Origin, fate and meaning of the name Richard. Famous people named Richard. History of origin and interpretation of the name Richard The meaning of the name Richard is male

Persian. -English -German

A child with increased emotionality, his parents don’t have a moment’s peace from him. He requires intense sensations, especially when he wants to be alone. Good appetite, but sometimes prone to overeating. A very active, unbalanced, playful boy - you need to keep an eye on him, otherwise he will definitely do something. The leader among the boys in the yard, he doesn’t get along with the girls. But at heart he is a good person, he will share the latest. Brave, often gets into trouble, and is prone to minor injuries. At an early age he begins to attend sports clubs, becoming interested in boxing or wrestling.

He studies well, but at school he is often on the list of discipline violators. As a teenager, he dramatically changes his attitude towards girls: he becomes their protector, a loyal friend. Very stubborn, to the point of persistence, never deviates from the intended goal, always fights to the end. He has many friends and is loved and respected by his peers. Patient and enduring when he becomes a young man, he has a strong character and strong will.

Adult Richard strong and courageous. Reliable comrade and companion. Always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Surrounded by colleagues, friends, buddies. Very sociable, finds time for everything. Doesn't know how to refuse help. He is the soul of society. Loves to travel and easily makes new friends. He treats his parents tenderly and always remembers them. Not influenced even by close people;

listens to their opinion, but always reserves the last word. For all his sociability and goodwill, he trusts few people; he always double-checks the facts so as not to get into trouble. He has an analytical mind, quickly grasps the essence of any grandfather, and has a phenomenal memory.

He navigates difficult situations and knows how to choose the only correct solution in a matter of minutes. Doesn't panic, knows how to pull himself together, calm others, and reassure. An ardent defender of the weak, a fighter for justice.

"December" Richard hot, too emotional, which can even lead to unpleasant contacts with law enforcement agencies in his youth. Richard doesn’t like to talk about this episode in his life, and few people know about it. But this turn in fate cannot break his will: he is just as firm, loves people, and does not become angry.

He is careful in choosing his wife and tries to create a strong family. Tied; home, loves children, tries to have a lot of them, usually three or four children are born to him. He treats his daughters tenderly and raises boys with strictness. A good family man, he knows how to provide for his family financially.

Meaning of the name Richard

Origin of the name Richard. Name Richard German, English, Catholic.

Name synonyms Richard. Richard, Richart, Rickard, Richard, Ricardu, Ricardo, Recaredo, Richard, Richardus, Ricker, Raker, Ricard, Rishterd, Richert, Richerch, Ritschert, Ritscherch, Ruishart, Ruisharch.

Short form of the name Richard. Dick, Rich, Richie, Rick, Rikki, Ricardo, Ricard, Yayo, Rico, Chacho, Dino, Dinetto, Riccardetto, Chardo, Ciardino, Ricco, Lynx, Rysek, Rake, Deacon.

Richard- a male name found among many European peoples. It is believed that it originated from the Proto-Germanic language and consists of two parts: “leader, leader” and “mighty, brave.”

In different European countries the name Richard pronounced differently. In Germany the name Richard will sound like Richard (Richart), in England - Ricard, in France - Richard, in Portugal - Ricardo, in Spain - Ricardo, Recaredo, in the Netherlands - Richard, Richardus, Ricker, Reikert, in Denmark - Ricard, in Ireland - Rishterd , in Scotland - Rishert, Risherch, Ritschert, Ritscherch, Ruishart, Ruisharch. The diminutive Dick became an independent name.

At the name Richard there is a female pair name Ricarda (Richard), which is used only in a number of European countries.

In the Orthodox calendar the name Richard not listed. Catholics venerate several saints named Richard(Rickard). For example, Ricard (Ricardo) of Andria, who is the patron saint of the Italian city of Andria, or Richard- Bishop of Chichester.

Richard He is growing up as an emotional and energetic boy. It causes a lot of trouble for parents, and the child likes to be left alone. He needs thrills. His behavior is often unbalanced. He is a leader in a group of boys, but he doesn’t know how to communicate with girls. At the same time, he is very kind and generous. Since childhood Richard enjoys wrestling. The boy's courage often leads him to the need to resolve unpleasant situations.

School subjects are easy for him. But he is often punished for his behavior. Having matured, he easily finds a common language with the opposite sex and protects them when conflicts arise. Characteristic traits of his character include determination, stubbornness and perseverance. He strives to complete any work he starts. Richard always surrounded by friends, respected in the team. Over the years, endurance, fortitude and patience appear in him.

Such a man is a faithful and devoted friend. He always achieves his goal. Always succeeds. He is very sociable and sociable, thanks to which he is always surrounded by friends, acquaintances and work colleagues. Richard ready to help at any time. One of his favorite hobbies is travel.

He loves his parents very much and always tries to listen to their opinions. But still, he always reserves the last word. Richard He trusts few people in life; he double-checks everything. This man has an excellent memory and the ability to quickly get to the heart of any matter.

Richard strives to create a strong family, so she is careful when choosing a life partner. He is a wonderful father and loves his children very much. Able to financially provide for his family.

He knows how not to panic in difficult situations, but to make decisions quickly and correctly. In disputes, he always defends justice and protects the weak.

"Winter" Richard does not always know how to restrain his emotions, is quick-tempered, and sometimes aggressive. This feature can lead to problems with the law. In the event of such a development of events in his life, he remains a peace-loving person with a strong will. He doesn’t let anyone in on his past.

Richard's birthday

Richard celebrates name days on February 7, April 3, April 20, May 1, May 4, May 29, June 9, July 30, August 22, August 30, August 31, November 22, December 1.

Famous people named Richard

  • Richard I Lionheart ((1157 - 1199) English king from the Plantagenet dynasty. Son of King Henry II Plantagenet of England and his wife, Duchess Alienora of Aquitaine. He also had another nickname (not as famous as Lionheart) - Richard Yes-and-No, which meant he could easily be swayed one way or the other. Titles: Duke of Aquitaine (1189 - 1199), Count of Poitiers (1169 - 1189), King of England (1189 - 1199), Duke of Normandy (1189 - 1199), Count of Anjou, Tours and Maine (1189 - 1199.)
  • Captain sir Richard Francis Burton ((1821 - 1890) British traveler, writer, poet, translator, ethnographer, linguist, hypnotist, swordsman and diplomat. He became famous for his explorations of Asia and Africa, as well as for his exceptional knowledge of various languages ​​and cultures. According to some estimates, Burton mastered twenty-nine languages ​​belonging to different language families. Burton's most famous achievements are his journey in disguise to Mecca, the translation of the tales of the Arabian Nights and the Kama Sutra into English, and his journey with John Hanning Speke to East Africa in search of the sources of the Nile. was a prolific writer, from whose pen many works of fiction and articles on geography, ethnography and fencing came out. Burton served in India with the rank of captain in the forces of the British East India Company, and subsequently took part in the British East India Company for a short time. Crimean War. On the initiative of the Royal Geographical Society, he led an expedition to East Africa, during which Lake Tanganyika was discovered. Over the years he served as British consul in Fernando Po, Damascus and Trieste, where he died. He was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and in 1866 became a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG), giving him a knighthood.)
  • Richard Alexander Burns ((1971 - 2005) famous English rally driver, winner of the 2001 World Rally Championship, vice-world rally champion in 1999 and 2000. In 2004, the Richard Burns Rally car simulator was released under his name.)
  • Richard Tiffany Geer ((b. 1949) American actor)
  • Richard Mark Hammond (English TV presenter, best known for TV shows "Top Gear" and "Inside Out")
  • Richard Phillips Feynman (Fineman) ((1918 - 1988) an outstanding American scientist. The main achievements relate to the field of theoretical physics. One of the creators of quantum electrodynamics. In 1943-1945 he was one of the developers of the atomic bomb at Los Alamos. Developed a method of integration along trajectories in quantum mechanics (1948), as well as the so-called method of Feynman diagrams (1949) in quantum field theory, with the help of which it is possible to explain the transformations of elementary particles. He proposed the parton model of the nucleon (1969), the theory of quantized vortices. A reformer of methods of teaching physics. University. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1965, together with S. Tomonaga and J. Schwinger). In addition to the Nobel Prize, Feynman was awarded the Albert Einstein Prize of the Lewis and Rosa Strauss Memorial Foundation (1954), the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Prize in Physics of the Atomic Commission. Energy of the United States of America (1962) and the International Niels Bohr Gold Medal of the Danish Society of Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (1973). In addition to theoretical physics, he was engaged in research in the field of biology.)
  • Richard Matthew Stallman, often abbreviated to rms (by his initials) ((b. 1953) founder of the free software movement, the GNU project, the Free Software Foundation and the League for Programming Freedom. Author of the concept of "copyleft", designed to defend the ideals of the movement; this he later translated the concept, with the help of lawyers, into the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) for the software. Stallman is also a famous programmer.)
  • Ringo Starr ((born 1940) real name - Richard Starkey, British musician, songwriter, actor; known as the drummer of The Beatles)
  • Richard Brooks ((1912 – 1992) real name - Reuben Sachs, American film director, screenwriter, producer, novelist)
  • Richard Garcia (Australian footballer of Spanish origin, winner of the 2011 Asian Cup)
  • Richard Donner Schwartzberg ((b. 1930) is an American film director and film producer; he became famous for directing The Omen and Lethal Weapon, and is best known as the creator of the first modern superhero film, Superman, starring Christopher Reeve. This film had a significant influence on science fiction cinema.)
  • Richard Cunningham ((1793 - 1835) English botanist of Scottish origin)
  • Richard Ingbainegu or Richard Bango (Nigerian professional boxer competing in the super heavyweight category. Silver medalist at the 1992 Summer Olympics. With the start of his professional career, he changed his surname from Igbinegu to Bango.)
  • Richard Lydekker (English naturalist, geologist and author of numerous books on natural history)
  • Richard Lipsey ((born 1928) Canadian economist)
  • Richard Mulcahy (Irish political and military leader)
  • Richard Burgin ((1892 - 1981) American violinist and conductor of Russian origin; husband of violinist Ruth Posselt, father of writers Diana Burgin and Richard Burgin)
  • Sir Richard Arkwright ((1732 - 1792) major English textile industrialist, inventor, owner of numerous patents in the field of spinning, father of Richard Arkwright Jr. Considered the founder of the modern textile industry.)
  • Richard David Bach ((b. 1936) American writer, philosopher and essayist)
  • Richard Adler ((b. 1921) American composer)
  • Richard Avedon ((1923 - 2004) famous American photographer. The series of photographs “The American West” (In the American West) about ordinary Americans - miners, oil workers, the unemployed was created by Avedon in 1979-1984. He traveled to 17 states and 189 cities in the USA. The photo exhibition was criticized for presenting America in an "unattractive way.")
  • Sir Richard Steele ((1672 - 1729) Irish writer, journalist, politician; one of the founders of educational literature in England)
  • Richard John Terrill ((b. 1951) scientist of the Voyager program. Discovered several moons of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Works at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.)
  • Richard Rich is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, assistant director and songwriter, best known for directing The Fox and the Hound and The Black Cauldron for The Walt Disney Company. He also wrote songs for The Small One. and The Fox and the Hound. He worked as a director, producer and screenwriter on the animated series Animated Stories from the New Testament and Animated Stories from the Bible.)
  • Richard Serra ((b. 1939) one of the largest contemporary American sculptors; also worked in the field of cinema and video art)
  • Richard Allayarov ((1927 - 1988) oil worker, drilling master of the Ust-Balyk oil exploration expedition)
  • Richard Gordon ((born 1929) US astronaut)
  • Richard Sheldon ((1878 - 1935) American track and field athlete, champion and bronze medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Moby ((b. 1965) real name - Richard Melville Hall; American DJ, singer, composer and performer. Works in various genres - from electronics to pop music, rock and punk. He is a solo artist; he makes most of his studio recordings himself, and at concerts the musician is accompanied by his rock band.)
  • George Richard Chamberlain (American actor. From 1961 to 1966, he played the main role in the television series "Doctor Kildare", for which he received a Golden Globe Award in 1963. He also starred in such famous television films as "Shogun", "The Thorn Birds" , “Casanova” as the adventurer Giacomo Casanova, “The Bourne Identity,” and also played in several feature films.)
  • Richard Lawrence Millington Synge ((1914 - 1994) English biochemist, member of the Royal Society of London (1950))
  • Richard Lee Petty ((b. 1937) is a famous American driver, seven-time NASCAR champion. Known among his fans as “The King,” driving the iconic car number 43. During his long career (1,189 races), he won 200 races in the series, setting dozens of different records and achievements.)
  • Richard Hovhannisian (Armenian-American historian; research area: history of Armenia and the Middle East)
  • Richard Viktorov ((1929 - 1983) Soviet film director, laureate of the USSR State Prize (1982))
  • Richard Nelson Frye ((b. 1920) American Iranologist, professor emeritus at Harvard University, since 1991 honorary doctor of the Tajik University)
  • Bhakti Chaitanya Swami ((born 1951) pre-monastic name - Raghubhir Dasa, birth name - Richard Naismith; Hindu Krishna religious figure, disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and one of the spiritual leaders of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON))
  • Richard of Saint-Victor ((XII century) mystical theologian, mentioned by Dante Alighieri in the section “Paradise” in the “Divine Comedy”)
  • Richard Wagner ((1813 – 1883) full name - Wilhelm Richard Wagner; German composer, creator of a cycle of operas based on German mythology, playwright (author of the libretto of his operas), musicologist, philosopher, revolutionary. Had a significant influence on European culture of the second half of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, especially modernism. On the other hand, Wagner's mysticism and ideologically charged anti-Semitism influenced early 20th-century German nationalism, including National Socialism, which surrounded his work with a cult, which caused a significant "anti-Wagner" reaction after the collapse of Hitler. mode.)
  • Franz Friedrich Richard Genet (pseudonym - Franz Genet; Austrian composer)
  • Richard Zsigmondy ((1865 - 1929) Austrian-German chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1925 “for establishing the heterogeneous nature of colloidal solutions and for the methods developed in this connection, which are of fundamental importance in modern colloidal chemistry, since all manifestations of organic life ultimately associated with the colloidal environment of protoplasm")
  • Richard Sorge ((1895 – 1944) agent pseudonym - Ramsay; Soviet intelligence officer during the Second World War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1964, posthumously))
  • Richard Strauss ((1864 - 1949) German composer of the late Romantic era, especially famous for his symphonic poems and operas, was also an outstanding conductor)
  • Richard Kruspe (German musician, lead guitarist of the band Rammstein)

Meaning of the name Richard

Rich, strong. “Powerful, “Brave” (German) A child with increased emotionality, his parents have no peace for a moment. Good appetite, but sometimes prone to overeating. A very active, unbalanced, playful boy - he needs an eye and an eye, otherwise he will definitely He will do something. He is a leader among the boys in the yard, does not get along with girls. But at heart he is a good-natured person, he is brave, often gets into unpleasant situations, and is prone to minor injuries. At an early age, he begins to attend sports clubs, being interested in boxing or wrestling. He studies well, but at school he is often on the list of discipline violators. As a teenager, he dramatically changes his attitude towards girls: he becomes their protector, a loyal friend. He is very stubborn, to the point of persistence, never deviates from his intended goal, and always fights to the end. friends, he is loved and respected by his peers. He is patient and resilient when he becomes a young man, has a strong character, a strong will. Adult Richard is a strong and courageous friend. Always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Surrounded by colleagues, friends, buddies. Very sociable, finds time for everything. Doesn't know how to refuse help. He is the soul of society. Loves to travel and easily makes new friends. He treats his parents tenderly and always remembers them. Not influenced even by close people; listens to their opinion, but always reserves the last word. For all his sociability and goodwill, he trusts few people; he always double-checks the facts so as not to get into trouble. He has an analytical mind, quickly grasps the essence of any grandfather, and has a phenomenal memory. He navigates difficult situations and knows how to choose the only correct solution in a matter of minutes. Does not panic, knows how to gather himself, calm others, and reassure. An ardent defender of the weak, a fighter for justice. “December” Richard is hot-tempered, too emotional, which can even lead to unpleasant contacts with law enforcement agencies in his youth. Richard does not like to talk about this episode in his life, and few people know about it. But this turn in fate cannot break his will: he is just as firm, loves people, and does not become angry. He is careful in choosing his wife and tries to create a strong family. He is attached to his home, loves children, tries to have a lot of them, usually he has three or four children. He treats his daughters tenderly and raises boys with strictness. A good family man, he knows how to provide for his family financially.

Numerology of the name Richard

Soul Number: 5.
The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany their entire life journey. The native element of the “fives” is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with the “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 3


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, peridot, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, fallow deer.

The name Richard as a phrase

AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
H Worm
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
D Welcome

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Richard

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
H is a part that feels like an inextricable part of the whole. The daughter clings to her mother, the night clings to the day. "Away" - separating a part from the whole without losing sight of it.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.

The name is Richard, of English origin, meaning “mighty”, “brave”. As a rule, as a child, Richard grows up to be a very active, unbalanced and playful boy, who always needs an eye and an eye. Among boys, he is always a leader and does not get along with girls at all. Also, this boy is very kind, generous and brave. He often gets into unpleasant situations, and is also often subject to minor injuries. At an early age, he begins to attend sports clubs and is interested in boxing or wrestling. Richard studies well, but often likes to violate discipline. In adolescence, he dramatically changes his attitude towards girls: he becomes their protector and loyal friend.

He has many friends and is loved and respected by his peers. An adult Richard becomes a strong and courageous man who acquires a strong will and strong character with age. He is always a reliable friend and companion. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that he is always surrounded by friends and acquaintances. Always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Surrounded by friends, buddies. Very sociable, finds time for everything. He does not know how to refuse help and is always the soul of society. He navigates difficult situations and knows how to choose the only right solution in a matter of minutes. Does not panic, knows how to gather himself, calm others, and reassure. An ardent defender of the weak, a fighter for justice.

Richard was surrounded by loyal friends all his life

For all his sociability and goodwill, this person trusts few people and always double-checks the facts so as not to get into trouble. Also, the bearer of this name has an analytical mind, quickly grasps the essence of any matter and has a phenomenal memory. Richard always treats his parents tenderly and always tries to help them. This person gets married, not too early, but for a very long time looking for his ideal. In marriage, he is always a good family man who always knows how to financially provide for his family. He is always very attached to home, loves children, tries to have a lot of them, usually he has three or four children.

Richard's birthday

  • Name Richard according to zodiac sign: suitable for Libra.
  • Richard's Talisman: peridot.
  • Richard's patron saints: St. Richard.
  • Compatibility of the name Richard: favorable relationships with names: Alina, Anna, Natalya, Olesya.

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Many parents try to give their children unusual names. That is why there is an increase in the popularity of sonorous foreign names. For example, Richard. The meaning of the name largely determines the character, talents and some aspects of the child’s fate.


The origin of the name Richard is related to the Proto-Germanic language. Translated, it means “chief,” “leader,” “brave,” “powerful.” The name is common in many European countries, and is pronounced differently everywhere. So, in Germany they say Richard, in France - Richard, in Spain - Ricardo, in Denmark - Ricard, in Ireland - Rishterd. In the USA, shortened forms of the name are popular - Rick, Ricky.

The Catholic Church venerates several saints with this name. The most popular are Richard of Andria (patron of the Italian city of Andria), as well as Richard Bishop of Chichester.

Main characteristics

The meaning and fate of the name Richard are determined by a number of characteristics. Here are the main ones:

  • Psyche - Closed and overly subjective person. He always looks from his own “bell tower”, without trying to put himself in the place of another person.
  • The will is very strong and unshakable. This sometimes makes a person despotic.
  • Activity - a person has been accustomed to discipline since childhood. In her work she sets clear goals and develops algorithms to achieve them.
  • Intuition is sharp. Richard always listens to his inner voice, which, as a rule, does not deceive him.
  • Intelligence - a sharp analytical mind. However, Man never relies only on his knowledge. Before drawing conclusions, he carefully studies the information.
  • Receptivity is quite strong, but hidden. Richard rarely shows his sensitivity in public.
  • Morality is very high. A person is principled in matters of honor.
  • Sexuality - reaches puberty early, experiences an urgent need for regular sex life. But due to a complete misunderstanding of female psychology, she sometimes behaves in an unacceptable manner.
  • Sociability - has an urgent need for contact with other people. However, Richard does not have natural tact, so communication is sometimes difficult.

Name Astrology

The meaning of the name Richard is inextricably linked with astrology. This science provides the following information about the name:

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus and Libra. For children born under the auspices of this constellation, the name Richard suits them perfectly.
  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • The talisman stone is chrysolite. Richard must have some kind of amulet decorated with this stone.
  • A lucky color is green. It is a must have in Richard's wardrobe. It is also worth adding green accents to the interior.
  • The totem animal is a doe. His images and figurines should always surround Richard.
  • The talisman tree is oak. By leaning against the trunk, Richard can restore inner harmony and cool down his ardor. It is worth having an ordinary acorn with you as a talisman.
  • Favorable day of the week is Friday. It is on this day that you should make important decisions, make plans for the future or make major purchases.

Peculiarities of childhood

The meaning of the name Richard begins to appear in childhood. The boy is characterized by the following traits:

    Energy bordering on hyperactivity. The little fidget gives parents a lot of trouble.

    Increased emotionality and impressionability. Can burst into tears and throw a tantrum at the slightest provocation.

    The desire for solitary time or being close to parents.

    In a company of peers he is an undisputed leader. He always comes up with some kind of games and entertainment so that his friends don’t get bored.

    He is distinguished by exceptional kindness and generosity.

    Courage and fearlessness, which often lead to unpleasant situations.

    Easily copes with studies without resorting to cramming.

Character of an adult man

The meaning of the name Richard largely determines the character traits of an adult man. Here are the key points:

    He is a loyal and devoted friend who will come to the rescue in any situation.

    He never gives up on something he has started and strives with all his might to achieve his goal.

    Striving to always be among people, one cannot live a day without communication.

    Likes to often change the environment and visit new unexplored places.

    He is very attached to his parents and strives to get their approval or ask for advice in everything.

    Distrustful of the words of others, he always double-checks the information received.

    Does not give in to panic in extreme situations.

    The desire to protect the weak.

    He does not know how to restrain his emotions and can be aggressive.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Richard determines the relationship of its owner with the opposite sex. Interestingly, as a child he does not get along very well with girls. But as he grows up, he turns into a real ladies' man and protector. He approaches the choice of a life partner very carefully. He is looking for a wise, calm and romantic woman who can accept his hectic lifestyle and extinguish his emotional outbursts.

It is worth noting that Richard takes a very long time to start a family. After all, finding the ideal woman is not easy, but he is not going to give up his ideal. Once married, Richard strives to become an ideal family man. He makes every effort to provide his family with everything they need. Despite being constantly busy, he tries in every possible way to help his wife with the housework. He raises his children in strictness, but does not forget about his father’s tenderness.


The characteristics of the name Richard leave an imprint on a man’s career. He has an exceptional memory and a sharp analytical mind. Thanks to his habit of finishing what he starts, he almost always achieves his goals. Interestingly, Richard does not strive to work for an idea or the common good. All he is interested in is his own material gain and the possibility of self-realization.

Richard has his own independent opinion on any matter. This often leads to conflicts with superiors and colleagues. That is why Richard does not stay long in some kind of coded and strictly regulated work. The most successful solution for the owner of this name is his own business. He also has every chance to realize himself in medicine or politics.

Famous people named Richard

Many famous people in the world were named Richard. Here are the brightest and most outstanding personalities:

    Richard I the Lionheart was an English king who belonged to the Plantagenet dynasty. Son of King Henry II and Duchess Alienora of Aquitaine.

    Captain Richard Francis Burton - British traveler, ethnographer, diplomat, hypnotist, writer, translator and swordsman. Conducted many high-profile studies in Africa and Asia. Knew 29 languages. Translated the Kama Sutra and the fairy tale "1001 Nights" into English.

    Richard Alexander Burns is an English racing driver who won the World Rally Championship in 2001.

    Richard Phillips Feynman is an American scientist famous for his achievements in the field of physics. This is one of the "fathers" of quantum electrodynamics. During World War II he was part of the atomic bomb development team.

    Richard Gere is a famous American actor. Winner of many film awards, among which the most significant is the Golden Globe. Richard Gere became famous thanks to such famous films as “American Gigolo”, “King David”, “Pretty Woman”, “Sommersby”, “Hachiko” and others.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Richard, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Richard's Zodiac – Libra, Taurus
  • Planet – Venus
  • Color Richard Richard - blue, green
  • Treasured plant - periwinkle
  • Patron name Richard - doe, seal
  • Richard Richard's talisman stone – chrysolite, carnelian
  • Happy Richard Day: Friday

What does the name Richard mean? strong, rich (German, English, Catholic, Orthodox name Richard of Scandinavian origin).

It must be said that the name Richard is found among many peoples. Historians believe that it came from the ancient Germanic language, and when deciphered, the meaning of the name Richard is interpreted as “brave, powerful,” “leader, leader.”

The name Richard is pronounced and spelled differently in European countries. So, in Germany it is Richard, in England it is Ricard, in Portugal it is Ricardo, in France it is Richard, in Spain it is Ricardo, in Ireland it is Rishterd, etc. There is also a female equivalent of the name Richard - Ricarda. It is used only in some European countries.

Richard's Angel Day: Richard's name does not appear in the Orthodox calendar. But Catholics know several saints who bear the name Richard (Ricard). Among them is Ricard Andriyski. This is the patron saint of the Italian city of Andria.

Richard celebrates his birthday on February 7, April 3, 20, May 1, 4, 29, June 9, July 30, August 22, 30, 31, November 22, December 1.

Characteristics of the name Richard

Positive features: Logical, without a thorough study of the situation does not draw conclusions and does not make decisions. Richard is sensitive to defeat. He chooses his friends carefully, but in friendship he reserves the leadership.

Negative features: Choleric, completely in control of his feelings, with a strong will, somewhat despotic. Richard has a cold, analytical mind and a merciless memory.

Character of the name Richard: Name Richard does fairly well in school, but bad behavior results in frequent punishments. Possessing sociability, Richard is able to find a common language with girls without any problems and never suffers from a lack of female attention.

Analyzing the meaning of the name Richard in psychology, among its main traits one can highlight persistence, stubbornness and determination. He strives to complete any business he starts. Richard is respected among the team, as his colleagues and managers are amazed by his ability to work.

Richard and his personal life

Love and marriage: In an effort to create a strong family, a man named Richard is extremely careful in choosing his chosen one. He loves his children very much and proves himself to be an excellent father and husband. The main thing for Richard in marriage is the opportunity to provide for his family financially. And he manages to do this.

The name Richard is distinguished by high morality. He reaches sexual maturity early, is very sexy, but does not understand female psychology. The vulnerable trait is pride. Richard is persistent in life.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Richard is a very active and emotional child. At the same time, he likes to spend time alone. Parents often complain that Richard is completely untrainable. To channel his irrepressible energy into a peaceful direction, it is worth sending Richard to the sports section. For example, he achieves tangible success in wrestling.

The name Richard loves smart, intelligent people. He never works for the sake of an idea, he works only for himself, to achieve his clearly defined goal. Not very diplomatic. Richard brings the work he begins to a victorious end. In the area of ​​health, he is naturally in good health. The weak point of Richard's body is the heart and circulatory system.

Richard's fate in history

What does the name Richard mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Richard I the Lionheart is an English king who came from the Plantagenet dynasty, Duke of Normandy, Count of Poitiers, Count of Anjou, Maine, and Tours.
  2. Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton is a British writer, traveler, linguist, ethnographer, hypnotist, translator, diplomat, fencer. Known for his explorations of Africa and Asia. He spoke 29 languages.
  3. Richard Alexander Burns is an English rally driver, vice world rally champion, and winner of the World Rally Championship.
  4. Richard Tiffany Gere is a famous American actor.
  5. Richard Mark Hammond is an English television presenter.
  6. Richard Phillips Feynman is an American-born scientist who made a number of discoveries in the field of theoretical physics.
  7. Richard Matthew Stallman is the founder of the free software movement, the GNU project, the League for Programming Freedom, and the Free Software Foundation.
  8. Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) – member of The Beatles (drummer).
  9. Richard Brooks is an American producer, screenwriter, novelist, and film director.
  10. Richard Garcia is a football player of Spanish origin.
  11. Richard Donner Schwartzberg is an American producer and film director (films “Lethal Weapon”, “The Omen”).
  12. Richard Ingbainegu (Richard Bango) is a Nigerian boxer who competed in the heavyweight division. He is a silver medalist at the Summer Olympic Games.
  13. Richard Lydekker is an English geologist, naturalist, and author of books on natural history.
  14. Richard Mulcahy is an Irish military and political leader.
  15. Richard Lipsey is an economist from Canada.