Owl with spread wings meaning. What does the owl symbolize? Meanings in divination, dreams and magic

The owl is an ambivalent symbol. It is a bird of wisdom, but also of darkness and death. As an attribute of the goddess Athena, the owl symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Owls have the ability to see at night, to see everything around them, without moving from their place, but only turning their heads, they have a wise, penetrating look. Silent night flight, glowing eyes and eerie screams influenced the fact that the owl was associated with death and occult powers. It was considered the bird of death in Ancient Egypt, India, Central and North America, China and Japan. As a night bird, the owl is a symbol of sadness, nostalgia and loneliness. In addition, she personifies devastation and misfortune, darkness, night, rain. In many traditions, owls carry a threat and prophesy disaster. Witches, sorcerers, and evil spirits can turn into owls. She was credited with the gift of prophecy, possibly due to her ability to see in the dark.

The owl was once a symbol of the ability not to be afraid of the dark, that is, to know secrets usually hidden to mortals. But over time, in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, superstition gave the owl a demonic meaning. Currently, it is an emblem of insight and book erudition.

In the Egyptian hieroglyphic system, the owl symbolizes death, night, cold and passivity. She belongs to the kingdom of the night sun, descending beyond the horizon and crossing the lake or sea of ​​​​darkness.

In Hinduism, this is the emblem of Yama, the lord of the kingdom of the dead. In India, the owl was revered as the patron of the night and the messenger of the underworld, called upon to accompany souls to the kingdom of the dead. In addition, the owl serves as the mount of the goddess Durga, the wife of Shiva in one of her formidable incarnations.

In China, the owl belonged to the “yang” principle and was considered the emblem of the “yellow ancestor,” the culture hero Huang Di. She was associated with lightning and thunder, the summer solstice. On the other hand, she was associated with cruelty, evil, crime, death, and ungrateful children. The owl is dedicated to blacksmiths; in ancient times she was the patroness of the days when blacksmiths forged swords and magic mirrors.

For the Indians of North America, the owl symbolized wisdom and prophecy; it was believed that it could come to the rescue. The owl feathers in the headdress served as protection.

In ancient Mexico, the rain goddess was revered in the form of a sacred owl. Among the Aztecs and Mayans, the owl symbolized a certain demonic night creature, evil omens and was an attribute of the god of the underworld, a messenger of death or a guide of souls in the other world.

In Peru, there are images of a sacrificial knife in the shape of a crescent, on which you can see a deity with the beak of an owl or eagle owl. Thus, the symbol of an owl or eagle owl is associated with death and sacrifice.

In the Greco-Roman tradition, the owl symbolized wisdom and was a companion and attribute of the goddess Athena (Minerva). The Owl of Athena is a nocturnal bird, a bird of darkness and forest. The owl is found as an attribute of the allegorical figures of Night and Sleep. One of the moiras is associated with the owl - Atropos (“inevitable”), interrupting the thread of life.

The wise owl of European fairy tales and fables, and the owl sitting on a stack of books, an emblematic image of wisdom, originate from the Athenian tradition.

In Christianity, the owl symbolized the forces of darkness, desolation, solitude, sorrow, and bad news. The owl's cry is the "song of death." As a nocturnal and generally mysterious creature, the owl has become a symbol of evil spirits and witchcraft. In addition, the owl symbolizes loneliness and appears in scenes depicting hermits praying. However, since ancient times it has been believed that the owl is endowed with wisdom, and in this capacity it is present in the images of St. Jerome. The owl also has another meaning, in which it acts as an attribute of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the sake of Humanity. This explains the presence of the owl in the crucifixion scenes.

In Judaism, the female nocturnal demon Lilith (evil spirit) is depicted in the company of an owl.

In the Slavs, the owl belonged to the group of unclean birds and was endowed with demonic properties. According to legends, the appearance of an owl near a house foreshadowed death or fire. In marriage symbolism, she acts as a symbol of a widow or an old maid. The owl symbol was also used as a talisman. The owl is also credited with the role of guardian of underground wealth, treasures, and tear-grass, which helps to open any locks.

The owl has an unusual, mysterious appearance that attracts attention. This bird has been endowed with wonderful qualities since ancient times. Owl figures have always had a special meaning, which was revealed only to those initiated into the secret knowledge of the laws of the Universe.

Many people associate the owl with insight and prudence. This perception of birds was inherited by humanity from the ancient Greeks. They especially revered owls and even made coins with their image. According to legends, this bird accompanied the warrior Pallas, the patroness of knowledge, arts and crafts, everywhere.

Thanks to the special structure of the neck and head, the owl can survey the world without turning its body. Huge luminous eyes, loud, blood-curdling screams in the silence of the night and a completely inaudible flight led many to compare the owl with death. The peoples of China, Japan, Ancient Egypt, India and Central America attached this importance to the bird.

Owl is a symbol of wisdom

According to legend, witches and sorcerers could turn into owls. The gift of clairvoyance was attributed to birds due to their amazing ability to see in complete darkness. Among the Tungus, this midnight owl was considered sacred.

For many centuries, owls were treated with fear and wariness. Everything changed in the era of technological progress, when they stopped believing in sorcerers. Now, according to Feng Shui, the meaning of a bird is interpreted for everyone as worldly wisdom and clarity of mind.

For financial well-being

The ancient Slavs considered the owl the keeper of underground treasures and the rip-grass, which helps to find treasures. This bird was personified with the forest shore, the faithful companion of magicians.

The symbol of an owl sitting next to a money tree promotes competent distribution of finances, control of the situation and thoughtfulness of actions, and protects its owner from unnecessary spending. You can place a bird figurine near a safe with money, then it will help increase your wealth and protect it from unnecessary spending.

The nocturnal lifestyle of the owl has long formed an aura of mystery around it. In the cultures of various peoples, this bird personified the following concepts:

  • night;
  • kingdom of the dead;
  • witchcraft, secret knowledge;
  • wisdom.

At first glance, drawing parallels between wisdom and death is not entirely correct. However, having studied the reasons of our ancestors, one can, if not completely agree with this, then at least admit that such a version has a right to exist. So, what does the owl symbolize in different religions and cultures?

Owl in the Ancient World

It is interesting that in belief systems belonging to different peoples and separated from each other by many thousands of kilometers, the role of the owl is approximately the same. In Egyptian writing, the hieroglyph “Owl” means cold, night, death and passivity, inactivity - depending on its proximity to other signs. And in the Hindu religious tradition, the owl is the companion of the goddess Durga, the wife of the god Shiva. Its function is to accompany the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the dead. The symbolism in both cases has much in common, although contacts between Ancient India and Ancient Egypt were extremely difficult and therefore insignificant. Most likely, they were limited to visits by a few inquisitive travelers. In any case, there is no need to talk about the interpenetration of cultures here.

Among the Mexican Indians (although contacts with them before Columbus were extremely fragmentary and unstable), the owl played approximately the same role. She was a demonic creature of the night and an evil sign. And besides, a companion of the underground god, a harbinger of death and also a guide of souls to the kingdom of the dead. Where such a commonality of religious views comes from - from the similar living conditions of the ancient Americans and ancient Egyptians, or, perhaps, from the common origins of their religions - is for historians and ethnographers to judge.

But in Ancient China, the role of this bird was more positive. She was considered, for example, the patroness of blacksmiths, but not always, but in those days when they forged swords. Iron processing technology at that time was not well developed, so it seemed much simpler to assign part of the responsibility for product quality to the magical bird. In addition, the owl was associated with thunder, cruelty and death. Over time, the symbolism acquired an increasingly positive meaning, and now the owl has a purely positive meaning in this country.

In Hellas, “owl symbolism” was also “with a plus sign.” The owl was considered the constant companion of the goddess Athena, the patroness of the polis of the same name, which is today the capital of Greece. She was even depicted on Athenian tetradrachms - coins with a face value of four drachmas. Considering that Athena was considered not only a warrior, but also the patroness of wisdom, skill, and ingenuity, the owl turned out to be involved in these areas of knowledge and human activity. In the Roman Empire, the role of the owl received further logical development, although more in the works of Ovid and Virgil, and not in traditional religion.

Owl in the Middle Ages

In Christian culture, which is the heir to the Greco-Roman tradition, the owl symbolizes the forces of darkness, bad news, but at the same time - solitude and sorrow. This nocturnal bird is often present in images of hermits praying (solitude). In the views of the common people, its meaning differs from the official (church) version. European folk culture has drawn a lot from Celtic and Germanic paganism, so an owl is often an obligatory attribute of a witch. At the same time, ancient symbolism is clearly visible: the owl begins to become the patron saint of students and teaching in general. That is, it takes on the appearance that is familiar to us.

In East Slavic folk beliefs, the role of the owl is approximately the same as that of the ancient Celts and Germans. She is a demonic creature and foreshadows some kind of misfortune or death. For women, an owl is a symbol of an old maid or widow. At the same time, she is the keeper of enchanted treasures and a creature before whom any locks open. Owl feathers are considered a talisman.

Owl in our time

Today, the old, magical image of the owl is used only by authors of fantasy novels. The significance of this bird as the patroness of knowledge and teachings has become widespread. It’s not for nothing that the experts from “What? Where? When?" chose her as the mascot of their popular game show. Often, famous universities choose an owl as their symbol. Her image in the traditional square “Oxford cap” has become a textbook image.

Well, what does an owl symbolize in the house today? The general fascination with Feng Shui has spread its meaning as a talisman against making unwise decisions and wasting money. Often an owl figurine is placed on the so-called money tree. According to the Chinese, this amulet in the house is directly related to prosperity, a positive moral climate and happiness.

If we ignore otherworldly symbolism, what is the meaning of an owl that has taken up residence in the attic of your house? For a city dweller, such a neighborhood is extremely unlikely, because it is very difficult for an owl to find food in a modern city. But residents of rural areas should not be afraid of such a neighborhood; on the contrary, they should even be happy. Although the owl is a predator, it is nocturnal, so it cannot harm domestic animals. And it’s clear that there will be fewer rodents spoiling the beds on your site, and you don’t need to go to a fortune teller!

It so happened over the course of many centuries that people assigned special significance to those representatives of the animal world whose habits were incomprehensible. A striking example of such an animal is the owl. This amazing nocturnal bird can fly without making noise, see in the dark and turn its head 360 degrees. These and other amazing abilities of this animal did not fit into the laws of conventional understanding, so our great-grandmothers saw in the owl signs of werewolves and witchcraft, wisdom and divination. In ancient times, the owl was considered a sign of debauchery, loneliness and imminent death. Currently, figurines and images of owls can increasingly be found in houses and apartments. What meaning does such a souvenir carry in our crazy age and what is this bird considered a symbol of now?

The owl is especially respected in Feng Shui. The meaning of such a symbol in Chinese philosophy is very diverse.

How does an owl help with finances?

Often a figurine of a night bird is purchased for the house as a talisman to attract money. It is believed that an owl, which is located in the house near the place where money is stored, will help the owners spend financial income economically and income will always be greater than waste.

A strong talisman that attracts finances to the family is the owl that sits on the money tree. Such a figurine in the house has a double meaning: the money tree is a symbol of prosperity, and the wise night owl bird protects the well-being of the family from envy and carelessness.

The Slavs have long considered the owl to be the keeper of treasures and valuable treasures hidden underground.

Feng Shui advises placing a figurine of a night bird near a money toad that holds money in its mouth. Such symbols will enhance each other’s effects and take care of the well-being of the family.

An owl in a children's room teaches the younger generation to spend money economically.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the owl should be on the side of the room that faces northeast. To enhance the effect of this amulet, it is recommended to place a group of three owls. Such a trinity will protect the house and its inhabitants from all evil.

The color of a nocturnal bird matters. Thus, according to Feng Shui, the white polar owl is considered the guardian of family life, and its figures and images are placed where the whole family most often gathers - in the guest room or bedroom. The figurine of this amazing night bird has the ability to accumulate good or bad energy and then transmits it to household members. It is completely undesirable to sort things out and swear next to a figurine of an owl - the bird will absorb all the energy of negative emotions and in due time return it to people. You cannot place this mysterious symbol where it is empty and cold.

The owl symbol is good to place in the office on the desktop. Here, as in the house, the owl helps in resolving any financial issues, especially those related to investments and profits.

An owl in the workplace will speed up salary increases. A night bird with spread wings or a white owl is a symbol and talisman of quick promotion, which is why it is often installed in office premises.

Owl is a wise little head

The ancient Greeks considered the bird one of the guises of the patroness of wisdom, Athena. This tradition has strengthened in our area. Often the figurine of a bird is placed on folded books - here it personifies knowledge, abilities for erudition and wisdom. The figurine of an owl with an open book has the same meaning. Often such a sign can be seen on the emblems and coats of arms of educational institutions of various levels.

Among the Indians of North America, this night bird was revered as a totem of wisdom and prophetic gift. Owl feathers were considered a powerful talisman in these places; desperate warriors used them to decorate their headdresses.

It is good to place an owl figurine on the students’ (schoolchildren or students) desk. A photograph or drawing depicting a night bird would not be out of place in a children's room - in the presence of such a talisman, the thirst for knowledge will increase and academic performance will improve. As a talisman, you can take a small figurine of an owl (or a toy in the shape of this bird) with you to the exam.

An owl with an open book or on books will be needed even when no one in the family is studying anymore. Such symbols will help bring order to the acquired knowledge and direct it for good and prosperity.

A white owl (a figurine or image of a bird) will help deal with those children who do not obey their parents and do not show diligence in their studies. A talisman in the form of this bird promotes perseverance, makes knowledge accessible and interesting. This figurine can be worn as a keychain, pendant or bracelet, which will be beautiful and useful.

Amulet against evil spirits

The mysterious bird of the night, the owl, has aroused fear and respect among people since ancient times. She was considered a symbol of the other world, mysteries and secrets.

In the countries of the Middle East, Egypt, America and Japan, the owl is considered a bird that brings death. On the European continent, this nocturnal bird is considered the patroness of sorcerers and hermits.

Modern traditions consider the owl to be a talisman against the evil forces of the other world. The large eyes of a bird with a mysterious glow give such a talisman special power - this speaks of the pure light of the soul, which drives away all evil spirits.

They believe that the night bird develops intuition and allows one to guess the bad intentions of another person and the motives of his actions. The owner of such a talisman better understands his desires and habits (including negative ones). Such a talisman develops clairvoyance abilities and allows you to accurately sense untruths.

Shamans of the peoples of the north use the white owl in the treatment of human ailments. A figurine of a night bird made of oak wood in these parts is considered a talisman against all sorts of ailments. She gives strength to everyone who touches her at least once a day.

Owl - female mascot

In many countries, the owl is considered a women's amulet. A figurine of a night bird can often be seen as an element of women's jewelry.

In Slavic culture, the owl was considered a symbol of a lonely woman, an old maid or a widow. Sometimes an owl meant a woman of easy virtue or an unfaithful wife.

The heard cry of an owl indicated to a woman the birth of a child; if an unmarried woman heard the owl, she should have waited for the birth of a baby out of wedlock.

French women believe that if a pregnant woman hears the voice of a bird of the night, she will certainly give birth to a daughter.

Ukrainian folklore sees marriage symbolism in the image of an owl. In ancient wedding songs sung before the wedding night, the bride is called an owl.

Today, the owl figurine, as a female amulet, has almost lost its original meaning and is considered a sign of feminine energy, cunning and sexuality. For such a sign to really help the owner, it must be constantly nearby - like a pendant on a chain, a hair clip or a ring on a finger.

In the crazy pace of modern days, people are increasingly turning to all sorts of symbols and talismans, hoping for their support. But before you purchase any amulet, you need to know its meaning.

The owl is a fairly popular character in many legends and myths. On the one hand, it personifies wisdom, and on the other, connection with otherworldly forces. And there is nothing surprising here. She surpasses most of her relatives in the development of her intelligence. And her ability to see at night makes her treated as a “bridge” between reality and sleep. The owl symbol is common among many peoples.

But this bird also has many interesting abilities: the ability to turn its head around its axis and silently move in space. In many European legends, owls were one of the messengers of magicians and sorcerers. All this gave them a negative connotation. It is still believed that if this bird lands on the roof of your house, then a person close to you will die in the near future.

The owl symbolizes the gift of prophecy because of its ability to see in the dark, that is, what is hidden in the darkness

The owl is considered the “harbinger of death” in America, Egypt, India, China and Japan. But in some countries this bird has a different meaning and is considered a spiritual symbol of solitude and hermitage.

She is depicted in paintings of famous hermits and even scenes of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. What else does an owl mean as a symbol? This bird is endowed with many characteristics. You can find out about them below.

  • If you are not afraid of the dark energy of this bird, then you can use its help. The owl knows many secrets and will be able to help with its wisdom to cope with life's troubles. She can find out how your loved one treats you. To do this, after the celestial body sets, pick up three cards:
  • Ace of Hearts;
  • Seven of Spades;

Seven of hearts.

If you are worried about a premonition of trouble and you cannot find a place for yourself from worries, then wait until the sun sets and ask the owl for help

Mix them and place them face down on the table. Take the talisman in your hand and say:

Owl! Give me the wisdom of the moon!

After these words, take a card into your hand. Turned out to be an ace? This means that the person you like also likes you.

The seven of spades says the opposite; your feelings are probably unrequited.

And the seven of hearts means that your chosen one is indifferent to you.

With the help of an owl, you can ask otherworldly forces to ward off trouble. To do this, you need to take a feather or a clay figurine of this bird at midnight and ask for it. You can ask in your own words, but be sure to put into them all your fear of the approaching misfortune.

The wisdom of an owl can protect you from stupidity. Some peoples consider this bird to be very prudent and reasonable. You can protect yourself from unnecessary spending by placing a figurine next to a money tree. Ideally, the owl figurine can even be placed directly in a plant pot or planted on its leaves.

You can help your child study with the help of an owl figurine placed in her room. Such a talisman will help naughty children who do not like and do not want to study. If you don't have a figurine, you can place a photo of an owl or a poster with its image.

If your child is prone to pranks and disobedience, does poorly at school or doesn’t want to study at all, place a talisman in his room

A good help for students would be a figurine of this bird on a book or with a square academic cap on its head. The meaning of such a talisman speaks for itself. It will help you in your studies and in putting your acquired knowledge into practice.

If you are a fan of the teachings of Feng Shui, then place the owl figurine in the north-eastern part of the room. It is advisable that it be located on the desktop. This will help accumulate Qi energy where you spend most of your time and go about your business.

You should not place the figurine where it may suffer from negative energy. This is mainly the southern part of the room.

polar owl

Special mention should be made of the polar owl. She is associated with the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena. A figurine depicting this variety of this bird can help in many aspects of life. For example, it will protect your family from the evil eye. Therefore, the best place to place it in the house would be the bedroom.

An owl with spread wings can help you climb the career ladder. The swiftness and tenacity of this bird will ensure that you can cope with all the difficulties that may arise on your way. For these purposes, the figurine must be made of glass or rock crystal.

The bird’s huge glowing eyes look into the very essence; bad thoughts, envious glances, bad wishes are reflected from them, like from a mirror.

In addition to figurines, you can get the help of this bird using a keychain, bracelet, pendant or ring with the image of an owl. It is also worth considering that this bird lives quite a long time. Therefore, it is also considered a symbol of longevity. If you want to live your life happily ever after, be sure to purchase a figurine of this bird for your home.

But we must not forget that any magical talisman and amulet “works” only when they believe in it. Only faith can unlock the full potential of an owl and help you cope with many everyday problems.

Having bought a figurine of this bird for your home, talk to it, share your experiences and emotions. And then she will be able to help you and make sure that troubles will bypass you.