Savely - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope. The meaning of the name Savely, character and fate Savely name day according to church

The name Savely has several versions of meaning. About this and much more in our article.

According to the first version, the name Savely comes from the name Saul. This name is of Hebrew origin and is borne by one of the participants in biblical events. If this is true, then the meanings of the names are the same. It means that the meaning of the name Savely is “asked from God”.

According to the second version, the name Savely comes from the Latin "Sabellus". Translated from Latin, it means either “simple” or “unpretentious.” It turns out that The name Savely means "simple" or "unpretentious".

The meaning of the name Savely for a child

A boy named Savely can be described as a modest or even secretive kid. The most noticeable feature of Savely can be called slowness. He does not like haste, and if he tries to do something quickly, then everything falls out of his hands. We can also say about Savely that he is a very persistent and hardworking boy. Both peers and adults show interest in the child, and he, in turn, is even burdened by this. The kid is very kind, and this is especially noticeable in his love for animals. The boy shows a certain courage in upholding the truth and is completely selfless.

Studying is quite difficult for Savely, but he studies well. Excellent perseverance and hard work help him in this. The child is best at working with his hands. The boy will be happy to go to various arts and crafts clubs where he can make crafts. It is also worth noting that Savely is excellent at exact sciences. But it is science, and not a solution to the school curriculum at speed. In his serious understanding of the background of each example, Savely has no equal.

Savely's health is usually quite good. Its weak point can be called the digestive system and metabolism. It is advisable for Savely to play sports, because he is usually predisposed to be overweight. And of course, it doesn’t hurt to monitor your diet, although this recommendation can be given to absolutely everyone.

Short name Savely

Diminutive pet names

Savvushka, Savvochka, Savelka, Savelyushka.

Children's middle names

Savelievich and Savelyevna. The popular form of abbreviation of a male patronymic is Savelich.

Name Saveliy for international passport- SAVELII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Church name Savely(in the Orthodox faith) - not among the church names. Savely's baptismal name will become his name in the church. Most likely, Savely’s baptismal name will be given based on his date of birth, but it could also be given simply in honor of a certain saint.

Characteristics of the name Savely

As in childhood, adult Savely is characterized by such traits as leisureliness, thoroughness and seriousness. He still doesn’t know how to react quickly, but if he gets down to business, he does it for sure. His life positions inspire respect among others. At the same time, Savely knows very well what impression he makes and knows how to use it. Savely cannot be denied a certain cunning, but even he is cunning nobly. He knows how to fit into any team and easily becomes an opinion leader. It is worth noting, however, that Savely does not strive for such “cheap” popularity.

Work for Savely is one of the very important components of his life. Savely prefers to work with his hands, but the areas of application can be completely different. This ranges from working as a carpenter to being a surgeon or dentist. Savely often spends a long time looking for his business and can change jobs for a long time until he finds his path. He enjoys special respect among colleagues, which, of course, is earned through certain successes in work and not immediately.

Family is a very important step for Savely, and he is in no hurry with such decisions. Savely usually marries late, and before marriage he often meets with his beloved for a long time. In his family life, Savely is a homebody and a lover of a good time. He loves home cooking and, in principle, pays a lot of attention to everyday life. He loves his children and is ready to devote a lot of time to them.

The secret of the name Savely

The secret of Savely can be called his mercilessness. It is very difficult to bring Savely to the point of “white heat”, but if Savely is angry with someone, then it is better for him not to come across him for a longer time. Savely can seriously begin to get rid of his offender, and as you know, he does everything thoroughly.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Cancer hermit.

Name color- Light blue.

Tree- Birch.

Plant- Water lily.

Stone- Selenite.

The Monk Savva the Sanctified was born in the 5th century, in Cappadocia, into the pious Christian family of John and Sophia. His father was a military leader. Having left for Alexandria on business, he took his wife with him, and left his five-year-old son in the care of his uncle. When the boy was eight years old, he entered the nearby monastery of St. Flavian. The gifted child soon learned to read and studied the Holy Scriptures well.

In vain did the parents persuade Saint Sava to return to the world and marry. At the age of 17, he took monastic vows and was so successful in fasting and prayer that he was awarded the gift of miracles. After spending ten years in the Flavian monastery, the monk went to Jerusalem, and from there to the monastery of St. Euthymius the Great. But the Monk Euthymius sent Saint Sava to Abba Theoktistus, the abbot of a nearby monastery with strict cenobitic rules. The Monk Savva remained in that monastery as a novice until he was 30 years old.

After the death of Elder Theoktistus, his successor blessed the Monk Savva to seclude himself in a cave: only on Saturday the saint left the seclusion and came to the monastery, participated in the Divine service and ate food. After some time, the monk was allowed not to leave the seclusion at all, and Saint Sava labored in the cave for 5 years.
The Monk Euthymius closely followed the life of the young monk and, seeing how he had grown spiritually, began to take him with him to the Ruv desert (near the Dead Sea). They left on January 14 and stayed there until the Week of Vai. The Monk Euthymius called Saint Sava a youth-elder and carefully raised him in the highest monastic virtues. When the Monk Euthymius departed to the Lord, Saint Sava left the Lavra and settled in a cave near the monastery of the Monk Gerasim of Jordan. A few years later, disciples began to gather to the Monk Savva - everyone who wanted a monastic life. This is how the Great Lavra arose. According to instructions from above (through a pillar of fire), the monks built a church in the cave. The Monk Savva founded several more monasteries.

Many miracles were revealed through the prayers of the Monk Sava: a spring gushed out in the Lavra, heavy rain fell during a drought, healings of the sick and demon-possessed took place. The Monk Savva wrote the first charter of church services, the so-called “Jerusalem”, accepted by all Palestinian monasteries.
Memorial Day: December 18

Most parents take a very responsible approach to choosing what to name their future baby. For some, for example, a name comes to them in a dream, others re-read mountains of literature to correctly understand the characteristic and its meaning. The boy was named Savely for a long time, and this is popular again today.

Origin and meaning of the name

They have been called Savelyi since ancient times, but the origin of the name is unknown, so there are two versions of its appearance. The most common theory is that it comes from the Hebrew “Shaul,” which literally means “requested” or, in other words, “requested, received from God.” The second version says that it has Latin roots, and is based on the word “Sabellus”. It, in turn, means simplicity and unpretentiousness. There is also a version that the name means “unexpected”.

It is important to understand that the names Savely and Savva are one and the same, and at the same time not. Many believe that Savva is a shortened version of Savely. And this is correct from a linguistic point of view, since these two words are essentially synonyms. But the middle names that come from these names are different. Savely's son will be Savelyevich, and Savva's son will be Savvovich.

This is because the names have different origins and mean different things. Both have Jewish roots and ancient origins. Savva is a full male name, which is translated from Hebrew as “sage” or “old man”, and, as we see, is different from Savely in meaning.

Did you know? The longest name in the world takes over ten minutes to read. It consists of 1478 letters.

Forms of first name and patronymic

The child can be called in full, abbreviated and affectionately. Calling men Savely, you will feel euphony and depth, brightness, masculinity, but at the same time tenderness. The word is easily declined. In all cases except the instrumental, only the last letter changes. Its transliteration is also simple. It is written in Latin as Savelii.
How else can you call a child with such a beautiful name Savely? Each parent, naturally, comes up with all sorts of affectionate forms for himself. Over the centuries, a great number of them have formed. Most often, babies are affectionately called Savvushki, Savelyushki, Savyushki, Avvami, Avyushki, Savami, Savki, Savelki. It is believed that Savva, Savel and Savel are derivatives or synonyms.

This name is not in the church calendar or Christmastide. Therefore, at the christening the child will receive another one, close to the solemn date. And in Orthodoxy, the name Savely, in meaning and origin, is associated with the Great Martyr Savely. Therefore, the priests say that at baptism the baby can be named this way, especially since Savel is a derivative of Savely.

Day Angel

Angel Savelia Day is celebrated on the last day of the first summer month. Name days are celebrated precisely by the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy. On this day, the memory of the martyr Savel the Persian of Holcedon and his brothers Manuel and Ismail are honored.
They served the Persian king and were sent to make peace with Emperor Julian. Having learned that they professed Christianity, he doomed them to inhuman torment. Until the very end, the brothers prayed and did not renounce their faith. When they wanted to burn them, the earth opened up and accepted their bodies. The people who saw this miracle renounced the pagan gods and accepted the faith of Christ.

Therefore, according to the church calendar, the name Savely for a boy means that he should be purposeful, courageous, modest and proactive. He must overcome life's difficulties with his head held high and at the same time be a good psychologist.

Important! Some sources claim that Savely’s name day should be celebrated three times a year. This is not true. On all other dates except June 30, name days are celebrated by people with similar names.

Name in different languages

Transliteration and translation of the name from different languages ​​of the world is close to Russian and to the Latin version of Savelii and is directly related to its origin from Hebrew. Its meaning is unexpected, asked from God. Some are mistaken when they think that the name Savely is identical to Savva, which translated from Greek means “sage.” When translating, one must take into account the true meaning and origin and not confuse with synonyms.

Did you know? In America there lives a man who does not have a name due to the fault of his parents. He was so used to it that, even as an adult, he could not choose it and lives only with the surname Gateward.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Many people named Saveliy left their mark on Russian and world history. Here are some of the most famous.

Extraordinary Savelyushka Kramarov remembered by connoisseurs of theatrical art and cinema. His mother died when he was sixteen years old, and after that he was raised by his uncle. A great actor should become a landscaper, but fate turned out differently. Kramarov took the chance and entered the theater studio. He was able to do this thanks to his incredible love of life, positivity, optimism, determination, charm, charisma, desire to give people joy and be the best in everything.
The films “The Elusive Avengers” and “Gentlemen of Fortune” brought him fame in the USSR. He starred in more than forty films and became a People's Artist of the RSFSR. In the early eighties, he emigrated to America, where he starred in the films Red Heat, The Return of Morgan Stewart, and Armed and Dangerous. He joined the US Screen Actors Guild, which is an unprecedented success for an immigrant. Despite his funny appearance, he became a real star, was married three times and was wealthy.

Among the outstanding bearers of the name, he deserves special attention. He was born at the beginning of the last century and went down in history as one of the strongest chess grandmasters. In addition to his sporting achievements, he developed the theory of chess, and he coined the term “hypermodernism”, which describes new chess thinking. Tartakover was also a doctor of law, writer and public figure. A sharp mind, a high level of intelligence, moderate cunning and insight, and determination helped him achieve all this.
Saveliy Eliseevich Myshalov is still alive and is one of the most famous and qualified sports doctors of the former USSR. The desire to save and help people was awakened by such character traits as love of life, openness, activity, kindness and responsiveness. He devoted most of his career to football; before that, he worked as the chief physician of the Union speed skating team for more than ten years. He finished his professional career at the Moscow football club Lokomotiv. His book “What the Spectator Doesn’t See” is part of the history of Soviet sports.
An outstanding master of palindrome, Russian and Israeli poet, and simply spiritual, cheerful, successful, freedom-loving Savely Grinberg was one of the most ardent admirers of Mayakovsky's work. He translated many of his works into Hebrew. He took part in the Second World War and was a famous Soviet poet. He wrote a lot about war, space, poetry. Known as an experienced translator of modern poets from Hebrew, he has published in many literary publications.

In honor of Saveliy Lavrentievich Vaksel two capes are named - in Thaddeus Bay in the Laptev Sea and on Bering Island, which is part of the Commander Islands. He was a captain of the first rank, a member of the second Kamchatka expedition of 1733-1744.
He lived sixty-one years and accomplished a lot during that time. At twenty-three he entered the Russian service as a volunteer, and after the same age he rose to the rank of captain of the first rank. The service took place in difficult conditions of exploration and discovery of new northern territories. What helped him achieve such heights in his career was that he was hard-working, responsible, self-confident, practical, successful, and purposeful. The officer wrote a book of memories about the Second Kamchatka Expedition.

The meaning and origin of the male name Savely undoubtedly left an imprint on the character, fate and outstanding characteristics of these historical figures.

The main character traits of people with this name

Men named Savely are characterized by practicality and love of freedom. They are purposeful and independent, they can both make decisions instantly and think about them for quite a long time - it all depends on their mood. Such men and boys can be either phlegmatic and constrained, or excessively independent and proud.

It must be remembered that this name is characterized by a combination of opposites. Savelys are easy to manage, but they always strive to assert themselves and display outstanding abilities. Therefore, in childhood, boys are fond of reading and dream of exploits.
As a rule, these are born leaders who strive for creation and constant action. At the same time, Savelii get along very well with their surroundings and easily solve problem situations. If it is critical, and the majority does not agree with the leader’s position, then he will find a way and opportunity to resolve it in his favor, that is, he will go against the crowd. More often he does not need to analyze the characters of his environment, he feels them intuitively. He, as a rule, perceives humor, but in rare cases he still cannot understand elementary ridicule and react sharply to it.

Savelia are wonderful, efficient employees. They behave in the same way in the family circle. They surround their loved ones with attention and care, love children and pets. Such people are always calm and balanced, it is quite difficult to seriously anger them. But if the latter happened, then the response on their part will be very serious and could end very badly for the offender. And at the same time, these people know how to forgive. This is a summary of what the name Savely means for a boy.

Important! If Savely is called Savva, then the character may change towards the latter. You can't do this often.

Name Astrology

Savelyushek is most clearly characterized by the satellite Moon, and the appropriate zodiac sign is Cancer. The color that is most characteristic of them is light blue, and selenite is the best stone in terms of energy. The tree corresponding to the name is birch. The water lily is a plant that corresponds to such people. The hermit crab acts as a totem animal.

Astrologers say that the meaning of a name for a child is very important. In their opinion, people named Savely are unhurried, serious and always thorough. They do not quickly react to situations or problems, and if they do decide to solve them, then everything will probably work out in the best possible way.
Men named Savely have a certain cunning character. They are very sociable and easily find a common language with people, willingly fit into new companies, and soon become a leader. These people value their work very much, choosing the one that best suits their spirit, often looking through vacancies for quite a long time. Most often, working with your hands is preferred.

Regarding the family, Savelia is very selective. They test their beloved for a long time before getting married. In his everyday life, Savely is a homebody and loves to spend quiet time with his family. He also loves his people very much and is ready to devote all his free time to them.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

According to the meaning of the letters in the word, Savelias are very good workers, demanding of themselves and their subordinates, they are very eager to achieve material well-being by all means and not to deny themselves anything. Also, the main qualities that characterize them are leadership, determination, impulsiveness, impetuosity, love of life, spirituality, honesty, optimism, a certain scrupulousness, independence of views, originality and subtle artistic taste.
Such people very often win the attention and devotion of other people. Regarding love, Savely is very passionate and romantic and, fortunately, monogamous.

It has been scientifically proven that parents, by naming a child, program his future. Many people know this and treat it very responsibly. It is quite appropriate to call the baby gentle, but at the same time proud Savvushka - the meaning of the name determines many positive character traits of such people.

The male name Savely is called either Hebrew in the meaning of “desired”, “begged from God”, or Latin, derived from the word “sabellus”, which means “Sabine” (from the name of the ancient people). It came to the territory of our country along with Christianity, although it was originally known as Savel (Savel). It became popular in Soviet times, but is currently classified as rare.

Characteristics of the name Savely

The name Savely will endow its owner with a modest and benevolent character. This man outwardly gives the impression of being withdrawn and even gloomy, but he simply does not like to stand out from his environment, is immersed in his experiences and does not strive for leadership. The same modesty is noticeable in Savelia from an early age. Usually he is ashamed of his name, so he can either partially close himself off, or in rare cases strive for self-affirmation. But even in the young owner of this name there is a certain attractiveness that attracts people to him. In general, this is not surprising, because he is very kind, delicate, non-conflicting, interesting in communication, friendly and always ready to help. The adult Savely also makes a positive impression on people. He is modest and taciturn, but, as a rule, talented, friendly and broad-minded. It approaches business with responsibility and caution, does not like to take risks and has a keen sense of lies. Savely has many friends, especially people who are similar in character to him are close to him.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Savely is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20. This sign will preserve in Savely his simplicity, peacefulness, reliability, friendliness, but at the same time it will add more decisiveness, pragmatism, patience, and openness to his character.

Pros and cons of the name Savely

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the name Savely? It should be said that apart from individual sympathies regarding the sound of this rare and slightly old-fashioned name, this name has no negative components. It is beautiful, has an interesting sound, goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, in addition, you can choose several euphonious abbreviations and diminutions for it, such as Sava, Savushka, Savelka, Savelyushka. Saveliy's character can also be called good, so this name can help a child develop as a positive personality.


Savely’s health is also quite good. Sometimes its owners are susceptible to allergies, and in childhood many of them suffer from diseases of the ear, nose and throat, but in general the Saveliev’s body quickly overcomes illnesses.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Savely shows loyalty, attentiveness and homeliness. As a rule, he marries late; he chooses as his wife a woman who is tender, sensual, but at the same time more active than him. Savely will become a very economical husband and an excellent father. You can always rely on him, in addition, the owner of this name is so non-conflict that even with a strong desire it is not easy to quarrel with him.

Professional area

It can be difficult for Savely to find himself in the professional sphere. A job that does not require increased energy on his part or communication with people is suitable for him. For example, he will become an excellent researcher in the field of physics, mathematics, engineering, and medicine. Savely can also become a programmer, accountant, mechanic, watchmaker, veterinarian, jeweler, or repairman of household or office equipment.

Name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Savely (in church spelling also Savel) celebrates his name day on June 30.

Translated from Hebrew, the meaning of the name Savely is “desired child”, or “given by God”. Indeed, this is especially often the name for children who have been waiting for a very long time. But there is another version of the meaning of this male name from the Latin word sabellus - “simple”.

As a child, little Savelyushka is a little reserved, will not open up to the first person he meets, and is often afraid of strangers. Therefore, when choosing the meaning of the name Savely for a boy, you need to make every effort to develop communication skills in the child, teach simple communication and self-confidence.

He does not like to put himself on display; during any events he tries to stay a little aloof. But this does not mean at all that he does not like those around him, because the main meaning of the name Savely for a child is that he absolutely does not accept ostentation. It is much easier and calmer for a boy to delve into his experiences, which he can only reveal to the person closest to him.

That is why the baby’s connection with his parents is very strong, he loves and literally idolizes mom and dad. The interpretation of the name is that the boy grows up very modest and even shy, but this does not scare away his friends, but, on the contrary, attracts people to him who lack warmth and affection.

During his school years, the guy does not particularly strive for leadership, he is completely absent of egoism and narcissism, but at the same time it is interesting to talk to him, he creates the impression of a very pleasant and delicate person. He knows how to keep secrets, considers other people's personal life inviolable, and attaches great importance to all the secrets that are revealed to Sava.

What does the name Savely mean in love?

Savely attaches the greatest importance to love relationships to their sensual side. Without warm feelings, there is no sex or friendly communication for him. Girls do not always look at him as a man with whom they want a sexual relationship. In most cases, he is just a very good friend for them, who will always listen and support.

But, often, such friendly relationships can develop into something more, because there is no person who could understand a woman as well as Sava. He will not strive with all his might to achieve the love of his chosen one, he will simply surround her with affection and care, and will be able to forgive her a lot. But in the end, if he falls in love, the girl simply will not be able to resist this kind and delicate guy.

What does the name Savely mean in the family?

Family relationships for this man are constant creation, improved mutual understanding and support. He is a homely and thrifty husband, for him comfort in the home, and a conflict-free atmosphere of love and tranquility are above all; he attaches great importance to the absence of quarrels and troubles.

It is because of the love for the comfort of his inner, warm little world that he chooses a calm but strong woman as his wife. He will become her friend, lover and mentor. It is important for a man to feel sensuality and love, so he tries to make his wife feel as relaxed as possible.

Saveliy also treats children very warmly; he will never raise his hand to an offending child; even a simple slap on the butt cannot be expected from him. He is an excellent psychologist, and therefore only with words and example can he explain to his offspring what is good and what is bad.

What does the name Savely mean in business and career?

At the beginning of his adult life, Savely’s career is not going very well. He has everything - intelligence, abilities, and even business acumen, but he often cannot find a place of work where he would be morally comfortable. He attaches special importance to a sense of personal security, so he often changes a highly paid job with a lot of competition for a less profitable one.

Saveliy Kramarov

As in childhood, in the professional sphere he shows isolation. A man does not need a job where he will have to communicate with clients; the position of a research assistant or laboratory assistant is most suitable. Thanks to his analytical, tenacious mind, he will make an excellent programmer, accountant or doctor.

Origin of the name Savely

The origin of the name Savely goes back to ancient times, when Christianity was just beginning. The area where this name came from is not reliably known, but the etymology begins from the Latin word Sabellius, which translates as “obedient”, “simple”.

The history of the ancient world remembers the great martyr Savel, whose name, along with his brothers, Manuel and Ismail, is canonized. The three brothers, with unshakable faith, were so devoted to Christ that during the torment to which the pagans subjected them, they did not stop praying and proclaiming the word of God.

And after their heads were cut off, the earth opened up and swallowed their bodies, and after the frantic prayers of the Christians, it returned them to the surface. At the same time, the murdered bodies emitted a wonderful aroma, and thanks to this miracle, many pagans accepted the Christian faith.

Guided by this story, we can say that the secret of the name Savely bears the imprint of strength, perseverance and perseverance, an internal core that cannot be broken by any effort, persuasion and even torment.

Characteristics of the name Savely

No matter how closed Savely is from outsiders, the character of this man includes courage mixed with cunning. This combination has both pros and cons. The ability to perform feats comes from childhood, where my favorite books were adventure and knightly stories.

Savely Libkin

He is capable of actions with a capital letter, and this is the main characteristic of the name Savely. He attaches great importance to moral principles; this person can never be persuaded into a dubious enterprise. The biggest disadvantage in personal qualities is a predisposition to alcoholism, and under the influence of alcohol it can become simply uncontrollable.

The secret of the name Savely

  • Stone (just write stones that are similar, list them as 1,2 or 3)
  • Name day – June 30
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name (write zodiac sign)

Famous people with the name Savely

  • Savely Kramarov is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, an American and Soviet actor.
  • Saveliy Libkin is a famous Ukrainian restaurateur, co-owner of the Resta restaurant chain.

The name Savely in different languages

Presumably, the translation of the name Savely from Latin comes from the word Sabellius, which means “unpretentious”, “simple-minded”. You can call it purely Russian, although the name is not particularly popular in Russia, since it is impossible to find information on how the word is translated into languages ​​other than Ukrainian. In Ukrainian the name sounds the same as in Russian.

In Chinese this name is written as ???, which is read as Saveili. And in Japanese, the meaning of the word can be displayed in the katakana alphabet - ?????, and in Japanese characters - ???, which sounds like Saverii and Saberii, respectively.