Essay by Taras Bulba. The attitude of Taras Bulba to his sons Taras Bulba relates to his sons

Write an essay about Taras Bulba according to plan: 1. who is Taras Bulba; 2. Taras’s attitude towards his wife; 3. Taras’s attitude towards his sons; 4. the main character traits of Taras (love for the Motherland, hatred of enemies, a sense of camaraderie, qualities of a Cossack ataman); 5. Heroic death.

Answers and solutions.

Tale by N.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba" is one of the best poetic works of Russian fiction. The depth and capacity of the characters in this story are skillfully combined with a thoughtful composition and completeness of all elements of style.

The story has a long and complex creative history. It was first published in the collection “Mirgorod” in 1835. In 1842, Taras Bulba was almost completely redesigned. In total, work on this work lasted about 9 years.

In depicting the life of the Zaporozhye Sich and its heroes, Gogol combined historical specificity, realism, and high lyrical pathos characteristic of a romantic work. The fusion of these two elements constituted one of the main features of Taras Bulba.

The story is based on an image of the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people. Gogol has long been interested in this topic. In the process of working on the story, he used many chronicle and scientific sources. The writer also drew a lot from folk poetry, especially from historical songs and thoughts.

The main character of the work, Taras Bulba, appears as a participant and spokesman for the national liberation movement. This Cossack “was one of the number of indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive alarm and was distinguished by the rude directness of his character.” He is a man of freedom and struggle, an excellent commander, a wise and experienced leader.

This hero was not created for family life, which his “old” wife, a devoted wife who lived with Bulba all her life, felt long ago. “Nezhba” by Taras Bulba is an open field and a good horse.

The hero recognized only two activities, considering them worthy of a man - feats of arms and drinking, “which he also considered one of the main advantages of a knight.” Peaceful life and peasant worries are not for old Bulba. He declares to his sons: “So that I become a buckwheat sower, a housekeeper, to look after the sheep and pigs...? I’m a Cossack, I don’t want to!” Therefore, without having time to meet his children who returned from Bursa, Taras immediately begins to check what kind of warriors they will be. Right on the threshold of the house, Bulba arranges a fist fight with his eldest son, Ostap. And he calms down only when he realizes that his son “will be a good Cossack.” Only after this does Taras begin to “fight” with Ostap, not forgetting to jokingly reproach the younger Andriy for being a “little bastard” - a mama’s boy.

Bulba is very contemptuous of women. The hero’s conversation with them is short: “she’s a woman, she doesn’t know anything.” A woman, in his opinion, was created for procreation. Everything else is none of her business, it is the privilege of men - real Cossacks and knights.

Taras Bulba is quite educated, although he tells his sons: “This is all the rubbish that yours and the academy are filling their heads with, and all those books, primers, and philosophy... I don’t give a damn about all this!” But the hero decides to check his sons in this way; he wants to make sure that they are continuers of his views and his way of life. Ostap remarks to himself: “Look, what a dad! The old dog knows everything, and also pretends.”

Despite all the harshness of his character, Taras Bulba is kind and even sentimental. He wipes away a tear, listening to the farewell lamentations of his “old man.” Indulging in memories of his youth, remembering his comrades in arms, Bulba became completely emotional: “a tear quietly rounded the apple of his eye, and his gray head drooped sadly.”

But the hero instantly changes when he sets foot on the land of the Zaporozhye Sich. He feels that this is his true element. A man of great will and great natural intelligence, very stubborn, Bulba enjoys respect and authority among the Cossacks. He is loyal to his comrades to the end, values ​​and loves them more than his own life. Taras is touchingly tender towards his friends, the same “knights” as he is. Having learned that many of them had died, “old Bulba hung his head and said thoughtfully: “They were good Cossacks!”

Taras is democratic by nature. He does not accept conceit, arrogance, and social stratification that is spreading among the Cossacks. Gogol writes that this hero loved the “simple life of the Cossacks.”

Taras's whole life is inextricably linked with the life of Sich. He devoted himself entirely to serving the comradeship, the fatherland and the Orthodox faith: “Eternally restless, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy... He himself carried out... reprisals against his Cossacks and made it a rule that in three cases one should always take up the saber, precisely when the commissars did not respect in which the elders stood in front of them in their caps when they mocked Orthodoxy and did not respect the ancestral law and, finally, when the enemies were Busurmans and Turks ... "

Taras cannot sit still. He strives to fight, wants to feel the taste of victory again. By the time of his stay in the Sich, alarming news arrived: the Poles dominate throughout Ukraine and trample on Orthodox Christians. The Cossacks rushed into battle, with Taras and his sons in the forefront. But the sons’ first serious campaign brought the hero a lot of grief. Valuing in a person, first of all, his courage and devotion to the ideals of the Sich, Bulba is unforgiving towards traitors and cowards. It is tragic that his youngest son, Andriy, turned out to be a traitor. Taras Bulba’s paternal grief was great; somewhere in his soul he felt sorry for his son. But the hero could not forgive his son the worst, in his opinion, sin. Seeing that Andriy was rushing towards the Cossacks from the open city gates, the old Cossack could not stand it: “How?.. Your own?.. You’re beating your own, damn son?..” All Bulba’s paternal feelings instantly disappeared. He wanted to get even with the traitor himself: “Hey, cereal! Lure me only him to the forest, lure me only him! Old Bulba kills his son, punishing him for betraying his faith, fatherland and comrades. Taras put this above all else, so in their name he did not even spare his Andriy.

Trouble does not come alone: ​​Bulba’s eldest son, Ostap, is captured by the “Polyakhs”. The wounded and sick hero cannot forget about this for a minute. Finally, he decides to get at least some news about his son, and then tries to save him. The hero moves boldly and decisively towards his goal. But Ostap dies after suffering many tortures. Bulba could only support his son at the last minute, instilling in him courage and faith.

After the death of his eldest son, Taras Bulba dispelled his grief in battles with the Poles: “Taras walked throughout Poland with his regiment, burned eighteen towns, near forty churches... He beat up all sorts of gentry a lot, plundered the richest and best castles...” Many innocent people ruined old Bulba, saying: “This is a wake for Ostap for you, enemy Poles!”

For such atrocities, Taras Bulba was ordered to be caught, especially since the Poles had previously given two thousand ducats for his head. And before his death, the hero thinks not about himself, but about his comrades, wishing with all the strength of his soul that they would leave the enemy. Taras is not afraid of the fire that the Poles have prepared for him: “Farewell, comrades! - he shouted to them from above. “Remember me and come here again next spring and have a nice walk!” What did they take, the damn Poles? Do you think there is anything in the world that a Cossack would be afraid of? Wait, the time will come, the time will come, you will learn what the Orthodox Russian faith is!”

These were the farewell words of Taras Bulba. He died as courageously as he lived, thinking about his fatherland until the last minute. The memory of him as a valiant Cossack will remain for a long time, as evidenced by the last lines of the work: “The Cossacks sailed briskly on narrow double-rudded canoes... and talked about their chieftain.”

The image of Taras Bulba embodies the prowess and scope of people's life, all the spiritual and moral strength of the people. This is a man of great intensity of feelings, passions, and thoughts. Taras's strength lies in the power of the patriotic ideas that he expresses. Bulba is an inseparable part of the general life of the people, and this is his strength. There is nothing selfish, petty, or selfish about this hero. His soul is imbued with only one desire - for the freedom and independence of his people.

The character of Taras Bulba is written out sharply, in large strokes, as his heroic nature demands. We can say that this is a monumental image that embodies the best features of the Cossacks. Taras mixes tenderness and rudeness, serious and funny, great and small, tragic and comic. In such a depiction of human character V.G. Belinsky saw Gogol's gift to “exhibit the phenomena of life in all their reality and truth.”

Taras Bulba embodies all the features of a Ukrainian Cossack. He is energetic, not a homebody, loving an active life and unusual adventures. Nikolai Gogol portrays the main character of the story from the side of a family man, father, military leader and personality. In this article we will look at the moral character of Taras Bulba, which will help the reader better understand this character, and will also be a good help for schoolchildren who are preparing an essay on this topic. First of all, we will discuss Taras Bulba’s attitude towards women and his own wife as well.

Taras Bulba's attitude towards his wife

The moral character of Taras Bulba and his tragedy are visible from the first pages of the story, namely his attitude towards his family. Mark this in your essay. He treats his wife a little condescendingly, but at the same time he does not respect women, considers them insignificant creatures.

Taras Bulba not only does not obey his wife, but also, by his example, shows his sons that they do not need to succumb to the influence of their mother. The main character believes that love is dangerous for a man, and even more so for a Cossack, that by succumbing to its charms, the warrior in a man’s soul may die. After all, you only need to think about your homeland.

Taras Bulba as father

When preparing your thoughts for your essay, think about the fact that the moral character of Taras Bulba as a father is also stern and undeniable. He established a relationship with his sons in such a way that they perceived him as an older comrade, did not show tender feelings towards him and treated him with deep respect and honor, without showing the weaknesses of their character.

The father shows his determination in raising children at every opportunity. For example, if we consider the episode when the sons returned home, Taras Bulba attacks his eldest son with his fists in order to determine his strength, grip and consider him a warrior.

A good topic for an essay is the moral character of Taras Bulba and his tragedy. Indeed, when he is presented with a difficult and crucial moment that decides the fate of his youngest son, he, without the slightest doubt, kills him as a man who betrayed his homeland. Andriy’s story shocked Taras. The youngest son fell in love with the lady and joined the enemy. At one of the battles, Taras saw that his youngest son was fighting in the Polish encirclement. His father, meeting him face to face, kills him. The last word of the dying Andria is the name of his beloved.

Taras Bulba as a military leader

The moral character of Taras Bulba as a military leader is unshakable. Gogol accurately described it. He is fearless, energetic, strong and courageous. He knows his players very well, their weaknesses and strengths, which allows him to influence them. He is an excellent manager. Taras Bulba knows when to defuse the situation with a joke, and when to inspire soldiers, they listen to him and follow his advice. In the episode in the Zaporozhye Sich, he showed himself to be a competent diplomat: with the help of psychological skills, Taras convinces the Cossacks of electing a new ataman.

From the scenes of field operations, we can conclude (an important idea for your essay on the topic: the moral character of Taras Bulba) that Taras Bulba treats his fellow soldiers better than his family. He shows them tenderness, care, and respect. When Taras Bulba dies, he does not think about himself and his pain, with the last of his strength he shows them escape routes.

Conclusions for an essay about Taras Bulba

The moral character of Taras Bulba and his tragedy lie in the highly moral spirit of the hero. He killed his youngest son because he did not understand how it could happen that he was a patriot of his country, but could have raised a traitor. He lost his eldest son as a hero. Ostap was captured by the Poles and sentenced to execution. Taras still managed to go to the city square, where his eldest son was supposed to die. Ostap shouted to his father, and he responded.

Taras Bulba made a huge mistake for his own life, but he so wanted to support his son in the last minutes of his life, so that he could feel the fatherly love that he had not shown for all the years. An outwardly strong man turned out to be weak in a tense situation, but showed himself heroically. Thus, the tragedy of Taras Bulba is that he lost two sons, two warriors and heirs.

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Taras Bulba's attitude towards his sons

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The main character of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” is the Zaporozhye Cossack Taras Bulba. This is an extraordinary person: brave, courageous, with enormous willpower, very smart, stern and adamant in matters of honor both to himself and to the people around him. He was not created by God for the quiet joys of family life. He is a warrior. ugg boots pas cher Only in the steppe, next to his faithful friends and comrades, on the battlefield, did old Taras feel happy. His whole life was connected with the Zaporozhye Sich. He didn't feel at home at home. Home for him is the free Cossack steppes, his faithful horse and saber. He gave his entire life to defend his native land and Orthodoxy. nike air huarache pas cher Family as such never existed for him. He was not interested in his wife's life (at least outwardly), and was not particularly interested in the children. chaussures nike femme 2017 asics gel quantum 360 and only after his sons grew up and he saw adult husbands in them, the Cossack blood leaped in him, he remembered the days of his fighting youth and very much wanted his sons to also become brave Cossacks, began to dream of how he himself, next to his children, side by side, would gallop across the steppes, destroying all his enemies who stood in their way. But Taras Bulba has two sons. ugg boots pas cher Two sons and such two different destinies. How proud Taras was, seeing how his sons behaved among their Cossack brothers, how proud he was of them, looking at them in the heat of their first battles. But his youngest son Andrei was not destined to remain faithful to the Zaporozhye brotherhood and his native homeland. Loved Andrey. He fell in love so much that he forgot about his father, and about his mother, and about his brother, and about his friends and comrades. The Cossack forgot about everything for the sake of the beautiful eyes of the Polish woman. And he not only forgot, but also openly went over to the side of the enemy. And how terrible that moment became for Taras when he saw his youngest son Andrei killing his own comrades. At that moment there was no limit to the grief and indignation of the old Cossack. No reason could justify his son’s terrible act in his eyes. “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.” asics gel lyte 3 It was a verdict. And no force could force Taras to change his decision regarding his traitorous son. asics soldes Did he really not love his son? Loved, loved very much. But he loved his Fatherland more. And he always put his sense of duty above his personal desires. nike air max femme pas cher He killed his youngest son. He executed him. And this moment in the story is probably one of the most tragic. Taras Bulba also has a second son, Ostap, who, before his father’s eyes, dies in terrible agony from the torture to which the Polish fanatics subjected him, but does not betray the glorious Cossack brotherhood and does not renounce the holy faith of his fathers. Taras Bulba can be proud of his eldest son, although it is impossible to convey the feelings that a father experiences while watching his son die as a martyr. Taras Bulba had two sons. And twice he had to see the death of his children. But just as their characters were different during life, so different in essence was the death of each of them. nike air max classic bw One died at the hands of his own father, cursed by his own comrades for betrayal, and the death of the other is a hymn to human courage, courage, loyalty to comrades and love for one’s homeland.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol loved to study the history of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and very often used this topic in his work. The most famous work that is dedicated to the Cossacks is the story “Taras Bulba”.

Main character

The main character of the story of the same name, Taras Bulba, is a very colorful and bright personality. It was in him that Gogol was able to convey the best features of the Cossacks. The Zaporozhye colonel is a man of iron will, sincere soul and age-old folk wisdom. His high social status does not prevent him from remaining a simple and open person who will always be happy to welcome old friends and associates into his home.

The military qualities of Taras Bulba deserve special attention. An experienced and wise commander is a true patriot of his homeland and devoted his entire life to protecting it from enemies.

Gogol presents Bulba as a decent family man. Sometimes he seems a little harsh towards his loved ones, but this can be explained by the difficult fate, and the difficulties that people of that time faced. From early childhood, he raises his sons Andrei and Ostap to be real Cossacks, placing great hopes on them in the future.

If the eldest son, Ostap, shows strength of character and very much resembles his father, then Andrei is more sensitive, but is in no way inferior to his brother in the art of war.

Taras Bulba wanted his sons to serve their fatherland faithfully, but life decreed otherwise.

The fates of Ostap and Andrey

Ostap, after returning from the Zaporozhye Sich, takes part in the battle with his father and is captured. He bravely endures all the trials and behaves like a real man at execution.

At that time, executions were carried out very cruelly, step by step the defendants had their arms and legs cut off, and huge crowds of people gathered to watch this spectacle.

But if old Bulba could be proud of Ostap, then the act of his youngest son, Andrei, disgraced the colonel’s family. Andrei fell in love with a Polish lady and for the sake of his love he renounced all his family, his father, his military brothers-in-arms and his fatherland.

Seeing Andrei fighting on the side of the enemy, Taras Bulba pursues him and is left alone with his son. For the old Cossack, love for the homeland and military honor are more valuable than family ties, and showing tremendous strength of character, Bulba kills his son.

Having lost his wife and two sons, the Zaporozhye colonel completely devotes himself to his homeland and the war with his enemies. An old Cossack dies, tied to a tree and set on fire, and the last words of Taras Bulba are parting words for his brothers - the Cossacks, who will continue his work after death.

How Taras Bulba treats his sons in the story “Taras Bulba” (if you don’t know, please don’t write any nonsense)


The main character of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's story “Taras Bulba” is the Zaporozhye Cossack Taras Bulba. This is an extraordinary person: brave, courageous, with enormous willpower, very smart, stern and adamant in matters of honor both to himself and to the people around him. He was not created by God for the quiet joys of family life. He is a warrior. Only in the steppe, next to his true friends and comrades, on the battlefield, did old Taras feel happy. His whole life was connected with the Zaporozhye Sich. He didn't feel at home at home. Home for him is the free Cossack steppes, his faithful horse and saber. He gave his entire life to defend his native land and Orthodoxy. Family as such never existed for him. He was not interested in his wife's life (at least outwardly), and was not particularly interested in the children. and only after his sons grew up and he saw adult husbands in them, the Cossack blood leaped in him, he remembered the days of his fighting youth and very much wanted his sons to also become brave Cossacks, he began to dream about how he himself next to his children, side by side, he will gallop across the steppes, destroying all his enemies who stand in their way. But Taras Bulba has two sons. Two sons and such two different destinies. How proud Taras was, seeing how his sons behaved among their Cossack brothers, how proud he was of them, looking at them in the heat of their first battles. But his youngest son Andrei was not destined to remain faithful to the Zaporozhye brotherhood and his native homeland. Loved Andrey. He fell in love so much that he forgot about his father, and about his mother, and about his brother, and about his friends and comrades. The Cossack forgot about everything for the sake of the beautiful eyes of the Polish woman. And he not only forgot, but also openly went over to the side of the enemy. And how terrible that moment became for Taras when he saw his youngest son Andrei killing his own comrades. At that moment there was no limit to the grief and indignation of the old Cossack. No reason could justify his son’s terrible act in his eyes. “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.” It was a sentence. And no force could force Taras to change his decision regarding his traitorous son. Did he really not love his son? Loved, loved very much. But he loved his Fatherland more. And he always put his sense of duty above his personal desires. He killed his youngest son. He executed him. And this moment in the story is probably one of the most tragic. Taras Bulba also has a second son - Ostap, who, before his father’s eyes, dies in terrible agony from the torture to which the Polish fanatics subjected him, but does not betray the glorious Cossack brotherhood and does not renounce the holy faith of his fathers. Taras Bulba can be proud of his eldest son, although it is impossible to convey the feelings that a father experiences while watching his son die as a martyr. Taras Bulba had two sons. And twice he had to see the death of his children. But just as their characters were different during life, so different in essence was the death of each of them. One died at the hand of his own father, cursed by his own comrades for betrayal, and the death of the other is a hymn to human courage, courage, loyalty to comrades and love for one’s homeland.