How to get car insurance. The procedure for obtaining a compulsory insurance policy. What to show the inspector

Our insurance broker Auto-Service is engaged in issuing compulsory motor liability insurance for regions in Moscow with delivery and without imposing additional services. We know what difficulties car owners face and have already helped more than one hundred drivers, which you can read about in our reviews.

When you try to apply for a compulsory car insurance policy in Moscow for a car registered in another region, you may encounter a refusal or the imposition of additional insurance for health, property, etc. You may be sent for examination, for example to Troitsk, where you need to make an appointment in advance. Thus, insurance companies will do everything to avoid accepting you for insurance. These actions are illegal, below we will look at why you may be denied and how to quickly and without additional costs buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a regional car.

Why are they refusing to issue MTPL for the regions?

1. Imposing additional products

If you contact a branch of an insurance company, they will agree to issue you a policy, but only together with life insurance, home insurance, etc. The central offices of companies prohibit branches from renting out MTPL policies for regional cars without additional sales. This is due to the fact that you are insured according to the regional coefficient, which is much lower than Moscow, and you use the vehicle in Moscow, where the chance of an insured event occurring is higher than in your region with less traffic. In other words, your policy will only bring losses to the insurance company, so they are trying to compensate for this by imposing break-even extras. products.

2. Lack of compulsory insurance policies or failure in the program

Having learned that you want to buy a car insurance policy for a regional car, the employees will inform you that there are no policies available, it seems that they did not refuse, but they did not issue a policy either. One of the most common methods. They may also say that the program does not work. For example, next to our office there is a RESO-Garantiya office, and clients constantly come from there to us, with the words “Their program doesn’t work there...”.

3. Lengthy consideration of the application or sending for inspection

They may agree to issue a policy, but they will ask you to sign up 5-7 days in advance, and after submitting the application they will consider it for another 5-30 days, followed by an inspection of the car. What’s even more interesting is that you will be sent to inspect the car, as far as possible from the treatment office. Most often we receive complaints about being sent for examination to Troitsk. Unfortunately, according to Federal Law 40, this requirement is legal.

4. Lack of opportunity to insure regions

For agents and brokerage companies there is also a ban on issuing regional cars; insurance simply will not accept such a policy, so they would be happy, but alas. In turn, our insurance broker can help you in this situation, more on that at the end.

How to buy compulsory motor insurance for regions in Moscow cheaply?

According to paragraph 8 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ “On compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners,” the MTPL agreement is public, which means that at the first contact with you they must conclude an agreement. According to the law on MTPL Federal Law -40 you have all the rights to, while in Moscow, buy a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a regional car without any problems. All of the above facts of direct or indirect refusal are illegal (except for the 3rd).

What to do in this or that case if you are refused
and what is the fastest and most reliable way to issue an insurance policy for the regions?

1. Contact the central office

It is better to immediately go to the central office of the insurance company, where you are required to issue a policy. Branches often only follow the rules of the central office and are afraid of breaking them and losing their bonus. In case of imposition of additional insurance, write a written refusal in two copies. If you decide to apply at a branch, prepare an additional written request for registration of compulsory motor liability insurance in 2 copies. If there is a further refusal, you can safely go to court, of course, if you have the time and desire.

In the actual absence of compulsory motor liability insurance policies, you have the right to be refused in accordance with Article 426 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since there is no possibility of registration. You are unlikely to prove whether this is true or not.
Unfortunately, after all the efforts, your application for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for a regional car may take up to 30 days to be considered. The insurer can follow the principle and use its right in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. After 5-30 days, you will be invited to issue you a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, and they may also be asked to inspect the car.

2. Agree to OSAGO with imposed additions

If you do not have the time and desire to defend your rights, then agree to an MTPL policy for regions with additional products in the form of health insurance, liability to third parties, home insurance, etc. The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance usually increases by 5,000 - 8,000 rubles. If you wish, you can later terminate the add-on. insurance and return part of the money. The traffic police department has the largest commission, about 8,000 rubles. above the cost of the policy. Drivers need to register their car, which is what local businessmen use. We strongly do not recommend this method.

3. Buy compulsory motor liability insurance for regions in our company

We are pleased to offer you such a service in 2018 and believe that an honest approach to your work will always pay off. We do not impose any additional services, and when applying for compulsory motor liability insurance we always take into account your discount for accident-free driving - KBM. True, insurance companies never pay us for issuing such policies, and coordinating and issuing such a policy takes a long time, which the employee will devote specifically to your execution. That's why we have extra. commission, which we will notify you about in advance. We work with various companies and coordinate your regional policy with the following companies: RESO, INGOSSTRAKH, VSK, NASKO, Renaissance and others. Registration takes from 2 hours to a day. You can calculate the exact cost by calling us by phone.

On July 1, 2015, amendments to the MTPL Law came into force, giving drivers the opportunity to apply for and pay for a MTPL policy online on the websites of insurance companies. From January 1, 2017, the conclusion of electronic MTPL policies is mandatory for insurance companies.
When you register for e-OSAGO, you receive an electronic document by e-mail and in your personal account, which is equivalent to a policy issued “the old fashioned way” in the office.
You can apply for e-OSAGO if: you previously insured this car in the usual way - the data is checked in RSA under the previous policy, you did not insure it at all, or you insured a different car - in this case, you will need to upload scans or photocopies of your documents or documents for vehicles whose data is not available in the RSA system.

  • Is it possible to make changes to the e-MTPL policy?

    Yes. But it all depends on what needs to be changed.
    You can go to your personal account and see the list of available changes. If changes need to be made, but there is no such option online, this means that these changes can only be made in the office.

  • How much can you insure a car for? What risks?

    OSAGO can be insured in any subject of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration of the car, while the territorial coefficient that affects the cost when calculating the price of the policy is determined by the registration of the car owner.

  • What should I do if I am stopped by a traffic police officer?

    Traffic police inspectors check the legitimacy of the electronic MTPL policy through a special service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or using the official website of the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers).
    Information on the procedure for checking electronic OSAGO policies by traffic police officers was communicated to all interested parties by the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, including the regional divisions of the State Traffic Inspectorate by letter dated July 3, 2015 No. 13/12-u-4440.
    To simplify the procedure for checking an electronic OSAGO policy You must carry with you a printed copy of the electronic copy received from the insurance company.
    In any case, the electronic OSAGO policy or its printed copy is equivalent to the original policy in paper format and is accepted by all institutions of the Russian Federation.

  • How to terminate an e-OSAGO agreement?

    The contract is terminated according to the standard procedure in one of our offices.

  • Is an electronic policy cheaper than a paper one?

    The price of the policy does not depend on the registration method. Both options have the same cost, you just can save time on visiting the Ingosstrakh office and issue an MTPL policy at home online.

  • Do I need to change the electronic OSAGO policy to a paper one?

    An electronic document has the same force as a policy on Goznak letterhead. There is no need to obtain a paper copy.
    If you want to have a printed policy form in your hands, you can always contact one of our offices.

  • Will the discount for accident-free driving be taken into account?

    During the registration and settlement process, we automatically check your data through the unified information system of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). If you drove the previous year without an accident, you will receive a discount for accident-free driving. In this case, be sure to check the correctness of the entered information. It happens that a missing letter in the driver’s last name or first name leads to the fact that the discount for accident-free driving will not be applied, since the data in the PCA systems and those transmitted through our website simply do not match.

  • An OSAGO policy is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance agreement that will help the car owner financially protect himself in the event of an accident due to his fault.

    Compensation will be triggered when civil liability occurs as a result of harm to the life, health or property of third parties while driving a car. The maximum limit of liability of the insurer for each case is:

    1. for damage to life and health - four hundred thousand rubles;
    2. for property damage - five hundred thousand rubles.

    In case of an accident with three or more drivers, each victim can claim insurance compensation in the amount of the above limits. It is important to remember that this type of insurance does not cover the costs of restoring the car of the person responsible for the accident. This type of protection is provided by Casco. Insurance can be purchased on paper or electronically.

    Federal Law No. 40 establishes a ban on driving a car without a contract. The penalty for failure to comply with this requirement is:

    1. if the driver does not have car insurance with him - five hundred rubles;
    2. driving during a period not provided for by the contract - five hundred rubles;
    3. driving a vehicle by a driver who is not included in the insurance – five hundred rubles;
    4. lack of a valid insurance policy for the vehicle – eight hundred rubles.

    The policy price is calculated using the base rate and additional adjustment factors. This tariff is set by each insurance company at its own discretion within the range approved by the Central Bank. Adjustment factors are also developed and approved by the Central Bank, but, unlike the basic tariff, they are the same for everyone. The parameters that influence the calculation of the cost of insurance include:

    1. territory of use of the car or region of registration of the owner of the vehicle;
    2. presence/absence of accidents in history;
    3. presence/absence of restrictions;
    4. the number of complete years and experience of driving a car;
    5. number of horsepower;
    6. using a vehicle with a trailer;
    7. period of operation of the vehicle;
    8. contract time.

    What documents are needed for registration?

    To purchase this type of compensation you may need:

    1. identification document of the policyholder;
    2. PTS or STS;
    3. registration of all those admitted to driving (if the contract is drawn up with a list of drivers by name);
    4. a valid diagnostic card (if technical inspection is required by law).

    Today it is not necessary to go to the insurer’s office and apply on a paper form. Issuing an insurance policy electronically has a number of significant advantages:

    1. Simplicity in design. To apply for a policy, you do not need to visit the insurance office - just fill out the form provided. The data specified in the application will be sent to the RSA database for verification, and after verification it will be generated automatically.
    2. Delivery. You won't need to adjust your schedule to meet with the courier or insurance agent. The agreement will be sent to you electronically by email. It will be enough to print it out and always have it with you.
    3. Less risk of fraud. One of the main problems with paper policies is the likelihood that an unscrupulous seller will issue you insurance on a fake form. Unlike a regular form, you buy an electronic policy through the website, and it almost immediately appears in the RCA database.
    4. The policy is always at hand. In case of loss or damage, you will only need to re-print it.

    Despite all the advantages listed, the type of policy - paper or electronic - does not in any way affect the cost of insurance.

    How to insure a car cheaply?

    Since the insurance company can set the base rate at its discretion, the cost of insurance in different companies may vary. Using our calculator, you can not only choose the best offer at the lowest price, but also save time - apply through our website.

    Advantages of registration through our website

    1. Opportunity to find out the cost of the largest companies at competitive prices. You can save a lot.
    2. To purchase insurance, you do not need to go anywhere - just fill out an application for the selected offer. Delivery is free in some regions.
    3. On our website you can purchase an electronic policy. At the same time, you will not have to fill out the same type of forms several times on the websites of different insurers. The application filled out on our website will be sent simultaneously to several companies, all you have to do is choose the offer you like.
    4. We guarantee the authenticity of insurance purchased through our service.

    How to apply for a policy on our website?

    1. make, model, year of manufacture and modification of the vehicle;
    2. period and start date of insurance;
    3. region of registration and actual residence of the owner;
    4. information about the owners.

    When calculating the cost, you may not fill out all the fields, but in this case the calculation will not be accurate, without taking into account the bonus-malus coefficient, which, depending on the driver’s insurance history, can range from 0.5 to 2.45. If you want to make insurance without restrictions on the number of persons allowed to drive a vehicle, then to calculate the CBM you must indicate the passport details of the owner and the VIN of the car.

    We work only with trusted partners, so no matter which company you choose, we guarantee its authenticity.

    Car insurance legislation changes regularly. Car owners need to monitor these changes. Incorrectly issued insurance makes the policy invalid.
    This means not only wasted money for purchasing a policy, but also in the event of an accident it can lead to unaffordable costs for the restoration of property and health.

    General provisions

    Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

    It's fast and FOR FREE!

    The legislation provides a short grace period of 10 days when driving a new car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is allowed.

    After this, the traffic police inspector, having decided to check the documents of the driver of the car, will demand to present the insurance policy.

    If it is absent, the driver will be issued a fine. The presence of a voluntary policy is not subject to verification.

    What it is

    The insured can be not only the owner, but also another person. The policyholder's function is to negotiate with the insurance company and pay a fee for issuing an insurance policy.

    The contract specifies:

    • type of insurance;
    • compensation amounts;
    • conditions for its payment in the event of an accident.

    It seems convenient to purchase an electronic car policy online in 2020 on the State Services website.

    To do this, you must first register. Then create an account - simplified, standard or verified.

    To issue a car insurance policy, a simplified entry is sufficient. It is identical to the signature when registering on the insurance company’s website.

    A simplified entry allows the policyholder to log into his personal account located on the State Services website.

    In your personal account you can see information about insurance policies, traffic police fines, tax debts and the like.

    After registration, the electronic policy process begins:

    Indicators Description
    Authorization indicate login and password
    Login to section "Services"
    Selecting a subsection "Transport and Driving"
    A list of insurance companies will open when you press the “Electronic Insurance” button
    Select an insurance company the one with which transactions have already been made, or any other
    The State Services program will transfer to the website of the selected insurer
    Application is being filled out
    The correctness of the entered data is checked
    If there are no errors, you will be moved to the page where the amount of the policy cost is indicated
    Payment can be made using a bank card
    Information about the completed registration of the policy is sent to the RSA and traffic police databases after payment is accepted
    The policyholder will receive an electronic policy to the email they provided

    In addition to the policy, you will receive - a memo to the policy owner and insurance rules.

    What are the conditions?

    The appearance of the electronic policy differs from the paper one in the inscription at the top: for the paper one - “Insurance Policy”, for the electronic one - “Electronic Insurance Policy”.

    On the left is the name of the insurance company. On the right is information about the duration of the contract.

    The statuses of electronic and paper policies are identical.

    The main advantage of registering a car online is saving time. When visiting the office of an insurance company to purchase a car policy, you have to stand in line.

    An insurance company employee is forced to deal with each visitor for quite a long time, since it is necessary to carefully check the presence of all necessary documents and correctly enter data into the paper form.

    If errors are found, the form, which is a document of strict reporting, must be reprinted, since corrections in it are unacceptable.

    It may turn out that the required document is missing. The visit to the insurance company will have to be repeated, which, in addition to additional loss of time, is not always convenient, because... The insurance company's business hours often coincide with the policyholder's business hours.

    These difficulties are avoided when you take out a car policy online.

    Registration can be done at a time convenient for the policyholder. This does not depend on the insurance company's opening hours, weekends and holidays.

    When entering data, if an error is detected, you can easily correct it and enter reliable information. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

    You should understand how the electronic policy is checked. When a traffic police inspector asks to present an MTPL insurance policy, if the policy is paper, the driver simply hands it over. What can you show to the inspector if an electronic form of the policy is issued?

    The explanatory letter, which all traffic police employees were familiar with, indicates how to check the availability of an electronic policy.

    To do this, you need to use the IMTS service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the RSA website, where all issued policies are available in the database.

    If you need to make changes to an electronic policy or terminate a contract with an insurance company, you will not be able to do this via the Internet.

    A personal visit to the insurance company office is required.

    The validity of an electronic policy can also be renewed online. You should not wait until the last deadline so that there is no interruption.

    But an extension can be made no earlier than 60 days before the expiration of the previous one.

    If you purchase an MTPL policy for the first time, you can only issue it in paper form.

    The main requirement is to provide reliable information. If there are errors or incorrectly entered data, the policy will become invalid.

    In the electronic policy form, if an error is detected, it will be enough to remove the old data and enter reliable data.

    Rating of companies

    Every year there are changes in the field of insurance that relate to car insurance. Insurance companies change their conditions according to changes in legislation.

    The situation in the company may also change - perhaps it will be assigned a lower reliability rating or it will go bankrupt.

    Vehicle owners conducting a transaction for the first time or already having experience need to study the current situation.

    The choice of a company should be made depending on its reliability.

    The most reliable companies are assigned an "A" value. It has three subclasses, where the highest is “A++”. Conferring this class signifies past merit and good prospects.

    Algorithm of actions

    To purchase a car policy online, go to the official website of the insurance company. Calculate the cost of insurance using a calculator.

    Go to the “Electronic Insurance” service. Following the program's instructions, enter the required information.

    After checking the entered data, pay the cost of the car policy. Receive the policy by email.

    What documents will be required?

    To issue a policy in 2020, the following documents are considered mandatory:

    Indicators Description
    it must be completed on a standard form
    Vehicle owner identification card most often this is a passport
    Passport details of the car insurer if it's another person
    Vehicle registration certificate
    Passport for the car
    its validity period must not have expired. According to the 2020 rules, cars of category B, the age of which does not exceed 3 years, do not need to undergo technical inspection
    Driver's licenses If a policy is issued for a limited number of drivers, then information about all drivers must be indicated. When taking out a policy without restrictions, only the rights of the car owner are indicated
    If extension is carried out then provide information about the previous policy

    When registering a car for a legal entity, the list of required documents is supplemented with the following:

    All specified documents are attached to the application.

    Step-by-step instruction

    The registration procedure begins with registration on the insurance company’s website. After logging into your personal account, you should submit an application of intent to issue a car policy.

    The application must indicate:

    1. Name of the insurance company.
    2. Full name of the owner and place of registration.
    3. Full name of the car insured, if it is another person.
    4. The period for which the policy is issued.
    5. Vehicle registration number.
    6. Make and modification of the car.
    7. The year of its manufacture.
    8. Car engine power.
    9. Availability of a trailer.
    10. Vehicle registration document.
    11. Availability and number of diagnostic card.
    12. Personal contact details.

    The application should be sent by email to the insurance company.

    How much will it cost

    The price of an MTPL policy for a car depends on the owner of the car, the make and modification, and the number of registered drivers.

    The base rate accepted by the insurance company is taken as a basis and multiplied by correction factors.

    Whether the coefficients will increase or decrease the final cost depends on the place of registration of the owner, the engine power of the car, the presence of drivers included in the policy or registration without restrictions.

    The cost is affected by the driver’s age and driving experience. A significant role is played by driving without an accident due to the driver’s fault over the past period.

    You can find out the value of the Bonus-malus coefficient yourself by going to the RSA website.

    The cost of a CASCO policy is determined by each insurance company independently.

    How is it paid?

    After entering the data when applying for a car policy and checking its accuracy, the insurance company sends the policy price to the policyholder.

    If the policyholder has no objections, then online payment for car insurance can be made from a VISA or MasterCard bank card, using electronic wallets.

    Confirmation of payment and a receipt will be sent to the policyholder by email.

    Video: electronic MTPL on your own skin

    Important aspects

    When the owner is registered in one place, and the car is used in another, the territorial coefficient is applied based on the place of registration of the owner of the car.

    The driver's length of service is counted from the time the driver's license is issued. If the driver's license has been replaced, the date of issue of the first license should be indicated.

    The values ​​for age and driving experience indicate those that exist at the time of registration. If there is a change, no recalculation is performed.

    If problems arise, you need to go to the RSA website and complete the registration process there.

    What is regulated

    Basis of the legislative framework:

    Some of the main laws on compulsory MTPL insurance are:

    Number Description
    No. 40-FZ
    No. 49-FZ

    Insurance companies set their own rules for insurance under a CASCO policy.

    Responsibility for operating a car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is indicated.

    The practice of issuing an insurance policy via the Internet has existed for many years.

    The advantages of this method allow it to become increasingly popular among car owners.

    APPLICATIONS AND CALLS ARE ACCEPTED 24/7 and 7 days a week.

    Buying a car is accompanied by a number of procedures that need to be done. These include the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement (donation, inheritance, etc.), car insurance, and registration with the traffic police MREO. Moreover, you need to go through all this in exactly the order listed, otherwise at the next stage you will be sent to the missed point.

    Let's take a closer look at what motor insurance is and everything connected with it.

    Insurance rules

    It is a mandatory procedure in our country. An insurance policy must be obtained for all types of vehicles. The only exceptions are vehicles that, due to technical features, do not move at a speed above 20 km/h, belong to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, or are not approved for operation at all.

    If necessary, you can insure your car in another region, i.e. not at your place of registration. In this case, it is advisable to simply choose a company or representative office that is available in the region where you will constantly use the car in the next year (or another policy period).

    The lack of insurance in the first 10 days after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement does not threaten, in principle, anything other than a warning from the traffic police officer, since these 10 days are the period for obtaining all the necessary documents. But since car insurance is required, you can get a fine for failure to comply with the requirements when stopped by law enforcement officers. It will amount to 800 rubles. And this will continue until the insurance policy is issued.

    Where can I insure my car?

    Car insurance is issued at the branch of any specialized company that is engaged in this type of activity. There are now a huge number of such organizations, but it is better to choose well-known and proven ones, so that if an insured event occurs, you will not be left without anything. The most famous among them: Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh, Intach, Renaissance, etc.

    What documents are needed

    Car insurance is available under any program. The selected insurance company requires the following documents:

    1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
    2. Driver's license.
    3. Diagnostic card with current technical inspection data.
    4. Purchase and sale agreement (donation, etc.).
    5. Power of attorney (if you are insuring a car that is not registered in your name).

    Insurance options

    Car insurance exists in 2 options: OSAGO and CASCO. When purchasing a car (new) from a car dealer, insurance must be taken out in the form of CASCO. You can choose to register for used cars.

    At the same time, the CASCO policy has several varieties, which are called differently by different companies. For example, miniCASCO - protection only against road accidents, payment of part of the amount, and the rest is paid in case of an insured event.

    OSAGO insurance

    The simplest and cheapest insurance option. OSAGO protects the car only in the event of an accident (OSAGO does not protect against theft, damage and the like, contrary to various opinions, and the insurer will not pay you anything).

    Nowadays on every corner you can see the inscription “MTPL auto insurance”. Rosgosstrakh and other well-known companies that have been operating in the market for a long time, as well as a large number of lawyers, do not recommend contacting small firms. It’s better to take out a more expensive insurance policy, but if something happens, you’ll definitely get your money.

    CASCO insurance

    CASCO is protection against theft or damage, providing for the liability of the insurance company in the event of theft or damage to the car and payment of losses.

    Insured events for which CASCO is valid:

    • Collision with another vehicle.
    • Hitting objects and animals.
    • Car overturning as a result of an accident.
    • Damage to the vehicle by objects falling on it, including trees, branches, snow or ice in winter, and cargo during loading and unloading operations.
    • Throwing objects from under the wheels of another vehicle moving next to yours, which led to damage to parts of the vehicle or an accident.
    • Immersion in water due to flooding, road failure, accidental descent into water, or falling through ice.
    • Fire, explosion.
    • Intentional or unintentional damage or destruction of a vehicle, theft by third parties.

    CASCO car insurance does not cover the following situations:

    • Damage to a vehicle while being driven by a third party (without a license, not included in the policy, while intoxicated).
    • Driving while intoxicated.
    • Damage to discs, paintwork, etc. (if this does not affect the operation of other parts of the car).
    • Theft of wheels or license plates (if their theft occurred without causing damage to the car).
    • Theft of a car radio (provided that the radio panel was left in the car).

    Insurance policy cost

    The cost of insurance depends on several elements:

    • Vehicle power in l/s.
    • The age and driving experience of the car owner (for people over 21 years old and with more than 3 years of experience, insurance is cheaper than for 20-year-olds with 1 year of experience).
    • The number of possible drivers (here it is worth considering that it will be cheaper to do than to include 3 people in the policy).
    • Region of insurance (in central regions it often costs more than in more remote regions).
    • Accident-free driving (if you do not get into accidents at all, then your policy will cost less than that of those who constantly, through their own fault or not, become involved in an accident).
    • Seasonality (registering for one or 2 seasons, and then renewing it will be more expensive than registration for the whole year at once).

    How is compensation for damage made?

    In order to receive monetary compensation, you need to contact the insurance company that issued the policy no later than 14 days after the insured event.

    In this case, 2 scenarios are possible: repairs at a service station under insurance from the insurer (the service station also has an agreement on the provision of car repair services). There are both positive and negative sides here. The advantage is that the owner does not have to look for a repair shop himself. But repairs may take a long time, the car may not be returned for a long time, and it may be made even worse than it was. Therefore, it is better to get the insurance company to pay you in cash.

    If an insured event occurs, you must provide the following documents to the insurance company:

    • Insurance contract (original);
    • Driver's license (copy);
    • Vehicle registration certificate;
    • Documents from the traffic police or other structures confirming the fact of the incident (originals);
    • The original or a copy of the work report indicating the list of parts and components that were replaced, materials and the amount paid for them, original invoices and documents that confirm the fact of payment for all of the above, if necessary.

    If you have CASCO car insurance, you must also provide the following documents:

    • The original paid invoice, if any.
    • If your vehicle is damaged or cannot be repaired due to natural disasters, you will need documentation from a federal environmental agency.
    • Also, the insurance company may require a resolution to suspend the investigation or terminate the criminal case, a copy of the indictment, as well as the results of a medical examination, if one is carried out.