Runes algiz gebo isa. Runic cooling for love. Cool in the rival's photo

Modern magical science, in all its diversity, is an almost perfect sphere that offers a person a way out of any life situation (naturally, with the ability to perform certain rituals and actions, use specific practices, tune in to magic sessions, etc.). One of its specific and completely unknown areas today is runics (or runic magic), and the most common practice of runics is turning away from a rival and runic cooling of love, which has a number of special restrictions and rules.

Runes or, as they are also called, “ Alphabet of the Elder Futhark“, is, without a doubt, a very strong and effective symbolic system, including 21 signs.

It dates back to the very beginning of our era and personifies not just phenomena of the surrounding world, but very specific actions.

More precisely, all of the actions that are only possible in our reality. Therefore, by choosing the right sign or combination of signs, you can always form the desired action, while controlling the strength of its manifestation and the specifics of the action.

Working with runic symbols is divided into three types:

  • Runalor– awareness and study of symbols,
  • Runagald– magical use of runes,
  • Runamal- fortune telling using runes.

Specialists who carry out actions with runes are called erils. The advantage of working with this system of interpretation of reality is its maximum focus on results, even with minimal experience of the main character.

Rules for working with runes

All of the above is the minimum knowledge that should be learned before starting to learn cold rituals. If you are interested in the practice of cooling love using runes, you want to know what it is and how to apply it, then you will have to learn a few key points:

Runic symbols must be applied to amulets or other artifacts (in some cases, even to the human body); without writing, they have no effect.
It is advisable to write signs with blood-based paint, so the resulting effect will be stronger. This rule is especially relevant for making amulets for yourself.

After carrying out the desired action, the amulet must be destroyed or, if this is not possible, at least the rune that is inscribed on it must be removed.
It is also obligatory to thank those gods whom they turned to for help in the process of creating enchantments, and not just say words, but also bring gifts in the form of coins and food.
Not bad, but it is not at all necessary to consolidate the result obtained by applying additional runes, but not with a similar effect, but enhancing the effect obtained or at least stabilizing it. For example, after restoration of relations between a couple, a protective formula will suit them


It’s not difficult to understand how to make a runic cold spell for love. It is much more difficult to learn to recognize situations when it is really necessary, so as not to destroy a union that has prospects and is blessed from above in a special way.

Runic cooling for love - performing a ritual

A real runic cooling for love, made in accordance with all the rules of runagald, gives the most accurate and quick result.

Usually it is taken as a joint photograph of those people they want to separate. If such a photo is not available, a drawing, even a schematic one, will do. It is important to indicate on it the names and any information (from known) about those people depicted in the picture.

After this, runic signs are immediately written on the photo and the corresponding visa is read on top (your own poems dedicated to this event). After this, they ask for help from the gods and stipulate a period after which the picture is destroyed, and gratitude is expressed to the gods.

The most difficult thing is to choose the right rune formula. There may be several options:

The formula for classic cooling looks like this: Gebo+Algiz+Isa;

For global cooling of all potential partners of the object, except for what is agreed upon, the following formula will be required: Isa+Thurisaz+Isa;

To forever erase all memories of yourself from the memory of a loved one, the following formula will do: Ansuz+Ansuz+Perth+Laguz;

A total freeze of relationships is possible after the following combination: Gebo+Thurisaz+Isa;

Complete destruction of relationships between people

Complete destruction of relationships will occur using all the elements: Sowulo+Ehwaz+Laguz+Isa+Hagalaz+Algiz.

The main signs that the procedure was performed correctly and the effect will be positive:

  • Throughout the ritual, everything went smoothly, there were no hitches or obstacles;
  • An amulet or photo that is destroyed after the implementation of the plan is quickly absorbed by water or fire;
  • People over whose relationships a runic action was performed feel rejected from each other and grow cold;
  • Love (if there was any) leaves, tension increases, which results after a while or immediately in a complete break.

In the practice of a beginner or even an experienced eril, situations often arise when you need to cool down on yourself. There are many examples of such situations: relationships can be burdensome, take away strength and energy, and exhaust a person psychologically and physically.

You can, of course, endure all this and hope for the favor of the Higher Powers, or you can act quickly and surely. Moreover, in runagald there is always an effective combination that you can apply to yourself in order to avoid the continuation of an unnecessary love affair.

There are cases when properly tuned practitioners of runic magic intuitively feel the time, place and type of formulas used for this kind of rituals.

In such situations, just one image of the ice sign “Isa” and a heartily composed visa is enough - a Scandinavian quatrain that acts as a spell-fixing the runes used. But for those who have little practice in versification, the formula of the “cross of relationships” remains a classic of the genre:

  • Isa+Gebo+Hagalaz+Isa, where the two central characters are written in script.
  • Or it is in another modification: Isa+Hagalaz+Gebo+Isa (also a ligature in the center).

This runic cooling of self-love helps very quickly. She blocks relationships, severely freezing them (for this, two Isa runic signs on the sides are needed).

There are situations when runic practices, for some reason, are not suitable for a person or do not help. In this case, you can resort to such a powerful technique as cooling in the name of Adonai. This ostuda is not runic, but it helps out in almost one hundred percent of cases. After all, its formula directly addresses the Supreme Essence or God with the help of one of his most ancient and powerful names.

It is recommended to use this ritual action exclusively during the waning moon, on the second day of the week. Neglecting this rule can be costly, even having the opposite effect, so it is better to do everything strictly according to the instructions.

You should purchase some new metal object that has never been used for its intended purpose. Needles, scissors, tweezers and other metal products are suitable for this.

Then, on the night of the agreed Tuesday, fill a glass with cold fresh water and place it on the table in front of you. Ideally, you should use spring water, but in the absence of it, tap water will do.

A metal object (for example, a sewing needle) should be heated over a fire until red, and then cooled sharply with water from a glass.
After the cooling procedure, without hesitating for a second, it is worth saying a conspiracy to cool down:

“In the name of Adonai, the passion for (insert the person’s name) will go out in me, just as this iron has now cooled in this water.”

The procedure of heating the needle, cooling it and reading the magic formula must be repeated a total of five times. After completing the procedure, you need to drain the glass in one gulp.

The words of the spell must be spoken into the water in a glass, practically touching the water with your lips, so that she is sure to hear the spoken spell.

Experts often advise playing it safe and, after the cooling of relations is done according to the runes, they carry out a similar practice in another system.

Such an event is often, for example, ice cold.

In order to make ice-cold ice for love, you need to buy one white egg from a real domestic chicken at the collective farm market.

Exactly at midnight you need to say the following spell on him:

“I take the heart of (insert the name of the object of love), I will take it to the cold and to the iciest kingdom, to a distant cold state, so that later (insert the name of the object of love) (insert the name of the homewrecker) will no longer love, so that my heart will cool at once, no more I never carried her in my heart. I will live forever from now on!”

After this plot, you need to put the egg in the freezer for exactly one day.
Exactly one day later, you need to take out the frozen egg, take it as far away from your home as possible and bury it in a place where no one can see it.
After performing these actions, after another day of cooling, the rival and the object of love should have a strong effect and separate them.

Meaning, description and interpretation of runes

Ostuda refers to the rites of ritual love magic. As the name implies, ostuda is designed to cool feelings, weaken the connection between lovers and reduce sexual desire. This effect is similar to a lapel, only it is cooled and applied to those who have not previously been exposed to magical influence.

Cool rituals are divided into three types:

  1. For one person - only affects the object of the ritual. The plot contains the name of the person and relieves him of emotions, which, in addition to the thrill of love, bring trouble.
  2. For two – cools feelings in a couple. Suitable for spouses whose other half has found a source of love on the side. An experienced practitioner uses a conspiracy to break the connection between lovers and prevent them from meeting.
  3. Self-cooling is often done unconsciously. In such cases, no rituals are performed, but the feelings disappear under the influence of negative thoughts that the person inspires in himself.

The ritual is also performed using runes. Cooling, done by an experienced esotericist according to all the rules of rune magic, gives the necessary result.

The ritual is carried out using a joint photograph of the people who need to be separated. Instead of a photo, a sheet of paper is suitable, on which there are schematically depicted figures of lovers - phantoms. The operator applies runes on top of photos or phantoms, stipulates the effect of the signs and asks for help from higher powers. It is necessary to stipulate the duration of the spell, after which the carrier of the formula is destroyed, and offerings and gratitude are brought to the gods.

The rune for cooling is Isa - the sign of ice. For lapels, it is used with caution and is not included in runescripts more than once. Excessive consumption of Isa weakens brain activity and deprives one of strength, leading to impotence in men and frigidity in women.

Hagalaz is also used, which destroys relationships and feelings to the core. With the help of this rune, the influence of love spells is removed, as it destroys the magical effect.

The two-part formula of these runes is also used as a coolant against a rival.

In what cases is runic cooling used?

Here are examples of situations in which the use of cold water is legal:

  • Non-reciprocal love is considered a good reason for using runes, especially if it makes a person suffer.
  • A toxic relationship in which one partner keeps the other close to him, instilling the idea of ​​his own inadequacy outside the union.
  • The period after a breakup, when the relationship has already ended, but feelings still remain. A person in such a state is not able to move on and leave behind the image of a former lover.

The success of the ritual is determined by these signs:

  1. The ceremony went smoothly, without obstacles;
  2. The photo on which the cooling was carried out was quickly consumed by fire or water;
  3. Objects of influence cool off towards each other;
  4. Tension increases between partners, which leads to a breakup.

Cool off to yourself

We present simple working formulas with the help of which esotericists get rid of unnecessary feelings by performing a cooling ritual on themselves.

  • Sometimes applying one rune is enoughIsaand stipulate it with a suitable hanging for the occasion. The poem is composed by the operator himself or selected from those already invented.
  • "Cross of Relationships"Isa – Gebo – Hagalaz – Isa,in which the runes Hagalaz and Gebo are combined into a script. The use of a modified formula is practicedIsa – Hagalaz – Gebo – Isa. This chill develops in a short period of time, stops the development of relationships and freezes them.
  • Gebo – Algiz – Isaa classic version of runic cooling.
  • Runes Ansuz – Ansuz – Perth – Laguztogether they will remove traces of feelings for a former lover from the heart.
  • Gebo – Turisaz – Isawill cool down the ardor regarding the partner.
  • Soulu – Evaz – Laguz – Isa – Hagalaz – Algizstops attraction on a spiritual, physical and emotional level.
  • Evaz – Isa – Gebowill wash away all memories, including positive ones.

The operator applies runes with red ink or his own blood to enhance the effect of the cold. Fold the photograph and hold it near your heart for three to five minutes, closing your eyes. Visualization will speed up the promotion of runes. It's better to hide the photo.


How to understand that runes influenced feelings?

  1. The subject will spend less time thinking about her lover, the focus of attention will be shifted to other interesting things.
  2. New acquaintances and events will appear in a person’s life, participation in which will distance him from his former partner.
  3. First, there will be a sharp decline in interest in the opposite sex. Subsequently, attraction is normalized.

One of the elements of the lapel is cooling. In this material, I am magician Sergei Artgrom, I will talk about runic cold. Every magical tradition has lapel rituals. The interweaving of ancient witchcraft systems and the modern interpretation of magical effects indicate the colossal power of lapel rituals. At the same time, in some magical schools, a lapel is considered an antidote to a love spell, while others imagine a lapel as a certain type of magical damage that affects the natural processes of a person’s daily life.

Lapel with runes as a tool for shaping reality

Each rune sign represents a link in the large-scale construction of the world. Runes allow you to symbolically describe objects and situations, as well as influence them in detail. An example is ostuda. Knowing this feature, magicians resort to runic signs as a colossal mystical instrument, which, when used correctly, can influence people and events.

Runes have a wide coverage. Love corrections occupy not the last place in the runic tradition. Cooling with runes affects objects and creates the necessary situations. The advantage of runic practice is the relative simplicity of the rituals of turning away and breaking apart. In some cases, when performing runic cooling, you can get by having a stable connection with the gods and a clear logical intention.

Runic symbols are applied to a photograph of the desired object or pair. This action determines and activates the lapel with runes. If there is no photo, you can make a schematic drawing, visualizing and keeping the right person in your field of influence. Magic rune symbols must be applied to this drawing. For a magical turn, when you need to begin the process of destroying the relationship between lovers, take a photo of the couple.

To make a runic cooldown, a photo of one person is enough.

Runic signs are applied to photographs with a marker, ink, or gel; can be scratched with a needle or cut with a ritual knife.

The method of drawing runes for discord can be determined intuitively. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, think this: someone likes writing with a marker of a certain color. Some people like to pierce the surface of a photograph with a knife so that magical runic signs appear. The color of the inscriptions is not fundamentally important, but most magicians intuitively choose red or black. At the same time, black color is more often used for lapel rituals with a negative character.

An effective runic cooldown for your feelings

If you want to cool your heart, moderate the flame of love, then cooling the runes can be considered as excellent, the most. Apply the runic formula on your photo: Gebo - Thurisaz - Isa. This formula can also be applied to the body. When making rune outlines, say a special spell, with the help of which the right direction for the flow of energy is set. Without a conspiracy, cooling may not produce results, or the energy will not flow in the direction you need.

The conspiracy is formulated in one’s own words, but in such a way that the intention is clearly formed and defined as straightforwardly as possible. For example, like this:

“Let this cold runes cool my head, cool my heart for (man’s name). Let cold and peace enter my soul. Let the runes (name the runes used) help me feel free from the hot captivity of love.”

Freeze relationships using runic cooling

Runic cooling of other people's relationships can be done using the formula: Gebo - Algiz - Isa. Apply these runes to a joint photo and immediately read the disclaimer, setting the direction for the desired event. Lapel plot You can say it in verse (read visu), or you can just as well say it in your own words. Each event is distinguished by its unique features, and therefore the words

If you think that with the help of runes you can only predict the future, then this is not so. You can use runes to perform magical rituals that will help change the situation in a relationship.

With runes you can get rid of an annoying boyfriend or rid yourself of a non-reciprocal feeling. In the second case, this is called runic cooling on oneself.

In what cases is runic cooling used?

Let's see in what situation it is best to use this magical ritual:

  • If you are not mutually in love. Non-reciprocal love brings a lot of suffering to a person. It can be completely impossible to get out of your head a person who is indifferent to you or even has negative feelings.
  • There are often situations when a woman lives with a man simply out of pity. She can't leave him because she thinks he'll be lost without her. The man himself, who begs to stay by his side, adds fuel to the fire; in the end, both suffer. All this can be corrected if you cool down the feeling of pity in yourself.
  • And there are situations when a breakup has already occurred, but the image of a former love still sits in the heart and it is difficult to move on in the search for a new relationship. Cooling down on yourself will also help people deal with the leftovers.

Runic cool down on yourself

To carry out the ritual you will need: a photograph where you are depicted together with the object of your affection. If you don’t have a photograph together, then write your names, dates of birth on a piece of paper and draw a diagram of the people.

Then take a new sewing needle and alcohol tincture. Disinfect the needle and finger. Prick your finger, squeeze out a few drops of blood and use a needle to draw runic symbols on a photo or piece of paper with blood. The runic formula can be different, depending on what result you want to get:

  1. Gebo – Algiz – Isa is the runic formula for cooling in its classic version.
  2. Isa – Thurisaz –Isa – this formula is needed if you want to separate someone.
  3. Ansuz – Ansuz – Perth – Laguz is a formula to finally remove the image of your ex-partner from your heart.
  4. Gebo – Thurisaz – Isa – to cool your feelings for a person very quickly.
  5. Sowulo – Enwaz – Laguz – Isa – Hagalaz – Algiz – a formula after which you will no longer be attracted to your partner at all levels: emotional, physical, spiritual.
  6. Isa – Gebo – Hagalaz – Isa is a formula that will help forgive your partner all his grievances.
  7. Enwaz – Isa – Gebo – so that even good memories will not remain in your memory.

After you choose the formula and write it in blood, fold the photo, hold it near your heart for 3-5 minutes, close your eyes and imagine how you will feel when the coolness takes effect. Imagine how calmly and indifferently you will look at your previously loved one. Imagine that you will not remember him even once a day, you will forget his birthday, all the kind words that he spoke to you. Imagine how relieved it will be when you stop dreaming about him. Once you have filled your imagination with these vivid images, open your eyes. The photograph must be hidden so that no one will find it.

Runic cooling on the body

Here is another ritual that will help you cool down your feelings for a person. Our body is us. By influencing the body, we can influence our soul and feelings. Runic cooling can be done by drawing the selected formula on yourself.

Choose the period of the waning moon for this. Go to the bath, take with you a bag of henna, which is used to paint on the body, and a piece of paper on which the runic formula will be written.

First you need to take a shower or bath. This way, you take care of your body and establish contact with it. After this, stand in front of the mirror and write the selected formula on any part of your body.

Evgeny Green - Runic formula - How to make a lapel

LAPEL. COOL. DRYING. How to cut off communication with an unnecessary person.

Ritual of ostuda magic - runes, spell, trance technology

Runic chills

Cool down. Ritual for yourself. Circle of Esoterics

Online Tarot reading/Is there any negativity in relationships? (damage, chill, love spell, lapel, drying)

Then you need to look in the mirror and say these words:

“I will draw runes on my white body so that they cool my head through the body. So that all my restless thoughts towards the servant of God (Name of the man) disappear. I cool my body, I cool my head, I cool my heart. Indifference and calmness enter my body and mind. Now I don’t burn either in my thoughts or in my body, I’m free from the hot captivity of love.”

This completes the ritual, this evening try not to communicate with anyone else, go straight to bed.

What are the consequences of runic cooling?

Some people are concerned about how to understand that the cold is working. There are signs that will tell you about this:

  1. You will notice that you think less and less about the person. Somehow, magically, you realize that most of the time you are thinking about something else.
  2. Things will appear that have nothing to do with the person, which will further distance you from each other.
  3. At first, you will completely lose interest in the opposite sex, and then notice that he begins to impress you.

If, at the same time as you cool down, you consciously introduce new things into your life, meetings, and keep yourself busy with something interesting, then the effect will be even faster. But here it is very important to find exactly what is interesting; these should be things that do not just take up time, but involve you in yourself. If there are no such things in your life, then try new things to determine what interests you.

Modern magical science, in all its diversity, is an almost perfect sphere that offers a person a way out of any life situation (naturally, with the ability to perform certain rituals and actions, use specific practices, tune in to magic sessions, etc.). One of its specific and completely unknown areas today is runics (or runic magic), and the most common practice of runics is runic ostuda, which has a number of special restrictions and rules.

Runes, or, as they are also called, “the alphabet of the Elder Futhark,” are, without a doubt, a very strong and effective symbolic system, including 21 signs, dating back to the very beginning of our era and personifying not just phenomena of the surrounding world, but very specific actions. More precisely, all of the actions that are only possible in our reality. Therefore, by choosing the right sign or combination of signs, you can always form the desired action, while controlling the strength of its manifestation and the specifics of the action. Working with runic symbols is divided into three types: runalor - awareness and study of signs, runagald - their magical use, runamal - fortune telling with their help. A specialist who performs actions with runes is called an eril. The advantage of working with this system of interpretation of reality is its maximum focus on results, even with minimal experience of the main character.

All of the above is the minimum knowledge that should be learned before starting to learn cold rituals. If you are interested in the practice of cooling with runes, you want to know what it is and how to apply it, then you will have to learn a few key points:

  1. Runic symbols must be applied to amulets or other artifacts (in some cases, even to the human body); without writing, they have no effect.
  2. It is advisable to write signs with blood-based paint, so the resulting effect will be stronger. This rule is especially relevant for making amulets for yourself.
  3. After carrying out the desired action, the amulet must be destroyed or, if this is not possible, at least the rune that is inscribed on it must be removed.
  4. It is also obligatory to thank those gods whom they turned to for help in the process of creating enchantments, and not just say words, but also bring gifts in the form of coins and food.
  5. Not bad, but it is not at all necessary to consolidate the result obtained by applying additional runes, but not with a similar effect, but enhancing the effect obtained or at least stabilizing it. For example, after restoring relations between a couple, the protective formula “Isa+Sowulo+Algiz+Gebo+Hagalaz+Jera” will suit them.
  6. It is not difficult to understand how to cool things down; it is much more difficult to learn to recognize situations when it is really necessary, so as not to destroy a union that has prospects and is blessed from above in a special way.

We perform a runic ritual that cools relationships

A real cooling-off for love, made in accordance with all the rules of runagald, gives the most accurate and quick result. Usually it is taken as a joint photo of those people who are being separated. In the absence of such a photo, a drawing, even a schematic one, will do, the main thing is to indicate on it the names and any information (from what is known) about the people depicted in the picture. After this, runic signs are immediately written on the photo, the corresponding visa is read on top (their poems dedicated to this event), they ask for help from the gods and stipulate a period after which the picture is destroyed, and gratitude is expressed to the gods.

The most difficult thing is to choose the right rune formula. There may be several options:

  • classic chill: Gebo+Algiz+Isa;

  • global cooling of all potential partners of the object, except as specified: Isa+Thurisaz+Isa;

  • forever erase from memory: Ansuz+Ansuz+Perth+Laguz;

  • total freezing of relations: Gebo+Thurisaz+Isa;

  • complete destruction of relationships using all the elements: Sowulo+Ehwaz+Laguz+Isa+Hagalaz+Algiz.

Signs that the procedure was performed correctly and the effect will be positive:

  • throughout the ritual everything went smoothly, there were no hitches or obstacles;
  • an amulet or photo that is destroyed after the implementation of the plan is quickly absorbed by water or fire;
  • people over whose relationships a runic action was performed feel rejected from each other and grow cold;
  • love (if there was any) goes away, tension increases, which results after a while or immediately into a complete break.

Experts often advise playing it safe and, after cooling the relationship using runes, carry out a similar practice in another system (and you can attract a guy’s love by doing ). Such an event is often, for example, ice cold.

You can do it this way:

  1. Buy one white egg from a real chicken from the villagers and say the following to it: “I will take the heart of (indicate the name of the object of love), I will lay it in the cold and to the iciest kingdom, to a distant cold state, so that later (indicate the name of the object of love) ( indicate the name of the homewrecker) no longer liked to have his heart cooled at once, no longer carried her in his heart forever. I will live forever from now on.”
  2. After the plot, put the egg in the freezer for exactly one day.
  3. Then take out the frozen egg, take it far away and bury it so that no one can see it.
  4. After another day of cooling, the rival and the object of love should have a strong effect, separating them.

What to do if you need to cool yourself down?

In the practice of a beginner or even an experienced eril, situations often arise when you need to cool down on yourself. There are many examples of such situations: relationships can be burdensome, take away strength and energy, and exhaust a person psychologically and physically. You can, of course, endure all this and hope for the favor of the Higher Powers, or you can act quickly and surely. Moreover, in runagald there is always an effective combination that you can apply to yourself in order to avoid the continuation of an unnecessary love affair. There are cases when properly tuned practitioners of runic magic intuitively feel the time, place and type of formulas used for this kind of rituals. In such situations, just one image of the ice sign “Isa” and a heartily composed visa is enough - a Scandinavian quatrain that acts as a spell-fixing the runes used. But for those who have little practice in versification, the formula of the “cross of relationships” remains a classic of the genre: Isa+Gebo+Hagalaz+Isa, where the two central signs are written in script. Or it is in another modification: Isa+Hagalaz+Gebo+Isa (also a ligature in the center).

Such cooling helps oneself very quickly, since it blocks relationships, severely freezing them (for this, two Isa rune signs on the sides are needed).

However, if runic practices for some reason are not suitable for a person or do not help, then you can resort to such a powerful technique as cooling with the name of Adonai. Strictly speaking, it is not runic, but it helps out in almost one hundred percent of cases, since its formula directly addresses the Supreme Essence or God with the help of one of his most ancient and powerful names.

  1. It is recommended to use this ritual action exclusively during the waning moon, on the second day of the week. Neglecting this rule can be costly, even having the opposite effect, so it is better to do everything strictly according to the instructions.
  2. You should purchase some new metal object that has never been used for its intended purpose (needles, scissors, tweezers and other metal products are suitable).
  3. Then, on the night of the agreed Tuesday, fill a glass with cold fresh water (ideally, key water, but in the absence of it, tap water will do) and place it on the table in front of you.
  4. After unpacking a metal object (for example, a sewing needle), it should be heated over a fire until red, and then cooled sharply with water from a glass.
  5. After the cooling procedure, without hesitating for a second, it is worth saying a cooling spell: “In the name of Adonai, the passion for (indicate the person’s name) will extinguish in me, just as this iron has now cooled in this water.”
  6. The procedure of heating the needle, cooling it and reading the magic formula must be repeated a total of 5 times, after which the glass should be drained in one gulp.

The words of the spell must be spoken into the water in a glass, practically touching the water with your lips, so that she is sure to hear the spoken spell.

You can find a little more about rune magic in this video: