Fortune telling with dice

To tell fortunes with dice, you need to throw three dice. Add up the sum of the points you got and see in the results what awaits you in the future.

If during fortune telling one of the dice does not show a result after being thrown, try again.

There is no need to throw dice several times a day, you should believe the first fortune telling!

The amount of points rolled means the following:

Three- an unexpected pleasant gift, news, a surprise from Fortune, unexpected joy, the beginning of a period of luck.

Four- failure, trouble, great disappointment. Be careful and careful.

Five- the time will come for your wishes to come true, a new friendship will appear that will bring you happiness.

Six- unfaithful partner, imaginary friends, financial losses. You need to be careful and not get into adventures.

Seven- gossip, scandals, failures. You should keep your secrets to yourself.

Eight- strong influence from outside: you will be fairly or unfairly blamed for something or scolded.

Nine- happiness in love, there is a holiday coming up, a wedding, reconciliation after a disagreement, a fun event.

Ten- promotion, happiness at home, birth of a child. Don't miss the lucky chance!

Eleven- sadness for a loved one, separation, illness. Show attention to people dear to you.

Twelve- you need to think carefully about your decisions, good news. If you make the right choice, good luck awaits you.

Thirteen- blues, bad mood, melancholy, worries.

Fourteen- a new fan or admirer will appear, a friend will help. You can count on outside help.

Fifteen- pay attention, gossip and disputes will begin around you. Try not to get involved in them.

Sixteen— A pleasant trip awaits you, a long journey.

Seventeen- moving to a new place, serious changes in life. You should change your environment.

Eighteen- luck in everything, prosperity, success. A favorable period for beginnings!

Priests practiced it in Ancient India and Egypt, and later the Romans and Greeks learned about it. Mentions of such a prediction can be found in the Old Testament. To find out the will of the gods, soothsayers used sheep vertebrae or cubes cut from animal bones, on the sides of which different numbers of dots were carved - from 1 to 6. They tossed the dice and, depending on what number fell out, announced the result. Modern cubes are made from wood or natural stone, but most often they are made from plastic.

How to tell fortunes using dice

Anyone can perform fortune telling with dice if they fulfill certain conditions during the ceremony.

For divination, one, two or three cubes are used. Before starting the ritual, a circle with a diameter of 30-40 cm is drawn on the table. The dice are thrown from a dark, opaque cup; if there is none, this is done by hand. If the bones roll out of the circle, fortune telling is performed again. If the dice fall out again, it is better to postpone the ritual. If there is only one cube left within the circle, then the answer to the question is determined by the number of dots on the opened face.

According to existing signs, fortune telling with cubes cannot be done on Friday and Sunday, and also during church holidays. It is better to carry out the ritual in complete silence on days when the weather is cold.

Sometimes during divination one face opens several times. This means that important news is expected. If the cubes fall on each other, then you should be careful in love affairs and in business.

General fortune telling for the future

The answer to any question can be given by fortune telling with dice. The value of the drawn numbers should be added up, and the result should be looked at in the table. In order to find out fate, use 3 dice. If one of them does not fall into the circle, and the sum of the remaining numbers is less than three, then the ritual is considered failed.

What do the cubes say?

  • 3 - fulfillment of desires and a successful coincidence of circumstances;
  • 4 - dissatisfaction, business failures;
  • 5 - new friends will bring good news, wishes will come true;
  • 6 - material losses are expected, disappointment in partners or friends is possible;
  • 7 - conflicts and scandals due to gossip, you cannot share information with strangers;
  • 8 - undeserved accusations, possible negative influence from the outside;
  • 9 - reconciliation and conflict resolution, changes in personal life;
  • 10 - the number promises a successful deal, a prestigious position, well-being in the family;
  • 11 - parting with loved ones, melancholy, possible illness;
  • 12 - good news or a letter will come to which you need to respond;
  • 13 - meaningless chores, pessimistic attitude towards the future;
  • 14 - the appearance of new friends and fans;
  • 15 - new squabbles, there will be a temptation to enter into a dubious deal;
  • 16 - there will be a long journey or short trips that will bring positive emotions;
  • 17 - cardinal changes in fate, changes in personal life, change of place of residence;
  • 18 - the lucky ones will have a streak of luck and complete success.

Simple fortune telling “Yes/No”

There are situations when you need to quickly make a decision. In this case, fortune telling with Yes/No dice is practiced. To do this, you need to focus on the problem and roll the dice. If an even number is rolled, then the answer is “yes”, the side with means “no”. This fortune telling is the easiest way to get results.

The peculiarity of prediction is that it does not take much time, it does not consider any options other than specific answers, so before throwing the die you need to ask a very precise question.

Fortune telling with Yes/No dice can be done with two objects. To do this, you simply need to determine the sum of points rolled on both dice. If one of the dice does not fall into the circle, the prediction can be considered invalid.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Dice can tell you whether a wish will come true or not. This was used even before our era. Since then, the technique has not changed. In order for fortune telling with dice to give a truthful answer to a wish, it is best to formulate it in a simple sentence. After this, two cubes are placed in a clay cup and shaken thoroughly counterclockwise with your left hand. The answer is determined by what numbers are revealed on the faces of the cubes.

The combinations of numbers that open will show:

  • “2 + 6”, “4 + 5”, “1 + 3” “2 + 2” - there is a high probability that the wish will not come true;
  • “6 + 3”, “4 + 2”, “5 + 3” - the situation is controversial and may change, but the probability of “yes” is low;
  • “6 + 5”, “4 + 1”, “2 + 5”, “1 + 5” - a very high chance of fulfilling a wish, but it all depends on many circumstances;
  • “6 + 4”, “6 + 6”, “4 + 3”, “5 + 5” - the wish will come true.

When fortune-telling is carried out on dice, the value of the desire of two “4” or a pair of “3” indicates that the chances of its fulfillment and failure are equal, the combination of two “1” and “2 + 1” indicates that the dice cannot to give an answer, you need to try again after a while. The combination “1 + 6” indicates that the desire will come true after some time.

How to tell fortunes with two dice

You can find out the voice of fate in different life situations if you do fortune telling with dice using two dice. You need to formulate a question; when throwing the dice, they should fall into a circle. If this does not happen, the procedure is repeated again. The dice cannot be rolled a third time. If one cube falls out of the circle, the result is taken into account one number at a time. The number of points rolled is summed up and then the answer is obtained:

  • 1 - of course, yes;
  • 2 - of course not;
  • 3 - you need to be careful;
  • 4 - you should act wisely;
  • 5 - waiting for luck;
  • 6 - undoubtedly;
  • 7 - you need to maintain hope and believe;
  • 8 - you need to be patient;
  • 9 - definitely;
  • 10 - unlikely;
  • 11 - don’t pay attention;
  • 12 - unforeseen events.

You can learn about the future from others using cubes.

Simple fortune telling - simple answer

Fortune telling with dice can be done with one dice. You need to focus on the problem that worries you and throw the dice so that it falls into the circle. The number drawn will show:

  • 1 — the result is positive;
  • 2 - the situation needs to be intervened;
  • 3 - it’s better to rest and solve the problem later;
  • 4 - changes are coming in life;
  • 5 - you need to be careful, you can’t take risks;
  • 6 - everything will be fine.

Other dice divinations

The history of divination with bones goes back many centuries. During this time, priests and soothsayers of different nations came up with new ways to communicate the will of the gods and made their own changes. In the Middle Ages, pirates found their own way of determining fate. The bandits' symbol was a skull and crossbones, so they used them to determine the outcome. The die was thrown 4 times, each time the even number was marked with a cross and the odd number with a zero. By the combination of crosses and toes one could judge the favor of fate.

On the bones is still popular today. It is most often resorted to by those who are interested in amorous affairs, love, meetings, betrayals. For fortune telling, 2 dice are used, the combination of numbers of which gives the answer to 10 questions regarding marriage.

You can carry out fortune telling on yourself or your loved ones, even if they are not around. The result of any dice prediction depends on the ability to ask the right question, to which the dice will give the correct answer.

Great multitude. They were revered in ancient times and have not lost popularity even today. Of course, there are people who consider dice predictions to be nothing more than entertainment, but fortune telling is still successful. Over the centuries, it has acquired new details and become more accurate and truthful.

Preparing for fortune telling

Fortune telling is not particularly difficult, but you will have to prepare. For the ritual you will need bones, a dark glass or cup and a sheet of paper. Draw a circle on the sheet - it will play the role of a kind of magic board. Cover the table before fortune telling with a piece of red cloth.

Try to throw the dice carefully. If they roll out of the circle, repeat the throw. If you fail again, it means you chose the wrong time. If there is only one bone left in the circle, you need to interpret the result based on it.

It is better to carry out the ritual in calm, windless weather, alone and in complete silence. There is an opinion that telling fortunes about oneself at home is a bad omen, but here the points of view of esotericists differ.

Popular and true fortune telling with dice and dice

Since there are too many different fortune telling on bones, we will limit ourselves to the most popular ones.

To the exact answer

For such fortune telling, one cube is enough. Concentrate, think about what is bothering you and throw the dice so that it does not roll out of the circle. The answer depends on the number drawn.

  • 𝟙 – positive result;
  • 𝟚 – it is impossible to do without intervention;
  • 𝟛 – you can save your energy and postpone solving the problem until later;
  • 𝟜 – expect quick changes;
  • 𝟝 – be careful, don’t take unnecessary risks;
  • 𝟞 – everything will be fine.

The option with two cubes also has a place. In this case, the interpretation will be as follows.

  • 𝟙 – definitely yes;
  • 𝟚 – definitely not;
  • 𝟛 – be careful;
  • 𝟜 – act wisely;
  • 𝟝 – expect good luck;
  • 𝟞 – required;
  • 𝟟 – believe in the best;
  • 𝟠 – be patient;
  • 𝟡 – unambiguous;
  • 𝟙𝟘 – unlikely;
  • 𝟙𝟙 – don’t pay attention;
  • 𝟙𝟚 – unexpected events.

For love

If you are going to tell fortunes about love, think about your loved one and throw the die into the circle. There are six answer options, as well as faces.

  • 𝟙 – loves;
  • 𝟚 – doesn’t like;
  • 𝟛 – platonic feelings;
  • 𝟜 – only friendly feelings;
  • 𝟝 – has feelings for your girlfriend/boyfriend;
  • 𝟞 - loves, but does not dare to say about it.

If you're already dating and want to know if you and this person have a future together, ask a question and roll a die.

  • 𝟙 – yes;
  • 𝟚– it all depends on you;
  • 𝟛 – nothing binds you;
  • 𝟜 – another person is destined for you;
  • 𝟝 – definitely yes;
  • 𝟞 - they will prevent you from being together.

If you doubt who exactly from your environment has romantic feelings for you, think of five names for the first five numbers. The number drawn will indicate a specific name. If a six is ​​rolled, it means that a stranger is in love with you.

"Not really"

This method is considered the simplest of the existing ones. To get an answer, focus on the problem, voice the question, and roll the die. An even number means a positive answer, an odd number means a negative answer.

For the future

To tell fortunes for the future you will need two dice. The principle here is the same as the previous ones - think about the question, shake the dice, and throw them into the center of the circle. The combination that appears will correspond to one of the following options.

  • 𝟙+𝟚 – luck is on your side;
  • 𝟚+𝟚 – what was planned is not destined to happen;
  • 𝟙+𝟛 – will not come true;
  • 𝟙+𝟜 – perhaps the plan will come true;
  • 𝟚+𝟛 – will definitely come true;
  • 𝟙+𝟝 – an event can equally happen or not;
  • 𝟚+𝟜 – unlikely to happen;
  • 𝟛+𝟛 - it will come true if you are careful;
  • 𝟙+𝟞 – you need to be patient;
  • 𝟚+𝟝 – will happen with a high probability;
  • 𝟛+𝟜 – good chance of implementation;
  • 𝟚+𝟞 – will not come true;
  • 𝟛+𝟝 – very small probability;
  • 𝟜+𝟜 – no answer yet;
  • 𝟛+𝟞 – will not happen;
  • 𝟜+𝟝 - will not happen;
  • 𝟜+𝟞 – will happen very soon;
  • 𝟝+𝟝 – will come true under any circumstances;
  • 𝟝+𝟞 – will almost certainly come true;
  • 𝟞+𝟞 – will happen in the near future.

Fortune telling by bones: Byzantine table

Byzantine fortune telling is carried out using bones and a special diagram consisting of fifteen sectors. The die is thrown three times: the first throw will tell you events that will happen in the near future, the second will tell you things that should be kept secret, and the third will tell you what will change in life in the near future.

Most of the time, the bones tell the truth. If for some reason the prediction did not come true, check whether you made a mistake.

  • Fortune telling may not come true if the ritual was performed on a Sunday or Friday. According to professionals, dice on this day do not always tell the truth.
  • When thrown again. It happens that the fortuneteller “rerolls” the dice if he is not satisfied with the first answer. This should not be done under any circumstances.
  • If the question is asked too often. When divining on bones, you can ask about the same thing no more often than once a lunar month. Otherwise, expect an incorrect answer.

If you are sure that you have understood the principle of fortune telling with bones, feel free to proceed. You can make fortunes about yourself and your loved ones, just follow all the conditions and clearly formulate your questions. If done correctly, dice can help you look into the future or even change it for the better.

Fortune telling with dice and cubes is as old as the world and is mentioned in the Old Testament, where the future was predicted using dice. In fact, bones have been popular always and everywhere; their analogues in one form or another can be found in all cultures of planet Earth. It is believed that their history originates in divination by lot, when dice, and in fact, astragals (sheep vertebrae, otherwise “grandmothers”), were thrown and information was read from them to predict the future. Now, of course, they look completely different; we are used to seeing plastic dice with dots on them, rather than animal bones. But this is not important: the most important thing is that fortune telling with dice, with regular dice or fortune telling with dice online is equally informative and truthful.

In this article you will learn:

The history of fortune telling with cubes and dice

Fortune telling with dice and dice. The history of fortune telling.

It is worth talking in more detail about the history and significance of astragalus - that same vertebral bone. The sheep vertebra, which was most often used for fortune telling, has four clearly distinguishable sides, they are convenient to throw, and each face has a certain meaning, both individually and in combination with the rest of the bones for fortune telling.

Even before our era, priests in Greece and Rome used them to predict the future. In confirmation, we can recall the wonderful legend that Gaius Julius Caesar, before sending his legions to Rome, exclaimed “The dice are cast!”

We can say for sure that Caesar meant fortune telling with dice and bones , which predicted his victory in this campaign. We can say that thanks to fortune telling on bones, cities were destroyed and built, new civilizations were founded and the history of planet Earth was created.

Over the long history of their existence, cubes were made from different materials, differing in the number of faces and symbols on them. These could be both dots and letters familiar to us, and sometimes magic symbols, as on fortune-telling runes. It was assumed that after a throw, an experienced person would be able to read the words made up of the faces of the dice and the symbols printed on them. The popularity of this method of fortune telling is confirmed by the fact that thanks to historians and archaeologists, various shapes and sizes of cubes are known, the number of faces on them reaches up to 20. The materials also vary, it could be wood, ivory, the bone of an ordinary animal, as well as expensive metal, for example, gold. It was believed that the mystery of gold increased the hidden power of the symbols. In this light, the difference between ancient precious bones and modern plastic cubes with ordinary dots on the edges is especially noticeable. But believe me, this does not affect the ability of the dice to predict the future.

Fortune telling with two dice

The most popular was and remains fortune telling with two dice, simple and understandable, which was used by priests for divination in ancient cultures, long before ancient Greece and Rome. It is still popular today; many believe that bones can tell a lot of interesting things about the future, if you just learn to interpret their language.

There are several rules that must be followed in fortune telling with dice:

  • roll the dice in complete silence
  • remember that you can’t guess for yourself, ask someone else to throw the dice
  • the priests believed that fortune telling with bones was possible only in cold weather without wind
  • do not test your fate - it is forbidden to ask the bones the same question
  • Friday and Sunday are bad days for fortune telling; on these days the bones do not tell the truth.

To tell fortunes with two dice you will need two dice and a glass. Place the cubes in it, take it in your left hand and rotate it clockwise. For example, two sixes promise you a quick fulfillment of your desire, and two ones indicate that fate has decided to remain silent in response to your question.

Another option for fortune telling with two dice - you will need the same set, a glass and two cubes with points from one to six. Remember that this fortune telling will only be true once a day!

Focus and roll the dice. Calculate your points and look for the answer below:

  • be careful
  • Be wise
  • Luck
  • Certainly
  • Believe
  • be patient
  • Definitely
  • Doubtful
  • Nonsense

It is an accident.

Fortune telling for love

Very simple fortune telling with dice for love

We have already talked about how wide the geography of dice divination is. One of these fortune telling with dice still exists in the cultural tradition of Tibet and is called MO - fortune telling with dice for love . This variety is practically an art with a long trail of history behind it. Tibetan monks use MO to help people lift the veil of the future; for them, fortune telling is one of the forms of service to everyone living on earth. Fortune telling is based on Buddhist philosophy and the worship of a deity named Manjushri. The bones for MO are processed in a special way; parts of the Buddhist mantra are applied to the edges. The dice are rolled twice and then the resulting two-part symbol is interpreted. Interpretation can concern both a person’s mental state and give accurate answers to questions about gender relations.

Fortune telling on bones is an integral part of the culture of another ancient people - the gypsies, and is used precisely to help in love affairs.

Everyone knows that gypsy fortune tellers are masters in the field of predicting the future and have hundreds of methods of fortune telling for love, passed down from generation to generation. Fortune tellers also roll two dice and interpret the resulting total. This easy fortune telling accurately, quickly and truthfully provides answers to pressing questions related to the psychology of relationships.

Fortune telling