Do they damage spruce and aspen? Do you know about the use of aspen in magic? Remove damage with an aspen twig

How to remove damage at home? Damage is an energy-informational impact that destroys a person’s aura, and then the physical body. Damage manifests itself in different ways, depending on the information program: destruction of family life, health, business, etc. The energy-information impact cannot be removed by treatment from a doctor or psychologist. Damage is removed using a magical ritual.

If you find scattered earth in front of the door, it did not appear there by chance. Hooligans won’t put dirt under the door either. This land has certain information - cemetery information.

To remove cemetery damage, you must first of all take the land back to the cemetery. You cannot throw it in the trash can or just on the street. Sweep the earth into a bag and take it to the cemetery, and then proceed to remove the damage.

Buy a new white towel and wipe your entire body with it - from head to toe. Immediately take the towel to the cemetery and find the grave of the same name. Tie a towel to the cross and repeat the spell three times:

Leave a memorial on the grave: an apple, a raw egg, rye bread. Thank the spirit of the deceased in your own words for disturbing him. Then leave the cemetery without looking back, but not home. You need to come to the church and order an annual memorial for the deceased whose grave you came to. You also need to order an annual health service for yourself.

Special conditions. Find a cemetery where there are no graves of your relatives. After the cemetery damage is removed, you cannot visit this cemetery for the rest of your life.

Remove damage to a funeral service with a funeral candle

Sometimes enemies can threaten to kill a person alive. Is it possible to escape from this influence, and how can you remove the damage yourself at home? This damage leads to severe illness and death of a person if it is not eliminated.

Before removal, you must be baptized with a new name - go through the baptismal rite in the church again. This is necessary in order to “remove” the inveterate name from oneself. Then you should read the plot 40 times for 40 days in a row:

From funeral damage

Mortuary damage is one of the most common in the modern world. An enemy or a sorcerer hired by him goes to church and constantly lights candles on the eve for the repose of a still living person, uttering special words. The victim of such influence begins to lose strength, and then health. How to help yourself in this situation? Prepare the following magical items for the ritual:

  • church candles - 12 pcs;
  • a piece of natural black material;
  • icon of the Lord Almighty;
  • a handful of change for ransom.

At midnight, lay a black cloth on the table and place candles around. To prevent candles from falling, place them in improvised candlesticks or purchase ready-made candlesticks from the church. Light the candles with one match. If the match goes out, light the candles from the first candle. Light the candles not randomly, but one at a time, moving clockwise.

After reading, extinguish the candles with your fingers - with your left hand. Wrap the cinders in a black cloth that lies on the table and take it to the crossroads. Place the package by the side of the road and say:

Turn around over your left shoulder, throw change with your right hand for the ransom with the words:

Leave quickly, enter the door with your right foot. Wash your hands under cold water and go to bed immediately. You cannot talk to your family, much less answer phone calls. Before going to bed, read the “Our Father” in front of the icon 6 times.

In the morning, go to church and light 6 candles near the image of the Savior. When you light it, think about your enemies - you light candles for the health of your ill-wishers. This is an important moment in the ritual. After leaving the church, give alms to those asking.

Important terms and conditions. Within a week, the one who lit the funeral candles will definitely come to you. He will ask for something or just try to talk. Do not give anything from home and do not enter into dialogue under any pretext, otherwise the damage will return.

If your wealth has been spoiled or jinxed, debts have appeared, or money is slipping through your fingers, you need to correct the situation. How to achieve prosperity and well-being at home? After sunset you need to collect all the cash and put it in a canvas bag. If you don't have one, a chintz pillowcase will do.

Place the bag on the table and light a candle, place another candle on the side for lighting. The electric light must be turned off. Pour water into a glass cup and place it next to the bag on the table. Say the following words to the water:

After this, sprinkle the bag of money with water, and extinguish the candle with water. Place a few coins from the bag into a glass of water and place it where you usually keep your money. The glass should stand until all the water has evaporated. Then take the coins and put them in a secluded place - they will be a talisman against financial failures.

Special conditions. Water for the spell must be collected at dawn, when the household is sleeping, and placed in a secluded place before sunset. It is with this water that a ritual should be performed to remove damage from money.

Remove damage with an aspen twig

How to remove damage from a person at home? An ordinary aspen rod can help with this. Pluck a branch by asking the tree for permission in your own words. Leave coins or sweets under the roots. Also pick 6 branches from other trees, also leaving a payoff.

At home, pour water into a bucket, pour a glass of holy water into the water crosswise and place an aspen rod (remove the leaves from the branch) and 6 other rods. Light 3 church candles in front of the icons and begin the ritual.

You need to take the aspen twig out of the bucket and symbolically beat the spoiled one with it, reading the plot 7 times in a row:

Perform the ritual three days in a row at the same time. Then make a cross from an aspen twig and nail it to the bed from below - this will protect the person from the return of damage. Tie six rods with a black cord or ribbon and bury them in the ground, saying:

After the ritual, there may be weakness and poor health in both - the one who removed the damage and the one from whom the damage was removed. This condition will soon improve. The one who removed the damage must wash his hands after the ceremony and clean himself with a church candle.

Remove damage from a photograph

For this ritual you will need a crystal vase. Late in the evening, pour water into a crystal vase and say:

Instead of your name, you can indicate the name of another person for whom the ceremony is being performed. Then place the photo in a vase so that the water completely covers the person, and leave until the morning. In the morning, remove the photo and place it on the windowsill to dry. Pour the water from the vase into the toilet with the words:

Today I decided to talk about my favorite tree, which helps me in most of my rituals.
More precisely, in my rituals there are most often two trees: aspen and juniper. I’ll also tell you about juniper, but a little later. When paired, these two trees are very powerful.

Aspen was considered a magical tree that drives away evil spirits. Previously, she was always seated next to the hut. Both the tree itself and products made from it could get rid of evil spirits. Once upon a time, cut down or uprooted aspens were installed on the gates and corners of the barnyard to protect living creatures from attack.

They also believed that aspen could alleviate the effects of the evil eye and damage, relieve diseases caused by evil spirits, and cure obsessive thoughts, causeless fear, and nervous conditions.

This is a tree that takes energy. People turn to her when they need to throw off the burden of problems, get rid of troubles and accumulated negative energy, and relieve any inflammatory process. It has a particularly beneficial effect on toothache.

The aspen is like a door to a parallel world, which takes energy and information from our space, leaving us nothing but emptiness.

This door opens most widely at 14-17 o'clock and closes at 2-3 o'clock in the morning. It opens with the first roosters, letting the undead through the trunk into the underground world and begins to sharply absorb the energy of our world, reaching its peak at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Then, having gained a sufficient amount of energy, the aspen begins to process part of the negative energy into positive. At this time (after 17 hours) its depleting power decreases, the energy becomes rarer and lighter, as it begins to conduct purified energy upward along its trunk.

But it is dangerous for a person to communicate with her at this time. If in the morning the aspen tree happily “eats” the negative energy that has stuck to you, then by the evening it will most likely not make direct contact with you, leaving you to communicate with the forces that pass through it into our world.

Aspen is a treacherous tree, and you need to deal with it carefully. As soon as you relax, it almost imperceptibly attracts you to itself, extending invisible energy tentacles towards you, sucking strength from your entire body and closing you and your mind from the light forces of our world.

Therefore, standing and being under an aspen tree for more than 15 minutes is extremely undesirable. After prolonged contact with it, headaches, depression, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, and difficulty breathing may occur due to your loss of energy.

The effect of aspen is similar to the effect of bile in the human body. This action can help with diseases of the stomach and intestines, with congestion in the abdominal area, with liver diseases with weakened bile secretion.

Aspen was often used in construction to make thresholds. Its wood is very soft and is not suitable for durable buildings.

But when placed in the shade on the threshold, it absorbs the negative energy of those entering the house, protecting it from the invasion of destructive forces. Aspen was always planted on the outskirts so that it would take on alluvial diseases, preserving people's health.

Aspen is a tree that absorbs negative energy. This property of aspen was previously considered magical. Everyone knows the best way to fight werewolves and vampires - an aspen stake. In the old days, it was believed that aspen drove away evil spirits, so it was planted near homes. In an aspen grove you can find refuge from the persecution of an energy vampire, and to some extent alleviate the consequences of damage and the evil eye. Direct contact with aspen will cleanse your aura of harmful influences.

Not only living wood has this quality, but also products made from it. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and causeless fear. In magic, aspen is considered a tree that averts death. It promotes the manifestation of a person's inner healing powers, providing access to our true essence, sometimes hidden under a deceptive outer shell.

People sometimes also call it a “trembling tree” because the aspen foliage trembles even in absolute calm. Perhaps for this reason, aspen is endowed with healing properties against heat and fever.

Rot never starts in aspen bark. This unique property of it is even noted in Dahl’s dictionary: “If your teeth are bad, cut out a triangle from the bark, rub your gums with it until it bleeds, and then put the bark back in its original place.

The same method is used to relieve pain from burns and cuts. Aspen is a very hardy tree; it can be found in lowlands and on rocky slopes. Therefore, aspen has always been associated with wisdom and the ability to withstand any conditions. They made shields from aspen and asked it for protection from death.

It is very good to put a twig or block of aspen near the threshold in a city apartment. She will draw upon herself all the negativity that a person entering the house brings with him. This applies to both home owners and guests. It is also good to place leaves or thin branches of aspen under the rug near the door. They are placed for the same purpose, to protect the home.

It’s good to put a piece of aspen near your workplace if an unfriendly group has accidentally formed around you. Aspen listens and protects its owner and will take on the negative influence of others. This is a tree with character. If he gets angry, he can return all the negativity to the one who directs it at the owner, and with redoubled force.

Protective amulets made from aspen are prepared specifically for a person. They are not made “in bulk for sale.” If you make your own amulets from aspen, either for work or for home, then you should cut it during the waxing moon, closer to 5 p.m. Then soak it in holy water, ask for help and put it under the moonlight to dry for several days. Before contacting the aspen tree, take a shower, read a prayer and contact only if you love this tree, and your soul is pure and you do not wish harm on anyone. Only in this case will she recognize you and help you.

Like any amulet, it must be charged by placing it between two candles. I have already talked in detail about how to prepare amulets.

It is imperative to update aspen amulets, since by taking on negative energy and protecting its owner, it itself becomes a source of negativity. I prefer to make aspen preparations for myself and my friends once a year for myself and my friends, and change the amulets every few months. Old ones can be burned thanks to them for their help or buried in parks, next to other trees. If there is not such a quantity of aspen in reserves, then the existing amulet should be soaked in holy water in the same way as during preparation, ask for help and dry under the moonlight.

An aspen amulet protects against evil forces, primarily from the undead, vampires, ghouls, especially in combination with garlic and silver. A tree with a pronounced absorbent quality, absorbs pain and excess emotions. Aspen tends to absorb energy. This must be taken into account when choosing it for making a talisman. It is best used for amulets designed to take away problems and free oneself from accumulated negative energy and illnesses. Also, aspen promotes the discovery of secrets and can serve as a talisman for acquiring knowledge and protection along the way. Aspen wood is very soft, and it will be easy to make an amulet against witchcraft from it. Or use small aspen plaques to relieve diseases. Remember that wearing aspen amulets for a long time is not recommended, and after the illnesses are removed, the amulet should be buried in the ground.

ASPEN was used for magical purposes and for fortune telling. To detect a thief, the Poles put into a split ASPEN something that the thief had touched; it was believed that this would make him shake with a fever, and the villain would hasten to return the stolen property. The Belarusians, in order to regain the changeling, beat him, placing him on aspen branches. ASPEN was also used in magical methods of recognizing a witch: it could be seen if, on the night before Ivan Kupala, one hid in a barn under a harrow specially made from ASPEN. To find out which of the women in the village was a witch, the Belarusians drove an aspen stake into the ground, cut chips from it, set them on fire and boiled a strainer (a cloth through which milk is strained) on the fire: it was believed that the witch would certainly come and ask not to burn her with fire.

A well-known magical technique was “breaking” aspen trees. A man who had quarreled with a neighbor, a worker trying to break up with his owner, a young man who wanted to leave his native place forever, broke an ASPEN branch near the road with the words “I’ll go and break the road with an aspen,” believing that they would never return to the places they were disgusted with. The motif of breaking an ASPEN tree as a talisman against mermaids is found in songs sung in Polesie in the spring during the “seeing-off of the mermaid”, cf.: “I’ll see the mermaid off, I’ll see her off, And I’ll break it with the aspen tree, The little mermaid didn’t go, My life didn’t ache.”

In folklore, beliefs and rituals, ASPEN is an effective means in the fight against evil spirits, witches, sorcerers and chthonic creatures. Sorcerers were burned on fire made from aspen wood after the death of sorcerers so that they would not harm people, as well as drowned people buried in a common cemetery, which caused severe drought (cf. in curses: “May you burn on an aspen tree”). In a Russian fairy tale, the heroes defeat Baba Yaga by crushing her under the roots of an ASPEN tree; Dobrynya Nikitich hangs the Serpent Gorynych, whom he defeated, on a “gag aspen” (the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent”)
Among the Eastern Slavs, as well as in Poland, an aspen stake was stuck into the grave of a “walking” dead person or vampire. This was often done during funerals so that the deceased would not turn into a “walking” dead man. This usually concerned primarily the deceased, that is, those who died an unnatural or premature death. It was considered more effective to drive an aspen stake directly into the corpse of the deceased, cf. corresponding curses (“An aspen stake for you in the next world”) and wishes-threats addressed to the owners if they gave bad gifts to the carolers (“For the New Year, an aspen coffin, A stake and a grave, A skinned mare”). A lighter form of this custom is placing an aspen cross on the grave or placing small aspen crosses on the chest of the deceased in the coffin.

In the rituals of the Eastern Slavs, ASPEN was used as a talisman. On Yuryevskaya (see Yuryevskaya day) and Kupala nights, with the help of aspen branches stuck into the walls of the barn, into the gates, barns, they protected cattle from witches who took milk from cows. For the same purpose, when calving cows, a piece of aspen was attached to the horn; The first colostrum was filtered through an aspen pipe and given to the cow. If a cow's milk was sour, she was driven through aspen branches placed along the threshold; they forced a newly purchased horse to step over an aspen log placed at the gate of the yard, etc.

To protect the fields from witches who could take away the “spore”, aspen branches were stuck into the crops (most often on Kupala night); in the same way, they protected vegetable gardens from moles, caterpillars, etc. A healer who destroyed a hall (ears twisted into a weel, a type of damage) in the field, tore it out of the ground with aspen sticks and burned it on an aspen fire. When building a house, aspen pegs were stuck in the corner of the foundation, protecting the house from any harm. Protecting himself from the devil, a man caught in the forest at night went to bed in a circle drawn on the ground with an aspen stick.

In folk medicine, various diseases were “transferred” to ASPEN: in case of fever, the cut hair and nails of the patient were put into a hole drilled in an aspen tree, and the hole was hammered with an aspen peg, believing that this would prevent the fever from coming out. Sometimes the patient’s belongings were buried in a hole under an ASPEN tree or the patient was seated on a fresh aspen stump, believing that the disease would leave the person and enter him. “Transferring” the disease to the tree, they asked ASPEN: “Aspen, aspen, take my quagmire, give me relief!”

In some cases, in exchange for health, a person promised not to harm the aspen - not to break its branches, not to chop it, not to burn it. Wed. similar beliefs about elderberry. In case of childhood epilepsy, cut hair and nails were driven into the door frame with an aspen peg at the height of the child's height: it was believed that when the child outgrew this place, he would recover. For childhood insomnia, a font was made from ASPEN for the child or ASPEN was placed in his cradle. ASPEN was also used to treat toothache, hernia, childhood fear and other diseases. When a cholera epidemic approached, felled ASPEN trees were stuck into the ground at the four ends of the village, thereby protecting the village from the penetration of the disease.
Aspen was also used in folk veterinary medicine. During the plague epidemic (the so-called Cow Death), aspen sticks were waved in the air; medicinal herbs for livestock, etc. were prepared over an aspen fire.
Aspen is capable of taking away all the worst from a person. You can make a talisman from aspen branches, which you can then take to places where you know that you are not very loved and respected. This could be absolutely any place and home, or maybe work, or maybe a place with imaginary friends. In addition, a walk through an aspen grove helps to get rid of the evil eye and damage. You can also use a spell for the amulet, which will give you patience, and people who do not treat you favorably will soon change their opinion about you.

“My word is in the name of the right cause. I will go out into a clean field, and in the middle of that clean field stands a strong warrior. Just as that warrior fought a lot and is still alive and has not lost his strength, so I would like to be strong before the deeds of my enemies. He would withstand everything and stand strong and strong. They won’t bend me, not on the first day, not on the last, not even once during the whole week, and so on for as long as necessary. Amen to my word."
This spell should be read on an aspen twig or sliver every day, then tie it to a ribbon and wear it around your neck as a talisman. Men can make a knife with an aspen handle as a talisman, or also wear a piece of aspen around their neck. It is believed that those who wear an aspen talisman see prophetic dreams.

Several of the most popular amulets for trade: “Aspen” amulet - Making an amulet.

Before you start making the amulet, it is important not to miss such points as:

Choice of wood species;

Choosing a color for the inscription on the amulet;

Creating a talisman in the appropriate lunar phase;

Creating a talisman on the desired day of the week.

Before cutting a branch from it, it is advisable to perform a small ceremony. This is not necessary, but will help charge your amulet with positive energy and the power of the tree. In addition, from childhood we all remember how we were told that a tree is alive, and the pain for a tree when its branches are cut off is comparable to cutting off your finger.

Walk around the tree 9 times, saying something like:

“Hello, O Oak tree (Birch, Ash...)!

I respectfully ask you to give me this branch.

Endow her with your strength so that she can help me in my work.

Full of good intentions!”

After cutting a branch, thank the spirit of the tree for its generosity and for endowing the branch with positive energy.
Wrap any coin in a leaf with a talisman (the talisman is a piece of an aspen twig). At night (from midnight to three o'clock) on the full moon, dig a hole under the aspen and put a wrapped coin in it, then fill the hole with earth.

Soot grows, not planted by me, sown by the Lord, watered by the Archangels, sown by the angels, cared for by all the saints. The seed lies in the ground, the mole does not eat it, the worm does not touch it, it lies preserved, buried, it will lie there forever, and no one will know about it. So my money would have been safe, no one would have touched it, no one would have bothered with it. Let the new ones grow, but the old ones don’t go away. I say Amen three times, and Amen to four Amens. Amen. Amen. Amen.


You need to take a handful of coins (as many as possible) with your left hand and wrap them in a piece of paper with a talisman. Give the package to the beggar. If you give without regret, your wealth will increase soon.

I give Christ to the one who asks for the sake of the Lord, for His glory, for the health of the sick, for the consolation of the grieving, for the admonition of the lawless, for the hope of the despairing, for the joy of the crying, for the peace of the warring, for the calm of the angry, for every need that exists in the world. I give, I don’t regret it, I don’t ask for anything in return, but God willing, so fate will give it to me. Neither gold nor silver, but only the Lord's mercy. God's mercy will be there and everything will come. Take, good man, from me with a bow, pray to God, turn to the Most Pure One, that they may remember me, a sinful servant of God (name), in the Kingdom of Heaven, and may all grace from God be given to me and to everyone who asks. Amen.

Charms and talismans for successful trading

1.Keep the piece of paper with the amulet in the product you are selling. Hide it, for example, in bundles of clothes, books, oranges or cigarette packs. It will protect your goods from thieves and help ensure that everything is sold out. Just be sure to sell the product in excess to the first buyer (for example, weigh a little more than necessary, give a little more change, give a small gift).

My goods are popular, I am a good merchant, I have a large profit. Come, have a look, buy more fun, don’t waste your money! The goods are worth the money, all the money comes to me. The goods are not lying around, trade is in full swing, my business is going well, nothing spoils for me, the goods are decreasing, but the money is coming. The merchants are nice, the merchants are good, come, look, put in money, carry as much goods as you need, and then some. I am in profit and you are not in loss. Goods for people, money in wallets, chests, barns, goods away, money flows! I trade one day, I trade another, I trade a third, I trade all my life, I never know the end! The chains are forged, the chains are strong, do not break the chains, do not ruin my trade, do not take away the luck of the servant of God (name). Amen.

2.Pluck a sprig of rowan and wrap it in a leaf with a talisman. Keep this twig at your workplace - it will ensure your successful trading.

Lord Jesus Christ, stood with the apostles, instilled in the apostles and prophets: “By me he does, and by me he undresses, with Me everything is possible for you, without Me everything is insignificant.” Lord, with You, with Your Holy power, I am approaching the market place, give me money, give me the day of God, give my goods progress, and the money come. Lord, stay with me, watch over me, don’t let me, Lord, deceive, evade, boast, don’t let me, Lord, sell what I don’t need, shortchange, under-deliver, or otherwise be deceitful. Help me, Lord, to start and finish my trade happily, for the profit of me and my family, and for the joy and benefit of the fine merchants. I’m starting, I’m stepping in, I’m starting to trade. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3. Tie a piece of paper with a trading amulet with a silk thread and store it where you trade.

A horned shepherd walks across the sky, tending his sheep, from dusk to dawn, grazing, grazing, counting, but cannot count. Just as that shepherd’s sheep cannot be counted, so I, the servant of God (name), cannot count my money. There is a beehive in the field, humming, buzzing, the queen sits in that hive, counting the bees, but cannot count them. Just as that queen bee cannot count her bees, so I could not count the money, and just as those bees bring honey and fill the honeycomb, so I would fill my purses day by day. Just as people admire the stars and the clear moon, so they would admire my goods, just as they love honey, so they would love my goods, they would sell them all out. Let it be so from now on and forever. Amen.

How to gain trust

1. Sew the amulet to the inside of your clothes and always carry it with you - then no one will have even a shadow of doubt about your sincerity and reliability.

The earth believes in the red sun, the night believes in the clear month, the wife believes in her beloved husband, the Church of Christ believes in the One God, the True Christ, I also believe in the True God. So people would believe me, God’s servant (name), and would not see deception in my words, and would not sense deceit in my eyes. Lord, do not let someone who has trusted lie, and if I lie, then expose me, Lord, punish me, Lord, cast me into hell and do not let me see heaven. Amen.

2.Keep this amulet in your passport - it will ensure the trust of others.

There is a mountain in the desert, in that mountain there is a hole, in that hole there are coffins, in those coffins the righteous sleep in eternal, restful sleep, their bodies are in coffins, and their souls are in heaven, they stand before Christ, they pray to God, they praise the Mother of God, they send up prayers for the whole of God’s world. The Mother of God hears those prayers and brings them to her Son, and the Lord Jesus hears them and gives them through prayers. So people would hear me and, at my requests, give me whatever I asked, they delivered everything. Amen.

Conspiracy-amulet for approaching superiors

1. Tie a piece of paper with a prayer-amulet with a rope made of cotton fabric. When going to the authorities, tie yourself with this rope under your clothes, like a belt.

Lord, God, bless, my Father and Lord of my life, to bow to the supreme authorities, speak words, keep speeches. May I not be ashamed or put to shame by them, but may I be listened to with mercy and kindness. I will tie myself with the belt of Christ, I will cover myself with the robe of the Theotokos, I will defend myself with the apostolic staff, and I will not fear anyone. Most Blessed Lord, send me a good hour, a bright moment, a righteous word, and send my authorities an unclouded mind, an open heart, and just as people admire a clear month, so would the bosses admire me, and just as they rejoice at the red sun, so would I , God's servant (name), rejoiced. Amen.

2.Wrap the piece of paper with the trading amulet in a handkerchief and take it with you when you go to see your boss.

Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness. Remember, Lord, Your king and prophet Solomon, and all his Wisdom, given by You. And just as King David repented of his sins and became meek like a lamb, so would all the leaders, all the authorities, all the government officials be meek like sheep. And just as King Solomon was wise, and experienced, and eloquent, and handsome in face, and pleasing to people, so I, before the authorities, would be wise, and experienced, and eloquent, and handsome in face, and pleasing to them. And just as they listened to the kings but could not disobey, so they would listen to me, but could not disobey. And just as they gave praise and honor to kings, so they would give me. And just as everyone worked for the kings, everyone paid tribute, so I would have received rewards. You, Lord, are the true King, I am Your insignificant servant, I trust in Your strength and help, I glorify the true Christ. Amen.

Conspiracy-amulet from enemies and competitors

1. Keep the amulet with you at all times, and your competitors will not be dangerous.

All-merciful Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me, to save me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, preserve my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from sinful thoughts, from failure and evil times. I will approach the Lord, so that I will never be ashamed, I will not give myself to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen.

2. Wrap any key in a leaf with a talisman and throw it into the river.

Gracious Most Pure Empress, Queen of Heaven, Merciful Mother, Mother of the True God, Most Holy Theotokos Mary! Have mercy on me, a sinner, melt the hearts of evil people who rise up against me, as fire drowns wax, as the sun melts ice! Saint Peter, you serve as the gatekeeper of heaven, you wave the golden keys, take those keys, shut the mouths, shut the tongues of my slanderers, gossipers and slanderers! I will be saved by the Mother of God and the intercession of St. Peter, the Apostle of God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Pour a glass of holy water into a bucket of water in a cross shape. Then place one aspen rod and six other rods there. Soak an aspen twig in water and pat the spoiled person in front of the icon and three lighted candles, reading seven times: “The old man walked a long way, the old man carried the Lord’s casket, in that casket there were seven whips: one whip will pass through the servant of God (name), from evil spirits, He will beat you from damage, cleanse your soul, and save your body. He will expel the damage, he will drive it away. And six whips will pass through the enemy, beat off his hands, and whoever sent the damage will be marked. The elder washed and cleansed the servant of God and took the short road. And it was not an elder, but God’s messenger. Amen". Do this for three days. Then you can make a cross from an aspen twig and hammer it into the bed from below. And tie six twigs tightly with a black ribbon and bury them deeper into the ground with the words: “It came out of the ground. It went into the ground."

Removing family damage

An interested person is looking for three women of any age, whose names are Catherines. Having gathered together on the waning moon in the first half of the day, they should drink any herbal tea with milk, honey, or sweet pie. You can talk about anything, but it is not forbidden to remain silent. The damage goes away immediately, immediately after drinking tea. Each Catherine is thanked and given a small sweet gift.

From an early age, we have all heard about the sacred properties of aspen, and this is not only a stereotype of a material imposed by cinema, with the help of which vampires are destroyed. In fact, the properties of aspen are much more extensive. Aspen can really protect us from sacred entities: ghosts, energy vampires and other irrational evil spirits that love to visit us at night.

Aspen also protects and protects you well from the presence of evil and unkind people. To do this, carry three small aspen sticks in the left pocket of your everyday clothes. Aspen absorbs negative energy very well, and when you suddenly feel that you simply need to throw off the weight of accumulated problems and free yourself from negativity, then turn to aspen for help. After all, communication with this amazing tree helps to get rid of causeless fear, some obsessive thoughts and calm the nervous system. Aspen is even capable of averting seemingly inevitable death.

Aspen peg

An aspen peg is not only a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, but also a powerful Object of Power, with which you can protect your home and yourself from bad energy, as well as preserve positive energy by stopping its leakage.

How to make a talisman from an aspen peg

You must make an aspen peg from a living tree. Under no circumstances use dry wood or regular timber that was cut down God knows when. Such a peg will be of little use; It’s better to visit the forest: breathe in fresh air, and prepare the necessary material. In the forest, we will need to perform a special ritual that will give you full magical protection in the form of an aspen peg.

Ritual "Living Tree"

To perform this ritual, you need to stock up on a completely new knife with a wooden handle that has not yet been used; a small bag (the size of a notebook sheet of paper) sewn from undyed natural fabric.

Wait until the moon begins to rise, and in the morning you go to nature or to a park where there are aspen trees. The ritual must be performed before noon. Choose a clear, sunny day. The tree should not be too old or too young.

To perform the ritual, turn your face to the east and recite the conspiracy:

“My mother. Mother Earth. Kind and almighty. I know you love me, you love me, you will help me. You will help me, you will protect me. You are a blooming garden, you are the blue seas. You are the blue seas, you are the high mountains. You are the high mountains, you are the green forests. You are green forests, you are fast rivers. You are my home, you are my soul. We are one. Show me a bright day. Save me on the starry night. Protect me from evil misfortune. Give me happiness and give me love. I am your child"

After this, we cut off several aspen branches. In this case, the knife must be held in your right hand, and when cutting a branch, say:

“My dear friends! My green friends! You will give us joy, Health, Happiness and Love!”

Place the cut aspen branches in a bag and tie it tightly. Don't forget to thank the aspen tree that gave you its branches:

“Thank you, dears. Thank you, good ones, for Joy, for Happiness, for Goodness and Love!”

In this case, you should first bow to the tree, and then to the entire forest or park where you performed the ritual.

The aspen peg needs to be cut with the same knife that you cut the branches. The size of the peg should not exceed the width of your palm. One of the ends of the aspen peg must be sharpened, and an even perpendicular cut must be made on the other.

Now we need to determine the place where the aspen peg will bring the greatest benefit. In any home there are energy faults, which most often appear where dirty water flows. Most likely, this will be the bathroom of your apartment. It is necessary to find the most vulnerable spot in it. To do this, you need to take an aspen peg in your right hand with the point up. Make a fist with the peg and extend your arm forward. Walk with your outstretched hand, holding your peg, through all the places where dirty water flows: kitchen sink, toilet, bathroom. In the place where there is an energy gap, your hand will spontaneously twitch or tremble.

After the energy leak has been found, you will need to perform the ritual of driving in an aspen peg. This is done as follows. Holding the peg with the point downwards in your left hand, slap it from above several times with your right hand, saying the following words:

“Let the bad go away and the good come (you need to say it three times), aspen peg, stand in your place, protect the house from evil.”

After this, the peg is wrapped in new white cotton fabric, sprinkled with Thursday salt on the package and hidden next to the energy rift. Now the aspen peg will prevent positive energy from leaking into the fracture, and prevent negative energy from penetrating.