Pisces children's horoscope. Pisces zodiac sign boy characteristics All about the zodiac sign Pisces girl

The Pisces girl differs from many of her peers in her sensitivity and vulnerability. She lacks determination and the ability to separate the real world from fiction. Parents must raise their daughter correctly so that she can quickly adapt to adulthood. To do this, you need to instill self-confidence in her.

February 20 – March 20

zodiac sign Pisces

A water sign baby enjoys being creative. She enjoys drawing, singing, dancing and even writing poetry. Life is easier for her than for boys born under the sign of Pisces. And all because gentleness, shyness and modesty are traditionally considered feminine character traits. However, it is difficult for such a child to adapt to life, since he does not always see the line between fiction and reality.

Girls of this sign are very lazy, but with age this quality simply disappears and is replaced by determination and hard work. Therefore, being already in adulthood, Pisces achieve success in their careers. But sometimes she still needs to be a little lazy in order to gain strength and again achieve new successes.

Pisces love to attract attention. In kindergarten and school, not a single boy will lose sight of her; everyone wants to be friends with the Pisces girl. Although this is often the reason for their lack of girlfriends, because... they are so keen on communicating with boys that they simply have no time left for girls. That's why girls don't like Pisces, which is not surprising. No friend will like it if all the attention is paid to the girl - Rybka. Moreover, this all happens involuntarily, but my friends, of course, do not think so.

Due to the increased attention to themselves, representatives of this sign have many enemies, in particular women. Situations often arise when friends who live in perfect harmony quarrel because some boy paid more attention to a Pisces girl than to her friend. It is thanks to such typical situations that strong friendships collapse.

Sign period: (February 20 - March 20)
Sign property:
changeable, fickle

Pisces are the most soft-hearted and dreamy children. They are constantly in the clouds. They have a very rich imagination, which needs to be regularly developed from childhood. Also, many Pisces are endowed with artistic abilities, which can manifest themselves in the first years of life. There is no doubt that parents need to help their child develop these talents. But strict discipline is contraindicated for Pisces; it is difficult for them to do everything according to a schedule, and they cannot always concentrate. You need to work with Pisces children only when they themselves want it, when they have inspiration. Only in this case will the lessons be of any use.

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Representatives of this sign live by their hearts and always rely on their intuition. The Pisces child may have problems with standard logic. Their way of thinking sometimes becomes the reason for their lack of good performance in school. In order to help the child, parents should devote as much time as possible to the learning process. Pisces live in an environment of feelings and emotions, so your empathy and participation in the child’s life is their main incentive.

Children of this sign have a well-developed sense of humor; they love to play pranks on their family and friends, but Pisces always do it kindly.

Pregnant women awaiting the birth of little Pisces, as a rule, do not experience any ailments or health problems. Newborns of this sign are very often born underweight and prematurely. In addition, they are acutely aware of any change in the weather.

Like all water signs, Pisces babies are particularly emotional. This is why it is so important that these children are provided with a calm home environment that does not cause them unnecessary anxiety. Even the most minor negative changes can cause them to lose their appetite and disturb their sleep.

To accustom these little ones to order and routine, parents will have to make a lot of effort. They tend to play when everyone is asleep and sleep when everyone is awake. From the outside it may seem that their behavior is chaotic and not systematized, but it is explained by their love for everything fabulous and magical. Pisces kids create their own world and live according to its laws, and sometimes time in another reality may not correspond to the present.

They love listening to music, but most often they give preference to academic works. It is worth developing this passion in them from birth in order to instill a sense of taste. Scientists have also long proven that alpha waves have a harmonizing effect on the human psyche and energy, and the brain. Almost all of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's works are written in this rhythm. What is especially important for Pisces children, since the key to their good mood is inner peace

Pisces preschoolers

The appearance of these children is sometimes similar to the appearance of elves and fairies; their extraordinary eyes always shine and are filled with happiness. From birth, little Pisces love to listen to fairy tales about magical cities and countries, about people endowed with superpowers. Their favorite characters will be: a fairy godmother with a magic wand, a genie from a magic lamp, Alice lost in a wonderful place and similar characters.

These stories will become the basis for creating your own world, different from the present one. In it, everyone will definitely love each other and live in harmony with the surrounding nature. If the parents agree to live in this illusory world for at least some time, then Pisces will be much more inclined to cooperate with you. Even if you don’t tell anyone about it and make this fact your common secret.

Pisces, the children's horoscope says that they need love, attention and sympathy more than other children. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, so even if your Pisces child is a boy, you should not deprive him of maternal or paternal affection.

Kids of this sign love to set their own rules just for themselves and willingly follow them. If you interfere with this, the child will start crying and screaming. Paradoxically, these little ones do not like general rules and rarely obey them.

Little Pisces are extremely artistic and love music and poetry. As they get older, they can compose poems themselves and draw illustrations for them. Talents for creativity should be developed from birth. This may never become their profession, but since these kids are unusually sensitive, they will enjoy the process itself and at the same time be filled with calm, which is extremely important in their case.

Pisces have a very rich imagination. They tend to accuse other guys of lying for no particular reason, only because they themselves believed in what they wrote. But you should not scold them for this, since the child himself does not realize that he lied. You should explain to him that this is a figment of his imagination, and that next time he should be more careful in his accusations.

Telling tall tales, inventing incredible stories is their innate talent, and for this they need to be praised and encouraged in every possible way. Having invented another extraordinary fairy tale, Pisces plunge headlong into this life. And sometimes they are so successful that parents get the impression that the baby is only physically present in this world. Therefore, adults will very often have to return their child to earth.

Little Pisces are very indecisive and dependent. From an early age, let them choose something and take responsibility for it. Praise them for such actions so that they see support in your face and feel a sense of security. This will help them develop determination and courage. Pisces children tend to feel the protection of their parents until adulthood.

Due to emotional sensitivity, such children have a very difficult time enduring any violence, even if they only had to watch it. They do not perceive shouts and raised tones addressed to them, and with a large share of negative influence, mental disorders may appear. Despite their young age, these kids do not like noisy companies and crowded holidays. In order for a child to be happy, it is enough for him to be at home in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Pisces schoolchildren

The tendency to be mentally transported to fairy-tale lands during school can cause a lot of problems. Parents must notify the class teacher in advance. As a rule, already in the first year of school, schoolchildren become more focused and attentive. And to speed up this process, you need to constantly give tasks in addition to lessons. Let there be simple tasks, the main thing is that they contribute to concentration.

The Pisces boy experiences serious problems with his daily routine. It will be helpful if adults create a home schedule and begin to introduce it little by little, day by day. So, gradually and without pressure it will be possible to teach the child to sense time.

Little Pisces have a predisposition to study and

From birth, Pisces are interested in the subtle matter of the world.

knowledge of spiritual practices and esoteric knowledge. They are fascinated by everything that can at least a little help them lift the veil of secrets. Having noticed such a predilection in a child, the best way out is to study together.

Otherwise, little Rybka will find the source of knowledge herself, and the more she learns, the further away she will move away from her family. Do not underestimate the seriousness of Pisces' approach to this issue. This is their inner nature, and it will always be one of the main needs in the lives of such babies.

Children of this zodiac sign are always in search of magic, so studying is not particularly interesting for them. And in order to interest the children, you can explain to them that the study of spiritual life and the entire universe is impossible without the knowledge that is given at school.

They have a phenomenal memory, but since by nature they are very calm and measured guys, for them speaking speed becomes the main problem. It is quite difficult for them to cope with large amounts of information, and even if they know the answer, they spend more time searching for it than others.

Hobbies and interests of Pisces

Identifying a specific talent is quite difficult. They succeed in creativity, are fond of music, but more often as musicians, because they rarely have a good voice. The love of writing makes such children wonderful poets and writers, especially in the fantasy style.

Little Pisces are very artistic and can perform in public; their talent helps them win the hearts of listeners. An excellent and kind sense of humor makes them favorites among all family members.

A Pisces child girl will be very happy to receive a pet, or better yet an aquarium with decorative fish. Firstly, this is their element, and children of this sign adore everything related to water. Secondly, regularly caring for your charges will develop a sense of responsibility and bring them joy. In addition, the underwater world will become an object for the development of imagination. The Pisces girl loves to imagine herself as a mermaid.

Pisces child health

  • The key to health is peace of mind. If parents can provide this, they will significantly reduce the number of diseases.
  • Little Pisces are susceptible to viral diseases, but a positive attitude does not allow them to remain in this state for a long time;
  • The weak point is the respiratory system. The first thing that always appears when you have a cold is a cough. And if not treated correctly, it can cause serious complications.
  • Pisces also have a predisposition to various types of allergies, both food and flowering plants;
  • Very often among representatives of this sign there are children with flat feet. At a more mature age, calluses and corns may appear, and sometimes the toes may become bent. Therefore, it is very important for Pisces to wear high-quality and preventative shoes from a very young age.


Little Pisces are rather poorly equipped emotionally for life in this world. The cruelty and violence that they see around them prompts them to seek refuge in the arms of their parents. At the same time, we should not forget about their penchant for imaginary problems. But parents will have to learn to distinguish the behavior of their child. Either it’s just their wild imagination, or their unwillingness to obey.

Such children have compassion for all of humanity and truly care about the fate of people. Therefore, it is vital to teach them to relate their desires to reality. There is no need to convince your child to give up his dream once and for all. It is necessary to make him understand that his desire is worthy of praise and is quite feasible, but rather difficult to fulfill. And in order to protect your dream, it is better not to talk about it too much.

Although they are often immersed in their own fairytale of life and thus shielded from this world, Pisces have compassion for humanity with all their hearts. From a very tender age, children learn to pray and do it with special reverence and corresponding seriousness. In the future, representatives of this sign often become doctors or enter a monastery.

Parents must teach little Pisces not to give themselves up completely in compassion to people, otherwise, due to an unformed psyche, their personality can be tragically destroyed. Watching a cartoon with a touching plot can incapacitate them for a long time. Therefore, it is very important for such children to receive maximum love, care and affection from the older generation. A good relationship between an adult and a child will become a fulcrum for the rest of your life.

The main task of the older generation in raising little Pisces is to develop in them resistance to future life's ups and downs and courage in the face of all the violence and cruelty that they will certainly encounter. Children with these qualities can bestow many revelations and blessings on the world. Often, with their active participation, charitable foundations and organizations are created. Therefore, parents must always remember that their child, with proper upbringing and support, is capable of changing the world for the better.

Children's horoscope for other zodiac signs

Table: Complete for all zodiac signs

Pisces is a truly mystical sign of the Zodiac: they are sensitive people, easily susceptible to mood swings, gifted with a rich imagination and possessing deep spirituality. They are able to swim in the subconscious river of knowledge that unites all people, and when they surface, their imagination weaves tales of what they experienced there.

In a group of children, the Pisces child stands apart. It is marked by amazing eyes - pools of water, serenely looking out from the depths of another world. We see such eyes, which are the quintessence of this sign, in Liz Taylor.

Neptune, as the ruling planet of the sign of Pisces, gives this sign special, contradictory characteristics. On the one hand, Neptune breaks the rules, creating interference and uncertainty. On the other hand, it gives a rich imagination, creative spirit and spiritual depth. Your Pisces child is likely showing both sides of Neptune's influence.

In everyday life, this means that it is difficult for your Pisces child to form an opinion about the simplest things. Should he eat chicken or a casserole of rice, vegetables and meat for lunch? Should he go roller skating with friends or to the movies with you? But as far as intuition is concerned, he does not hesitate. And such a child always asks difficult questions that his subconscious tells him: “Who was I before this life?”, “What will happen when I die?”, “Will I go somewhere between these two lives?”

Pisces children are like spiritual sponges. They easily absorb the vibrations emanating from the people around them, so it is important that they have positive, confident friends. This sensitivity makes it easier for Pisces to communicate with others and is a source of empathy.

Pisces children are very inquisitive

Your child's imagination can work for or against him. While alone in the room, he hears a noise that may come from little green men knocking on the window. Or it could be monsters hiding under the bed, or a fairy godmother. On the other hand, imagination is one of the most important tools with which he understands the world around him.

During sleep, his subconscious is extremely susceptible to suggestion. For example, if a Pisces child is not feeling well, then whispered words about his quick healing can cause the immune system to work at an accelerated pace. In the waking state, Pisces children are also open to suggestion, and you can easily cope with a problem such as fear, as well as restore his health.

Pisces boy. The two fish that symbolize this zodiac sign swim in opposite directions. This represents your son's inner life. His head tells him one thing, but his heart cries out for something else, which is one of the reasons why he has such a hard time making decisions. Some of these tensions soften as your Pisces son enters manhood, but when he is still young, it can drive you crazy. For example, you tell him to hurry up and get in the car because you are late for an scheduled business meeting, and he still hasn’t decided whether he wants to go at all. And having made a decision, he will have time to change it ten times while you are walking to the car. As a parent, if you gently encourage your son to follow his first instinct, he will develop confidence in his intuition that will carry him throughout his life.

Your son is very sensitive to the subtle moods of family members as well as friends. If he tells you that his older sister is confused because of a fight with her boyfriend, believe him, even if you don't see any signs of what's going on.

The Pisces boy is very sensitive to the elusive moods of his friends

Pisces boys are very emotional, just like the female half of this sign, and their feelings can be hurt just as easily. But due to the masculine restraint instilled in them, they may not express it so readily. For this reason, Pisces boys can become moody and withdrawn, so the wisest thing to do would be to let them express how they feel.

For Pisces of both sexes, it is incredibly useful to tell their dreams to people they trust. Encourage them. And I guarantee you, you will be surprised by what you hear! You may also be able to pick up on some hidden clues in your child's dreams about what is really bothering him.

Pisces girl. As she passes by, the Pisces girl will give you a fleeting smile, and her eyes, glowing with a mysterious light, will illuminate the darkest corners of your heart. You will feel confident that your daughter is the greatest gift of fate, a true blessing from heaven. But then she suddenly withdraws into herself, sinking into one of her gloomy states, and it seems that no matter what you say or do, you cannot “get through” to her.

The Pisces girl is very emotional, and this feature of hers does not change with age - as she matures, she will simply learn to better control her emotions. While still at a young age, your daughter is reluctant to spend evenings away from home, which means that her home is the center of her life.

The Pisces girl is the greatest gift of fate, a true blessing from heaven

One of my daughter's friends, Pisces, often comes to visit us with the intention of having a good evening and spending the night. Her overnight backpack is chock-full of toys and movies that she and my daughter are going to watch that evening. But around nine or ten o'clock the girl begins to feel homesick. She complains of a headache or stomach pain. and generally feels bad, and then invariably calls his mother and says that he wants to return home.

Pisces children love all kinds of mysterious stories, as well as games during which they have to strain their “intuitive muscles.”

Age stages of a Pisces child

From birth to seven years. For parents, this stage is usually very easy. Your Pisces baby sleeps all night in a calm, healthy sleep, once again plunging into the mystical world from which he only recently came. If you still have problems putting your baby to bed, gently scratch his feet - this will calm him down.

During this stage, Pisces easily makes astral travel. Unencumbered by indoctrination, the soul of the Pisces child seeks ways to return to what it knows best. It is during this time that the Pisces child may have an imaginary playmate. And if your child tells you about such a friend, try not to scare him away with the usual parental reaction. Take what your child is experiencing seriously and be grateful that he or she has told you about it.

Pisces child from seven to fourteen years old. For a Pisces child, school can be something shocking. Suddenly the carefree days of games and imaginary friends are gone, and he has to deal with the classroom, the teacher, the alphabet - the things of the real world. But Pisces make friends easily and attract people who share the depth of their imagination and intuition. Pisces children excel in subjects that pique their interest and feed their imagination.

If a Pisces child already has some kind of constant passion - art, animals, books - then in the period from seven to fourteen years this passion becomes more pronounced. His indecision may also become more pronounced. As long as such a child knows that he can rely on the people he loves most, he can avoid emotional anxiety during adolescence.

Pisces teenager from fourteen to twenty-one. The big danger during this period is escapism (escape from life). This can be expressed in different ways, characteristic of the sign of Neptune: drugs, alcohol, sex - choose any and as parents you will be provided with nightmares. But if you can channel his escapism in the right direction, you will save yourself and your Pisces child from an ocean of headaches. Acting classes, painting, poetry, dancing, music or fiction can easily replace drugs, alcohol and sex.

Children at an early age are very cognitive and love to learn a lot of new things.

At this stage, your attitude towards him as parents is vital for the Pisces child. Be always attentive, loving, always ready to support him and help him. Encourage him to follow his intuition. Help realize your potential.

Pisces after twenty-one years. Pisces cannot decide what exactly they want from life. They change their minds about college so many times that with two more years of school, they could graduate with certificates in three different majors. Pisces are also indecisive in their personal lives. And when a child starts to have a tantrum, you just stand there, your eyes wide, and you don’t know what to do. In essence, you feel like a hostage to him.

Take a deep breath. Think before you say anything. Remind your child that he already has all the answers. All he needs to do is listen to the voice of his heart, and only then act.

The inner world of a Pisces child

Pisces' natural home is the twelfth house, where the unacknowledged parts of ourselves lurk. Due to this, your Pisces child will have problems.

Some of them could be resolved with the help of intuition. For example, Pisces could work for some time in a prison, in a hospital, in a charity home, and similar institutions that require understanding others and accepting a certain degree of martyrdom. They could work behind the scenes in some theater, be the director of a movie or a play. They could write stories about mysterious murders or read tarot cards. Whatever areas the work of people born under the sign of Pisces touches, it will somehow enable them to confront the hidden problems of life, scare them away and eventually get rid of them completely.

The inner world of a child born under the sign of Pisces is incredibly huge and colorful.

At one level or another, metaphysics is part of Pisces' life. If they do not explore this area, then time will pass and they will have to return to it again, and this will continue to happen until they begin to rely on their intuition, develop it and listen to its voice. Like their sister Water sign, Scorpio, Pisces have an incredible capacity for personal transformation. But unlike Scorpio, they can be so adaptable that they become a kind of chameleon and, in the process of transformation, lose themselves as an individual.

This child can get into his past lives with the same ease as you and I in a car to another city. He has the ability to leave his earthly body at will and take pictures of the area he enters.

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Pisces Child

Early childhood of Pisces

Women who carry a Pisces child under their hearts, in most cases, tolerate pregnancy very easily, at first almost not feeling it physically. These babies are often born prematurely and underweight. Their whole appearance seems to call for treating them with special love and care. From such a tender age, children of the zodiac sign Pisces show increased emotional sensitivity. They feel the mood of loved ones, and if the atmosphere is far from calm, they lose sleep and appetite, and their physical well-being worsens.

Pisces children are often at odds with the regime, they confuse day with night: when everyone is sleeping, they want to stay awake, and then they can spend the whole day in the arms of Morpheus. Their eating habits are unusual for their age, but it's best not to force them to eat something they don't like. The maximum that can be done for this is to try to feed them during the game, but it should be interesting for them. Pisces children are funny; they react sensitively to music from early childhood, but only calm and quiet melodies have a positive effect on them. It makes sense to develop their taste from a very early age and introduce them to the best works of world art. Little Pisces like any kind of fun with water; they love to swim.

Pisces preschooler

From time to time, Pisces parents have the feeling that there is no contact with the baby - he is dreamy, more often he goes deeper into himself than requires parental attention. It is important to “ground” this child as much as possible from childhood, to develop his practicality, to teach him to concentrate. These children are so indecisive that it is often difficult for them to take even the simplest step. We need to encourage them to make independent decisions and make their own choices. From an early age they should be taught how to handle money, since Pisces lack the ability to manage it.

Pisces children love fairy tales, replete with transformations and all kinds of miracles. A developed imagination and love of fantasy create a world in their little heads where all problems are solved with one wave of a magic wand or thanks to a happy coincidence. Thinking that this is what happens in the real world, these children often do not strive to do anything themselves, and as they grow up, they shy away from hard, persistent work.

The vulnerable soul of Pisces children suffers greatly from contemplating any violence. They hate screaming, and even loud conversation, noise or a sad melody can deprive them of a good mood - and more serious stress can provoke illness. Therefore, in the house where Pisces children grow up, there should always be a calm and friendly environment.

According to the horoscope, the Pisces child cannot stand the company of noisy, overly active and aggressive children. He himself is good-natured, friendly, loves to laugh and joke. It is strictly contraindicated to deliberately place him in the wrong company for “character building”; this can destroy his health and ruin his life.

Pisces schoolboy

Pisces are so carried away by dreams that they can carry their thoughts to distant lands during lessons. You cannot shout at them; they should be gently and calmly returned to the ground. Both during school hours and outside of school hours, they need to be loaded more often with simple practical tasks, setting the task specifically and objectively. By nature, Pisces children have a need to help someone, so Pisces can be safely involved in caring for younger children or helping around the house, not forgetting to encourage and praise them. It can be helpful to give them a schedule and enforce it, otherwise your child may have their head in the clouds all day. But rudeness and shouting are unacceptable.

It is very useful for children of the Pisces zodiac sign to have animals in the house, especially an aquarium with fish, and they themselves really like it. They will not, as often happens, shift the responsibilities of caring for domestic animals to others, but will do everything themselves, getting real pleasure from it. Contact with water is also good for them: this is their native element, and a child enrolled in a swimming section will not only become healthier in body, but will also be more resistant to stress.

Health of the Pisces child

Pisces are characterized by an atypical course of illnesses. Only pediatricians with extensive experience are sometimes able to correctly and timely determine the nature of their illness. The main task of parents is to provide the child with mental comfort, to protect him from unnecessary disorders - then he will get sick much less often. The emotional component of Pisces’ illnesses is so great that the baby can get sick “for company” with someone close to them.

The most common diseases in these children are allergies, digestive disorders, problems associated with the lungs, upper respiratory tract, endocrine glands; there is a predisposition to hypochondria and somnambulism. The weak spot of Pisces is the feet. Children are predisposed to flat feet, calluses, and bent toes, so shoes must be of high quality and selected with special care.

Attention - Pisces! Children's horoscope advises...

The peculiarity of the character of Pisces is such that they are to a very large extent subject to influence from the outside - both positive and negative. It is unacceptable to shout at these children, much less raise your hand to them. Pisces are greatly influenced by the company they keep, so from early childhood parents should very carefully monitor their social circle.

The parents of these kids have a special mission - to become devoted, reliable companions, support and support for them. Such children are fearful and so compassionate that sometimes it goes beyond reason. If a Pisces child watches a cartoon with a touching plot, he will empathize with the characters so much that he will not soon be able to calm down and take on other things. It is very difficult for this baby to cope without the love and support of his parents; the help of his elders is the starting point for his future success. If there is no mutual understanding or trusting relationship between children and parents, children of this sign may lag behind in development.

At the same time, we must keep in mind that Pisces, already in childhood, like to invent non-existent problems - at least as a cover for their reluctance to do anything. Being artistic, they know how to present a situation in a favorable light for themselves, and are able to manipulate their elders. The hypersensitivity of Pisces should be a subject of special concern, but not alarm: these children have an excellent sense of people and atmosphere and can abuse this ability.