Do men get gardnerella? Development of Gardnerella Vaginalis in men. Drugs and medications

First of all, it should be said that gardnerellosis in men is an infectious disease. Gardnerellosis in men occurs due to the entry of its causative agent, Gardnerella, into the male genitourinary system. Gardnerella is a microorganism that usually lives in the microflora of a woman’s vagina (Gardnarella vaginalis) and causes bacterial vaginosis in women; In men, Gardnarella causes illness less frequently. However, in some cases, the development of gardnerellosis is still possible in men, while it is practically asymptomatic, but can cause inflammation of the genital organs and lead to serious complications.

The Energo Medical Center provides comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of gardnerellosis and its causative agent gardnerella in men using drugs and modern techniques that lead to the desired result in a relatively short time (the cure period is determined individually depending on the characteristics of the disease in each case).

Gardnerellosis in men: causes and routes of infection

The main and only way of infection with Gardnerella in men is sexual contact with a woman infected with this pathogen. Gardnerellosis is not transmitted through household contact (through kisses, handshakes, dishes and public places such as bathhouses and public toilets).

Under normal conditions, gardnerella does not stay in the body for long in men. This is due to the structural features of the male genitourinary system, which gardnerella usually leaves after 3 days. However, if the pathogen manages to linger in a man’s body for up to 5 days, the development of the disease becomes quite possible. At the same time, a healthy man is unlikely to develop the disease, despite the fact that he will still become a carrier of the disease.

The following factors usually contribute to the development of gardnerellosis:

  • weakened immunity of men, which is caused by chronic diseases, heavy physical and emotional stress;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • previous diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the presence in the man’s body of pathogens of other sexually transmitted diseases – chlamydia, herpes, etc.;
  • numerous promiscuous relationships with various partners without appropriate means of protection;
  • chronic vaginosis of the partner, recurrent even in the case of systematic treatment.

Gardnerellosis in men: symptoms

As mentioned above, signs of gardnerellosis in men are most often not clearly expressed. Symptoms are usually vague, and the presence of certain symptoms does not always clearly indicate Gardnerella in men.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis in men usually include:

  • greenish scanty discharge from the genitourinary system. They usually occur in the morning and are not always noticeable;
  • a characteristic unpleasant odor (the smell of “rotten fish”) when urinating;

Gardnerella in men also explains the symptoms of the disease, since it most often settles in the urethra, as well as in the genital organ itself (between the head and the foreskin), which in some advanced cases can lead to inflammation, erosion and redness of the penis (balanoposthitis).

Gardnerellosis in men: complications

Complications with gardnerellosis do not occur often, however, in the presence of concomitant conditions against the background of the development of gardnerellosis, the following are possible:

  • prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate;
  • vesiculitis – inflammation of the seminiferous tubules;
  • cystitis - a disease of the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis – kidney disease;
  • sepsis, abscesses - are possible in extremely rare cases with a severely weakened man’s immunity and with free circulation of gardnerella without appropriate treatment.

The danger of gardnerellosis also lies in the fact that most often its symptoms are subtle, and a male carrier can infect his partner, which is extremely dangerous if the woman is pregnant or planning to have a child.

So, if gardnerellosis in men often goes away without consequences, gardnerella, which is not treated, in a woman’s body can cause:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • urethritis: discomfort (pain and burning) not only during urination, but also at rest.

If symptoms of gardnerellosis occur or a man suspects that he may be infected with Gardnarella vaginalis, it is necessary to begin treatment, the first step of which will be making an appointment with a urologist and professional diagnosis. It should be remembered that it is impossible to diagnose yourself, even if you have the described symptoms, and self-medication, at best, will not lead to any results, and at worst, it will cause serious complications.

In addition, therapeutic treatment is usually prescribed in case of pronounced symptoms, as well as in order to stop the infection of the partner. It is highly recommended to be tested for gardnerellosis if a couple wants to have a child.

Initial appointment

An initial appointment with a specialist involves a survey and examination, as well as passing all the necessary tests to confirm gardnerellosis.

A set of tests for gardnerellosis in men is as follows:

  • scraping from the urethra;
  • urine and semen analysis.

Most often, the diagnosis of gardnerellosis in men involves the use of the polymer chain reaction (PCR) method, which gives results with an accuracy of over 98%.

In some cases, when bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed in a partner, additional diagnostics are not prescribed for the man, and therapeutic treatment takes place for both partners.

If the diagnosis of gardnerellosis is confirmed, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which in men involves a combination of drugs and other therapeutic methods - physiotherapy, herbal medicine, etc. The set of drugs and methods for the treatment of gardnerellosis in men is determined both by the causative agent - gardnerella, and by the characteristics of each individual patient and his reaction body for drugs.

Treatment of gardnerella in men involves primarily using antibiotics aimed at destroying gardnerella. Antibiotics are selected individually; during treatment, the drug regimen may change depending on the body's response to treatment. At the same time, treatment of gardnerellosis in men is a longer process than in women, since most often there is no possibility of direct influence on the pathogen: antibiotics are usually used in the form of tablets for oral administration. In particularly difficult cases, it is possible to use droppers to administer drugs directly to the affected areas.

Additional, but no less important components of treatment include:

  • physiotherapy;
  • a set of measures to strengthen the immune system (vitamin and mineral preparations and moderate physical activity).

These measures are used during both the active treatment and recovery phases.

Also, during the treatment of gardnerellosis in men, it is strongly recommended:

  • refrain from sexual intercourse, especially unprotected;
  • refrain from alcoholic beverages, including beer;
  • refrain from going to the bathhouse;
  • limit physical and emotional stress;

Control reception

The results of a successful cure for gardnerellosis in men become known 5–7 days after the end of treatment and when regular tests are taken. However, it should be remembered that a cure for gardnerellosis does not imply the development of immunity from its causative agent, so you can become infected with it again immediately after completing the course of treatment. This is why, if Gardnerella is detected in the body of one of the partners, it is strongly recommended that both of them undergo treatment. Preventative measures are no less important.

As with any other sexually transmitted disease, measures to prevent gardnerellosis include:

  • preference for sexual intercourse with a single reliable partner. Otherwise, use barrier protective measures (primarily a condom);
  • in case of unprotected or poorly protected contact, performing a set of hygiene procedures, including the use of antibacterial drugs designed to prevent infection (usually by instillation - insertion into the urethra using a syringe without a needle);
  • maintaining immunity, both with medication and with the help of diet and exercise, since gardnerellosis in men develops only against the background of a general weakening of the body;
  • If possible, avoid excessive physical, mental and emotional stress;
  • Visit a urologist regularly, especially if various types of discomfort and other symptoms occur, and do not self-medicate. Only a doctor knows how to treat gardnerellosis in men and how to do it correctly.

You can make an appointment for a consultation with the Energo clinic by phone or through a special online form on the clinic’s website. Take care of your health!

Gardnerella in men appears in case of penetration of a pathogen, or Garnderella. Infection occurs through the urinary tract during sexual intercourse without the use of contraception. This disease most often occurs in women, as it has a direct connection with the vaginal environment. In relation to men, this condition is expressed in the form of inflammation of the genital organs. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the course of the disease in men is hidden, there are no symptoms of gardnerellosis, complaints, or manifestations of the disease. The person actually becomes a carrier of the disease. At the same time, in most cases, the main symptoms of the disease correspond to a disease such as urethritis. Direct treatment of gardnerellosis in men is prescribed only based on the results of an individual examination of the patient. In most cases, treatment is mandatory. In this case, it is necessary to treat gardnerellosis in both partners.

  • Causes of the disease
  • How to treat the disease?
  • Treatment regimen
  • Disease prevention

Causes of the disease

What are the causes of gardnerellosis in men? Gardnerella vaginalis is an infectious agent that can only be transmitted through sexual contact. Almost always, this disease is diagnosed in females.

There is no consensus among experts regarding the pathological properties of this condition, but most agree that gardnerella vaginalis is not a full-fledged sexually transmitted infection. Such uncertainty leads to the fact that complete treatment is not always provided. Often only local treatment of gardnerella in men is implemented. This contributes to the fact that the infection reappears and becomes widespread among people.

How to treat the disease?

So, how to treat gardnerella in men? A thorough and complete examination of the patient precedes the implementation of therapeutic treatment. To identify the disease, it is necessary to examine a smear from the urethra. Next, it is determined whether gardnerellosis in a man needs to be treated or not.

Currently, new generation antibacterial drugs are used to treat the disease. The drugs presented are prescribed based on the results of a study of secretions. The total treatment period for the disease is approximately 2-3 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to completely abstain from sexual intercourse and adhere to a dietary diet.

Next, a study of the microflora is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of recurrence of the disease. Treatment of both partners is mandatory; this is the only way to achieve maximum results.

In the process of treating the disease, specialists most often use drugs such as Levofloxacin, Clindamycin, and Doxycycline.

Treatment regimen

The treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in men consists of two main stages, namely the complete elimination of opportunistic microflora, as well as the “population” of normal microflora.

As part of the first stage, antimicrobial therapy is implemented. The patient needs to take medications such as Metronidazole and Ornidazole. The treatment regimen involves taking the drug 500 mg per day for a week.

In most cases, a treatment regimen is prescribed in which Clindamycin is taken in the form of tablets, cream or ointment. The period of admission is 10-12 days.

The second stage involves restoring the normal level of microflora in the partner’s vagina. For this purpose, a variety of suppositories or tablets are used. Before starting this stage, research is required.

Lactobacilli are introduced into the vagina using Gynoflor, Vagilik and other medications. Typically, the duration of use of the drugs is 10-14 days.

Disease prevention

Prevention of the disease consists of following the rules of personal hygiene.

It is necessary to avoid casual sex and use contraception. If even minor signs of illness occur, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Let's consider the basic rules for observing preventive measures in order to prevent a disease such as gardnerellosis in men:

  • if any gynecological disorders are detected, the partner must undergo an examination;
  • if your partner has a diagnosis such as gardnerellosis, it is also necessary to undergo examination;
  • Treatment of the disease is not mandatory, but its occurrence may be associated with other pathologies.

Representatives of the male gender must carefully monitor their health, since the genitourinary system is characterized by high sensitivity to various types of infections. If the slightest sign of discomfort occurs during urination, you should consult a specialist, and not look for similar problems with photos, since only a doctor is able to assess the real picture of what is happening. Be healthy!

In recent decades, doctors have regularly faced the problem of male infertility. Most of the reasons for the development of this pathology are infections of the genitourinary system, which include gardnerellosis. If earlier doctors believed that this disease mainly affects the fairer sex, now it is also registered in men with enviable regularity. To get rid of this pathology, you need to seek specialized help: the consequences of gardnerellosis are extremely difficult to cure completely. That is why, when the first symptoms appear, you need to visit a doctor.

Definition of gardnerellosis in men

Gardnerellosis is an inflammatory disease of the reproductive system, which is accompanied by the development of pathological discharge, itching and burning. From 250 to 600 thousand men around the globe regularly suffer from this disease. There are risk groups in which the disease develops several times more often:

  • teenagers during puberty;
  • persons over 60 years of age;
  • people with weakened immune systems.

Gardnerellosis occurs in women several times more often than in men. In them, this pathology is directly related to a disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina.

The male urinary system has contact with the external environment through the mucous membrane of the penis. Gardnerella is a bacteria that enters the body through tiny wounds and spreads easily, causing an inflammatory process. When introduced into the mucous membrane of the urethra, microorganisms release toxins that irritate surrounding tissues and are a source of discomfort. After the active phase of inflammation subsides, areas of connective substance are formed in the area of ​​damage - strictures that disrupt the normal outflow of urine and seminal fluid.

Video: doctor talks about gardnerellosis

Why does the disease form?

The cause of the development of the disease is a bacterial pathogen - Gardnerella vaginalis. It exists under normal conditions in the body of men and women in minimal quantities, but when it is exceeded, an inflammatory process develops. The main reasons that provoke the appearance of such a pathology include:

  • violation of barrier mechanisms (damage to the vaginal mucosa);
  • recently suffered acute infectious pathologies;
  • contact with a carrier of a large number of Gardnerella.

Routes of transmission

Most often, infection occurs after unprotected sexual contact with a partner who has the disease. Even a small amount of lubricant or vaginal secretions is enough for infection to occur. Much less common is another route of transmission - household. The pathogen remains on various personal hygiene items, sex toys, underwear, metal and wooden surfaces.

Gardnerellosis is not a typical sexually transmitted disease. Deterioration of the patient's condition is observed only when secondary microflora is attached or when a large number of bacteria accumulate in the body.

Table: risk factors for the formation of the disease

Congenital factorsAcquired factors
Immune deficiency (primary or secondary) - insufficient activity of the spleen and bone marrowPromiscuous sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners without barrier protection (condom)
Anomalies of the development of the urinary system organsTraumatic injuries to the external and internal genitalia
Infectious diseases of the mother transmitted to the fetus (tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV)Previous surgical interventions using urinary catheters
Pathologies of the body's metabolic processesCompleted course of radiation or chemotherapy
Disturbances in the normal blood supply to the lower half of the bodyIndiscriminate use of antibacterial and hormonal agents
Malignant or benign formationsUrolithiasis during exacerbation
Diseases of connective tissue, musculoskeletal systemViolation of personal hygiene rules

The main symptomatic manifestations of gardnerellosis in men

In 90% of cases, signs of pathology increase gradually: many patients cannot note the exact time of development of the disease. This is due to the gradual accumulation and reproduction of the microorganism in the mucous membranes. The most commonly present clinical symptoms are:

  1. Pathological discharge from the head of the penis. They can be abundant (2 or more tablespoons) or barely noticeable (in the form of dried plaque on the surface of the mucous membrane). The discharge has a whitish, gray, green or yellow color and an unpleasant fishy odor. The appearance of bloody impurities directly indicates the development of a more severe process - the destruction of soft tissues.
  2. Changes in the appearance of the genitals. The head becomes red and swollen, and as the process spreads to neighboring areas, the scrotum enlarges and swells.
  3. Pain during urination and ejaculation appears 5–7 weeks after the development of the disease. This is due to inflammatory edema of the urethra and the gradual formation of an adhesive process. Unpleasant sensations intensify after stress, heavy lifting or injury.
  4. A symptom of general intoxication. Bacteria release harmful substances into the blood, which is accompanied by headaches, nausea and vomiting, heaviness in the lower abdomen, and muscle cramps. Often the temperature rises to 37–38 degrees.
  5. Problems with sex life. Patients begin to suffer from psychophysical impotence: an erection is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, as a result of which a conditioned reflex is formed in a man. Sexual function can be restored after treatment of the pathology and consultation with a psychotherapist.

Photo gallery: manifestations of gardnerellosis in men

Plaque is dried discharge that cannot be removed on its own. Gardnerellosis discharge has an unpleasant fishy odor Swelling and redness of the head is a sign of the development of an inflammatory process

Diagnosis methods

To clarify the presence of the disease, you need to contact a urologist. If such a doctor is not available, a dermatovenerologist can make a diagnosis. First, the doctor needs to conduct a survey of the patient: whether he has had unprotected sexual intercourse, whether anyone from his environment suffers from gardnerellosis. After this, the external genital organs are examined and the nature of the discharge (its smell, color, consistency) is assessed.

The patient should not conceal information about unprotected sexual relations from the doctor. In my practice, I encountered a case of gardnerellosis in a man who provided false information to the doctor, as a result of which his wife had to conduct additional tests, who did not have the disease. After this, the patient revealed the name of his partner, who was the alleged source of infection. If this information had been received earlier, specific treatment could have been started quickly. Due to the delay, the patient developed serious problems with the reproductive system and developed infertility.

Methods for making and confirming the diagnosis of gardnerellosis:

Various treatment options for gardnerellosis

Therapy for the inflammatory process begins immediately after identifying the pathogenic microorganism. Doctors prescribe a gentle diet with plenty of nutrients, as well as topical medications (ointments, compresses). At the second stage of treatment, systemic drugs (tablets, injections) and physiotherapeutic procedures are added. During the therapy period, the patient must follow a certain daily regimen and not miss taking pharmaceuticals.

Gardnerellosis goes away on its own in 40% of cases. This is due to the active activity of the patient’s immune system and his good health. You also need to remember about the need to treat the sexual partner: this will prevent the circulation of infection in the couple and its further spread.

The main goals of treatment for gardnerellosis:

  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • death of the pathogen;
  • reduction of symptoms of the disease (pain, burning, discharge);
  • preservation of reproductive function;
  • stimulation of the body's internal reserves;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the vascular bed of the pelvis.

Video: a urologist talks about the treatment of pathology

The use of pharmaceuticals in the treatment of disease

To get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the cause of gardnerellosis, it is necessary to take medications. For this purpose, doctors prescribe various ointments, gels, lotions and rinses. Tablets and injectables are used as stronger therapy when topical treatments are ineffective.

Do not forget that all medications have contraindications for use. Some drugs cause a number of serious adverse reactions in sensitive people: this is why doctors prohibit self-medication.

Medicines for the main treatment of the disease:

  1. Antibacterial agents that cause the death of microbes. They are produced both in the form of ointments and gels applied to the head of the penis, and in the form of capsules, tablets and solutions for injections. These include: Neomycin sulfate, Erythromycin, Roxithromycin, Lincomycin, Agumentin, Flemoxin Solutab, Rifampicin, Levorin, Nystatin, Natamycin, Mycostatin, Polymyxin M sulfate, Benemicin, Rifogal, Ortofa, Rulid, Klacid, Macropen, Garamycin, Monomycin sulfate.
  2. Non-steroidal and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. They help get rid of swelling and reduce the amount of pathological discharge. The most commonly used ointments and tablets are: Hydrocortisone, Cortef, Medopred, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Aspirin, Nise, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Ortofen, Diclofenac, Brufen, Erazon, Piroxicam, Viox.
  3. Antiseptic solutions for treating mucous membranes. They create an environment unfavorable for the further development of gardnerella. For this purpose, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Photo gallery: main drugs for the treatment of pathology

Miramistin creates an environment unfavorable for bacteria Flemoxin Solutab is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that kills gardnerella Prednisolone reduces inflammatory edema

Medicines for additional therapy:

  1. Painkillers reduce tissue sensitivity and help get rid of discomfort when urinating. These include Tramal, Tramadol, Promedol, Narcotine, Codeine, Omnopon, Morphine.
  2. Immunostimulants improve the formation of protective cells in the body that independently fight infection. For this purpose, Viferon, Immunal, Cycloferon, Polyoxidonium, Timalin, Timogen, Taktivin, Interferon, Human Interleukin, Ismigen are used.
  3. Probiotics and prebiotics normalize the composition of the microflora of the mucous membranes, since the use of antimicrobial drugs also kills beneficial bacteria. These include Bifiform, Bifinorm, Narine Forte, Bifidum 791 BAG.

Photo gallery: complementary therapy products

Promedol is a potent analgesic that relieves discomfort Immunal stimulates the activity of the immune system Bifiform normalizes microflora

Traditional recipes as an auxiliary method

You should use drug treatment only after consulting a specialist, but it is not always possible to get to one. If you cannot attend an appointment in the near future, it is permissible to use folk remedies. Decoctions, infusions, baths, lotions and rubs based on plants and herbs help normalize the general condition and effectively relieve symptoms. But we must not forget that to completely cure the pathology it is necessary to use traditional pharmaceuticals.

Folk remedies can cause an allergic reaction. Be sure to check that it is missing before using it. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of the product to the crook of your wrist. Redness, itching or burning are signs that treatment should be stopped.

Do not forget that some products have an extremely intense effect on the mucous membranes. I came across a man who used red pepper tincture to get rid of the symptoms of gardnerellosis. The victim read that it has a drying effect and stimulates blood circulation. As a result, a fairly extensive burn to the genital organs was received, and the patient was taken to the hospital. Doctors had to perform several plastic surgeries, which resulted in a change in the appearance of the penis and a significant decrease in its sensitivity. Doctors believe that this could have been avoided if the man had consulted a urologist immediately.

The most popular folk recipes for combating gardnerellosis:

  1. Pour one hundred grams of crushed hop cones into a liter of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes until it cools completely, then soak a gauze pad in the solution. Place it on the head of the penis and hold it for an hour. This compress helps reduce discomfort and pain when urinating. Doctors recommend performing the procedure before bed every day for a month to achieve the desired result.
  2. Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. Using a cotton pad, swab the head of the penis several times. Baking soda in combination with oil helps reduce the amount of pathological discharge and relieves inflammation. It is not recommended to use this method more than once a week: there is a possibility that you will dry out the mucous membrane: this will lead to injury.
  3. Fill a bath or basin with boiling water, then throw in 10-12 bags of chamomile and 50 grams of oak bark. After cooling, place your lower torso in the water and sit for 10–30 minutes. Chamomile has a calming effect and relieves itching, while oak bark improves blood circulation. You need to use this recipe 2-3 times a week for six months.

Photo gallery: folk remedies for the treatment of pathology

Hop cones have an anti-inflammatory effect Baking soda reduces the severity of discharge Chamomile relieves itching and burning

Table: the role of physiotherapy in the treatment of the disease

Name of the techniqueThe essence and features of its implementationExpected effectAverage number of procedures required
The affected area is irradiated with a laserPreventing the proliferation of connective tissue in the area of ​​inflammation and preventing urethral deformities7–10
Placing needles at different depths in reflexogenic zones of the human bodyImproving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage from the damaged area5–8
Impact of magnetic fields on the patient's bodyNormalization of metabolic processes and healing10–14
Applying current of varying intensity to stimulate the affected areaReducing inflammatory swelling and tenderness15–25
Electrophoresis with antibacterial, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsUsing an electric current to deliver the required medication into the patient's bodyFaster distribution of the substance in soft tissues20–30

Photo gallery: physiotherapeutic procedures

Acupuncture stimulates soft tissue healing
UHF therapy reduces swelling and pain
Inductothermy helps normalize metabolic processes Laser therapy of the lumbar region provides prevention of adhesions

Diet and lifestyle for patients with gardnerellosis

Nutrition also plays an important role in the recovery of patients. The body of a person suffering from such an infection spends a large amount of energy and strength fighting the disease. That is why it is necessary to maintain a certain balance of nutrients and microelements in combination with vitamins. The calorie content of the diet should be from 3500 to 4500 calories (depending on the severity of physical activity), while food is served in small portions (up to 350 grams) 5-6 times during the day. Be sure to have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as 2-3 snacks.

Sample nutrition menu for a victim with gardnerellosis:

  1. Breakfast. Omelette made with milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%, combined with goat cheese and herbs. You can replace it with boiled eggs and toast with ham. It is recommended to use green tea or freshly squeezed orange juice as a drink.
  2. Dinner. Soup with meat broth (cabbage soup, gazpacho, chicken, mushroom, borscht, pea) with whole grain bread. As a snack, you should use a vegetable salad dressed with oil.
  3. Dinner. Any porridge (barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet) in combination with lean meat (chicken, turkey, steamed cutlets) or fish (hake, pink salmon, pollock). You can replace the side dish with durum pasta or legumes, peas (lentils, chickpeas).
  4. Snacks. Cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt combined with fruits or berries. It is allowed to eat oatmeal cookies, nuts and honey.

Photo gallery: healthy food

Borscht contains a lot of vegetables and meat that are beneficial for the body. Cottage cheese is the best source of calcium Fruits and berries are rich in vitamins

  1. Visit baths and saunas, public swimming pools, take hot baths. High temperature and humidity create optimal conditions for the development of most pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which gardnerella begins to actively multiply in the body, leading to increased symptoms. Additionally, there is a risk of penetration of other harmful microflora into the mucous membranes.
  2. Skip taking pills, using ointments and suppositories. Only adherence to a certain regimen will allow you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of pathology and prevent the development of complications. Many drugs have a cumulative effect, and skipping one dose may result in having to start the course all over again to get the desired result.
  3. Have sex. During sexual intercourse, irritation of the mucous membrane of the penis occurs, which negatively affects treatment due to the appearance of microscopic cracks and injuries. There is also a risk of infection of the partner or re-infection from her. This is why doctors recommend complete rest.

Treatment prognosis and possible unpleasant consequences of the disease

Therapy for gardnerellosis in representatives of the stronger sex takes from several months to 2-3 years. This is directly related to the resistance of bacteria (many of them mutate over time, making them invulnerable to standard antibiotics), the patient’s health status (diabetes mellitus, syphilis, tuberculosis and HIV infection complicate the course of the pathology), his age (in older people, metabolic processes proceed more slowly).

Young people have an almost complete likelihood of successful rehabilitation. Reproductive function is restored within several years after the disease.

An important role in recovery is played by the victim’s attitude towards his health and the thoroughness of following medical recommendations. During my work, I had to participate in an operation on a patient who suffered a serious complication of gardnerellosis. Treatment of the disease is carried out with antibiotics - medications that are not compatible with most alcoholic beverages. The drugs completely lose their effectiveness and become dummies. During the therapy period, the patient consumed a small amount of alcohol daily, as a result of which the medications stopped working after just a few weeks. The victim did not pay attention to the increasing unpleasant symptoms, which resulted in sepsis - blood poisoning. The man was urgently hospitalized in the intensive care unit and underwent several operations. Doctors were able to stabilize the patient, but he became permanently disabled as a result of his behavior.

What complications may occur in men with gardnerellosis:

  • sepsis and infectious-toxic shock (if bacteria enter the systemic bloodstream);
  • the formation of abscesses and phlegmons - cavities with purulent contents;
  • inflammatory diseases of neighboring organs (cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, pyelitis);
  • infertility;
  • impotence or a sharp decrease in the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • problems with urine output;
  • development of adhesions due to the proliferation of connective tissue and deformation of the urethra;
  • decreased sperm activity;
  • damage to the testicle or its vessels (varicocele);
  • transition of inflammatory edema to the scrotum area and accumulation of fluid in it (hydrocele);
  • disruption of normal blood circulation in the pelvis (microbial emboli,).

Photo gallery: possible complications of the disease

Inflammation of the prostate gland is accompanied by swelling and enlargement Adhesions of the urethra interfere with the flow of urine and the release of sperm
A hydrocele is an accumulation of fluid in the scrotum

Methods for preventing gardnerellosis in the stronger sex

The problem of male infertility due to sexually transmitted infections has come to the fore. That is why many doctors insist on the need to introduce sex education classes in educational institutions, where boys from a very early age could receive the necessary information about diseases and contraceptive methods. And also don’t forget about the rules of personal protection: no one can take care of your health better than ourselves.

During my internship in the urology department, I had the opportunity to participate in outdoor events dedicated to the prevention of gardnerellosis and other sexually transmitted infections. Various organizations (factories, companies) provided an equipped van, where 2-3 doctors of a narrow specialty and several nurses worked. On the day of such an examination, all patients were asked to undergo anonymous testing for the presence of pathogenic microflora and identification of sexually transmitted diseases. About 60% of all those examined were infected with gardnerella and did not know about it, and 10% had an already established diagnosis. Doctors asked patients who were diagnosed with the disease about methods of contraception: it was found that most of them were protected by interrupted sexual intercourse, and their partners took hormonal contraceptive pills. The victims were asked to begin a course of treatment together with their spouses or girlfriends, after which doctors took tests again. Those couples who took the drugs in parallel were able to completely get rid of the slightest manifestations of pathology, while the condition of other patients worsened.

Rules for individual prevention of gardnerellosis in representatives of the stronger sex:

Gardnerellosis belongs to the subtype of diseases that are transmitted directly through sexual contact. Using condoms during intimacy reduces the likelihood of infection by several times. Unfortunately, even such preventive measures in some cases do not save the situation. What explains this? How does the body become infected? In this article we will take a closer look at how this disease occurs in men and what are the main methods of treating it.

general information

According to experts, such a diagnosis as “gardnerellosis in men” does not exist in nature. There is a so-called bacterial vaginosis - a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina in the female body. With this disease, there is a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and an increase in the number of other bacteria. The most often cited example in the medical literature is Gardnerella vaginalis, from which the name of this disease comes. However, its pathogens can also penetrate the male body, causing an inflammatory process.

Taking into account the fact that the Gardnerella bacterium is unusual for the stronger sex, if the disease is detected, it is considered a sexually transmitted infection. On the other hand, gardnerellosis in men is not a venereal disease in the traditional sense.

It is noteworthy that this bacterium was first described in 1955 by scientists Dukeson and Gardner. At that time they called it Haemophilus influenzae vaginalis. In 1980, new pathogenic properties of this microorganism were discovered, after which the bacterium was renamed (after the name of one of the researchers).

According to experts, Gardnerella is not dangerous to the body. It threatens health only when the body's immune defense is reduced. The following has been established: if the bacterium manages to penetrate the urogenital canals during sexual intercourse, it can be said with almost 100% probability that infection will occur. It is after the next intimate contact that gardnerellosis in men can be diagnosed.


  • Taking antidepressants.
  • Decreased immune defense of the body (due to psycho-emotional/physical stress).
  • Previously suffered diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Antibacterial therapy.

Main routes of infection

Gardnerella is transmitted exclusively through sexual intercourse. It is impossible to become infected by other means, since neither contact nor ordinary household methods can cause the disease.


Initially, it should be noted that obvious clinical signs do not always accompany gardnerellosis in men. The patient may not experience any discomfort and continue to lead a normal lifestyle.

The structure of the male genitourinary system itself is such that the bacterium is usually eliminated from the body literally after three days. However, under the influence of certain factors (weakened immunity, hypothermia, chronic diseases, etc.), gardnerella can penetrate directly into the urethra during unprotected sexual intercourse. There the pathogen grows and multiplies, and as a result, an inflammatory process occurs. This is exactly how gardnerellosis develops in men. Symptoms, photos of microscopic smear tests, etc. can be studied in more detail thanks to specialized literature.

Most often, infection of the body with this bacterium provokes the development of urethritis. Approximately five days after its penetration, primary symptoms characteristic of the inflammatory process of the urethral mucosa appear. Greenish discharge appears, men are haunted by a feeling of discomfort and burning during urination. It is these signs that, during a diagnostic examination by a specialist, can confirm gardnerellosis in men.

Symptoms, as noted earlier, may not appear at all. However, the man is still a carrier of the pathogen. That is why during the next sexual intercourse his companion is at risk of being infected.


The structure of the male reproductive system differs in some ways. That is why it is so important, when primary signs of gardnerellosis appear, to undergo a full examination, which will help to finally determine the nature of the disease. Diagnostics involves a number of activities.

  • When making an initial visit to a urologist, the doctor must give a referral for testing for all sexually transmitted diseases. The thing is that often gardnerellosis in men is a concomitant problem that accompanies other ailments of a venereal nature.
  • Equally important is the analysis of secretions. If an increased content of leukocytes is detected in the smear, all manipulations in the urethra will have to be excluded.
  • At the appointment, the doctor also performs rectal palpation and assesses the condition of the prostate gland. Additionally, ultrasound examination of the genital organs is recommended.
  • It is very important to check the prostate secretion under a microscope. If the patient is diagnosed with prostatitis, then in the future the treatment regimen for gardnerellosis in men should be supplemented with drugs to combat prostatitis.

It is very important to immediately begin therapy after the examination, since in its absence the risk of complications increases significantly.

Is treatment necessary?

Definitely. Even if this problem is asymptomatic, a man can infect his partner during the next sexual intercourse.

On the other hand, if a woman has been diagnosed with this disease, the man must undergo an examination, based on the results of which treatment for gardnerellosis will be prescribed. In men, thanks to the use of modern medications, therapy lasts no more than three weeks.

What should the treatment be?

When the Gardnerella bacterium was first discovered, scientists declared it a new sexually transmitted infection. Only after some time it was discovered that she could live peacefully in the body of an absolutely healthy lady. It was at that moment that the opinions of doctors around the world on the issue of treatment radically diverged. Until now, some experts argue that treatment of gardnerellosis in men is not mandatory. Others call for examining both partners and, even without positive test results, prescribing therapy without fail. According to the latter, only medications can defeat gardnerellosis in men.

Treatment - drugs and their dosage - is determined by the doctor in each specific case. Of course, most often both partners make a positive decision to undergo therapy. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications developing is very high.

First of all, treatment of gardnerellosis in men involves taking antibacterial drugs that have a general effect. All medications are selected individually, based on the results of tests for the sensitivity of gardnerella to some of their components. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed: Trichopolum, Levofloxacin, Doxycycline, Clindamycin. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Taking into account the fact that after taking antibiotics many people develop intestinal dysbiosis, pro- and prebiotics are additionally prescribed. These are medications consisting mainly of colonies of bacteria beneficial to the functioning of the intestines and special substances that contribute to their normal functioning. Thus, this is another component of the treatment of such a problem as gardnerellosis in men. Treatment - pro- and prebiotic drugs - is not prescribed by a doctor in every case. If the patient has no complaints about the state of the gastrointestinal tract, they are not used. If intestinal dysbiosis has been diagnosed, then the following drugs are used for therapy: “Bififor”, “Linex”, “Acipol”, “Lactobacterin”.

As for general strengthening complexes, herbal medicine courses and biostimulants are most often recommended. In case of significant disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, immunomodulators are prescribed.

Today, many are wondering how to treat gardnerellosis in men without consequences. In fact, it is necessary to strictly follow everything from your doctor and observe some restrictions. So, throughout the course you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as fatty and spicy foods. It is very important to limit sexual activity during treatment. In addition, you should not sunbathe yourself, as the skin becomes more sensitive due to medication and may be exposed to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Criteria for cure of gardnerellosis

The doctor monitors the results of treatment seven days after the end of therapy based on the study of prostate secretions, ejaculate and scrapings from the urethra using PCR.

It is important to note that stable immunity to this bacterium does not occur. Moreover, re-infection is possible literally the next day after final recovery.


  • Urethritis (inflammatory process in the urethra).
  • Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland).
  • Vesiculitis (damage to seminal vesicles).


It is very important, not only for men, but also for representatives of the fair half of humanity, to always monitor their health. If clinical signs appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since this approach will only take up precious time, and the disease will continue to progress, which often ends in complications.


Currently, according to experts, the number of cases of the disease is growing steadily. It is very important to know what gardnerellosis is in men. How to treat this infection and what are the main reasons for its occurrence can be found out by reading this article. We hope that all the information presented will be truly useful to you.

Gardnerellas– bacteria of the genus Gardnarella. Microorganisms are located in the opportunistic composition of the microflora of a woman’s vagina. Vaginal dysbiosis is often called gardnerellosis. A certain amount of bacteria may be present in the body as normal, but when their number increases, the vaginal microflora is seriously disturbed.

The fact that gardnerella is never present in the male body as a norm makes experts say that they can only cause an inflammatory process, which means that there can be no talk of dysbacteriosis and it is a sexually transmitted infection. Gardnerella is usually eliminated from a man’s body after a few days. Chronic disease is extremely rare.


Bacteria can enter the male genital tract in only one way - during sexual intercourse. Often, when gardnerella enters the male reproductive system, they cannot stay there for more than a few days and quickly disappear. The main reason for the retention of bacteria in the body is weakening immunity. One of the reasons is antibiotic treatment, especially if the administration procedure is violated.

The likelihood of the occurrence and development of gardnerellosis increases with:

  • leading a promiscuous sexual life, especially without contraceptives;
  • presence of common diseases;
  • promiscuity in sexual relations;
  • condoms with spermicidal lubricant;
  • excessive use of antiseptics;
  • douching: Lactobacilli rapidly reduce their number;
  • very frequent use of tampons during menstruation;
  • reduced immunity;
  • changing gaskets too infrequently;
  • weak hormonal levels;
  • other sexually transmitted infections.

Very often, several factors can become the cause for the development of gardnerellosis.


If tests show that gardnerella is present in a man, then in 90% of cases he is a carrier of the infection. When the disease does not have open symptoms, the main danger is that a man can infect his partner without even knowing it. All other cases of infection of the urethra are accompanied by sluggish inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The first signs may appear several weeks after infection with bacteria. Inflammation can be expressed in the form of greenish discharge from the genital canals with a characteristic pattern.

When gardnerella leads to complications, the following diseases occur:

  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head).

Symptoms of the disease:

  • scanty discharge;
  • redness;
  • sores on the head;
  • sickness during bowel movements;
  • morning discharge when pressing on the foreskin;
  • burning.

It is likely that gardnerellosis can cause cystitis, gardnerellosis prostatitis and pyelonephritis, but this option is practically impossible.


Diagnosis of the disease today is not a problem for a qualified specialist.

If you suspect a disease, a man should immediately contact a dermatovenereologist, venereologist or urologist, and a woman should contact a gynecologist. Tests should be performed if an infection is detected in a sexual partner. For analysis we examine urethral smear.

The method of analysis is polymerase chain reaction. The method makes it possible to detect Gardnerella in DNA extracts. The doctor conducts a thorough examination and history and requires clarification of information about the patient’s sexual intercourse, diet and lifestyle. A vaginal speculum is used to examine a woman.

In addition to the smear, they use method for identifying key cells and measuring vaginal composition. The final point in making a diagnosis is the body’s reaction to isonitrile - precisely the substance that gives the fishy smell characteristic of the disease being described.

To evaluate a smear, use Nugent points. Today this method is the main standard in diagnosing the disease. The answer is given in the form of points (0-10).

Nugent points are deciphered as follows:

  • The normal state is noted with a gradation of up to 3 points.
  • Intermediate state – 4-6.
  • Anything more than 6 points is considered a bacterial form of the disease. Morphotypes that are not associated with vaginosis are not taken into account when making a diagnosis.

The next diagnostic method is Hayson scale. The assessment is based in the same way on a smear test.

The answer is given in the form of points (0-4):

  • 0 – absence of bacteria. Talks about a recent course of antibiotic therapy;
  • 1 – normal atmosphere;
  • 2 – intermediate state. The condition is intermediate. Lactobacilli in equality with the morphotype;
  • 3 – bacterial vaginosis. The composition is already dominated by the morphotype;
  • 4 – lactobacilli are not detected. Gram-positive cocci.

The doctor sets the following priority tasks:

  • eliminate pathogenic microflora by taking antibiotics;
  • local treatment. Eliminate possible anaerobic bacteria using gels and suppositories. A diet containing foods containing large amounts of lactobacilli is prescribed;
  • study for intestinal dysbiosis.

World practice widely uses a modified smear analysis system and native microscopy.


Even if symptoms of the disease are not detected, you still need to start treatment as soon as possible, since a carrier of an undetected infection poses a serious danger to sexual partners.

If the disease is manifested by the appearance of any inflammation, it is necessary to conduct a full medical examination, since there is a possibility of the presence of other hidden sexually transmitted infections. The general state of immunity must be checked.

Treatment of gardnerellosis includes the use of antibiotics, which are selected based on the reaction of the pathogen to the administration of antibacterial agents, taking into account possible side and allergic effects.

During the treatment period, the following rules should be strictly followed:

  • complete refusal of sexual activity;
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume smoked meats, spices and spicy foods;
  • exclude any alcohol, incl. beer;
  • refuse saunas and baths;
  • exclude heavy loads and emotional stress.

Local treatment is most often prescribed for treatment, since taking antibiotics orally can cause many side effects.

The following local medications are often prescribed:

If the disease causes complications, or a course of local treatment does not bring the expected result, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Men are prescribed therapy with the following medications:

  • Trichopolum;
  • Treecaside;
  • Pre- and probiotics to prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis with oral antibiotics;
  • Antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines and lincosamides.

Probiotics contain the necessary bacteria for the functioning of the intestines, and prebiotics contain supporting substances for the life of these bacteria.

Types of pre- and probiotics:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Linux;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Hilakt forte.

To strengthen the immune system for gardnerellosis, doctors can prescribe general strengthening drugs:

  • Immunal;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture;
  • Biostimulants;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Immunomodulators

After finishing taking such drugs, you need to conduct a control study of the microflora of the urogenitals. Treatment must be applied to all sexual partners, otherwise no effect should be expected.

Treatment regimen for gardnerellosis

Any disease, in addition to proper diagnosis, requires a well-chosen treatment regimen. Gardnerellosis is no exception. It’s definitely not possible to cure the disease with drugs that are recommended by all-knowing friends and neighbors.

Typically, the course of treatment consists of two stages:

  • The use of etiotropic medications. At the discretion of the doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition, the drug metronidazole or ornidazole is prescribed for oral use. Ornidazole has fewer side effects and greater effectiveness. The metronidazole dosage regimen requires the use of 500 mg per week. Flowmizin is often used for treatment, which needs to be used 1 tablet for 6 days. In parallel with the listed drugs, immunomodulators and vitamins are used.
  • The second stage is much more difficult than the first. It promotes the destruction of healthy microflora.

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Prevention of the disease is extremely effective and simple. The most important task is to take care of your health. Since gardnerellosis appears as a result of significant depletion of the immune system, first of all you need to take care of strengthening and restoring the immune system.

Disease prevention measures:

An equally important way prevent gardnerellosis– regular use of condoms and the need to abstain from casual intercourse. And if such a fact occurs, then use antiseptic agents within a two-hour period.

If a man has sexual relations with only one woman, and for some reason you do not want sex with a condom, then the main attention should be paid to the woman’s health and, if possible, to prevent the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis in her.

It is very important to completely avoid douching and products that contain 9-nonoxycol.