Compatibility of the snake woman with other signs

Often the same signs form strong alliances in love, marriage or friendship. A unique example of such a relationship is the compatibility of the Snake and the Snake. Partners born this year meet not just a person with similar interests and desires, but a kindred spirit.

Most often, peace and mutual understanding reign in the couple. If quarrels arise, those around them do not know about them. A man and woman born under this sign will be able to carry a spark of sincere love throughout their lives.

Characteristics of the Snake

In the Chinese horoscope, the Snake has the status of one of the most beautiful and sophisticated signs. She is pretty and knows it very well. People born this year have the gift of seduction.

Despite the sociability, the sign is secretive. He does not let strangers or unfamiliar people get too close to him. In order to achieve favor, a person will need more than one year. The sign does not appreciate empty chatter and groundless promises.

Representatives of the sign have a number of qualities that make their life much easier:

  1. She is purposeful and always knows what exactly she wants. To achieve her goal, she is ready to do a lot, sometimes going over her head. The victims don't touch her much.
  2. She knows how not only to earn money, but also to save money. A person born this year is able to provide a comfortable life for himself and his family and will find a way out even in the most difficult situation.
  3. Such people perceive criticism addressed to them adequately. It sounds like a call to work harder on yourself.

Don't get in the way of the angry sign. He is capable of ruining the lives of more than a dozen people, but not out of revenge, but out of a desire to push the enemy out of the way. A person of the sign will never strike in the forehead, he will wait for the right moment, and when the victim himself falls into the trap, he will use the most sophisticated poison.

People born under this sign of the Eastern horoscope do not tolerate change. They perceive any changes or surprises as a threat to their usual life. It is for this reason that they rarely change their place of residence, work or partners. This love of consistency sometimes turns into paranoia.

Elemental influence

The characteristics of a sign can change significantly under the influence of the elements. They determine the character traits and behavioral reactions of a person to the world around him.

The elements appear like this:

  1. The Wood Snake is a secretive nature. This person does not like penetration into personal space and his life, but at the same time loves to give advice to others. Most often they turn out to be practical.
  2. Metal is a stubborn and mysterious person. For the most part, such people are loners. They prefer to live and work in complete silence and solitude. Despite the fact that little effort is made on their part, they are always successful.
  3. Fiery is an energetic person with a keen sense of justice. The active nature of the sign under the influence of fire is constantly in motion. Not everyone is able to withstand such a rhythm, which is why a person becomes nervous and overly aggressive, and reacts especially sharply to deception and injustice.
  4. Earthy is a wise and mysterious person. Such people are gifted with well-developed logic and intuition. They often have prophetic dreams. Women, thanks to this element, are born graceful and amazingly beautiful.

Despite the fact that each element leaves its mark on a person, the general description of the sign does not change at all. No matter what element a person was born under, his main qualities will always remain with him. Zodiac signs play a significant role.

Sign compatibility

The Snake and Snake couple is an example of the ideal compatibility of a man and a woman. They are able not only to build friendly relationships, but also to found a strong love union, and later a family.


The Snake man and the Snake woman meet in adulthood.

It is at this time that they are open to serious relationships. Despite the fact that both partners have a good job and high earnings, their relationship is not built on commercialism, but on strong and sincere love, material wealth fades into the background.

Due to the fact that young people have similar character traits, interests and goals, it is easy for them to find a common language. Since the sign is prone to melancholy and experiences that are based on a critical perception of the world, both partners can be sad and cry together. This brings them closer together.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Snake is never questioned in a couple; it can suffer from the excessive emotionality of the partners. Fortunately, the sign is able to control its feelings and get away with even the most difficult situations.


In family life, relationships may change slightly, but only for the better. The compatibility horoscope of a couple in marriage speaks of the openness of the spouses and the ability to resolve conflicts through conversations. They live separately and allow few people into their territory. The couple does not need advice; wise spouses themselves know what to do.

Their home is always a full cup, especially if children grow up in it. The Snake woman changes a lot with their appearance. She begins to react more harshly to others if they criticize her kids. She makes an excellent mother, but sometimes care can develop into:

  • overprotection;
  • total control;
  • restricting the freedom of your child.

The Snake man is very attentive to his wife and is ready to fulfill her every desire, although this is not visible from the outside. Most people I know think that there is no love or mutual sympathy in this union, but this is not so. It's just that the sign doesn't like to show his feelings in public.


The Snake man and the Snake woman have good compatibility not only in everyday life, but also in bed.

The symbol of this sign is the constellation Ophiuchus. It consists of two star groups, representing the head and tail of the animal. This symbolizes the feminine and masculine principles. Just as a reptile cannot live without one of these parts, so in marriage each spouse depends on the other.

A girl becomes passionate, tender and seductive during sex. A man prefers brute force. Despite everything, both remain satisfied.

The spouses are completely compatible sexually and know how to please each other. They are not afraid of experiments and easily discuss spicy topics. People born this year do not feel embarrassed in bed, but are afraid to talk about it to others. The couple just can’t decide to visit a sex shop or buy any sex toy on the Internet.

Relationship problems

Despite the fact that in the union of these signs there is love, friendship, and sex, problems may begin over time. Their main reason is usually the reluctance of spouses to open their souls to each other. In a marriage of already secretive signs, mistrust arises, which further divides them.

Characteristics of the sign - Snake


What kind of Snake are you according to your Zodiac Sign? Snake Horoscope Will Reveal All Your Secrets!

People born this year are capable of treason. Their sexual energy must have an outlet, and if there is not enough intimacy in a couple or sex has become insipid and uninteresting to one of the partners, he will be able to find a replacement on the side. This problem is especially aggravated after the birth of children, when the wife cannot pay enough attention to her husband.

Depending on the sign of the Zodiac, the Snake's tendency to quarrel may vary. But you shouldn’t hope that friendship will remain between former lovers after a breakup. People born this year become enemies after separation and wage a desperate battle for many years. Even a new relationship will not force you to end the conflict.


The union of two Snakes will definitely become long and strong if both spouses make efforts to do so. The natural stubbornness of people born this year can give both a positive and negative answer.

And yet, such a tandem promises a marriage based solely on love and mutual understanding, and disagreements happen in any relationship, even the most ideal. The main thing is how the spouses cope with them.

One of the most mysterious and controversial zodiac signs in the eastern horoscope is the snake. A person born this year is given the heavenly gift of always being held in high esteem and enjoying success due to the quality of exerting a powerful influence on people. Although many are very wary of them, attractive Snakes are capable of captivating the opposite sex for a long time.

And here some rather interesting questions arise. Are snake men and snake women compatible? Can they have a long-term relationship? To do this, let’s take a closer look at what features and characteristics they have.

Characteristics of the sign

The main advantages of these people are a cool mind, calmness, prudence and sensual magnetism. The disadvantage is their excessive impulsiveness. Both men and women can solve very complex issues, quietly bypassing all obstacles thanks to their innate cunning. They are often the life of the party.

The Snake patronizes those born in the following years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.

Sexual differences can have a strong influence on the formation of the character of "reptiles".

Snake man

Despite being overly self-confident, he is a charming and pleasant gentleman with an excellent sense of humor. He knows how to win over even those he doesn’t like at all.

He is courteous and well-mannered, knows how to make a good impression, so he easily wins women’s hearts. But a strong union is possible only with someone who matches him in terms of temperament, intelligence and financial situation.

A man born in the year of the Snake dreams of a pure, unearthly relationship with the one and only woman. It is very difficult for such a person to find ideal love. But with a representative of his sign he can build a strong alliance.

Snake woman

Such a lady has special beauty and excellent taste. She has her own unique dressing style and always looks chic. Thanks to these qualities, she instantly charms the men she likes.

A woman who is lucky to be born in the year of the Snake is balanced and wise. You can always turn to her for advice in a difficult life situation, and she is really able to help other people by giving valuable recommendations and sharing her own life experience.

Snakes are versatile individuals with many interests and hobbies. It is very important that they are surrounded by like-minded people and friends whom they value highly. The Snake woman is always open to communication, but she never puts personal problems on display.

Most often they choose their life partner themselves, but, unfortunately, not always successfully. In marriage he occupies a dominant position. Likes to command, set his own rules in the house and periodically sting loved ones.

Therefore, calm and balanced men who are able to withstand such a difficult character are suitable for her.


To have a complete understanding of the nature of the Snake and his compatibility with other signs, you also need to know who he is according to the European horoscope. So, if you have a Taurus in front of you, then this is a persistent and unshakable stubborn person. His soulmate should be wise and patient. But in the matter of compatibility between the Sagittarius snake man and a woman of any other sign, one should take into account his restless character and desire to always put himself first.

A great rarity in the Chinese horoscope is the ideal compatibility in love, marriage and sex of representatives of the same sign, which includes Snakes. This is due to common life values, views, goals and amazing flexibility of character.

In love

Often, serious relationships begin with tender friendship. Sympathy and mutual understanding gradually strengthen. And in the end, their feelings develop into true love. The key to a strong relationship is complete autonomy from the outside world, absolute trust, support and devotion to each other. Under these conditions, the snakes' senses will live for a long time.

Their love is not capable of destroying everyday problems, since they know how to clearly distribute responsibilities and household chores among themselves. The cause of discord is usually a banal suspicion of infidelity.

To eliminate relationship tension associated with excessive jealousy, they need to spend most of their time together.


Snakes are very careful when choosing a life partner. Before they finally make their decision, they go through a long journey, fraught with both happy periods and disappointment.

But, having found “their” person, they remain sacredly faithful and break the marriage bond only in exceptional cases, for example, due to infidelity, which is considered betrayal.

Snakes are very jealous. And, surprisingly, this trait does not weaken throughout life. They are ardent owners. Even if love has long faded away, they will try their best to keep their partner.

Strong, trusting relationships will only be maintained if there is mutual understanding and constant assistance to each other, as well as thanks to the strong-willed patience and wisdom of the snake woman.

Joint housekeeping and a clear distribution of responsibilities are the key to a successful marriage. And common interests and hobbies will strengthen relationships and protect you from love affairs on the side.

A successful marriage of the Snake, thanks to mutual patience, will be with:

  • Bull;
  • Rabbit;
  • Rooster;
  • Goat.

An unsuccessful union, due to the reasons for differences in views on life, will develop with:

  • Boar;
  • Dragon;
  • Tiger;
  • Monkey;
  • Rat;
  • A horse.

Marriage with a Dog can bring neutral relationships.

In sex

Despite the fact that Snakes love to flirt on the side, in bed they are usually faithful to their partner. For them, physical betrayal is unacceptable and they give themselves completely to only one person.

The main condition for attraction and subsequent maintenance of interest in intimate life is the presence of intelligence in the opposite sex. It is not enough for Snake partners to simply be attractive and sexy. They must have intelligence and prudence.

If we are talking about two representatives of the sign, then such a problem does not arise between them and there is always passion in their relationship.

The compatibility of the Snake woman with other signs of the eastern horoscope is largely explained by her mysterious nature, which many strive to unravel.

What affects compatibility

Most representatives of the Chinese horoscope see a woman born under the sign of the Snake as a charming nature, and are rarely able to resist her. By the way, no matter how attractive the person herself is, she does nothing to attract the opposite sex: she does not make eyes and does not strive to seduce.

A woman born under the sign of the Snake always decides who to be with on her own.

The compatibility of a Snake woman by year of birth with other signs of the eastern horoscope is greatly influenced by the fact that the inherent insight of such a girl, gifted to her by the stars, gives her the opportunity to understand men. There is no place next to her for thick-skinned individuals who do not have a vivid imagination and are not tactful.

It is rarely boring with a woman born under the sign of the Snake. She is humorous by nature.

The mystery in the character of those born under the sign of the Snake is complemented by natural sensuality. Even if the Snake’s compatibility with other signs according to the eastern horoscope is ideal, such a woman will not fully open up to her partner.

The Snake woman, sensual in nature, is able to give her man a lot of warmth, without being afraid to show femininity. Pickiness in men often leads her to jealousy. She expects her partner to be infinitely faithful and devoted to her, but the Snake woman herself in her love is in no hurry to become a solved mystery.

What kind of snakes are there?

Like other representatives of the eastern horoscope, there are earth, fire, metal and water Snakes:

  • the earth sign, born in 1929 and 1989, is always collected and rarely makes mistakes, as he is not in a hurry in business,
  • Fire Snake, born in 1977, always has her own opinion on everything,
  • the most secretive is the metal one, which was born in 1941 or 2001,
  • but the merman, born in 1953 or 2013, is considered the wisest.

Best partners


The Rooster can become a real life partner, reliable and courageous, capable of protecting his chosen one. The love acquired by partners does not lose its ardor over time, but becomes stronger year after year. The sincere Rooster has a positive influence on his slightly reserved life partner, who gradually becomes more and more cheerful.

A woman born under the sign of the Snake always has the opportunity to count on the warlike and courageous Rooster, and he appreciates her wise advice.


In a marriage with an Ox, she will be truly surrounded by love. The hardworking Ox is a sign that will be able to satisfy the needs of its partner.

A Snake married to an Ox will control him so intelligently that the latter will not even feel her leading position in the family. Their compatibility in sex is also high, which will allow them to maintain their love passion for many years. The Ox will be able to become a mentor and sponsor for his chosen one, because she is accustomed to luxury and does not like hard work too much.


Partners are able to find many interesting topics for conversation. The compatibility of a Snake woman and a Rabbit man is also based on their common interests. Signs are ready to devote themselves to beauty and live in peace. Both are well versed in fashion trends, love to be in shape and prefer a healthy lifestyle. Together they are ready to travel to exotic places, but are not averse to relaxing at home. Under the influence of a partner, the Rabbit often acquires a new hobby, while she takes from the man the ability to trust others.

The Dragon

According to the horoscope compatibility of the Snake woman with the Dragon, this is an ideal couple. They are full of ambition and quite smart in order to achieve their goals. A wife endowed with wisdom will become a storehouse of wise advice for her Dragon husband, giving him the opportunity to shine in leadership positions. She does this in such a way that the Dragon man does not even realize that in fact he is not the one running the show.

Good partners

Among the eastern signs that have good compatibility with the Snake, there are several who, under certain conditions, can count on marriage with such a woman.


Although the eastern horoscope does not promise a cloudless marriage with a Dog man, such a family has every chance of living together to a ripe old age. The dog will carry his love throughout his entire family life, admiring his intellectual abilities and natural wisdom. It is possible to save the relationship if the Dog gives his companion a little freedom.


Such a couple can be admired by others, as both are elegant and charming. Their compatibility is often unimportantly influenced by their differences in character. The rat, by its nature, is quite active and dynamic, which cannot be said about its snake companion, who prefers calm. The partners’ sense of humor and ability to understand each other, and love of entertainment can unite them for a long time.


The marriage of these signs can be harmonious, since both have a rich imagination, know how to adapt to the unexpected, and do not give in to difficulties. Thanks to the foresight of the partner, the Monkey will be able to earn good money, while avoiding mistakes and unnecessary expenses. This seemingly ideal marriage can be destroyed by infidelity, to which both are prone.


Identical eastern signs are capable of linking their fate if they find common interests. Their mutual thriftiness can become an assistant in family life. Relationships will develop most favorably if these signs find each other, already having a wealth of experience behind them. In this case, friendship and respect in relationships become priorities. In a situation where emotions take precedence over reason, signs can destroy each other and thereby destroy a marriage.

Of all the representatives of the eastern horoscope, three are contraindicated for marriage with the Snake.

  • With the Tiger, the Snake woman cannot rule out a dizzying, but short-lived affair. Their differences in character will cause a quick quarrel. They can only be united by sex and joint entertainment, but they are not suitable for marriage and everyday life. The first is calculating by nature and often selfish, which cannot be said about the Tiger, who is not distinguished by boring realism. An active Tiger will not be able to budge a lazy chosen one who counts every penny he spends.
  • People of the sign can be united by the desire to be in fashion with the Horse. At the initial stage of a relationship, there may be a strong sexual attraction, which quickly passes. This is where the compatibility of the Snake woman with the Horse ends. The Horse, who loves beautiful compliments and passionate words, does not receive them from the chosen one, who is restrained in emotions, which becomes the cause of resentment and disappointment.
  • The Snake, who is good-natured by nature, will simply eat him, because he does not understand how one can be so frivolous. Partners are characterized by passion, but they each perceive the world in their own way. Their values ​​are also different. Noticing over time the selfishness and prudence of his other half, the Pig man will rush to find solace in the arms of others, which will cause endless jealousy and revenge.

Compatibility of zodiac signs born in the year of the Snake is an excellent opportunity to find out in advance whether a Snake man and a Snake woman are suitable for each other. And in the case when two people are not very compatible, you can use the information received to avoid problems in the relationship. After all, knowing where to expect trouble from, you can effectively fight it.

If you and your lover were born in one of the years below, then this horoscope is for you:

1929 … 1941 … 1953 … 1965 … 1977 … 1989 … 2001 … 2013 …

Snake - general characteristic of the sign

Snake Man - Characteristics

The Snake man is a very sentimental and pleasant person to talk to, who is characterized by an excellent sense of humor.

Very often he easily wins over those around him and can always count on help and support.

Seductive and charming, such a man quite easily conquers women's hearts.

Almost any representative of the fair half of humanity will easily fall into captivity of his speeches.

However, such a man also needs support. His companion should inspire and encourage him.

He himself, as a rule, chooses women who correspond to his status, are educated and have temperament.

Year of the Snake - man

Snake Woman - Characteristics

The Snake woman always looks extraordinary. Her outfits and behavior are extravagant, and her delicate taste is admirable.

Such a woman values ​​friendship and, having chosen a circle of friends, maintains warm, friendly relations.

Friends, as a rule, value this friendship very much and constantly listen to advice and recommendations, since the Snake Woman is very wise.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity, born this year, try to choose an ideal partner who would fully correspond to all their ideas about an ideal man and family man.

But if it turns out that her husband does not suit her, then she can find consolation on the side. In the family, the Snake rules everything and can teach and “sting” household members a little for prevention.

If everything in the house is as the owner needs, then the family can only enjoy a comfortable and calm environment.

Year of the Snake - woman

Snake man and Snake woman - compatibility in a couple

Compatibility in a pair of Snake man and Snake woman is very good. In such a harmonious union, the character of one person attracts the character of the other. Such relationships are considered attractive for both partners and are built very harmoniously. Together people live calmly and comfortably, enjoying each other's company.

On the one hand, the Snake man and the Snake woman will know perfectly well what their significant other likes, and on the other hand, some mystery will help stop the disappearance of romance. Such people will happily enjoy intellectual conversations, literature, and art, since they perfectly understand each other’s refined tastes and needs.

In work, the Snake man and the Snake woman will be an excellent team, where intuition will help them increase their capital and achieve certain heights. What Snakes need to learn is how to manage money rationally.

The main problem in this couple may be jealousy.

In order for the relationship to be harmonious and the two lovers to be happy, according to the advice of astrologers, when choosing a partner, you should always be guided by the horoscope for the compatibility of the signs.

Such a horoscope will help you choose not only a life partner, but also a faithful friend or a diligent employee. And in situations where the compatibility of signs leaves much to be desired, people will be prepared for possible problems and will know which side to expect them from and how best to solve them.

People born in the same year are often attracted to each other not just by feelings, but by life circumstances. Studying together at school, at college, having a common circle of friends - marriages between peers are not such an exceptional thing. But here recognize a close soul in a person with whom you have an age difference is not an easy task. Information about the compatibility of signs according to the eastern horoscope is not the ultimate truth, but it will definitely help to predict the possible development of relationships.

Love compatibility for Snake woman and Snake man

The eastern horoscope does not give categorical predictions based on the year of birth. He is more loyal to predictions regarding the attraction or incompatibility of opposites. People who feel mutual attraction are not just signs or even just men and women. These are first and foremost personalities.

The word "snake" when applied to a lady sounds ambiguous. Women themselves prefer to associate themselves with the wisdom of these reptiles, while ill-wishers hint at a difficult disposition. Although who said that a person cannot combine different character traits. The stars claim that the girl of this sign is the most controversial of all signs. Throughout her life, she is periodically reborn, completely shedding her old skin.

A man born under this sign has an unpredictable character. He can start a scandal, causing tears from loved ones. But immediately after a disagreement, he is able to shower his beloved with flowers. So compatibility in love for representatives of this sign depends on the ability of partners to understand and accept each other.

There is no young lady who could not be conquered by a man born under this sign. He is charming, helpful and assertive. But in his future wife he is looking for more than just attractive appearance. From a loved one he expects a real kinship of souls, and fleeting relationships upset him. Lady Snake is well-mannered and intelligent. She pays a lot of attention to self-education and has every chance of attracting an intelligent man. A couple of lovers would rather go to a vernissage or to the theater than to a noisy party. With all the “senile” wisdom, the Snake man and woman are sensitive to changes in life.

Marriage Compatibility

Perhaps the main reason for quarrels in a new family is acquaintances. But in the marriage of a Snake man and woman, such problems do not arise, if only because they have common friends. But just friends or random people will not be able to prevent spouses from enjoying each other’s company. Marriage is not built on sex or mutual adoration. In marriage, spouses born under the sign of wisdom help each other to realize themselves in life.

A successful union of people born under the same signs of the eastern horoscope is not such an unusual event. The alliance formed in a couple is mutually beneficial. And if partners were born in the same year, then they have every chance to grow and develop in parallel. The stars predict a long and happy future for those who learn to avoid the rough edges of relationships. Long, but not cloudless. The Snake ladies are careful and prudent. They try not to enter into conflicts and avoid open confrontation. Men do not pay attention to the manifestation of sentimentality in marriage. And if the woman herself does not hint at her desires, the man will never even guess about their presence.

The wisdom of the Snake man and woman only increases over the years. Even those people who in their youth did not think too much about the duration of their marriage, over the years they begin to appreciate their partner. And many simply understand each other without words. Couples love to travel and do it whenever possible. The entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen of the spouses help them earn money for a comfortable old age. They do not need other people's advice and guidance. But the Snake man and woman willingly share the secret of a happy life with others.

Compatibility with signs of other years

Mutual attraction does not always develop into compatibility. It might be worth looking into this issue in more detail so that love doesn't become a one-night stand.


Compatibility between a Snake man and a Rat woman can be considered favorable only when the girl learns to openly confront her partner. And that's not the point constant quarrels or showdowns. A union built on the suppression of personality will never be happy. And in these relationships, it is the woman who needs the “pill for courage.” The Snake man must realize all his worldly wisdom in order to earn compatibility with the Rat woman.


Calm Ox man and wise Snake woman in love and marriage get not just compatibility, but complete harmony. The wife need not worry about her rivals - the Ox man never thinks about adultery. He may well compete with his life partner in terms of devotion to family values. The lady's wisdom is enough for two. She does not strive for a leadership position, generously allowing a man to feel like the head of the family.


The stars treat the union of the Tiger and the Snake with great skepticism. People are not just not advised, but persistently recommend not starting a relationship- they are too different. Two strong, powerful and integral natures simply cannot admit the existence of their own kind.

Rabbit (Cat)

The Rabbit man (Cat) and the Snake woman receive ideal compatibility in love and marriage in the case when the wife is older e of your partner. A man’s sociability and his ability to win the sympathy of others plays to his advantage in such relationships. He feels comfortable with a sensible and experienced woman. The woman looks much younger than her age, because she periodically exchanges her old skin for a new one. Sincere love in the eyes of a partner helps her feel unique.

The Dragon

Dragon Man and Snake Woman their compatibility cannot be considered ideal. A man loves freedom too much to think about a serious relationship. And if a woman has the patience not to limit his attempts to meet friends on the side, then such a marriage has every chance of existing. But she will have to put in too much effort for this. Not every woman is ready for this.


The Snake man and the Goat woman, unfortunately, rarely get a chance to know compatibility in a relationship. The woman is looking for financial gain in this union, first of all. She does not hide her intentions, so a man who is just starting his career has little chance of finding happiness in marriage. The Goat man and the Snake woman get financial compatibility rather than love compatibility. Although the stars claim that relationships built on finances are obviously losing relationships.


Snake in this union will not be able to appreciate the partner’s devotion. Although he is unlikely to receive such a loyal and flexible life partner. These relationships can be called, rather, boring. They miss the holiday, or at least an unplanned romantic dinner. And this harbor is too quiet for the Snake. So betrayal is possible in this union.


It’s a paradox, but the Snake man and the Monkey woman, in order to achieve compatibility in a relationship, must learn not to talk, but remain silent. Constant quarrels and showdowns have destroyed more than one couple. Both partners strive for primacy and do not recognize each other’s interests. This is probably the least favorable union from the point of view of the stars.


The Snake man and the Rooster woman can reverse confrontation in a couple for the benefit of compatibility in love and marriage. The struggle begins immediately after the first love and can continue throughout the years of marriage. Partners who are able to look at things soberly will be able to find ways to solve problems in a conflict situation. It is in such relationships that the Snake man and the Rooster woman will be able to find ideal compatibility and build a strong marriage.


Although no one in their right mind would say that boredom can cause a breakup, troubles in the Snake and Dog couple begin precisely for this reason. But sooner or later the Snake think about mistakes of his youth and will understand that he simply needs to take the initiative into his own hands. After all, love is a feeling that manifests itself over time. But we still need to look for truly loving and devoted people.

Boar (Pig)

The Pig man for the Snake woman will become a friend, lover and spouse, so compatibility of these signs is high, if not perfect. The young lady in this marriage feels exclusive, because for a man there are simply no other partners. But the man does not feel henpecked. He is sociable, talented and incredibly proud of his wife’s entrepreneurial spirit. For a lady striving for primacy in the family, such an attitude is like a balm for the soul.

From the point of view of the compatibility of the Snake with people born under other signs according to the eastern horoscope, the following forecast can be made.

How justified do you think the stellar predictions regarding the ideal compatibility of this couple are? Share your experience of communicating with such people, we are interested in your conclusions.