Sponge cake with honey without sugar. Sponge cake with sour cream. Progress of kneading dough and baking

I'm always looking for cakes that don't require much movement. That’s why honey cakes with fifteen layers always scare me. Although, I must admit, they are, for the most part, very tasty. But I was able to find a recipe for honey cake, quite quick to prepare, which completely satisfied my picky taste. Now I will tell you how to make honey cake.

Total cooking time – 12 hours
Active cooking time – 1 hour 30 minutes
Cost – 7 $
Calorie content per 100 g – 258 kcal
Number of servings – Shape 22 centimeters

Honey sponge cake recipe


Honey – 200 grams
Butter – 200 grams
Sugar – 170 grams
Flour – 400-420 grams
Egg – 3 pieces
Baking powder – 1.5 teaspoon
Sour cream – 400 grams
Cream – 400 grams
Powdered sugar – 200 grams
Lemon juice – 1-2 tablespoons
Salt – 1/4 teaspoon
Black tea – 150-200 milliliters
Vanilla essence- taste


Tea – means a mug of brewed black tea, with sugar and a tablespoon of honey. We will need it to soak the cakes.
Vanilla essence – if necessary, replace it with extract or vanilla sugar.
I always take only natural honey; I’ve never tried making it with artificial honey.
Fat sour cream, at least 30%.
The cream is also full fat, and also at least 30%.
Each egg weighs approximately 67 grams.
I used brown sugar.

Place sugar, salt, honey, butter in a saucepan.

Next, you need to bring it all to a boil and turn it into a single mass. If a lot of foam appears, remove it carefully a couple of times. There are two ways - the long, correct one and the fast one, which, of course, is completely wrong. The first way is to do it in a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan, place our saucepan in it and, not forgetting to stir occasionally, bring the contents to a boil. This method is reliable - nothing will burn, but you will cook for about an hour. I always use the second one - I just put the saucepan on an open fire (almost minimal, but still not the smallest) and, with frequent stirring, bring it to a boil in about 20 minutes. By and large, nothing has ever burned. Set the mixture aside to cool to room temperature (maybe warm, but not hot).

Sift flour with baking powder. Beat one egg at a time into the honey mixture, beating well with a mixer for about a minute each time. Be careful! If the mixture is hot, the eggs will simply boil in it. Next, add flour and stir everything until completely homogeneous.

Line the bottom of the mold with baking paper and pour in the dough. The dough is poured out slowly like thick sour cream.

Bake at 180″, approximately 50-60 minutes. Check for a dry stick. If you see that the top is browning too quickly, cover with foil. I always have this sponge cake, which is more like a cupcake, and comes out with a mountain. I cut this mountain and put it aside for crumbs. By the way, I went a little overboard with the blush, but try to cover the top of the sponge cake in time (if necessary). By the way, if you think that the sides are too dark, cut them off a little (0.5 cm).

After cutting off the mound, turn the biscuit out onto a wire rack and let it cool.

After cooling, use a long knife to cut the biscuit into four pieces. It’s not an easy task to cut it evenly. It is quite possible to trim each of the cakes after cutting - cut off the excess and use it to crumble. Or, if, on the contrary, you end up with a “hole”, simply fill it with biscuit during assembly, right before impregnation. These patches will practically not be visible in the finished product - everything will be smoothed out.
And a little more about impregnation. After baking the biscuit, you will definitely try it. If you think it could be sweeter, make the soaking tea sweeter. If you don’t need a more honey-like taste than what you’ve already tasted, you don’t need to put honey in your tea. Or vice versa - if you want something more honey-like, replace at least all the sugar with honey. Adjust the taste to suit you.

Making cream. Whip the cream to soft peaks and add powdered sugar in three additions, beating until stiff peaks form. Add sour cream, lemon juice, and vanilla to the cream. Mix everything together and taste for sweetness and sourness. If you want it sweeter, add more powder. A little more sour - lemon juice.

We take the first circle of sponge cake, place it on a plate (I immediately put the cake on the one I will serve), evenly pour a few spoons of tea over the entire surface and a layer of about 1 centimeter of cream.

We repeat this operation until the last sponge cake - soak it too.

Cover the top with the last layer of cream. In theory, there should still be a few spoons left in the bowl. Next, I do this - I crumble the mound that was cut off after baking the biscuit, pour this crumb into the cream in parts until I get a nice, moist slurry, which I then “cement” the sides with. Don't forget that a small part of the crumbs should remain on top of the honey cake.

After the sides are in order, cover the top of the cake with the remaining crumbs. That’s it, the cake seems to be ready, but of course, you need to let it brew at least a little, to come to its senses. Since we have a sponge cake, and a soaked one at that, and not thin, dry cakes that require a long time to soak, it doesn’t need much time to recover. Of course, most often we make cakes in the evening, and the next day (most likely evening) we serve them to guests or ourselves, but here you can make them from morning until lunch and serve them in the evening.

All that remains is the decoration. Here already - who is capable of what. I'm not much of a decorator and I love minimalism. And you can do it according to your taste and capabilities.
Enjoy your tea! I really hope that you will like the honey cake as much as I do and will not cause much trouble.

Honey sponge cake is an amazing delicacy that can serve as a solo dessert, or be the basis for the most delicate cakes, combined with sour cream or custard. In addition, baking one tall and fluffy cake layer significantly speeds up the cake creation process.

Baking according to this recipe turns out very soft with a subtle honey aroma. Over time, these properties are preserved; the baked goods do not go stale for a long time.

  • 8 eggs;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 180 g liquid honey;
  • 30 g vegetable oil;
  • 10 g soda;
  • 15 ml vinegar;
  • 450 g flour.

Classic recipe step by step:

  1. Mix the eggs, without separating into whites and yolks, with honey and granulated sugar. Beat this mixture at maximum mixer speed for approximately 10 minutes until lightened and increased in volume.
  2. After this, turn the mixer to medium (or even low) speed, pour in the vegetable oil and soda slaked with vinegar. Soda is an essential component of honey biscuit. To activate the neutralization reaction, it needs to be heated together with honey, mixed with an acidic product (sour cream, kefir) or simply extinguished; without this, the honey biscuit will not work.
  3. Once the mixture is smooth, turn off the mixer and stir in the flour by hand. Bake the biscuit at 175 degrees for about half an hour.

Honey sponge cake in a slow cooker, like other baked goods made from sponge dough, can be made even by a novice housewife. With a minimum of effort, you can get a honey loaf with a height of 9 to 11 cm, depending on the volume of the multi-pan.

Proportions of required ingredients:

  • 180 g honey;
  • 5 selected chicken eggs (if the eggs are small, you will need 6);
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 8 g soda;
  • 400 g wheat flour.

Recipe for sponge cake with honey step by step:

  1. Heat honey and soda in a water bath. The mixture should become completely homogeneous and increase several times in volume.
  2. Beat the eggs into a large bowl or saucepan, add sugar and beat everything together until fluffy for 7-10 minutes.
  3. Pour hot honey into the foam of eggs and sugar, then carefully add flour in small parts and mix with a spoon.
  4. Place the dough in an electric pan greased with butter and cook for 80 minutes in the “Baking” mode if the power of the device is 500 W. If the multicooker has more power, the baking time can be reduced to 60 minutes.

Everyone always succeeds in making honey sponge cake using this recipe. You can bake it either in a slow cooker or in a conventional oven, the result will be excellent. There is no need to brew anything while kneading the dough; you will only need to heat the honey and soda.

For one tall cake you will need:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 180 g honey;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 320-400 g wheat flour.


  1. Heat the beekeeping product together with soda over the lowest heat until it increases in volume and has a pleasant caramel color. To prevent the honey from caramelizing and burning on the bottom, the mixture will have to be stirred several times.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until soft but fairly stable peaks. Pour in hot honey and stir quickly. Gently stir the flour into the honey dough in small portions. You need to work with a spoon to retain all the air bubbles.
  3. You can bake this sponge cake in a multicooker (“Baking” option) for 60-65 minutes or in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the diameter of the cake.

A quick and easy option

When you don’t have time to bother with complex baking, a quick recipe for sponge cake with honey will help out. From such a ready-made cake you can make a real cake or simply serve it with tea.

List of products used:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 120 g honey;
  • 120 ml kefir;
  • 170 g flour;
  • 7 g soda;
  • 150 g peanuts.

Baking sequence:

  1. Using a mixer, beat whole eggs thoroughly with sugar until foamy.
  2. Add honey and soda to this foam, continuing to work with the mixer, until the mixture is completely homogeneous.
  3. Next, pour in the kefir one by one and add the flour. These products must also be mixed with a mixer.
  4. Grind the peanuts fried in a dry frying pan with a blender into fine crumbs, almost into flour. Add nuts to the dough and stir.
  5. If you plan to serve the honey cake without making a cake out of it, you can add only 2/3 of the total amount of nuts to the dough, and crush the rest of the dough already put into the mold.
  6. The duration of baking at a temperature of 160 to 190 degrees will range from 35 to 45 minutes.

Custard honey sponge cake

Most “Medoviki” are prepared from choux pastry, but more often it has to be brewed in a water bath and rolled out with a rolling pin. This recipe breaks stereotypes, since you don’t need to build a complex structure out of pans, and the dough will turn out pourable, like a real sponge cake.

What products will you need for custard honey sponge cake:

  • 160 g sugar;
  • 90 g honey;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 30 ml water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 325 g flour;
  • 7 g soda.

Procedure for kneading dough and baking:

  1. In a large, thick-bottomed saucepan, combine honey and water with sugar. Place this mixture over medium heat and bring to a boil while stirring constantly.
  2. Then add salt and soda. After this, the mass will increase in volume, but you should not remove it from the heat, you need to continue cooking until it turns a bright orange color.
  3. Now you can remove the pan from the heat, add the butter and stir until it is completely dissolved, and after the mixture has cooled to 50 degrees, add eggs and flour.
  4. Don’t worry about the liquid consistency; after 60 minutes, during which the mixture rests and cools, the dough will become thicker.
  5. To bake, draw a circle with a diameter of 20-22 cm on a sheet of parchment, spread a few spoons of dough over it and bake until golden brown in a preheated oven. This amount of dough will yield 5-6 choux sponge cakes.

On kefir

The finished honey sponge cake with kefir is slightly different from the classic version. The cakes are elastic and springy when pressed.

For two cakes you need to take:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 60 g honey;
  • 14 g baking powder;
  • 320 g flour.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar and liquid honey. If this beekeeping product has already become candied, it needs to be melted in a steam bath.
  2. Pour kefir into the sweet egg mass, and then stir in the flour sifted with baking powder.
  3. Divide the dough into two parts and bake two cakes in a greased pan. Subsequently, for the cake, each finished sponge cake can be cut into two more thin layers.

For 4 eggs with honey

By adding a little honey to the classic biscuit ingredients, you can bake a fragrant honey loaf, which can then be turned into a delicious cake.

What you will need for the test:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 90 g honey;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 240 g flour.

How to bake:

  1. With half the total amount of sugar, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Grind the yolks with honey and sugar. Then, in small portions, alternately with the flour, add the whites into the foam. Kneading should be done with a spoon.
  2. Fill a mold lined with oiled parchment with dough and place in the oven for 40 minutes, the operating temperature of which is set at 180 degrees.

With sour cream

The honey-sour cream sponge cake turns out very soft and airy, and the large nut crumbs perfectly complement and highlight the taste of honey.

Components of honey biscuit with sour cream:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g honey;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 100 g walnut kernels;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 320 g flour.

Baking method:

  1. Do not beat with a hand whisk, but grind the eggs, soda and sugar in a circular motion.
  2. When the mass becomes homogeneous and lightens, add sour cream and honey in a liquid state.
  3. Lastly, mix in a mixture of sifted flour and large nut crumbs.
  4. Place the kneaded biscuit dough into a prepared springform pan with a diameter of 26 cm. If the pan is smaller, it is better to divide the baking into two batches, using half the dough.
  5. The biscuit should be prepared at 220 degrees until the toothpick is dry.

If the honey cake starts to brown too much in the oven, cover the top with food foil to protect the baked goods from burning.

Honey sponge cake: recipe

Now that the finished honey cake has cooled completely, what should you do with it next? You can simply cut it into portions and eat it with tea. Another option is to make a delicious honey sponge cake out of it.

To do this, you just need to prepare one of the cream options and spread it on the biscuit cut into thin cakes. Loaf made with honey has one small drawback: such baked goods often turn out a little rubbery. A cream that can soak the cakes well will help correct this.

Such layers include sour cream and custard. They are the ones most often used in honey cakes.

For sour cream you should take:

  • 1000 ml of thick homemade sour cream (can be replaced with a similar amount of store-bought sour cream);
  • 250 g crystal sugar or powdered sugar.


  1. Beat the cooled sour cream well with a mixer along with sugar or powdered sugar.
  2. Spread the prepared cream over separately baked cakes or one large one, cut into layers. This cream and sponge cake go well with prunes, so you can put them between the cakes, twist them in a meat grinder or cut them into small pieces.

Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate a delicious honey cake layered with custard and boiled condensed milk.

It will require:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 120 g flour;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 200 g boiled condensed milk.

How to prepare the cream:

  1. Put the milk on the fire, immediately add the flour and beat with a mixer right on the fire at minimum speed. This way there will be no lumps in the cream.
  2. When the milk thickens, remove the pan from the heat and cool its contents to 40-50 degrees. Then add soft butter, both types of sugar and boiled condensed milk, one by one, into the cream, whisking with a mixer.
  3. Spread the prepared cream over the honey sponge cake layers. After the baked goods are soaked, the honey sponge cake is ready.

A sponge cake prepared with the addition of honey cuts well, practically without crumbling, so it can be very easily cut into thinner layers. The optimal thickness of the cakes for soaking will be 2-2.5 cm.

I fell in love with honey sponge cake for the following reasons - spicy aroma, beautiful golden color, ease of preparation, versatility, it can be coated with completely different creams and fillings, and, of course, every housewife can get it!

To prepare honey sponge cake with sour cream in a slow cooker, I took:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 5 tablespoons of honey;
  • 250 grams of sugar, if you don’t like too sweet baked goods, take 150-200 grams;
  • Flour 350 grams;
  • 1 pack of baking powder;
  • A pinch of salt.

For the cream, I took a package of sour cream and a little more than half a glass of sugar.

In general, before, I was always afraid to bake sponge cakes, because I heard other housewives say that they are capricious and not always successful. But thanks to some tricks, it always turns out great, and then I’ll tell you them myself!

Step-by-step recipe for honey sponge cake in a slow cooker

To begin, mix the flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt; in a good case, it is better to sift this whole mass through a sieve, but I don’t do this (because I’m a little lazy) and just mix the ingredients.

So, on any mixer there are several speed settings, you need to start with the minimum, then increase the speed with a gap of 1 minute to the last one. I have 5 speeds on my mixer and on the last speed I beat for about 2 minutes. This is the airy cloud I got!

Add honey and beat the mixture again; already at this stage you can feel a sweet, pleasant honey aroma.

Gradually add flour, I add one tablespoon at a time.

Approximately when a third of the flour remains, I turn off the mixer, since it is already cranking the mass heavily, and with an ordinary spoon I mix the dough until it has a soft, airy, homogeneous consistency.

And, of course, the most important secret of preparing any dishes is to cook with love and a good mood; if you are not in the mood, then it’s better not to start cooking!

Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, place the dough and select the “Baking” mode and set the time to 70 minutes. Now all that’s left is to wait until the honey sponge cake is baked in the slow cooker.

Be sure to check the biscuit for readiness - take a stick and insert it all the way into the biscuit, take it out and if it remains dry, the biscuit is ready. In addition to the stated 70 minutes, I needed an additional 15 minutes for the baked goods to be completely ready.

Transfer the sponge cake to a steamer pan and let it cool.

Then cut into cakes, you can make two or three cakes to grease them with cream. You can use any cream, if it is dry, then make an impregnation, but not too sweet, since the biscuit is already sweet.

I made sour cream as it goes great with this honey sponge cake and will soak it up. For one package of sour cream, I took a little more than half a glass of sugar so that the cream was not very sweet.

I cut the biscuit into two parts, generously coated it with cream, also coated the walls of the biscuit and decorated the top with a nut.

This is such a wonderful dessert I made today! Cook with pleasure, and I, Myself, a Happy Housewife, will try to please you with other interesting and healthy recipes!

P.S. This biscuit can also be baked in a regular oven. Select a temperature of 180 degrees and a time of approximately 40-45 minutes.

Attention! While the biscuit is baking, never open the oven or multicooker lid in advance, as it will “fall” and will not turn out so airy and light.

I love honey cakes! I love different ones! But this time I just wanted something soft, fluffy and with cream.

For a simple homemade cake we will need:
4 small or 5 large eggs
grain of salt
200 g sugar
160 g flour
2-3 tablespoons liquid honey

For cream:
500 ml sour cream of any fat content - I used 15%
200 g sugar

I want to say right away that I never separate whites and yolks - it’s all unnecessary or I’m not a gourmet.)))
Therefore, take fresh eggs (this is important), throw in a grain of salt and start beating. First you need to beat so that the eggs become just coarse foam. This will take a few seconds. Now we start adding sugar and don’t stop beating! When the sugar runs out, add honey and beat until our mixture increases 3-4 times and begins to resemble the most delicate cream. Now you need to turn off the mixer and move it completely away from you.
You need to add the flour all at once, but mix only in one direction and only with a spoon. No technique, otherwise it won’t be a sponge cake, but a sole.))) We don’t need a sole with cream, do we?))) Stir in the flour without much effort, but so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
Now, if your mold is sticky, then you need to put a circle of baking paper on the bottom, and if not, then just grease it with butter or margarine and sprinkle it with a little flour. Pour out our dough and place in an oven heated to 200 degrees. I have a special oven))) gas, and it never bakes any cakes in 15-20 minutes, always at least 50 minutes. Therefore, be guided by your oven, and I will tell you about mine. This means that you first need to bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees C, and then turn it up to 180 C and bake until done. You can even determine readiness by eye. At first the cake rises high, high, and when ready, it squats a little. All! You don’t even have to check it with a toothpick, but if you’re not sure, still prick it in the thickest place. The toothpick should be completely dry.
Now our biscuit just needs to be cooled in fresh air. But still, do not change the temperature suddenly. If it’s hot in your kitchen, but outside, let’s say, it’s not May, then you shouldn’t take it out into the cold. You just need to put the biscuit somewhere where no one will eat it.))

Making the cream is also very easy.
First, whip the sour cream. It should never be whipped at high speed and it should never be whipped for long, otherwise the result will not be cream, but sweet butter. Therefore, set the mixer to low speed and add a little air to the sour cream. Now you can start adding sugar, but don’t delay this process either. As soon as the sugar melts and the cream becomes fluffy, turn everything off.

Cut the sponge cake into 2-3 cake layers, place them on plates and begin to “conjure” with the cream. It needs to be applied a few spoons at a time and left to soak for 10-15 minutes. Then the cream in the cake will be visible and it will never leak out all from the sides, but will be a beautiful white stripe in the cut. Leave a couple of spoons for gluing the cakes.
Voila! The cake needs to sit for at least a couple of hours, or preferably overnight in the refrigerator.

For a holiday or just to please and pamper their family, housewives cook a lot. They boil, steam, bake cookies, various pastries and cakes. It’s the latter that will be discussed.

There are a great many cake recipes. We want to offer you step-by-step recipes for sponge cake honey cake and several types of cream for the layer.

Features of preparing biscuit dough

To make the sponge cake airy, just follow a few simple rules.

  1. Use sifted flour, so it is saturated with oxygen, becomes loose, and the dough will be airy.
  2. Knead the dough very lightly and quickly.
  3. Preheat the oven in advance so you can bake the sponge cake right away. If the dough sits in the mold without baking for even a short period of time, the air bubbles created by beating will come out of the dough and the airiness will disappear.
  4. During baking, do not slam the oven door to prevent the sponge cake from settling.

What cream to prepare

There are many options for cream, we offer you the simplest recipes for their preparation.

Type of cream Products How to cook
Sour cream sour cream - 300 g;
sugar - 200 g;
vanillin - to taste
In a bowl, thoroughly beat all ingredients with a mixer or blender.
Creamy butter - 200 g;
eggs - 2 pcs.;
milk - 0.5 tbsp;
sugar - 1 tbsp.
Mix milk, sugar and egg in a saucepan.
Stir, put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
Grind the softened butter in a separate bowl.
Beat with a mixer or blender. At the same time, add milk with sugar and egg in a thin stream.
Creamy with boiled condensed milk butter - 200 g;
boiled condensed milk - 1 can.
Grind the softened butter and start beating.
Gradually add condensed milk.
Beat until fluffy.

Of course, cake cannot be classified as a dietary dessert, but sometimes you can treat yourself. Thanks to eggs and honey in the dough, the biscuit honey cake contains vitamins A, D, E, K, PP and group B.

Sponge cake honey cake recipes with photos

Classic version with butter cream


For the test:

  • eggs – 7 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • honey – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;

For cream:

  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;

For chocolate filling:

  • dark chocolate - 1.5 bars.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes;
number of servings: 8;
cuisine: Russian.


1. First, sift the flour through a fine sieve. Set aside.

Sift flour through a fine sieve

2. Beat eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar, add honey and beat with a blender until thick foam. The mass should turn white and increase in volume by 2-3 times. If we run a spoon over the surface, the mark does not immediately flow.

Beat eggs, sugar, honey into a strong foam

3. Pour sifted flour into the whipped mixture. We try to pour it not in one place, but spray it over the surface without weighing down the biscuit dough. Knead quickly, but very carefully, from bottom to top.

Gently knead the dough with a spatula

4. Cover the pan with parchment paper and pour in the dough. Carefully, carefully place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Biscuit dough settles even from small impacts on the form in which it is located.

Pour the finished dough into a mold previously lined with paper.

It’s good if the mold has detachable edges, but this is not necessary. You can run a knife along the edges of the mold with a cooled honey sponge cake and then pull it out.

5. Bake for 30–40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. Check readiness with a match or skewer by piercing the finished cake. No damp dough should stick to the skewer; it should remain dry.

Bake the biscuit at 180 degrees

6. Be sure to cut the baked sponge cake when it has cooled down so as not to tear the delicate dough.

Cut the cooled biscuit into 3 layers

7. While the cake is cooling, prepare the buttercream. Then we grease the cut cakes with it. We also grease the top cake with cream, but just a little. Leave to fill with chocolate.

8. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour the cake on top. The chocolate hardens quickly, which helps maintain the beautiful shape of the cake.

Video: How to make honey cake from sponge cakes

With prunes and walnuts

We offer you another option for making biscuit honey cake - with prunes and walnuts. This is a fragrant, tasty, delicate cake with a richness of taste.

Honey sponge cake with prunes and walnuts


For the test:

  • eggs – 7 pcs.;
  • sugar – 170 g;
  • honey – 200 g;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp;

For cream:

  • full-fat sour cream (can be homemade) - 500 g;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 180 g (some will be placed on the cake layers, some will be used to decorate the cake);
  • prunes - 250 g;

For impregnation:

  • honey - 130 g;
  • boiled chilled water - 300 g.

Cooking time: 5 hours 40 minutes;
number of servings: 8;
cuisine: Russian.


1. Add soda to honey and place on low heat. Stir constantly, not letting it boil. Remove from heat, let cool.

Melt the honey and soda over the fire, without letting it boil

2. Separate the whites from the yolks.

3. Beat the whites, gradually adding sugar in small portions. When the mixture turns white, begin adding the yolks one by one. Add honey and soda, which has cooled down. Continue beating for 10 minutes.

Beat the whites with sugar, add all the yolks and honey and soda one at a time.

4. Sift the flour through a fine sieve.

5. Add sifted flour and knead the dough. Do not knead for a long time to maintain airiness.

Add flour and knead the dough with a mixer or spatula

6. Pour the finished dough into a baking dish (it’s convenient to take it with a diameter of 26 cm). We pre-cover the bottom of the mold with parchment paper. Place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30–40 minutes.

Pour the dough into the mold

7. While the biscuit is baking, let's make walnuts and prunes. Finely chop the nuts, then fry them in a frying pan to remove the slight bitterness characteristic of walnuts.

Chop the walnuts and lightly fry them in a frying pan

8. Pour boiling water over the prunes for 10 minutes, then squeeze well, remove excess water with a paper towel and chop finely.

Soak the prunes in hot water, dry and chop

9. Remove the biscuit from the oven. You can check readiness with a skewer. If lumps of raw dough do not stick to it, you can remove it.

If the sponge cake is well “tanned” on top, but lumps stick to the skewer, cover it while still in the oven with thick paper (thin paper will burn quickly and the edges will crumble) or foil.

Cool the finished biscuit without removing it from the mold.

Do not immediately remove the finished biscuit from the mold; let it cool. If the top is uneven, carefully cut it off with a wide knife.

10. Cut the cooled cake into 4 parts.

11. Prepare the impregnation: mix honey with chilled boiled water.

12. Preparing the cream won’t take much time either. Beat powdered sugar with heavy sour cream. If you don't have powdered sugar, sugar will do. But you will need to whisk longer until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Beat sour cream with powdered sugar until smooth and fluffy.

13. We begin to assemble the cake. Grease the bottom of a large dish or plate with a small amount of cream - this way the bottom cake will not be dry. But do not overdo it so that the piece of cake retains its shape when cut.

14. Place the first cake layer and coat it with impregnation.

Soak the cake layer with honey

15. Spread the cream, then add the prunes and then the crushed nuts.

Grease each cake with cream, place prunes and crushed walnuts on it

16. Lay out all the cakes in this way. Then completely coat the entire cake with cream.

Grease the top and sides of the cake with cream and place in the refrigerator

17. Place in the refrigerator for 4 hours so that the cake soaks and develops its flavor.

18. Remove the cake from the refrigerator and decorate with halves of nut kernels. If desired, you can steal with chopped nuts.

Sponge cake with walnuts and prunes

Video: Cooking sponge honey cake with prunes and walnuts

Cake yield: 2.3 kg. It would seem like a lot. But it is eaten very quickly and brings a lot of pleasure to your family thanks to the amazing combination of honey, walnuts, sour cream and prunes! Bon appetit!