Scientific foundations of methods for developing speech in preschool children. Theoretical foundations of speech development in preschool children. A fine line between speech development and the baby’s psychological development

Methods of speech development for preschool children are part of the pedagogical sciences. It is both a branch of Russian language methodology and preschool didactics and belongs to applied sciences, since it solves practical problems in the development and upbringing of children.

The subject of its study is the process of children mastering their native speech and verbal communication skills under the conditions of targeted pedagogical influence. She studies the patterns of pedagogical activities aimed at developing correct oral speech and verbal communication skills in preschool children.

We can highlight the fundamental and applied tasks of methodology as a science. The fundamental tasks include: a) research into the processes of children’s acquisition of their native language, speech, and verbal communication; b) studying the patterns of learning native speech; c) determination of principles and methods of teaching.

Application problems are traditionally determined by the following questions:

· what to teach (what speech skills and language forms children should learn during the learning process);

· how to teach (what conditions, forms, means, methods and techniques to use for speech development);

· why this way and not otherwise (justification of the methodology for speech development).

“What to teach” means the creation of programs, teaching aids; “how to teach” - development of ways and methods of speech development, systems of classes and exercises, methodological recommendations for preschool institutions and families. The third question involves justifying the chosen methodology, as well as testing programs and methodological recommendations in practice (FOOTNOTE: Lvov M.R. Dictionary-reference book on Russian language methods. - M., 1988. P.59-60).

The study of the laws of the learning process provides material that is used in two directions:

1. the methodology creates its own theoretical foundations, theoretical basis;

2. uses these foundations for the practical development of a system for teaching native speech and verbal communication: tasks, principles, content, organization, methods, means and techniques.

The methodology for developing the speech of preschool children has developed into an independent pedagogical discipline, having spun off from preschool pedagogy relatively recently, in the thirties of this century, under the influence of social need: to provide a theoretically based solution to the problems of speech development of children in the conditions of public preschool education.

The methodology of speech development first developed as an empirical discipline based on practical work with children. Research in the field of speech psychology played a major role in generalizing and understanding the experience of working with children. Analyzing the path of development of the methodology, one can note the close relationship between methodological theory and practice. The needs of practice were the driving force for the development of methodology as a science.

On the other hand, methodological theory helps pedagogical practice. A teacher who does not know the methodological theory is not guaranteed against erroneous decisions and actions, and cannot be sure of the correct choice of content and methodological techniques for working with children. Without knowledge of the objective patterns of speech development, using only ready-made recipes, the teacher will not be able to ensure the proper level of development of each student.

Scientific research is introduced into practice, enriching it with new content, scientifically developed methods and techniques for the speech development of children. At the same time, practice helps the theory to verify the correctness of the conclusions drawn. Thus, the relationship between methodological theory and practice is a prerequisite for the development of methodology.

Methods of speech development as an academic discipline stand among those disciplines that form the basis of the professional educational program for training a preschool specialist. This is explained by the social significance of speech, its role in the system of higher mental functions, in the formation and development of personality.

Professional training of specialists includes mastering the theory of child speech development and mastering the skills to manage the process of speech development and verbal communication. Operating with the basic concepts of the course, understanding the characteristics of a child’s development, real pedagogical situations, and applying theoretical knowledge in practice form the basis for the formation of a specialist’s pedagogical thinking. The content of the course in a pedagogical school, college, or university is determined by the qualifications of future specialists and the level of training of graduates. Currently, there are such levels of professional training as factual (practical), theoretical and reflective. The first level involves mastering a certain amount of knowledge and the ability to navigate the entire empirical base of one’s profession. The second level is associated with the acquisition of knowledge about the principles of functioning of objects, the third requires knowledge about the origin of these principles, awareness of the problems that face the discipline being studied.

In relation to the training of preschool specialists in speech development methods, this means that in a pedagogical school the main attention is paid to practical training (first level).

At the college, attention is intensified to the study of the theoretical foundations of the methodology, to the justification of the forms, means, methods and techniques of working with children. A college graduate must:

· know the basic principles of speech communication and

· master the methods of verbal communication with children and adults;

· have knowledge about the organization of work on speech development in conjunction with work aimed at the mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child;

· be able to carry out activities related to the selection and use of didactic material;

· be able to identify, analyze and evaluate the results of pedagogical influence (second level).

Theoretical and methodological training corresponding to the reflective level is deepened at the university. The main objectives of teaching a course at a university:

· equip students with scientific and methodological knowledge about the process of development of speech and verbal communication in children;

· to develop the ability to see and understand the age-related and individual characteristics of the development of speech and verbal communication of preschoolers at different age stages;

· teach how to determine the content of speech work with a group of children and individual children, correctly choose the most effective way to influence their speech, and analyze the result obtained;

· ensure the assimilation of generalized ideas about the construction of the pedagogical process of teaching the native language, as well as knowledge of specific methods of speech development of children and the ability to apply them in changing conditions;

· develop the ability to analyze and critically evaluate the work experience of others, conduct an examination of child development programs;

· stimulate the study of innovative experience in speech development and the desire to create their own original ways of influencing children’s speech (third level).

Practical readiness has much in common at all levels of education and includes a set of professional skills to organize didactic communication, using diverse and effective methods of pedagogical influence and interaction with children in order to achieve positive results in teaching speech and raising children. Conventionally, all skills can be combined into five blocks.

The first block of skills aimed at studying a child’s speech and orientation in communication conditions includes three groups: the ability to examine children’s speech, compile characteristics of speech development, and identify the features of their development environment necessary for future communication with children.

The second block consists of the ability to model the process of didactic speech communication: to draw up a long-term plan, an outline plan for a specific event for speech development, to plan a separate communicative act.

The third and fourth blocks include the ability to organize and manage the process of didactic communication: the ability to attract the attention of children, establish emotional contact with them, and provide motivation for speech activity; social-perceptual skills, the ability to speak and use non-verbal means of communication, to create an atmosphere of co-creation in the process of communicating with children.

The fifth block consists of the ability to analyze a communicative act from the point of view of its effectiveness for the child’s speech development and generalize the results obtained (FOOTNOTE: Makarova V.N. Formation of students’ readiness to work on the development of speech in preschool children: Dissertation of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - M ., 1996).

§ 2. Scientific foundations of speech development methods and its connection with other sciences

The nature of the phenomena of language and speech is complex and multifaceted. This explains the multifaceted nature of the scientific substantiation of the methods of speech development and teaching the native language.

The most important role in the development of the theoretical foundations of the methodology belongs to related sciences, the objects of study of which are language, speech, speech activity, cognition, the pedagogical process: theory of knowledge, logic, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychophysiology, psychology, social psychology, psycholinguistics, pedagogy (its various branches ). Their data allows us to determine and justify the place and meaning, principles and objectives, content and methodology of working with children.

The methodological basis for the methodology of speech development is the provisions of materialist philosophy about language as a product of socio-historical development, as the most important means of communication and social interaction of people, about its connection with thinking. This approach is reflected in the understanding of the process of language acquisition as a complex human activity, during which knowledge is acquired, skills are formed, and personality develops.

Knowledge of methodological foundations is necessary to understand the essence of speech ontogenesis and, hence, to determine the general direction of pedagogical influence on children and, finally, to understand more specific methodological issues.

The most important position that is significant for the methodology is that language is a product of socio-historical development. It reflects the history of the people, their traditions, the system of social relations, and culture in the broad sense.

Language and speech arose in activity and are one of the conditions for human existence and the implementation of his activities. Language, as a product of this activity, reflects its conditions, content, and result.

This determines the most important principle of the methodology - mastery of linguistic forms; The development of speech and communication skills in children occurs through activity, and the driving force is the need for communication that arises in the process of this activity.

The next methodologically significant characteristic of language for the methodology is its definition as the most important means of human communication and social interaction. Without language, genuine human communication, and therefore personal development, is fundamentally impossible.

Communication with people around you and the social environment are factors that determine speech development. In the process of communication, the child does not passively accept the adult’s speech patterns, but actively appropriates speech as part of the universal human experience.

The characteristics of language as a means of human communication reflect its communicative function and determine the communicative approach to work on developing the speech of children in kindergarten. The methodology pays special attention to the role of the developing social environment, communication with other people, and the “speech atmosphere”; The development of speech as a means of communication is envisaged from a very early age, and techniques for organizing verbal communication are proposed. In modern methods, children’s acquisition of all aspects of language is considered from the perspective of their development of coherent speech and communicative expediency.

The third methodological characteristic of language concerns its relationship and unity with thinking. Language is a tool of thinking and cognition. It makes planning of intellectual activity possible. Language is a means of expression (formation and existence) of thought. Speech is seen as a way of formulating thoughts through language.

At the same time, thinking and language are not identical concepts. Thinking is the highest form of active reflection of objective reality. Language directly reflects and consolidates a specifically human – generalized – reflection of reality. Both of these concepts form a complex dialectical unity, each of which has its own specifics. Identification and description of the relationship between language and thinking make it possible to determine more targeted and accurate methods for the development of speech and thinking.

Teaching the native language is considered as the most important means of mental education. Only that method of speech development is recognized as effective, which simultaneously develops thinking.

In the development of speech, the accumulation of its content comes first. The content of speech is ensured by the connection between the process of language acquisition and the process of cognition of the surrounding world. Language is a means of logical cognition; it is with the mastery of language that the development of a child’s thinking abilities is associated.

On the other hand, language relies on thinking. This pattern can be traced through examples of children mastering all levels of the language system (phonetic, lexical, grammatical). The methodology orients practitioners towards the formation in children of language generalizations and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech. As a result, the level of development of both speech and thinking increases.

These are the most significant philosophical characteristics of language and speech that determine the initial, methodological principles of the methodology, as well as the goals and principles of the development of speech and verbal communication skills.

Any language learning process should be based on an understanding of: a) the essence and content of the learning process; b) the nature and organization of the human psyche in general and the speech mechanism in particular; c) the essence and distinctive features of the phenomena of language and speech (FOOTNOTE: Leontiev A. A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1969 P. 135).

These aspects of justification are important for solving both general and more specific methodological issues. The well-known domestic methodologist A.V. Tekuchev (FOOTNOTE: Tekuchev A.V. Methodology of the Russian language in secondary school. - M., 1980. P.68) believes that the expediency and objective justification of a particular technique should be confirmed linguistically (compliance with language material), psychologically (taking into account the psychological characteristics of age, the psychological nature of the skill being formed, the characteristics of its functioning), didactically (compliance with general didactic principles). This approach is also important for the methods of speech development of preschool children.

The natural scientific basis of the methodology is the teaching of I. P. Pavlov about two signal systems of higher nervous activity in humans, which explains the mechanisms of speech formation.

The physiological basis of speech are temporary connections formed in the cerebral cortex as a result of the impact on a person of objects and phenomena of reality and the words with which these objects and phenomena are designated.

I. P. Pavlov considered speech primarily as kinesthetic impulses going to the cortex from the speech organs. He called these kinesthetic sensations the main basal component of the second signaling system. “All external and internal stimuli, all newly formed reflexes, both positive and inhibitory, are immediately voiced, mediated by words, i.e. are associated with the speech motor analyzer and are included in the vocabulary of children's speech" (FOOTNOTE: Krasnogorsky N.I. Some results of the application and development of the teachings of I.P. Pavlov on higher nervous activity in the pediatric clinic. // Journal of V.N.D. named after. I. P. Pavlova. 1951. T. 1. Issue 6.

The process of mastering speech is based on the interaction of direct and speech reflection of the external world, the process of interaction of immediate and speech reactions. A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky, considering cortical temporal connections in the aspect of age-related evolution, arranged them in the following sequence:

· first of all, connections arise between the immediate stimulus and the immediate responses (N - N);

· connections are added between verbal influence and immediate reaction (the child begins to understand speech earlier) (C – N);

· connections are formed between the immediate stimulus and the verbal response (N – S);

· the highest and most recent form of communication is the connection between verbal influences and verbal responses (C - C) (FOOTNOTE: Ivanov-Smolensky A. G. On the interaction of 1 and 2 signal systems. // Physiological Journal of the USSR. - 1949. Vol. 35. No. 5. P. 578).

Research by A. G. Ivanov-Smolensky, N. I. Krasnogorsky, M. M. Koltsova and others helps to understand the process of development of the second signaling system in children in its unity with the first signaling system. At the early stages, immediate signals of reality are of predominant importance. With age, the role of verbal signals in the regulation of behavior increases. This explains the principle of clarity, the relationship between clarity and words in speech development work.

M. M. Koltsova notes that the word acquires the role of a conditioned stimulus for the child at the 8th - 9th month of his life (FOOTNOTE: Koltsova M. M. Motor activity and development of brain functions. - M., 1973; Koltsova M. M. The child learns to speak. - M., 1973). Studying motor activity and the development of child brain functions, Koltsova came to the conclusion that the formation of motor speech depends not only on communication, but also, to some extent, on the motor sphere. A special role belongs to the small muscles of the hands and, consequently, to the development of fine movements of the fingers.

The psychological basis of the technique is the theory of speech and speech activity. “Speech activity is an active, purposeful process, mediated by the language system and conditioned by the situation, the process of receiving and transmitting messages” (I. A. Zimnyaya). The psychological nature of speech was revealed by A. N. Leontyev (based on the generalization of this problem by L. S. Vygotsky):

· speech occupies a central place in the process of mental development, the development of speech is internally connected with the development of thinking and with the development of consciousness in general;

· speech has a multifunctional character: speech has a communicative function (a word is a means of communication), an indicative function (a word is a means of indicating an object) and an intellectual, significative function (a word is a carrier of a generalization, a concept); all these functions are internally connected with each other;

· speech is a polymorphic activity, sometimes acting as loud communicative, sometimes as loud but not having a direct communicative function, sometimes as internal speech. These forms can transform into one another;

· in speech one should distinguish between its physical external side, its form, its semimic (semantic, semantic) side;

· the word has a subject reference and meaning, i.e. is a bearer of generalization;

· the process of speech development is not a process of quantitative changes, expressed in an increase in vocabulary and associative connections of a word, but a process of qualitative changes, leaps, i.e. this is a process of actual development, which, being internally connected with the development of thinking and consciousness, covers all the listed functions, aspects and connections of the word (FOOTNOTE: Leontiev A. N. Activity, consciousness, personality. // Selected psychological works: In 2 volumes ./Ed. V.V. Davydov et al. – M, 1983. T.2.

These characteristics of speech indicate the need for teachers to pay more attention to the content, conceptual side of linguistic phenomena, to language as a means of expression, formation and existence of thought, to the holistic development of all functions and forms of speech.

The new science of psycholinguistics, which is developing at the intersection of psychology and linguistics, is increasingly influencing the methodology. Psycholinguistics defines speech as an activity included in the general system of human activity. Like any activity, speech is characterized by a certain motive, purpose and consists of sequential actions.

What conclusions for the methodology follow from the characterization of speech as an activity? First of all, this means that children should be taught speech activity, i.e. learn to correctly perform individual acts, speech actions and operations. As a result of the correct execution of speech operations, automated speech skills (pronunciation, lexical, grammatical) are formed. But this is not enough for speech activity. Children should develop not only speech skills, but also communicative-speech skills (FOOTNOTE: Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. / Edited by A. A. Leontyev. - M., 1988. P. 15).

It is necessary to create conditions for the emergence of a motive for speech, as well as for the planning and implementation of speech acts in the process of teaching speech and language.

Care should be taken to motivate children’s speech, encouraging them to engage in speech activity. The presence of speech motivation means that the child has an internal urge to express his thoughts, and this influences the transition of patterns into the child’s own active speech. This happens in a relaxed, natural environment of communication. Thus, the teacher must take care to bring the nature of communication with children in the classroom closer to natural conditions.

Another side of the communicative-activity approach to speech is that it is always part of some other - entirely theoretical, intellectual or practical activity. In each of them it can be used differently. For speech development, this means that it occurs not only in communicative, but also in other types of child activity. Consequently, in the methodology it is necessary to determine with the help of what techniques, using what linguistic means in relation to specific types of children's activities, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the child's mental, speech and practical activities.

Research in the field of developmental psycholinguistics, which studies the processes of native language acquisition, has experimentally tested the imitative principle of language acquisition. The imitative theory of language acquisition was widespread, according to it, the basis of language acquisition is exclusively imitation. The child learns ready-made speech patterns from the adult, identifies grammatical structures by analogy, and repeats them many times. The child’s activity in mastering language comes down to imitative activity.

In fact, language acquisition occurs not only and not so much as a result of simple repetition. This is a creative process when a child constructs his statements based on ready-made forms borrowed from the speech of adults, searching for connections, relationships between elements of language and rules. It is quite obvious that these findings radically change approaches to the problem of teaching the native language in kindergarten. The main thing in teaching should not be the method of imitation, but the organization of creative knowledge of the word and actions with it.

Determining language ability is extremely important for the methodology. The nature of the impact on children’s speech depends on its understanding. The psychological school of L. S. Vygotsky considers language ability as a reflection of the language system in the mind of the speaker. “A person’s speech experience does not simply reinforce some conditioned reflex connections, but leads to the appearance in the human body of a speech mechanism, or speech ability. This mechanism is precisely formed in each individual person on the basis of the innate psychophysiological characteristics of the body and under the influence of speech communication” (A. A. Leontyev). Language ability is a set of speech skills and abilities formed on the basis of innate prerequisites.

Speech skill is a speech action that has reached a degree of perfection, the ability to optimally carry out one or another operation. Speech skills include: skills in the design of linguistic phenomena (external design - pronunciation, division of phrases, intonation; internal - choice of case, gender, number).

Speech skill is a special human ability that becomes possible as a result of the development of speech skills. A. A. Leontyev believes that skills are the “folding of speech mechanisms,” and skill is the use of these mechanisms for various purposes. Skills have stability and the ability to be transferred to new conditions, to new language units and their combinations, which means that speech skills include the combination of language units, the use of the latter in any communication situations and are of a creative, productive nature. Consequently, developing a child’s language ability means developing his communicative and speech skills.

There are four types of speech skills: 1) the ability to speak, i.e. express your thoughts orally, 2) listening skills, i.e. understand speech in its sound design, 3) the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing, 4) the ability to read, i.e. understand speech in its graphic representation. Preschool methodology deals with oral language skills and abilities.

The method of speech development is based not only on the general psychological theory of speech, but also on data from child psychology, which studies the patterns and characteristics of the mental and speech development of children at different stages of preschool childhood, the possibility of children mastering different functions and forms of speech. Problems of speech development and verbal communication in preschool childhood are revealed in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, A. R. Luria, A. N. Leontyev, N. X. Shvachkin, D. B. Elkonin, M. I. Lisina, F. A. Sokhin and others.

Psychological research makes it possible to understand how various mental processes occur in a child, how perception and production of speech utterances occur, what are the features of mastering different aspects of speech, and to determine the degree of accessibility and appropriateness of the content, methods and techniques of teaching.

The method of speech development uses data from other branches of psychological science (pedagogical, social). Thus, the widely known provisions of L. S. Vygotsky about the “zones of proximal” and “actual” development explain the relationship between learning and speech development. Speech training should “get ahead” and lead development. Children should be taught what they cannot learn on their own without the help of an adult.

The linguistic basis of the methodology is the doctrine of language as a sign system. It is impossible to teach speech and language without taking into account its specifics. The learning process should be based on an understanding of the essence and distinctive features of linguistic phenomena. Linguistics considers language as a system in the unity of all its levels: phonetic, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic.

Taking into account systemic connections in language and speech helps determine an approach to solving many methodological issues. Work on speech development is also a complex system, reflecting in its content and methodology the systematic nature of linguistic connections. The most important principle of teaching a native language is complexity, i.e. solving all problems of speech development in interrelation and interaction, with the leading role of coherent speech. A deeper penetration into the linguistic nature of language and speech has made it possible to take a slightly different approach to the development of complex activities with children. In the work on mastering all aspects of language, priority lines are identified that are of paramount importance for the development of coherent statements.

The practical solution to issues of speech development largely depends on understanding the relationship between language and speech. In everyday life, these words are often used as synonyms, but this is incorrect. This problem has been the subject of consideration by many psychologists and linguists. Without going into details, we note the most essential for the methodology. Characteristics of speech are usually given through its contrast to language. “Language is a system of objectively existing, socially assigned signs that correlate conceptual content and typical sound, as well as a system of rules for their use and compatibility” (FOOTNOTE: See Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary - M., 1990 - p. 414) speech is a psychophysiological process , is the implementation of a language that fulfills its communicative purpose only through speech. Language is a means of communication, and speech is the process of communication itself. Language is abstract and reproducible, objective in relation to the speaker. Speech is concrete and unique, material, consists of articulated signs perceived by the senses, dynamic, subjective, and is a type of free creative activity of the individual. It is contextually and situationally determined and variable.

The development of modern linguistics deepens the linguistic and didactic foundations of the methodology. Thus, over the past twenty years, based on text linguistics, a methodology for teaching coherent speech has been refined and developed from the standpoint of categorical features of the text, the theory of functional-semantic types of utterances.

Various sciences of the linguistic cycle - lexicology with phraseology, phonetics, grammar - make it possible to determine the main directions of work, the composition of speech skills and methods of their formation. Thus, phonetics serves as the basis for developing methods for educating the sound culture of speech and preparing for learning to read and write; text linguistics is necessary for the proper organization of teaching coherent speech; Dictionary work is based on knowledge of lexicology, and knowledge of grammar is the basis for the formation of morphological, word-formation and syntactic skills.

The technique uses anatomical data on the structure of the speech organs. They are especially important when solving the problems of educating the sound culture of speech, determining ways to improve the work of the articulatory organs.

The method of speech development is closely related to preschool didactics. They have a common object of study – the pedagogical process of kindergarten. Being a private didactics, the methodology uses the basic concepts and terms of preschool didactics (goals, objectives, methods and techniques of teaching, their classification, didactic material, etc.), as well as its provisions regarding patterns, principles, means, methods. Thus, the didactic principles of accessibility, consistency and systematicity, developmental training, etc. must correspond to the tasks, content, selection of methods and techniques for speech development.

The method of speech development is closely related to the method of initial teaching of the native language. These are two branches of methods of teaching the native language. The connection between them is especially evident in the field of preparation for learning to read and write, in establishing continuity in the development of children’s speech in kindergarten and school.

Thus, for the methodology of speech development, it is important to establish interdisciplinary connections with other sciences. The use of information from other sciences is due to the specificity of applied pedagogical science. At various stages of the development of speech development methods, its connections with other sciences developed in the direction from simple mechanical borrowing to theoretical processing and scientific synthesis of information. To date, it is essentially an integrative discipline that examines the linguistic, psychophysiological, psycholinguistic and didactic foundations of speech development in preschool children. Over the past 30–40 years, methodological problems have been studied, enormous theoretical and practical material has been obtained, and past experience has been reevaluated and comprehended.

§ 3. The role of the native language and speech in the development of the child

Mastery of the native language and speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children (FOOTNOTE: See: The Concept of Preschool Education. - M., 1989).

The development of speech is closely related to the development of consciousness, knowledge of the surrounding world, and the development of the personality as a whole. The native language is a means of mastering knowledge and studying all academic disciplines in school and subsequent education. Based on a long study of the processes of thinking and speech, L. S. Vygotsky came to the following conclusion: “There are all factual and theoretical grounds to assert that not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech" (Vygotsky L.S. Mental development in the learning process).

Research by domestic psychologists and psycholinguists has proven that mastering speech does not just add something to a child’s development, but rebuilds his entire psyche and all his activities.

To show the role of language acquisition and speech development, it is necessary to analyze the functions that language and speech perform. Based on research by psycholinguists, psychologists, and teachers, we will give a brief description of these functions. I. A. Zimnyaya, analyzing language and speech, conventionally identifies three groups of functional characteristics of language (in the broad sense). These are characteristics that ensure: a) social, b) intellectual and c) personal functions of a person (Zimnyaya I. A. Psychology of teaching a non-native language. - M.: Russian language, 1989. P. 14-15.)

The first group includes characteristics according to which language is a means of: 1) communication as a form of social interaction; 2) appropriation of socio-historical, social experience, i.e. socialization; 3) familiarization with cultural and historical values ​​(general educational significance of the language).

Thus, here language acts as a means of social communication and social development of the individual in the process of communication with other people. The communicative function is the main and genetically original function of speech.

The second group consists of the characteristics of language through which human intellectual functions are realized. These characteristics define language as a means of: 4) nomination (name) and indication (designation) of reality; 5) generalizations in the process of formation, expansion, differentiation and clarification of the conceptual apparatus of man; 6) mediation of higher mental functions of a person; 7) development of cognitive interests; 8) satisfaction of communicative and cognitive needs (form of existence and expression of the emotional-volitional sphere).

Here language is characterized as a tool of intellectual activity in general, a tool for the formation of a person’s “linguistic consciousness,” as a decisive factor in a person’s mental development.

The third group consists of “personal” characteristics of language. Here it acts as a means of: 9) a person’s awareness of his own “I” and 10) reflection, self-expression and self-regulation.

This group of characteristics of language shows its role in the self-knowledge of an individual. In connection with this group of characteristics, we should talk about the role of language in the moral development of children. Teaching the native language helps solve the problems of moral education. The child learns through language moral norms, moral assessments, which, with proper upbringing, become the standards of his own behavior, attitude towards the world around him, towards people, towards himself.

Let us present the specifics of the manifestation of these characteristics when mastering a native language in a generalized form, in the table.

Functional characteristics of the native language

Characteristic group

Functional characteristics of the native language

1. Characteristics reflecting a person’s social functions

1. A means of communication, a form of social interaction
2. A means of appropriating socio-historical experience, socializing the individual
3. A means of introducing cultural and historical values ​​(general educational meaning of the language)

2. Characteristics through which intellectual functions are realized

4. A means of correlation with objective reality through nomination, indication
5. A means of generalization, formation, differentiation, clarification of the conceptual apparatus
6. A means of mediating higher mental functions of a person
7. A means of developing cognitive interest
8. A tool for solving communicative and cognitive problems

3. “Personal” characteristics of language

9. A means of realizing one’s own “I”, reflection
10 A means of self-expression (self-expression) and self-regulation

The language plays a role in these functions from a very early age of the child. Their analysis allows us to see the role of the native language and speech in the social, mental, and moral development of children.

Along with the general elements of socio-historical experience in the language there are elements inherent in a particular national culture. In this sense, A. A. Leontiev highlights another function of language - national-cultural. It is also clearly characterized in the works of K. D. Ushinsky, who showed the national characteristics of the native language and its role in nurturing national self-awareness.

Language is the fundamental basis of culture in the broad sense. “Appropriating” the social experience of previous generations of people, the child masters the language as part of the national culture.

At preschool age, children master their native language and its aesthetic function. Aesthetic education in the process of teaching one’s native language is the formation of aesthetic feelings. Nature, society, human personality, and art are reflected in verbal form. By developing speech skills in our native language, we simultaneously cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature, man, society, and art. The native language itself, as a subject of acquisition, has the features of beauty and is capable of evoking aesthetic experiences. The teacher attracts children's attention to figurative means of expressiveness, sonority and melody, the appropriateness of using linguistic means, and thereby lays the foundations for an aesthetic attitude towards language. Of particular importance for aesthetic development are the artistic word, verbal creativity and artistic and speech activity of the children themselves.

At the same time, speaking about the role of language and speech in the development of a child’s personality, one should remember the warning of A. N. Leontiev that “although language plays a huge, truly decisive role, language is not the demiurge of the human in man” (FOOTNOTE: Leontiev A. N. Problems of mental development. – M., 1981. – C378). The creator of a person is a specific objective-practical activity, during which people interact and enter into various forms of communication.

§ 4. Research methods in speech development methods

Scientific research in the field of methodology is aimed at determining the pedagogical conditions for the effective development of children's speech, at enriching methodological theory and practice. They ensure the validity and reliability of methodological recommendations.

The nature of the research is determined by its purpose. In this regard, three types of research are distinguished: historical and methodological with the aim of studying the pedagogical systems of the past, their analysis, comprehension and use in modern conditions; research to study and generalize the best experience of kindergarten teachers; experimental studies with different goals - studying the characteristics of the development of different aspects of children’s speech, checking the availability of programs, the effectiveness of individual methodological techniques, the construction of the pedagogical process as a whole, etc.

As a pedagogical science, the methodology uses the whole variety of psychological and pedagogical research methods. It is customary to divide research methods into theoretical and empirical (practical).

Theoretical methods include: study and analysis of theoretical literature on the research problem; modeling, analysis and generalization of material obtained in observations, conversations, experiments, i.e. empirically.

Empirical methods: observation, conversation, rating (assessments of competent judges), study of the work experience of educators, experimental pedagogical work, pedagogical experiment.

Let us give a brief description of the methods.

Any research on the problems of speech formation is characterized by a combination of psychological, psycholinguistic, linguistic, didactic and methodological approaches. In this regard, literature is studied that reveals the methodological, psychological, linguistic foundations of speech development. Of particular importance are the study and analysis of pedagogical literature (domestic and foreign, modern and heritage of past years), as a result of which the degree of knowledge is revealed, the state of the issue of interest to the researcher in theory (by whom and what research was carried out on this topic, where their results were published, in what they consist of what is new introduced by the author of each work). It is important to highlight the main approaches and points of view of the authors, little developed and controversial provisions, and to express your attitude to the author’s positions and conclusions.

The modeling method is the reproduction of the characteristics of an object on another object, specially created for their study. This method is based on the principle of analogy. It can be used when developing a working hypothesis, when designing the educational process or its fragments. With the help of “model-hypotheses”, connections between elements of the educational process are revealed, and recommendations for improving the latter are created.

The method of analysis and generalization is used at different stages of the study and allows one to draw conclusions based on the results of each of them and the work as a whole.

Observation is carried out on the speech of children and the activities of teachers. It helps to identify the characteristics of children’s speech in different communication situations, the degree of proficiency in speech skills.

The study and analysis of pedagogical documentation of preschool institutions, questioning of teachers and parents make it possible to determine the state of work on the problem of interest in mass practice.

Conversations (with children, teachers, parents) are used to study the formulation of the learning process and clarify problems during the study. The conversation is complemented by questionnaire and interview methods.

Experimental pedagogical work is a method of making deliberate changes in the educational and educational process, designed to obtain an educational effect, with their subsequent verification. This method is a type of experiment. Unlike the latter, it gives only general, summary ideas about the effectiveness of a particular work system.

The experiment is aimed not only at testing the hypothesis and establishing cause-and-effect relationships in the educational process, but also at identifying the mechanism of action of these connections, i.e. for a deeper penetration into the essence of the educational process.

The study always uses a combination of different theoretical and practical methods. Criteria for choosing methods: adequacy to the object, subject and objectives of the study; scientific validity; compliance with the logic of the study; focus on the comprehensive and harmonious development of subjects; relationship with other methods in a single methodological system. The features of the application of the above methods of pedagogical research in a methodology are determined primarily by the content of the patterns it studies.

An important point is to determine the topic and problem of the study. It is carried out on the basis of studying the state of issues of speech development in theory and practice. The relevance of the study is determined by its social significance and the degree to which the problem has been developed in theory and practice.

Let us show the features of using different methods using the example of a specific study on the topic “Teaching coherent statements such as reasoning to children of the sixth year of life.” Research problem: what are the pedagogical conditions for the formation of coherent statements such as reasoning in children of the sixth year of life. Objectives of the study: 1. To identify the features of statements such as reasoning in children of the sixth year of life. 2. Develop and experimentally test a methodology for teaching children monologues and reasoning.

Let us present in the most general form the stages of the research.

The study of linguistic literature and the determination on its basis of the essence of a coherent text, features of functions, structure, linguistic means, methods of connections between phrases and parts of monologues-reasonings.

Studying the psychological foundations of the formation of monological statements such as reasoning in children.

Studying pedagogical literature (in a historical aspect) on the research problem.

Justification of the chosen topic, purpose, objectives and research methods.

Definition of the working hypothesis: “Children of the sixth year of life master coherent statements such as reasoning: if meaningful communication between the teacher and children is organized in different types of activities, during which problematic situations are created that require the establishment of connections and relationships between objects of the real world and their verbal expression; if during training sessions children become familiar with the structure of a statement-reasoning and the ways in which its parts are connected.”

In developing the hypothesis, information from linguistics, psychology, and other sciences is used, as well as data from a preliminary study of the state of the issue in the theory and practice of preschool education.

Drawing up a general research plan: development of a methodology for experimental work - the ascertaining stage (methodology for identifying the features of statements before training, which acts as tests), the formative stage (modeling the content and methodology of experimental training) and the control experiment (methodology for studying the results of work); selection of preschool institutions, control and experimental groups; preparation of didactic material, training of educators (and, if necessary, parents); development of indicators and criteria by which children’s speech will be assessed.

Ascertaining stage of the study. Its goal is to determine the features of reasoning-type statements in the speech of children in control and experimental groups. To do this, we can propose the following methodology: a) repeated 30-minute observations of verbal communication between teachers and children, as well as children with each other. The content and forms of communication are carefully recorded (tape recordings, video recording, shorthand, etc.); b) conversations with children about their favorite toy (what is your favorite toy? Why is it your favorite?); c) guessing riddles (an accessible riddle, for example, about a bow). Conversations and solving riddles are carried out individually with each child individually.

The collected materials are analyzed and summarized taking into account accepted indicators and criteria (subject-logical content of statements, their argumentation, evidence; coherence, structural design, development of statements, smoothness, etc.). The results are used to clarify the content of the next stage of the study.

Formative experiment - experimental learning for children. In the control and experimental groups, all conditions are equal, but in the control group the experimental teaching method is not used. Children are taught taking into account the provisions of the hypothesis. All materials are carefully recorded and analyzed, the results of which are immediately used to adjust the previously developed methodology. Formulation of some preliminary conclusions.

Control stage of the study: studying the results of the experimental work - in addition to the methodology used at the ascertaining stage and allowing one to compare the data obtained, it is possible to develop tasks to test the transfer of skills to new conditions, as well as tasks that reveal the impact of the work done on the general speech and mental development of children. Comparison of work results, application of methods for their mathematical processing, determination of the reliability of the conclusions.

Formulating conclusions that should confirm or refute the hypothesis and contain answers to the questions posed in the study. Development of methodological recommendations.

Approbation of the obtained data in mass practice: publication of research materials in the press, discussion of them at scientific and practical conferences, seminars, methodological associations; collecting feedback on proposed methodological recommendations, etc.

The methodical experiment lasts for 1–3 years and allows obtaining objective results. In addition to long-term experiments, short-term, selective ones can also be conducted. They may precede or accompany the development of experiential learning. In the first case, they are of a search nature, so that the results of this search can be used when modeling a formative experiment. For example, in order to select visual and artistic material for children while consolidating and activating vocabulary on various topics, cross-sectional experiments can be conducted to determine the accessibility of literary works and paintings. The same is done in cases of testing the effectiveness of certain teaching methods, for example, such as attracting children’s attention to the word, participation in excursions by representatives of the profession with which the children are becoming acquainted (in vocabulary work), etc.

Students begin to master the methods of scientific research in academic work, performing various research tasks (analysis of literature, studying children's speech, developing programs for individual development of children, etc.). Elements of experiment and experimental pedagogical work become the main methods for completing coursework and dissertations.


1. What are the subject of the methodology and its fundamental and applied tasks?

2. What is the role of methodological approaches in determining the strategy for working on speech development and teaching the native language?

3. What is the role of language and speech in the development of a child?

4. How does the technique use data from psycholinguistics, physiology, linguistics and other sciences? Give examples illustrating the connection of the methodology with related sciences.

5. What professional skills should a kindergarten teacher master in developing children’s speech?

The most important role in the development of the theoretical foundations of the methodology belongs to related sciences, the objects of study of which are language, speech, speech activity, cognition, the pedagogical process: theory of knowledge, logic, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychophysiology, psychology, social psychology, psycholinguistics, pedagogy (various branches) . Their data allows us to determine and justify the place and meaning, principles and objectives, content, and methods of working with children.

Methodological The basis of the methodology for speech development is the provisions of materialist philosophy about language as a product of socio-historical development, as the most important means of communication and social interaction of people, about its connection with thinking. This approach is reflected in the understanding of the process of language acquisition as a complex human activity, during which knowledge is acquired, skills are formed, and personality develops.

Language is a product of socio-historical development. It reflects the history of the people, their traditions, the system of social relations, and culture. Language and speech arose in activity and are one of the conditions for human existence and the implementation of his activities. Language, as a product of this activity, reflects its conditions, content, and result.

This determines the most important principle of the technique- mastery of language forms, development of speech and communication skills in children occurs in activity, and the driving force of development is the need for communication that arises in the process of this activity.

The next methodologically significant characteristic of language for the methodology is its definition as the most important means of human communication and social interaction. Without language, genuine human communication, and, consequently, personal development is fundamentally impossible.

Communication with people around you and the social environment are factors that determine speech development. In the process of communication, the child does not passively accept the adult’s speech patterns, but actively appropriates speech as part of the universal human experience.

The characteristics of language as a means of human communication reflect its communicative function and determine the communicative approach to work on developing the speech of children in kindergarten. The methodology pays special attention to the role of the developing social environment, communication with other people, and the “speech atmosphere”; The development of speech as a means of communication is envisaged from a very early age, and methods for organizing verbal communication are proposed. In modern methods, children’s acquisition of all aspects of language is considered from the perspective of their development of coherent speech and communicative expediency.

The third methodological characteristic of language concerns its relationship and unity with thinking. Language is a tool of thinking and cognition. It makes planning of intellectual activity possible. Language is a means of expression (formation and existence) of thought. Speech is seen as a way of formulating thoughts through language.

Thinking and language are not identical concepts. Thinking is the highest form of active reflection of objective reality. Language directly reflects and consolidates a specifically human - generalized - reflection of reality. Both concepts form a dialectical unity, each has its own specificity. Identifying the relationship between language and thinking makes it possible to determine targeted, precise methods for the development of speech and thinking.

Teaching the native language is considered as the most important means of mental education. Only that method of speech development is recognized as effective, which simultaneously develops thinking.

In the development of speech, the accumulation of its content comes first. The content of speech is ensured by the connection between the process of language acquisition and the process of cognition of the surrounding world. Language is a means of logical cognition of a child.

Language relies on thinking. This pattern can be seen in examples of children mastering the levels of the language system (phonetic, lexical, grammatical). The methodology orients practitioners towards the formation of language generalizations in children, an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.

The natural scientific basis of the methodology is the teaching of I.P. Pavlov about two signal systems of higher nervous activity in humans, which explains the mechanisms of speech formation.

The physiological basis of speech is the temporary connections formed in the cerebral cortex as a result of the impact on a person of objects and phenomena of reality and the words with which these objects and phenomena are designated.

I.P. Pavlov considered speech as kinesthetic impulses going to the cortex from the speech organs. He called these kinesthetic sensations the main basal component of the second signaling system. “All external and internal stimuli, all newly formed reflexes, both positive and inhibitory, are immediately voiced, mediated by words, that is, they are associated with the speech motor analyzer and are included in the vocabulary of children's speech”1.

Research by A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky, N.I. Krasnogorsky, M.M. Koltsova and others helps to understand the process of development of the second signaling system in children in its unity with the first. At the early stages, immediate signals of reality are of predominant importance. With age, the role of verbal signals in the regulation of behavior increases. This explains the principle of clarity, the relationship between clarity and words in speech development work.

M.M. Koltsova notes that the word acquires the role of a conditioned stimulus for the child at the 8th - 9th month of his life. Studying motor activity and the development of child brain functions, M.M. Koltsova3 came to the conclusion that the formation of motor speech depends not only on communication, but also, to some extent, on the motor sphere. A special role belongs to the small muscles of the hands and, consequently, to the development of fine movements of the fingers.

The psychological basis of the technique is the theory of speech and speech activity. The psychological nature of speech was revealed by A.N. Leontiev (based on a generalization by L.S. Vygotsky):

1) speech occupies a central place in the process of mental development, the development of speech is internally connected with the development of thinking and consciousness as a whole;

2) speech has a multifunctional character: speech has a communicative function (a word is a means of communication), an indicative function (a word is a means of indicating an object) and an intellectual, significative function (a word is a carrier of a generalization, a concept); these functions are internally related to each other;

3) speech is a polymorphic activity (external and internal);

4) in speech one should distinguish between its physical external side, form and its semimic (semantic, semantic) side;

5) the word has an objective reference and meaning, that is, it is a bearer of generalization;

6) the process of speech development is not a process of quantitative changes, expressed in an increase in the vocabulary and associative connections of a word, but a process of qualitative changes, leaps, i.e. it is a process of real development1.

These characteristics of speech indicate the need for greater attention to the content, conceptual side of linguistic phenomena, language as a means of expression, thought formation, and the holistic development of all functions and forms of speech.

The role of the native language and speech in child development

Mastery of the native language and speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for the upbringing and education of children2.

The development of speech is closely related to the development of consciousness, knowledge of the surrounding world, and the development of the personality as a whole. The native language is a means of mastering knowledge and studying all academic disciplines in school and subsequent education. Based on a long study of the processes of thinking and speech, L.S. Vygotsky came to the following conclusion: “There is every factual and theoretical basis to assert that not only the intellectual development of a child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech"2.


The method of RR for children is the science of the laws of ped. d-sti aimed at developing correct oral speech and speaking skills. communication in preschool children.

The subject is the process of children mastering native language. speech and speech skills. communication in conditions of purposeful ped. air.

Fundamental tasks: 1. research of the processes of children’s acquisition of their native language, speech, speech. communication; 2.studying the patterns of training. native speech; 3.definition of principles and methods of teaching.

Applied tasks: what to teach (what speech skills and language forms children should learn in the learning process);

how to teach (what conditions, forms, means, methods and techniques to use for speech development); why this way and not otherwise (justification of the methodology for speech development).

The goal of speech development is to develop children’s communication skills and develop their oral speech.

RR tasks: 1.Development of vocabulary 2.Education. sound culture of speech 3.Formation of grammar. structure of speech 4. Development of coherent speech: a) formation of dialogic (conversational) speech, b) formation of monologue speech.

The RR methodology is associated with other sciences, primarily with the science of language - linguistics: phonetics and orthoepy, dealing with the sound, pronunciation side of the language; lexicology and grammar - study the vocabulary of a language, the structure of words and sentences (morphology and syntax). MRR is based on anatomy, psychology, and pedagogy. Closely related to doshk. didactics. They have a common object of study - ped. gardening process. MRR uses basic concepts and terms doshk. didactics (goal (Comprehensively developed harmonious personality), objectives (Method of educating and educating preschool children in accordance with the requirements of modern society), methods (1. Theoretical: analysis; synthesis; comparison; generalization; modeling. 2 .Imperial (practical): verbal, visual, practical) and teaching methods), as well as its provisions relating to laws, principles, means.

Professional training of specialists incl. mastering the theory of development of children. speech and mastering the skills to manage the process of speech and speech. communication. The specialist must know the basics. principles of speech communication and master the methods of speech. communication with children and adults; see and understand age and individual. features of RR and speech. communication between preschoolers at different age stages; have knowledge about the organization of work on PP in conjunction with work aimed at mental, moral. and aesthetic development of the district; determine the content of speech. work, analyze the result; stimulate the study of innovative experience in working with RD and the desire to create their own original ways of influencing children’s speech.


Language is a system of verbal signs intended for the purposes of verbal communication. Speech is the implementation of the language system in speech activity. Types of speech: listening (listening), speaking, reading, writing. Language ability (Vygotsky) is the ability of speech skills and abilities that develop on the basis of linguistic instinct or sense of language.

At preschool age children master 4 forms of communication (Lisina):

1. Situational-personal (emotional) (up to 6 months);

2. Situational business (young preschool age);

3. Extra-situational-cognitive (average age 4-5 years);

4. Extra-situational-personal (senior/age 6-7 years).

The linguistic basis for working with children is the study of language as a sign system. This doctrine speaks of the systemic organization of language (the presence of lexical, grammatical, phonetic subsystems). This teaching requires the development of all aspects of children's speech. The psychological basis of the methodology is the teaching of psycholinguistics about speech as a speech activity. In the structure there is a section. several stages (incentive-motivational, orientation-research, performing, reflection). The natural scientific basis of the methodology is phenomena. Pavlov's teaching about 2 signal systems and their relationship (sensitive (sensory) system and word system (speech). The pedagogical basis of advanced education pedagogy (medium, methods, techniques, forms of work).

Children's speech is studied by the science of ontolinguistics, which studies the ontogenesis of a child's language and its development.


Komensky - “Mother’s school, or about caring education. youth in the first 6 years” - RR is dedicated to chapter (8): man by nature has reason and speech, this distinguishes him from an animal → the mind and language of a person should be developed. Recommendations: up to 3l. - correct pronunciation; 4-6l. - based on the perception of things - enriching speech, calling by word what the r-k sees. → attention is paid to clarity, consistency and gradual complexity of the material.

Pestolozzi book “How Gertrude teaches her children” (letter 7): exposition. teaching methodology relatives language: 1.hearing. ex. with sounds: imitating the mother’s speech → 2. learn to pronounce vowels first, → consonants in separate. syllables → 3. study letters and move on to reading syllables and words; → 4.control to add to noun. attached 5. compilation of common sentences (containing definitions of the characteristics of objects and their relationships). Pestalozzi overestimated the capabilities of children; in practice, his exercises were tedious, mechanical, and formal.

K.D. Ushinsky argued the need for education. and training in the native language, wide development of the beginning. schools for the people, believed that the native language should be Ch. subject of initial training. Goals of the system: 1. development of the gift of speech (the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral and written speech); 2. the assimilation of language forms developed by both the people and the arts. lit-roy; 3. mastering the grammar, or logic, of the language. The principles of the management system: visibility; accessibility; systematization; developed training – “Native Word” and “Det. world".

E. I. Tikheyeva created her own system for developing the speech of preschool children in a public preschool. I believed that RR must necessarily be associated with some kind of educational activity (game, work, holidays, intellectual activity). Issues such as vocabulary enrichment (plan-program for familiarization with the environment; methods of working on children’s vocabulary), development of coherent speech (stories about games and cards, classes on living words) were developed in most detail. The practical recommendations contained in the book “Speech Development for Preschoolers” are still widely used today.

E.A. Flerina paid serious attention to working with children's books. She dealt most deeply with the problem of thinning. reading to children, considering it as an integral part of the overall aesthetic system. education. Book “The Living Word in the Nursery” (1933) Main. sections are devoted to colloquial speech and conversation, art. reading and telling stories to children, children. storytelling.

In the “Guide for V-la d/s” (1938), RR children were first given an independent status. chapter. Ch. Attention in the Guide was paid to the culture of speech. communication, expressing children. speech. As a basis means → reading and telling to children were put forward.

Gradually, with reissues of the Handbook, the content of the speeches. work was supplemented→in 1947 The section “Education” was introduced. sound. “cultures of speech”, increased attention to children. storytelling.

A.P. Usova (1953 lesson - the main form of training) developed a general work system. in d/s based on the material of the native language. She put forward a position on the need for a system of knowledge and skills for preschoolers - general knowledge that reflects simple patterns and dependencies between phenomena of the real world. Sokhin → RR det. has its own meaning and should not be considered only as an aspect of familiarization with the environment. peace. Determinations were made. conclusions → speech program developed. child development, method. manuals for v-lei, reflecting an integrated approach to speech. development and considering speech acquisition as a creative process.


The goal of children's speech development is mastery of two closely related languages ​​at the communicative level, which is determined by the sociolinguistic situation. The general goal is specified in a number of specific tasks:

1. Development of coherent speech in children - development of children’s communication skills and abilities (development of dialogical speech), learning retelling, description, narration, reasoning.

2. Vocabulary development – ​​vocabulary forms the basis of children’s speech development. 3. Education of the sound culture of speech 4. Formation of the grammatical structure of children’s speech - children’s mastery of the categories of gender, number, case, tense (development of the morphological aspect of speech); mastering different types of sentences (development of the syntactic side) and mastering methods of word formation.

5. Forming children’s elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech is a task aimed at preparing children for learning to read and write. Knowledge of the structure of speech: sound, word, syllable, sentence, sound, syllabic and verbal composition of speech; about the various connections and relationships between words in a language.

6. Introducing children to art. literature - the development of perception, the cultivation of interest in books, the development of artistic and speech activity, the formation of erudition.

Methodological principles of children's speech development:

1. The principle of the communicative-activity approach to the development of children’s speech requires the organization of meaningful learning with children in different types of activities.

2. The principle of the relationship between sensory, mental and speech development of children: 3. The principle of an integrated approach to the development of children's speech - the development of all aspects of children's speech (lexical, phonetic, grammatical). 4. The principle of motivating children’s speech activity requires creating interest in this complex type of activity. Game motives predominate. 5.Development of linguistic flair, sense of language - children’s unconscious mastery of the laws of language. 6. Formation of a conscious attitude towards linguistic phenomena requires enrichment of children’s elementary linguistic knowledge. 7. Ensuring active speech practice: involving all children in the communication process, constant communication with them.

Methods: 1. Verbal (story, reading, general conversation, retelling) 2. Visual (looking at pictures, toys, observation, excursions, inspections) 3. Practical: didactic games, role-playing, dramatization, sowing,

Techniques: 1. Verbal (sample, indication, explanation) 2. visual (showing articulation, pictures, illustrations)

3. Gaming

Media: communication, teacher’s speech, types of activities, types of art (theater, music, children’s art literature), native nature, special classes.

Conditions: - organization of meaningful developmental communication with children and children with peers in different types of activities; - creation of a cultural bilingual speech environment, language environment, special requirements for teacher speech; - timely diagnosis of the level of speech development - equipment of the pedagogical process of children's speech development. - the presence of speech subject development zones in groups (book corner, artistic speech activities, all types of theaters, attributes for role-playing games); - correct methodological management of the process of children’s speech development by the administration of the preschool (control, methodological assistance, creation of conditions); - cooperation between kindergarten and family:


Learning to read and write is the process of mastering the skills of reading and writing one’s native language. Required program The DO determines the tasks and content of this work.

Preparation for the exhaust gas begins on Wednesday. gr: children are introduced to the terms “sound” and “word” → words consist of sounds, sound. pronounced in a specific sequence, words can be long or short; learning to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds by ear; highlight the first sound in words by ear. In Art. the group uses terms for the quality characteristics of sounds: vowel, consonant; hard and soft; stressed - unsound vowel; sound-syllable-word-sentence. Forming the skills of sound and syllable analysis of words; an-for the verbal composition of the pre-I. On the 7th year. Pre-training in reading and writing.

Methodology for familiarizing yourself with the sound structure of a word: 1. You need a special one. teach a special drawn-out pronunciation of a sound, its intonation (dddom, kkkot). In this case, the word should be pronounced together - one sound cannot be separated from the other. Techniques for comparing speech sounds with the “songs” of the wind - shshsh, pump - sss, their pronunciation, detection of sound (“songs”) in words pronounced by adults (with intonation emphasis on sound). → they suggest naming pictures and toys so that the “song” of the wind can be heard: shshshar, catshshshka, pencilshshsh; “song” of a beetle – zhzhbuk, scissors. Reinforcement in game tasks “Say it like me”, “Say it so that everyone can hear the sound s” in the word oil”, “Name the words”. 2. learn to determine where the desired sound is located - at the beginning, middle or end of the word. 3. Children themselves name words that contain the desired sound. 4. developing the ability to name an isolated sound and produce 1 sound in a word: hard and soft consonant sounds: pppetukh (p"), kkkit (k"). Game technique: paired phonemes (m-m\s-s") are called big and little “brothers”).

Methodology for conducting sound anal. words: define a word to parse, number of sounds (according to the cells on the diagram); pronounce the word with intonation and highlight each sound in it. take turns; reb. define and name this sound, give it a characteristic, designate it with the desired feature. First For analysis, words from 3 stars (poppy, house, nose), then 4 and 5 are offered.

M-a training doshk-kov syllable analysis of words. 1. two-word words consisting of direct open syllables (Masha, fox). Games situations: the words are pronounced in a chant, drawing out the syllables (“The girl got lost, and they called her loudly: Ma-sha! Ma-sha! The boys started playing, their mother called them home: Sa-sha! Whoa!”) - asked to repeat. 2. We teach ways to count syllables in a word (claps, palm on the chin). Graph. image words: in the form of a horizontal line, divided in the middle by a small vertical line. 3.enter words consisting of 3 parts (ma-li-na, kar-ti-na); 4. monosyllabic words (cheese, house). Didact. game: Children are given pictures and asked to distribute them according to appropriate patterns, guided by the number of syllables.

Planning work on children's speech development.

The work plan for children's RR in preschools is a system of measures that provides for the order, sequence and terms of implementation of all areas of work.

4.complexity - establishing the unity of all parts of the pedagogy. process

In the research of scientists Zvereva and Pozdnyak, 3 levels of planning were identified: strategic (educational program for 3-5 years), tactical (yearly, long-term), operational (long-term plan for 5-10 days or a month; calendar or block (1 block – training in class; 2 – organization of different types of children’s activities (play, work, communication, etc.); 3 – children’s own activity))

In the annual plan, based on an analysis of the work for the previous year, specific ways to improve work on RR are outlined: the content of seminars and consultations in order to improve the qualifications of workers; content ped. a council at which materials from work experience can be heard (for example, “Formation of coherent speech in preschoolers”); open events; organization of control over the assimilation of the program in various ways. age groups; content and forms of joint working with parents.

Perspective plans are a method. d/y materials will be developed by the group with the participation of d/y management. Compiled for the current quarter: 1. distribution of program tasks according to definition. topic: for example, for the coming month you can outline a list of new words for children to learn about the season. phenomena, outline the sequence of work on difficult word forms or sounds for a year. 2. comprehensive distribution of program tasks throughout the “Speech Development” section.

The calendar outlines the content and organization of speeches. number of children during the day. When developing it, it should be taken into account that RR classes are held on the regular day 2 p.m. per week in all preschools. groups. Contains:

1. Special organ department (classes), program tasks are noted: a) training, b) developing, c) educational.

2. Interaction between the teacher and children: individual. work, communication, did. and basement games, educational and practical. d-st.

A necessary condition when planning a single speech. space in parole yavl. study of the state of oral speech of preschoolers, which is concluded. in carrying out speech diagnostics. development children (2 times a year). D different aspects of speech. d-sti - lexical, phonetic, grammatical, coherent speech - is necessary for the correct determination of the content and methods of teaching, implementation of the individual. approach to children, and is also designed to help teachers and parents build pedagogy correctly. communication with each child.

Methods for studying children's speech for children (in the entire program)


In order to thoroughly prepare children for school in various regions, including

number and in the region. formation and development of elementary mathematics. representations created special. educational standard, which indicates the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that children must acquire before entering school. Its requirements are fully consistent with the national one. pr. "Praleska", the region provides not only a volume of knowledge, but also takes into account the age and individual characteristics of children. All material in it is divided into age groups. It also provides for a personal approach to each child, indicating the need to conduct not only subgroup classes on FEMP, but also extensive individual work, both with lagging children and child prodigies.

FEMP methods: practical, visual, verbal, game. When choosing a method, a number of factors are taken into account: program tasks being solved at this stage, age and individual characteristics of children, the availability of didactic tools, etc. leading phenomenon practical method - its essence lies in organizing the practical activities of children, aimed at mastering strictly defined methods of acting with objects or their substitutes (images, graphic drawings, models, etc.). The salient features of this method are:

1. performing a variety of practical actions that serve as the basis for mental activity.

2. wide use of didactic material.

3. the emergence of ideas as a result of practical actions with didactic material.

4. development of counting, measurement and calculation skills in the most basic form.

5. widespread use of formed ideas and mastered actions in everyday life, play, work, i.e. in various types of activities. This method involves organizing special ex., which can be offered in the form of a task, organized as actions with demonstration material, or proceed in the form of self-expression. working with handouts.

Ex. There are collective ones (in which children do everything together) and individual ones - carried out by an individual child at the board or table. Collective exercises in addition to assimilation and consolidation, they can be used for control. Individual exercises They also serve as a model. Game elements are included in exercise. in all age groups.

Forms of organization of children's activities - classes (once a week), educational and developmental games (as part of classes and in everyday life), individual work with lagging behind and child prodigies, mathematics. Entertainment.



Planning is one of the ways to manage the FEMP process in children. Makes it possible to purposefully and systematically distribute program tasks and ways of their implementation over time.

Principles of planning (Davidchuk A.N.):

1. perspective – focus on the development prospects of children in accordance with their age. and individual opportunities;

2. continuity - determining the conditions for the further development of children, taking into account the achieved level;

3. specificity – transformation of general problems into specific ones, determination of ways to solve them in specific conditions;

4.complexity - establishing the unity of all parts of the pedagogy. process

Work plan for FEMP → in 3 forms: a) year. d/u plan; b) long-term plan; c) work schedule.

In the annual plan, based on an analysis of the work over the previous year, specific ways to improve the work on FEMP are outlined: the content of seminars and consultations in order to improve the qualifications of workers; content ped. advice: you can listen to materials (for example, “Continuity in teaching mathematics in elementary school and kindergarten”); open events; organization of control over the assimilation of the program at different ages. groups; content and forms of joint slaves with family.

Long-term plans are among the methodological ones. d/y materials, developed by the group with the participation of d/y management. Usually compiled for the current quarter. 2 ways of planning: 1.program distribution. tasks according to definition topic (quantity and count, size, etc.). 2.comprehensive distribution of program tasks throughout the section “Development of elementary mathematics. representations."

When developing a calendar plan, it should be taken into account that mathematics classes are held once on a regular day. Contains:

1. Specially organized d-st (classes), program tasks are noted: a) training, b) development, c) education.

2. Interaction between the teacher and children: individual. work, communication, didactic. and basement games, cognitive-practical d-st.

The program content of the lesson determines its structure and its specific department. parts: from 1 to 4-5 depending on the number, volume, nature of the tasks and the age of the children: the older the children, the more parts there are in the lessons.

Types of classes in FEMP: 1. in the form of didactics. ex.; the form of didactic. games; the form of didactic. exercises and games.

The generally accepted classification of classes: a) on imparting new knowledge to children and consolidating it; b) received by closing and application. ideas in solving practical problems. and knowledgeable. tasks; c) accounting, control, testing classes; d) combination units.

The knowledge gained in the lesson is consolidated in the process of individual work, on a walk, and during games.

Form of work with personnel: Collective: pedagogical meetings; seminars, workshops, open screenings; ped. trainings; netrad-e merop-ya (ped-e rings, ped-e KVN, etc.); schools ped. master Individual: consultations, conversations with teachers, mutual visits, visits and analysis of classes.


The purpose of the natural history district is based on the image. area “Child and Nature”: implementation of the formation of a knowledge system, gradual increase (expansion and deepening) of the content of knowledge, formation of practical. skills and abilities, ways of learning. d-sti.

Meaning: a comprehensive solution to educational images. tasks as a result of establishing connections with other images. region programs: with fine arts and music. d-stu - aesthetic. will educate Development of speech in the process of understanding with pr-doy - mind. will educate

In the research of scientists Zvereva, Pozdnyak L.V. 3rd level plans: strategic (plan for 3-5 years), tactical (annual, long-term), operational (long-term plan for 5-10 days or a month; calendar or block (1 block – training in class; 2 – organization of different types of children’s activities (play, work, communication, etc.); 3 – independent activities for children))

The work to familiarize schools with nature is carried out in 3 forms: a) annual kindergarten plan; b) long-term work plan for the season; c) work schedule.

The year of planning is being carried out by the deputy head, head of the school in collaboration with the teachers. Specific ways to improve work have been outlined. according to nature: content of seminars and consultations with the aim of increasing qualifications; Contents of the teachers' council for the cat. you can hear materials from work experience; open events; organization of control over the working ped-in according to the program section; contents and forms of joint work. with parents according to the shaping personality of children and the environment of nature.

Long-term plans for the season are among the educational materials of the kindergarten; they are developed by members of the group with the direct participation of the leadership of the kindergarten.

Contents: 1.tasks of familiarization with nature for the season in certain terms. group; 2. the content of knowledge, skills and abilities that need to be developed in a given period; 3.list of classes indicating the leading method and a brief description of the program tasks; 4. a list of observations and content of work on walks and in a corner of nature, indicating the main. techniques for teaching children; 5.list of didactics. nature games for outside classes; 6) books for additional reading.

The calendar plan is drawn up for 1 day or a week.

1 floor day. Morning is an individual. and with subgroups of observation in a corner of nature, organization of labor (assignments and duties), didactic. games. In terms of → content, purpose, material, forms and methods of organizing children.

Classes: structure, program. content, visual material, the individual's needs are taken into account. work.

On a walk → observation: object of observation, goal, main. techniques, ways of recording what you see. Work: content, tasks, list of work. skills, forms of organization of children, equipment for labor education. Games of natural content: name, purpose, techniques.

2nd half of the day plan: - children's work in the corner of the pr-dy; - observation in the corner of the avenue and from the window; - didactic games; - reading children's nature books; - viewing filmstrips about the project; - organization of holidays and entertainment.


Physical system will educate - This is a historically determined type of social. physical practice education, including ideological, theoretical and methodological, program standards. and organizational foundations that provide physical. improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Phys. kul-ra - part of the general culture, characterizing the achievements of the community in the region. physical, mental and social person's health

Phys. will educate – ped. process aimed at achieving good health, physical. and the engine of development of the river.

Phys. development is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change throughout the life of an individual of the morphofunctional properties of his body and the physical properties based on them. qualities and properties. 3 groups of indicators: physique (length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body). health, reflecting morphological and functional changes physiologist. systems of the human body; physical development qualities (strength, speed, endurance, etc.).

Phys. preparedness - level of development of motor skills and abilities, physical. qualities

Motor performance of a person - performance, basic. a component of which is movement and which, for example, on physical. and engine development

Motor activity (LA) is an innate biological activity. the need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important factor in health and diversity of the population.

Phys. exercises - movements, motor skills, which are used to solve physical problems.

Sports – special. d-st, aimed at achieving the highest. rez-tov in various types of physical ex., revealed during competitions.

Health is a state that characterizes physical, mental, social. well-being and absence of disease; a value to which one must strive.

The purpose of physical education – the formation of physical education in children, including healthy lifestyle skills.

In order to make the goal realistically achievable in physical education. education, a set of specific tasks is solved (must be solved in obligatory unity, in a complex):

Health objectives: protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, their comprehensive physical. development, improvement of body functions, increased activity and overall performance.

Educational objectives: development of motor skills in children, development of physical skills. qualities, children mastering basic knowledge about their body, the role of physical. ex. in his life, ways to strengthen his own health.

Educational tasks are aimed at the diversified development of children (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor), the formation of their interest and need for systematic physical exercises. ex.

To successfully solve physical problems. will educate Infant and early childhood children require complex use of physical therapy. ex., ecological and natural (solar, air and water procedures - hardening) and psychohygienic. (observance of sleep and nutrition regimens, physical activity and rest, body hygiene, massage, etc.) factors.


Physical education in preschool education is the unity of goals, objectives, means, forms and methods of work aimed at improving health and comprehensive physical education. children's development.

Phys. development of phenomena one of the main directions of development of the district. Provides for the formation of the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle, physical. culture, physical and personal qualities of the child, his activity, vigor, positive attitude towards the world and himself, mastering movements, the formation of primary knowledge about health, ways to preserve and strengthen it, the formation of adaptive abilities, survival, the foundations of safe life. Realized through an image. areas: “Phys. culture", "Child and society".

On: physical health (components: health and personal hygiene; physical activity);

Development of movements (components: training in movements and education of physical qualities);

Life activity (components: culture, nutrition; life safety).

Goal: ensuring a high level of children's health; development of healthy lifestyle skills; physical education personal culture.

Tasks for the development of the student in activities:

Stimulate the physiological maturity of the body's systems and functions, taking into account age-related capabilities;

Promote the development of r-com movements in accordance with age and individual capabilities;

Create a safe environment for the child;

Provide adequate nutrition for the child;

Develop the body's defenses and improve health.

Creating safe living conditions for prisoners in parole is one of the important directions in our work. process.

Aimed at:

Children's understanding of the value of their own. life and health;

Familiarization with natural phenomena (earthquake, storm, thunderstorm, hail, etc.), their origin, characteristic features, negative consequences;

Developing understanding of fire hazards, electrical. current, training in fire safety rules, developing the ability to quickly find the right way out of their emergencies;

Forming a cautious attitude towards medicines and chemicals (mercury in a thermometer, pesticides against garden pests, household chemicals);

Enriching knowledge about poisonous plants (berries, mushrooms);

Formation of knowledge of traffic rules, rules of behavior on the street, pedestrian crossing, etc.;

Formation of the ability to help oneself and others with injuries received as a result of an accident.

In each age group, daily routines and hardening systems, indicators of physical development are presented.


Independent movement occurs on the initiative of children. It is organized at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between classes, after a nap, during walks. When studying independently, r-k focuses his attention on actions leading to achieving a goal that captivates him. Achieving success, he changes methods of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate. The duration of SDD depends on the individual manifestations of children. Should be 2/3 of the total YES.

Leadership Techniques:

1. establishing contact with each person to fulfill his interest in games, exercises, benefits - provide each person with a place for movement so that no one interferes, protect this space; relieve tension, stiffness etc. children with a smile, encouragement; if the person finds it difficult, choose a manual for movements, help with a question, a riddle, or advice;

2. skillful influence of the teacher on the motor activity of children - the individual must know the inflammation. especially for children, keep all children in sight and provide assistance if necessary;

3.establishing connection in the content, organized and independent. motor d-sti;

4. rational use of physical education aids - give preference to aids and toys that require active action; change their location more often, ensure rotation not only during the week, but also during the day; play with new aids, showing how differently you can act with them. For example, on a board - walk, run, jump, crawl, roll a car, a ball; You can twist the jump rope together, make a path or a circle out of it, and then perform various movements, including with a doll; ball - rotate in place, roll, toss, throw, hit, play together, etc.;

5.organization of space for SDD - the motor environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game.

6.doing exercises together - sometimes getting involved in a joint game with one of the children in order to show new movements or actions and arouse interest in them;

7.encouragement of creativity. initiative and independence of the district;

8. uniting children with different YES level in cooperative games. According to the degree of mobility, children are differentiated in three directions: optimally mobile, sedentary, hypermobile. Try to unite children of different mobility in joint pair play without imposition, providing them with one object for two (ball, doll, hoop, jump rope, etc.) and showing options for action, if necessary.

9.use of gaming exercises. varying degrees of intensity. Gradually involve sedentary children in active activities, and switch overly active ones to a calmer activity.

A wide range of hand techniques with the movements of the boards and varying their application depending on the individual. motor characteristics of children allows the teacher to achieve the optimal level of DA for each child.



Basic means of physical development culture dosh-kov - physical. ex.

Classification of physical exercises: gymnastics (combat exercises, general developmental exercises, as well as basic types of movements (walking, running, throwing, jumping, climbing)), games (moving, low mobility), sports exercises. (skiing, sledding, skating, cycling (from 4 years old), swimming) simple tourism.

The basis of all methods of using physical. ex. are the regulation of the load (duration and intensity of exercise), as well as the variability of the combination of load and rest.

Stages of learning physics. ex.:

1. initial learning of exercise. Basic The task is to familiarize children with a new action, influencing all senses - visual, hearing. Techniques: demonstration, explanation and practical. testing. learning, multiple repetition - 1.demonstration in a “step-by-step” mode with an explanation of all actions. 2. display without division into separate small movements.

3. consolidation of the exercise (training). The teacher’s task at this stage is to correct partially incorrect physics. children’s movements, help (show, remind) in performing movements.

Teaching methods are selected depending on the assigned tasks, the age characteristics of the children, their preparedness, the complexity and nature of the exercise, the stage of training - verbal, visual and practical. Each method is implemented using method. techniques included in this method. For example, the display method can be carried out using different techniques: showing ex. in profile or full face, showing at the required pace or slowly, etc.

Specifics of teaching methods in physics. ex. children in different age groups:

In ml. d/v when teaching physics. ex. They use demonstration, imitations, visual and sound cues to a greater extent. Verbal techniques are combined with demonstration and help clarify the exercise technique.

On Wednesday. and art. At age, with the expansion of children's motor experience, the role of verbal techniques (explanations, commands, etc.) without accompanying demonstration increases, more complex visual aids are used (photos, drawings, films, films and filmstrips), and exercises are more often performed in a competitive form.

Assessment: brief, specific, indicating some. errors.

An indispensable condition for the comprehensive development of a child is his communication with adults. Adults are the guardians of the experience accumulated by humanity, knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience can only be conveyed through language. Language is “the most important means of human communication.”

The most important role in the development of the theoretical foundations of the methodology belongs to related sciences, the objects of study of which are language, speech, speech activity, cognition, the pedagogical process: theory of knowledge, logic, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychophysiology, psychology, social psychology, psycholinguistics, pedagogy (its various branches ). Their data allows us to determine and justify the place and meaning, principles and objectives, content and methodology of working with children.

The methodological basis for the methodology of speech development is the provisions of materialist philosophy about language as a product of socio-historical development, as the most important means of communication and social interaction of people, about its connection with thinking. This approach is reflected in the understanding of the process of language acquisition as a complex human activity, during which knowledge is acquired, skills are formed, and personality develops.

Knowledge of methodological foundations is necessary to understand the essence of speech ontogenesis and, hence, to determine the general direction of pedagogical influence on children and, finally, to understand more specific methodological issues.

The most important position that is significant for the methodology is that language is a product of socio-historical development. It reflects the history of the people, their traditions, the system of social relations, and culture in the broad sense.

Language and speech arose in activity and are one of the conditions for human existence and the implementation of his activities. Language, as a product of this activity, reflects its conditions, content, and result.

This determines the most important principle of the methodology - mastery of linguistic forms; The development of speech and communication skills in children occurs through activity, and the driving force is the need for communication that arises in the process of this activity.

The next methodologically significant characteristic of language for the methodology is its definition as the most important means of human communication and social interaction. Without language, genuine human communication, and, consequently, personal development is fundamentally impossible.

Communication with people around you and the social environment are factors that determine speech development. In the process of communication, the child does not passively accept the adult’s speech patterns, but actively appropriates speech as part of the universal human experience.

The characteristics of language as a means of human communication reflect its communicative function and determine the communicative approach to work on developing the speech of children in kindergarten. The methodology pays special attention to the role of the developing social environment, communication with other people, and the “speech atmosphere”; The development of speech as a means of communication is envisaged from a very early age, and techniques for organizing verbal communication are proposed. In modern methods, children’s acquisition of all aspects of language is considered from the perspective of their development of coherent speech and communicative expediency.

The methodological characteristics of language concern its relationship and unity with thinking. Language is a tool of thinking and cognition. It makes planning of intellectual activity possible. Language is a means of expression (formation and existence) of thought. Speech is seen as a way of formulating thoughts through language.

Among the many important tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching their native language, developing speech, and verbal communication is one of the main ones. This general task consists of a number of special, private tasks: nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, improving the grammatical correctness of speech, forming colloquial (dialogical) speech, developing coherent speech, cultivating interest in the artistic word, preparing for learning to read and write.

In kindergarten, preschoolers, mastering their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication in its full form - speech understanding and active speech - develops gradually.

Speech communication between a child and an adult is preceded by emotional communication. It is the core, the main content of the relationship between an adult and a child in the preparatory period of speech development - in the first year of life. The child responds with a smile to the smile of an adult, makes sounds in response to an affectionate conversation with him. He seems to be infected by the adult’s emotional state, his smile, laughter, and gentle tone of voice. This is emotional communication, not verbal, but it lays the foundations for future speech, future communication with the help of meaningfully pronounced and understood words.

In emotional communication with an adult, the child reacts to the characteristics of the voice, the intonation with which words are pronounced. Speech participates in this communication only through its sound side, accompanying the actions of an adult. However, speech, a word, always denotes a very specific action (stand up, sit down), a specific object (cup, ball), a specific action with an object (take the ball, give a doll), the action of an object (the car is moving), etc. Without such a precise designating objects, actions, qualities of objects and their properties, an adult cannot direct the child’s behavior, his actions and movements, encouraging or prohibiting them.

In emotional communication, an adult and a child express the most general attitudes towards each other, their pleasure or displeasure, that is, feelings, but not thoughts. This becomes completely insufficient when in the second half of the year the child’s world expands, his relationships with adults (as well as with other children) are enriched, movements and actions become more complex, and the possibilities of cognition expand. Now it is necessary to talk about many interesting and important things around, and in the language of emotions it is sometimes very difficult to do this, and more often it is simply impossible. We need the language of words, we need verbal communication with an adult.

Knowledge of your native language is not only the ability to correctly construct a sentence, even a complex one (I don’t want to go for a walk because it’s cold and damp outside). The child must learn to tell: not just name an object (This is an apple), but also describe it, talk about some event, phenomenon, sequence of events. Such a story consists of a number of sentences. They, characterizing the essential aspects and properties of the described object, event, must be logically connected with each other and unfold in a certain sequence so that the listener fully and accurately understands the speaker. In this case, we will be dealing with coherent speech, that is, speech that is meaningful, logical, consistent, fairly well understood in itself, and does not require additional questions and clarifications.

In the formation of coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental development of children, the development of their thinking, perception, and observation is clearly evident. In order to tell a good, coherent story about something, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze, select the main (for a given communication situation) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena .

Classes on speech development and teaching the native language differ from others in that the main activity in them is speech. Speech activity is associated with mental activity, with mental activity. Children listen, think, answer questions, ask them themselves, compare, draw conclusions and generalizations. The child expresses his thoughts in words. The complexity of the classes lies in the fact that children are simultaneously engaged in different types of mental and speech activity: speech perception and independent speech operation. They think about the answer, select from their vocabulary the right word that is most suitable in a given situation, form it grammatically, and use it in a sentence and coherent statement.

The peculiarity of many classes in the native language is the internal activity of children: one child tells, the others listen, outwardly they are passive, internally active (they follow the sequence of the story, empathize with the hero, are ready to complement, ask, etc.). Such activity is difficult for preschool children, since it requires voluntary attention and inhibition of the desire to speak out.

The effectiveness of classes in the native language is determined by how fully all the program tasks set by the teacher are implemented and ensures that children acquire knowledge and develop speech skills and abilities.

The educational impact is exerted both by the content of speech activity and its linguistic design, as well as by the correct organization and methodology of conducting the lesson. Since the classes do not give scattered information, but a certain system of knowledge, children gradually develop elements of a conscious attitude towards the language and its acquisition. In the process of speech development, as already mentioned, all mental processes are improved. It is important that in the classroom the cognitive interests of children are formed, from general curiosity in early preschool age to the differentiated and persistent interests of older preschoolers, to an accessible analysis and assessment of their activities. Mastering the native language and the child’s gradual awareness of its richness and beauty contribute to patriotic education. Communicating socio-historical information to children and introducing them to the life of Soviet people is associated with the inculcation of high moral feelings and ideas that help cultivate love for the Motherland, internationalism, collectivism, and hard work.

In the classroom, the teacher teaches children to independently and creatively use the acquired knowledge and skills. It is very important to support a child’s desire to learn and teach him to share his knowledge with friends.

Speech classes can have a great influence on the aesthetic education of children. The teacher carries out aesthetic education not only by introducing preschoolers to objects of the outside world and by creating an appropriate environment, but primarily by means of the language itself - its figurative structure, musicality, artistic expression.

These are the most significant philosophical characteristics of language and speech, which determine the initial, methodological principles of the technique, as well as the general orientation, goals and principles of the development of speech and verbal communication skills.

Conclusions on Chapter I

Felix Alekseevich Sokhin is a Russian psychologist and linguist, a specialist in the theory of language acquisition in preschool childhood, the creator of the concept of linguistic development of the child.

Throughout his fruitful scientific career, F.A. Sokhin devoted himself to studying the development of children's speech and searching for ways to effectively guide this development in preschool age.

The most important role in the development of the theoretical foundations of the methodology belongs to related sciences, the objects of study of which are language, speech, speech activity, cognition, the pedagogical process: theory of knowledge, logic, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychophysiology, psychology, social psychology, psycholinguistics, pedagogy (its various branches ).

Their data allows us to determine and justify the place and meaning, principles and objectives, content and methodology of working with children.

Speaking about the child’s awareness of speech and the identification of linguistic units in it, it should be emphasized that it has not only the meaning of direct preparation for learning to read and write and the formation of those elementary knowledge and ideas about speech that will help to master the course of the native language at school.

The awareness of speech that occurs in preparation for learning to read and write is of great importance for general speech development, because on the basis of awareness, the arbitrariness of speech is formed: the intentionality of choosing both the content of the statement and the linguistic means by which this semantic content can be expressed most accurately. The child masters the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct his speech.

In the development of children's speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The speech culture of adults, how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, largely determine the success of a preschooler in mastering the language.

It's no secret that human speech is not only a way of communicating with each other. First of all, this is a psychophysical portrait of the person himself. By the way certain people express themselves, one can immediately tell about their level of education, worldview, passions and hobbies. The main period of formation of correct speech occurs in the At this time, the child is actively learning about the world.

When should you start?

Within the framework of the new standard (FSES), much attention is paid specifically to the development of speech in preschool children. At the age of 3, with normal development, a child should have about 1,200 words in his vocabulary, and a 6-year-old should have about 4,000.

All specialists work hard to develop the speech of their students. Everyone has the same goal, but everyone uses their own methods, depending on the methodology chosen at the preschool educational institution. This or that method of speech development provides an opportunity for educators to take advantage of the successful experience of professionals working on this problem.

Who teaches children what?

If you look at a teacher’s diploma, and we are talking specifically about qualified specialists, then you can see such a discipline as “theory and methods of speech development in preschool children.” By studying this subject, the future specialist gains theoretical knowledge about the development of children’s speech by age category, and also becomes familiar with various methods of conducting classes in preschool educational institutions according to the age group of the students.

Every person knows from history lessons how human speech was formed. Its construction went from simple to complex. At first these were sounds, then individual words, and only then the words began to be combined into sentences. Every child goes through all these stages of speech formation in his life. How correct and literary rich his speech will be depends on the parents, educators and the society in which the child is surrounded. The teacher-educator is the main exemplary example of the use of speech in everyday life.

Goals and objectives of speech formation

Correctly set goals and objectives for the development of speech in preschool children help teachers work on this problem as effectively as possible.

The main thing in the development of speech in preschool children is the formation of the child’s oral speech and his communication skills with others based on proficiency in the literary language of his people.

The tasks, the solution of which will help in achieving the goal, are the following:

  • child education;
  • enrichment, consolidation and activation of the child’s vocabulary;
  • improving the child’s grammatically correct speech;
  • development of the child’s coherent speech;
  • nurturing a child’s interest in artistic expression;
  • teaching a child his native language.

The method of developing the speech of preschool children helps to achieve the solution of the set tasks and achieve the final result of the set goal when a child graduates from a preschool educational institution.

Methods for speech development in preschool educational institutions

Any technique, regardless of the subject, is always designed from simple to complex. And it is impossible to learn to perform complex tasks if you do not have the skill to perform simpler ones. At the moment, there are several methods for developing speech. Most often, two methods are used in preschool educational institutions.

Methods of speech development for preschool children L.P. Fedorenko, G.A. Fomicheva, V.K. Lotareva provides an opportunity to theoretically learn about the development of speech in children from a very early age (2 months) to seven years, and also contains practical recommendations for teachers. This benefit can be used not only by a specialist, but also by any caring parent.

Book by Ushakov O.S., Strunin E.M. "Methods for the development of speech in preschool children" is a manual for educators. Aspects of children's speech development by age group of a preschool institution are widely disclosed here, and lesson developments are given.

In these methods for developing children's speech, everything starts with sound classes, where educators teach and monitor the purity and correct pronunciation of sounds. In addition, only a specially trained person can know at what age and what sounds a child should play. For example, you should try to pronounce the sound “r” only at the age of 3 years, of course, if the child did not find it on his own earlier, but this does not mean that work with this sound is not carried out before that. In order for the baby to learn to pronounce the sound “r” in a timely and correct manner, teachers carry out preparatory work, namely, they engage in tongue gymnastics with children in the form of a game.

Play is the main way to develop speech

In the modern world, the theory and methodology of speech development in preschool children speaks about one thing: playing with a child is considered the main way. This is based on mental development, namely the emotional level of development; if the child is passive, then he will have problems with speech. And in order to stimulate the child to emotions, because they are the impetus for speech, play comes to the rescue. Objects familiar to the baby become interesting again. For example, the game “roll the wheel”. Here, first the teacher rolls the wheel down the hill, saying: “The round wheel rolled down the hill and then rolled along the path.” Children are usually delighted by this. Then the teacher invites one of the children to roll the wheel and says the same words again.

Children, without knowing it, begin to repeat. There are quite a lot of such games in the methods for preschool educational institutions, they are all varied. At an older age, classes are already conducted in the form of role-playing games, here communication is no longer between teacher and child, but between child and child. For example, these are games such as “mother-daughter”, “professional game” and others. Speech development in preschool children occurs most effectively through play activities.

Causes of poor speech development in preschool children

One of the most common reasons for poor speech development in a child is lack of attention from adults, especially if the child is naturally calm. Most often, such children from a very early age sit in a crib or playpen, showered with toys, and only occasionally do parents, busy with their own affairs, come into the room to see if everything is in order.

Another reason is also due to the fault of adults. This is monosyllabic communication with a child. In the form of such statements as “move away”, “don’t disturb”, “don’t touch”, “give back”. If a child does not hear complex sentences, then there is nothing to demand from him, he simply has no one to follow as an example. After all, it’s not at all difficult to tell a child “give me this toy” or “don’t touch it, it’s hot here,” and already how many words will be added to his vocabulary.

A fine line between speech development and the baby’s psychological development

If the two above reasons for poor speech development in a child are completely excluded, and speech develops poorly, then we must look for the reasons in his mental health. From a very early age until school, most children cannot think abstractly. Therefore, you need to teach your child speech using some specific examples or associations. The methodology for developing speech in preschool children is based on the studied psychological development of children. There is a very fine line between speech development and mental development. At the age of 3 years, the child begins to develop logic and imagination. And often parents are concerned about the appearance of fantasies and begin to accuse the child of lying. Under no circumstances should this be done, because the child may withdraw into himself and stop talking. There is no need to be afraid of fantasies, they just need to be directed in the right direction.

How to help a child if speech develops poorly?

Of course, every child is individual. And if a child by the age of four expresses himself only in separate words, not even connected in simple sentences, then you need to call additional specialists for help. The methodology involves the inclusion in the educational process of such specialists as a speech therapist and an educational psychologist. These children are most often assigned to a speech therapy group, where they are treated more intensively. There is no need to be afraid of speech therapy groups, because how much joy a child will have when he can speak coherently and logically correctly.

Lack of education of parents is a source of poor development of children

Methods for developing the speech of preschool children is a reference book not only for educators, but also for parents. Because the lack of education of parents leads to poor development of children. Some people demand too much from a child, while others, on the contrary, let everything take its course. In this case, close contact between parents and the teacher is necessary, and it is even possible to hold thematic parent meetings. After all, it is better to prevent mistakes than to correct them for a long time. And if you act correctly, together and in concert, then by the end of the preschool educational institution the child will definitely have excellent literary speech with the necessary vocabulary, which in the future, at the next stages of education, will only become deeper and wider.