Pricing reform in construction - the concept of the Ministry of Construction "400 days" (resource method). Pricing reform in construction: the interests of the industry come first Reform 400 days results of competitions for lots

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Details of tenders: who received over 600 million rubles allocated for estimated rationing

Answers questions from the magazine President of the Union of Estimating Engineers, Director of the Department of Expert-Analytical Work and Pricing in Construction of the Association of Builders of Russia Pavel GORYACHKIN.

Pavel Vladimirovich, exactly a year has passed since our conversation about corruption in the system of estimate regulation in construction. I must say that our February conversation aroused great interest: it was included in the top three most read materials on our website in 2015. And they continue to read it.

The main “hero” of that interview is the former director of the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Construction Materials Industry (FCCC), Evgeny Ermolaev, who is today under investigation. What has changed in this system as a whole over the past year?

“I want to say that the story we talked about then has been continued. There are certain positive changes.

First of all, the commercial activity is finally over. Previously, during the time of Ermolaev, a bunch of all sorts of LLCs were feeding around the FCTS, which were hiding behind the symbols of the Ministry of Construction.

This has led to the fact that FAS bodies at the federal level and in more than 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation are now conducting inspections and winning cases, demanding that estimate standards be posted on the websites of regional executive authorities.

That is, in other words, the times when estimated standards were a kind of secret behind seven seals - they could not be seen, read, studied anywhere, but could only be bought for money - these times are gradually passing. The standards become publicly available.

I would like to note that the Ministry of Construction has also corrected itself in this regard and now publishes documents with all the annexes, which you can always read. And the Moscow government was forced to post its territorial estimate standards on the website in the public domain.

Such an increase in information openness is a very good thing. The Ministry of Construction has now prepared a draft government resolution on the creation of an information system for pricing in construction. I think this is a very positive step. When there will be a data bank, prices, standards, and indices in a publicly accessible form.

A certain order is being established with the so-called individual estimate standards. But there is one small contradiction here.

General federal estimate standards are entered into the register by orders of the minister. And individual standards for federal construction projects are only by order of the Government.

In my opinion, there is no logic here. At a meeting of the Government, no estimated standards will ever be considered: apart from Gazprom, I do not see structures that are capable of handling and, most importantly, passing such issues through the Government.

What could this lead to? To the point that they will try to implement individual standards as general ones. Which, in turn, will clog up the estimate and regulatory framework with some norms and prices that have, to put it mildly, a narrow application.

This is not very good, since the pricing system is still based on generally applicable technologies and the principle of averaging. And, unfortunately, some collections are already beginning to be littered with such standards.

In addition, over the past year, the leadership of the FCCC has already changed twice.

— So this athlete is no longer there?

- Yes. He had already been removed, too, and a medic was appointed in his place. Sergei Fokina. Personally, I have very serious questions about this.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, former deputy. the chief sanitary doctor of Moscow, a person who does not have a construction education, a representative of a completely different field.

I cannot possibly welcome such nepotism. Especially when we are talking about such a specific area of ​​activity as estimate regulation in construction. But our attitude to construction is the same as to football: everyone thinks that they understand this. Nothing good will come of this.

In general, I have big complaints about the professional level of some employees of the Ministry of Construction. By the way, this situation clearly does not comply with the Law “On Civil Service”, and such people will not even be able to pass certification. This is not possible, gentlemen!

The very fact that they recruited a lot of different young people can only be welcomed. But still, the Ministry of Construction is not a place for such experiments, for on-the-job training. In my deep conviction, this cannot be done.

P. Goryachkin: “Starting in the fall, the Ministry of Construction has developed vigorous legislative activity. But the quality of these initiatives, frankly speaking, raises serious doubts. Most of the Ministry of Construction’s initiatives ultimately did not receive approval from the Government.”

And this is already having an effect. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, because I'm very familiar with this cuisine. One of the factors in assessing an agency is the number of legislative initiatives it broadcasts. Over the past six months, starting in the fall, the Ministry of Construction has developed vigorous legislative activity. But the quality of these initiatives, frankly speaking, raises serious doubts

Most of the Ministry of Construction's initiatives ultimately did not receive approval from the Government. They cannot go through the approval procedures; there are big complaints from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, and the Federal Antimonopoly Service. And this factor seriously complicates the lives of all those who work in this field. Quantity does not mean quality.

- Let's move on to the main thing. In the spring, under the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a State Council meeting will be held dedicated to the problems of the construction industry. As far as I know, issues of technical regulation and pricing in construction are on his agenda...

— Yes, according to my information, these issues will be discussed at the State Council. There is already a lot of speculation and unprofessional judgment on this topic. This is alarming.

Moreover, in December the Russian Ministry of Construction tried to announce some kind of pricing reform, calling it “400 days.” To be honest, it doesn’t sound very good...

- “400 days”, “500 days” - we’ve all already been through this...

- That's it, that's what I'm talking about. I want to say that all this reform action was carried out privately. This reform was discussed only at the working group of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction. And at that meeting, none of the estimators were present at all. No one.

The authors of the program tried to present “400 days” at the NOSTROY pricing and purchasing committee. There she was subjected to severe criticism. But they still give it a go and plan to implement it. Big complaints about the Ministry of Construction’s vision for the further development of the industry in general and the pricing system in particular .

— What exactly do professionals, including you, not like about the proposed concept of pricing reform?

— You see, everything is there except pricing itself. It's like a soup recipe without the soup itself. The prepared document is a set of slogans and pictures. Like, everything was bad with us before, but now it will be good; how accessible, modern and innovative pricing will be as a result of the reform; who should obey whom, how the role of the FCCC should be strengthened, etc.

But how exactly to do this, what the content of this reform is, what specific steps should be taken to make it all work—not a word about this.

Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: “The information (of the Ministry of Construction) does not contain a specific action plan (program, set of measures, road map measures) for the implementation of a phased reform of the pricing system in construction”

Moreover, some messages and theses coming from the lips of high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Construction indicate that people do not even know what has been done before them in this area over all the previous decades.

- Can you give an example?

- Yes, as much as you like! For example, now there are loud voices that it is necessary to develop the resource method in every possible way - modern, progressive and innovative.

Nobody objects to this. But I just want to remind you that back in 1992, the system of the then Ministry of Architecture and Construction developed a pricing concept and adopted guidelines for it on developing estimates using the resource method. In 1994-1995, all methods for applying the resource method in construction, installation, and commissioning work were adopted.

During the same period, the basic organization of the ministry, TsNIIEUS (which, by the way, still exists to this day), developed resource estimate standards. They formed the basis of state estimate standards and served as the basis for the creation of resource estimate standards in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Ukraine.

If we open the current documents, in particular the “Methodology for determining cost in construction in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2005, in the corresponding paragraph where methods for determining cost are listed, the resource method is in first place.

This method is widely and successfully used in a number of regions of Russia, almost all of our colleagues in the Customs and Eurasian Economic Union. There are currently no legal, technical or methodological obstacles to the use of this method. Therefore, there is no need to declare with a blue eye that this is something new and discovered only now...

— Passing off the old, especially the already thoroughly forgotten, as new is our national pastime. Suffice it to name the current attempts to revive .

- This is true. But here we are not even talking about half-forgotten, but about already used things that are passed off as a novelty and discovery! It’s just that the people who came to the Ministry of Construction, apparently, did not know and did not know what had been done here before them.

Yu. Roslyak, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: “The draft amendments to the City Code do not solve the problem of pricing (determining the cost of construction), and therefore do not fully reflect the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation”

But if we continue to talk about the resource method, then we should not think that it will lead to a reduction in costs and a reduction in the cost of budget construction. Nothing like this! It will lead to an increase in cost.

If we take any federal construction project calculated using the base-index method and recalculate it using the resource method, provided that we use actual prices for materials, products and structures for resources, then the results of the resource estimate in 90 cases out of 100 will be 15-30% higher than the estimate compiled using the base-index method.

— What needs to be done to make the resource method really work?

- Only one. So that the cornerstone of the entire pricing system in construction becomes the principle of formation and control by the contractor, the customer, inspection bodies and bodies for examining the cost of the main pricing materials. That is, those that in any estimate make up 95% of the cost of building materials.

P. Goryachkin: “The cornerstone of the entire pricing system in construction should be the principle of formation and control by the contractor, the customer, inspection bodies and bodies for examining the cost of the main pricing materials”

Such an estimate becomes visual and understandable. Then this system will be correctly oriented and built.

In general, it is very difficult to check any construction estimate, I tell you as a professional. And by moving in the direction I spoke about, we will enormously increase the transparency of the estimated cost, make it objective, and most importantly, verifiable and readable.

And the second cornerstone of the pricing system in construction is as follows. If we do not correct the estimate and regulatory framework that is absolutely inadequate with the technologies of the 50s of the last century, then all this will lose all meaning and turn into fruitless vanity and imitation of activity.

We are now in a situation where it is no longer possible to travel further with Soviet-era luggage. We simply hit a wall: the estimated standards came into complete conflict with actual construction production. And until we fix this, all other actions are meaningless. We can talk a lot and loudly about innovative methods, but because our base is inadequate, the cost of construction will not meet the requirements of the time.

P. Goryachkin: “Outdated estimate standards are in complete contradiction with real construction production. We can talk a lot and loudly about innovative methods, but due to the fact that our base is inadequate, the cost of construction will not meet the requirements of the time."

As a result, the estimated cost is deformed and unreliable! Further rewriting of Soviet norms will only lead to increased degradation of estimates and an increase in corruption risks and high-profile scandals in the field of public procurement and regulation.

— Is there any movement in this regard from the Ministry of Construction?

- Yes, but very weak. Frankly speaking, I am very outraged by the situation that has developed now. I have been working with the Ministry of Construction since 1993. Everything that was done in the estimated pricing took place before my eyes and with my direct participation.

So, in all these 25 years, the construction department has never been allocated direct money for the development of sets of rules and methods. Moreover, government funding has never been allocated for the development of estimate standards. And finally, such a government task has appeared! Until 2017, huge amounts of money have been allocated for these purposes: about 4.7 billion rubles. ( see helpEd.)

— Recipients: the Ministry of Construction and the Federal Center for Design and Construction. Purpose - development of standards and SNiPs?

- Absolutely right. Last December, the FCCC held tenders in which it distributed about 630 million rubles. So, the results of these tenders, the tender documentation and the very essence of what was happening plunged the estimate community into a real shock. I say this as the president of the Union of Estimating Engineers.

— What surprised the professional estimators so much?

- I can tell. We have 47 collections for construction work, 41 collections for installation work, 17-19 collections for repair and construction work and a whole bunch of other documents. So, for example, for the development of one and only collection No. 9 “Metal Structures,” the organizers held as many as two competitions, and more than 65 million rubles were at stake!

But I want to inform you that we have already revised and completed this collection... long ago. And this work is simply not worth such crazy money. That's funny. One can only guess where this money will go.

- And not just laundering. It turns out that they also appropriate your intellectual property, that is, simply put, they steal. I hope all your developments are registered with the Federal Service for the Protection of Intellectual Property?

- Of course, everything is as it should be. We now have 6 volumes of standards and prices for new technologies. Every month we release new standards. We have completely redesigned the 9th collection taking into account all modern technologies. And what they do is simply outrageous.

At the same time, I am far from thinking that they will simply take our standards and stupidly roll them around. No, they will change things “creatively”: they will rearrange words in sentences, change the location of some chapters, etc.

In the West, intellectual property is a sacred and untouchable thing. Let us remember how many trials there were on this issue, including those involving famous musicians. But we didn’t care about all this.

- Why?

- Yes, because these gentlemen understand perfectly well that we, the real developers of estimate standards, will be exhausted by suing them! We'll spend a lot of money on fees, lawyers, court hearings, and what's the end result? Our judges do not understand these issues. Cases will be transferred, different experts will begin to be involved - in the field of comparative law, copyright, analysis of literary texts, etc.

I know this kitchen. This will last for years.

- The matter is known. During this time, either the donkey will die, or the padishah will die...

- Certainly. They know that suing them for their rights is more expensive for themselves. Therefore, they will become even more impudent. But we still won’t stop talking about it.

— How much does it cost to win these competitions held by the updated FCCC?

— The collection of state enlarged estimated construction price standards “Objects of social sectors”, according to their logic, costs almost 158 ​​million rubles. But, firstly, this document is quite secondary and not particularly necessary for the estimate process, and its quality, to put it mildly, is so-so. This is something like the price lists that were previously issued.

But this is not the main thing. And the fact that this collection of NCS... is also already available, and in 2014 prices.

In addition, the Ministry of Construction itself maintains a bank of standard projects, selects and approves them. This bank of standard projects, which go to the Ministry of Construction absolutely free of charge, contains estimate documentation and technical and economic indicators. And you just need to pull these numbers out of the data bank and put them into the norms of this collection of 30-40 pages. Work - maximum two weeks...

— Meanwhile, it was estimated at more than 157 million...

- This figure simply does not fit into any goal. Everything is so obvious that you are simply amazed.

On this matter, we wrote to the leadership of the Ministry of Construction back in November, before the tender ( see helpEd.). But nothing could be changed.

— It turns out that Ermolaev is in prison, but his work lives on?

- Listen, I have never been a supporter of Ermolaev. On the contrary, he always fought with him, wrote letters to various authorities, which were shelved in the capital’s offices for years.

But in fairness, I want to remind you that Ermolaev was never given any money. He himself was spinning around, earning them with the help of his numerous LLCs that were attached to the FCCC. That is, in other words, he used administrative resources to extract money from below. And nothing was transferred to him from above, neither for the maintenance of the FCTS, nor, especially, for the development of standards.

“And now, for once, our native state has allocated huge amounts of money, and even during a crisis.” That is, Ermolaev was forced to spin around and earn money with the help of his LLCs. But these gentlemen don’t even need to fuss: the money just fell from above. So?

- Absolutely. The amounts have fallen, hitherto unprecedented... And this is at the very time when ONF activists (God bless them) are raising the issue of state procurement of some kind of chandelier, calculating how much a deputy or gubernatorial banquet cost. I just want to tell them: “Guys! What kind of chandeliers, what are you talking about? Look here!..”

But the fact is that in a purely philistine way, a chandelier, a golden toilet or a fancy Mercedes is understandable to people, but the collection “Construction Price Standards” is a dark forest for them. An ordinary, ordinary person is simply not able to comprehend the full scale of what is happening.

P. Goryachkin: “Under the cover of the fact that people simply do not understand these issues, they are now simply stupidly “cutting up” state budget funds, taxpayers’ money. Hundreds of millions allocated during this difficult time for the country to develop standards"

Therefore, under the guise of the fact that people simply do not understand these issues, they are now simply stupidly “cutting up” state budget funds and taxpayers’ money. That is, our money—hundreds of millions—is allocated during this difficult time for the country to develop standards.

Moreover, neither I nor my fellow estimators, high-class professionals, specialists in this field, can even take part in competitions.

- What’s stopping you from participating?

- Very simple. If we are talking about such amounts as the same 157 million, then we do not have enough money even to provide a bank guarantee, which we, not being government organizations, are required to submit to participate in the competition. 5% of the price for securing the application and 30% for securing the contract - no bank will give us that kind of money. They will simply send me to hell, and that will be the end of the matter.

You see, this was how it was originally invented: such large lots and everything else to keep real developers out.

- Who has that kind of money? Who participates in competitions? Let’s already post, as our President says, appearances, names, addresses. Maybe it will reach him, since such a conversation began on the eve of the State Council...

- Please. Looking at the official documents on the results of tenders ( see helpEd.) we see that the winners were mainly state-owned companies or organizations with state participation which, by law, do not need to provide a bank guarantee and reserve large sums to participate in the competition.

For example, JSC Institute of Economics and Transport Development. This structure is close to the Ministry of Transport and is actually controlled by it. She won the competition for the development of NCP (enlarged construction price standards) for highways, railways, and bridges in the amount of 135.9 million rubles.

JSC "Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction" (TSNIIEUS). This is practically an organization subordinate to the Ministry of Construction. For new methods for pricing, he will receive 72 million rubles.

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation." This federal budgetary institution, directly subordinate to the Ministry of Construction, won 2 lots and will receive 65.4 million rubles. for the work on inventory, updating and supplementing GESN and FER, taking into account all new construction technologies, materials and mechanisms.

Go ahead. LLC "Moscow State Expertise of Construction Projects". This company was created by the former head of Moskomekspertiza and, of course, is affiliated with this government agency. She won 3 lots at once for the development of the NCS for administrative buildings, housing and social facilities for a total amount of 230.2 million rubles, which is simply amazing.

OJSC "Order of the Red Banner of Labor Academy of Public Utilities named after. K.D. Panfilova. This structure, having won the competition for the development of the NCS for engineering networks, received 67.4 million rubles.

— That is, none of the normal estimating companies managed to break through here?

— No, fortunately, two small firms seem to have succeeded. This is RIK LLC, behind which there are real developers of estimate programs, I know them personally. They won the competition to develop a Classifier of Construction Resources, for which they will receive 45 million rubles.

KSK Technologies LLC also distinguished itself. I don't know this company. She won the lot, according to which she will develop a concept for the state information pricing system in the amount of 10 million rubles.

— Okay, the competitions have been held, the winners have been determined. What will happen next?

“It is clear that this is trivial money laundering.” Almost all of the above structures do not have any serious scientific strength in the field of pricing. I tell you this with authority. And then co-executors (like subcontractors) will be brought in, and, according to information coming to me, they are already trying to do this.

- Excuse me, who is this?

— I won’t name names so as not to waste time on the courts. But I can assume that an official of the Ministry of Construction of the highest rank is involved in this scam.

— Let me clarify, does he have a construction education?

- No, this man does not have a construction education. In addition to him, in my estimation, at least one head of the department, as well as two heads and one deputy head of subordinate institutions, are involved in these matters.

— In principle, a number of names are already heard in the media . As they say, let him who has ears hear... Pavel Vladimirovich, what do you think, if you and I now announce this loudly and to the whole country, will something change? After all, what you talked about is a judicial matter. It's time for law enforcement to get involved...

- It is high time. You know, I'm a patient person...

- ... and not a timid one.

— Over the past 20 years, I have seen and experienced so much. But this situation that is happening now, in a time of crisis, shocked me. I believe that this is an insult to the entire estimating community, a real slap in the face of all honest estimators. And this matter cannot be left like this.

P. Goryachkin: “I can assume that the highest-ranking Ministry of Construction official is involved in the scam, one head of the department, as well as two heads and one deputy head of subordinate institutions"

We need to ring bells about this: talk, write, tell people. Including with the help of you, journalists. Everything must be done to ensure that at the upcoming Presidium of the State Council on construction, some people do not bluff on this issue. So that the country's leadership, excuse me, does not hang noodles on their ears.

— Do you think that since such high-ranking officials are involved in the case, it is no longer possible to do without the President? Again, all hope is for manual control?

— Actually, the industry has a supervising deputy prime minister — Dmitry Nikolaevich Kozak. There is another deputy prime minister, Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov, who also in his part oversees the activities of the Ministry of Construction.

Honestly, I don’t think that for every reason you need to run to the Tsar-Father, jumping over everyone’s heads. But if all other avenues are exhausted and the situation does not change, naturally, the information needs to be brought to the attention of the first person.

“But I would like to end our conversation on a positive note.” What do you, estimating engineers, propose that the State Council consider? Where should we go, from your point of view? Which way?

“We need to move where the whole world is going, including our closest neighbors - members of the EAEU. For example, Belarus has translated the Eurocodes, and we are now using their translations. Kazakhstan translated the same Eurocodes and switched to the resource method.

In general, the neighbors are moving forward, but they are trying to pull us back - to the shovel, into the dense Soviet past. They offer us to once again rewrite outdated SNiPs, mossy estimate standards and live in the illusion that this will improve the quality and safety of construction. But this, alas, will not happen.

P. Goryachkin: “Today is not the time to make 30-40 percent kickbacks on federal construction projects. These things are simply unacceptable, they need to be burned out with a hot iron."

And further. Today is not the time to make 30-40 percent kickbacks on federal construction projects. These things are simply unacceptable; they must be burned out with a hot iron.

The Ministry of Construction proposed the “400 days” program, and we, based on the decisions already taken by the department, formulated the main steps that, from our point of view, can be done in 60 days ( see helpEd.). Let me emphasize: we are not talking about a revolution, but about the development of decisions already taken.

We believe that the estimate business is full of problems, but none are unsolvable.
The proposed first steps can, of course, be detailed and supplemented. But this is not required yet. But political will is required. For now - from the leadership of the Ministry of Construction. Otherwise, this very will can be demonstrated by the country’s top leadership. But now - with consequences.

The conversation was conducted by Andrey CHERNAKOV


What will the billions be used for?

According to the Union of Estimating Engineers, of the 4.7 billion rubles allocated by the state until 2017, about 70% will be spent on developing and updating codes of rules (SNiPs).

During the first half of the year of implementing the program to reform the technical regulation system in construction, 124 sets of rules were developed and updated, 22 of which were approved in 2015.

In total, about 380 regulatory technical documents will have to be prepared by the end of 2017.

The methodology for determining the cost of their development was approved by order of the head of the Ministry of Construction in 2015. Based on this document, the development of one SNiP rules on average costs 5 million rubles, which does not yet tally with the results of the December tenders.

The remaining 30% of the allocated funds will be used to develop and update pricing standards in construction, experts believe. In total, more than 40 thousand estimate standards, collected in several hundred collections, are used in the construction industry. At least a third of the standards need to be updated. But if you pay for one collection in amounts of 157 million rubles, no government funds will be enough.

This indicates only one thing: that the price is inadequately inflated, says SIS President Pavel Goryachkin. According to his estimates, for the successful development and updating of sets of rules, 1.5 billion rubles is quite enough, and the development and updating of estimate standards and methods in general should not cost more than 500 million rubles.

To the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation M.A. Menu

Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich!

FAU "FCCC" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia on November 19, 2015 on the Government Procurement Portal of the Russian Federation ( announced open competitions for the development of cost estimates and methodological documents on pricing in construction at the expense of budget funds.

We draw attention to competitions in the collections of GESN and FER No. 6 “Monolithic structures” and 9 “Metal structures” (No. 31502975713 and No. 31502975710). Two identical competitions with a total price of more than 65 million rubles. There are more than a hundred similar collections in the system of estimate standards. In addition, these collections have long been supplemented with standards and prices for new technologies by the Union of Cost Estimating Engineers, up to standards for the use of composite reinforcement. These standards and prices have been ignored by the Ministry of Construction (formerly the Ministry of Regional Development and Rosstroi) for many years, and then they are simply “stolen” by the FCCC and passed off as their own developments. There are plenty of examples of this.

The topic is “Execution of work on the development of a draft collection of state enlarged estimated standards for construction prices “Objects of social sectors” with a price of 157,945,059.32 rubles! The Russian Ministry of Construction already has a bank of standard design solutions for these facilities. All that remains is to summarize it in price tables. The same applies to NCS Residential and Administrative Buildings. In our opinion, all this is an attempt at large-scale theft of budget funds, with the expectation of deception.

Under such conditions as 5% of the price for securing the application and 30% for securing the contract, it is very difficult to take part in the competition! The lots are very large in terms of amounts for R&D.

We ask you, dear Mikhail Alexandrovich, to intervene in a situation that creates the preconditions for further violations in the activities of the FAA FCCC.


President of the Union P.V. Goryachkin


Extract from official website documents Unified information system in the field of procurement

№ 31502975722

Development of a classifier of construction resources (CSR) and regulations for its maintenance, codification of construction resources taking into account data from federal and territorial collections of estimated prices

45,000,000.00 Russian ruble

№ 31502975716


Development of the concept, technical specifications and financial and economic justification for an automated information system for pricing in construction (AIS CS)

10,000,000.00 Russian ruble

№ 31502975713


20,470,802.50 Russian ruble

№ 31502975710


Carrying out work on updating and developing additions to GESN 81-02-06-2001, GESN 81-02-09-2001, FER 81-02-06-2001, FER 81-02-09-2001

45,016,286.61 Russian ruble

№ 31502975705


Carrying out work on the development of a draft collection of state enlarged estimated standards for construction prices “Objects of social sectors”

157,945,059.32 Russian ruble

№ 31502975702


Carrying out work on the development of draft collections of state enlarged estimated construction price standards NCS 07-2014 “Railways”, NCS 08-2014 “Highways”, NCS 09-2014 “Bridges and Overpasses”

135,915,655.28 Russian ruble

№ 31502975690


Carrying out work on the development of a draft collection of state enlarged estimated standards for construction prices “Residential buildings”

28,426,806.52 Russian ruble

№ 31502975671


Execution of work on the development of a draft collection of state enlarged estimated standards for construction prices “Administrative buildings”

43,971,423.20 Russian ruble

№ 31502975646


Carrying out work on the development of draft collections of state enlarged estimated construction price standards, Section “Linear facilities” based on NCS 11-2014 “External communication networks”, NCS 12-2014 “External electrical networks”, NCS 13-2014 “External heating networks”, NCS 14-2014 “Water supply and sewerage networks”, NCS 15-2014 “Gas supply networks”

67 400 100.20 Russian ruble

№ 31502975638


Carrying out work on the analysis, updating and development of draft methodological documents recommended for use in determining the estimated and contract costs of capital construction projects financed with funds from the federal budget

72,068,736.00 Russian ruble

What does the Union of Estimating Engineers offer?

  • All individual estimate standards are excluded from the Federal Register and their revision is carried out.
  • Ministry of Construction indices forIquarter of 2016 are published in a fundamentally new format, broken down by type of construction and elements of direct costs (wages, machinery, materials + general construction and installation work indices);
  • In orders on the market value of sq. m the word “market” is replaced by “estimated value indicators intended for...”.
  • Prompt corrections are made to GESN and FER for already obvious errors.
  • The validity of the standards themselves is limited to January 1, 2018, and a decision is made to create a truly New Estimate and Normative Framework for its application from January 1, 2018.
  • As new standards are developed, they are promptly included in the old database until the new one is introduced.
  • The estimated profit is returned to the calculation of the estimated cost, differentiated by type of construction and work and adjusted as necessary.
  • For certain types of construction and work with a small range of resources, priority is given to the resource method.
  • Simultaneously with the development of a new element base, the development of Standards for the Price of Design Solutions (NSCR) begins with the prospect of their implementation for calculating the NMCC and the “Project” stage.
  • The main work on monitoring prices for materials is transferred to the regional level.
  • The December FCCC competitions are canceled and new ones are being prepared. For 700 million you can develop a lot. Maximum lots - no more than 20 million.
  • The current leadership of the FCCC is resigning.
  • The simultaneous existence of FCTS branches and regional pricing bodies is excluded;
  • Any commercial activity of the FCCC is only within the framework of the Charter. All documents are posted on the website in full after they become “official” (Information system), etc.

According to the press service of the ministry, the meeting was attended by the deputy head of the department, Elena Sierra, as well as the main Russian experts in the field of pricing and estimated standardization.

“The old system had its shortcomings, but this does not mean that it did not have its advantages. The Russian Ministry of Construction considers it ineffective to completely abandon old developments that have proven themselves to be positive. At the same time, the need to build a new transparent, understandable and accessible pricing system is obvious to absolutely everyone. Our priority is reliable sources of information and transparent principles,” said Elena Sierra.

The document was prepared by the Ministry of Construction of Russia in close cooperation with the Federal Autonomous Establishment "FCCC" as part of reforming the pricing system for the construction of facilities using budgetary funds. The proposed series of measures is aimed at creating a modern regulatory and methodological framework in the field of pricing and estimate standardization.

The implementation of the concept is planned in three stages, the main of which will take place in 2016. “The main task is to implement the first stage of the information system, which will include monitoring of construction resources. In 2017, we plan to introduce a classifier and codifier into all areas of construction; our state information system will already begin to operate,” said Vladimir Meshkov, director of the Department of Finance, who presented the “400 Days Concept” to experts.

The result of the reform will be the creation of a single coordination center responsible for the implementation of policy in the field of estimate regulation and pricing, on the basis of the Russian Ministry of Construction, as well as the formation of a unified state estimate and regulatory framework and, accordingly, a unified methodological approach to cost calculation. It is also planned to increase the professional level of the expert community through certification of experts in all areas.

Ultimately, the measures taken will lead to a reduction in the implementation time of new technologies and innovations, as well as savings in budget funds allocated for capital investments.

The center of competence of the Ministry of Construction in the field of pricing, being created on the basis of the Federal Autonomous Institution "FCTSS", becomes an expert, organizational, methodological and technical platform for reform, on the basis of which the Ministry of Construction will be able to implement the stated plan within three years. For these purposes, the state allocated 800 million rubles to the center as part of the state assignment.

In his report to the commission, the head of the FAU “FCCC” Sergei Fokin noted: “Pricing reform in construction today is a field for broad discussions, discussions, and sometimes polar opinions are expressed. I hope that in implementing the complex and interesting task facing us all, the newly created team of the FAU “FCCC” with its flagship in the person of the Ministry of Construction will receive the support of the expert and professional community.”

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As part of the pricing reform in construction, the Ministry of Construction is preparing to create a unified state register of estimate standards. It will be an open, unified database; it will have to be used when drawing up estimates for government construction projects. In 2018, the database will be transferred to a new pricing method - based on the resources used.

The department assures that this will minimize corruption and reduce the cost of budget construction. Experts agree with this, provided that the pricing mechanism is transparent.

The Ministry of Construction, as part of the pricing reform in construction - the so-called "400 days" concept - published amendments to the Urban Planning Code, changing the procedure for calculating prices for state-owned buildings.

The amendment of the legislation was caused by the claims of the Accounts Chamber to the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction (FCCP) - formally, the scandal arose due to a multiple increase in the cost of Olympic construction projects and the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Based on its results, President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to prepare a reform of construction pricing.

One of the most important proposals of the “400 days” concept is the transition from the base-index method of calculating the cost of construction (when prices from the estimate base of Soviet times are adjusted every year by a calculation index) to the resource method (multiplying the volume of required resources by their cost).

As the head of the Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men, stated, the transition could be completed by 2018. However, for calculations using the resource method, the Ministry of Construction will need a similar estimated base of construction resources - it is provided for in the bill.

“Pricing today is a completely non-transparent process; companies, contractors and regions use different methods when determining prices,” says Nikolai Nikolaev, head of the ONF “People’s Expertise” center, “the cost of the same work can be different even in the same region.”

Another problem (both for the current and future base) is the lack of objective and reliable information about the cost of resources and methods for its collection and evaluation. Its amendments propose to solve it by assigning responsibility for state policy in the field of pricing in construction to the Ministry of Construction. All data must be updated and collected into a single state register - it includes estimated standards and data on indices of changes in construction costs. Only these can be used for government buildings.

The register will be posted on the website of the Ministry of Construction, which will also monitor prices for resources. However, the same FCTS will develop the estimated standards for the state order (the Ministry of Construction clarifies that it will be based on the results of an open competition), but the department assures that the new procedure “virtually eliminates” the risks of overestimating the estimated cost; it will be calculated based on open data. The project standards themselves must undergo an examination before being included in the register. It will be carried out by Glavgosexpertiza and experts certified by the ministry.

The reform will take three years to complete. The Ministry of Construction will engage in information exchange with SROs and associations of building materials manufacturers, a unified database will be introduced, and in 2018, estimate standards will be regularly updated and transferred to calculation using the resource method.

This “implies a more accurate assessment of the cost of resources, which will lead to budget savings,” the Ministry of Construction promises. Savings estimates have not yet been made there - they can only be given after the system is launched.

The emergence of new amendments will not automatically solve the problem, Nikolai Nikolaev believes, everything will depend on whether the pricing mechanism itself is transparent.

Let us recall that earlier the Ministry of Construction proposed another bill that would limit the appetites of developers “from above”: according to it, the estimated cost of an investment project cannot exceed budgetary allocations for it.

The concept of a new system of pricing and estimated standardization “400 days” of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation was fundamentally approved by industry experts. The discussion took place at a meeting of the Commission for developing methodological recommendations and improving the regulatory framework in the field of technological and price audit of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia on November 25, 2015. The meeting was attended by the deputy head of the department, Elena Sierra, as well as the main Russian experts in the field of pricing and estimated standardization.

“The old system had its drawbacks, but this does not mean that it did not have its merits. The Russian Ministry of Construction considers it ineffective to completely abandon old developments that have proven themselves to be positive. At the same time, the need to build a new, transparent, understandable and accessible pricing system is obvious to absolutely everyone. Our priority is reliable sources of information and transparent principles,” said Elena Sierra.

The document was prepared by the Russian Ministry of Construction as part of reforming the pricing system for the construction of facilities using budget funds. The proposed series of measures is aimed at creating a modern regulatory and methodological framework in the field of pricing and estimate standardization.

The implementation of the concept is planned in three stages, the main of which will take place in 2016. “The main task is to implement the first stage of the information system, which will include monitoring of construction resources. In 2017, we plan to introduce a classifier and codifier into all areas of construction; our state information system will already begin to operate,” said Vladimir Meshkov, director of the Department of Finance, who presented the “400 Days Concept” to experts.

The result of the reform will be the creation of a single coordination center responsible for the implementation of policy in the field of estimate regulation and pricing, on the basis of the Russian Ministry of Construction, as well as the formation of a unified state estimate and regulatory framework and, accordingly, a unified methodological approach to cost calculation. It is planned to increase the professional level of the expert community through certification of experts in all areas.

Ultimately, the measures taken will lead to a reduction in the implementation time of new technologies and innovations, as well as savings in budget funds allocated for capital investments.

Letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2017 No. 10873-ХМ/09

Letter of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2017 No. 10873-ХМ/09 On the advisability of bringing territorial estimate standards into compliance with state estimate standards.

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, in response to an appeal from the FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, reports that the territorial estimate standards expire on September 30, 2017. Until September 30, 2017, territorial estimate standards and prices included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards or approved by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are in effect.

Current methodological documents requiring cancellation!

Current methodological documents requiring cancellation:

  1. Guidelines for the development of enlarged estimate standards for non-production facilities and engineering infrastructure. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated November 16, 2010 No. 497.
  2. Methodology for calculating forecast indices of changes in construction costs. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated August 20, 2009 No. 355.
  3. Guidelines on the procedure for developing state elemental estimate standards for construction, installation, special construction and commissioning works (MDS 81-19.2000). Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 24, 1998 No. 18-40.
  4. Guidelines for the development of state elemental estimate standards for the installation of equipment (MDS 81-26.2001). Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated February 28, 2001 No. 13.
  5. Guidelines for the development of unit prices for construction, installation, special construction and repair and construction work (MDS 81-20.2000). Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 30.
  6. Methodological recommendations for the application of state estimate standards for commissioning works (MDS 81-27.2007). Letter from Rosstroy dated 09/05/2007 No. SK-3253/02.
  7. Instructions for the application of federal unit prices for construction and special construction work (MDS 81-36.2004). Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated October 09, 2003 No. 180.
  8. Instructions for the application of federal unit prices for equipment installation (MDS 81-37.2004). Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 08/09/2002 No. 105.
  9. Instructions for the application of federal unit prices for repair and construction work (MDS 81-38.2004). Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 03/09/2004 No. 37.
  10. Instructions for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning work (MDS 81-40.2006) “Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 01.09.200 No. 160.

Methodological documents that must be excluded from the federal register of estimate standards:

  1. Methodological recommendations for the formation and use of aggregated basic cost indicators (UPBS) for the construction of buildings and structures for industrial purposes (MDS 81-16.2000). Letter of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 12-347.
  2. Methodological recommendations for calculating price indices for construction products for contract construction and installation organizations (MDS 81-14.2000). Letter from the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated November 13, 199 No. VB-26/12-367.

Methodological documents requiring cancellation after the “transition period”:

  1. Guidelines for the development of collections (catalogs) of estimated prices for materials, products, structures and collections of estimated prices for the transportation of goods for the construction and major repairs of buildings and structures (MDS 81-2.99). Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 17, 1999 No. 80.
  2. Guidelines for the development of estimate standards and prices for the operation of construction machinery and vehicles (MDS 81-3.99). Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 17, 1999 No. 81.
  3. Methodological recommendations for determining the amount of funds for wages in contract prices and estimates for construction and wages for workers of construction, installation and repair organizations (MDS 83-1.99). Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 29, 1999 No. 31.

How to calculate estimates for FSIS CA?

Despite the fact that there are only a few weeks left until the launch of the system, there is not much information about it.

Today, only one thing is known for sure: estimates will be compiled using a resource method, and all prices will be taken from the FSIS CA.

Based on this, we can distinguish two main stages of preparation for working with the new system:

1) Preparation of estimators. First of all, the estimator needs to master the resource method of preparing estimates. Experienced specialists will not have any problems, but “young” estimators may have difficulties, because... many rely on the work of estimate programs and do not delve into the specifics of calculating the estimated cost. Courses for estimators, which are regularly held at any training center, will help you understand pricing issues. Please note that after training you will not only be given a certificate of advanced training, but will also be provided with consulting support on cost estimates, but without your own construction experience, you cannot learn how to make resource estimates.

2) Selecting an estimate program. Modern estimate programs greatly simplify the work of the estimator and automate most of the necessary actions. Unfortunately, not every program will allow the estimator to manage all cost items included in the prices, so when choosing an “electronic assistant” it is important to pay attention to the functionality for working with resources and cost items. I recommend paying attention to professional estimate programs in the Samara region: “Estimate”, “Grand Estimate”. They have almost unlimited possibilities for working with prices and their resources. The resource calculation mode is activated with one button, and the cost of resources can be entered, including from FSIS, in automatic mode. These programs have been on the Russian market for more than 15 years.

In the near future, a huge amount of new data will appear both on the methodology for the practical application of the federal pricing system and on the system as a whole. All estimators are waiting for this.

From June 2016 to March 2017, I already talked about global reforms in the field of pricing 400 days planned for 2017, about new methods for applying estimate standards and about the new estimate and regulatory framework GESN-2017, FSNB-2017, but at that time there was no information about another important element - FSIS CA.

Currently, the launch date of the system and the publication date of the monitoring results are known as 09/30/2017, and the system itself is now launched in test mode, so it’s time to understand in more detail what FSIS is and why it is needed.

What is FSIS CS?

FSIS CS— federal state information system for pricing in construction, the main task of which is to monitor the cost of construction resources on a territorial basis for each subject of the Russian Federation. The state monitoring system will increase the accuracy of estimate calculations due to the transition to the resource method of drawing up estimate documentation.

Let me remind you that the country now uses the base-index method of preparing estimates, which uses the outdated estimate and regulatory framework of 2001. This technique is very popular with large corporations in the Russian Federation for investment projects and government contracts. However, starting from 2018, this practice will become a thing of the past, as will the approach to pricing in Russia.

FSIS CS will use a new classifier of construction resources, which consists of almost 69 thousand positions (materials, products, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms) with its own unique code, harmonized with the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity.