Happy horoscope according to zodiac signs. The happiest zodiac signs. How other zodiac signs are lucky

Did you know that people become lucky for a reason. Usually the lucky ones are simply lucky to be born at the right time under the right zodiac sign. If we consider people's successes from the point of view of astrology, it becomes clear that some zodiac signs, like a magnet, attract good luck to themselves. And there are those who were not lucky enough to be born lucky. Let's take a closer look.

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The lucky ones Aries It’s difficult to name, since their hot temperament and habit of going over their heads often scare away luck. Aries are impulsive and assertive, which helps them build a career and succeed in love. However, with the slightest surge of emotions, Aries can easily lose their warm place in the sun.

Taurus Most people are lucky - that's true. Despite the fact that they are not very active, and sometimes downright lazy, they easily manage to organize their lives in the best possible way. Taurus people love comfort and prosperity, they always move in circles of successful people and easily arouse their sympathy.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Twins can also be safely considered one of the lucky ones. They are light, carefree and free. They are not particularly eager to take over the whole world, but as it turns out, this is not necessary for happiness. Being good conversationalists and listeners, Geminis quickly make new acquaintances and always win others over.

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Luck Rakov most often directly depends on their fighting spirit. And since Cancers for the most part tend to dramatize, we can say that they themselves push luck away from themselves. Those Cancers who have learned to cope with their fears and suspiciousness may well claim the title of “lucky”.

Lions- these are the real lucky ones. And not even because they were lucky enough to be born under a lucky star, but because they know their worth and, without any questions, take from life everything that, in their opinion, should rightfully belong to them.

Virgo- a pedantic and consistent zodiac sign. They can organize their lives in such a way that someone else in their place would feel incredibly happy. But Virgos are most often preoccupied with thoughts about the well-being of their family, health and work. This prevents them from enjoying happiness to the fullest.

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Scales- These are incredibly attractive people to those around them. They have a sense of tact, know how to maintain a conversation, encourage and remain silent if necessary. They say what they want to hear. This quality sets them apart from the crowd and helps them move through life with ease. It cannot be said that Libra is spoiled by the gifts of fate. But in general, they have everything for life that makes a person happy.

Are you lucky? Scorpios? More likely no than yes. And the reason for this is most often their difficult character. Being lovers of fantasizing and getting to the bottom of things, Scorpios often disrupt the harmony in their relationships, personal and business. Even in those moments when Scorpios can say to themselves: “I’m happy!”, they find reasons that help refute this very happiness and become disappointed in what is happening.

Sagittarius- these are always big children. They sincerely enjoy little things, quickly forget grievances and enjoy the present day. Yes, they can be called lucky, because they find happiness even in the most insignificant events and things. For them, life is a game that always brings them pleasure and joy.

Capricorns Because of their seriousness and constant workload, they simply do not have time to catch happy moments in life. Every time fate gives them another reason for happiness, Capricorns put it off until later, immersing themselves in work at that moment. But then, it turns out, the moment is lost.

Aquarius happy simply because they are free and independent, that they can do the things they love without problems and live the life they want to live. They are free from prejudices, they have no principles, they do not limit themselves in anything (within reasonable limits). If Aquarius manages to meet a person who has similar views on life, they become truly happy people.

Fish- the majority of them are lucky. But not all Pisces understand that they are happy at the moment. They are constantly in pursuit of happiness, which seems unattainable to them. Pisces are dreamers; they always want more than they have, missing out on the opportunity to enjoy their carefree present.

The stars force us to be different in everything. Character according to Zodiac Sign is also different for everyone, not to mention such things as luck. Who is the luckiest of us all?


Aries are lucky in everything. These people are lucky both in love and in money. In both areas, this luck is quite understandable, because Aries are gambling and are not afraid to lose, since they like the process of the game itself, and the result is something secondary. Don't try to be like them - you won't succeed anyway.


Taurus are incredibly lucky in love. Both men and women born under this Sign know a lot about how to properly seduce people. This also leads them to financial victories. If Taurus is cunning enough, then they will be able to use acquaintances for their benefit always and everywhere.


Fortune does not help Gemini very often. Basically, luck awaits them where there is simply no way out. In some incredible way, everything turns out so that they get away with it. For example, when finances are completely gone, someone gives them an extra thousand. Geminis are precisely those who are often called freeloaders.


Cancers are very lucky in money matters when it comes to where to invest their existing funds. These are born businessmen who always know how to increase their capital and not fall into a debt trap. They know how to make the right acquaintances. At the beginning of their life's journey, Cancers find friends who never turn their backs on them.

a lion

Leos have many vices and weaknesses, so they need Fortune more often than other Signs. Luck spoils them with people who give Leos all their love. Leos have many friends and always have a loved one, but not because they are so cool, but because the stars and the Universe want it that way.


Fortune smiles on Virgos when they do not expect it, but much less often than other Zodiac Signs. This is compensated by their skills and talents to bring any task to the end. Virgos know how to save money, say only what is necessary, and start wars only at the most opportune moment. Sort of strategists and diplomats.


Libra is almost like Virgo in terms of luck. The universe has deprived them of luck in almost everything, but they have one big plus. At birth, the stars give Libra some kind of unreal grace and charisma. This charm saves them from fiasco, helps them in love and simply brings them success.


Scorpios are naturally strong and endowed with luck to the fullest. This is reflected in how skillfully they avoid problems in difficult situations. If a bomb hits an office building, only Scorpios will survive. If the end of the world comes, then Scorpios will have to restore the population of the Earth.


Sagittarians are incredibly lucky, no matter what they do. All they have to do is want something very badly. A little time will pass and they will see the first fruits of their desires. They can be envied, since their luck is comparable to that of Aries, and in some ways even surpasses them.


Ask a Capricorn if he is lucky, and he will tell you that he is not. In their own eyes, they are sufferers and achieve everything themselves, although in reality the opposite is true. Fate constantly gives them a chance to win the selection for a good position at work. Capricorns are also lucky in love, but they often don’t notice it or don’t take advantage of the chances.


Another darling of fate. Aquarians love to take risks, for which fate rewards them with victories. In many movies you see characters who are wise and know very important information that they are selling. So, Aquarians are the same. They are always one step ahead because they know more than others. How? Unknown. It's probably luck.


Pisces are lucky quite often, but the Universe almost always takes something from them in return. If Pisces does not guess where they might be unlucky, they often encounter difficulties. It’s hard to call Pisces unlucky, but it’s hard to call them Fortune’s favorites either.

Many will agree that everything in a person’s life depends on how happy or lucky he is. At the same time, those people who believe in astrology are sure that this is connected with the zodiac sign under which a particular person was born. What are the happiest zodiac signs? Numerous statistical studies have helped to identify 3 signs that can bring people born under them harmony and happiness in life.

The happiest


Those born under this sign are extremely purposeful and endowed with remarkable ambitions. Any business they decide to take on will be accomplished with ease. By nature they have leadership inclinations, which, of course, helps them. Leo is a fire sign, so its representatives attract others and can gather like-minded people around them. People always listen to them, because they intuitively feel the power and strength of Leo. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign can always feel needed by others.

People born under the constellation Leo always strive for the best, regardless of whether it is a job, a life partner, or something else. They sincerely believe that they deserve it. Thanks to the fact that they have many fans, Leo feels moral satisfaction. In addition, Leos are real gourmets, they love comfort and appreciate art.


People born under this sign are contradictory by nature. But this does not prevent them from being truly happy. And other people, whom Aquarius attracts with their sociability, help him achieve this. At the same time, he can be alone for a long time and not feel discomfort from it. The rich inner world they are endowed with by nature helps them in this. Sometimes Aquarians are able to pay attention to a variety of little things. Although this does not last long, and they forget about them just as easily.

It is the ease with which they relate to the world around them, their inconstancy and craving for a variety of adventures that make their existence rich and interesting. Those born under the sign of Aquarius are excellent friends. They are cheerful and lucky, which attracts other people.

It is this sign that astrologers consider the happiest. Their element is air, which gives Aquarius love of life and carefreeness. They will never worry or pay attention to various little things, but simply enjoy life. Geminis are very open people who are not prone to displaying various complexes. This is what attracts a lot of people to them.

However, there is one “but” - not everyone is able to understand them. Even if Gemini promised someone something, this does not mean at all that he will fulfill this promise. Very often such people decide that at the moment he does not need it, and besides, there are more important things to do. At the same time, Geminis are absolutely happy and ready to share their happiness with others, giving them attention and helping if necessary.

The happiest in love

It is believed that some signs are happier in love and relationships than all others. Leo can be considered such lucky people. Thanks to their natural luck and strong character, they are able to connect their lives with exactly the partner who will be most suitable for them.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are also successful in their personal lives. By nature, they are optimists and take things easy.

To some extent, Libra is happy in love. This sign is distinguished by its constancy, so people who were born under this constellation are able to love exclusively one person all their lives. However, how happy they will be in their personal lives depends on many reasons, including with which partner they decide to join their destiny.

Scorpios are also passionate by nature. This sign always strives to give love to others. At the same time, they are incredibly sexy and know how to receive love from their partners.

Cancers are good family men. These people love to help others and are happy to provide their family with everything they need.

The luckiest people in business

To succeed in business, a person must have a certain acumen, patience and be intellectually developed. Representatives of the Leo sign possess all these qualities. His education and charisma help him reach great heights. No matter how wealthy Leos are, they always strive to achieve more. And in most cases they succeed.

Scorpios have a huge amount of talents. Their totality helps him solve the most difficult problems in life.

Geminis are the luckiest in the field of trading. They easily find benefits and are able to sell even what seems completely useless.

Many people throughout their lives have repeatedly wondered what happiness is and how it can be achieved. Astrology helps to understand what happiness is for each individual person, and to highlight the signs of the Zodiac that are more predisposed than others to a rich life, full of joy and well-being. So, who are the happiest zodiac signs?

There are three astrological factors that bring people benefit, beauty, and a positive attitude towards reality. This is the solar principle and also the principles of the planets Jupiter and Venus. The bright and strong Sun in the horoscope gives Leos a feeling of joy, self-esteem and self-love. Venus, as the ruler of Libra and Taurus, favorably influences the course of life of its wards, taking care of their comfort, creative development and harmony with the world around them. Jupiter, who rules Sagittarius, grants his children protection in matters related to self-development and spiritual growth. Let's take a closer look at the worldview of each of the mentioned signs - the lucky ones in life.

Leos are the favorites of fate

Sunny Leos can be called darlings and favorites of fate. They have no doubt that they deserve the best in this life, and the world exists only to constantly provide them with pleasant emotions and give them many joyful moments. These people are complacent, kind, honest, open and self-confident. They not only accept pleasant gifts from life and those around them, but also spread a positive aura around themselves, charging those around them with love, warmth and powerful creative energy.

People born under the sign of Taurus know a lot about earthly joys. They not only see around them inexhaustible favorable opportunities for creating comfortable conditions for life and activity, but also know how to create beauty, harmony and happiness with their own hands. Taurus understands and knows how to achieve joy in life. To do this, they need a strong family, a comfortable home, good welfare and health. Taurus are never lazy when achieving their goals and, as a rule, achieve their simple but reliable earthly happiness.

Representatives of the Libra sign can also be called lucky, because these peace-loving, sophisticated and creative people do not get hung up on the troubles and difficulties of life. They see happiness in forming harmonious relationships with the world and people around them. Wherever they are, they will create peace, balance, order and beauty.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are considered lucky. They can be called the biggest optimists of the Zodiac, as they never doubt that everything will change for the better. Whatever fate offers these people, they turn everything into good. Sagittarians are very enterprising, philosophical, open and generous. They not only engage in their spiritual development, but also generously distribute their knowledge, helping people to know themselves and find their own path in life.

Happiness is available to everyone

It should be noted that each person has his own definition of happiness, since all people are different, and their life aspirations and worldviews are different. That is why you should not despair if you did not manage to find yourself on the list of the happiest signs of the Zodiac. You can try to find your own source of joy and strive to achieve it.

Where can happiness be buried for all the remaining signs of the Zodiac? Let's consider all the available possibilities.

  • Aries. Representatives of this sign will feel happy if they have the opportunity to participate in competitions, competitions and various competitions. What could be more joyful than the feeling of victory? By demonstrating their leadership qualities, striving for progress, igniting and inspiring those around them, Aries gain wings and feel all the charm of their life.

  • Twins. How can you please people born under this sign? Of course, by telling them a couple of interesting news, funny jokes and funny stories. Geminis feel happy when they study, discover new sources of information, go on exciting trips and communicate with a variety of people. The whole joy of their life lies in the endless change of sensations, the transfer of knowledge and the rich events of life.

  • Cancers. People of this sign find happiness when they are with their family and have a great time in a calm, cozy environment next to their parents, loved ones and children. The main thing for Cancers is to be understood and surrounded by the care of loved ones.
  • Virgos. These insightful, rational, modest and orderly people can also feel joy and happiness. To do this, they need to be faced with many interesting intellectual tasks. By solving them, Virgo transforms the universe, makes the world better, and the processes in it effective and beneficial to all humanity.

  • Scorpios. These people love to solve riddles and overcome both internal obstacles (fears, psychological blocks) and external difficulties. Scorpio happiness lies in internal growth and overcoming oneself. He loves life for its instability, loves dangers that challenge him, and secrets that develop his intuition.

  • Capricorns. Capricorn's happiness also lies in overcoming obstacles on the path to success. The most beautiful thing is that for every peak conquered, a new life goal opens. She attracts Capricorns and inspires them to work and great achievements.

  • Aquarius. These unusual, gifted, active and progressive people feel happiness when they gain independence and freedom. They dream of a world where there are no wars or conflicts, where everyone is kind to each other, humane and altruistic. Moving towards this goal, helping others in their affairs, Aquarians feel truly happy and needed by the world.

  • . These sensitive, caring and romantic people love creativity and see their happiness in constant spiritual growth. They rejoice when they manage to find a form for self-expression, because inside them is a whole world woven from love, kindness, generosity and mercy.

So, we can highlight the happiest signs of the Zodiac, who easily and simply go their own way, drawing positivity from within themselves and giving it to the world around them. However, with the help of astrology, it is possible to determine the source of happiness for absolutely every person. The main thing is to know yourself, your spiritual aspirations and follow an unusual, bright and joyful path that your own heart will indicate.

Astrologer Pavel Globa has compiled a list of the happiest Zodiac Signs according to the horoscope. The lucky ones included those constellations that have a greater chance of achieving success. Or more precisely, those whose character and worldview influence success in life.

The Happiest Zodiac Signs

  • Gemini, Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius— these are the constellations that are the most successful in life. Moreover, sometimes they do not need to do anything for their well-being. Very often they are just lucky. According to Pavel Glob's horoscope, representatives of these Zodiac Signs differ from others in their positive attitude and inexhaustible energy. As a rule, difficulties do not frighten them, and they are able to learn from mistakes. Even in the most unpleasant situation, Gemini, Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius find positive circumstances. Also, these Signs are able to attract happy accidents and helpful, kind people. And all because they themselves radiate goodness. As they say, like attracts like.

  • Capricorns, Pisces, Cancers and Taurus- Zodiac signs that have great potential, but do not use it to the maximum. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs, due to their negative character traits, often do not notice real chances and opportunities in life. And only when life has “beaten” them properly, they find the meaning of their existence, happiness, recognition, and success.
  • Leo, Scorpio, Virgo and Libra- these are those Zodiac Signs who, on the contrary, are looking for trouble on their bottom. As astrologer Pavle Globa notes, people of these constellations often create problems for themselves. This is their whole point.

Of course, the personal happiness of each person does not depend on his Zodiac Sign. We build our own destiny and life ourselves. But nevertheless, the character and properties of the Zodiac Sign according to the horoscope still influence us and the events in our lives. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.09.2014 09:00

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