How to enlarge small lips at home. Enlargement of the labia: features, causes and consequences Enlargement of the labia with a pump

The normal state of a woman's external genitalia is when the labia majora cover the labia minora. The labia minora reach 4 cm. However, deviations from the norm are not uncommon in nature.

Enlargement of the labia minora is carried out surgically when there is something relevant to the operation, such as their underdevelopment. It is worth knowing that there are resources available for such a serious procedure. These are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, the presence of infections and sexually transmitted diseases, and other serious diseases of the internal organs.

Women should remember that some defects of the labia minora are not a disease. You can completely live with this, since the smaller size of the labia minora compared to the norm does not affect the quality of sexual life and, in principle, has no effect on anything. Labia enlargement is a personal choice of a woman who is dissatisfied with the condition of her genitals. In addition, it is worth knowing that with age, the labia minora in women increases slightly in size.

According to statistics, 25% of women have defects of the labia minora. This applies to the field of intimate plastic surgery, which has recently been rapidly gaining popularity.

The first method involves enlarging the labia minora using your own adipose tissue – lipofilling. This procedure is considered painless. Enlargement of the labia minora is performed under local anesthesia, leaving no noticeable scars on the woman’s genitals. However, the main operation is preceded by the collection of adipose tissue from different places of the female body, for example, from the buttocks or lower abdomen.

The second method is the “miracle injection”

The news that it is possible to enlarge the labia minora has pleased women. This effect is achieved using injections of hyaluronic acid. This is a cosmetic procedure involving incisions, with a short recovery period and return to normal life.

However, remember that any procedures on the genitals should only be performed by experienced specialists in medical centers, and not in beauty salons.

Home increase

Some women manage to enlarge the labia minora. To do this, you need to pull back the labia minora, squeezed between your fingers, every day. The procedure should be carried out over several months. When stretching this way, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to injure yourself.

If the labia are too small and thin, they do not cope with their intended purpose - protecting the vagina from infections. To get rid of insecurity and prevent female diseases, a labia augmentation procedure is performed.


Indications for enlargement of the labia are too thin and sagging skin of the genitals, noticeable asymmetry of the labia, impaired integrity and structure, loss of tone after childbirth, sudden weight loss, and age-related changes. These problems can affect both young girls and adult women, and lead to self-doubt and a decrease in the quality of sexual life.

Labia enlargement is performed using a gel based on hyaluronic acid. This procedure allows you to add volume and increase the elasticity of the labia. Hyaluronic acid restores lost volume and increases tissue elasticity. The skin is more actively renewed and becomes hydrated. The operation lasts no more than an hour and is well tolerated by patients. The date is set no later than 5 days before menstruation.

Contraindications to the introduction of the gel are an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid, infectious diseases, blood diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders, and age under 18 years. Before carrying out this correction method, the patient must undergo the necessary studies and tests. You may need to consult a general practitioner. Next, the doctor decides what kind of pain relief will be performed. Most often, labia augmentation is performed under local anesthesia.

Before the procedure, preliminary excision of excess tissue may be necessary for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance of the labia. The gel is administered in small doses to avoid improper distribution. Afterwards, with the help of a massage, the lips are given the desired shape. The patient goes home on the same day, immediately after the procedure.

After surgery, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to speed up healing and prevent inflammation. There may be swelling and pain in the area where the procedure was performed for some time. During the recovery period, excessive physical activity and heavy meals are not recommended. You should wear only light cotton underwear; you should not allow your body to become hypothermic or drink alcohol. It is important to follow the rules of intimate hygiene and recommendations prescribed by your doctor. The operation does not cause severe discomfort and does not affect future births. There is a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the labia and increased sensitivity in this area, which significantly improves the quality of life.

From patients' questions:
“...I’m 21 years old and my labia minora have enlarged for a long time. I’ve been living with this since I was 14 years old, I can’t come to terms with it, I don’t know my sex life yet, and all because the difference is so big, I don’t even go to the gynecologist... Do you know how painful it is when you put lace panties on under a dress, and they keep trying to get out or it all somehow gets pinched, rubs, sometimes interferes to such an extent that you can’t move..."

...I am 24 years old. I have this peculiarity... large, enlarged labia. They have been growing since childhood, when I first noticed that they were in the way, bulging out greatly in my underpants and even sometimes falling out of my underwear. I was very worried about this. Because of this, I didn’t even have sex for a long time, until I was 19 years old. But then I overcame myself. The young people did not say anything about this... But I still felt squeezed. And just recently I learned about a new direction that helps girls get rid of such complexes..."

"...I never knew that it was possible to somehow get rid of this problem. My labia minora are too enlarged. I really want to get rid of them. I’m raising a child alone, I’m embarrassed to start a new relationship. I’ve been alone for 5 years..."

"... I have such a problem... severe enlargement of the labia! In a swimsuit it looks very terrible, it sticks out, just about to jump out. At the beach or fitness I’m constantly in tension, it seems to me that everyone is looking “over there” at me... In the process They really interfere with sex, and in general it’s creating a complex for me!!!”

"...My labia also protrude by about 5 centimeters, both my sister and my mother. I haven’t seen anything like this among my friends and the girls in the pool. I never thought that I would have such a problem. And they perform started at about 11-12 years old... What should a girl with enlarged labia minora do?”

"...I'm a young girl, I'm 20 years old. And I've been worried about a complex for two years now - I think that I have ugly small lips (they stick out from the big ones). I had a boyfriend when I was 19, he told me that they look alike to “spaniel ears.” Yes, it sounds funny, but after what was said, a complex has developed in me, and now I can’t have sex in the light, I have a lot of complexes, I don’t get pleasure, I think that if a guy sees me THERE, he will be horrified. and won't want me..."

Until approximately 10-12 years of age, the labia minora in girls are small in size. With the onset of puberty, from 11 to 14 years of age, all teenage girls without exception begin to grow and increase to adult sizes. For some, this process occurs slowly and unnoticeably, for others it occurs quickly and manifests itself more visibly under the influence of changing hormonal levels.

Why the labia minora enlarge - causes of growth in women

  • Genetically determined condition;
  • Age-related changes in skin structure;
  • The beginning of sexual activity, its intensity;
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • Use of anabolic steroids;
  • Pregnancy, childbirth;
  • Trauma to the external genitalia;
  • Mechanical influences;
  • State of prematurity at the time of birth;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Piercing of the external genitalia and, as a result, their stretching due to the action of the law of gravity.

What is elongation of the labia minora?

Elongation is the lengthening of the skin fold of the lips by stretching by 5 cm or more. Depending on the length of the labia minora in a state of stretching, there are 4 degrees of elongation:


If girls find their genitals unattractive or interfere with everyday life, they become unsure of themselves when having sex, and are embarrassed to expose themselves in front of their beloved man, in a beauty salon, and even in front of a gynecologist. There are often situations when in showers, locker rooms of fitness clubs and other places where you have to be naked, enlarged labia become the subject of increased attention and discussion among friends or just those around you.

As a rule, when a woman or girl realizes that she has enlarged labia minora - one or both - for some reason she believes that only she can have such problems. This is far from true - experts note that, according to statistics, more than 35% of women experience some form of dissatisfaction with the appearance of their genitals.

...I call it "my second language." My inner labia had grown and was protruding about four centimeters from my body. I don't remember it being any different. I never thought that my genitals were special until I grew up and began to take a closer look at those around me - who looks like, how and what they wear and what they can afford.... As you know, vaginas are often compared to flowers, because they contain a lot creases and folds. They are soft and complex at the same time. But for me, when you sit in front of the mirror with your legs apart, there is nothing that resembles a flower. If I could compare my vulva, it would be a labyrinth... My labia minora were hidden inside the folds of my vagina several times in one day, and I had to go through the difficult process of releasing them. It felt as if my lips knew what was about to happen, as if she was telling me: "I will..." read more


Come for a consultation with a gynecologist - a specialist in intimate plastic surgery at our clinic, discuss the problem that concerns you, and find out the most optimal way to solve it. Depending on what particular problem related to the appearance of the external genitalia brought you to the clinic, we will offer one or another solution to it. The result will be the beginning of a new stage in your personal life, devoid of complexes, forced restrictions and disappointments!


Price for surgery in the clinic, from

25000 RUB

No matter how surprising this question may seem to most representatives of the Russian-speaking population, in fact, there can be many reasons to enlarge the labia. They are mainly of a cosmetic nature, but are often directly related to the possibility of increasing mutual pleasure from sexual intercourse. As a rule, enlargement of the labia majora (LP) often occurs under the auspices of the desire for aesthetics with all parts of one’s body, while labia minora (mainly lengthening) occurs in the name of improving the quality of sexual life. By the way, they say that men who have at least once made love to a lady with elongated MPGs are guided throughout the rest of their lives by this experience and want to find a life partner with just such a “blooming flower of pleasure.”

How to enlarge the labia?

There are several methods. But none of them can be used if you have:
  • cancer/infectious diseases;
  • any problems with the skin (psoriasis, for example) and / or mucous membranes;
  • the skin of the genitals is prone to acute allergic reactions.
1. “Official” approach to labia enlargement

We are talking about surgical intimate plastic surgery, which is carried out using injections:

a) own adipose tissue, previously taken by liposuction from other parts of the body;

b) hyaluronic acid.

Indications for contacting plastic surgeons to correct the size of the PG:

  • sagging and decreased skin tone due to age-related changes or after sudden weight loss;
  • deformation after childbirth, due to injury or surgery;
  • congenital defect such as asymmetry of PG, genital infantilism or insufficient expression of PG;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm and the desire to enhance sexual sensations in general.
And, conversely, contraindications include (except for those that we have already mentioned above):
  • age under 18 years;
  • mental illness;
  • any history of anaphylactic or reaction to hyaluronic acid;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the possibility of developing hypertrophic nodes;
  • taking a certain type of medication;
  • hemophilia (blood clotting disorder).
The process of injections takes place quite quickly and belongs to the category of the simplest surgical plastic surgery (even if we are talking about liposuction, very little adipose tissue is needed). It only takes about half an hour, no stitches are needed, so an hour after the injections the patient can safely go home. Swelling at the injection sites appears, but usually disappears within a month. After intimate plastic surgery, you should not be exposed to direct sunlight and other heat sources for at least 3 days, and you should not fly for 2 weeks. The effect obtained as a result of such a surgical intervention is not permanent, but long-term - at least for a year and a half. IMPORTANT! Despite the simplicity of the method, such injections should be carried out exclusively within the walls of medical institutions, and not in beauty salons or at home.

2. Vacuum to the rescue!

This method of enlargement can be applied to both the labia majora and labia minora. Vaginal pumps are safe and recommended by many medical institutions for those with certain sexual dysfunctions. You can rest assured that this weapon will not cause any harm. The keys to success here are a regular approach, a properly sized, quality pump, and proper use. At first, the increase in size and sensitivity after using the pump will be short-term (an hour and a half), but if you resort to this method of lip stretching at least 5 times a week for at least a year, you should achieve the goal at least to some extent. Thus, women who have not given up on their desire to enlarge the labia and have used this vacuum method claim that it is possible to achieve such long-term positive results as:

a) lips, in addition to volumetric increase, become more delicate and soft to the touch;

b) confidence in one’s sexuality increases;

c) interest in sex increases;

d) they reach orgasm more often and/or faster, and more intensely than before.

So, the application technique:

1) purchase a manual vaginal vacuum pump. It's better not to have an electric one because it's not as easy to control as a regular one;

2) the genital cup should exactly fit the area that you want to “pump up”. Small lips are one size, large lips are another. Be careful: the container should not cover the anus;

3) shave your pussy bald - hair can cause pain, and it does not bring any aesthetics;

4) should be used frequently, but not for long and not too intensely. The best solution would be to “pump” after each visit to the toilet (just don’t forget to wash or get thoroughly wet) for one minute at a pressure of 5 – 10 mmHg. If you have fairly private restrooms at work, don’t forget to take the pump there too, so as not to interrupt the process in the name of achieving the goal as quickly as possible.

Be prepared for an unusual at first, almost never-ending feeling of sexual arousal. Another side effect is intense discharge, which is quite natural with such stimulation of the genitals.

3. African heritage

Lengthening the MPG for girls is a tradition of most African tribes. Apart from the fact that such genitals provide greater sexual pleasure to local married couples, they are also more likely to protect the vagina from various bacteria and infections. Many nations have a rather barbaric approach: from an early age, heavy clips are attached to the jaws and worn constantly until the desired length is achieved. However, there are a number of African countries (for example, Zambia and Uganda), where quite interesting and more loyal tactics are still used to extend the IPY. When a girl turns 10 years old, her older relative (aunt, grandmother... but usually not her mother, for some reason) or nanny first explains and then demonstrates how to draw out her MPG every day: after ablution, by hand, with the help of an olive oil or some other another vegetable oil rich in vitamin E for about 10 minutes and using sufficient force, not just stroking. Also, instead of oil, they can use the juice of some local plant, which softens the skin and helps it stretch. At first, the girl carries out all these machinations (1-2 days a day) under the constant control of her mentor, and then she herself, year after year, every day, so to speak, contributes to her bright future. It is known that many do not stop stretching out the MPG even after marriage, wanting to “iron” secure the result and tie their husband more tightly to themselves.

So, we can conclude: the African method we described is the most harmless, however, it is aimed only at lengthening the labia minora and is suitable only for fairly young people. But any physically healthy woman over the age of 18 can increase the volume of her “rose” and give its “petals” greater splendor, either with the help of plastic surgeons or independently, armed with a special pump. It’s just that in the first case it will be more expensive and for a long time, and in the second it will be cheaper, but for an hour. At least at first. And if you still have the desire to improve yourself, we wish you patience, good luck and stable achievement of your goal :)

Sexual life is a very important issue. No less significant are the problems described in

A woman strives to be beautiful in everything and the intimate sphere is no exception. The more a woman is aware of her own sexuality, the more confident she feels in communicating with men. Therefore, for many women, the real problem is hypertrophy or, conversely, underdevelopment of the vulva. Because of such disorders, they are embarrassed about their body and experience severe stress when communicating with the opposite sex. It is not surprising that intimate plastic surgery is very popular.

Modern plastic surgery has a rich arsenal of manipulations that allow you to correct the size of the vulva. They are all quite safe.

General information about the organ

The labia majora and minora are not just folds of skin. These formations have several important functions. First of all, it is a two-level protection of the genitourinary system from infection and negative environmental factors.

The labia minora provide protection to the urethra and vaginal opening. They are lined with soft epithelium and resemble moistened petals pressed tightly against each other. Also, these formations do not allow the internal mucous membranes to dry out.

The labia majora provide protection to the labia minora from external influences. A pair of large skin folds also acts as a thermostat, protecting the genitourinary system from hypothermia or overheating.

Ideally, the large lips should completely cover the small lips and not touch the inner thighs or each other. It is also allowed for the small lips to partially extend beyond the edges of the large lips, but not more than 10 mm. Anything more is pathology.

Causes of labia enlargement

Skin fold dimensions may change for a variety of reasons. Doctors conditionally divide them into 3 large groups:

This is not a complete list of reasons that cause changes in the size of the lips major and minor. But these reasons are the most common.

Before any surgical procedure, a woman must undergo a full medical examination and consult with specialized specialists. This is necessary to identify indications and possible contraindications for surgery.

Disproportionately enlarged or asymmetrical large lips can cause a lot of trouble for a woman. Due to this defect, sweating develops and thermoregulation of the genital opening and vagina is disrupted. The inevitable abrasions create a breeding ground for the development of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, instead of protecting the genitals, the labia majora become conduits for infection.

It makes sense to correct large lips in the following cases:

  • There are significant age-related changes.
  • Ptosis of large skin folds is noted after childbirth.
  • Asymmetrical arrangement of folds.
  • Flabbiness of folds with loss of their shape.
  • Deformation of the perineal tissue.

Doctors can perform intimate plastic surgery at the request of the patient, if she simply wants to change the shape of the vulva. However, in some cases, refusal is possible. There are a number of contraindications for surgery:

Naturally, if the cause of the refusal can be eliminated, then doctors perform intimate plastic surgery.

Enlargement of large folds

With normal development of a woman's genital organs, the labia majora should cover the labia minora. However, for some women, for certain reasons, this is not observed. In this case, it is necessary to enlarge large skin folds in order to return them to the ability to perform their main functions. This goal is achieved in the following ways:

After intimate plastic surgery, a woman will gradually stop experiencing psychological discomfort. After some time, her confidence will return and she will begin to experience sexual satisfaction from communicating with her partner.

Ways to reduce

It is possible to visually determine the enlargement of large skin folds if their size exceeds 4 cm. Moreover, both all lips and individual areas of them can be enlarged.

Typically, the increase occurs when the level of androgens in the body increases or due to age.

The following techniques are used to reduce the labia majora:

  • Resection of excess tissue. Most often, tissue is excised in a vertical direction, less often in a horizontal direction.
  • Liposuction. The doctor removes excess fat tissue between the thigh and pubis.

In both cases, intimate plastic surgery can be performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The choice of pain relief depends on the patient’s wishes and medical indications.

The duration of each operation does not exceed one hour. Full recovery after correction takes 3 weeks. At the same time, a woman must carefully care for her intimate area, because the shape of her lips depends on this.

Reasons for Labiaplasty

Most often, correction of small folds is done at the request of a woman who does not like the aesthetics of the intimate area. Modern methods make it possible to make small folds smaller or larger and give them any shape.

From a medical point of view, indications for plastic surgery are:

It is worth noting that women who have never given birth are not recommended to undergo intimate plastic surgery. The fact is that such intervention can lead to complications during childbirth in the future.

Labiaplasty cannot be performed in the following cases:

Intimate plastic surgery is contraindicated for girls under 18 years of age. They will have to grow up to use the services of plastic surgeons.

Resizing Methods

The choice of one method or another depends on the result the woman wants to get, the size of the vulva and the presence or absence of asymmetry.

You can reduce small folds in the following ways:

Very often, at the request of a woman, lip reduction surgery is combined with clitoral plastic surgery and correction of the shape of the genitals. In this case, the time spent on the operating table increases.

Recovery period

The woman remains in the hospital for only a short time after the operation. If surgical procedures were performed under local anesthesia, the patient can go home a couple of hours after surgery. When general anesthesia was given, then the woman will have to stay in the clinic for 1 day so that the doctors make sure there are no complications.

While at home, a woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

There is no need to remove sutures after surgery, since doctors use absorbable suture material for labiaplasty.

As for scars, they usually disappear within six months.

Possible complications

Although intimate plastic surgery is not considered a complex surgical procedure, complications can still develop after it. True, the likelihood of such a development of events is small. According to statistics, complications develop in 6% of cases.

Typically, patients encounter the following complications:

Complications after intimate operations also include the discrepancy between the planned goals and the achieved result. To minimize the risk of developing postoperative complications, you need to carefully select a clinic and attending physician.