Why does a woman dream about a huge living crab? Crab sticks according to the dream book. crabs according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

The crab is one of the warlike crustacean sea reptiles. He knows how to quickly back away, and in case of danger, defend himself with his claws. We will find out why a crab dreams about it in proven dream books.

The crab is a very multifaceted symbol, carrying both positive and negative symbolism in a dream. His strong shell, which will always protect in difficult moments, symbolizes perseverance and endurance. This means that the dreamer will steadfastly endure all difficulties and adversity, he is self-sufficient, and one can only envy his ambitions. If necessary, he will go ahead to achieve a favorable position for himself. The claws of this crustacean reflect the obstinate disposition of the sleeper, the ability to stand up for oneself or easily escape from a situation.

This hermit in a dream - in reality often reflects the character of the dreamer. Such people love solitude, are unpretentious in their lifestyle, are absolutely calm about luxury and wealth, and do not strive to satisfy their mercantile interests. If they live in abundance, then they do not waste money, since behind their success is hard work, sleepless nights, stress, and making serious and risky decisions.

Among ancient peoples, the crab was considered a divine creature, granting protection and support from higher powers. A hermit basking in the sun in dreams signifies the favor of fate, serenity, calm and confidence. If you dreamed of a crustacean with its claws raised up, expect a difficult situation in which you will have to prove yourself, show what you are capable of at critical moments in life. A good chance to discover your inner potential, show your opponent your business acumen, experience and intuition as a business strategist.

An aggressive crab with open claws in dreams is a symbol of fighting spirit. This suggests that you are full of determination and are able to achieve results, even if you have to step over something. In this case, you may violate your principles and outlook on life just to achieve your goal.

In some interpretations, the crab symbolizes the retrograde movement of the sun. This suggests that such a symbol easily supports dishonest, unreliable people. Money changers, moneylenders, dealers in stolen goods and other evil spirits can take this sign as an amulet. For honest people, seeing a passerby with a crab tattoo in a dream is a sign of danger. There is a high probability of falling into the hands of scammers and robbers.

In the Christian religion, the crab has a very positive interpretation. It is a sign of rebirth, purification, enlightenment. This is all due to the ability to shed the old shell to find a new one. In a dream, this means that you have entered a new path of your development, are trying to correct old mistakes and attract a new creative future to yourself.

In Chinese traditions, crab is usually associated with deception, a trick, some kind of understatement or cunning. And all thanks to impulsive, unpredictable dashes. Among eastern peoples, this crustacean is considered a time eater, as it personifies the waning moon. Such a plot in a dream may hint that you are wasting time on small, empty chores that are unable to bring pleasure and material wealth.

If a woman is afraid of a crab's claw in a dream, she expects a difficult period in her life when she will have to prove her worth, her ability to take a blow and solve her problems on her own. For lovers, such a dream brings a difficult period of getting used to and getting the partners to get used to each other, during which quarrels, misunderstandings, resentments and tears are possible.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

A crab backing away in a dream signifies the dreamer’s complexes. This means you are concerned about the intimate sphere of your life. The thought of sex with a girl makes you afraid, embarrassed, timid and uncomfortable. A hermit huddled in his shell is in reality nothing more than a sleeper, trying to solve his intimate problems by complete abstinence and the absence of sexual relations. To begin to perceive yourself more objectively, to believe in your own male sexuality, you need to communicate with a more experienced representative of the opposite sex. It will quickly save you from imaginary sexual impotence and lack of experience.

Treating yourself to crab meat - a dream promises a romantic acquaintance with a beautiful person who will not take much persuasion and inducement to intimacy. The date promises to be hot and memorable, but don't count on the continuation of this connection.

I dreamed of a huge crab lying motionless - this reflects your laziness and inertia in bed. The problem for you is to find a permanent partner, because you don’t like to share positive sexual energy, give pleasure, or satisfy the fantasies of your other half. Learn not to be a constant consumer of sexual intercourse.

Gustov Miller

A crab in a dream carries a negative interpretation associated with a series of problems, troubles, and difficulties in various areas of life. The hermit leaving his shell in search of a new one reflects the situation of those who are in search of a new job, place of residence, or are planning to move to another country. This is a difficult period when you will experience a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty. But this time will soon end, you will be able to get back on your feet and gain financial independence. This will not be facilitated by fortune, but by your willpower, serious approach to life, patience and perseverance.

The girl dreamed of a crab climbing into a beautiful shell - a good sign. This portends a change in your marital status. You will find a spouse, and with him a new, comfortable home. There are a lot of things to do related to organizing everyday life, arranging and making the family nest comfortable.

Poet Aesop

Represents the crab with laziness, slowness, immaturity, stubbornness and isolation. For a woman to see a crab on the shore in a dream means meeting a person who will not suit your temperament at all. Your active life position will irritate such a partner. There is no point in wasting time trying to change someone's character and lifestyle. It will only affect you in an unfavorable way.

If you saw a hermit washed up on the shore by a wave, this means you will take on a task that is completely beyond your capabilities. Such a burden of responsibility and responsibilities can negatively affect not only your resistance to stress, but also your financial situation. It is possible to cope with the situation without rejecting the help and support of loved ones.

To a friend: short disagreements are possible.

Dream book of lovers

A dream about crabs for people in love- promises them short quarrels and a long period of getting used to each other.

Aesop's Dream Book

Crab- is the personification of such human qualities as slowness, stubbornness and isolation. A crab seen in a dream can symbolize in real life a meeting with a person who has these bad qualities.

To see a crab slowly crawling along the seashore in a dream- evidence that in real life you will meet a slow and very stubborn person who will adversely affect your life.

To dream of a crab washed ashore by a wave- means that in the future you will be offered a profitable business that you have never done before. This dream is a warning that you should not take on this business, but continue to do your regular work, otherwise you will not only suffer great material losses, but also lose the respect of others because you will not be able to cope with the business proposed to you.

If in a dream you are preparing a crab dish- a sign that in real life you will be able to overcome the stubbornness of a person close to you

If you eat crab food- then in reality your reputation will seriously suffer due to your stubbornness. Most likely, you are so stubborn that you do rash, and therefore very stupid, things.

If you dreamed that a crab pinched you with its claw- then in reality you will seriously suffer from a person with whom you were previously in a trusting relationship. Perhaps this person is using your secrets against you.

If a crab pinched someone close to you before your eyes- then such a dream indicates that this person is in serious danger: he is threatened by people who will stop at nothing to achieve their evil goals.

Dream book of lovers

If you dreamed of crabs- then get ready for the fact that your new admirer will court you for a very long time until he proposes.

Chinese dream book

Crab- portends recovery from all ailments.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Crab- rebirth as crustaceans renew their shells. An ambivalent symbol of loss, since in astrology Cancer is the lunar house and during its period the summer solstice begins, when the days become shorter.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Crab- illness, mental trauma.

Culinary dream book

Seeing a live crab(s) in a dream- foreshadows the sad beginning of a successful business.

Eating canned crabs in a dream- means that soon you will be invited to a small but elegant feast.

Dream book of a gypsy

Crab- perhaps you will have a lawsuit with a person whom you considered a friend.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Collection of dream books

Why does the Crab dream in a dream according to 25 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Crab” symbol from 25 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Culinary dream book

Seeing a live crab(s) in a dream- foreshadows the sad beginning of a successful business.

Eating canned crabs in a dream- means that soon you will be invited to a small but elegant feast.

Love dream book

If you dreamed of crabs- then get ready for the fact that your new admirer will court you for a very long time until he proposes.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why does the Crab dream?

Crab - communication with individuals who are hostile against you.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did the Crab dream?

Seeing crabs in a dream- for a wedding, happiness in family life, eating them means a warning against rash actions.

Dream book for lovers

A dream about crabs for people in love- promises them short quarrels and a long period of getting used to each other.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing crabs means wedding/happiness in family life.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Crab - corresponds to the sign of Cancer in the horoscope. Since the crab is a symbol of the sea, the cradle of life on Earth, the sign of Cancer in astrology gives life and gives what is necessary for development. Are there any close people in your life born under the sign of Cancer? Note your feelings towards the crab and determine the significance of people born under the sign of Cancer in your life.

Dream book for a bitch

Crabs - your intelligence and quick reaction will help you cope with a very difficult problem.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Crab in a dream?

If in a dream you see live crabs- this means that happy, although rather stupid and funny events will happen to you. Dead crabs - portend the successful completion of an unsuccessfully started business. Seeing someone eating crabs- in reality you are threatened by a contagious disease. Eat crabs yourself- you will soon receive an invitation to a luxurious banquet or buffet, however, if you eat crabs in the elegant company of rich people- this means that you will have many difficult problems, to solve which you will need to call on all your common sense to your aid and resort to the help of true friends.

For young lovers to dream about how they treat each other with crabs- portends a long and difficult period of getting to know the inner world of a partner, during which some misunderstandings are possible.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Crab according to the dream book?

Crab - illness, mental trauma.

Aesop's Dream Book

The crab is the personification of such human qualities as slowness, stubbornness and isolation. A crab seen in a dream can symbolize in real life a meeting with a person who has these bad qualities.

To see a crab slowly crawling along the seashore in a dream- evidence that in real life you will meet a slow and very stubborn person who will adversely affect your life.

To dream of a crab washed ashore by a wave- means that in the future you will be offered a profitable business that you have never done before. This dream is a warning that you should not take on this business, but continue to do your regular work, otherwise you will not only suffer great material losses, but also lose the respect of others because you will not be able to cope with the business proposed to you.

If in a dream you are preparing a crab dish- a sign that in real life you will be able to overcome the stubbornness of a person close to you

If you eat crab food- then in reality your reputation will seriously suffer due to your stubbornness. Most likely, you are so stubborn that you do rash, and therefore very stupid, things.

If you dreamed that a crab pinched you with its claw- then in reality you will seriously suffer from a person with whom you were previously in a trusting relationship. Perhaps this person is using your secrets against you.

I dreamed that a huge crab (turquoise color) grabbed it with its claws and didn’t want to let go and I couldn’t break free. Then I asked my mother to take it off, and she succeeded the second time. THANK YOU

Hello! I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. The dream is colorful, I have dreams every day. Very rarely unless you dream about it. In my left hand I held a boiled crab, it had large, round, green eyes. He bit me on the thumb (if I’m not mistaken) on my left hand, said something threateningly, became indignant, and then told me not to kill him, but as soon as he relaxed his claw, I threw him onto the asphalt with all my might and he died.

A lot of organic crabs washed up on the sea; there was a surf of clean sea water. I caught them with both hands and folded them. And then I started choosing which ones were caviar. When I caught crabs, they squeezed my hands so tightly, but there was no pain, there was a little fear

Hello Tatiana!
I dreamed that I went out onto the balcony, and there was a bulldog sitting there, with a live crab still in its mouth, and spiders and cockroaches running along the wall of the balcony. huge. But there was no disgust, just surprise. I thought the dog would figure it out. Closing the balcony, I looked back - my cats were sitting in the room, against the wall, with their paws up. they were alert and focused.

Good afternoon, I had a dream in which a girl put a lot of small crabs on my head and they crawled over my body as if they were prickly and I was very afraid of them; I took them away from myself; they clung to me either in my hair or on my body and stayed well. But I took them all away from me. For the first time I dream of spearing crabs, small ones.

Hello! I dreamed that our family bought seafood. When we opened the bag, we saw 2 live crayfish, 2 large and 1 small crabs. The crayfish and crabs frolicked among themselves, fought. We watched and laughed. And then we put them in a saucepan to cook. 2 crayfish didn’t fit in. They started to run away. Then they fell on their backs. They couldn’t get their hands on them. And when the crayfish were lying on their backs, I sprinkled a lot on their belly. That’s when they started to calm down

I saw a yellow crab in an empty pool, which was slowly rising to the top. Then it began to grow and fill the entire pool with something jelly-like. I took my child and began to hide. He didn't seem to get out of the pool.

I dreamed that a crayfish and a crab were alive, but somehow lethargic, not very mobile, I put them in a container, like a high frying pan, and pushed them against each other, that they “fought”, but the “fight” did not happen, I turned them upside down and saw that neither the crayfish nor the crab have paws or claws. Then my wife put them in a saucepan with water and left them for a long time, I opened the lid to see how much they were “overcooked” and saw them almost white.

Hello. I had a dream that they were bringing live crabs into our house, and after some point I went out onto the landing, and there were a lot of already boiled crabs crawling along the corridor and climbing on me, but they didn’t bite, they were just trying to touch my feet. There are a lot of them and they are large and red, but alive. The crabs didn't bite, but they scratched my legs a little. Please explain. very creepy. Thank you

I don’t remember exactly, but it was as if my sister and I were in some house, there was also water, or the sea, or a river. And I caught a yellow-red crab, I hold it so that it doesn’t bite me with its pincers, but I felt that it was clinging to me, and I told my sister, let’s cook it, I haven’t eaten them yet, but I imagined that it was delicious white meat. I kept looking at it in my hand, it’s so beautiful.

I remember that there was no food, we wanted to eat and we unexpectedly caught a lot of crabs and shrimp! We lit the fire for a long time (for some reason I didn’t want to burn), and we cooked them and ate them, it was very tasty! Something like that!

I dreamed that I went with a dance teacher to the sea, which was turquoise in color and supposedly medicinal, and there I saw a huge crab, but before that my mother said that we would go somewhere to swim with crabs. And then I had another dream where crabs were also swimming, but I was in the camp and there seemed to be a barrier from them, but some swam towards us and we all ran out to the shore

I dreamed that I was catching crabs with my hands under water, and I caught quite a lot of them and of different sizes. That I was diving into the sea, and the seabed, shells, and algae were very clearly visible. But there weren’t particularly bright colors since it was evening, on sunset.

I arrived at the sea, the water was very clean. I collected large round white pearls right on the shore, I went into the water up to my heels, there was 1 small crab next to me, and not far away there were some crayfish

my family and I were in Turkey and there was a pool there, there was also a sea, then a lot of crabs climbed out of the sea, they were heading towards the city or something, I don’t remember, but there were a lot of them, they were also small in size, about 6-7 cm

I dreamed of a huge crab with high legs, one of its legs was broken off, which was slowly moving around the house... I ended up going looking for it later... I had a desire to touch it.. and two dogs were still running..

I see a beautiful lagoon like a rocky lake between the rocks, I come to a place with my husband, people are relaxing, swimming, the sun is shining and I feel so good, I’m glad that I went there, because the water in the lake is transparent greenish, like in Russia. I want to swim, but I understand that I don’t have a swimsuit. I move a little to the side, undress and remain in my panties, without a bra, I cover my chest with my hand and go into the water. I went knee-deep and saw a large stone in the water, but it didn’t look out of the water and there was a large live crab nearby. I look at the shore and see the shell of the same crab and I understand that my crab is also waiting for the same consideration. I take the crab by the shell with both hands and throw it deeper into the water. I understand that I sent him away and woke up.

we arrived at the Medeo, walked with my ex-husband up the steps to the heights, he asked if I was tired, I answered no, and he answered, and I was tired, but if you’re not tired, let’s move on, then he led me to a healing spring, I climbed into it with my clothes on, there was fine sand under my feet, it was pleasant to my feet, the water was warm, although usually in springs it is cold, I told my ex-husband about this, who was also in the water at that time, he didn’t believe me and he said, well, the water is icy, I froze and got out of the water, I continued to swim, I liked the water, but when I swam to the place where my ex-husband was, the water really turned out to be icy, and as soon as I told him about it, a giant crab appeared from the shore and threw it away , I began to run away from him into the swim, he followed me, in the middle of the lake with a spring there was a wooden three-story house, I climbed into it and climbed to the very top, I was overcome by fear and panic, I heard footsteps, I thought it was a crab and began to look for something brush myself, and looked down from the baleon into the water, thinking that if I couldn’t cope with it, I’d jump down, but I was scared because I didn’t know how deep it was, maybe it’s shallow and I’ll break, they took the crab’s place my employees who quit not long ago and said that they came to my aid but now they don’t know how to get out on their own. Well, then I dreamed about all the little things and I woke up without finishing the dream

I dreamed of crabs, he was running along the shore, or something else, and one small little one crawled under my skin in the chest area, into such a subcutaneous capsule, slept there, then we made a puncture and the crab left..... This is such a strange dream, everything is like that it took a long time and it was slow

I caught a huge crab and took it alive to show it somewhere; it tried to break free, grab me with its claws, scratch me, but I was wearing a rubber glove. Once he escaped, but I caught him again and brought him to his place.

Hello. I dreamed of a yellow crab. That I saw it in a house that I was going to buy soon. It ran warily around the room. In the dream, this house seemed old and dilapidated. What could such a dream mean?

I dreamed of a lot of flies clinging to the curtains in the rooms of the house. I kick them out into the street, but in the process of brushing them off the curtains with a broom, insects (wireworms, millipedes, scarpions and small crabs) fell on the floor. I started killing small crabs by cutting them in half or into 3 parts with a sharp metal object. Then a scorpion attacked me, but I threw it away with a broom towards the exit of the house and suddenly woke up from fright.

I dreamed that a small crab crawled out from under my nail. Then it grew in size. It ran after me, but didn’t try to pinch. It took me a long time to catch it, but then I finally covered it with my basin and I woke up

I dreamed of a live crab on my window at work, bought by a colleague. I was outraged why she put the crab on my window. and not on your own. the crab moved back and forth, there was ice on it, it was bought

Hello, in my dream I saw 3 Viper Anaconda Crab Anaconda was lying on the bed, the crab was running under the bed and then it bit me and then I don’t remember anything, but it was scary I don’t know, but I very rarely dream why this dream???

Cost? I don’t remember the beginning. I remember that somehow I started living in a private house, like renting or visiting. Not far from our apartment. There is a stop on the corner between them. But I didn't catch the bus. I saw him when he arrived and rushed into the house to get my things, but still didn’t have time. And it was hard to run. When he left, I walked back to the street corner and came across something like a mink. She sparkled. In fact, a coin buried vertically sparkled. I thought it was some kind of trap and used a twig (not even wanting to take it) to knock down the coin. (Smiling). Immediately a huge claw came out and bit the twig. Then a huge crab came out and began to chase me. I rushed into the house (because of things and other things), but didn’t make it. Either because of the crab, or she thought it was pointless. And she ran to the apartment (it’s on the second floor). While she was running, she met people. I tried to explain that the crab was chasing, but in vain. They didn’t help me. He attacked them too, but they weren’t seriously hurt. The crab continued to chase me. I ran to the second floor and locked myself in the apartment with my grandmother. (Mom was not there) I thought it would be good to look on the Internet how to deal with an Arab, but I realized that all the equipment remained in the house. This upset me. I looked out from the balcony, but, of course, I didn’t see the crab. I decided that it was in the entrance, under the door. I seemed to take some kind of stick and went to the door. I woke up.
I used to have dreams about being chased, but when I returned home it all ended. Maybe the whole idea was that I was alone in that rented house? (the dog doesn’t count, the thought of her helping me in the dream came to me, but I pushed her away, since she and the Arab are the same size and I was afraid that she would get hurt)
I just keep in my head the idea that I need to move away from my mother and grandmother from the village (everything happens there).

Hello. There were a lot of small gray crabs at home, it was as if my husband and I were running away from them. He killed some of them, and they became dry and black.. The other 3 seemed to have remained in the house. I also saw a big goat, he was chasing me and trying to gore me

Hello. It was autumn. There were several of us. But not acquaintances. They walked quickly. They were in a hurry to get away from someone or something. We had to cross some kind of garden. And there's a crab in the bushes. Big like a dog. And he will see me. Doesn't let me get through. At first I thought that I should go back and eat it. But he rushed into his arms as if to bite, but like a dog that meets its owner. I woke up from a sudden dream because I had never dreamed of anything like this before. Sppmibo

i dreamed that I was walking along the road and suddenly decided to take a shortcut, turned, stepped on the road and fell waist-deep, while I was trying to get out, I realized that I was in a place where a huge number of crabs live, both large and small, all the crabs gathered around They looked at me, but they didn’t pinch me or crawl towards me. When I was able to pull one leg out, I moved it to a harder surface, but I fell through again and there, near my leg, there was just a huge crab.

I had such a dream last night. I was swimming in the sea with my boyfriend, the water was clear. Then I felt something beating against my back. I turned around to look and a huge number of live crabs, very large sizes, were swimming on the surface of the water. I was alone slightly I pushed him away from me, he swam very close to me and he swam further. And then I invited my boyfriend to catch them to make a salad. In a dream I admired their size, I said look, they’re very huge like Kamchatka!!! Then I turn my head and I see an unusual crab with twisted claws similar to a horn, he crawled ashore and my father (deceased) appeared in a dream and I started screaming to him, dad, look what a huge crayfish, look, catch it. And I woke up

The boss and close relatives were present in the dream. We came to look at the object, and on the way I came across huge crabs with a belly diameter of about 50 cm. But they seemed sleepy and did not move, you would think they were dead, but not alive. Some were lying upside down. When everyone entered the room, I returned, collected several and began to cook them. Then for some reason I had to suddenly drop everything and leave

Hello, I dreamed that crabs appeared in my house
At first they were in the yard and for some reason I didn’t pay attention to them, and only then, when I went into the house, I saw them and started running away from them, for some reason they chased me

My friend and I went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered crabs and other things, but I don’t remember.
They brought them to us and the chef next to someone was swearing. And at this time I was looking at the red cooked crabs.
I looked for a long time and suddenly the crab woke up and reached out to pinch.
My friend and I got so scared and ran away. I found myself in the hall where they taught ballroom dancing.
We were caught and scolded, and they didn’t believe that the crab was alive.
They forced me to eat him anyway, but he didn’t move anymore

I was sitting in the attic, the entrance to which was made like a balcony, that is, a door made of durable plastic. Inside the attic, instead of one wall (opposite me), there was the ocean, the moon and sand, but it all didn’t look beautiful, but scary and cold. On my right side there was a sofa and two armchairs. And from the wall behind me, three large (the size of a basketball) white crabs descended vertically from top to bottom. They went down to the floor and crawled from below the sofa to the ocean, and it looked very nice. As they approached the ocean, that is, the other side of the attic, the crabs began to shrink and eventually became so small. that I tried to catch them in a plastic container measuring 10cmX10cm. But I couldn’t catch them, because they became small and sank into the wet sand and crawled into the ocean.

I went with a friend to the sea and we went swimming in the sea and a crab clung to my big toe, I couldn’t get rid of it, I was very scared and screamed at the end I got rid of it, it was scary

I dreamed that we were sitting at home as a family, then I seemed to see a big red spider, my mother caught it, it turned out to be a crab, she cut off its paw, I showed it to my dad, he was lying on the sofa, put it down, started laughing, and then from that paw small crabs crawled into his ears , but I got everything, even though I was afraid

I dreamed of a man, but I don’t know him, holding in his hands two of the largest crabs, they were white and without main claws, only long legs on the sides. And he told me to catch the same one, and I also thought: “ How? Are they so scary?”

The interpretation of a dream about a crab largely depends on which animal took part in the dream. An aggressive crab symbolizes the readiness to fight the vicissitudes of fate and step forward towards the goal, sweeping away all obstacles along the way. A hermit hiding in a shell indicates the sleeper’s unpretentiousness and calm disposition, which help to solve problems calmly and not make stupid mistakes. If this crustacean basks in the sun, the dream can be interpreted as a favor from higher powers.

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To build a detailed picture of the prediction of the subconscious, you need to take into account the actions of the dreamer, the place and circumstances of the meeting with the crab, and other factors.

    Interpretation for men and women

    The meaning of the dream varies depending on the gender and marital status of the dreamer:

      • To a man a dream involving a crab predicts a fateful meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. Even though she will reject his advances, he will continue to pursue her affections. With mutual feelings, the relationship will receive a logical conclusion in the form of a wedding. However, there is a risk of making a lot of mistakes both during the candy-bouquet period and when trying to build relationships within the family.
      • The woman will begin to show signs of attention from the man she liked at first sight. If in a dream she was frightened by a crab's claw, in real life she will have to solve her problems on her own.
      • To a married lady It will be difficult to find a common language with the spouse’s relatives.

      The dreamer's actions

      If the sleeper did not take any action towards the crab, but only glanced at it, it means that in real life he has no time to discuss his problems and complain about them. He immediately takes all possible measures to quickly get rid of troubles and continue on the path to his intended goal.

      In other cases, to decipher the dream, you should remember what the sleeper did with the animal. Possible options:

      • Catch. A person is shy, but others perceive this quality as arrogance and pride, which is an obstacle to establishing friendly contacts and normal existence in society.
      • Prepare. Two people completely different in character and habits have to get along on the same territory. Over time, they will find a common language, but for now quarrels and disagreements are inevitable.
      • Eat. If the sleeper ate canned meat, he will soon be invited to a dinner party or banquet in honor of a holiday. Freshly cooked crab is dreamed of as a warning against frivolous actions.
      • See. A crab running on the sand predicts a wedding or marriage proposal. There is a high probability that a person will make this decision under the influence of momentary emotions, and will later regret what he did.
      • Step on. The difficult situation in which the dreamer is or will soon find himself is a consequence of his excessive gullibility and rashness. Before you do anything, you need to take a break to think about the consequences.
      • Butcher. A person will be able to curb his nature and get rid of vices, although this will require significant effort from him.

      Characteristics of the crab

      The size and condition of the animal are important:

      • Live crab dreams when a promising business begins with some misunderstandings or a person encounters obstacles where there should not be any. This animal serves as a signal that you should not give up your intentions: on the contrary, you need to make every effort to overcome temporary problems.
      • Dead crab, on the contrary, portends failure in a business that seems simple and reliable.
      • Big symbolizes the discontent of an influential person.
      • Mscarlet- powerlessness over circumstances, lack of opportunities and prospects.

      Many crabs represent gossip about the dreamer, which has long been forgotten, but now will come up again in conversations with friends. The dream can also mean revenge for an insult caused more than ten years ago.

      For the correct interpretation of a dream, the place where the person saw the crustacean is also important:

      Place Interpretation of sleep
      On the shoreThe cause of the dreamer's problems will be a stubborn person who deliberately delays making a decision and tries to relieve himself of all responsibility. If a crab is washed ashore by a wave, the sleeper will have to change the type of activity or perform a single task, the likes of which have never been performed before.
      In the seaAn event will occur that will cause fear and surprise in the dreamer at the same time. You don’t have to worry for long - everything will fall into place in just a few days
      In aquariumA person faces an extremely troublesome or not entirely legal occupation, the benefits of which will be minimal. Choosing a crab in a restaurant that will be cooked later means the sleeper is creating problems for himself
      On the plateThe whole indicates a willingness to deal with one's failures, analyzing them and trying to avoid similar incidents in the future. Disassembled (separately pincers, body and tail) symbolizes indifference to everything that happens around
      In the bathroomFinding a huge crab in the bathroom is a sign that in reality you will understand the reasons for your failures. If he managed to lay eggs, then no matter how much a person is told about the need to be more proactive and sociable, he will still continue to lead his usual lifestyle
      In the roomFinding this animal in a room where it could not possibly be - troubles will take the dreamer by surprise, and he will not be ready to give them a decisive rebuff.

      Sometimes the plot of a dream includes not only the crab itself, but also objects or concepts associated with it:

      • Crab meat. A tasty and high-quality product symbolizes an untarnished reputation. Tasteless or poorly cooked, spoiled meat indicates that others have formed a negative opinion about the dreamer.
      • Shell. The sleeper will change his worldview and go beyond the usual.
      • Animal with caviar. The dream means that a person will be able to get rich, despite his bad financial habits (propensity for gambling, wastefulness). To throw away caviar, considering it inedible, is to destroy your own happiness with your own hands.
      • Salad. It will be possible to convince a person who did not want to admit his mistakes.
      • Crustacean fight. Indicates the internal tossing of the sleeper.
      • Sticks. In difficult times, the dreamer can rely on the help of friends. To disassemble crab sticks into fibers is to underestimate the merits of other people thanks to whom success was achieved.
      • Man with a crab tattoo. Represents danger. There is a high chance of falling for scammers or becoming a victim of a robber.

      I dreamed that a crab pinched a man with its claw - the one to whom the sleeper trusted his secrets uses the information received against him. If a crab bites an arm or leg in a dream, it promises loss; an attack by a huge crustacean portends bankruptcy.

The crab is the personification of such human qualities as slowness, stubbornness and isolation. A crab seen in a dream can symbolize in real life a meeting with a person who has these bad qualities.

Seeing a crab slowly crawling along the seashore in a dream is evidence that in real life you will meet a slow and very stubborn person who will adversely affect your life.

Seeing a crab washed up on the shore in a dream means that in the future you will be offered a profitable business that you have never done before. This dream is a warning that you should not take on this business, but continue to do your usual work, otherwise you will not only suffer great material losses, but also lose the respect of others, because you will not be able to cope with the business proposed to you.

If in a dream you are preparing a meal from crabs, this is a sign that in real life you will be able to overcome the stubbornness of a person close to you. If you eat crab food, then in reality your reputation will seriously suffer due to your stubbornness. Most likely, you are so stubborn that you do rash, and therefore very stupid, things.

If you dreamed that a crab pinched you with its claw, then in reality you will be seriously harmed by a person with whom you previously had a trusting relationship. Perhaps this person is using your secrets against you. If a crab pinched someone close to you before your eyes, then such a dream indicates that this person is in serious danger: he is threatened by people who will stop at nothing to achieve their evil goals.

Seeing a large number of crabs in a dream is evidence that, due to your stubbornness, you will make a large number of unforgivable, serious mistakes, for which you will pay for a long time.

Stepping on a crab in a dream is a prophecy that in real life you are committing rash, unforgivable actions, which will subsequently become the cause of your very difficult situation. Try to act slowly but surely.

Catching crabs in a dream means that your shyness contributes to the negative attitude of others towards you. You should listen to the advice of your loved ones and try to become a more active and sociable person.

Watching other people catch crabs means that, despite all your efforts, you will not be able to achieve the patronage of influential people. The dream tells you that you should go towards your goal on your own, and not ask other people for help.

Cutting crabs in a dream means that you will finally be able to cope with all your vices, and from a closed, stubborn person you will turn into an open and compliant one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Crabs

A dream about crabs foreshadows many complex problems, to solve which you will need to call on all your common sense and practical acumen to help.

For lovers, this dream foreshadows a long and difficult period of getting to know and getting used to each other. Short quarrels are possible.

A live crab in a dream foreshadows the beginning of a successful business.

If you ate canned crabs in a dream, you will soon be invited to a small but delicious feast.

Interpretation of dreams from