The influence of this benevolent planet makes you attractive and gives you good luck in love. Use the time to start a new relationship or make an existing connection more harmonious.

The last month of summer can change a lot in your personal life, because Mercury is in the house of your Pisces partner. In amorous affairs, you will behave directly; with Mercury on your side, it is easier to make contacts with the opposite sex. On August 23, 2017, the Sun moves into the partner’s house, foreshadowing significant events in love and relationships.

However, we cannot say that everything will be rosy. On August 13, 2017, the Mercury retrograde cycle begins, which can lead to misunderstandings and ambiguous situations in partnerships. In your personal life, strange turns are possible, sometimes even unwanted. Some of the people you knew in the past will appear on your path again.

Pisces Career and Finance Horoscope for August 2017

When it comes to work and career development, the stars promise success and recognition. Despite some obstacles or delays, the period will become effective and productive. There will be a lot of activity in the area of ​​cooperation and agreements, although calm and diplomacy will be required from you.

The Sun and Mars in the work sector give you an abundance of energy, and the challenge is to put it to good use. Don't take on too many things at once; it's better to prioritize and act purposefully. Venus gives chances to achieve career goals through useful connections. Using your charm will give you an edge in a competitive environment.

The lunar eclipse of August 7, 2017 affects the mysterious twelfth house of Pisces. Hidden ill-wishers may become active, so you should be attentive to your surroundings. At the same time, lunar energies are favorable for people of creative professions; a time of inspiration awaits them.

The solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 occurs in the house of work of Pisces. Under its influence, changes in the organization where you work are possible, or the scope of work responsibilities will change. If you don’t see any prospects in your service, it makes sense to look for more suitable options. The period is quite suitable for changing jobs.

Financially, the month promises to be generous as Mars, the ruler of your house of money, forms positive aspects with other planets. You may be lucky with money. Travel and participation in innovative projects will be profitable. There is a possibility that some amounts of money or material profit will come through partners.


The Pisces house of health is experiencing rather intense planetary influences this month, so there is a possibility of illness and injury. Anxiety and fears of unknown origin also create some problems. Be careful, lead a healthy lifestyle and do not delay visiting your doctor if you feel unwell.

To keep yourself in good spirits, organize family gatherings or parties with old friends!

Pisces horoscope for August 2017.

In August 2017, Pisces’ best friend will be a mirror! After all, when you really want to tell someone: “I love you!”, then the best way out of this situation is just a mirror! Moreover, this even applies to family Pisces or Pisces in relationships. The horoscope for August 2017 advises you to start every morning with this very next month! Firstly, it will return your self-esteem, and secondly, it will allow you to look more calmly at the Summer flying by.

Maybe thanks to our advice, or maybe under the influence of the stars, but apparently, in August 2017, Pisces will be looking for a bright ray of sunshine in everything. You will fly away and run away from the dark reality in search of light and warmth and August. But the further you try to run away from problems, the longer you will have to return to solve them. Although the search for light and the bright side in everything that happens will give you exactly that flow of energy that will really help you solve all your problems. But, on the other hand, by bypassing the rake, you deprive yourself of unforgettable thrills... to which you have been drawn lately. Therefore, the horoscope advises you to look at things more realistically and make simple decisions in difficult situations. Although if you see only good in everything, then it is much easier to plot some kind of “dirty trick” or revenge. Although in August 2017 you will obviously not be in the mood for this.

Maybe thanks to our advice, or maybe under the influence of the stars, but apparently, in August 2017, Pisces will be looking for a bright ray of sunshine in everything!

In general, August 2017 will be a fairly favorable month for Pisces, so your search for a ray of summer light may well be crowned with success. And although your friends will not support you in this, do not be sad. But be more conservative with new acquaintances. Remember that you can rarely see a crack in a bell, and it is recognized only by its sound, the same can be said about the human soul...

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces favorable days are 4, 7, 16, 17, 21 and 28.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces unfavorable days - You cannot do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth by overcoming obstacles, obstacles and unfavorable days.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces work, career and business. In August 2017 Pisces will continue to float in the illusion that they are indispensable at work and are very, very necessary. Just like with the advent of social networks, people began to naively think that their lives were interesting to someone, and that someone needed them themselves. In fact, in August you will once again be convinced that you are mainly needed to plug the “holes” and gaps. If the issue is painful and needs to be resolved urgently, you can be sure that it will be you who will solve it in August. Therefore, there is no point in conflicting and “muttering”, your relevance is your trump card, so don’t whine, and courageously engage in “decoding the opossum genome”, even if just yesterday you were designing public toilets. Your versatility is also your trump card. As the site’s astrologer says, any job is very similar to sex, the one who knows many positions will always win over the one who has perfectly studied one. Moreover, starting from August 25, your professional affairs will go up, and you will again find complete mutual understanding with management, colleagues and clients, and the financial situation will begin to improve.

Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces Finance. August will require household expenses for the home, relatives, and even sometimes friends. So your friendship with money in August will be somewhat one-sided.

Love horoscope for August 2017 Pisces. Horoscope for August 2017 Pisces Love. In August 2017, the opposite sex will suddenly remember that Pisces are very sexy. And with pleasant surprise you will again begin to receive unambiguous signs of attention and ambiguous offers. Therefore, the horoscope reminds family Pisces that August is not the best month for romantic adventures “on the side.” Next month it will be very difficult to hide anything. Therefore, next month it is more important for you to work on strengthening your union. Carrying out common tasks, including spending time together, or vice versa, “cleaning up the territory” will have a more positive effect on your union than your romantic adventures on the side.

At the same time, the love horoscope reminds you that while turning the pages of life, never forget that returning a book to the librarian can happen suddenly and without your consent, so don’t put anything off in August until later. Either do it, say it, admit it, or realize that there may well not be a second chance like this. This is especially true for single Pisces, for whom August 2017 may even present several interesting and romantic acquaintances at once.

At the end, the horoscope for August 2017 Pisces suggests that associations will help you a lot next month. Pay attention to signs, coincidences and associations. Like in a situation when a young man walks into a pharmacy and asks: “I forgot what the medicine is called. Something to do with the hair dryer... Like, “I don’t know where the hair dryer is”... - Ibuprofen? - Yes! Yes exactly! Give me two packs...”

Pisces will spend August in high spirits. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen such a cloudless period of life, in all areas of activity.

Sometimes a person puts a lot of effort into achieving even tiny changes for the better at work or in the family. And nothing works out. August, on the contrary, will please Pisces with extraordinary successes, loud victories, which, paradoxically, will be given to them without the slightest effort.

There is no nervousness, no rush, no rush - everything happens as if by magic. So enjoy this moment of unprecedented luck.

So that luck does not suddenly decide to turn away from Pisces, they need to:

  • take all successes calmly;
  • try not to become infected with star fever;
  • in case of conflicts, do not show aggression;
  • Resolve any misunderstandings only in a positive way, that is, as kindly as possible.

The stars warn that the always sober-minded Pisces during this period will be inclined to try on the role of Narcissus. Under no circumstances should this be done. Call on your inherent sincerity and sense of justice to help.

Try not to let the fallen gifts of fate provoke attacks of laziness, arrogance, or push you to immoderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Use such a favorable period to make positive, although perhaps drastic, changes in the established course of life. Now is not the time to be afraid of various kinds of experiments if they promise the development of your personality and growth of well-being.

August is very suitable for getting rid of bad habits, if any. During this period, you can quit smoking or stop abusing alcoholic beverages, even without resorting to radical methods.

Family life and personal relationships of Pisces in August 2017

Pisces being busy at work can cause negative emotions in his other half.

Starting from small manifestations of discontent and ending with violent scenes of indignation.

To prevent this from happening, pay attention to your loved one, do not let troubles in the professional sphere overshadow communication with him. No matter what grandiose achievements are planned at work, leave thinking about various business plans at work.

Perhaps relatives will transfer movable or immovable property to you. Or mentioned in the will, of course, in this case it is best that the moment of possession occurs as late as possible. But the very prospect of receiving, even in the distant future, some material benefits is also not bad.

In order for the relationship with the other half to be harmonious, Pisces should remember one simple truth: that no one in the sublunary world is perfect. And reduce the level of your complaints against your partner if your loved one has recently complained about your excessive pickiness.

Lonely Pisces, in all likelihood, will experience a whirlwind romance in August. Most likely, with a person with whom you have long sympathized, but did not dare to take active action. Now there is every chance to conquer the one you dreamed of. Such a romantic relationship can cause envy from others. The best way out in this situation is to ignore envious people.

Just enjoy being with your loved one. What do you care about how your union is perceived by others. Don't even think about such little things.

Although summer is a time of rest and vacation, the stars say that those Pisces who concentrate on work will not go wrong. You can plan your vacation a little later or, conversely, spend it in July. Because August is the luckiest month of the year in terms of career.

Relationships with business partners may deteriorate.

But timely analysis of the current situation and the correct choice of further development strategy will eliminate disagreements.

Or you will see opportunities for fruitful cooperation with other people. So don’t cling to old connections: the deterioration of business relationships is sometimes a signal that they have exhausted themselves.

If you are a leader or have your own business, the stars warn of intrigues being woven against you. Be on your guard to promptly expose the machinations of ill-wishers.

Financial flows are pleasing with their stability. Costs will also increase, but this will not negatively affect Pisces’ financial well-being.

Pisces health in August 2017

The only thing that can disturb Pisces is a decrease in energy potential. Therefore, maintain a reasonable balance between work and rest.

Be attentive and listen for minor pain in the gastrointestinal tract - it is likely that you should pay more attention to this system.