True fortune telling on cards by name. Effective card fortune telling for a guy

You do not need to have any special gift in order to conduct fortune telling by first name, last name and patronymic. Just find out the name of the person you are interested in and you can start doing fortune telling.

Fortune telling by name for relationships

Many different methods of divination have come down to our time, which will allow us to get answers to questions of interest and learn everything about any person. For example, for such a ritual you will need to arm yourself with a regular one, consisting of 36 cards.

In addition, you will need to find out the full name of the person you will bewitch. Using this ritual, you can determine what awaits him in the near future and how he really feels about you. Write down your first and last name on a piece of paper, then count the number of letters. Divide the entire deck into as many piles as there are letters in the name.

Now take the very last pile and arrange it among the others. The pile into which the last card went is taken and again laid out among others. Such manipulations are performed until only two piles are obtained.

Now remove one card from each pile at a time. Only identical images matter to you. For example: two tens, two aces and so on.


  • 6 - the individual has warm feelings for you, he likes to meet you, minor changes in life are possible in the near future.
  • 7 - the individual has not yet decided on his attitude towards you, but wants to seriously discuss something.
  • 8 - the guy is very sad, in the near future he will go on a date, perhaps even with you.
  • 9 - the individual feeds you warm, sincere feelings, really loves you, and is ready to take a serious step.
  • 10 - you have a complex character, but this does not stop the individual. He is very interested in you and will not look for someone else.
  • Jack- with your actions you drive a person crazy, make him jealous, this will not lead to anything good.
  • Lady- the individual has very cold feelings towards you; in the near future he will change his occupation.
  • King- the individual loves you very much, but his modesty will not allow him to take the first step.
  • Ace- the man does not have any feelings for you, but will communicate with you because of some selfish motives.

We know a lot of different ones that help us find out the name of our future husband, even see his image. However, we will tell you a ritual that can be performed not only on special magical days, but throughout the year.

Should be carried out in the dark. It is believed that performing the ritual during the day is useless, since the devil himself appears to tell you the cherished name. And he can only do this at night. The ritual is performed only in solitude. On a small piece of paper write:

A passerby will soon tell me the name of the betrothed-mummer.

Fold the note and put it in your pocket. Then go into the courtyard and walk exactly 300 steps away from the front door. If you live in an apartment, then the steps are counted already at the entrance. You cannot talk to anyone during the ritual.

You can go in the direction where you are drawn. After walking 300 steps, stop. Very soon you will see a traveler coming towards you. Ask him to name any name. As soon as you hear the answer to your question, immediately cross yourself, turn away and go home.

You cannot turn around or talk to a passerby. It is also believed that before leaving the house it is advisable to take off your pectoral cross and the “save and preserve” ring, as they will scare away the devil who will bring you information.

Such divination is akin to the ancient art of numerology. With its help you can learn a lot about any individual. First, you can practice on yourself, and then apply your knowledge on other people. Write your full first and last name on the sheet. Now write down the numerical value of each letter below.

A, I, S, b, b - 1
I, B, K, R - 2
G, L, S, H, W - 3
M, D, T - 4
E, N, X - 5
U, V - 6
Z, O, Y, C - 7
F, P, F - 8
SCH - 9

Add up all the numbers. If the number turns out to be two digits, then the numbers are added again. The resulting number will tell about the inner essence of the individual and his character.

If you want to find out how a person feels about life in general, then you need to add the consonants (and in this case you need to bring the answer to a single digit). In order to find out what society thinks about this particular person, add up all the vowels, after which you can begin to interpret.

  • 1 - authoritarianism, success, help, stability.
  • 2 - appearance, harmony, tranquility.
  • 3 - interest, imagination, new ideas.
  • 4 - authoritarianism, practicality, leadership qualities.
  • 5 - extreme, recklessness, search for the unknown, danger.
  • 6 - search for justice, warmth, desire to help.
  • 7 - capriciousness, unreliability, self-confidence.
  • 8 - courage, bravery, risk.
  • 9 - illusory, dreamy.

This method of divination is very complex and time-consuming, but it can tell about inclinations and habits. You will need to write your first name, last name and patronymic on the sheet. Under each letter write a numerical value.

A- 1 P- 60
B- 2 R- 70
IN- 3 WITH- 80
G- 4 T- 90
D- 5 U- 100
E- 6 F- 200
AND- 7 X- 300
Z- 8 C- 400
AND- 9 H- 500
TO- 10 Sh- 600
L- 20 SCH- 700
M- 30 YU- 800
N- 40 I- 900

Now you need to figure out how to work with the table. From 1 to 50 there are absolutely all numbers. Further interpretation is correct for numbers from 51 to 60, from 151 to 200, and so on. The maximum number in the table is 1000. All numbers that are greater than it also relate to this last point. Now you need to add separately the letters of the first name, last name, patronymic and separately absolutely all the numbers. If you add only the letters of the first/last name/patronymic, then they are reduced to a single digit number. If everything is there, then no, the numbers remain complete.

  • 1 - cruelty, aggression, greed.
  • 2 - chaos.
  • 3 - religiosity.
  • 4 - absolute power.
  • 5 - harmony, justice.
  • 6 - hard work.
  • 7 - poverty, fraud.
  • 8 - greatness, wisdom.
  • 9 - generosity, honor.
  • 10 - inner beauty.
  • 11 - fraud, criminals.
  • 12 - atheism.
  • 13 - fight against ignorance.
  • 14 - sacrifice.
  • 15 - reluctance to see the obvious.
  • 16 - relationships, relatives.
  • 17 - pain.
  • 18 - strength of will.
  • 19 - spinelessness.
  • 20 - defeat.
  • 21 - love for the surrounding world.
  • 22 - genius, recognition.
  • 23 - punishment.
  • 24 - virtue.
  • 25 - receiving recognition.
  • 26 - spirituality.
  • 27 - desire to change something.
  • 28 - success in relationships.
  • 29 - selfishness.
  • 30 - marriage of convenience.
  • 31 - thirst for justice.
  • 32 - loyalty.
  • 33 - beauty and splendor.
  • 34 - pain and suffering.
  • 35 - striving for ideals.
  • 36 - presence of talent.
  • 37 - indecision.
  • 38 - weakness.
  • 39 - poverty.
  • 40 - fear.
  • 41 - lack of success, sorrow.
  • 42 - long journey, hard work.
  • 43 - dishonesty.
  • 44 - energy, success in endeavors.
  • 45 - illness, isolation.
  • 46 - wealth.
  • 47 - longevity.
  • 48 - avoidance of responsibility.
  • 49 - fraud.
  • 50 - love of freedom.
  • 60 - desire for knowledge and ability.
  • 70 - religiosity, patriotism.
  • 80 - blind faith.
  • 90 - failures and mistakes.
  • 100 - active political activity.
  • 150 - philosophical attitude to life.
  • 200 - love of love, fatigue.
  • 250 - fortitude, sacrifice.
  • 300 - discord, rudeness.
  • 350 - religiosity.
  • 400 - betrayal, oppression.
  • 450 - independence.
  • 500 - danger.
  • 550 - peacefulness, kindness.
  • 600 - insight.
  • 650 - anger.
  • 700 - modesty, timidity.
  • 750 - independence, love.
  • 800 - lack of insight.
  • 850 - prosperity, freedom.
  • 900 - significant resources.
  • 950 - repentance.
  • 1000 - faith.

These detailed interpretations of various fortune telling by name will allow you to really find out a lot of information about an individual, using a minimum of attributes.

Fortune telling with cards is a girlish pastime that is an exciting way to find out what is destined. Most of the layouts on the cards are united by the theme of love and relationships. Layouts can be simple or complex, with complex combinations of cards, or the meaning of each specific card is taken into account.

One of the options for such fortune telling is to make a reading in the name of your future husband or simply the object of your sympathy. Let's look at popular options on cards for a guy's name.

Tarot spread

For this layout, we do not need the entire deck, but only the major arcana. We lay them out in front of us on the table in order, from Fool to World. Write down all 33 letters of the Russian alphabet in a row on a separate sheet of paper, and next to them are their serial numbers. For example, A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, and then to Z - 33.

On another piece of paper, write your loved one's full name and write a number under each letter of their name. Match the resulting numbers with numbers. If the number is greater than 22, add these numbers to get one number.

Let's take the name Ilya as an example: the ordinal numbers of this name are 10, 13, 30, 33. The numbers 30 and 33 are greater than 22, so we add them up: 3 + 0 = 3, 3 + 3 = 6. As a result, the name will have the following form : 10, 13, 3, 6. These numbers correspond to the Tarot arcana under the corresponding numbers: Hermit, Hanged Man, Priestess, Hierophant.

Let's study the characteristics of each lasso and find out a description of the guy's character:

  • Fool- open to new things, a little naive
  • Mage- sociable, hard-working, enterprising
  • Priestess- smart, but a little secretive
  • Empress- creative person
  • Emperor- domineering
  • Hierophant- good advisor, follows the rules
  • Lovers- romantic, emotional
  • Chariot- enterprising
  • Force- calm, self-confident
  • Hermit- closed
  • Fortune- changeable
  • Justice- decisive
  • Hanged- ready to make sacrifices
  • Death- ready to give up something for the sake of a relationship
  • Moderation- harmonious
  • Devil- angry, sophisticated
  • Tower- mood changes
  • Star- educated, positive
  • Moon- dreamer, poor self-control
  • Sun- successful
  • Court- changeable
  • World- harmonious personality

Thus, a young man named Ilya is reserved, ready to make sacrifices in relationships, secretive, but at the same time quite smart, prefers to follow the rules and can give good advice.

Fortune telling with playing cards

For fortune telling, let's take a deck consisting of 36 ordinary playing cards. Mix them well, thinking about the object of your sympathy. Before you start, you need to sit on the deck, then blow on the cards and say the charming words that have been known for hundreds of years: “36 cards, 4 suits, tell me the whole truth about...” (say your question). Then you need to remove the first few cards 2 times, placing them at the bottom of the deck, and begin fortune telling.

The cards must be laid out in the order in which they lie. We scatter them one by one into as many piles as there are letters in your lover’s full name. For example, the name Ilya has 4 letters, therefore we will have 4 piles.

We turn the piles face down and see which cards fall on top. If the guy is blond, very light brown or red, we need a red suit, and if he is brown-haired or brunette, we need a black suit.

In each pile, you need to remove cards in order until the desired suit appears, put the extra ones aside - we won’t need them anymore. If all the cards initially fell out in the desired color, this is a good sign, which means that the mystery person is interested in you. After this, the remaining cards above each pile are laid out a little higher, 2 pieces open.

So, let's start decoding.

The meaning of the cards.

First of all, you need to pay attention if you have 2 or 4 identical cards in some pile:

If different cards fell out in each pile, they can also be deciphered:

  • six- road
  • seven- meeting
  • eight- conversations
  • nine- interest, sympathy
  • ten- some event
  • jack- hassle
  • lady- your female environment
  • king- your male environment
  • ace- something important

If the cards show something bad, don’t be upset, just blow on them so that the prediction does not come true, and mentally say “Away, away, away!” Next time you can guess about the same guy no earlier than in a week.

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The desire to look into her own future is common to any girl. And it is not at all necessary to rush to fortune-tellers and fortune tellers to find out about your betrothed-mummer. Fortune telling the names of guys will help you find the answer to the question. Detailed information is presented in the article.

Most of the fortune telling below does not require the creation of any special environment or the preparation of complex attributes. It is quite possible to limit yourself to ordinary home conditions. In terms of the level of performance, fortune telling is accessible to beginners who are inexperienced in this matter.

Let's add romance

Let's consider the simplest option. This is fortune telling for a guy's name on paper. It is better to spend it on Valentine's Day. Although you can also do it at other times. To carry out the ceremony you will need the following things: a regular pen and a couple of sheets of paper. You can create a romantic atmosphere with the help of lit candles (odd number).

On one piece of paper you need to draw a big heart with your left hand. it must be neat. The second sheet should be cut into squares. We determine their size by eye. Four to five squares should fit into the previously formed heart. What's next?

Any one letter of the alphabet is written on each square. Make sure that the ink does not show through on the back side. Then the pieces of paper are placed on a piece of paper with a heart. The letters should be at the bottom. Slowly stirring the leaves, you need to say: “My heart, let me look at my betrothed.” When you feel you have done enough stirring, stop. Choose three or four letters located on the heart, these are the ones that should appear in the guy’s first and last name.

Guessing by the person we meet

We continue the conversation about fortune telling the names of guys. In the next case, you will again need a piece of paper and a pen (you can completely replace it with a pencil). Write down the following phrase on paper: “a passerby will tell me the name of my future boyfriend.” Then, crumple the leaf and leave it in your hand. Wait until evening. We go out into the street and carefully count exactly three hundred steps. We start moving from our home threshold. Wait until the first stranger passerby appears. Ask him what his name is.

Village girls used to like to tell fortunes this way. A stranger passing by was considered not a person, but the embodiment of the other world, perhaps a demon or demon. Therefore, you need to ask a question without having a cross on your body. Otherwise, the fortune telling will not be truthful. And after receiving an answer, be sure to cross yourself. Let's go home right away.

Saint Agnes to the rescue

This fortune telling in the name of the future guy is carried out at a certain time, namely on a January night from the 20th to the 21st. There should be pins in stock (a few are enough). They are connected to each other, then pinned to the underwear that will be worn for sleep (pajamas, nightgown). Be sure to remember your dream. It is he who should show the future spouse and, perhaps, his name will sound in the dream.

A book to help

What is the best source of information? That's right, it's a book. It can be used to tell guys' names. It's good if it's a love story. The work must be opened on the page that is equal to your date of birth. Please note which letter this page begins with. Write it down. Then you should open the page that is equal to the date of your month of birth. Repeat the sequence of actions performed. And lastly: a page should be opened that is equal to your father’s date of birth. Write down the first letter again.

What did we get? We wrote down three letters on a sheet of paper. It is they who will represent the initials of the chosen one’s name. The first letter is the surname, the second is the given name, and the third is the patronymic.

Find out the guy's name: new moon fortune telling

Has a new moon appeared in the sky? Then it's time to tell your fortune for your betrothed. Having opened the windows in the room, you need to sit on the windowsill and, turning to the moon, repeat: “Selena, accept my greetings! Come to my aid, tell me what the name of my future spouse will be.” Then go to bed peacefully. In a dream you should see your loved one.

Cards, tell me the truth

Do you want to find out how your potential partner treats you? Fortune telling on cards (in the guy’s name) will help you get this information. The main thing is to observe the condition of complete concentration on the object of the ritual. Prepare a full deck of 36 cards. This fortune telling will give you the opportunity to find out how the guy you are crazy about treats you. The basic rule when conducting a ceremony: clearly formulate the question. We be sure to mention the name of our beloved.

For example, the question could be: “Are we destined to be together with (say the name of the young man)?” After that, we begin to lay out the cards. Focus your thoughts on the person you are telling fortunes about. There should be no interference around in the form of noise, phone calls or cat meows. It is better to completely retire, having first turned off all gadgets.

When carrying out fortune telling on cards in the name of a guy, you must perform the following actions:

You need to interpret according to the suits of the cards laid out. So:

  • diamonds and hearts give a positive answer;
  • spades and clubs - negative.

In other words, if we are dealing with cards whose suit means “yes” or “no,” there is no need to think twice. With the first interpretation, you will have to be together with the person you want, with the second, you will definitely not be together. What if the cards fell in such a way that there were two positive answers and one negative? In this case, you will have to make efforts to implement your plans. There may be another option. We are talking about a situation where there were two negatives and one affirmation. In this case, the likelihood of the wish being fulfilled is minimal.

Remember that to obtain reliable information, you do not need to resort to fortune telling the names of guys very often. One try is enough for the future to open up. If this does not happen, then the right time has not come yet. Be patient and everything will work out.

Girls have always been interested in the question of whether someone sighs for them on dark evenings, whether their feelings are reciprocated. But how to find out about this is scary to ask directly. It’s good that there are fortune telling on cards for a guy, you can tell fortunes online, you can also turn to professionals. But why trust your feelings to a stranger or a soulless machine, because you can tell your fortune yourself.

Fortune telling for a guy's name using playing cards

For this fortune-telling, you need to know the guy’s full name and, all the time of fortune-telling, think intensely about him, imagine his appearance. A shuffled deck of 36 cards needs to be divided into as many parts as there are letters in the guy's full name. When the entire deck is laid out, you need to look at the suit of the bottom cards, if the one you are guessing about has fair hair, then the suit should be red, if the hair is dark, then black. In the event that the suits do not match, such cards must be put aside until the “correct” one.

Now the cards need to be carefully collected, without mixing, and again laid out face down, but this time the name should be a diminutive, the one by which it is most often called. After the cards are laid out, you need to take the first pile and place them one by one on the remaining ones. Repeat this until there are two stacks left. Now start turning over 2 cards at a time, putting cards with the same value (2 tens, 2 jacks, etc.) aside. After this, you can begin to interpret.

Two sixes mean marriage, four – fidelity.

Two sevens – a meeting, four – a date.

Two eights - conversation, four quarrels.

Two nines are love, four is the greatest love in life.

Two tens – interest, four – calculation.

Two jacks means trouble, four means a lot of empty trouble.

Two ladies are hopes, four are gossip.

Two kings - strong friendship, four - brotherhood.

Two aces - physical intimacy, four -.

Fortune telling for a guy's love using playing cards

Shuffle a deck of 36 cards and shoot with your left hand towards your heart. Make a wish for a king of the desired suit. If the one you are guessing on is young, then it should be the king of diamonds, if not free - the king of hearts, if older and occupies an important position - the king of clubs, and if you don’t know him well, then the king of spades. Mentally focus on your lover and slowly place the cards on the table, saying for each card:

"The suit of the king" is the king,

Tell me dear

Do you love me?

With all my heart,

I love you.

With all my soul

But there are others better than you.

Continue laying out cards until the chosen king is revealed. If it came out with the words “Say dear” or “Do you love me,” then the object has not yet figured out his feelings. If the king lands on the first phrase, then they love you.

Fortune telling for 4 jacks

This card fortune telling for a guy’s love will help those who have 4 candidates for the role of the only one.

Assign a person’s name to each jack; you don’t have to follow the “suit-age/position” rules, but do it in any order. After this, select all the jacks from the deck and shuffle them. When they are thoroughly mixed, place these cards face down in a horizontal row.

Now shuffle the remaining 32 cards and place them face down in rows under the jacks. As a result, there will be 8 rows of 4 cards each. Remove pairs of cards of equal value lying next to each other in vertical rows under the jacks. If the first one matches card in a vertical row with the last card in the same row, then they are also removed. All pairs are placed on the jack under which they were found. When all pairs have been removed, the deck must be assembled and the layout repeated 3 more times. After this, you can open the jacks and look at the interpretation of the paired cards.

  1. Sixes are the road, he wants to visit you.
  2. Sevens - he is waiting for a meeting.
  3. Eights - wait for an important conversation.
  4. Nines - they love you.
  5. Dozens - he is openly interested in you.
  6. Ladies - he already has a sweetheart, nothing will happen to you.
  7. Kings - he you.
  8. Aces - he probably has a passion for you.

Of course, these are not all fortune telling for love, but these are the simplest options that even a novice fortune teller can handle.

If you want to know about a potential chosen one, about his feelings and prospects for the future, then fortune telling by name, which can be done in different ways, will help. It is important to do everything according to the rules and believe in the result without a doubt, otherwise nothing will work out.

When is it better to tell fortunes about the betrothed's name?

If you wish, you can perform fortune telling at any time to find out about your future. It is believed that fortune telling in the name of a loved one will be more truthful on the evenings of women's days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As for time, it is best to start divination at midnight. It is worth taking into account the phase of the moon, so it is better to cast a spell on the full moon. There are special days when it is recommended to carry out fortune telling for the name:

  • old New Year;
  • Green Christmastide;
  • Apple Spas;
  • the night of Ivan Kupala;
  • night of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed name

It is generally accepted that Christmas is one of the most suitable days to look into the future and learn about prospects in your personal life. The night before this holiday, that is, Christmas Eve, is magical and all answers on this day will be truthful. You can carry out fortune telling in the name of your future husband at Christmas and Christmastide, which lasts from January 7 to January 19. The tradition of finding out the name of a betrothed is very ancient, but at the same time the popularity of fortune-telling has survived to this day.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

It doesn’t matter which prediction option is chosen, the main thing is to follow all the rules to get a true result. Firstly, you need to believe that fortune telling the name of your future boyfriend is real and not entertainment. Secondly, it is recommended to carry out such rituals completely alone, so that nothing distracts or interferes. In addition, it is not recommended to tell other people about the results, much less carry out a second fortune-telling if the meaning is not satisfactory.

Fortune telling on felt boots for the groom's name

The ancient method of prediction, which girls used many years ago, is often carried out at Christmas and other winter holidays. It is important to take only your own felt boots, but if you don’t have them, you can replace them with a boot or slipper. Fortune telling in the name of the future husband is carried out as follows:

  1. Go outside after sunset and stand with your back to the fence that should border the street.
  2. Throw the felt boot over your shoulder so that it flies over the fence and ends up on the road.
  3. After this, go to the felt boot and look where the toe of the shoe points. This is the direction you need to go to meet your lover. Ask the first man you meet his name, and that’s what he’ll call your betrothed.
  4. If the sock points towards the fence, then fortune telling by name indicates that you should not expect a serious relationship throughout the year. When the sock is buried in the ground, there will be a relationship, but only a friendly one.

Fortune telling on cards for a guy's name

On a piece of paper, write the name of the guy whose feelings you want to know. To do fortune telling for a guy using playing cards, use the following instructions:

  1. Take a deck of cards that should be used exclusively for fortune telling. Take out the main cards from it, that is, jacks, queens, kings and aces.
  2. Mix them up and place one on each letter. When you run out of cards, take the last pile and place it in the remaining columns.
  3. Repeat these manipulations until one stack remains. To continue fortune-telling the guy’s name, start turning over two cards at a time, setting aside the pairs.

The interpretation is as follows:

  • pair of aces– the guy wants intimacy;
  • pair of kings– the mysterious man wants a long relationship;
  • couple of ladies- he was captivated by your beauty;
  • a pair of jacks- he wants .

Fortune telling by names on paper

One of the simplest fortune telling is “The Hundred” and many people perceive it as entertainment, but if you want to find out the truthful answer, then under no circumstances should you do this. Fortune telling in the name of a husband or boyfriend is carried out as follows:

  1. Think of a name and write down all the numbers from 1 to 100 without zeros. At the end, write down the full date of the fortune telling, also without zeros. The line length can be any.
  2. Start crossing out two numbers at a time, which should either be the same or add up to 10. This should be done horizontally and vertically.
  3. Write down the remaining numbers again, but their number in the line should be equal to the number of letters in the lover’s name.
  4. Repeat the steps until all possible options are crossed out. After that, calculate the sum of the remaining digits and see the value.

The interpretation of fortune telling by name is as follows:

  • 1,10 and 19 - he loves strongly and sincerely;
  • 2, 11 and 20 – present in relationships;
  • 3, 12 and 21 – the man experiences indifference and indifference;
  • 4, 13 and 22 – there is sympathy;
  • 5, 14 and 23 – prospects for the future are present;
  • 6, 15 and 24 - the guy has no feelings;
  • 7, 16 and 25 – there will be further communication;
  • 8, 17 and 26 - the mysterious guy wants to create a couple;
  • 9, 18 and 27 - the union will be strong and long.

Fortune telling - names under the pillow

On church holidays, it is customary to carry out various fortune-telling, and they will have the greatest power on Christmastide. You need to take a sheet of paper and cut it into strips. Write a man's name on each one. To conduct fortune telling in the name of your loved one, place all the pieces of paper under your pillow before going to bed. As you fall asleep, make a wish about what you want to know about your future chosen one. The first thing you need to do in the morning is to take out one note from under the pillow and find out the name of your betrothed.

Fortune telling by name on Tarot

To understand how your lover feels, how the relationship will develop and what to expect in the future, you need to prepare a deck. Fortune telling on Tarot cards by name is very simple, just hold the deck in your hands and say the name of your significant other several times. After that, ask questions and take out one card at a time, which will give the answer. Tarot meanings are presented here.