Fortune telling on a candle meaning fish. Fortune telling by candles for relationships. Fortune telling by candles for love. Fortune telling for a rival using salt and a candle

There is an opinion that only fortune tellers, witches and psychics can tell the whole truth about what is still unknown, open your eyes to what is happening, and explain the past. But in fact, each of us can find out about what happened, what will happen, and how to calm our hearts ourselves. And you can successfully guess the future at home. We will tell you how to guess and when you can guess.

Fortune telling with candles has always been considered the most mysterious and truthful. The special value of fortune telling with candles is that these are the best fortune telling at home, and they do not necessarily have to be carried out to coincide with some Orthodox or pagan holiday. But still, there are days on which fortune telling is most favorable and correct, and we will tell you when you can tell fortunes and how to tell fortunes correctly.


For any fortune telling, the most preferable are witchcraft and mysterious days that fall during the full moon. And it’s not just the magic of such nights, when the full moon shines in the sky, a person’s intuition is sharpened to the maximum, and therefore the connection with everything mystical and otherworldly is strengthened. However, not all days with a full moon in the sky are suitable for fortune telling, but there are some that are suitable for a debilitated moon. The most suitable days of the lunar cycle are: the second day, the fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day, the tenth day, the twelfth day and the thirteenth day of the lunar cycle.

What days are suitable for fortune telling?

On Fridays and Saturdays, as a rule, people do not tell fortunes, since it is believed that this can lead to serious troubles. The only exceptions are Fridays, which fall on Christmastide and Christmas, because these are traditional, generally recognized “fortune-telling” days. These are the days when you can guess for sure. In principle, Christmastide, as they are also called, “holy days”, lasting two weeks, starting from Christmas and ending with the Epiphany of the Lord, has always been considered the most reliable for fortune telling. This especially applies to Vasilyev's evening - January 13 and Christmas Eve evening - January 18. These days you can carry out fortune telling at home and in noisy, cheerful companies; you can tell fortunes about anything: fortune telling about the future, about love, about a wedding, about prosperity….

At all January– the month when it is best to guess for the long term.

When can you guess at the possibilities of financial well-being in order to find out the prospects for your financial situation?

The best time for this is when only half of the moon is shining in the sky at night, then you will get an accurate result.

The traditional months when you can predict material prosperity and wealth are: February, and the autumn months - October and November. In this case, fortune telling on various animals and birds, for example, chickens, cats, etc., is most reliable.

When can you tell fortunes about your betrothed?

St. Andrew's Day, viz. December 13th- can be called a kind of rehearsal for Christmastide; this day is perfect for telling fortunes about your betrothed. And if you dream of the same man both on the night of December 13 and on Christmas holidays, it means that the fortune-telling will certainly come true. Fortune telling for your betrothed these days is suitable for all unmarried girls and women; there is only one obligatory condition - you must first fast for 24 hours (only bread and water). But this girl’s family and close relatives, on the contrary, must be well-fed. After the spell, the fortune teller must remain silent until the morning.

In addition, St. Andrew's Day is, in principle, the best option for fortune telling using water, including holy water.

When and what is the best time to guess?

Tell your fortune in January, you can determine how many years you will live, you can get an accurate answer to questions about possible future diseases.

The best month when you can tell fortunes about love is considered April, especially the 26th. During fortune telling, you can ask any questions that are related to the relationship between lovers, the possibility of marriage, the possibility of making a new acquaintance, etc.

IN July It is especially good to guess about health, as well as about making the right decision in some issue of interest.

September– great for questions regarding long trips, changes in place of residence and is considered the most favorable for fortune-telling about a person who is now far from you.

Having understood for yourself when you can guess and when to guess correctly, you will be able to choose the right time for fortune telling and receive the right clues from fate and forecasts from higher powers.


Firstly, it is useful to know that it is possible and desirable to tell fortunes using a certain shape of a candle. If the candle is twisted, it is used for fortune telling. By a white church candle they learn about a loved one, and the name of the beloved is scratched on the candle with a needle. Using a candle in the shape of a house, they tell fortunes about relatives and the house. Once you have chosen a candle shape that interests you, sit back, concentrate, light it and watch the flame.

If during fortune telling with a candle its flame is even and calm, this promises good luck and all sorts of benefits. If the candle fire fluctuates, the flame splits in two, expect trouble. If a candle suddenly goes out, this is an omen of shocks, misfortunes, blows of fate.

And one more thing, in the case of using candles, it is better if it is fortune telling at home, since they require silence, peace and concentration.

Method number 1: fortune telling with a saucer for the future.

To perform fortune telling with a saucer for the future, you need to take a candle on a favorable day and melt its wax. Then, having made a wish in advance for a specific event or just a question, you need to pour water into a flat saucer and pour the melted wax into the water. A figure should form in the saucer that will tell about the future and fate. Figures can come in a variety of shapes. If it is a wreath, you will get married soon; if it is a snake, it means illness; if it is a swan, it means good news; if it is a mill, it means gossip; if it is a horseshoe, it means happiness; if it is a crown, it means success. There are many interpretations, more on them later.

Method number 2: fortune telling with a candle for the future.

To find out your future, you can tell fortunes using wax or a melted candle after the moon rises. The candle needs to be melted in an iron bowl, and having made a wish, feel free to start guessing for the future. The melted wax should be slowly poured into a bowl of water, wait until the wax has completely hardened, take it in your hands and try to interpret the information by looking at the resulting figure from the back, bottom side.

At first glance, this fortune telling with a candle is no different from the previous one. But this is only at first glance. Firstly, you can tell fortunes about the future in this way either alone or in a group, but each participant must have their own candle. And secondly, the figures come out completely different, here they are more voluminous; such forms do not exist in fortune telling on a saucer. And therefore the answers are completely different, in some cases, more “deep”, more specific, detailed, so to speak. Although there is a minus - this fortune telling with a candle requires preparation, practice or an internal barometer, so to speak, in order to correctly interpret the meaning of the predictions.

Method number 3: fortune telling with candles for betrayal.

You need to take two candles from the church. Fortune telling is carried out at home. Make a wish which candle is yours and which is your betrothed, fiance or husband. When the clock strikes exactly midnight, you need to put candles in glasses filled with salt, draw a circle around the glasses with chalk and say three times: “Let my candle go out if the servant of God (his name) has another. Fire, wax, and treasured candles, tell the whole truth, don’t hide anything.” After this, the candles are lit. If during fortune telling by candles your candle goes out first, this means that your man has another one, at least in his thoughts. If the candle is burning, calm down, you have no reason for concern or suspicion - your dear one is faithful to you.

Method number 4: Christmas fortune telling by candle.

There is another fortune telling with a saucer for the coming year using wax and a melted candle. It should be held on Christmastide or St. Andrew's Day. You need to melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place these containers at the threshold of your house or apartment. When you step out on the threshold, say the following ritual phrase: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” While pronouncing the last words, you need to pour the melted wax into the milk. Then carefully examine what shape the wax in the milk has taken. Often the meaning of figures is interpreted figuratively, based on what it looks like. But there are also “standard”, generally accepted meanings for the figures for this fortune-telling using candles and their wax:

  • If the wax has frozen in the shape of a cross, this predicts some kind of illness in the new year.
  • If it just seemed like a cross, but the shape is unclear, then your financial affairs in the coming year will not go very well, and your personal life will turn into troubles, but, fortunately, not too serious.
  • If the figure looks like a flower, you will get married or meet your loved one.
  • If he shows an animal, be careful: you will have an enemy, and the more terrible the animal, the more dangerous the enemy.
  • If the wax flows in stripes, then in the coming year you will have roads, crossings, the length and number of stripes will also tell you the duration and number of these roads.
  • If the wax looks like stars, expect good luck in your service and success in your studies.
  • If, during fortune telling with candles, the wax mold forms a human figurine, you will be lucky, you will find a true friend.

Method number 5: fortune telling with a candle and ashes.

Write the groom's name on a small piece of paper. Mentally asking if this person will be with you, light a candle and burn a piece of paper with the name on its flame. Gently collect the resulting ash in your palm. Go to the window exactly at midnight, open the window and stick your palm with ashes into the street and unclench it. If the ashes rose into the air and flew away from your palm, it means the person you were wondering about will never be with you or will leave you soon. If the ashes remain in the palm of your hand, then you will never part.

Method number 6: fortune telling with candles and nut shells.

If during the whole holiday season you and your friends have not done the next fortune telling with candles, be sure to use it at Epiphany. Take walnut shells, cut wax candles crosswise into small pieces, insert them into the shells, and let them float in a bowl filled with water. Then each girl carefully lights her candle in the “boat” and observes. If someone’s candle sank, then the girl should go around dressed as a girl until the end of time; The one whose candle burns out faster than the others will get married first.

Method number 7: fortune telling with candles for family harmony.

You can find out what your married life will be like using the following fortune telling with candles. You need to sculpt figures of two swans from the wax of church candles. The winch is painted with blush, but the swan remains white. In the morning, the swan with a winch is lowered into a bowl of water and covered with a scarf, leaving it for the whole day. And before going to bed, they watch a swan and a winch swim. If together, it means married life will be in harmony with love; if the swans are separated, it means that they are not at odds with each other, the family will not be friendly.

Method number 8: how to tell fortunes to attract your loved one.

Take a sheet of white paper and a thin church candle. On the sheet you need to write the name of your lover who pays attention to you. Just don’t confuse fortune telling for reciprocity and a love spell; here we teach how to tell fortunes, not how to bewitch. Light a candle and slowly pour wax onto the paper sheet where the guy’s name is written, saying the following words: “Candle-candle, light the heart of my dear, God’s servant (his name).” As soon as the entire candle burns out and the wax on the paper hardens, carefully wrap the resulting ingot in paper and carry it with you at all times. The object of your fortune telling will definitely reciprocate your feelings or love you even more.

Method number 9: how to tell your wish.

If you want to find out how the question that worries you at the moment will be resolved, do the following: write this very question on the surface of the mirror with a white church candle, wrap the mirror in white cloth, and place it under your pillow before going to bed. It is necessary to put fresh linen on the bed and wash yourself and put on clean clothes. In a dream, you will definitely receive an answer to your question, clothed in certain symbolism. You will dream of a possible solution to the problem, perhaps you will hear or see the answer, the right way out of the current situation.

Method number 10: how to tell fortunes in the mirror.

Any such fortune-telling with candles and mirrors is done in solitude and complete silence, otherwise the fortune-telling simply will not take place. On the eve of the day of fortune telling, you must refrain from eating salty foods. Prepare in the evening a large round mirror, a glass of water, a saucer of salt, and two church candles - that's all you need for fortune telling. After midnight, the mirror is placed on a table not covered with a tablecloth, and thirteen crosses are drawn on the mirror. Prepared candles are placed and lit on both sides of it. Then they sit down at the table and recite the spell: “Mirror is a lake, fire is strength, salt is tears, tell me what awaits me in the future.” This spell must be repeated thirteen times. Then they eat a little salt and drink a glass of water.

After fulfilling all the above conditions, they peer closely at the mirror surface. Various visions should appear on it. However, if you still can’t see anything in the mirror, then don’t lose heart, don’t be upset, but just go to bed quickly. You can see your future in a dream or just a prophetic dream.

Method number 11: fortune telling with candles and mirrors for Christmas and Epiphany.

The following fortune telling, performed at Christmas and Epiphany, is quite common and known to many. How to tell fortunes with two candles and two mirrors? To tell fortunes, it is therefore important to do everything correctly. Having sat down on a low bench, you need to place two mirrors on the tables at eye level, always of different sizes. A large mirror is placed from the back of the fortuneteller, and a smaller mirror is placed facing the fortuneteller, at a distance of half a meter from the first mirror. Thus, the fortuneteller finds himself between two mirrors. It is also necessary to ensure parallelism of the mirrors; one, the one from the back, should be reflected in the other at least 12 times. Approximately in the middle of the intermediate distance, from the mirrors on the right and left, place two burning candles, and so that their direct light does not fall into the eyes. It is advisable to carry out fortune telling in a darkened room, in complete silence, so that you can concentrate without interference.

Now you need to think about what exactly you want to see. Perhaps it should be the person you love and the fate of your relationship. Perhaps you will ask the mirror a question that worries you, for example, what the coming year will be like, what awaits you or your family in it. The main thing is to clearly formulate the topic that interests you. Try to concentrate your attention and patiently wait for what will happen next.

First you should see a suite of mirrors or a long illuminated corridor. If you do not take your eyes off and are not distracted from the illuminated space of the corridor, then soon something like fog will appear in your field of vision, a kind of unsteady curtain - this means that you will soon see a mysterious vision in the mirror that serves as an answer to your questions. This could be a certain situation related to a person who worries you, a static image or, on the contrary, a life scene. The vision, as a rule, is clearly related to the question “posed” to the mirror.

Method number 12: Christmas fortune telling with threads.

Each of the fortune-telling girls cuts a thread of the same length as everyone else. All participants take their threads and simultaneously bring them to one candle, so as to set them on fire at once. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest will get married first. If someone’s thread goes out before it even burns halfway through, this means that this girl will never be destined to get married.

Method number 13: fortune telling with candles and wax for the future.

For fortune telling with wax, you need two wax candles (ideally, these should be blessed church candles) and a glass filled with clean, cold water. The first candle must be lit, and pieces from the second must be cut off and placed in a spoon. A spoon with pieces of wax is then brought to a burning candle, and thus heating it, the wax is melted. After this procedure, the melted candle wax is quickly poured into a glass of water. The future is judged by the figure formed in the glass, always doing this by candlelight.


  • 1. Butterfly: for women, this is a kind of warning: stop abusing your own power over men, stop playing with them, you will be rewarded for this. For men, this is also a warning, but of the opposite nature: stay away from “femme fatales.”
  • 2. Drum: rumors, gossip regarding you and your personal life in particular, so beware.
  • 3. Fan: friction in the work team, difficulties in the service, as an option - liquidation or reorganization of the enterprise where you work.
  • 4. Paddle: the business you have chosen is very important and necessary, even if you doubt it at the moment. So keep going, be persistent, and the results will convince you that the choice is right.
  • 5. Grape: a symbol of friendship and love, prosperity and good luck in business.
  • 6. Rake, comb, harrow and similar jagged objects indicate the need to put your affairs in order, perhaps by revising your lifestyle, establishing a daily routine, defining your personal relationships, or something like that.
  • 7. Mushroom: “cloudness of mind” associated with the danger of getting used to, becoming dependent on some kind of doping, in general, illness or some kind of illusion.
  • 8. Dinosaur: support or real help to someone from you, in terms of spiritual development and, in principle, education as such.
  • 9. The Dragon: as they say in the East: “The dragon flies high, looks far.” This means that you are a spiritual, creative person, or are on this path. However, in addition to “flying high,” a dragon can also mean the fulfillment of hopes, the birth of a child, or the completion of a business.
  • 10. Kalach(a figure that resembles a lying letter “B”): an unexpected delay in business awaits you or you are moving along the wrong path, weigh everything carefully again.
  • 11. Square: peace, stability, security. Your situation does not require changes - let everything go as it goes.
  • 12. Whale: an urgent need for a reliable partner, a strong patron, in general, an indication of the weakness of your position, fortunately, this weakness is temporary.
  • 13. Bell: news, in most cases from afar. A symmetrical, straight bell means good news, a chipped or crooked bell means bad news. If during fortune telling on candles several bells fall out, there may be danger, be careful.
  • 14. Ring: luck, harmony; if the ring is broken - failure, breakup, disappointment.
  • 15. Basket: the end of a certain period of life. The next plot is exhausted, the work is finished. But you shouldn’t relax, much less despair: a new period in life is beginning, and even more interesting than the previous one.
  • 16. Comet: unexpected, uninvited guests from afar, perhaps from abroad.
  • 17. Cat: treachery, betrayal, betrayal on the part of people from whom you never expect it. It is unlikely that this will be avoided; it is better to prepare, take appropriate measures to reduce the possible consequences and balance your own state of mind.
  • 18. Crab: interference of someone in your personal affairs, family or friends who are trying or will try to impose their opinion. Believe in yourself more, defend your positions, decisions made and do not succumb to outside influence.
  • 19. tree leaf: many people envy you, so intrigue is possible. Be careful and attentive.
  • 20. Face: symbol of friendship, trust, intimacy and love. You know how and want to help your loved ones, so they treat you with love and trust.
  • 21. Shovel: dedication, hard work, often efforts aimed at helping someone out, and not for one’s own benefit.
  • 22. Jellyfish: you have secrets, you have something to hide. Beware: those who have many secrets risk a lot. Perhaps it’s better for you to give up secrets, forget about intrigue and live in peace for a while?
  • 23. Hammer: Of course, you have a lot of strength, and the same willpower, but it’s still worth thinking before you act: is it really necessary to crush the mountain, especially if it’s quite easy to get around it?
  • 24. Bridge: The best way out of the situation is to agree to a compromise. If you continue to insist, you will either win less or lose more. Build a bridge! If during fortune telling there are several bridges on candles, this indicates anxiety and self-doubt. A crooked bridge, broken or destroyed, as a rule, means illness or health problems.
  • 25. Anvil: this figure symbolizes a stable, strong position that has been achieved through conscientious work. The strength of this situation can only be threatened by one thing - the game. Therefore, stay away from gambling, especially with people you don’t know well, and don’t get involved in dubious scams, especially for the sake of boredom.
  • 26. Insects: worries, troubles, blessings – short-term. An ant or a bee speaks of painstaking work, a dragonfly or cockroach speaks of minor troubles, etc.
  • 27. Monkey: pretense, false friend, ambiguous situation, intrigue.
  • 28. Vegetables(cabbage, carrots, turnips, etc.): troubles due to jealousy or someone else's envy - perhaps even your own. Try to moderate your temperament, just in case.
  • 29. Octopus: There is a constant energy “vampire” in your environment - stay away from him. Often it turns out to be an older lady, colleague, relative or neighbor.
  • 30. Glasses: It looks very much like you are doing something wrong, deviating from the right path, and you know that you are making a mistake, but you don’t dare admit it to yourself. Look at things more broadly, be honest with yourself!
  • 31. Stump indicates reliability, the right choice of partner, the solidity of the planned business, etc.
  • 32. Pistol, machine gun, cannon and other weapons: threat, danger, in most cases psychological, not physical, perhaps they will use you for their own purposes, and unseemly ones at that.
  • 33. Dishes(cup, spoon, jug, etc.): peace, order in the house, if the dishes are cracked or have an irregular, ugly shape - a family quarrel, a threat to peace.
  • 34. Bee: perseverance, work, and high goals. Success will not only accompany you, it will exceed your wildest expectations; you will achieve much more than your goal if you remain true to yourself in any situation.
  • 35. Sink: problems on the personal front, in relationships with the opposite sex. Fortunately, these problems are temporary and not your fault, so don’t be upset, just wait it out. Everything will work itself out.
  • 36. Rocket, projectile, torpedo: Act boldly! To achieve your plan, you will need a serious effort, an “attack”, a jerk.
  • 37. Horn: abundance, stable profit, symbol of stability of position.
  • 38. Elephant: Having enormous power, be prudent. Learn to use it for good, otherwise it will harm you.
  • 39. Axe: threat of physical attack, danger of conflict due to someone’s harshness, perhaps yours. Therefore, be careful and careful in your expressions!
  • 40. Smoke pipe: long life, prosperity. Stick to your chosen course - then everything will be fine.
  • 41. Triangle: the meaning of this figure can only be deciphered if it is fortune telling on a saucer or other similar static fortune telling. When solving this symbol, you cannot rotate the figure or change its position. Its meaning is interpreted in relation to the location of the one for whom they are guessing. If the triangle is positioned correctly, has a base on a horizontal line and an apex directed upward from the fortuneteller - success of the business, completion of what was started, if the figure is located with the apex downwards - success is postponed. However, there is no need to worry, everything has its time.
  • 42. Flag– military matters: a call to the military registration and enlistment office, marriage to a military man, a trip to places of hostilities, etc.; for the military - another rank, transfer to another place, participation in hostilities. An inverted flag warns of possible injury.
  • 43. Fruits(apple, banana, pear): profit, fee, winnings, salary increase, new source of income.
  • 44. Worm(small snake): a warning against frivolity, an invitation to once again think about the current situation and your relationships with loved ones and others.
  • 45. Turtle: such a figure symbolizes wisdom and eternity. As the great philosopher Parmenides said: everything that can happen is already written on the shell of the great cosmic turtle, which means there is no hurry. You should not think about what cannot be, what cannot be will not happen.
  • 46. Cap, hat: your “thing in the bag”, success. However, if it has holes, success is in doubt.
  • 47. Ball, ball, core: things are fine, the situation is stable. You shouldn't stop halfway, keep moving towards your goal, and you will be successful.
  • 48. Trousers: crossroads, fork in the path. “If you go to the right, like in a fairy tale, you will lose your horse...” Therefore, choose the most difficult path - and boldly proceed, fate will support you.
  • 49. Apple: a symbol of wisdom, life, health, and also temptation. The more the wax figure resembles a real apple, the better its value. A crooked, chipped, bitten apple can warn of temptation; do not give in to it.
  • 50. Egg: an ancient symbol of something secret, hidden, implicit. It can mean fears, anxiety, concerns, a period of heightened reaction to what is happening. But it may well symbolize the beginning of just something new, the birth of a child, for example, or a renewal of personality.

A little more about fortune telling using wax and candles:

The modern rhythm of life sometimes confuses us so much that we are afraid to make even seemingly simple decisions, not to mention complex ones, so as not to make a mistake. Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand relationships with loved ones, a series of continuous problems at work or in a situation

Which can completely change your life. So what should we do? Succumb to the will of fate or take a decisive step, accept or push away, and what to hope for? That is why our ancestors resorted to divination for centuries, and fortune telling with candles and wax was the most widespread and reliable.

The help of higher powers can be used in this way as many times as you like. And there are also a lot of fortune telling with candles about fate, getting wealth, about the groom and the success of family relationships.

The best day for “candle” fortune-telling has always been the full moon. Favorable periods are:

  • the week between the church holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany,
  • immediately after Trinity,
  • the week preceding Easter,
  • by dates: from mid to late August, from the end of June to Kupala (inclusive), and at the very end of September.

Preparing for fortune telling

For prediction, you should choose beautiful and elegant candles. The composition from which the candle is made plays a primary role here - it must be wax-based. Neither a paraffin nor a gel candle is suitable for the ceremony! The color palette of a candle carries a certain symbolism and elemental energy.

Candle color and its meaning:

  • red candle - perfect for divination for love, family relationships, friendship, since its symbolism is passion, seething energy, health, love;
  • orange candle - will reveal the whole truth about the financial situation in the future, answer questions about justice;
  • pink candle - will help those who are looking for harmony in life, since its element is romance, respect, tenderness, harmonization, attractiveness;
  • purple candle - will indicate possible ways to avoid circumstances that bring misfortune, remove negative energy, strengthen the abilities of the fortuneteller; its symbolism lies in ambition and success, wisdom, intuitiveness;
  • golden candle - used in divination for money, financial success and good luck, as it lures money into the life of the fortuneteller;
  • yellow candle - great for casting fortunes on the success of creative projects and endeavors, on learning, and helps to quickly achieve the intended result, cleanse yourself of negativity and fill your life with positive events;
  • blue candles - reveal the whole truth when fortune telling for friendship, partnerships, because they reveal secret plans;
  • green candle - is specially connected with the forces of nature and material wealth, therefore it is used to determine the future financial condition and career growth;
  • black candles are the most undesirable for fortune telling, as they are used in black magic rituals;
  • white wax candles are ideal for divination for a betrothed, but can be used for any divination.

Unlike color, shape is a secondary factor. But he also needs to be taken into account. TO for example, curled candles reveal the secrets of the future, candles in the shape of houses and towers help you learn about upcoming events in your personal life, and the geometric structure of a candle answers everyday questions. You can cast a spell on your betrothed with an ordinary candle.

Candles that have already been used or have been damaged are not suitable for fortune-telling events. Their answer will not only be untruthful, but during fortune telling they will attract negativity and misfortune into the house.

The best option would be clerical candles - since they are universal for all types of divination. An important condition is that the candle must be brought from the temple, and bought during the early morning service, since the beginning of a new day is a symbol of newness.

The second main component of fortune telling with wax is water - a special energy-informational structure. For divination on wax castings, you need a clean liquid. Never use boiled water for divination - the peculiarity of its structure is such that it changes under the influence of high temperatures. Ordinary tap water is a more or less acceptable option. For really serious fortune telling on wax, use only spring, Epiphany or holy water.

Fortune telling methods

When starting fortune telling, remember the precautions. So, if the prediction is not good, then dig the wax (and water) under the birch tree. When the omen is good, flowers or plants are watered with the remaining water, and a piece of wax is wrapped in a white scarf and put away in a safe place to be used in the future.

Method 1 – fortune telling for the future

Prepare any container with water - a deep saucer, a bowl, a small saucepan, etc. Select a candle whose color matches the question being asked. While it is burning and the wax is melting, you need to continuously ask a question in a low voice. Then, with a sharp stroke, pour the fusible mass into the prepared “pool”. When the wax hardens after a little time, take out the pieces one by one and try to make out certain shapes. So, a lot of tiny round drops foreshadow money and career growth.

Decoding of figures:

  • fan - conflicts and difficulties at work;
  • snake - disease;
  • grapes - mutual understanding in the family, love, reliable friendship, good luck in finances;
  • mushroom – strengthening vitality, longevity;
  • mill - empty gossip;
  • dragon - the realization of your dream or there will soon be a new addition to the family;
  • crown - success;
  • cross - in the coming year there will be a loss of a loved one;
  • church - turn to faith and have patience to cope with future suffering;
  • the appearance of the beast - a new enemy will appear soon;
  • swan - portends good news;
  • stripes are a symbol of roads and travel, foreshadowing a move to a new home;
  • stars - good luck accompanies you in your studies and work;
  • wreath - marriage soon;
  • tree leaf - you will take part in the intrigue;
  • horseshoe - happiness;
  • an egg is a sign of big changes;
  • flowers - a happy marriage, innovation in relationships;
  • apple – strong relationships, health;
  • the door is the entrance to a new fateful stage of life, get ready;
  • a full basket means receiving gifts and successful purchases, an empty basket means loss.

Method 2 - casting a spell on your lover

Write down your lover's name on a piece of paper. Light a candle, set fire to your piece of paper with it, hold it there until it will not burn completely over the flame. Mentally ask if you will be together with your lover. After complete combustion, when you have collected the ashes and the clock shows midnight, extend your open hand with the ashes out the window. Ashes instantly scattered means that your destiny is to be together.

Method 3 – what will the relationship be like in a couple?

Be sure to perform fortune telling when midnight strikes. Take a couple of candles: imagine one for yourself, and the other for your lover. Secure them into glasses covered with salt. Mark a chalk circle around the containers, saying three times: “Let my candle go out if the servant of God [name] has another. Wax, fire and treasured candles, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide anything.” Now light the candles.

The strength of the flame will indicate who has stronger love. Crackling, ornate flames and smoking are a sign that a person in a relationship is suffering, experiencing painful jealousy and pain. If the flame goes out but the wick is intact, then a break in the relationship is inevitable, and the culprit will be the one for whom the candle was intended. If your flame goes out first, it means the groom has another woman. Burning the flame of your candle longer than your lover’s candle predicts a harmonious relationship. If the flames of both candles go out at the same time, then the love is mutual, and the relationship will be long and happy.

Method 4 – fortune telling for the next year

Taking 3 twisted candles, imagine that the first is the coming year, the other represents positive emotions, and the third is the embodiment of negativity. Place the first candle between emotionally charged candles. Light the candle wicks at the same time. The behavior of the flame of the middle candle is indicative: deviation towards the positive candle promises material benefits and success in business, and the direction of the flame towards the “negative” candle indicates disappointments and material difficulties in the coming year.

Whatever the result of fortune telling with candles and wax, the main thing is to know that if you wish, a lot can be changed and corrected the way you need it.
I also recommend watching a video about correct fortune telling with candles.

Everyone now knows that living fire cleanses, calms, and protects. The most affordable way to have a live fire in a city apartment is candles. Of course, some manage to make real fires in frying pans and baking sheets, but a candle is still safer. And it doesn't smoke.

About the color of candles

The candle light itself already creates a pleasant atmosphere and mood. However, you can still wisely use the color of a candle to achieve certain goals. The table gives a rough idea of ​​the use of color in witchcraft practices, although it should be borne in mind that shades can have an influence.

For any job, you should purchase good quality candles that are fully dyed (that is, made from colored paraffin or wax, and not just doused on the outside). Of course, many will claim that they also worked with candles that were simply painted on the outside, even with gouache. But the fact is that in these “successful” experiments, these people could get by with white candles with the same effect, and even without candles at all - they worked not with color, or with color, but with their own power. Proper use of the color of a candle allows in many cases to reduce one’s own work to creating an intention, and everything else is done “according to the program” by a burning candle. For example, simply lighting a red candle in the room of a person weakened by illness with the intention of giving him strength has an effect.

protection, cleansing

revenge, punishment, contact with the dead

contact with otherworldly forces, achieving power, overcoming something

strengthening mental strength, treating serious illnesses

influx of vital energy, improvement of fate, expulsion of evil, courage, health

optimism, success, adaptation to circumstances, attraction of sympathy

love, friendship, happiness

intellectual development, any fortune telling, prediction

fertility, prosperity, income growth

spiritual development, development and strengthening of parapsychic abilities

recovery, protection from otherworldly forces

treatment of pets, all housing problems

How to choose the right candles for fortune telling

You are going to guess, but, being ignorant in this matter, you want to find out which candles are right for you. Fortune telling is a sacrament, and it is quite obvious that huge household candles will look somewhat inappropriate. The more beautiful, unusual, and elegant the candle is, the greater the chances of successful fortune telling. Our ancestors used homemade candles to tell fortunes, and modernized candles will be at your disposal. An important condition is your faith and hope, as well as the absence of malicious intent.

You should know that the color and shape of the candles may depend on the nature of the fortune telling. Color and shape of a candle There are fortune tellings that predict future fortune telling about your betrothed, life in the new year, the number of children, etc.) and fortune telling, the purpose of which is to predict answers to everyday questions that concern you (about an upcoming date, about work , about the attitude of others towards you, etc.). Fortune telling candles come in a variety of colors. Each color is responsible for certain symbolism.

For example, white candles are intended for fortune telling for the betrothed. The color white originally represented innocence. Fortune telling with white candles means that your desires and thoughts are pure, far from self-interest and profit. Bright yellow and orange candles are usually used in fortune telling for long journeys and travel. Fortune telling is done using red candles to give you some guidance for action. That is, you feel that those around you are waiting for you to take a decisive step.

What should you do? Try telling fortunes using red candles. If you are overcome by gloomy thoughts about the fulfillment of what you have desired or have long planned, try telling fortunes using blue or green candles. We do not recommend using dark candles, as they can harm you.

Candle shape

As for the shape of the candle, it is not of such primary importance as color. Twisted candles are used in fortune telling for the future life, since the twisted shape represents the spiral development of life. Candles in the shape of houses are good to use for fortune telling related to your personal life. It is good to tell fortunes about your betrothed using ordinary candles.

A prerequisite is that the candles must be from the church, purchased during matins, since the beginning of the day will symbolize changes, the beginning of your new life. Candles in the shape of various geometric shapes are used for fortune telling on everyday issues.

Various fortune telling by candles

Fortune telling by two candles

1. Take two candles, equal in length. One candle will represent the feminine principle, the other - the masculine principle. Light them at the same time. Observe which candle burns faster. It is this candle that will be subordinate to its slow (strong) one.

2. To tell fortunes about your betrothed, take one white candle and any candle that will be your symbol. First light your candle. Pay close attention to the evenness of combustion of the candle. If wax drips from one edge, then most likely you are an uneven, impressionable person. Light your betrothed's candle from your candle. If his candle melts as unevenly as yours, you can safely walk down the aisle, because your union will be very harmonious. The burning of both candles without crackling means a quiet, calm life, without emotional outbursts.

3. If the pangs of jealousy have overcome you, try telling fortunes. Take two candles - one thin, the other thicker. Place them in a glass, which you circle with chalk. For one candle, wish for your name. Then say the following spell: “Let my candle go out without completely decaying, if my dear one is unfaithful to me in thought and in deed.” Light the candles. If your candle goes out, it means your sweetheart is cheating on you.

Fortune telling with three candles

1. With the help of three candles, you can find out what awaits you next year: prosperity or poverty. Take three twisted candles. The first means the new year, the second candle will be the focus of your positive emotions, and the third will store negative emotions. Arrange the candles in the following order: second, first, third. Light all the candles at the same time. The year candle located in the middle will be your pointer. If combustion is uniform, then your position in the new year will be moderately stable. If the candle of the year melts towards the candle of positive emotions, good luck and material success will accompany you; If wax from the candle of the year drips towards the candle of negative emotions, then material difficulties await you.

2. Three candles can be used in fortune telling for your future husband if there are several contenders. One candle will symbolize you, the other two will symbolize your betrothed. Light the candles; your candle should be in the middle. In the direction of whose candle your candle melts, he will be your true betrothed. If your candle burns evenly, then do not rush into making a choice. What You Can See in a Candle Flame A candle flame can symbolize different meanings. An uneven, flickering flame means uncertainty, failure, illness, and upcoming conflict. A flame tending upward represents prosperity, harmonious relationships, recovery, and success. For example, you need to find out what the upcoming meeting promises. Look at the candle flame and draw the appropriate conclusions.

3. A candle flame can be materialized on paper to tell fortunes. To do this, take a white sheet of paper and move it over a lit candle so that dark symbols are imprinted on the paper. This operation can be performed several times. You may end up with concentric circles, starfish, wavy lines, and fantastic plants and animals. You can ask a variety of questions. For example: What should I expect from a date? What are my chances in finding a job? Should you take a trip to visit?

Concentric circles mean change, a turn for the better. But do not rely entirely on chance; changes must come from your initiative and enterprise. Don't be afraid of new things! Stars symbolize joy and positive emotions. The distant will seem close, and the unrealizable will seem real. Any of your actions will be regarded as adequate to the plan and purpose. Wavy lines indicate that the implementation of the plan is postponed indefinitely. Don't let doubts take over you. Embrace a proactive approach to life. The image of fantastic plants and animals means that you can completely break away from real life. Your separation is fraught with financial problems. Try doing something specific.

4. You can visually tell fortunes using a candle flame. To do this, you need to take 6-8 candles, arrange them in a semicircle and light them. Focus your gaze on one point of the flame and stare until you see a face, a circle, numbers. It takes a long time to watch. It is possible that you will not see anything the first time. The face could mean your imminent engagement. The circle symbolizes the fate of your family and loved ones. Their condition may improve. The numbers you see answer questions like “How many children (or husbands) will I have?” or "When will I get married?" In the latter case, the number means the month.

Fortune telling with a mirror and candles

This type of fortune telling came to us from Greece. The main conditions for fortune telling are the observance of silence, silence, loneliness and darkness. Take an oval mirror and place it in front of you. Light a candle. Write the name of your betrothed on a piece of paper and light it over the candle. Watch the paper burn in the mirror. If the paper quickly flares up and burns just as quickly, then your relationship can be described as passionate, but most likely quickly passing. If the paper smolders slowly, then your union will be harmonious for many years.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

You will need two mirrors and two candles. The mirrors can be the same, or you can take two mirrors of different sizes. Place them opposite each other. For lighting, place two identical candles on the sides of the mirrors. You can do it another way: hang one mirror on the wall and put the other on the table. Point the mirrors so that a corridor is formed. Peering intently into the corridor, wait until the image of our betrothed appears. We warn you that it takes a long time to watch. Few people manage to see the image. Fortune telling with a mirror and a candle can be varied.

A few more ways of fortune telling

1 Method
Take a candle, pour water into a flat saucer, pour the melted wax of the candle into the water, wishing for your groom in advance. A figure should form in the water, but with it they guess their future fate.
The figures can be of different shapes: if you see a wreath, you will soon get married, a snake - for illness, a swan - for good news, a mill - for gossip, a horseshoe - for happiness, a crown - for success.

2 Method
Take a thin church candle and a sheet of white paper. Write on it the name of your fiance or the guy who paid attention to you. Light a candle and pour wax onto the paper where the name of the groom is written with the words: “Candle-candle, light the heart of my dear, God’s servant (name).” When the entire candle burns out and the wax hardens on the paper, carefully wrap this ingot in paper and carry it with you all the time. The guy you were wondering about will definitely reciprocate your feelings or love you even more.

3 Method
Write the groom's name on a small piece of paper. Light a candle and burn a piece of paper with the name on its flame. Mentally ask if this person will be with you. Gently collect the resulting ash in your palm. At exactly midnight, go to the window, open the window and stick your palm with ashes into the street. If the ashes rise into the air and fly away from your palm, then the person whose name you wrote will never be with you or will leave you. If the ashes remain in the palm of your hand, then you and your fiancé will never part.

4 Method
Take two candles from the church. Make a wish for your candle and your betrothed. When it strikes exactly midnight, place the candles in glasses with salt, draw a circle with chalk around the glasses and say three times: Let my candle go out if the servant of God (name) has another. Wax, fire and cherished candles, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide anything." Light the candles. If your candle goes out first, then your groom has another. If the candle burns, then you should have no reason to worry - your darling is faithful to you.

Truthful fortune telling with candles and water will tell you about the future chosen one, what tomorrow has in store, and will warn about treason and betrayal.

Xeroscopy - fortune telling with wax

For a long time, magicians have tried to look into the future by using lead, tin or wax in ritual - materials that can be melted and poured into water. Water is a powerful information carrier that can reflect the future as well as the present. The essence of fortune telling is the “casting” of mental images: a fusible substance drips into a bowl and solidifies in a certain shape.

A large candle needs to be lit for about an hour - so that more liquid wax (paraffin) is formed. Then they take a bowl of cool water, ask a question and pour the melted wax into the plate. The result is a figure that you need to take a good look at to determine what it looks like. When the wax has hardened, you can pick up the figurine and take a closer look.

Tip: the bowl of water and the candle should be of different colors in order to clearly see the contours of the hardened wax. For a white candle, use a colored bowl and vice versa.

Only after completing fortune telling on water with a candle, and having determined what the figure looks like, do they look at the table of values. You can select 3-5 objects that are similar to the outlines of frozen wax, and write them down in order - according to their similarity. If the first item is not in the list of values, look at the second, etc.

Shape meanings

Angel - the intervention of higher powers will solve your problem.

The arch is the beginning of an important new stage in life.

Tower - marriage.

Letters, numbers - indicate dates or names.

Fan – loss (family, work)

The eye is a deception, ill-wishers.

The mushroom is a pleasant surprise.

Caterpillar, worm - your own frivolity will become your enemy, you should take more care of your loved ones.

Home – moving or changes for the better.

Dragon - only by showing willpower can you achieve what you want.

Hedgehog - your own ill will harms you - you need to be gentler towards others.

A woman is either a new friend or a rival.

Star – career, success.

A book - new knowledge and ideas, you will start life with a new leaf.

Cat - there is a traitor in your inner circle.

Cross - problems, troubles.

Circle (ball) – stability, security.

Chicken - family life will be prosperous.

Leo – strength, self-confidence.

Ladder – career advancement.

The line is the beginning of an important matter.

The car is the upcoming trip.

Bridge - a difficult compromise decision has to be made.

Man - a new friend or groom will appear.

Knife - break in relationships (love, friendship).

Cloud – doubts, problems.

Points - you can correct the situation if you reconsider it.

Spider - deceit and cunning lie in wait for you.

Horseshoe is great luck.

Child – the birth of a child or the start of a new business.

Fish - you will be like a fish in water.

A dog is a faithful friend or a reliable protector.

An owl is an unfavorable sign: it foretells difficulties, illnesses and failures.

Period – windfall.

Duck - success in business.

Flower (any) - fulfillment of a cherished desire.

A cup is a life full of harmony.

Egg - new dreams, ideas.

The magic of candles and water

  • 3 church candles;
  • spring (well, melt) water;
  • jar (decanter);
  • table mirror;
  • White tablecloth.

You can try to “see” the future by combining two essences: fire and water. How to tell fortunes using candles and water to get an answer to an exciting question?

First, prepare the water - you will need clean “natural” water: well, spring water or from melted snow. The liquid is poured into a jar and kept at the head of the bed for 3 nights to fill it with the energy of the fortuneteller. On the 4th day, they buy a candle in the temple, and at midnight they perform fortune telling.

Before the ritual, you need to concentrate: meditate and formulate the right question: what awaits me in the near future? How will your career develop in your new workplace? What awaits me in marriage? And. etc.

During fortune telling, the hair is let down.

When is the best time to guess?

The best time to receive an answer from the universe is the night of Christmas and Christmastide (12 days from Christmas to Epiphany). You can ask the question at another time - always at midnight, on the 4th night after the water was placed at the head of the bed.

Magic ritual

Everything is ready: water, a church candle and the fortuneteller himself. Now you can begin fortune telling with a candle and water.

By midnight, prepare the table: cover it with a white tablecloth and place 3 candles in a triangle. Water in a transparent container (in a decanter or jar) is placed in the center of the triangle, and a mirror is placed behind it so that the light from one candle falls on the glass.

Then, concentrating, they look into the mirror through a jar of water. The candle flames, refracted by water, give birth to reflections and images in the depths - the desired answer to the cherished question. You need to try to comprehend the answer you receive.

Fortune telling about a rival

Place 2 glasses in the center of the table, pour salt on the bottom. Place a church candle in each glass and draw a chalk circle around them both. One candle is wished for oneself, the second for a loved one. At midnight they light a fire and ask: “Does God’s servant (name) have a mistress?”

The result of divination is determined by whose candle burns out first. If your candle burns out first, there is a rival; First, the candle of your spouse (groom) burned out - he remains faithful to you.

Fortune telling about your future husband

They perform divination on the groom, who has serious intentions. You will need 2 identical long white candles: they represent the bride and groom. The bride's candle is lit first and they carefully watch how the candle burns and how it floats. Then they light the groom’s candle from its flame and watch it burn.

  • It burns and floats in the same way as a bride’s candle - a marriage with this person will be happy and harmonious.
  • The candle burns differently - it is better to wait with marriage, the groom is not yet sure of his feelings.

Fortune telling for supremacy in marriage

Take 2 identical long candles - they symbolize the future husband and wife. They light it at the same time and wait to see whose candle burns out faster. The leader in the marriage will be the spouse whose candle has burned longer. If the candles go out at the same time, the main thing in the house will be gone, the spouses will solve all issues together.

Whatever the results of fortune telling, they should be interpreted for the better and expect only joyful events.

Since ancient times, classical fortune telling has been extremely popular among various Slavic peoples. A special magical attribute, without which no ritual can be imagined, is a simple candle. This wax object accompanies us all our lives - at baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

Wax fortune telling

Perhaps the most ancient and famous way to find out about your destiny is fortune telling by candles. This activity was any kind of entertainment for girls of different classes during the holy week. At this time, one could find out one’s future, examine the face of one’s beloved man, etc. As a rule, fortune telling was done using church candles, and nannies and experienced fortune tellers supervised the entire process. During fortune telling, they melted wax and poured it into a vessel with water, and then deciphered the meaning of the bizarre figures.

How to guess

Fortune telling with candles cannot be done every day; it is better to do it at special times: on the full moon in the week before Easter, after Trinity, after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, on Christmastide. Fortune telling with wax has become popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. For the purity of the ritual, you should choose not paraffin candles, but wax ones, because... only they have energy-informational special properties. It is also advisable to take melted water or baptism water for fortune telling, the structure of which can change under the influence of freezing.

On wax and water

Casting or fortune telling with wax is a classic method of divination, known since ancient times. The method is accessible to anyone, and it does not require special training. When choosing objects for a ritual, you need to be more careful. You should take a large candle so that it burns for at least an hour. Only from this amount of wax mass can optimal information be obtained. In addition to the candle, to perform fortune telling you will need:

  • matches or lighter;
  • steel tablespoon;
  • wide container or cup with cold water.

Carrying out the ritual:

  1. Grate the candle.
  2. Take a small handful and put it in a spoon.
  3. Pour cold water into the container.
  4. Light a match or lighter.
  5. Let's make a low fire.
  6. We formulate the request in advance.
  7. Melt the wax properly until liquid and quickly pour it into water.
  8. Wax figures will appear, which will be the answer to the question.
  9. We look at what happened in the water and look for the meaning of the symbols.
  10. For greater effect, you can place a small mirror at the bottom of the vessel. Water must be poured over it. The mirror will not allow information to go in different directions, the figure will be clear.

On the mirror and candles

Fortune telling with mirrors is considered the most terrible, it can only be performed by a brave girl. Before divination, you need to remove all unnecessary things from the table. The fortune teller must be alone. By midnight, for this purpose, she locks herself in a room or in a bathhouse. In the twilight of the mirror surface during such a ritual, you can see the face of your betrothed. For fortune telling using candles with a mirror you will need:

  • two or three large mirrors;
  • two candles;
  • matches.

Carrying out the ritual:

  1. It is necessary to take mirrors for fortune telling and place them one against the other.
  2. We light candles.
  3. We illuminate the mirrors with candles from one and the other edge.
  4. It is better to keep one mirror opposite two illuminated ones to create a long corridor.
  5. You need to look attentively and motionlessly in the mirror, directing your gaze to the end of the corridor.
  6. It is believed that in such a gallery you can see your man.

The meaning of figures and interpretation of symbols

Fortune telling symbol


warns against mistakes you will regret


happy family life

a good sign that symbolizes harmony or a joyful event

a sign symbolizing good luck in all matters

new romance, marriage, love

a symbol that it’s time to change something in life

confidence, strength, reliability

serene coexistence

betrayal of a friend

symbol of inner strength, passion, determination

speaks of danger, of insidious enemies

unpleasant situation

you will need willpower, if you have it, then all your plans will come true

if the branches are turned upward - joy; if down - an unpleasant event

a good sign that foretells a surprise

germ (embryo)

new stage of life: pregnancy, relationships, new job, hobbies


need to make cash reserves

harbinger of good news

you have a loyal friend who you can trust

warning of betrayal or possible pregnancy