Sudanese rose – tea and medicine. Hibiscus - the benefits and harm of Sudanese rose

Hibiscus tea has a rich red color, a delicate aroma and a rich, slightly sour taste. But it cannot be called tea in the exact sense of the word; not the leaves of the tea bush are used for preparation, but hibiscus inflorescences.

Before drinking, you should find out about the medicinal properties of the plant and whether tea with it has any contraindications.

They have long been famous for their healing properties. They include substances such as:

  • B vitamins. They take part in metabolism and are also able to restore the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin C. Without it, it is impossible to maintain the immune system at the proper level. Ascorbic acid, which is part of hibiscus, is enough to maximize the protective functions of the body.
  • Anthocyanins. It is these substances that give the resulting drink its red color. They have a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system, reducing the permeability of vessel walls.
  • Lemon acid. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, Sudanese rose is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases.
  • Organic acids prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and participate in the breakdown of fats.

Microelements. Calcium and phosphorus help strengthen hair, nails, and bones. Iron prevents anemia. And potassium, the benefits of which are closely related to sodium, also found in the Sudanese flower, normalizes water balance in the body and takes part in the work of the heart muscle.

Benefits of Sudanese rose flower tea

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, a drink made from hibiscus has a beneficial effect on the body of women and men, and with some restrictions, it is even useful for children. Among its beneficial properties:

The calorie content of the drink is low. And thanks to its composition, the benefits of hibiscus for weight loss are noted, when a slight laxative effect, coupled with a cleansing effect, allows you to easily cope with a couple of extra pounds.


The answer to the question of whether hibiscus is good for health is obvious. But for all its healing properties, the drink also has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to drink it in the following cases:

  • This tea should not be given to small children. You can start introducing it into your child’s diet only after he reaches the age of three.
  • People suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers. The components included in the drink can increase the acidity of the stomach, which aggravates the course of the disease.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should also refuse this tea so that the substances included in its composition are not passed on to their children.
  • Hibiscus will not be useful for people suffering from stones or sand in the kidneys or gall bladder. This can make illnesses worse.
  • Do not forget about common allergies to the product or individual intolerance.

Basic brewing rules

In order to get the maximum health benefits from a drink, it must be brewed correctly. To do this, you can use one of the recipes:

  1. Cooking. Place two tablespoons of tea in a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Heat over low heat for about 3-5 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add a little sugar. If you want the taste of tea to be brighter and richer, then the preparation time should be increased to 10 minutes. But it is worth remembering that the longer you boil the hibiscus, the less beneficial substances will remain in it.
  2. Hot brewing. You can also brew tea directly in a cup. To do this, place 1-2 teaspoons of petals in a mug. Add a little sugar and pour boiling water over it. You can drink this drink after 5-7 minutes. A larger amount of raw materials will give it a richer taste, but you should proceed only from your own taste sensations.
  3. Cold brew. Fill the Sudanese rose flowers with cold water and leave in this state for a couple of hours. After this, pour the mixture into a saucepan and place on low heat. Boil for about 3-5 minutes. Then it remains to strain the drink and add a small amount of sugar.

After brewing, do not rush to get rid of the petals; they can also be eaten.

Hibiscus is an unusually tasty and healthy red drink. Whatever its property attracts you, let it be present at least sometimes in your diet. This way you can maintain your youth and health for many years.

photo:, belchonock

Reading time: 3 minutes


There is probably no person who does not know the taste of hibiscus. The Sudanese rose drink originates from India, but is very popular all over the world. Even Cleopatra herself loved. The drink made from Sudanese rose has a bright red color, an unusual taste with a mysterious sourness and a pleasant aroma. A cup of hibiscus will not only quench your summer thirst, but will also warm you up on a cold winter evening. Today’s topic of the article is hibiscus Sudanese rose and its benefits and harms.

Many people like to pamper themselves with a mug of aromatic coffee or invigorating tea in the morning. Now, hibiscus tea has been added to these usual drinks. Sudanese rose is usually called tea, but it is not. It is made from the flowers of the hibiscus plant. This oriental flower has been used for a long time to make very healthy and tasty red tea.

Although India is considered the birthplace of hibiscus, it grows mainly in China, Thailand, Mexico and African countries. The hot climate promotes the growth of hibiscus up to three meters in height. Its flowers are large, 5–6 centimeters in diameter.

In Sudan and Egypt, the leaves of the Sudanese rose are used to make salads, and jam is made from the flowers of the plant. Among the Egyptians, Sudanese rose or hibiscus is considered a national drink.

You can find Sudanese rose seeds in a tea bag and grow hibiscus from them yourself. Hibiscus or hibiscus can be used in different ways. If you prepare it correctly, you will get a real medicinal drink. Sudanese rose contains many minerals and vitamins that bring great benefits to our body.

Hibiscus is distinguished by taste and color depending on its place of growth. Hibiscus tea, which grows in Thailand, is bright scarlet in color and sweet in taste. The drink, originally from Egypt, has a sour taste and dark red color. And Sudanese rose grown in Mexico will taste salty and orange in color.

Even in the last century, folk healers treated many different diseases with Sudanese rose. Nowadays, scientists have proven the benefits and harms of hibiscus tea for our health.

Benefits of hibiscus

Harm of Sudanese rose

Hibiscus tea is considered a less allergenic and harmless product; it can be drunk by people prone to food allergies. Because the drink gets its red color due to the high content of anthocyanins, and not food coloring.

Does not cause harm in childhood. Hibiscus contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it can be safely given to children over one year old as a compote. Give children a warm hibiscus drink instead of tea and coffee, which contain caffeine.

Flower of beautiful women, Mallow of Venice, Sudanese rose, Hibiscus Sabdariffa…. How many plants can boast such beautiful and sonorous names? All of the pompous names listed refer to the plant from which the popular bright red drink is prepared. The benefits and harms of hibiscus may be somewhat exaggerated, but everyone will probably agree that it is very tasty and beautiful.

Where did this strange drink come from?

Rosella or Hibiscus is an annual plant of the mallow family native to India. This is a grass, very beautiful and edible. There are varieties in the form of bushes and even trees. A famous drink is prepared from the purple flower petals and their calyxes.

By the way, if you come across a hibiscus seed in a tea bag, you can grow this beautiful plant in a pot at home on the windowsill.

Hibiscus tea is a traditional drink of the Egyptians. Even the pharaohs enjoyed it! It is extremely popular in hot tropical countries for its pleasant taste and excellent ability to quench thirst. Today, Sudanese rose flowers and petals, from which tea is made, are produced in India, Sudan, Mexico, China, Thailand, Java and Sri Lanka.

Benefits of red tea

Hibiscus owes its magnificent red color to anthocyanins. These are substances of the vitamin group P. They have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, regulating their permeability. But this is not the last beneficial property of hibiscus tea.

It also contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, which is widely known for its immunostimulating effect. The drink will help with stomach pain and calm frayed nerves.

Tea has a mild diuretic effect, so it is useful in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases.

Let us briefly list some more beneficial properties of hibiscus. Just 2-3 cups of drink per day:

  • will reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease;
  • relieve symptoms of diabetes;
  • regulate blood pressure;
  • will reduce the risk of cancer;
  • will relieve hangover.

If you ask the question: “Does hibiscus increase or decrease blood pressure?”, then in many sources we will find a similar answer: “If you drink it hot, it increases, if you drink it cold, it lowers.” But it is not so. After all, once in the stomach, the temperature of the drink takes on the temperature of the person’s body and cannot affect blood pressure.

But hibiscus has an antipyretic effect. It is reminiscent of cranberry juice - just as sour and bitter. Therefore, to improve the taste, sugar is traditionally added to red tea or served with something sweet. But this is a personal matter, it’s good to enjoy it without sweets.

Can a Sudanese rose petal cause harm?

Even if you have no contraindications for consuming hibiscus, you should not drink it in large quantities. 2-3 cups a day is enough. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water immediately after drinking red tea. The drink contains acid, which can harm tooth enamel.

You should not drink a drink made from Sudanese rose:

  • people with low blood pressure (hypotonics);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • women taking birth control pills and those undergoing hormonal treatment
  • those who have increased stomach acidity and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with exacerbation of kidney and bladder diseases, urolithiasis;
  • Do not combine hibiscus with paracetamol, drugs that lower blood pressure and anti-cancer drugs;
  • Allergy sufferers should also be careful.

But the severity of the prohibitions can be softened by one property that will immediately add sympathy to this beautiful drink. Let's find out what other benefits of hibiscus tea are?

You can lose weight with hibiscus

The tea infusion contains fatty acids, which have a fat-splitting effect and dissolve excess fat. They also have a beneficial effect on the brain, enhancing its metabolism. Raise vitality and relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. How does hibiscus work for weight loss?

  1. Removes excess fluid from the body.
  2. Fruit acids enhance metabolism in the intestines.
  3. They also have a mild laxative effect, cleansing the intestines.

We drink hibiscus for 3 weeks, take a week break and repeat the course. For maximum effect, such courses can be repeated for quite a long time.

But do not forget that if we drink hibiscus tea with cakes or fast food with a minimum amount of physical activity, we will have to wait a very long time for a positive result.

Ruby drink is an excellent antidepressant. With its luxurious color and wonderful aroma, it can lift your spirits. In the East, this tea is revered as an aphrodisiac. Drink with pleasure. Just do not brew with boiling water, so as not to destroy the vitamins of the rose petals and not to lose the beautiful color of the infusion.

Hibiscus is good both hot and cold. Since the Egyptian pharaohs themselves revered this red tea so much, maybe we should pay attention to it too?

Young ladies are very fond of the sweet and bright drink made from Sudanese rose. This special tea came to us from the Arabs and has taken root well. With new technologies, it was possible to reveal the useful secret of this drink, which was guessed about hundreds of centuries ago.

Hibiscus is a medicinal plant. It has been used in African folk medicine for a long time, and over time, recipes have taken root in domestic territories. This use is due to the rather diverse composition of the Sudanese rose.

Among all the elements, the following should be highlighted: B vitamins, flavonoids, pectins, vitamin C, organic acids, plant fibers, iron, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, amino acids, etc. In terms of the content of some substances, hibiscus surpasses well-known fruits.

There are only 37 kcal per 100 g of pure raw materials. Not a gram of fat, only 0.3 g of protein and 0.6 g of carbohydrates. This is a diet drink.

Based on official data and the use of hibiscus by Africans over the centuries, a large list of beneficial qualities of the plant can be identified. Today, everyone can improve their health with this special drink:

  • is an anticonvulsant;
  • has choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • used for skin inflammations;
  • helps in the fight against acne;
  • accelerates wound healing and helps with malignant ulcers;
  • reduces elevated body temperature;
  • is the prevention of urolithiasis and kidney stones;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes their permeability;
  • prevents the formation of fatty deposits;
  • stops the development of tumors;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • protects the liver;
  • removes heavy metals and toxins, removes stagnation in the intestines;
  • prevents infectious diseases;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • inhibits the growth of staphylococcus;
  • has anthelmintic properties;
  • used to treat respiratory diseases;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • improves blood circulation, reduces its viscosity;
  • increases appetite and physical endurance;
  • helps with nervous and mental stress;
  • fights chronic fatigue and tuberculosis;
  • improves potency;
  • reduces the effects of hangover;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • supports oral health.

Hibiscus is widely used not only in Africa. Sudanese rose is very popular in India and Mexico. Such widespread use in different cultures once again proves the exceptional benefits of the product. By the way, it is used not only internally, but also externally in wine rinses and lotions.

Brewing Sudanese rose is quite simple. The best drink will be made from whole petals, or at least large parts of them, rather than powder. It is better to take a teapot for brewing (or another vessel) made of porcelain, earthenware, or glass. Metal utensils will spoil the taste of the drink.

Enameled dishes are suitable for brewing, or you can cook everything in a water bath. Hibiscus does not lose its properties either hot or cold and perfectly quenches thirst.

There are several ways to brew tea. Recommended serving: 1.5 teaspoons per mug. The quantity can be adjusted based on taste preferences. The first method is incredibly simple: put the desired number of petals in boiling water and boil them for 3 minutes. Next, turn off the heat and sweeten to taste.

Another option: pour boiling water over the raw materials and let stand for 5-10 minutes. There is usually no need to strain after this. Add sugar, or better yet, honey. It is better not to add lemon, since the petals themselves already contain citric acid.

Third method: pour cold water over the flowers and bring to a boil. Next, add sugar, turn off the heat and let cool. Can be served with ice, fruit or herbs. For example, with mint.

The height of this shrubby ornamental flowering plant reaches 2 meters, girth up to 1 m. The leaves are oval, elongated with jagged edges. Large delicate flowers up to 25 cm in diameter are colored bright red only in the Sudanese rose. Other types of hibiscus have flower colors ranging from white, yellow, lilac, bronze, brick to dark red.

One flower lives for a day, but the flowering of the entire plant lasts up to 3 months.

Sudanese rose. Care and transplantation

Like any indoor plant, the Sudanese rose is afraid of the cold, so it should be placed in the southern, southwestern part of the room, without direct rays of the sun. You can extend the flowering period by increasing daylight hours using fluorescent lamps, but not incandescent or halogen lamps.

The plant has a woody trunk and is quite massive, so the soil for planting must be made heavy. Mix part of leaf soil, part of greenhouse soil, five parts of turf, clay soil and two parts of river sand. The mixture should not be over-moistened and stick together when squeezed. When replanting, damaged roots are inspected and removed. A small Sudanese rose is planted in a small pot and replanted annually.

As the flower grows, the pot is increased. An adult plant needs to be replanted once every three years and grows well in a tub with a capacity of up to one hundred liters. Hibiscus is capricious in care. Sudden changes in temperature and drafts lead to the loss of flowers. For irrigation, use warm softened water with a hardness of 9-11%. An adult plant needs to trim the crown if the branches grow long and without foliage.

Incised wounds are lubricated with wax or garden varnish. To level and form side shoots on some branches of the crown, the upper buds are plucked off. To clean the leaves, it is advisable to spray with water at room temperature. Indoor humidity plays an important role in growing flowers. The main sign of dryness is the leaves drying out at the tips. Moisturizing is achieved by spraying the bush with settled water.

Sudanese rose. Meals and transfers

A young Sudanese rose, like all indoor plants, needs feeding during its growth period, but the dose of fertilizer used is less than for an adult bush. Fertilize with liquid fertilizers once a week. The dosage indicated on the packaging must be strictly followed. Fertilizing with bacterial fertilizers has a positive effect. Microorganisms living in the soil (azotobacter) contain the drug Azotobacterin.

These bacteria convert nitrogen from the air into plant-nutrient nitrogen compounds. Azotobacterin is applied to moist soil simultaneously with ash, superphosphate and manure. Treating the soil in a pot with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will slow down its souring.

In order to replant the plant, lignified hibiscus cuttings are rooted in open ground or in a special solution. Cuttings are prepared during the dormant period, when there is no flowering - in March-April. The cuttings are treated with aloe juice, which is a growth-stimulating substance for root formation.

The cuttings planted in the soil are covered with a glass jar or other transparent material and protected from the sun. Maintain the temperature at 25 degrees. Roots form after 4 weeks. A sign of rooting will be the appearance of a new leaf at the top of the cutting. Then, together with a lump of earth, the cuttings are planted in a permanent prepared pot.

Diseases and pests

More often Sudanese rose suffers from spider mites, leaf miners and aphids.

If leaf discoloration is noticeable, then the plant has probably been attacked by spider mites. Spraying a decoction of cyclamen tubers, a solution of green soap and pyrethrum, or a solution of the chemical thiophos on the tree will destroy the pest.

Aphids, a sucking insect, are very prolific and produce up to 20 generations per season. Migrates among different plants. Therefore, it is necessary to treat all existing plants with a solution of nicotine or anabasine sulfate twice with a week break.

Leaf miners are some types of flies and it is impossible to prevent them from laying eggs.

The fight against them comes down to the physical destruction of clutches, crushing them on the leaves. Cut off severely affected leaves. Woody plants are sometimes affected by bacterial canker, growths, and ecobasidiosis. From them the plant turns yellow and withers. There is no treatment, and such a plant is destroyed.

You can protect against leaf damage by anthracosis and downy mildew by treating hibiscus with a solution of foundationazole.

Sudanese rose. This is interesting:

Only the Hibiscus sabdariffa plant is completely edible, from leaves, flowers to roots. Its seeds are easily found in hibiscus tea bags. Sudanese rose is grown on an industrial scale for food purposes in Egypt, Sudan, China, India, Mexico, Thailand and Sri Lanka. It received the name in the medicine of Arab countries - a cure for many diseases.

The hibiscus drink is bright red in color, sweet and sour in taste, and is prepared from dark red flower petals and calyxes of Hibiscus sabdariffa. The drink contains antioxidants, anthocyanins, citric acid, vitamins and organic acids. All these substances have a positive effect on humans and have antipyretic, diuretic and antispasmodic properties.

The drink is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and high acidity of the stomach.