Ways to ensure and improve the quality of bank customer service. Analysis of the quality of customer service in a commercial bank Promotes high quality of services provided by the bank

Marketing research of a service or its market environment is a systematic effort to obtain operational information regarding data describing the current or future (forecast) state of the service itself or its marketing environment, as well as the analysis and reflection of data in the form necessary to solve strategic and tactical problems facing the company. Marketing research carried out in a planned manner makes it possible to gain competitive advantages, reduce the financial and commercial risks of business activity, determine the attitude of buyers towards the service provided, assess the strategic and tactical activities of the company, increase the efficiency of communication market activities, determine the optimal segments for positioning services, the nature of their life cycle.

The quality of a banking service can be defined as a set of properties and characteristics of a banking service that give it the ability to satisfy conditional and expected needs . Being a product of labor, the quality of a banking service is a category inextricably linked with both cost and use value. In this sense, it is important for the client that the banking service has the properties he needs, which are the object of consumption. The subject of consumption can be banking services - different in method of use, terms of provision and purpose. The same banking service can have many different properties and be suitable for different methods of use, for example, a bank loan has such properties as payment, urgency, repayment, and so on, and there are so many ways to use a bank loan that it is difficult to count them It's unlikely to succeed. In turn, the set of properties inherent in an individual banking service distinguishes it from many similar banking services, and therefore, from an economic point of view, the quality of a banking service is a characteristic of its ability to satisfy a particular need, and the banking service itself is nothing more , as a set of useful properties. This totality makes the banking service a commodity.

The competitiveness of a banking service, in contrast to quality, is determined by the combination of only those specific properties that are of undoubted interest for a given client and ensure the satisfaction of his needs, and other characteristics are not taken into account. In addition, a banking service with a higher level of quality may be less competitive if its cost is significantly increased by giving it new properties that are not of significant interest to the main group of its clients.

The stability and reputation of the bank that provides it is of great importance for the competitiveness and quality of banking services. A banking service will not be competitive if the bank is little known and does not have a good reputation. If the bank is not stable, then the quality of its services decreases, since the banking service cannot satisfy the client's need for reliability.

Thus, in the latest theory, banking services are considered in the context of modern trends in the development of the world economy. In order to obtain maximum results, banks should use a marketing approach to the sale of their services. To do this, it is advisable to apply the concept of “banking service as a product,” which involves considering the life cycle, range and profitability of a banking service. The implementation of the concept of “banking service as a product” involves the formation by the bank of a product policy designed to ensure: the formation of an assortment and its management; maintaining the competitiveness of services at the required level; finding optimal product niches (segments) for banking services; developing and implementing an enhanced services strategy. When developing a new service, the bank must follow the concept of a banking service, as a result of which the banking service must meet the needs that will be formed by the time it enters the market. It is also important to consider the competitiveness and quality of banking services, which will identify ways to improve the service and, as a result, increase its profitability.

The bank’s implementation of the concept of “banking service as a product” increases the efficiency and profitability of banking services, improves the structure of the bank’s product range and, consequently, makes the bank itself more profitable, stable and competitive in the international market. This thesis confirms the activities of leading foreign banks that implement the concept of “banking service as a product” in practice and achieve significant success.

The specifics of marketing in the banking sector are determined by the fact that the bank operates in the service sector. Banking services, like all other types of services, have specific characteristics:

· intangibility of services, their abstract nature;

· inconsistent quality of services;

· non-preservation of services.

The intangibility of services means that they cannot be physically felt, seen or appreciated until the client receives them. Therefore, the key word in marketing services is the “benefit” that the client will receive by using the bank’s services.

The variability of quality and the inseparability of services from the qualifications of people place special demands on staff training. Bank employees must know not only the techniques of banking, but also the psychology of communicating with people. Additional quality of services provided by the bank is created by the surrounding environment (bank interior, office furniture and other external elements).

The non-preservability of services means that there must be a special mechanism for equalizing supply and demand. Services cannot be stored like goods, so during periods of peak demand it is important to plan in advance what the bank will do to avoid queues: attract additional employees from other departments; encourage people to contact the bank at other times, etc.

Along with the listed characteristics inherent in all types of services, the banking product has its own distinctive features:

1. The provision of banking services involves the use of money in various forms (cash, non-cash payments).

2. Intangible banking services acquire visible features through property contractual relations.

3. Most banking services extend over time; more or less long-term connections between the client and the bank are established.

In the works of domestic scientists there are various definitions of banking services. O.I. Lavrushin defines a banking service as one or more bank operations that satisfy certain needs of the client, and the conduct of banking operations on behalf of the client in favor of the latter for a certain fee. According to Yu.V. Golovin, “a banking service is a set of operations that represents a complete set of services that satisfy any client’s need.” In general, the definition of banking services by domestic scientists comes down to banking operations that banks perform on behalf of clients. In turn, A.Yu. Vikulin, on the basis of current legislation, defines banking operations as systematically conducted transactions carried out by banks by virtue of their legally established legal capacity, the objects of which are money, securities, precious metals, and precious natural stones. Along with the concepts of banking services and banking operations, the concept of a banking product is found in the domestic economic literature. O.I. Lavrushin classifies the provision of a bank loan as a banking product, the peculiarity of which is that it is provided not as a certain amount of money, but as capital. This definition is based on the concept of a bank as a specific enterprise that produces a special kind of product in the form of money, means of payment.

At the same time, foreign scientists believe that a bank is a company providing financial services, the success of which depends on how well the financial services it provides correspond to public demand, how high quality and competitive they are in terms of price. Thus, from the position of foreign scientists, any banking service should be considered as a product that the bank sells on the banking services market. And in practical banking activities, as noted by E.V. Egorov, the majority of leading commercial banks in countries with market economies today consider services to clients as a kind of “product”, and the provision of services as the “sale” of this product.

It is much more difficult to evaluate the quality of services than the quality of goods. After all, the client perceives not only the result of the service, but becomes an accomplice in its provision. In order to measure the quality of a banking service, it is necessary to understand what constitutes the quality of service in a bank. A banking service as a commodity is an intangible, intangible action or performance of work that does not lead to the ownership of anything tangible. As a rule, such actions or types of work occur at the moment of direct contact between the manufacturer of a banking service and its consumer. For these reasons, according to experts, the quality of a banking service is related to the interactive process that occurs between the bank and the client.

The quality of a banking service significantly depends on the process of the consumer comparing his expectations of the quality of a banking service before its consumption with the direct perception of the quality of a banking service at the time and after its consumption. The consumer’s perception of the quality of a banking service at the time of its consumption occurs in two main aspects: What the consumer receives from the banking service (technical aspect of quality) and How the consumer receives a banking service (functional aspect of quality).

According to experts, consumer perception of the functional and technical aspects of the quality of banking services occurs on the basis of a kind of five-step ladder (Fig. 1).

The first stage is the gap between consumer expectations regarding the quality of banking services and the reaction of bank management to these expectations. The second stage is the gap between the bank's management's understanding of consumer expectations and the process of implementing a quality system in their bank. The third stage is the gap between the quality system implemented by the bank’s management and the unpreparedness of the bank’s personnel to follow the established standards. The fourth stage is the gap between the existing quality system in the bank and the inflated advertising of this quality system in the media. Finally, the fifth stage, the most important one, is the gap between the expectations of consumers of banking services and the process of providing this service by the bank.

Figure 1. Concept of quality of banking service and criteria for its evaluation

In the practical activities of a marketer, the SERVQUAL model can serve to determine the level of consumer satisfaction with products/services existing on the market.

SERVQUAL (from servicequality, service quality) is a research tool proposed in the 80s in the USA (ZeithamlV., ParasuramanA., BerryL.) as a universal tool for measuring service quality, which is a special case of statistical analysis of Bass diffusion models. The purpose of SERVQUAL is to measure the extent of the gap between customers' expectations and their perceptions (i.e., the actual state of affairs). The information obtained (in the form of indices) is used as one of the indicators of the success of the enterprise, along with financial, economic and other indicators.

The model algorithm is Expectation-Perception (P-E). The understanding of perceived quality in the methodology can be reflected in the following quote from Parazurman's classic work on this issue: “Perceived quality is embodied in the methodology as the difference between measurements of consumer perception of the product and the expected reaction to the product.” At the same time, expectation is considered as “consumer hopes and desires”, as a standard when creating goods or services. Perception in this methodology is considered as a measured consumer attitude towards an actually created and perceived product within the framework of test marketing.

The basic algorithm that identifies the “degree of product quality”, reflecting the SERVQUAL concept, can be reflected by the following equation:

SQi = sumWj (Pij - Eij),

· SQi - perceived quality of the stimulus;

· Wj - attribute weight factor;

· Pij - created perception of stimulus i in relation to attribute j;

· Eij is the expected level for attribute j, which is the standard for stimulus i.

When creating methods based on the P-E concept, a single-factor model is used:

MQi = -1 ((Pi - I) (Eij - I)),

· MQi - modified SERVQUAL value of stimulus quality;

· Pi - created perception of stimulus i;

· I is the ideal maximum value of the attribute, in accordance with the classical relative ideal point model.

Of course, the SERVQUAL method, firmly established since 1985 in the world (mostly American) marketing theory, has undergone a number of progressive improvements and developed into many similar methods, some of which, in a number of their features, have natural advantages over the basic method.

According to Joseph Cronin, SERVQUAL is described as a form of attitude related to, but not equivalent to, “satisfaction”, but results in the difference between expectation and perception. In his opinion, the perceived level of service is, rather, the attitude of potential consumers, expressed in “the most general extended development.” In turn, he considers the concept of “satisfaction” as a measurement of specific parameters of satisfaction that more clearly characterize a potential consumer trend. D. Cronin designated in this case the quality level, referring to ATTITUDE, a model of service quality developed by Bolt and Dreuw as a mathematical description of the SERVQUAL algorithm.

ATTITUDE model - the perceived level of service quality is considered as a function:


where ATTITUDEt-1 is the level of quality of service in the previous period;

CS (Consumer Satisfaction) - level of consumer satisfaction;

Dt (Dissatisfaction) - level of consumer dissatisfaction.

This model served as the basis for creating a descriptive relationship between the “satisfaction” parameter and the “quality level”:

SERVQUAL = f (CS/Dt, Disconfirmation),

CS/Dt = f" (Disconfirmation, E, Performance).

Quality criteria for banking services

Research has shown that consumers evaluate the functional and technical aspects of the quality of banking services according to five main criteria (Table 4):

Table 4. Dimensions of service quality in the SERVQUAL model


Brief description of measurement:

Materiality (Tangibles)

Perceptions of premises, equipment, staff appearance and other physical evidence of the service


Ability to perform promised services accurately and thoroughly


Desire to help the client and prompt service delivery


Perceived competence and courtesy of staff. Formed trust in the company and staff. Security of services.


Accessibility (physical and psychological contact with employees should be easy and pleasant), communication (the company informs consumers about services in a language they understand), understanding (the desire to better understand the specific needs of the client and adapt to them)

Methodology for measuring the quality of banking services

Research objectives:

1. Determination of consumer preferences regarding the quality of the services under study.

2. Determining the quality of the studied services provided by a particular organization and developing recommendations for its improvement.

1st step. Questionnaires are generated (Appendix 1, 2).

Five quality factors "Q":

· I. Q (M) - materiality;

· II. Q (H) - reliability;

· III. Q (O) - responsiveness;

· IV. Q (U) - conviction;

· V. Q (C) - sympathy.

They are a digital expression of the state of quality. Each of the five quality factors “Q” is measured by 5 sub-criteria. Thus, the 5 quality criteria “Q” are divided into a total of 22 subcriteria.

The first questionnaire assesses the consumer's perception of the quality of the service received in the specific organization being surveyed.

The second questionnaire assesses, respectively, consumers' expectations regarding the “preferred” and “adequate” service.

2nd step. A survey is being conducted among service consumers. Respondents are selected from current or recent users of the service under study. Using a five-point Likert scale (completely disagree - completely agree), consumers are asked to express their specific perceptions of the same five criteria of service quality, but in the specific bank being surveyed.

Then, using a similar scale, consumers are asked to express their general expectations regarding the five above-mentioned criteria for the quality of a banking service.

3rd step. Average ratings are calculated for each of the five groups of criteria.

A generalized assessment of the quality of the service in question is calculated:

· The calculation of quality coefficients for each of the 22 components is calculated by subtracting the 22 received expectancy ratings from the 22 received perceptual ratings. These are then grouped into five quality factors using the average method. Qi= Pi - Ei, where Pi is the level (assessment) of the perceived service according to the i-th factor (i =1...22), Ei is the level (assessment) of the expected service according to the I-th factor (i =1...22).

· Calculation of average quality factors for each of the five criteria: Qj (j =1…5).

· Using the method of average values, average values ​​for 22 criteria are grouped into a global coefficient of service quality in the surveyed bank (Table 5).

Consumer expectations regarding quality are either confirmed or not. The latter leads to consumers leaving for competing banks and to higher marketing costs in the bank to attract new consumers to replace those who left. Confirmation of expectations leads to long-term consumer loyalty to the bank, which is called “relationship marketing.” Relationship marketing ensures the bank's long-term success through sustainable profitability based on customer loyalty and by reducing marketing costs to attract customers.

The results of a quality study using the SERVQUAL methodology are interpreted as follows:

· A zero value of any of the quality coefficients means the coincidence of the level of quality expectation and the level of quality perception according to this criterion or subcriterion.

· Negative values ​​indicate that the level of expectations exceeds the level of perception.

· Finally, positive values ​​indicate that perceived quality is above expectations.

Positive and zero values ​​of quality coefficients are considered a successful result. Negative quality coefficients that are as close as possible to zero are considered a satisfactory result. Negative quality coefficients that move away from zero are considered unsatisfactory results.

Table 5 shows the results of one of the studies of this kind. According to the results of the study, it turned out that the lowest quality coefficient was obtained for the “responsiveness” criterion (Q = -1.4). The highest quality coefficient was obtained according to the “materiality” criterion (Q = -0.7). The global service quality coefficient was -1.1 points, which can be characterized as a satisfactory result.

Table 5. Results of research on the quality of banking services

No. and type

Quality factor (Qi)

Banks must have modern office equipment and equipment

The interiors of bank premises must be in excellent condition

Bank staff must be pleasant-looking and neat

The appearance of information materials (booklets, prospectuses) in the bank should be attractive

Q materiality (M1-M4)

The bank must keep promises to provide the service at the appointed time.

If customers have problems, the bank should sincerely try to solve them

The bank must have a reliable reputation

Bank services must be provided to customers accurately and on time

The bank must avoid errors and inaccuracies in its operations

Q reliability (H1-H5)

Bank staff must be disciplined

Bank staff must provide services quickly and efficiently

Bank staff should always help customers solve their problems

Bank staff must respond quickly to customer requests

Q responsiveness (O1-O4)

There must be an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding between clients and bank staff

Customers should feel safe in their relationship with the bank

Bank staff must be polite in their dealings with customers

Bank management must provide all possible support to staff to effectively serve customers

Q conviction (U1-U4)

The bank should show an individual approach to clients

Bank staff must be personally involved in solving customer problems

Bank staff must know the needs of their customers

Bank staff should focus on the bank's problems

Bank opening hours should be convenient for all customers

Q sympathy (C1-C4)

Global quality factor

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The article is devoted to the problems of assessing the quality of banking services. Managing the quality of banking services is an integral part of the strategy for managing the competitiveness of a commercial bank. The authors substantiate the need to study the opinions of various consumer groups on the quality of banking services using the example of Avangard Bank. The paper presents the results of a study of the attitude of the population of the Chuvash Republic to the quality of services provided by the bank in question. The study was conducted using a survey method, in which 168 respondents took part. The study showed that, despite a generally favorable attitude towards the quality of bank services, the perception of quality by respondents of different age groups and different social status varies significantly. The results of the study can be used by banks when developing a marketing strategy based on a differentiated approach to working with different categories of clients.

quality of bank services

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differentiated marketing

1. Guryanov S.A. Marketing of banking services / Under the general editorship of Dr. E. Sc., Professor Tomilov B.B. – M.: Yurayt, 2005. – 320 p.

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3. Leontyeva I.A. Marketing research: textbook. allowance. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash publishing house. University, 2012. – 82 p.

4. Lyubovtseva E.G. Features of attracting resources by credit organizations in the region / E.G. Lyubovtseva, A.F. Savderova // Science. – 2015. – Volume 7, No. 6; Journal access mode: http://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/96EVN615.pdf.

5. Fundamentals of banking (Banking) / Ed. Tagirbekova K.R. – M.: INFRA-M, Ves Mir, 2003. – 720 p.

6. Ryabinina E.N. Russian practice of regulating active operations of commercial banks / E.N. Ryabinina, E.V. Ryabinina // Bulletin Chuvash. un-ta. Humanitarian sciences. – Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House. Univ., 2014. – No. 3. – P. 196–202.

The functioning of a commercial bank is aimed primarily at generating profit and maximizing income while maintaining the required level of liquidity and optimal risk distribution. To achieve these goals, banks actively use bank marketing as an integral part of the bank's management system. Banking marketing ensures the introduction and development of new products, determines how to work with consumers of banking services, and facilitates the provision of services that best satisfy the client’s needs. In conditions of increasing competition, commercial banks are constantly in search of the resources necessary for successful operations, primarily household deposits. They are forced to offer potential clients different conditions for the provision of their services than competitors, and this difference can be expressed in anything - in price or some other qualitative or quantitative characteristics. However, banks are limited in their ability to provide more favorable rates for servicing their clients. In these conditions, they actively use non-price methods of competition, such as expanding the range of services, improving the quality of service provision, customizing services, increasing the professionalism of employees, introducing modern hardware, creating a favorable service atmosphere, etc. .

In our opinion, the quality of banking services provided significantly affects the success of the functioning of a commercial bank. Moreover, the assessment of the quality of services should take into account the opinions of various categories of consumers, because Only in this case will the bank be able to develop an effective policy for its behavior in the market.

The purpose of the study is to study the attitude of Avangard Bank clients to the quality of services provided. The information source was the results of a survey conducted as part of the study.

In our study, devoted to the competitiveness of Avangard Bank in the regional banking services market, a survey was conducted among bank clients in order to identify their opinions on the quality of banking services provided. The study was conducted at Chuvash State University; the survey revealed that 51% of students and 65.4% of university teachers and staff receive a scholarship/salary through Avangard Bank. 168 respondents who were consumers of Avangard Bank services were surveyed. The survey was conducted with students, teachers and staff of the economics, law, chemical and pharmaceutical faculties, as well as employees of various services and departments of the university administration. Among all respondents, 60% are students, represented by two groups - 1st-2nd year students and 3rd and higher year students, 19% - teaching staff, 14% - administrative staff and 7% - university support staff. The high proportion of students who took part in the survey determined that 62% of respondents aged 18 to 24 years participated in the survey. The second most popular group was the group aged 45 to 60 years - 13% of respondents.

Rice. 1. Assessment of the quality of bank services by different categories of respondents, %

Rice. 2. Assessment of the quality of bank services by different age groups of respondents, %

Rice. 3. Analysis of the quality of Internet banking by different categories of respondents, %

Rice. 4. Assessment of the quality of Internet banking by different age groups of respondents, %

When studying assessments of the quality of services provided, it was found that 57% of respondents give a high assessment to the quality of services of Avangard Bank, 29% of respondents believe that the quality of services of Avangard Bank is good, but lower than in other banks. 12% of respondents believe that Avangard Bank provides services of average quality, and only 2% give a low rating.

When considering the responses of respondents grouped according to various characteristics (Fig. 1), it is clear that most of the ratings “excellent” (80%) are observed in the group of administrative and managerial personnel (AUP), “good” - in the support group. The most differentiated ratings were obtained in the group of 1st-2nd year students, where 16% of the group gave an “average” rating and 6% - “poor”.

Consideration of the structure of assessments of the quality of services in different age groups (Fig. 2) revealed a tendency for the proportion of high assessments to decrease as the age of respondents increases, with a simultaneous increase in the proportion of assessments “good”.

The assessment of “bad” in the bank’s activities is present only in the answers of 1st or 2nd year students, respectively, in the age group from 18 to 24 years.

Assessing the quality of services provided through the Internet bank on a 5-point scale (from 1 - bad to 5 - excellent) shows that respondents rate the Internet banking of Avangard Bank quite highly - 54% of respondents rated it “excellent”, and 30% - “good”. Only 14% rate this service as “satisfactory” and only 2% of respondents as “two”.

Rice. 5. Willingness of different categories of respondents to recommend Avangard Bank, %

An analysis of the rating structure (Fig. 3) shows that the Internet banking service is rated highest by administrative and managerial personnel, in the rating structure of which 72.2% of ratings are “excellent” and 27.8% of ratings are “good”, as well as the main personnel, where 65.2% and 30.4% of such assessments, respectively. Slightly more than half of the third and higher year students also rate the service as “excellent”, and 19.4% of representatives of this group rate it “satisfactory”. In the group of 1st-2nd year students, the grades turned out to be more varied - there are already 8.3% of “twos”. Support staff rate the quality of Internet banking as “good.”

In Fig. Figure 4 shows the structure of responses from different age groups of respondents, from which it can be seen that the largest number of “excellent” ratings were given by respondents aged 25 to 34 years - 81.8% and from 35 to 44 years - 69.2%. The remaining representatives of these groups gave “good” ratings. In the group from 45 to 60 years old, more “good” ratings were given - 58.3% versus 41.7% “excellent” ratings.

From Fig. 4 also shows that the Internet Bank service is rated lowest by representatives of the age group from 18 to 24 years old, in which ratings are given from 2 to 5, with less than half of excellent ratings - only 48.3%.

The study also assessed the likelihood that the surveyed clients of Avangard Bank would recommend it to their friends and colleagues. The survey results show that 30% of respondents express their complete readiness to recommend Avangard Bank to their friends and colleagues, and 61% of respondents are likely to recommend the bank, which indicates a high level of trust among respondents in Avangard Bank. Only 8% of respondents would most likely not recommend the bank and only 1% of respondents express a negative attitude towards the bank.

Analysis of the structure of the responses received (Fig. 5) showed that administrative, managerial and core personnel are more inclined to recommend Avangard Bank to their friends and colleagues - 44% and 38.7%, respectively, of representatives of these groups will definitely recommend the bank. The least - 17% of representatives of students of 3rd and older years will definitely recommend Avangard Bank. Of the groups examined, only students and support staff tend not to recommend Avangard Bank to their friends and colleagues.

When analyzing the responses of respondents grouped by age (Fig. 6), it was found that only a group of respondents from 25 to 34 years old are definitely ready to recommend Avangard Bank to their friends and colleagues - 2/3 of the group’s representatives. The remaining age groups mostly gave the answer “Most likely, I would recommend” - at least 50% of representatives of each group.

It should be noted that in the groups 18-24 and over 60 years old there are respondents who expressed a tendency not to recommend Avangard Bank to their friends and colleagues.

Rice. 6. Willingness of different age groups of respondents to recommend Avangard Bank, %

The analysis of the attitude of various segments to the activities of Avangard Bank, carried out during the study, confirms the need for detailed segmentation of the banking services market by types of clients. The analysis showed that, despite the overall favorable picture, the attitude of different groups of consumers towards the bank’s activities can vary significantly. The most loyal consumers to the bank in question were respondents belonging to the category of administrative and managerial personnel, as well as those aged from 25 to 44 years, and the least loyal were students and representatives of the age group from 18 to 24 years.

This article highlights only some aspects of the conducted research into the opinions of clients of a particular bank about the quality of the services provided. The results obtained confirm the existence of differences in the assessment of service quality by different categories of consumers.

In order to improve the quality of banking services, banks need to ensure the completeness, reliability, accessibility and security of the services provided while simultaneously increasing the socio-psychological parameters of services, such as comfort, politeness, courtesy, understanding of the needs and requirements of the client. An important factor in the provision of banking services is also the formation of a high-quality material environment for the process of providing banking services - the condition and attractiveness of the building, the organization of internal space, furniture, appliances and equipment.

Since the bank’s clients currently include a significant number of university students, in order to meet the needs of different consumer groups, the bank can be asked to adhere to a differentiated marketing strategy. As part of such a strategy, it is necessary to strive to cover different market segments with the help of specially developed original sets of services.

Bibliographic link

Pleshkov K.V., Leontyeva I.A. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF BANK SERVICES // Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 11-5. – P. 1061-1065;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=41303 (access date: 09.19.2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

If all banks were well managed, the only reasons for failure would be economic and political reasons. But even in this case, the need for regulation and control would remain, just as the need for traffic rules and police officers in the country of good drivers would remain.

Quality of management determined by the competence of the bank's managers, the quality of the organization and operation of the internal control system, the degree of interaction between shareholders and the bank's management, as well as the level of control by the bank's Supervisory Board. The quality of management is also assessed through an assessment of the created bank management system, which is based on an analysis of internal regulations and procedures.

When assessing banking management, World Bank experts suggest using the following components to assess it:

  1. Competence.
  2. Leadership.
  3. Compliance with regulatory standards.
  4. Planning ability.
  5. Ability to respond to changing conditions.
  6. Adequacy of the policy pursued to the bank’s position in the market.
  7. The ability to self-control.
  8. The quality of the management team and their successors.
  9. Relations with insiders.

Banking supervisors must ensure that banks have management information systems that enable bank management to identify concentrations in the loan and investment portfolio. Supervisors should also establish prudential standards that limit the risk of potential losses from individual borrowers or groups of related borrowers.

Poor management and inadequate control are the cause of financial failure not only of individual institutions. In the event of a crisis in the financial market, they can increase its impact on the market and lead to defeat of the entire banking system.

To analyze the quality of management, it is necessary to take into account the following main parameters:

  1. Maintaining adequate capital levels, asset quality, earnings and liquidity.
  2. Competence and ability to lead.
  3. Honesty and business reputation of the bank's management.
  4. Qualifications, experience and ability to take responsibility.
  5. Quality of supervision by bank management.
  6. Adequacy of bank staff training
  7. Availability of a shift training system for management employees.
  8. Compliance with current legislation.
  9. Sufficiency of internal procedures and regulations. The quality of their execution in the bank.
  10. Availability of internal control mechanisms, documentation and internal accounting systems.
  11. Availability of a system for planning and monitoring performance results.
  12. Personnel policy, sufficiency of the remuneration system and promotion mechanisms.
  13. Implementation of credit and investment policies, requirements for assets and liabilities.
  14. Relations with insiders: a) provision of loans to major shareholders, members of the board, bank managers and related enterprises without appropriate prerequisites or on preferential terms;
  15. b) payment of extremely high salaries, fees and dividends;
  16. c) using bank funds to cover unjustified personal expenses of employees and board members.
  17. Compliance of senior management with the position held: a) composition of the bank’s board;
  18. b) attendance of board members at its meetings;

c) the presence of sufficiently documented minutes of board meetings, reflecting the active participation of all board members in the process of determining the strategy and development policy of the bank;

e) the presence of a dominant role of some members of the board in the decision-making process, which negatively affects the activities of the bank;

Relationships with insiders are an important factor in assessing the quality of management. In all countries, lending to insider projects requires the creation of an increased level of reserves, which shows the undesirability of lending to insiders. However, supervisory practice in Ukraine shows that prudent investment in insider projects is not only positive, but sometimes the only way for some banks to exist. This is due to the general decline in production and the unstable state of many sectors of the economy. Therefore, some large industrial enterprises create banking institutions to finance their own projects. In this case, supervisory authorities must assess the reliability of the investment projects themselves, abstracting from problems of relationships with insiders. Such banks require more frequent and detailed analysis of their work, and perhaps even the presence of permanent representatives of supervisory authorities in the banking institution with the right of access to documentation and information about the work of the enterprise in which the bank's funds are invested. To evaluate such projects, supervisory authorities may involve audit campaigns, subject to their financing at the expense of the bank or enterprise, as well as specialists from government departments in whose area the bank provides financing.

Aristobulo de Juan, in his work “From Good Bankers to Bad Bankers”, classifies bad management into the following types:

    a) when organizing a bank with new management;
  1. b) when the bank passes from one hand to another;
  2. c) non-recognition of the deterioration in the financial condition of the bank.
  3. Cosmetic management:
  4. a) concealment of losses;
  5. b) changing the structure of calculation of profits and dividends.

Hopeless Control:

  1. a) speculation;
  2. b) attracting deposits at unreasonably high rates.

Cosmetic management is attempts to hide losses in order to gain time and maintain control while management is looking for ways out of the current situation. One such form of cosmetic management is the preparation of the income statement using the so-called “inverted statement” technique. If in a regular report dividends are calculated at the very end after all deductions, then in this case they are included in expenses before calculating the net profit received. Thus, the bank sacrifices capital compliance for the sake of a “good image.”

Hopeless management- a situation when bankers, fearing to announce a deterioration in the financial condition of the bank, resort to speculation or attracting deposits at unreasonably high rates.

By resorting to speculation, bankers try to extract maximum profit from risky transactions, which can further worsen the financial situation if these transactions go wrong.

Fraud occurs when a bank was acquired by speculators or entrepreneurs with certain interests, as well as in the event of a deterioration in the bank's position, the possibility of its collapse, when management resorts to fraud in order to hide or improve the situation. The most common types of scams are “self-lending” and “pendulum property”. This type of fraud as “pendulum ownership” is that if a company owned by a bank is successful, then the banker buys back the rights to own it from the bank at a low price, but if it is unprofitable, then the bank, at his suggestion, buys out its shares at a high price, both operations are unprofitable for the bank and bring personal benefit only to its owner.

To identify possible insider fraud and abuse, certain signs can be identified that, when observed, require supervisory authorities to more deeply and carefully study the issues involved. The Federal Reserve Bank has defined the indicators of fraud in its memorandums, but some of these indicators are unique to the United States and may not be considered indicators of possible fraud in Ukraine or are not applicable due to the varying volume of such transactions in different countries. Taking into account the specifics of the work of commercial banks in Ukraine, the following can be considered signs of possible fraud:

  • availability of large cash payments in the bank;
  • the presence of a large number of companies that are late in receiving goods and services or payments under export-import contracts;
  • lack of high-quality internal control over documents on foreign economic activities of clients;
  • lending to enterprises from remote regions or foreign enterprises;
  • a large volume of loans to enterprises that are not clients of the bank;
  • poor or insufficient credit documentation;
  • excessive number of loan extensions.
  • presence of non-standard conditions in loan agreements;
  • financing businesses that purchase goods or services from bank insiders;
  • a large volume of loans to enterprises operating in the sphere of interests of insiders;
  • lending to enterprises from offshore zones;
  • availability of loans secured by obligations of offshore banks;
  • the presence of loans issued to companies for which it is difficult to determine their real owner;
  • lack of proper division of responsibilities between bank employees, especially during active operations;
  • the presence of significant amounts of debt of bank insiders and managers;
  • lending to one borrower by related banks or branches of one bank;
  • large volumes of loans guaranteed by third parties;
  • high positions of the main shareholders in the bank's management;
  • frequent changes of auditors and law firms servicing the bank;
  • the presence of a large volume of transactions or lending to enterprises whose financial statements indicate that the borrower invests funds and receives income from investments in countries with increased secrecy of information about bank account holders (Panama, Antilles, Cayman Islands, etc.) Financial statements such a borrower may also include information about large deposits that cannot be verified due to the increased secrecy of the information.

It should be emphasized that the listed signs are not evidence of bank fraud or abuse by insiders, but only reveal the need for additional attention on the part of supervisory authorities to clarify the circumstances surrounding these transactions.


  1. Aristobulo de Juan. From good bankers to bad bankers. Ineffective banking supervision and deteriorating management quality are the main elements of banking crises. Proceedings of the seminar of the Institute for Economic Development of the World Bank, 1992.
  2. Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision. Basle Committee on Banking Supervision. Basle. September 1997.
  3. Framework for Evaluation of Internal Control Systems. Basle Committee on Banking Supervision. Basle. January 1998