Characteristics of a Scorpio man - Snakes from A to Z! Snake scorpio

Zodiac horoscope: Scorpio sign

Scorpio-Snake loves to compete, even when it is completely inappropriate. The most secretive and inexplicable of all Snakes, and the most formidable when angry.

Men and women in the Scorpio-Snake combination are people with a powerful character, quick and deep thinking, charm, but also with a little cunning. These people are very independent, a little aloof from other people.

Outwardly, Snake-Scorpio is usually a confident and calm person, but in essence, at times they lack self-confidence. They have a sharp and active mind that is able to plan ahead and make decisions quickly. If you ask them anything, you will always get a quick answer. They have good communication skills and choose their words carefully. They are sensitive to other people's feelings, but are not known for their compassion or patience. They give honest and helpful advice to their friends, but at times they are not very tactful.

These people are attractive, but do not need a large group of friends and associate only with a few very close companions throughout their lives. They are active and will always enjoy physical activity, preferring outdoor sports. They are ambitious, but not overly ambitious, and can be generous with their money and time for those they love.

They have a modern outlook and are very positive. At times they may get upset over little things. They like to keep their personal feelings private, and only reveal them when absolutely necessary. In personal relationships this can cause some difficulties with them, but for the most part they are very loving, however they find it difficult to express their inner emotions.

Apart from the inability to open up to others, another small weakness in the personality of these people is that they always want to have the last word in a discussion. It can be annoying, but they don't do it on purpose. May cause disputes.

In comparison with other representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope, the Scorpio snake is distinguished by a special logic of behavior. It is not entirely clear to others and seems to be double. The Scorpio snake combines the ability for aggression and deceit with a craving for calm, thriftiness and comfort. Here, however, the ability to influence others is reflected.

In order not to miss out on its influence, the Scorpio snake, being a loner by nature, still prefers not to live alone. She is often secretive, and if she reveals her plans, it is in pursuit of goals known only to her.

The inner life of a Scorpio snake is much greater than what is shown on the outside. She loves to use others for her own purposes. To be fair, it must be said that this is not happening unrequitedly; she is also ready to provide services to others.

Like every representative of this year, the snake according to the zodiac sign Scorpio is characterized by insight. Attempts to deceive the Scorpio snake are always fraught. This same snake is also distinguished by its suspicion and is capable of mistaking even something that is not a deception.

Scorpio snake men, oddly enough, are distinguished by their curiosity, which does not go well with everything else. It is expressed in increased interest in study, science and various kinds of academic degrees. In a clash of opinions, Scorpio the Snake tends to overstep boundaries and often gets angry.

The sexuality of the Scorpio snake, especially the woman, is quite high, but at times resembles a sine wave.

(from 02/02/1965, from 02/18/1977, from 02/06/1989, from 01/24/2001)

He simply attracts everyone around him with an unknown force. People are fascinated by his intelligence and tact and fall in love with him. He is passionate and mysterious, sometimes quick-tempered. But at the same time he is also kind, calm and balanced. This combination of character traits makes him especially attractive. He lives a rich inner life, he has many interests, so he is not only attractive, but also interesting.

Characteristics of a Scorpio man - Snakes in LOVE

In love he is reliable and attentive. He never strives for leadership, because he understands that in a union the woman should become the main one. However, he can show possessive interests and seeks to impose certain rules on the behavior of his partner. He is also prone to jealousy, but usually this feeling does not arise out of the blue. Even in love he does not lose his head.

In an alliance with him, you can always hope that he will do everything for the well-being of the relationship. He can support his beloved and help her in every way. As a result, harmonious relationships are built, since it is he who brings this note. It should be noted that he also has strong intuition, which allows him to feel the mood and desires of his partner and fulfill them as necessary and possible.

Scorpio born in the year of the Snake in the BED

He is quite sensual and inquisitive. He is ready to study everything that surrounds him, including the intimate side of life. As a result, he tends to study specialized literature, as well as watch special films. As a result, he can not only amaze with his experience, but also with certain skills. You should know that this is not promiscuity, since he gained all his knowledge from sources.

He can love all the most exquisite things in the intimate sphere. He wants a special environment, but it should be noted that a partner who will fully satisfy his desires also plays an important role. It is important for him to receive satisfaction and at the same time he is ready to give satisfaction to his partner. It is for this purpose that he sometimes even studies special literature. And as a result, it’s always so pleasant and cozy to be with him.

Scorpio man horoscope - Snakes in MARRIAGE

He is always responsible and disciplined in marriage. It’s cozy and pleasant to be with him, as he can always help and solve problems. In addition, he is a great father who can always do a lot for his child. As a result, he is an ideal husband, but he needs freedom in all respects to feel comfortable. If his wife gives him these opportunities, he will be an excellent husband.

He consciously strives for a strong union, but he cannot always live with someone. It would be ideal if he periodically goes on business trips just to feel free from obligations. At the same time, he does not strive for new relationships, he just needs to be alone, think about life. In addition, he loves order, so he needs to organize his thoughts in order to move on in life.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He needs to be softer, as his rigidity and unwillingness to compromise often gets him into trouble. In addition, in order to make his financial situation stable, he should take his work easier and not strive for absolute leadership. In this case, it will be easier for him to achieve the desired position and achieve financial stability. In the family, he will also need patience to achieve harmony in relationships.

Natalia Boychenko

People born in the months when the constellation Scorpio rules in the Western horoscope, and the Snake in the Eastern horoscope, are unpredictable and unique personalities. Mysterious with powerful inner strength, the Snake also took on the hot temper, aggressiveness and passion of Scorpio.

These are people who amaze with their energy and sophistication. Most often these are sports people, since with proper upbringing they direct their energy in the right direction. When communicating with them, you should immediately note their intelligence and intelligence.

Their character intertwined the features of two of the most mysterious signs. They are very similar, they have an unshakable and strong spirit

In everything, Scorpio-Snake people want to be independent. They create for themselves an impeccable reputation and a stable financial base. They also place high demands on their surroundings, so only those who are worthy of this attention remain around them.

Scorpio men and women born in the year of the Snake keep their inner experiences, aspirations and feelings deep within themselves and can only trust them with the closest people. Such people need a special approach so as not to cause aggression. If they believe that any harm can be done to them, they become evil and cruel creatures.

These are difficult individuals for partnerships and family relationships. Even with their partners they are not very frank and show little emotion. At the same time, these are loving people, but it is difficult for them to show the full range of feelings. They often awaken feelings of ownership, but at the same time they direct all their efforts to creating comfort in their home.

Characteristics of Scorpio-Snake men

The Scorpio guy (in the year of the Snake) will compete with everyone, even where there is no point in it. Under the influence of Scorpio, the Snake becomes even more secretive and aggressive. Men ruled by these two signs have a powerful character, quick and deep thinking.

They envelop you with their charm and are able to show cunning to achieve their goals.

These are self-sufficient men who feel comfortable alone. Outwardly, they show themselves to be confident and calm individuals, but you should understand that they lack confidence. They are often unable to calm their impulsive nature on their own.

Even little things can upset them, but those around them will not notice. Moreover, both negative and positive aspects are kept secret. This is bad for personal relationships because loving on the inside, he remains cold on the outside.

The Scorpio-Snake man has a high intelligence and always makes plans. In difficult situations, he knows how to make the right decision. In a team, he is sociable and tries to choose phrases in a conversation.

He tries not to offend others and keenly feels what others feel. His friends can always count on useful advice. You just have to get used to the fact that a man rarely shows tact.

The inner world of such a man is always wider than others see. This person knows how to manipulate others, using them for his own purposes. Astrologers note that he is not selfish by nature and is always ready to provide mutual services. Men are very perceptive, so it is better to abandon all attempts to deceive or lie to them.

In a relationship with his beloved woman, a Scorpio man born in the year of the Snake is an attentive and reliable partner

Everyone in the family will have their own place and everyone will have their own prohibitions. If spouses do not agree, but only demand, then quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided.

Disadvantages of the sign

The main weakness of Scorpio men born in the year of the Snake is their closedness. They find it difficult to express emotions even in front of those closest to them.

Another character flaw is the desire to have the last word in any situation. This may irritate others, but the Scorpio-Snake himself will notice this when a flaw is pointed out to him. The inability to manage emotions leads to excessive aggression and deceit, which causes difficulties in communication and building a career.

Characteristics of Scorpio-Snake women

The Scorpio girl, born in the year of the Snake, greatly values ​​people who have high intelligence and professionalism in any field. They are withdrawn and often do not have real friends. These are advanced women who will be ahead in any field. It is precisely such natures that become those who influence fashion trends. Possessing powerful and rebellious energy, they rarely stop in front of obstacles and achieve even the most unrealistic goals.

For their own realization, they find new ideas and solutions. A large amount of energy allows you to set high goals and achieve them. Scorpio women born in the year of the Snake have the character of a gourmet and an esthete. They love to eat delicious food, so in most suffer from excess weight.

Women whose patrons are Scorpio and Snake plan their careers in childhood. They clearly understand what they need: finances, respect in the team, power. Most often, they achieve success because they are rewarded by nature with great talents and special character traits.

Their intuition allows women to work even in the foreign exchange market and achieve success

Personal relationships with a partner in the life of Scorpio-Snake occupy a large place. They can change partners from one to another without thinking about feelings. Such dispersion leads to internal burnout and emptiness. Breakup occurs due to high demands that women present to themselves and their partners. Moreover, the initiator is the other half, unable to withstand the domineering nature.

In family life, relationships among women of these signs are very difficult. Because they are bossy, they do not pay attention to the wishes of others. Scorpio-Snakes create such an atmosphere in the family that members of the household begin to express dissatisfaction. If an agreement cannot be reached, a break is inevitable.

Personal relationships with a partner in the life of Scorpio-Snake occupy a large place. They can change partners from one to another without thinking about feelings

Disadvantages of the sign

An important disadvantage that you should pay attention to is pressure and importunity in communication. They can be so intrusive that the interlocutor does not want to deal with them. They do not accept opinions different from their own, which pushes people away from them.

Another weak character element is melancholy. Women fall into this mood, which often interferes with career development.

Love compatibility of Scorpios in the year of the Snake

Compatibility in love among men and women whose patrons are the Snake and Scorpio, from the eastern horoscopes, will be with those born in the year: Monkey, Rooster, Dragon, and to a slightly lesser extent with the Cat and Goat. You can try to build relationships with those born in the year: Horse, Ox, Snake and Rat, Snake and Dog. The least suitable partners for them will be those born in the year of the Boar (Pig), Tiger and Horse.

Family relationships for Scorpios go well with Capricorns and Aquarius. It is more convenient for them to start building a career and running a joint business, being in the same team with Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius. For friendship, the best partner and partner are representatives of the signs Leo and Aries. With Pisces, Libra and Taurus there are chances to build both friendly and loving relationships, but only if you want to make compromises.

Average compatibility Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Dragon, Rooster, Goat, Monkey, Cat (Rabbit)Snake, Ox, Horse, RatPig, Tiger, Horse
According to the Western calendar Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini, AquariusPisces, Libra, Taurus, Aries, LeoCancer, Virgo

Full characteristics of a Scorpio child born in the year of the Snake

If you have a Scorpio boy born in the year of the Snake, get ready for him to become your real pride.

These are wise children for their age and treat everything responsibly. They are active and smart, so they do well at school.

Thanks to determination, boys and girls fulfill their desires. Their activity can sometimes unsettle even the most patient parent. You rarely see them at the computer. They will be better able to engage in outdoor games.

They know how to defend their position, believing in what is right. The Scorpio-Snake girl and boy show leadership inclinations early. It is important for parents to teach their children to develop this ability.

16 February 2018, 21:28

Snake - Scorpio. Horoscope of the sign Scorpio, born in the year of the Snake. This Snake took many character traits from Scorpio, the most noticeable being temperament, irritability, and some hostility. But one should not assume that this is an angry and aggressive person. This is a strong and self-confident person.

Such a person will always come to the rescue. Moreover, with obvious warlike sides of his character, this Scorpio seeks peace and harmony everywhere. In essence, he is a loner. But from time to time he reaches out for communication. A person with this combination of signs values ​​home comfort and is good at coping with everyday chores.

Snake-Scorpio, as always, listens only to his own opinion; he does not need other people’s advice and recommendations. Such a person does not jump forward, does not strive to be the center of attention. But he needs power. There is no need to go on the warpath with the Snake-Scorpio; this is a strong opponent. Do not forget that such a person is able to predict all your intentions and thoughts. You need to be on friendly terms with him. This is an intelligent person who has a keen sense of justice. The Snake-Scorpio will not offend a person just like that, in a fit of emotion. The Scorpio Snake is interested in many areas of life, she is happy to study and learn something new. In their personal life, the Snake-Scorpio can exhibit possessive traits, jealously protecting their partner. She is very temperamental in relationships. This is a reliable and caring partner who is always ready to support and come to the rescue in difficult times.

Snake–Scorpio man

He is an energetic, ambitious and strong person. A man of this combination of signs loves his profession and is an excellent master of his craft. He is in good standing with his superiors. Scorpio-Snake strives for power, so such a man can successfully manage and lead a large team. Thanks to excellent intuition and ingenuity, a man of this sign can successfully realize himself in business.

In love, he is a gentle and attentive lover, however, in moments of irritability, any trifle can make him angry. Such a man has a complex, hot-tempered character, and he needs a patient and understanding wife, but who will not allow quarrels to arise on every occasion.

Snake–Scorpio woman

This is a bright and purposeful personality. Such a woman loves life and puts her desires above others. Setting a goal for yourself. The Snake-Scorpio woman will move mountains to achieve success. A woman of this sign is not afraid of work and is diligent. But it’s difficult to get along in a team, thanks to his temper and passion for stirring up intrigue and conflict.

In her personal life, the Snake-Scorpio woman is demanding and capricious towards her partner. However, men really like her. Such a woman knows how to present herself from the best side. This is a sensual and temperamental person.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Scorpio year of the snake man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Scorpio-Snake man succumbs to feminine charms. But in order to win the heart of a representative of this zodiac sign, you need to know all the secrets of his personality. Characteristics and compatibility in love will show where a man’s weaknesses are hidden. By acting through them, you can forever win the heart of a guy born in the year of the Snake under the sign of Scorpio.

Characteristics of a Scorpio-Snake man

The Scorpio-Snake man is a strong personality. The representative of this sign has a strong-willed character. Sometimes they are quite harsh in their actions. To achieve their goal, they use any means. They are like a tank, always going ahead.

The Scorpio-Snake man is a demanding person. He does not recognize other people's shortcomings. In assessing a person, he is guided by his own capabilities. It is difficult for him to understand why others cannot do this. They do not tolerate it when a person tries to justify his idleness. They need to tell only the truth.

Scorpio-Snake men are a despot for unfamiliar people. Only after talking to him a little more briefly do you realize that this is not such a scary person. Due to their complex nature, Scorpio-Snake men are often left alone. They never found their ideal. And those they met did not live up to their expectations. And women themselves are unlikely to want to unquestioningly carry out their husband’s orders throughout their lives. If a representative of this sign does not learn to be softer towards the people around him, then he will not be able to start a family.

These men achieve a lot in their careers. Tremendous willpower, perseverance, and determination help them do this in the shortest possible time. If something was not done correctly the first time, then the Scorpio-Snake man will quickly correct the mistake, analyze the reasons for its occurrence and direct his energy in the right direction.

Representatives of this sign are highly intelligent individuals. It's interesting to communicate with them. The main thing is to find an approach to such a person and melt his hard heart.

In their professional activities, after their first success, Scorpio-Snake men are very touched by their fame. This feeling prevents them from moving on. They dwell on what they have done. Then someone else overtakes them on the career ladder.

Compatibility in love between Scorpio-Snake men

Young Scorpio-Snakes are more romantic men than those in adulthood. Their love affair can turn into family relationships. A Scorpio-Snake man in adulthood is a rather tough and picky person. With this approach it is difficult for him to start a family. And in general, he very rarely manages to keep a girl near him. These are mostly loners who are mired in professional activities. They live by their activities and often even spend the night at work.

Only an unusual person who also has a difficult character and an unconventional vision of family life can win the heart of this man. However, their life will not be easy. A man will always try to suppress his woman, depriving her of her own opinion and the ability to make decisions.

In order not to be left alone, astrologers advise the Scorpio-Snake man to learn to listen to other people and take their views for granted. Another life position is not wrong. She is simply different, not suitable for a representative of this sign, but quite normal for another person.

The Scorpio-Snake man will best be able to understand a woman who was born in the year of the Rooster, Snake and Bull. But girls whose horoscope belongs to the year of the Pig, Goat or Rabbit are not suitable for them at all.

Zodiac combination Scorpio-Snake: man

A very interesting and unusual person is the Scorpio-Snake. A man, in whose character the features of these zodiac and eastern signs are intertwined, is distinguished by specific characteristics. And they should be talked about.

Before moving on to the general characteristics, it is worth describing what a Scorpio man is like. The Snake has quite good compatibility with this zodiac sign, and this is not surprising - after all, they are similar.

Their first feature is their strong and unshakable character. Nothing can stop a man born under the sign of Scorpio. All his life he strives for independence from circumstances and people. The main thing in his life is the stability of his financial situation and an impeccable reputation.

He is purposeful, brave, insightful. He has a highly developed intellect. And he's also a realist. At times, due to his specific character, he gives the impression of a tough, even dangerous person. By the way, he makes excessive demands on people. If he has friends and relatives, then these are the people whom he considers worthy.

And even though it seems that this personality is equanimity itself in the flesh, in fact it is only an appearance. A guy born under this sign can also be hurt, made to suffer, feel pain, or love and rejoice. He just keeps his emotions to himself. He can’t open up to everyone. And that’s very rare.

Chinese symbols

Now it’s worth turning to such a source of valuable information as the eastern horoscope. Scorpio-Snake is a man who combines very powerful energy. You could even say it's double.

A person born in the year of the Snake is a wise, perspicacious, attentive person. He always shows himself only in the best light. The snake is an example to follow. Everything about her is good - manners, culture, behavior, speech. Therefore, the Snake always makes excessive demands on others. Like the previously mentioned Scorpio.

These personalities are attractive. There is something mysterious and unusual about them. They are not against conversations and new acquaintances, but they do not let anyone close to them. If someone tries to influence them, they will immediately break off the relationship, as they will not tolerate such behavior. In general, such a person needs a very unique approach.

Scorpio-Snake is a man who will be reliable and attentive in a relationship. But he will choose his partner for a very long time and carefully. He may have light, meaningless intrigues, but he will be able to agree to a long-term relationship if the girl is truly worthy.

In love, this person will not lose his head. Scorpio-Snake is a man who is a rationalist and realist in life. Therefore, he always thinks with his brain, without giving free rein to his emotions.

If this man decides to enter into an official relationship, then in marriage he will show himself to be a responsible and disciplined partner on whom his beloved can rely. But he doesn’t care, because of his character, he will need privacy and a certain independence. The ideal solution would be regular business trips, where he can be alone with himself and his own thoughts. If his beloved gives him such an opportunity, then their relationship will be ideal.

Intimate component

Many men believe that the most important thing in a relationship is sex. Scorpio-Snake is no exception. This man is sensitive and inquisitive in this regard. In addition, they are very passionate individuals. They like various experiments. They also love to surprise their partner with something unusual.

These people like the best and most refined things. They are not against special surroundings and initiative on the part of their partner. For this man, it is ideal when both he and his lover enjoy it.


Finally, it’s worth saying a few words about what kind of woman is suitable for a person like Scorpio-Snake. A man, whose characteristics, as one might notice, are quite specific, needs a quiet, calm, faithful and reliable girl. He needs a woman who knows her worth, but does not want to command.

The ideal partner for him would be a Pisces girl. They can have a wonderful union filled with mutual understanding. Sensual, emotional, quiet and gentle Pisces will get along with Scorpio, who will become a reliable support and advisor for them. And he, in turn, will completely reveal himself to his chosen one. These people get along well; they are able to catch their partner’s mood at a glance and find those words of support that are needed at the moment.

And if the Scorpio-Snake partner is also born in the year of the Dog, then the relationship will certainly be successful. Partners will be able to achieve harmony very quickly. In addition, the Dog girl is exactly the partner that the Snake guy dreams of. She will be faithful and devoted to him, and will always provide the necessary support.

As you can see, Scorpio-Snake is a man who, although he has a difficult character, is a reliable partner. Knowing about its characteristics, you will be able to find an approach to it and build harmonious relationships.

Scorpio - Snake: characteristics of a man (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

A charming Scorpio Snake man, whose characteristics inspire you to maintain strong friendships and create a family. The Mysterious Snake, unlike other predators, is able to control emotions, sympathize, and make concessions. The restrained Scorpio Snake rarely loses his temper, values ​​an impeccable reputation, and prefers to “repay debts” to offenders in sophisticated ways.

The optimist Scorpio Snake is able to find an approach to any person; compatibility with signs, almost all, has been tested by representatives of different generations.

He is engaged in self-education. The mysterious man is interested in mystical stories; having achieved financial stability, he will create a collection that will become the pride of the family. The Snake is liberated in the circle of friends; in unfamiliar company it prefers the role of listener.

The horoscope characterizes the representative of the stronger sex as reliable and purposeful, achieving his goal at any cost.

Reacts painfully to the achievements of competitors, rivalry is the way of life of a man born in the year of the Snake.

An ideal husband and passionate lover

When communicating with representatives of the fair sex, the Scorpio man forgets about caution; the marriage of his beloved will not become an obstacle. A gentle lover turns his partner’s life into a holiday, does not skimp on luxurious gifts, and radiates special energy. A sexy man whose compatibility with any sign is ensured by the ability to adapt to the preferences of his partner, incapable of betrayal.

He will not pretend, he confesses his indifference to his partner.

A moderately jealous Scorpio prefers to sort things out in private. In love, the role of leader is given to a woman; in the year of the snake, Scorpio relaxes and enjoys life with her loved one.

Excessive caution is an obstacle to starting a family; one is in no hurry to part with a carefree life. Having met his ideal, he creates a strong family and experiences the pleasure of creating comfortable conditions for his loved ones. He is proud of his children and shares his impressions of their achievements with friends.

Businessman talent

Enterprising Scorpio prefers to do business that brings stable profits. Loves expensive things and a comfortable life.

A workaholic is a role model in the team, does not shy away from difficulties, enjoys healthy competition, and always comes out a winner.

Its characteristics correspond to the rhythm of modern life; inexhaustible energy allows it to withstand serious loads and avoid mistakes.

Compatibility with other employees depends on the availability of a separate workplace. Having gained experience, the businessman creates his own business.

A disciplined employee successfully combines work and personal life. He gets tired in noisy companies and prefers to relax with real friends.

P.S.A horoscope cannot give a 100% description of qualities, because... Scorpio manifests and forms its negative and positive qualities depending on the atmosphere in the family.

Scorpio Man in the Year of the Snake

Scorpio men born in the year of the Snake are people with strong character, deep thinking and extraordinary charm. These are very independent people, a little aloof from other people.

The Scorpio-Snake man is usually a calm and confident person. They have high intelligence and extraordinary thinking. Makes decisions quickly and is able to make long-term plans. They have good communication skills and are able to quickly and carefully select the necessary words.

They are very sensitive to the emotions of other people, but feelings such as compassion and pity can only be felt towards those closest to them. Very often they help their friends with useful advice, but at times they fail in tact.

The Scorpio man, born in the year of the Snake, is an incomprehensible and dual nature. It can combine aggression and deceit, at the same time with calmness, tranquility and composure. If something resonates with their plans and interests, then they can react very violently and emotionally to it.

These people are quite attractive, but do not particularly need a lot of company, so they communicate only with their closest friends throughout their lives. They are very energetic, love active recreation and try to spend all their free time in nature. With those who love them, they will always be loyal and never leave.

Scorpio men born in the year of the Snake have a modern worldview and are very positive. There are times when any little thing can upset them, but they try to keep it secret from others, and reveal themselves only in those moments when it is necessary. In personal relationships, this can cause some difficulties as they find it difficult to express their inner emotions.

Apart from this, another weakness of theirs is that they always want to have the last word in any discussion. Many people find this annoying, but they do it unintentionally.

In adolescence, such people are very devoted to their studies, well-read and inquisitive. They are always interested in everything; their studies take first place. This characteristic helps these people at work and at home, because they perfectly apply the acquired knowledge in practice, quickly increasing their skills and experience.

The line of sexuality and passion in Scorpio-Snake is similar to a sine wave; at times it is practically absent, or, conversely, it is in the maximum position.

In family life, Scorpio men born in the year of the Snake tend to get overly irritated and nervous over trifles. For love and serious relationships, they are looking for passionate and reliable women who will be faithful and devoted. Only if these conditions are met will they be able to fully open their hearts. They do not tend to get divorced, even if there are misunderstandings and frequent conflicts in the marriage. If a favorable environment reigns in the family, then Scorpio-Snakes are very optimistic and have a positive outlook on life. In intimate terms, they prefer the brightness of feelings, thrills and novelty of relationships.

Professionally, Scorpio and Snake simultaneously strive for power; they want to dominate and control. They love to show others their own strength, talents and capabilities. Such people tend to have a fairly wide range of interests. They can engage in science, sports or tourism.

Horoscope Scorpio-Snake

According to the horoscope, Scorpio-Snake is an unpredictable and mysterious nature. She loves to compete with others, even without reason. In a state of anger, such people are very dangerous.

They rarely do anything without thinking. Scorpio-Snakes are rational and logical in their actions. Sometimes their dual nature creates difficulties for others. Sometimes such people are aggressive towards even the closest people.

Such people intuitively sense lies, so it is better to be honest with them. Sometimes they are able to imagine something that never happened. This character trait makes them too cautious.

Scorpio-Snake is a person who is keenly interested in everything that surrounds him. He is not indifferent to learning, improving skills and scientific experiments. In an argument, such people never give up, which makes them tough and frantic.

As for the sexual side of life, it is high for Scorpio-Snake, but it often depends on the mood and personal attitude towards the person.

Horoscope for combining Scorpios with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Snake - Scorpio

Russian writer and philosopher Fyodor Dostoevsky. Soviet and Russian composer Alexandra Pakhmutova. American boxer Zab Judah.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Snake, is especially insidious and cunning, he knows how to build complex and ornate chains of actions to achieve his goal, is able to converge with the right people and, with their help, achieves his goal. This person knows how to be pleasant, cheerful, sociable, and if something goes against his interests, then the Scorpio Snake instantly transforms into an evil, uncompromising and cruel creature.


The Snake-Scorpio man is active, ambitious, and powerful. He does his job well and strives to be in good standing with his superiors in order to gradually move up the career ladder. This man will be a strict boss, and in business an uncompromising entrepreneur, who will be helped by his acumen and excellent instinct for profitable deals and projects. In personal relationships, this man is a real seducer - gentle, affectionate, enveloping, but in family life he is difficult, quick-tempered, capable of stirring up a scandal over a trifle. His mood swings and thirst for power and control in everything will not appeal to every woman, so he needs a balanced and understanding wife, at the same time as bright and passionate as the Snake-Scorpio man himself.


The Snake-Scorpio woman is purposeful, quick-tempered, and selfish. She strives to live to the fullest, sets high goals for herself and goes ahead, although she does not always achieve good results. At work, she is efficient and hardworking, but in the team she can be considered an instigator of intrigue and gossip. Those people who crossed the path of the Snake-Scorpio woman will have a hard time. This lady is cunning with men, knows how to please and flirt. She is demanding of her partner and capricious, but at the same time passionate and very sexy.

Snake-Scorpio is quite an interesting and peculiar personality. Despite the complex nature of such people, they are very attractive, they have many friends and acquaintances. Their range of interests and hobbies is quite wide. They say about such people that “you won’t get bored with them.”

Scorpio – Snake: Characteristics

Scorpio Man – Snake

The Snake-Scorpio man is domineering, selfish and ambitious. He performs his direct duties at work well, his superiors appreciate him. Gradual advancement up the career ladder is the limit of all his dreams. In business, he will definitely be an uncompromising boss with excellent business acumen. On the personal front, this man is an insidious seducer who manages to create a scandal even out of nowhere. He needs a calm, kind and balanced wife who will support him in everything.

Scorpio Woman – Snake

The Scorpio-Snake woman is a hot-tempered, decisive and powerful person. She wants to live on a grand scale and sets goals for herself, not always correctly calculating her strength. At work, she is hardworking and very efficient. If such a person crosses the road, get ready for a long war, she does not forgive so easily. With representatives of the stronger sex, she is very capricious and demanding; not everyone can tolerate the character of such a lady for a long time.

Scorpio-Snake is a complex personality, which, despite its peculiar character, is very attractive. Her range of hobbies is quite wide and sometimes her communication skills are off the charts.

zodiac sign Scorpio year of the snake man

The lustful Snake makes everyone bite the apple of jealousy!

Zodiac horoscope: Scorpio sign

Scorpio-Snake loves to compete, even when it is completely inappropriate. The most secretive and inexplicable of all Snakes, and the most formidable when angry.

Men and women in the Scorpio-Snake combination are people with a powerful character, quick and deep thinking, charm, but also with a little cunning. These people are very independent, a little aloof from other people.

Outwardly, Snake-Scorpio is usually a confident and calm person, but in essence, at times they lack self-confidence. They have a sharp and active mind that is able to plan ahead and make decisions quickly. If you ask them anything, you will always get a quick answer. They have good communication skills and choose their words carefully. They are sensitive to other people's feelings, but are not known for their compassion or patience. They give honest and helpful advice to their friends, but at times they are not very tactful.

These people are attractive, but do not need a large group of friends and associate only with a few very close companions throughout their lives. They are active and will always enjoy physical activity, preferring outdoor sports. They are ambitious, but not overly ambitious, and can be generous with their money and time for those they love.

They have a modern outlook and are very positive. At times they may get upset over little things. They like to keep their personal feelings private, and only reveal them when absolutely necessary. In personal relationships this can cause some difficulties with them, but for the most part they are very loving, however they find it difficult to express their inner emotions.

Apart from the inability to open up to others, another small weakness in the personality of these people is that they always want to have the last word in a discussion. It can be annoying, but they don't do it on purpose. May cause disputes.

In comparison with other representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope, the Scorpio snake is distinguished by a special logic of behavior. It is not entirely clear to others and seems to be double. The Scorpio snake combines the ability for aggression and deceit with a craving for calm, thriftiness and comfort. Here, however, the ability to influence others is reflected.

In order not to miss out on its influence, the Scorpio snake, being a loner by nature, still prefers not to live alone. She is often secretive, and if she reveals her plans, it is in pursuit of goals known only to her.

The inner life of a Scorpio snake is much greater than what is shown on the outside. She loves to use others for her own purposes. To be fair, it must be said that this is not happening unrequitedly; she is also ready to provide services to others.

Like every representative of this year, the snake according to the zodiac sign Scorpio is characterized by insight. Attempts to deceive the Scorpio snake are always fraught. This same snake is also distinguished by its suspicion and is capable of mistaking even something that is not a deception.

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