2 of Wands for finances. Two of Wands tarot meaning. Combinations in tarot spreads

The map is difficult to interpret due to its ambiguity and duality. When you appear in a reading, you need to think about the choice provided. Hasty decisions are unacceptable.

  • Staves are associated with society, the ability for self-realization, and ethical values.
  • The element is Fire for most Tarot systems. Symbolizes movement forward, achievements.
  • Number 2 is the element of Water. Stabilizes, brings some balance, but is unfavorable for the fire suit. Two causes delays, obstacles, and difficulties.
  • Zodiac signs Aries and Libra. The birth of a new thing, but reflections and doubts due to difficult choices.
  • Planet Mars, which is uncomfortable in Libra.
  • The name in the Tarot is Thoth Dominion, lord. Hints at the need for independence, determination, and overcoming fears.

The Two of Wands of the Tarot combines activity and submission to the flow, determination with doubts, joy from new discoveries with regrets about what has been lost.


In Waite's deck, the Two of Wands is represented as a man of high position looking out over the sea from the tower of his castle. One staff is clenched in his hand, the other stands nearby. In his palm the man holds a small model of the Earth. The previously achieved material benefits are left behind. It's time to get ready to explore the world.

The 2 of Wands card of the Thoth Tarot depicts crossed Tibetan daggers (doje). The background is formed by the colors of Mars (red, emerald, azure). The handles of the dodge are crowned with the heads of demons, which personify fear and overcoming; 6 flames burst out from the crossed blades. The symbols of Mars and Aries are visible at the top and bottom of the card.

The Papus deck represents the Two of Wands simply as 2 crossed staves. The French school of Tarot does not draw the minor arcana in detail.

Brief description and meaning of the card

According to Waite, the Two of Wands represents new beginnings that will require abandoning old habits and ways of thinking. To take the next step you will have to leave the cozy haven of everyday life behind. This is a lasso of choice and doubt - the unknown is always scary.

The 2 of Wands of the Thoth Tarot symbolizes destruction before creation, will, overcoming, aggression, conquest, the desire to conquer. A necessary renewal occurs, preceded by reflection before taking a decisive step.

For Papus, the two of staves means troubles, obstacles, despondency, melancholy in the present. The Two of the Tarot symbolizes a way out of everyday life and limitations, the possibility of knowledge, the need to make a choice. You will have to sacrifice affection, stability, peace.

Inner meaning

The Two of Staves indicates a serious test of internal strength. This is the process of transferring an idea into reality. There is a determination to move, a desire to win, but successful action requires a good strategy. Materializing an idea is a difficult process that requires willpower and overcoming internal and external resistance.

The new, the unexpected is about to happen. You will have to reconsider your usual plans, remove interference, and give up your usual life. Whether there will be luck, glory, victory, wealth or collapse, losses, disappointments will be determined only by the chosen path.

At the level of consciousness

The 2 of Wands of the Tarot in the reading speaks of a period of reflection, a forced stop, which will last until a decision is made. Doubt will destroy action. You need to quickly overcome your fears and realize your desires, intentions, and ideas. Delay will only complicate the situation and cause new doubts or apathy.

The Two of Posokhov communicates the need to respect the feelings, desires, and plans of other people. The success of interaction with society depends on the ability to take into account the interests of others without sacrificing your own. The two sides must complement each other. Self-assertion or manipulation is highly undesirable.

Reversed meaning

An inverted card takes on the worst characteristics of the lasso. Plans for the future and a successful resolution of the situation are in jeopardy.

  • Due to indecisiveness, the querent misses a good opportunity to develop a project, relationships, and self-realization.
  • Anxiety, apathy, inability to comprehend the situation.
  • Spontaneous bad decisions.
  • Loss of reputation, problems with society due to aggressive stubbornness.
  • Delays, obstacles, misunderstandings.
  • Lack of energy and resources to implement the project.
  • There is a lack of trust and mutual understanding in relationships.
  • State of depression, lack of initiative, despondency.
  • Warning against rash actions. Advice to carefully evaluate your own strengths and capabilities.
  • Lack of intuition, distrust of the world, fear of the future.

Psychological condition

For the querent, the Two of Staves means emotional burnout, satiety with material goods, and fatigue from monotonous everyday life. The fire of life without goals or aspirations goes out. I want change, but forced stagnation leads to apathy and makes a person rebel. He goes against generally accepted rules and norms. Anger clears the mind by removing unnecessary attitudes.

The joy from past victories has faded, the silence is annoying, and internal discontent is growing. It seems to the questioner that there is nowhere to move further. A pause, a lull will help you more fully understand what is happening, but you cannot hesitate to make a decision.

We must learn to build relationships, seek compromises, and reconsider our own beliefs. Changes will happen soon, but something familiar must be sacrificed. The possibility of loss, fear of failure raises doubts. To achieve new things, you need to trust your intuition and think carefully about the inevitable next step.

How the Two of Wands characterizes people

The Two of Posokhov in a reading represents a colleague, partner or boss. This person is associated with business, work, affairs, negotiations. The card can mean a traveler or one who will show the entrance to a new life. The Man of the Two of Wands knows how to defend his own boundaries, is proud, but not vain. Perhaps the card indicates an important partner who is awaiting the querent's decision.

The reversed Two of Wands characterizes a colleague who can ruin a common cause due to doubts or vanity. An inverted card sometimes means an insecure person, boring, bored. For the querent, he personifies gray ordinariness.


The map does not give clear predictions for diseases. The chances of treatment failure and recovery are equal. In general, the Two of Staves is favorable. Her presence indicates the presence of strength to fight illnesses.

An inverted lasso indicates a disruption in the functioning of organs or systems, mood swings, and psychological problems. The body cannot work harmoniously, harmony is lost, and treatment only temporarily eliminates the symptoms.


The card in the layout speaks of an unsuccessful relationship where there is no love. Perhaps the spouses have grown cold in the marriage. Feelings fade away, only habit, satiety, everyday life remain. Relationships don't bring joy. The Two of Wands can indicate a love triangle where the spouse is not going to choose between two partners.

Arkan speaks of a reluctance to commit oneself to obligations, indecision before an important step. Empty promises, unwillingness to see your partner’s problems. Marriage rests only on fear of loneliness, fear of change, or was created for calculation. Perhaps one of the partners is an egoist who is not used to investing in relationships.

Sometimes the card indicates an initial lack of commitment. An open relationship is similar to a friendship, where partners do not consider it necessary to set restrictions. Such unions are devoid of romance or passion, but are quite viable.

Work and business

The appearance of the lasso in the reading advises the querent to think about moving to a new place of work or opening his own business. Habitual activities have become routine with no chance of development. Tasks are performed only for reporting to superiors. There is no enthusiasm or energy for career growth. The card may mean professional burnout. The querent keeps aloof from the team, there is no initiative and the slightest interest in the common cause.

In business, the 2 of Tarot Wands signifies the emergence of new opportunities. After a crisis or difficulties, the time for development will come, but the usual patterns will have to be abandoned.

Combination with other arcana

Adjacent cards in the layout change the meaning of the Two of Staves. Any layout will require careful analysis. This is not a complete list. The tarot reader’s ability to compare the characteristics of the Tarot arcana and the situation will be useful for interpretation.

Major Arcana:

  • Fool. New roads, openings, justified or unjustified risks.
  • Mag. Difficulties at work.
  • Priestess. Passivity, heightened intuition.
  • Empress. You need to carefully consider the next step.
  • Hierophant. Strategy Development.
  • Chariot. Delays due to stubbornness.
  • Hermit. Missed opportunities.
  • Wheel of Fortune. Good luck in new achievements.
  • Justice. Advice to listen to others.
  • Hanged. Uncertainty, apathy.
  • Death. We need to let go of the past.
  • Moderation. Luck.
  • Tower. Enterprise failure.
  • Star. Success.
  • Moon. Doubts, despondency.
  • World. Fateful choice, moving.
  • Ace. Self-realization.
  • Seven. Obstacles.
  • King. Responsibility, maturity.
  • Troika. Unexpected good news.
  • Six. The need to get rid of thoughts about the past.
  • Nine. Illusions.
  • Knight. Luck.
  • Two. Indecision, complexes.
  • Six. Creative search.
  • Seven. Past mistakes need to be corrected.
  • Eight. Inability to think clearly.
  • Knight. Impulsiveness, recklessness.


  • Troika. Financial success.
  • Five. A hopeless enterprise.
  • Ten. Financial disagreements.
  • King. Investor, philanthropist, profitable partner.

The Two of Wands advises you to stop rushing things. A good day for making plans, discoveries, acquaintances, travel. Court cases may take a long time, but their outcome will be favorable.

The card indicates a period of waiting and the need for patience. You shouldn’t make fateful decisions today or start important projects. It is better to start planning new things and thinking about a strategy, but it is important that this stage does not drag on.

The Two of Tarot Wands speaks of a forced period of waiting and delay. It will take time to thoroughly assess the situation. You can’t delay thinking, there is a risk of stagnation and apathy. A map always means a choice between the familiar and the unknown. The implementation of new plans will require getting rid of old attachments, things, relationships. Stepping into the unknown is scary, but learning is worth it.

A person, by nature curious and wary about his own future, strives to learn secrets inaccessible to him. There is nothing shameful or dangerous in wanting to know the future, especially in moments of confusion and despair. A deck of Tarot cards is a collection of ancient, magical symbols, the interpretation of which is not possible for every experienced magician.

Each symbol of the deck is unique in meaning and sacred message. The Two of Wands of the Tarot represents a recommendation, advice, following which the person asking will be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. How to correctly read such a powerful magical symbol?

The main purpose of the card 2 ka Wands in the Tarot deck

Just the image of a traditional Tarot card already speaks of the deep meaning inherent in the 2 of Wands. The man who creates the horizon and everything that lies beyond it is at the same time in action and calm. He accomplishes something important, but at the same time remains motionless. An ambiguous, difficult-to-read symbol appears in the layout for certain reasons.

The questioner, who turns to the powerful ancient Tarot deck for help, is looking for answers, advice and hopes for a prediction of tomorrow. New opportunities – that’s what the second card from the Wands can offer. Sometimes life-changing chances are hidden from a person, and sometimes they are so obvious that it is simply frightening and repulsive.

The herald of serious achievements, achievements that the questioner did not even count on, decorates the layout for professional or personal life, while at the same time softening neighboring cards, even those that are negative in nature.

The Two of Posokhov portends the successful introduction of the project

The Two of Posokhov prophesies the achievement of set goals if the main issue of concern for the questioner is new projects and recently started business.

All that is required from a person in return is diligence. The qualities inherent in the questioner and his abilities will create a solid foundation for great achievements. Card 2 Posokhov advises to show patience and perseverance, and then success will not keep you waiting.

The meaning of the Tarot card 2 ka Wands in special layouts

A complex ancient symbol can be adapted to a person, to his needs and requirements. If we are talking about a creative person, then the 2 of Wands of the tarot promises doubts that must be overcome for further development.

Common meaning of the second card of Wands in layouts for the near future:

  • a neutral position in future conflicts at work or at home;
  • voluntary renunciation;
  • apathy, loss of meaning in life;
  • achievements after long, painstaking work.

The Two of Wands, the meaning of which depends on the position of the ancient symbol - upright or inverted, radically changes the mood of the entire layout. A predominantly favorable sign, promising prospects and opportunities, with an inverted image of a man with a staff, promises many difficulties.

Definition of 2 ka of Wands in reversed position

Inverted promises contradictions, both internal and external. Soon, disagreements will force the questioner to take someone else's opposing side. Confusion will lead to increased stress. The person who draws the second card of Wands upside down will want to escape from the conflict, hide and wait out the storm in a secluded place. Such behavior will harm both the moral and physical condition of a person.

Indifference to loved ones is another meaning of the inverted Two that should not be ignored. If the questioner’s question concerned interpersonal relationships, then one should expect difficulties in mutual understanding between household members or lovers. Coldness, detachment, and indifference will create a real wall that will be difficult to destroy in the future.

The Two of Wands warns - laziness can ruin many important things

The second card of Wands warns that excessive laziness, from which a person who has appealed to the advice of a magical Tarot deck often suffers, will ruin many important matters. Honesty and openness will help get out of a protracted crisis, but not without a little effort on the part of the person asking. Is the person willing to work hard for future achievements?

Alignment for professional activities and 2 ka of Wands of Tarot

Professional life is equally important as love or good health. Experienced magicians are often approached with questions regarding career success in the future. Profit plays an important role in the life of a modern person, and the desire to reach the top is justified. What does the Two of the Suit of Wands promise for the questioner who expects a promotion or promotion of new projects?

The interpretation of the Tarot card Two of Wands in the field of work promises luck and the necessary prerequisites for success. The chance provided by favorable fate will appear very soon, and a person just needs to take advantage of it in time. Favorable terms of the deal may seem too good, but there is no need to be afraid of them. A person does not face any deception if the forecast is made using the second card of Wands.

An inverted symbol indicates the lack of initiative of the questioner. Apathy in everything regarding work matters hinders progress. The card signal is simple - there is no need to be afraid of change, because a little shake-up in the workplace will not hurt anyone. Disinterest in the results of hard work entails deliberate failure. Inaction will inevitably lead to spiritual devastation. It will be extremely difficult to say goodbye to such a condition.

Personal alignment for the opening of consciousness

For a person inseparable from his own essence, it is important to be able to identify himself as a worker, lover and person. Development, no matter how a person imagines it, depends on the environment as well as on the internal mood.

The second card from the suit of Wands indicates a person’s desire to become someone important, but he is looking for the sources of internal energy.

The dual symbol of the Tarot deck allows you to see a complex picture of the future using a personal alignment.

Self-affirmation through your close circle is not advisable, says Deuce, because the appearance that a person wears in public is far from his real essence. Courage will appear only if you fully understand your own purpose.

  • The meaning of such a powerful card in a personal reading on the Tarot deck:
  • withdrawal;
  • self-forgetfulness;
  • withdrawal from loved ones and loved ones;
  • liberation from old habits and prejudices;
  • construction of new plans;
  • dramatic changes in worldview;

creating a new style, imitating one’s own ideals.

Love reading with the Two of Staves

In relationships between people there are always many nuances, reservations and conditions. A symbol of a choice to be made in the near future rarely appears in a personal life reading. A difficult sign to read and understand indicates the absence of the necessary emotional coloring of a particular relationship.

The Two of Wands represents an outdated union

A union that has outlived its usefulness, has lost its former sharpness and no longer brings pleasure to either partner, is personified by the Two.

Dependence on a lover, a relationship that is burdensome and takes up too much time and effort. Isn't it time to let go of what was only good in the past? A new relationship will not illuminate the life of the questioner if a past love lies as a burden in his heart. Future disappointments can be avoided by not holding on to an outdated partnership.

The choice predicted by the Two of Wands card indicates internal torment. About the desire to get rid of a burdensome relationship and regret about wasting time on them. Love cannot live in the past, says Deuce, otherwise such a union is akin to a cross that you will have to carry for the rest of your life.

Combination of the Two of Wands card and other cards of the Tarot deck

The Two of Wands, in combination with other powerful symbols of the Tarot deck, promises many important, dramatic changes for the questioner. Unions you don't need to fear:

Two and the major lasso Empress. The combination of two strong signs indicates the need to rethink what is happening. Is it worth doing as before if such actions did not bring good results? To think about future plans, it is best to remain alone, in silence and peace of mind.

The Emperor and the second card of the Staffs. A tandem advising to remain as unbiased as possible in all controversial issues in the near future. Taking someone else's position would be dangerous and wrong.

Two and the Beloved card. An unfavorable alliance warning of a double play. Dishonest relationships will last until the questioner is able to take a sober look at what is happening.

In real, true love, people do not look for replacements for each other. Two symbols of a single Tarot deck advise you to listen to your own heart - it will indicate the right decision.

The fortune telling Tarot deck allows you to reveal the secret future, find out its hidden events and predict dangers. In the hands of an experienced magician, a collection of magical symbols can become a real weapon, assistant and adviser. The interpretation of each sign, which has incredible power, individually or in combination, is a guarantee of an accurate forecast.

Each person decides for himself whether to listen to the cards or not, but to ignore the deck to which he turned for help is unreasonable and short-sighted. Using the recommendations of ancient symbolism, you can contribute to rapid positive changes in all areas of life. The Two of Wands card promises similar changes.

The Two of Wands cannot be called a card loved by tarot readers - it is not easy to interpret.

Traditionally, there are two almost opposite interpretations: one associates this card with “initiative and confidence,” the other with “indecisiveness and indifference,” one speaks of luck and power, the other of misfortune and failure. One explanation for this contradictory tradition is given in the section where the deep meaning of the Arcanum is discussed. In any case, everyone will benefit from their personal observations regarding this map.

The most positive interpretation of the card is harmony between the achievements of the past and plans for the future. In a positive card environment, the Two of Wands can be interpreted traditionally - as conquest and power, carte blanche in gaining strength. The questioner has enough power, influence and resources to carry out everything planned. It should be added that the Major Arcana, consonant with the Two of Wands, are the Magician, the Emperor, the Sun and the Chariot.

It is also quite common to believe that the Two of Wands foretells the arrival (appearance) of something unexpected. Something is about to happen that the questioner did not allow in his plans. Unforeseen obstacles or problems, some “were not expected”. Coupled with, for example, the Moon, this is understandable - some unaccounted for, noticed factor will reveal itself. At the very least, it will surprise, at worst, it will seriously complicate matters. This could be, for example, unexpected opposition from people from whom it was not expected, the discovery of the existence of some rules that no one knew about, and so on; other cards can give a hint.

The positive environment of the Two of Wands can foreshadow an unexpected but beneficial combination of circumstances.
Most often, this card indicates the presence of a new opportunity, about which the questioner is hesitating whether to take advantage of it or not. It is accompanied by indecision and uncertainty. Sometimes the map reacts to people deciding where to be in a purely geographical sense.

Another common meaning of this card is a threshold, a crossroads, some kind of crossroads in life. Due to the loss of further motivation for new actions, it is difficult to make decisions. A person finds himself on the threshold of something, coming somewhere or leaving somewhere, and he is overcome by a reluctance to take the next step in the chosen direction. It’s as if he was looking at a seething stream into which he needs to enter, his leg seems to be already in the air, but he is completely reluctant to take this step and the person would happily stand on the shore.

This “threshold” may be some business that a person cannot decide to do, because he does not want to do it, or a relationship that he does not particularly want to enter into. As Banzhaf writes, “a weak statement of one’s intentions in the absence of a sincere desire to act.”

The Two of Wands can signal difficulties with choice and decision-making. Moreover, the problem is that a person does not like a single decision, does not truly suit him (hence the apparent “neutrality”, “timidity”, “cowardice”, etc.). Delaying a final answer. Sometimes the card indicates that the decision is not that important; in fact, almost nothing depends on this choice.

There is also an opinion that the Two of Wands means that what is planned is quite achievable, but will require serious effort and time. In this case, what is planned usually relates to the field of intellectual or creative work - writing a dissertation, completing work on a book, play, painting, project, plan, and the like.

In traditional interpretations, the card has a negative reputation: quarrel, scandal, contradiction, incompatibility. Parting, loss of a loved one, departure or absence of something or someone, hence sadness, sadness, grief, regret.
Surrounding maps can help determine the direction of interpretation.


The creative flight is delayed. "Oh, muse, where are you?"

Some authors have emphasized the high-energy characteristics of this card, and although they seem dubious to us at the moment, we will still mention them. This is personal strength, a flow of activity and worldly desires, a sense of omnipotence, firmness and courage, masculinity, determination, belligerence, but impatience and lack of endurance. Pressure, demonstration of business qualities, convincing people of your talents. Maybe for some people the Two of Wands manifests itself this way. Its best meaning is good intentions, faith in the success of one’s plans, and expectation of the results of one’s actions.

According to our observations, it more often describes other conditions. The person stands aloof from what is happening because he does not really understand how to act now. He is possessed by the desire to stay away from everything and he does not strive to make decisions, because he has no soul for anything. Dissatisfaction with what is happening. Feeling of frustration, lack of happiness. In some ways this is similar to the melancholy of the Four of Cups, but there is a difference. On the Four of Cups, a person does not see what constitutes his happiness. On the Two of Wands he sees everything, but what he sees does not make him happy...for some reason.

Traditionally, the Two of Wands is an indicator of a strong, influential person, a ruler, a “conqueror and achiever,” a very realized person with great potential. He didn’t allow anything to get the best of him, he has the sea up to his knees and the whole world of his legs, but.... at the moment he is tired of himself and is not very interesting to himself. Just as at the previous stage of development nothing could distract him from fulfilling his plans, so now nothing can bring him back to this.

This is a person who knows and has experienced it all - fire and willpower, the desire to fight and the willingness to take risks, fierce advancement and spontaneous self-expression (and maybe even reckless aggressiveness and demonstration of one's strength), but... at the moment the strength of the flow has weakened and he has no desire to get into trouble. This is a card of an unexpected internal block (this is how people usually experience the loss of enthusiasm, inspiration and zest for life). Sometimes the thought hovers “out there somewhere,” looking for something lost in parallel spaces.

The Two of Wands runs through a constant tension, in which an uncertain inner suffering is hidden. The will balances between creative and destructive impulses, as well as between suppression and prohibition - and burnout and aggression. Banzhaf and Akron emphasize spontaneous will, a state in which it is more important for a person to express his power than to achieve a specific goal. As a result, he chooses (without any strategic thought) new paths on which something interesting awaits him, although fraught with destruction. This is a variant of “there is ecstasy in battle” - a person enters into skirmishes and confrontations for the sake of pleasure, he just needs some kind of “action”. This meaning is more felt in Crowley's system.

The Man of the Two of Wands remains an individualist, no matter what you do with him. He doesn’t particularly listen to other people’s opinions and always does things his own way. He is difficult to be around because he is a dictator by nature, Solus Rex Incognito. Unconsciously, he always looks down on those around him and, at the same time, is not particularly attentive. A more detailed explanation of this phenomenon is in the next section.

This is “achievement depression.”

In an allegorical sense, the Two of Wands depicts the so-called “Alexander’s lament” (“When Alexander looked around the boundaries of his kingdom, he began to sob, because there was nothing more to conquer”). You got everything you wanted, but you feel not so much joy as depression about this.

This allegory helps well to understand the seemingly vague and contradictory descriptions of the Two of Wands: “apparent success that turned into disappointment,” “wealth, luck and power that do not bring happiness.” Symbolically, the card speaks of enormous power, both creative and destructive (like creating a huge empire - but by what means and at what cost!).

During the time of Ace Zhuzlov, a person frantically overcame any obstacles; only a bullet in the heart could stop him (and that’s not a fact), but now this unbridled thirst for advancement and achievement has turned into burnout. This cannot be called a “broken trough” state, but... this trough is rather somewhere inside, and it has cracked there. Banzhaf writes about this: “Sadness and loss of vitality for someone who managed to achieve everything he wanted, but no longer finds the determination to take new actions.” This seems strange, because the Two of Wands is, after all, the very beginning of the Path of this suit! Where, from what? How can you get tired of achievements after taking just the first step? As in all other cases, to understand the meaning of the card, you need to remember what precedes it and what follows it.

The lesson this Arcanum talks about is that the Ace of Wands is a VERY big energy, a huge flow. And when this fuse exhausts itself, a person feels weak and confused for some time. "Well? What should we do next? The enormously powerful meaning-forming and ordering impulse (Ace of Wands) has dried up. Before you can be inspired by new perspectives (Three of Wands), you have to go through the stage of the Two of Wands, when your heart is not in anything.

The Two of Wands is also interpreted as a prison of one’s own conquests and acquisitions. A lot of things, I achieved everything I wanted, the empire of life is huge... what's next?

Friction of polar forces. It is believed that the spiritual test symbolized by this card is the ability to relate to other people. In that specific picture of the world, where the world itself is something lying at your feet, the other person and his feelings are usually not perceived or considered in any way. They are simply difficult to notice; here the heart must simultaneously turn into binoculars and a microscope. Therefore, at the level of society, the Two of Wands symbolizes a person with pronounced ideas, desires, and ambitions, who is forced to seek a compromise with other people endowed with their own ideas, desires, and ambitions.

Regarding astrological correspondences: “The first decade of Aries symbolizes a movement from the depths into free space - furious, ready to overcome all obstacles and uncontrollably striving for victory. This decade, just like the sign of Aries as a whole, is ruled by Mars, and the fiery impulse, reflecting the essence of this sign, is a symbol of every beginning. But this impulse is not yet strengthened and not protected, and therefore vulnerable: and it has not yet adapted to the existing world.

This is a new role for which no script has yet been written. This is uncertainty in a new position due to a break with old experience, blindness by one’s own impulse due to the inability to see oneself from the outside. Therefore, to make a new correct decision, it is important to rely on past achievements. Turning to the figurative path that the Idea takes in its development, at the level of the Two of Wands it (the Idea) seems to gain strength and expand. She is about to separate from the Creator and be realized.”

In the occult sense, the card can also be interpreted as a threshold between life and death, a portal, a gate leading to another world, renewal through destruction. Such rare interpretations of it as righteous anger, rebellion against restrictions may also be associated with this.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: step aside for a while, maintaining a neutral position, and not make a final decision until you are truly sure that it is correct. Then decide what goals need to be pursued first and transform tension into inspiration and deliberate actions.

Warning: do not hesitate too much in making a decision.

It is believed that the Two of Wands can also lead to the founding of companies and benefits from previously started activities, the conclusion of important agreements or transactions, and the development of action plans. The card favors a career and strengthening one’s position.

Expanding your circle of professional communication, business meetings, cooperation, finding a like-minded person. This is a good and honest business partner. Even if he is not particularly experienced, he is reliable.

The key problem of this card is the link between goals and means, as well as compliance with the position held. Lack of energy and perseverance, the need to implement plans, overcoming difficulties. This requires firmness and courage. The trouble is that the mood of the Two of Wands is more conducive to sitting with arms folded than to fighting to make your dreams come true. Here it can be difficult to even simply determine the goal, objectives, and area of ​​action. But perhaps this is where we should start.

Having to choose between two offers, neither of which is truly inspiring. A professional task that does not evoke much enthusiasm (despite the fact that the task may be quite interesting).

Detachment, some depressive indifference to further achievements. Indifference (even lethargic), apathy, loss of vital energy, desire to stay away from the flow of events. Lack of decisive action, no way to get inspired or get ready, there is some kind of business that you don’t have your heart set on.

This card also describes the problems of a leader who must reconcile his ambitions with social reality, with his environment. At best it is a constructive compromise, at worst it is a struggle for power.
Surrounded by negative cards - failure of the enterprise.

There are interpretations that associate the Two of Wands with wealth, luck and power. In a negative card environment, there is the possibility of financial losses. In general, this card indicates a completely stable and secure financial situation and the availability of abundant resources. A constant influx of small amounts of money.

Construction, successful solution of housing issues.

The need to show independence in resolving financial issues - the card is interpreted as a special warning “not to sell out”, not to seek support at the cost of one’s own dignity and beliefs.

For relationships, the Two of Wands is a sad card, speaking of indifference, lack of love and desire.

If the Three of Swords is a broken heart, then the Two of Wands is a cold heart.

This does not exclude dating or sexual intimacy, but.... She speaks of an indifferent attitude, a lack of real interest in a partner. Sometimes this is just a temporary cooling, a “rest” of the psyche from a period of passion (according to the Ace of Wands). The most typical option, perhaps, which is indicated by the Two of Wands, is that a person is on the threshold of a new relationship, which in fact does not really inspire him. It’s as if there is no reason to refuse, but at the same time there is no reason to agree.

A detached, neutral position during internal tension (especially when it comes to the presence of two partners at the same time, two contradictory forces and impulses). The card often appears during a period of tension in some kind of “triangle”. The situation is not satisfactory, but on the external plane the person is completely indifferent, because he has no idea what can be done to correct it. The result is self-withdrawal, apparent neutrality, and it looks like the person is determined to be in this position.

This does not mean that the person doesn’t care, it’s just that the very presence of a third person always causes an outflow of energy, experienced as indifference to the partner, as apathy and loss of all inspiration. It also happens that they don’t really like any of their partners, which is why there is no desire to “choose” and make any “decisions”. This is probably where the traditional interpretation of the Two of Wands comes from - “empty words, unreliable promises.” Also - failure in marriage, a partnership that does not bring happiness and satisfaction.

However, some authors see this map completely differently. For example, Banzhaf and Akron emphasize the desire and readiness for conquest, “the desire to take what no one can give - that is, everything at once,” and in general the position of an idealistic egoist who sees only himself in everything.

It is believed that the card rather symbolizes creative collaboration, in which partners inspire each other. However, when it comes to intimate relationships, the Two of Wands manifests itself when they noticeably lack emotional richness (colleagues can communicate this way, but not lovers). The relationship lacks warmth, spark, depth...something important. Sexual dissatisfaction, intimate disappointments.

Lethargy and dependence according to some interpretations, excessive stimulation of feelings according to others (apparently, this depends on which meaning is considered dominant for the direct card). Strong surprise, sudden changes, surprises of fate. Hassles, restrictions, obstacles (for example, the need to return prematurely from a trip due to some difficulties). Confusion, excitement, disappointment due to dishonesty of partners (especially if the layout contains cards associated with deception).
If the upright card denotes a self-realized (and even to some extent tired of oneself) personality, then the inverted one symbolizes “worn out” socially, a degraded position, unfulfillment, and insufficient potential to make one’s dreams come true.

If in the upright position it is “a ruler who controls everyone, but is controlled by no one,” then in an inverted position the card can be an indicator of a ruler who controls everyone, but he himself rules no one, including himself.
Inability to relate oneself to others, to achieve agreement and mutual understanding (dictator complex). There may be a need to acknowledge someone's authority.

With Mage - strengthening, cards are considered almost duplicate. Personal strength, gaining power.

With the Priestess - it is believed that the Priestess weakens the effect of the “dominant” Two of Wands, because it brings passivity and stay in the background

With the Hierophant - difficulty expressing your opinion, conformism, following the team.

With the Chariot - personal strength, leadership talent

With the Devil - Abuse of Power

With the Sun - vital energy, greatness

With the Nine of Swords - powerlessness, fear of taking active action

Reversed with the Devil - fear, misfortune.

Reversed with Ace of Cups, Three of Cups - a pleasant surprise.

Reversed with the Ten of Pentacles reversed - involvement in gambling (from ancient interpreters).

The Two of Wands is the minor arcana. The map is very difficult to interpret. You need to start from afar to feel and understand it. In front of her is the Ace of Staffs. This is a kind of chance given from above, divine intuition, great social opportunities. Behind him comes the Two, which shows that the questioner has let another Rod into his life - a different aspiration - and is now forced to reckon with it. Here is the relationship between your own desires and ambitions and what the world around you offers.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      General interpretation

      The Rider Tarot states that the Two of Staves is a power card. It shows the interaction of two directions, structures, energies and decision-making regarding this cooperation.

      This card is a stop, a time of waiting, planning, thinking, thinking. In the upright position, its meaning is something unpleasant (an unpleasant surprise). Inverted - a surprise, but a pleasant one. She advises to coordinate your capabilities with a certain current situation.

      • Conscious will is what this card is all about. It requires conscious action, the manifestation of power and strength. Two means a person’s conflict with himself. There can be either an event or an internal state.

        Thoth Tarot

        The Thoth Tarot states that the 2 of Staves means courage, willpower and the desire to take risks.

        2 of Wands in the Thoth Tarot

        The Two of Wands always comes when there is a moment of change in the old sphere of life. It has a very strong meaning in matters of emigration (meaning the choice of where to live).

        The negative meaning of the card is a clear separation, quarrel, incompatibility, destruction. But inverted, it is a relief for the fortuneteller.

        Tarot "78 doors"

        The 2 of Wands in the 78 Doors Tarot shows that the querent wants to maintain a neutral position in the situation. This is a kind of dead end.

        The person does not understand what unsettled him. You can get out of this situation. You must act as your heart tells you and decide to take some step.

        Ace of Pentacles (Disks, Coins, Denarievs) - interpretation in layouts and in combinations with other Arcana

        In layouts

        2 of Wands has the following interpretations:

    1. 1. Places: open areas, portals. Usually far from home, traveling.
    2. 2. Personality: a person who has reached his peak. A very bright individualist. People holding high positions, business partners. Proud, influential, intelligent, with power. In combination with other cards, they can be restless, vindictive, doubtful, and excessively proud.;
    3. 3. Health: the head is very affected. This can be meningitis, encephalitis, injury, inflammation and colds. Often the usual loss of strength and apathy are likely.

    Advice: it is necessary to understand the situation in which the questioner finds himself.

    Card of the day

    The main companion on this day will be indecision, because of which only unnecessary actions will be taken.

    Important opportunities may be missed. The 2 of Wands, as the card of the day, advises maintaining a neutral position, since it is this that will allow you to refrain from rash actions. There is no need to make any commitments. It is recommended to postpone all important decisions to another time.

    In an inverted position, the lasso warns of negativity coming from strangers. The day will be sad because of ruined plans.


    To correctly interpret the Two of Staves in a layout, you need to look at the combination with other cards. Combinations with the Major Arcana have the following meanings:

    1. 1. Jester - plotting a travel route, starting a new path.
    2. 2. Magician - difficulties in business.
    3. 3. Priestess – revelation of a secret.
    4. 4. Empress - showing caution, thinking about what is happening.
    5. 5. Emperor - taking a neutral position.
    6. 6. Hierophant – strategic thinking.
    7. 7. Lovers – betrayal, cooling of feelings, new relationships.
    8. 8. Chariot - intrigue, gossip behind your back.
    9. 9. Strength – the need to get rid of complexes.
    10. 10. Hermit - missed opportunities.
    11. 11. Wheel of fortune – probability of new changes, good luck.
    12. 12. Justice - disregard for advice.
    13. 13. Hanged Man - waiting, inaction.
    14. 14. Death is getting rid of unnecessary things.
    15. 15. Moderation – good luck, luck.
    16. 16. Devil – dangerous and bad thoughts.
    17. 17. Tower - impracticability of plans, useless deeds.
    18. 18. Star – success in endeavors.
    19. 19. Moon – choice.
    20. 20. Sun - achieving agreement, harmony.
    21. 21. The trial is an unfinished process.
    22. 22. Peace - decision making.

    Meanings of combinations with Pentacles:

    1. 1. Ace – financial prospects.
    2. 2. Two – problems with money.
    3. 3. Troika – prospects at work.
    4. 4. Four - thinking about plans.
    5. 5. Five – loss of money.
    6. 6. Six – financial help from a stranger.
    7. 7. Seven – magical effect.
    8. 8. Eight – profit assessment.
    9. 9. Nine - job search.
    10. 10. Ten – financial developments.
    11. 11. Page – planning a new project.
    12. 12. Knight – change of route.
    13. 13. Queen - meeting a woman who will help financially.
    14. 14. King - plans for a wealthy man.

    Combinations with Swords:

    1. 1. Ace - thoughts about the situation.
    2. 2. Two – gap.
    3. 3. Three – indecision.
    4. 4. Four – search for salvation.
    5. 5. Five – a premonition of danger.
    6. 6. Six – help from a stranger.
    7. 7. Seven – narrow outlook.
    8. 8. Eight - unfulfilled dreams.
    9. 9. Nine - the emergence of rationality.
    10. 10. Ten – impatience.
    11. 11. Page – finding yourself.
    12. 12. Knight - recklessness.
    13. 13. Queen - gaining independence.
    14. 14. King - making a quick decision.

    Interpretation of the combination of 2 Staves with other Wands:

    1. 1. Ace – creative activities.
    2. 2. Troika is a solemn event.
    3. 3. Four is a fruitless project.
    4. 4. Five – pressure from relatives.
    5. 5. Six - to be a winner.
    6. 6. Seven – choose the difficult path.
    7. 7. Eight – broaden your horizons.
    8. 8. Nine - inspiration.
    9. 9. Ten - gain confidence.
    10. 10. Page – diligence in studies.
    11. 11. Knight - temptation.
    12. 12. Queen - follow the advice of your mother or wife.
    13. 13. King – hard work.

    Meanings of combinations with Cups:

    1. 1. Ace - find love.
    2. 2. Two - plan a celebration.
    3. 3. Three - suspect a loved one.
    4. 4. Four – live in the past.
    5. 5. Five – finding yourself.
    6. 6. Six – new opportunities.
    7. 7. Seven – receipt of an offer.
    8. 8. Eight - unpleasant news.
    9. 9. Nine - lack of love.
    10. 10. Ten – go on a trip.
    11. 11. Page – new relationship.
    12. 12. Knight - obsessive courtship.
    13. 13. Queen - plans for a woman.
    14. 14. King - plans for the man.

Description of the Tarot card TWO OF WANDS

The Two of Wands Tarot card shows a young man standing between two staves stuck in the ground. In one hand he has a rod, in the other - a small copy of the globe or celestial sphere. The young man looks somewhere into the distance, as if he is waiting for something or someone. Apparently, he is waiting for the results of his work. But often, instead of the desired fruits of labor, life comes into contact with circumstances that no one expected.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card TWO OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts

Direct position of the TWO OF WANDS card

The Two of Wands indicates a desire to fight for oneself or one’s brainchild (an undertaking, an idea), and a willingness to take risks. This card speaks of impulsiveness, reckless courage, and challenge. In a certain sense, the Two of Wands is the impossibility of being in a state of neutral attitude towards anything anymore and the forced need to react without thinking or reasoning. The card speaks of the fortuneteller’s strong desire to achieve his goals and of disappointments when in the end it does not turn out the way he wanted, about unexpected circumstances that were not taken into account (for example, opposition from those on whom they were counting).

Reversed position of the TWO OF WANDS card

In an inverted position, the Two of Wands is rashness, imprudence, or, on the contrary, the inability to go beyond the usual, hackneyed and outdated ideas about something. In this case, the card foreshadows a surprise, some event that will cause surprise on the part of the fortuneteller, as well as various types of losses due to the lack of necessary life experience.

The meaning and interpretation of the TWO OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Indicates strong competition, difficult professional tasks, manifestations of personal enthusiasm, as well as active attempts to strengthen previously won positions. Great hope for the success of the plan, combined with internal anxiety about whether everything will go as planned. Things may not develop at all according to plan and give an unexpected result, leading to something that no one expected.

Reversed card position

Stagnation after a good start. Lack of a general development line, acting at random or doing business without a plan. The Two of Wands can mean that professional duties are carried out carelessly, that a person is not interested in this area, that in a work group he adheres to neutrality, which stems from indifference.

The meaning and interpretation of the TWO OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Balanced calm state. It is necessary to choose the right method of treatment.

Reversed card position

Imbalance of the body, changeable condition, treatment with varying success, mood swings.

The meaning and interpretation of the TWO OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Two of Wands card means immersion in one’s own affairs and experiences, self-sufficiency, while at the same time some indifference to a partner, detachment from his interests. Sometimes it can mean testing the strength of a relationship with situations of forced loneliness. Often Arkan speaks of an attempt to influence one partner on another, the desire to subjugate oneself, selfishness and neglect.

Reversed card position

The reversed Two of Wands indicates loud but empty confessions and promises, behind which there is nothing and which are uttered for some benefit, calculation or habit.

The meaning and interpretation of the TWO OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

A person with ideas, desires, ambitions, who seeks compromise with others. Ambitious but reasonable, he loves to choose and make plans, and is a good strategist.

Reversed card position

A person of mood, indecisive and lacking initiative; acts without thinking.

Meaning and interpretation of the TWO OF WANDS card as a card of the day

Today you are indecisive. You can't make a decision, speak up, or just get down to business. There is no need to worry about this. On such days it is better to take a neutral position. If they demand more from you, you can express or express your attitude, but do not take on any obligations. It would be better to do it tomorrow.

Advice from the TWO OF WANDS card in fortune telling and readings

Feeling the desire to sweep away any obstacles on the way to your goal, do not forget that your enthusiasm can dry up completely unexpectedly and quite quickly. Do not try to assert yourself by any means or means. Give yourself the time to think about the reasonableness and justification of your efforts.