The teachings of Christ are the size of your palm. What is the teaching of Christ? For love is God

The essence of the teachings of Jesus Christ, compiled from his dialogues with his disciples in the Bible. Quotes selected from the book The Lost Pages of the Gospel /Gospel of Dionysius/. With these words Christ fought against dogmatism and corruption of the high priests.

The True Teachings of Christ, restored according to the Sacred Scriptures and surviving Sacred Traditions.

1 . The least faithful among you are those who pray more than others and think that from this they will be given more than others. For they themselves do not understand what they believe. Like beggars, incapable of anything else, humbly begging for the fulfillment of their desires. What are you asking God for? Or do you think He was mistaken in sending you what you have, and do you want to teach Him how He should correct that mistake? That means your God is unreasonable. Why do you call Him God then, why do you believe in Him and why do you pray to Him? You yourself do not know what you are bowing to. And you have little true faith. I tell you that being of little faith is worse than not believing at all. For by denying God, you will come to God. Because, no matter which direction on earth you go, you will still come out to the ocean. But if your faith is weak, then you don’t go anywhere, you just sway from side to side.

2 . Who do you go to church to listen to and worship? And who are the most revered people in it? Scribes? Pharisees? High priests? All of them, no matter how many of them came before Me, are thieves and robbers and worse. For it is not your bread or your gold that is stolen, but your life itself. They honor God with their lips and tongue, but their heart is far from Him. And they are like painted tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all uncleanness. And those hypocrites close the Kingdom of Heaven to men, for they themselves do not enter it and do not allow those who want to enter. And they love that people call them: teacher! teacher! Don't call them teachers. They are blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. And for centuries they have been hiding the keys to true knowledge and replacing them with half-truths, which they dress up in the clothes of Truth, and therefore they are more dangerous and terrible than lies.

3 . God is not far from each of us, but you should not think that you will find Him in descriptions or statues that received their image from human art and imagination. For then you will worship and serve the creature instead of the Creator. The Almighty does not live in man-made temples and He does not require the service of human hands, for He does not need anything. Heaven is His throne, and earth is His footstool. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you, and the Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. And ask not false treasures, not earthly blessings from the Heavenly Father, as sinners ask, but one thing: to make the paths leading to His Kingdom straight, so that you may see the Most High during your earthly life. For if you do not see God during your life, you will not see him after.

4 . I want to give you faith in the very existence of the Kingdom of God. Where everything is in eternal joy and bliss, so that faith kindles in you the fire of an unquenchable desire to find and find it. To believe is to taste the sweetness of unripe carrots. Check it out - drink some honey. Therefore, not only to believe, but to test for yourself, to find and know - this is what I urge you to do, and there is no longer any need to believe in what you have learned. If your faith is only a crutch for a disabled person, it will be of little use. I give this crutch to a sick person not so that he will limp along the earth with it all his life, but so that he becomes healthy, which means he knows the Holy Spirit and enters the Kingdom of God during his earthly life. For the Kingdom of Heaven is always here, but you do not know how to enter it. And the heaven I’m talking about is inside you and outside you, and the Kingdom of God is in this heaven and no other. And you don’t have to go far to find it, and they won’t say: behold, it is here, or, behold, there. For the Kingdom of God is within you. And you yourself do not understand what treasure you are hiding within yourself. But I’m surprised how such great wealth is contained in such poverty?! There are some who will not taste death until they see the Great Kingdom.

5 . But you must first know yourself. When you know yourself, then you will be known and accepted by the Most High, and you will know that you are children of the living Father. And through you, as through all his creations, He reveals himself. But man is His main Creation. So why are you hiding God to yourself? Reveal Him to the world and glorify yourself and the Creator. When you know yourself, then you will find your true self, and all the secrets that are hidden from you will be revealed to you. If you do not know yourself, then you are in poverty and you are poverty! If you don’t understand the beginning, then it’s impossible to understand the end. So it is impossible to know what is around you if you do not know what is inside you, for then there is no knower who is given to understand the secrets of the Heavenly Father. And do not separate the sky from the earth, for it is a continuation of the earth, and do not separate yourself from the earth, for you are a continuation of it, and it is a continuation of you. That’s why I say: you are the beginning of everything and the end of everything. And when you see this, then you will see the Kingdom of God.

6 . Everything living and non-living seems to be invisibly connected with each other, and everything individually is part of the whole! Woe to him who creates borders on earth and divides people. For there are no boundaries in heaven, and neither should there be on earth. Truly I tell you: this division is the reason for enmity and strife, whether it is division along borders, or according to language, or according to faith - everything is one! And if a person is divided within himself, then the same enmity will be within him and there will be darkness in him, and there will be no rest for him.

7 . Don't be afraid to get lost when you look for your way, only the strongest are capable of this. And the Shepherd loves those who have left the flock more than others, for only they are given the power to find the cherished path. It is not the cattle’s fault that they are in the pen, because the owner built the pen for them. Man, to his own shame, did what no living creature is capable of: he built a prison for himself with his own hands and placed himself in it. And grief that his children are born in this prison. They grow up and do not know any other life except the life of their fathers, and after that they cannot see it, for their eyes have become blind from the darkness of imprisonment. And they don’t see anyone who would live differently, and therefore they believe that their life is the only possible way of existence. For if your eyes have never seen the light, how will you know that you are in darkness?

8 . Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but turn your attention to imperishable treasures. And if you have true power, then the earthly desires and passions with which it was seething like mad until now will leave your soul, and along with them false knowledge and judgments will leave. A person's life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions. You worry and fuss about many things, but your soul needs only one thing, for the Word of God to take root in you like a seed and bear its fruit. Truly I say to you, He who has everything and needs himself has nothing.

9 . And do not justify yourself by fulfilling the Law: it was given for those of little faith, in whom the Word of God does not fit, in order to protect them from crimes until they gain true understanding. The commandments are given for those who hear with their ears and do not understand; those who look with their eyes and do not see. For the fulfillment of the law cannot give life, does not bring grace, and does not make one righteous. Only true faith, operating through Love, is capable of this.


All the law and the prophets are based on this commandment. And all the other commandments are her children, and she is their mother. And if the mother is in you, then all her children are in you. And there is no need to know them by their names, since they live inside you, and they are your essence.

10 . I tell you: love your Father in heaven with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. And be not God-fearing, but God-loving. For God loved you first, so love Him with True Love, Love in which there is no fear, for Perfect Love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment. The one who fears is not perfect in Love. Love your neighbor as yourself. For if you do not love your neighbor, but say that you love the Almighty, you are lying!

11 . Even if you are the first righteous person in the world and live according to the Law of God, and speak in the language of angels, and have all knowledge and all faith, but if at the same time you do not have love and harbor malice in your heart, even for an insignificant worm, then you are only copper ringing, and there is no benefit to your soul. All good deeds are the external light of a person, but it does not illuminate the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. But there is a light within the man of light, and it illuminates the whole world. If it does not illuminate, then there is darkness. And even if you give away everything you have, and give your body to be burned, but Love will not illuminate your deeds, it will not benefit you at all.

12 . You are children of love, born of love, shouldn’t you become love?! And to become Love means to become equal to God, it means to become God!


And there is no other way to His Kingdom: this is impossible for men, but with God everything is possible! To you, to whom I address the Word of God, I call you Gods: this is what Scripture says about it. Truly you are Gods, only your eyes are closed and you have not yet awakened to enter your glory. And if Love is in you, then God will be in you and you will be in Him. Perfect Love and the Holy Spirit come together, for they are one. If Love is in you, then the Holy Spirit is in you. If the Holy Spirit is in you, then your Love is Perfect. Be as pure as doves and wise as serpents. Find the light that will save you within yourself. And even if the pages of the Gospel are lost, they can be restored from the heart.

The image of God that Christ revealed turned out to be very understandable and responsive, as if he had returned from the childhood memories of humanity, he was recognized

There is one question, the personal answer to which determines how a person understands Christian discourse, sees it in the past and imagines its possibilities in the future. It sounds like this: what exactly is the teaching of Christ? Any teaching must contain a core, a core, something from which all further discourse begins. It is impossible to have a teaching about this, about that, about the fifth, the tenth, and at the same time have it all in a scattered form. So what, exactly, is the teaching of Christ, not torn into various moralistic teachings?

Christ, as we read in the Gospels, constantly “runs into arguments” (from the arguments, from His answers to the Pharisees, they basically put together something like a teaching), in John these disputes are given directly in the form of dialogues, in the other evangelists for the most part - echoes of disputes, some pathetic sayings without beginning and without end, probably torn from some recorded and lost logias. Someone remembered something, somewhere the old-timers tried to remember, but in any case, the pathos betrays an excerpt from some dispute, even in such a twitchy form. What turned Christ on? The fact that He is not recognized as God is the Second Person of the Trinity, but He stomps His feet and says, The Second Person I am, and whoever does not believe will go to hell - so what? In a simplified way, everything comes down to this, if you even read the holy fathers. They say, what crazy people they were, they didn’t admit it, not like we admitted it. It was enough to read, and everything immediately became clear. And these guys couldn’t even figure it out while they were alive. Once they see a miracle, they must immediately understand: this is God.

Second person. And immediately begin to worship correctly.

The Church’s response to this matter, the way it ultimately turned out, developed parallel to the development of dogmatic teaching. At first, people lived in active anticipation of the coming of the Kingdom of God, an era when everything would be fair: evil, oppression, injustice would recede, the world order would finally acquire its original quality, “rule” would return to God, having been taken away from the devil and his local minions, truth will prevail. The expression “Son of God” did not have clear dogmatic definitions and was understood quite broadly and simply: as having the right to speak on behalf of God. Not just to broadcast the will as a prophet, but to have all the authority not only to speak, but also to consider one’s actions commensurate with how God acts. The question was not posed at all - how large-scale the Son of God can act, only how much accordingly. Christ's disputes with the lawyers were understood to mean that Christ sought from those who called themselves ministers compliance with the wishes of God, and not how they interpreted these wishes again in favor of untruth and evil.

The mission of Christ evoked such a huge response because the image of God that Christ revealed turned out to be very understandable and responsive, as if he had returned from the childhood memories of humanity, he was recognized. The husk of a capricious ruler was shaken off from the image of God, and “reconciliation” of man with God began, as the Apostle Paul put it. God, it turns out, also suffers from all this disgusting and asks people to actively participate in helping to establish the victory of good over evil. The reflection that God must be pleased with all sorts of theatrical performances receded.

The most difficult thing was with the reflexes of religious self-control, which were the most difficult to overcome. The regulation of a “sinless” life does not depend on external attitudes of “dos and don’ts,” but on the purity of intentions, on measuring them against goodness.

The most literate became interested in divine physics and mathematics only by the third century, and by the fourth they had already gone wild. They immediately began to put together an equation with unknowns, and the first unknown was the “nature of God.” Judging by what was written, no one bothered to even somehow define in words what it was, it was immediately included in the equation. Whether this “nature of God” is in Christ or not. Other unknowns were “human nature” and “personality” (“hypostasis”). It was from the equation with these three unknowns, where one unknown is more unknown than the others, that everything that was later called “dogmatic theology” began. There, other unknowns were later connected - will, energy, the equation became more and more complex and pretentious, so that Christ eventually became a very complex formula, equal to “the nature of God” plus “the nature of man” plus “hypostasis” and there is also will with energies, and God knows what else, in a word, it looked beautiful, but it couldn’t be solved, so in the end they spat on it, anathematizing everyone who for some reason didn’t believe in the equation and made up other, no less interesting equations.

The nature of God was treated in the most severe manner. And here we return to our question. The mission of Christ, according to the word of the Apostle John, was to reveal the nature of God. But not to brag about it, like, I have it, but you don’t. The return of the lost image of God was the essence of His preaching, sounding both in words and deeds. Any action can be interpreted in different ways - words in the first person are required so that there are no misinterpretations. And any words can be explained in the most perverted way - this requires corresponding actions that interpret the words unambiguously. After all, by and large, it is still impossible to prove anything in such “worldview” issues. Man, people will build the discourse of their lives based on their belief in how this world works. Either he is the product of the execution of chance, or the product of a harsh, capricious will. Or he is fundamentally kind.

The mission of Christ was not to prove, but to show the latter. The world did not turn out randomly, was not created by an eccentric, demanding will, but at its core is good, and its good is understandable at the simplest level, without complex interpretations about higher, inaccessible concepts of good. From the fact that Christ calls God Father and Himself His Son, one can draw different conclusions. Start, for example, by counting “natures”. Without even trying to explain to yourself what it is, begin to endow them with functions, one, they say, exclusively for performing miracles, and the other for everything else. Ultimately, agree to the point that the whole mission boiled down to completely shaming people, teaching them to correctly worship the Trinity, venerate icons, guard their thoughts, and all for the sake of conforming to the moral ideal assigned and expected of them. That is, to pour from empty to empty, to change the form of relationships. And a change in form is a re-form. What makes Christ a reformer, albeit with unprecedented divine powers, but a reformer. Like, the Father didn’t like the way you worship here, the result is not the same, morality is lame, deviates from the idea of ​​​​a person.

Theology always stumbles over form. How to formalize a relationship. Professionals are found who find, calculate, usually, the desired form, and everything returns to normal. The effect - what a person should be, that is, morality - is placed before the cause. Because professionals, rummaging through books, find nothing else. Only what is needed is not like this, but like this. And if so, then you can guess that it’s also necessary like this. And so it is too. You can't do this, and you can't do that either. Therefore, religious morality always develops without cause. It is always compiled randomly, fragmentarily, and the reason is then calculated from it itself. And it never makes sense. The knowledge of God inevitably slides into the worship of the Demanding, Terrible Master. Call him a “loving father” or whatever, but the sum of his “theology” paints a picture of a rather quarrelsome, nervous “grandfather,” who for some reason is also called “impassionate.” This is the kind of “grandfather” Christ really didn’t like.

What is the outline of the Teachings of Christ? read His word, research,
perform. enter into a Covenant with Him, don’t delay. Receive the Holy Spirit. He
Comforter - Teacher. you will begin to hear Him, friend. He will instruct
He will teach. trust Him always. only He will not make mistakes, your life
will transform. He knows everything about you. 1 Corinthians 1:18 For the word
about the cross there is foolishness for those who are perishing, so says the word of the Gospel
God. but for us who have believed in Christ Jesus, those who are saved by Him are power
is God's. Romans
1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, thus says the Apostle
Paul by the Holy Spirit in the Holy Scriptures. because it is the power of God
unto salvation to everyone who believes in Jesus, first the Jew, then
Ellin. What are similar expressions, God's truth is truth? As if
they both say the same thing! At the same time, both of them discover the circumstance
saving people
this is the power of God. Although one passage of Scripture speaks of the Cross, and another of
Gospel, about the gospel of Christ. One thing says: The cross is strength
God for salvation. Another thing is that the gospel of Christ is the power of God to
salvation to everyone who believes in Him. From here I believe and understand: the word about the Cross
and there is the gospel of Christ, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once I
asked one man: does he believe in the Gospel? He replied that he believed.
I ask: what exactly do you believe? my answer is in Christ Jesus. this
the person answers that he has the Gospel,
he read it. but does not read in the growth and knowledge of Christ
comes in Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit of God.
but he believes what is written there. So he believes that
written in this book is the truth of God, which is described in the Gospel of
Matthew, Mark,
Luke in the Epistles of the Apostles and the Revelation of Jesus Christ. But the gospel
there is Good News. The Virgin will conceive by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a Child. And
His name will be called Jesus Wonderful Counselor. Message for the salvation of the sinner,
for it is written that He will save His people from their sins. the question arises:
does this person believe the Good News for him from God? what salvation
in the Savior Jesus Christ in the Son of God. that's what this one tells him
News? This question is difficult to answer for a person who has not been born again.
because man does not know this News, it is not revealed to him, by the Spirit
To the saints through him who preaches the gospel. it is not revealed or preached to him.
For this purpose, God the Heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus, so that He
He chose and taught His disciples the Image of the Teachings of Christ. many
people can answer this question more intelligently. those who were born
from above and received the Gift of the Holy Spirit from Heavenly Father.
They know from Scripture that Jesus Christ died on the cross, and thus
He himself bore the punishment for me and you, a sinful, vicious
person and for all humanity.
These are not religious people who read the Scriptures and do not know that
Christ died for us, His New Testament children (Rom. 5:8) and forgave us
all our sins and our iniquities (Luke 1:77; 24:47; Acts 2:38). This and
there is Good News that you need to be born again. John: 3.3.
Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone
born again cannot see the Kingdom of God. And so it is written
John 3.16.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him did not perish, but had eternal life. need in God
increase. in order to accept the Teachings of Christ. Because he didn't send
God His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved
through Him. He who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is already condemned, this
one who lives without God. without His word did not enter into His Image
Doctrine and Covenant. because he did not believe in the name of the Only Begotten Son of God.
The judgment is that the light has come
in to the world; but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds
were angry; for everyone who does evil hates the light. and does not go towards the light,
so that his deeds will not be exposed, because they are evil, and he who does according to
truth comes to the light,
so that his works may be evident, because they are done in God. God decided
to give up His Son to death, so that now everyone
whoever believed in Him was saved by Him, Jesus the Lord Holy One. Having learned this,
the believer joyfully accepts his salvation. and forgiveness of sins in
Christ Jesus, and continues to go growing in the Son of God the Lord
Jesus. and no longer a sinner. it is converted to Obroz
Christ. acts as Christ acted. calling himself saved and
no longer a damned sinner, but a saint in Christ Jesus, since in him
Now Christ lives by the Holy Spirit. and of course, now he’s trying already
not to sin, the Holy Spirit strengthens him and convicts his conscience. choice
God gave to man and does not take away,
and does not force a person, but prompts him through his conscience. 1 John 1.5 And this is the gospel that we have heard
from Him we proclaim to you: God is light, and in Him there is no darkness.
If we say we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in darkness, then we are lying.
and we do not act according to the truth; if we walk in the light, as He is in
light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son,
cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins,
then He, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins. and cleanse
us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, then
We present Him as a liar, and His word is not in us. 1 John 3.20.
And this is how we know that we are of the truth, and we calm our hearts before Him.
our; for if our heart condemns us, then how much more God, because
that God is greater than our heart. and knows everything. Beloved! if the heart
ours does not condemn us, then we have boldness towards God, and, no matter what
we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep the commandments - this is His
word. and do what is right in His sight. And His commandment is that we
believed in the name of His Son Jesus Christ. and loved each other
as He commanded us. And whoever keeps His commandments abides in
He is not, and He is in that. And we know that He abides in us by the spirit which
He gave it to us. Every person is free to choose what sin is more dear to him
or righteousness, peace, joy and eternal life in Christ Jesus the Lord
ours. but the position of the sinner depends on the sinner himself. what he wants.
the person himself can change it. choose God or sin Satan. what he
loves more sin, or the truth of Christ Jesus and the light. he repeats
his words, his mistakes, or he renounces and turns to the Savior. or
says the word I know, which does not live in me, that is, in my flesh there is no good thing"
Rom.7:18. The question is: is it true that God forgave his sins?
and granted to him and to all people the salvation that is in Christ Jesus in His Son? yes and
Amen it's true! but God gave the choice to man. what a person chooses.
Is this Good News from God that to those who believe that Jesus Christ
died for their sins and rose again in their justification, Yes and Amen. we have been granted forgiveness of sins. Let us read carefully what is said about the forgiveness of sins.
To whom are they forgiven? Whether there is a
condition of this forgiveness? There is such a condition: “Peter said to them:
repent and be baptized each of you in the name of Jesus Christ. For
forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" test yourself in God
Do you. Have you received the Gift of the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:38. What did he say here?
Peter? Is it only about the fact that a person needs to accomplish certain
actions of repentance and baptism in water? Many people understand this as a ritual.
baptism, which is performed. not understanding the main thing that God is a knower of hearts
He sees you from the inside, whatever you want. In various religious societies
this rite is performed differently: some baptize in the river, others baptize
in the font, but the common thing is that this action is for them only a formal physical action. But Peter was not talking about the ritual, he
spoke about the same thing that Paul wrote about in his epistles: “Is it really not
know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus into His death
baptized? have you died to sin in Christ Jesus? check if he died in
you old sinful me.
Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was resurrected,
from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also walk in newness of life. this is the new inner man. what I wrote to you earlier. For if we are united with Him by the likeness of His death, then we must also be united by the likeness of His resurrection,
Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin might be done away with, so that we should not be
already slaves to sin; for he who died was freed from sin" Rom. 6:3-7. Baptism
in water there is the final act of baptism into the death of Jesus Christ. this is the burial of the old man, as Paul reveals it in Holy Scripture.
Did Peter know this when he spoke about the need for baptism for forgiveness?
sins? Of course he knew, and we know from the Scriptures. therefore knowing the truth of Christ
we run away from sin. and we enter into the Outline of the Teachings of Christ. Unlike
religious believers, the born again understands his calling and
purpose from God. he follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. but those who
today they plunge into the water and do not understand the meaning of this action; they remain
the same. they are blind, deaf and dumb. Peter knew that water baptism was
burial of the old man, which means the inner one is reborn in us
new man in Christ Jesus. the inner man was born again.
I am no longer the same person, but a new creation in Christ Jesus. now we need
to grow like a baby from milk, so one born again from the word of God,
in the Holy Spirit and in revelations from the Lord God. A man is buried
sinner, a new creation arises
in Christ Jesus. we become like the Son of God: a holy and sinless child
God in Jesus. The eunuch meets Philip and asks him to explain the place
The scripture he reads: He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and like
the lamb before His shearers was silent... It is not at all by chance that he reads
this place, since it is precisely the sermon about the Lamb that the eunuch lacks in order to
to be baptized and receive forgiveness of sins. It is written: "
Philip opened his mouth and, beginning from this Scripture, preached to him about
Jesus" Acts 8:35. It is not known what words and how Philip preached
eunuch about Jesus. But since he began from the scripture where it was said
about the slaughter of the Lamb, I understand that his sermon began with the following:
"...there is no shedding of blood
forgiveness of sins" Heb. 9:22. When they arrived at the water, the eunuch said: "Here is the water,
What prevents me from being baptized?" What did he want to do in this water?
How did he know that water was needed? If Philip had not preached to him.
if today the children of God did not preach the word in the Holy Spirit. then what
that the people of the world could understand the Bible. participation in the death of Jesus Christ, the burial of the old man and the resurrection of the new creation in Christ Jesus,
I don’t think that, having seen the water, the eunuch would have talked about baptism. It is today
water baptism in Christian communities has become a festive rite,
the meaning of which remains vague for them: that a person enters the water
a sinner and comes out of it the same way. Among the Jews, a similar procedure was a ritual cleansing related to the flesh. From a eunuch from a distant land,
I think there was no such tradition at all, but the early Christians
those who confessed the Image of the Teachings of Christ Jesus knew that by being baptized into death
Jesus Christ, they bury their old sin nature in water baptism.
"Having been buried with Him
in baptism, in Him you were also raised again by faith in the power of God, who raised
Him from the dead, and you, who were dead in sins and uncircumcision
your flesh,
made us alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our sins" Col. 2:12-13. "Having been buried"
- this speaks of participation in death with Christ; "you...resurrected", this
speaks of man's participation in His resurrection; and all this together is a prerequisite
for the forgiveness of sins. "Having been buried..., were resurrected, God...
He made you alive, having forgiven you all your sins." This is the condition of faith, that is, the teaching,
which a person accepts, in which he believes, and if he believes, then
he is baptized into the death of Jesus Christ, and the one who baptizes baptizes
Holy Spirit. in this man finds his salvation: “Whoever believes
and be baptized, he will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned"
Mark 16:16. Thus, forgiveness of sins, and therefore salvation, is not
lies only in the knowledge that the Lord Jesus died for the sins of mankind.
Millions of believers today have such knowledge and
it is preached that Christ died and rose again, and for the blood of Jesus the Lord
Christ has given us forgiveness of sins. And it is true! For the sake of shed blood
The Lord has not given us today the imputation of sins, as it is written that:
"...God in Christ reconciled the world to Himself,
not imputing their crimes to people" when people align themselves with God
in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:19. But if you have already reconciled the world, then why continue?
God exhorts through the Apostles, who ask: “Be reconciled to God”? (2 Cor. 5:20). Then they ask
because it is not imputed to them only until death, while the day lasts
salvation, and the day of salvation is today and now, for we do not know when we will die.
do not die, be reconciled to God through the Covenant in Christ Jesus your salvation.
then the person comes to court. not reconciled to God in Christ
Jesus judgment and death. he has no excuse because he doesn't
received salvation by the grace of God in Christ Jesus (Heb. 9:27).
But those who are reconciled have a completely different position: “...does not come to court,
but have passed from eternal death into eternal life." John 5:24. And here it is necessary
ask: what is true reconciliation with God, what does it consist of? The continuation of the verse that began answers this question: “For he who did not know
sin is Jesus; He became sin for us, so that in Him we
IN HIM NOT IN HIMSELF or somewhere else, and somehow became righteous before
God." 2 Cor. 5:21. And again: "And you, who were once alienated
and enemies, according to the disposition to evil deeds, now reconciled in the body of His flesh,
by His death, to present you holy, and blameless, and blameless
before Him" ​​Col. 1:21-22. Is this so with those who have heard according to the Teaching
Christ yes and amen. they are born again having the testimony of the Spirit in them
Saint. But what about those who received the gospel that God gave
forgiveness of sins to all those who are reconciled. - Only
those who believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God? and those
who have not been born again. with them, of course, this is not the case, since they
They themselves were not affected by this action of God. Even though they performed
rite of water baptism, and testified: “I believe that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God", they continue to remain sinners and live by themselves, about which
themselves and testify to themselves. But those who are baptized into the death of Jesus
Christ, entered the water as sinners and were buried in Him
in Jesus they crucified their old sinful man and gave him up to the cross,
so as not to sin, and came out of the water in Him in Jesus they are a new creation; they became righteous, holy, and blameless, and innocent, and that is exactly what
there is true reconciliation with God. Born Again in Water Baptism
in the Holy Spirit. So, what is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what is it
What exactly is the Good News that it reveals to man? Firstly,
it is not only historical truth. From knowing that there was Jesus
Christ healed, taught, died on the cross, man cannot change,
cannot become righteous and reconcile with God. Secondly, she doesn't
there is knowledge that Christ died for everyone, He died for those who would accept Him
by his Savior and in this only the question of salvation is resolved. In it
It is precisely those who recognize themselves as sinners who believe, that is, the religious
believers of various denominations of Christianity. They believe that they
past sins are forgiven, but they sin again and again. They can not,
to see the urge of the power of God in themselves, attracting to sin, they say:
"So I find the law that when I want
to do good, evil belongs to me. For I find pleasure in the inner man
in the law of God; but in my members I see another law, opposing
the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin,
which is in my members" Rom. 7:21-23. The Good News is such
the news given from God about His perfect victory over himself in
Christ Jesus. it is all in all Jesus Christ "the law of sin"
sin is known by law. who tormented an unregenerate man. This
The news that sin has been driven out of man, or rather, man has died for
sin if it is in Jesus Christ. (Rom.6:2). This death occurs in
the believer's participation in death with Christ in water baptism. and complicity
it does not depend either on a person’s desire or on his efforts. but it's a choice
person Whom he will choose God or Satan. - salvation is done by God,
which approved in
Christ is the old humanity, but man chooses God in Christ Jesus and
God in Him. Jesus carried through the salvation of man through death on the cross.
This is a solution for everyone, since absolutely everything can be solved without effort
In the guidance of the Holy Spirit. one answer - the old man is crucified:
"Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that it might be abolished
the body of sin, so that we should no longer be slaves to sin; for the deceased
got rid of
sin" if only you died for sin. and if not, then everything is in vain
you dishonor God. Rom.6:6-7. You need to “know” this, knowing - believe, and death
in the flesh will reach every person. Being united in death with Christ,
we are also united with Him in the resurrection in His life, and this is also not
depends on us
This identity was established by the Lord. (Rom.6:5,8). By the resurrection of Jesus Christ we have been raised from the dead to a living hope (1 Peter 1:3), which means:
received everything needed for life and piety. (2 Peter 2:3). Let's not say anymore:
“I don’t understand what I’m doing: because I’m not doing what I want, but what I hate,
that's what I do"
I do not hate sin, I renounce sin and Satan and accept as my personal Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of Heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit. Rom.7:15, we
Let's say this because: "...the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set free
me from the law of sin and death." Rom. 8:2. And the crown of all is Christ.",
when you are freed from sin and become slaves of God, your fruit is
holiness, and the end is eternal life" Rom. 6:22. This
The Gospel of Christ is also the word of the cross, which is power
God for salvation, because everything that is said in it refers to the perfect
the work of God, and man has nothing to add here, and also to take away - he has nothing
can't live without Jesus
Christ was given to us by the Heavenly Father Emmanuel. this means God is One Father with us,
and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen. a person can only believe in this word to
to your salvation. accept and fulfill it, or reject it and appear
enemy of the Cross of Christ and with the living God to be an enemy forever. as it is today
with religious people. (Phil.3:18; 2Pet.2:1-2). This is faith, one day
betrayed to the saints, which the Lord Jesus brought from heaven, and taught it to His followers, it was with her, with this faith, that the Apostle Jude sconce of the Lord
Judas is not the one who betrayed Jesus. he ties
possibility of salvation (Jude 1:3). And this is the Outline of the Teaching of Christ, about which it is said: “Whoever transgresses the Teaching of Christ and does not abid in Him,
has God; He who abides in the Doctrine of Christ has the Father and the Son" 2 John 1:9. working in the Holy Spirit of God. Glory to the Lord God - the Holy Spirit.
God and the Lamb. Hallelujah and Amen.
to Ephesus 4. 13. until we all come into the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,
into a perfect man, to the measure of the full stature of Christ; May it be so.
Glory, hallelujah, hallelujah and amen.

This book is about the secret of eternal life. The eternal question: “what to do to find happiness, to live a life worthy of a person?” finds a comprehensive answer in it. The book is intended for all readers who are concerned about issues of faith, regardless of their professed religion. Experience true Christianity.

Chapter 1. Basics

1.1. Start

“So those who gladly accepted the word of the Apostle Peter were baptized, and about three thousand souls were added that day; and they continued constantly in the teaching of the Apostles, in fellowship and in the breaking of bread and in prayer. And every day they remained with one accord in the temple and, breaking bread from house to house, ate their food with joy and simplicity of heart, praising God and being in the love of all the people. The Lord added daily those who were being saved to the Church.” (Acts 2:41-42, 47). “And the word of God increased, and the number of the disciples increased greatly in Jerusalem; and very many of the priests submitted to the faith” (Acts 6:7). This is how the formation of Christianity began. On the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, the twelve Apostles came out to the people and preached the Teaching that they had received from Jesus Christ Himself. And on the very first day, about three thousand people accepted the Teaching and thus laid the foundation for the first Christian church.

Before this event, Jesus Christ walked with his disciples through cities and towns and preached for more than three years. Finally, the day came when He completed His work: in prayer to God the Father, Christ says: “I glorified You on earth, I completed the work that You entrusted Me with. (John 17:4). I gave them the Teaching that You gave Me, and they accepted it.” (John 17:8 n.p.). The next day, Christ was taken into custody and killed.

It is this Teaching of Jesus Christ in its pristine purity, not distorted by scientific doctrines and abstruse dogmas, false speculations and church traditions, the Teaching that the Apostles preached from the beginning, that we will comprehend. The beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus, the holy Apostle John, writes in his letter: “Therefore, whatever you heard from the beginning, let this abide in you; if that which you have heard from the beginning abide in you, then you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. And the promise that He promised us is Eternal Life.” (1 John 2:24,25).

1.2. Life is eternal

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My Word and believes in Him who sent Me has Eternal Life and does not come into Judgment, but has passed from death to Life” (John 5:24). “This is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have Eternal Life; and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40). “I am the Resurrection and the Life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live; And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:25,26). This is what Christ teaches.

The Teaching of Jesus Christ is the Teaching of Eternal Life. Christ identifies His Teaching with the source of Living Water: “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water flowing into eternal Life” (John 4). :14). This is what Christ teaches.

For an unbeliever, the time of earthly life in one’s bodily shell is the path to death, with which everything ends. For a Christian, his earthly journey is only the beginning of eternity. Christ teaches how a person should live in this world, in his bodily temple, in order to gain Eternal Life. And Jesus calls everyone who wants to have timeless Life to Himself: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest; take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30). This is what Christ teaches.

1.3. Foundation stone

The teachings of Jesus Christ can only be accepted by faith, through faith. Having believed in Christ and begun to build the Temple of Faith in his soul, the believer receives knowledge, gains spiritual experience, enters into the communion of the Spirit and in practice, in practice, is convinced of the truth of the Teachings of Jesus. You cannot build your Temple of Faith on an empty place of ignorance, or on the quicksand of superstitions alien to God. You need to have a strong, unshakable foundation of faith, laid by the Lord Christ Himself: “But you are not called teachers, for you have one Teacher - Christ, yet you are brothers” (Matthew 23:8). “And do not be called instructors, for you have only one Teacher—Christ” (M. 23:10). “I am the Good Shepherd. My sheep obey My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me, and I give them Eternal Life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:11,27,28). This is what Christ teaches.

A Christian is a disciple of Christ, he has one Teacher, one Mentor - Jesus Christ. The people of God have one Shepherd - Jesus Christ. On this foundation is built the Temple of the Christian Faith, and Jesus is the Cornerstone in this building. To follow other teachers, mentors, shepherds means to reject the main thing in the building, on which the entire Temple of Faith rests - to reject the Cornerstone. Anyone who listens to other teachers and mentors, who follows other shepherds, is likened to the builders about whom Christ says: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner.” And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; and on whomever it falls, it will crush him” (Matthew 21:42,44).

Now, as at all times, there are many people called shepherds, spiritual teachers and mentors. Their goal is to knock out the foundation of true faith from under the believer, lead him astray from the true path, lead him away from the Savior and subjugate him. About such Jesus says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever does not enter by the door into a sheep’s house, but climbs inside, is a thief and a robber” (John 10:1). This is what Christ teaches. “I am the door: whoever enters through Me will be saved. The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:9,10). This is what Christ teaches.

“As you approach Him, the living Stone, rejected by men, but chosen and precious by God, you yourself, like living stones, build yourself into a spiritual house. “Therefore He is a treasure to you who believe; but to those who do not believe, the stone which the builders rejected, but which has become the head of the corner, is a stone of stumbling and a stone of offense, whereby they stumble, not obeying the Word, wherefore they are left” (1 Peter 2:4 ,5,7,8).

1.4. Birth Again

“You must be born again” (John 3:7). This is what Christ teaches. We must receive new life from God, which will be the beginning of life in God, Eternal Life.

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6). This is what Christ teaches. Indeed, every person has parents, close and distant relatives. Many people know their genealogies and are proud of the antiquity and nobility of their family. People are connected by ties of kinship, common beliefs, customs, but all this is kinship according to the flesh. For God, this relationship has no meaning, it means absolutely nothing. He sets a condition for gaining eternal life: “You must be born again.”

The three Gospels describe an episode that occurred during Christ’s preaching: “When He spoke to the people, His Mother and His brothers stood outside the house, wanting to speak with Him. And someone said to Him: Behold, Your Mother and Your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak with You. He answered and said to the one who spoke: Who is my mother and who are my brothers? And pointing His hand at His disciples, He said: Here are My mother and My brothers; For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:46-50). This is what Christ teaches. Jesus places heavenly kinship immeasurably higher than earthly kinship.

“The body has no meaning, only the Spirit brings life. The words that I speak to you are spirit and they bring life” (John 6:63 n.p.). This is what Christ teaches. True, real life is given only by spiritual kinship with the Heavenly Father, acquired by being born from above. In addition to the physical birth from the flesh, there is a spiritual birth from the Spirit: “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God: that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:5,6) . This is what Christ teaches.

The first step to spiritual birth is the recognition of the Heavenly Father as your Father, the recognition of the direct relationship of your soul with the Spirit of the Living God. Jesus commands: “And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in Heaven.” (Matt. 23:9). This is what Christ teaches. Christians are children of one Father. His Law is above worldly power, above blood ties, beliefs and customs of the country in which a person lives. Like any birth, the birth from Above begins with conception, a spiritual conception. The fact of recognizing oneself as a child of God is spiritual conception. From this moment a person’s spiritual life begins. He recognizes the heavenly origin of his soul, its relationship with the Creator and says to himself: “I am the son of God the Father,” “I am the daughter of the Living God.” Such a decision by a person is the beginning of his new life in God, the beginning of faith and rebirth.

Every internal life-giving change in a believer is accompanied by external manifestations, the bearing of the fruits of new life. Visible fruits of spiritual conception: the emergence of a thirst for knowledge of God, the desire for reconciliation and rapprochement with Him. Only internal revival leads to a change in external preferences and needs, but this is the fruit of spiritual struggle. People often confuse spiritual life with spiritual life, considering hobbies in the arts and humanities to be spiritual life. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth” (John 4:24). This is what Christ teaches. Spiritual life can only exist in God, in communion with the Creator. Everything else is entertainment for the sensual soul, a game of the mind.

Spiritual life begins with the awareness and recognition that in addition to the natural world there is a higher world - the spiritual world, and real life is not in the body, but in the Spirit, and only in the Spirit. Without spiritual life in the Spirit, without regeneration, the soul and spirit of man are dead to God. Rebirth means the indwelling of His nature into us through the Spirit of God; a person must receive the eternal Spirit of God into his spirit, must be born again.

One day, Christ and his disciples were getting ready to go on a journey, and one of the disciples asked: “Lord! Let me first go and bury my father.” But Jesus said to him: Follow Me and let the dead bury their own dead” (Matthew 8:21,22). This is what Christ teaches. Those who follow Jesus are alive to God, and those who do not pursue spiritual life are dead to God, even though they walk and breathe.

True spiritual rebirth begins and is accomplished in faith, guided by faith. The spiritual change that has begun gives rise to a sincere love for spiritual values, the first of which is faith. A believer begins his spiritual life by laying in his soul the foundation of the Temple of God - the Temple of Faith and must certainly lay the Cornerstone, which is Jesus Christ, in the foundation of the Temple. Complete rebirth does not happen in an instant; it requires time and enormous inner work.

1. The essence of the teachings of Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ did not develop religious and philosophical theories, did not create teachings and did not leave behind any records. Everything we know about the Savior was written down and transmitted by eyewitnesses.

His life itself, death on the cross and resurrection were the fulfillment of the Divine Will and service to people. Through both sermons and deeds, He brought the Good News about the Kingdom of Heaven, which is “not of this world,” but concerns the spiritual, internal structure of man.

Christ was not just a preacher, but an example of a different existence: the Divine in the human, the existence of man in effective love for his neighbor and in serving him. This is the opposite of egoistic existence and has nothing to do with the formal implementation of external moral laws, since the very reason that prompts a person to serve other people is important: such a reason should be love and compassion, but not selfish considerations.

Christ did not acquire anything for Himself and had nothing, His whole life was given to people: He healed illnesses and infirmities, raised the dead, consoled, instructed, accepted suffering and death for human sins - and was resurrected. This is His mission and His teaching.

Christ is Love. Living in Love (in Christ) is the path commanded by the Savior of the world. This is the Truth, for Love has Divine origin and is the source of both earthly and eternal life. “I am the way and the truth and the Life.”

Who does the Savior teach to love and how? By what Love can the world be saved? This is stated in the Gospel: “Jesus said to him: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind: this is the first and greatest commandment; the second is similar to it: love your neighbor as yourself; On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

This is the essence of salvation given to people: through repentance, the acquisition of love for God and neighbor - the acquisition of immortality, that is, eternal life. The fate of all humanity also depends on love for each other: no matter how strict the laws and agreements adopted and concluded by people, they protect very little from deception and violence if there is no place for sincere love and compassion in human hearts. Only love, compassion and respect for each other can become salvation from evil, lies and violence. To truly fulfill both moral and legal laws, love for the Almighty and the people around you is necessary. People who do not have such love are not able to get along with the generally accepted laws of human society. “Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.”

But the All-Good Lord respects the free will of everyone and cannot abide in an unclean heart. Therefore, Divine Love does not enter against the will of a person and into an unrepentant soul.

2. Fundamentals of the Orthodox faith

The Orthodox Church traces its origins to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles. She carefully preserves and strictly observes the foundations of Christian doctrine, approved by the Ecumenical Councils. That is why it is called the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

All dogma, structure and practice of Orthodoxy are aimed at communication with God, life according to Christ and in Christ.

The source of Orthodox doctrine was not human reasoning, considerations or creative searches, but Divine revelation, exceeding the limits of the human mind.

Therefore, a rational, rational approach to Orthodoxy does not allow us to comprehend the essence of the doctrine and phenomena of religious life, even to a small extent. Orthodox doctrine is comprehended through the experience of faith, repentance and cleansing of the heart from sins. That is, the enlightenment of the mind by the grace of God and its opening to accept the Truth is possible only on the path of salvation.

The encyclopedia for children “Religions of the World” talks about Christianity:

“Christianity, like no other religion, is based on mystery. The human mind cannot accommodate the idea of ​​one God, existing in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The manifestation of Divine love, which sends the Son of God to death, is mysterious. The mystery is the “unfused and inseparable” union of the Divine and human nature in Christ, the birth of the Son of God from the Most Pure Virgin. The possibility of resurrection after death and the fact that the death of one person (and at the same time God) saves all humanity from death are incomprehensible to the rational mind. Inexplicable from the point of view of everyday logic, one of the main Sacraments of Christianity is Communion, based on the Eucharist (the transformation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ), and the communion of believers with God through the partaking of these Divine Gifts.

These mysteries can only be comprehended by believing, and faith, according to the definition of the Apostle Paul, “is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”

The Lord enlightens a person’s mind and transforms his entire being, giving him the opportunity to directly see spiritual reality, understand and fulfill the will of God. Such experiences of saints and righteous people constitute the Holy Tradition of Christians.

The experience of the prophets of the Jewish people who communicated with God, and the experience of people who knew Christ in His earthly life, are embodied in the Holy Scriptures of Christians - the Bible.”

Thus, the sources of Orthodox dogma are the Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. Fundamental provisions, statements that are unconditionally accepted as an immutable truth are called dogmas. Everything that an Orthodox Christian must believe and profess, that is, openly admit, was briefly formulated by the Fathers of the Church at the Nicaea and Constantinople Ecumenical Councils and constitutes the Creed.

The Orthodox Church has preserved the Creed unchanged; it is read during every service and daily prayers at home.

A person who does not accept at least one dogma of the Creed cannot be considered a member of the Orthodox Church.

With tears and fasting, prayer and vigil, the Pechersky Monastery was honored with the same, first of all and with honor above all.”1 CONCLUSION The purpose of my work was: to explore the process of formation and development of ancient Russian monasteries. In the course of this work, this goal was achieved. Considering the tasks at hand, I came to the following conclusions. In Rus', monasticism began almost simultaneously with the adoption...

Inevitably arising from the relative character of God, understood as the internal moral attitude of man. Thus, from the point of view of philosophical understanding of theological issues, it turns out that the state of faith cannot be expressed otherwise than as an attitude towards faith, or it is first necessary to determine the attitude towards faith in order to then fix the state of faith with its help. ...

In the emergence and improvement of Slavic writing. Conclusion Byzantium had a huge influence on the development of civilizations in Eastern Europe. This was greatly facilitated by the spread of Orthodoxy in these countries. Byzantine patristics had a great influence on the development of culture and philosophy in Bulgaria, Serbia, Georgia, Armenia and Ancient Rus'. 2. Basic ideas in philosophy...

Literature, music, theater, painting, and sculpture played a significant role in the cultural life of the Greek settlers. In the 1st century BC e. – III century n. e. Greek city-states were subordinate to Rome, therefore Roman antiquity significantly influenced the development of Ukrainian culture. At the turn of our era, the Slavs formed as an independent ethnic community. From the 3rd century BC e. until the 2nd century n. e. Proto-Slavs...