Characteristics of Aquarius men and women in the year of the ox. Characteristics of the Aquarius Bull man: what is he like and what are his features?

Henry VII Tudor became king of England after defeating a rival claimant to the throne in battle. The War of the Scarlet and White Roses ended with the victory of the scarlet color, the establishment of the Tudor dynasty and absolutism. Historians consider Henry a mysterious figure. He combined peacefulness and success in the military field, authority and tolerance, piety and suspicion, isolation and free-thinking. Well, why not Aquarius-Ox?!

Now let’s note several of the most important qualities of representatives of this astrological type. Aquarius-Oxen are the pillars of society and revolutionaries, “wedding” and just generals, they manage to get along with people, lead them and obey: the King of the Netherlands by Bill P1; admiral, creator of the artillery regulations of the English fleet John Fisher; general, minister of war, creator of the Maginot Line Andre Maginot; Admiral, hero of the defense of Port Arthur Ivan Grigorovich; revolutionary, leader of the Paris Commune Louis Blanqui; Commissioner of the Latvian Riflemen Karl Peterson; Nazi, head of the Hitler Jugend Arthur Axman and many others.

Aquarius-Oxen are excellent comedy actors. The roles of heroes and lovers, rebels and adventurers, rogues of all stripes and fighters for the ideals of justice are up to them. There are a countless number of actors in this team. Newman and Gable have already been mentioned, now let’s list others: Nikolai Eremenko Jr. (“Pirates of the 20th Century,” “Squadron of Flying Hussars”), Nikolai Mordvinov (“Kotovsky”), Oscar winner Jack Lemmon (“The Apartment,” “ Only Girls in Jazz"), comedian, show host and big darling Benny Hill. Among the directors is the famous Oscar winner John Schlesinger (“Midnight Cowboy”).

Aquarius-Oxen are naturalists and zoologists by nature and physiologists of reflexes by thinking. This is confirmed by the presence of the zoologist-traveler and the director

Zoo Alfred Brehm (“Animal Life”); physicist and physiologist Allesandro Volta, who studied reflexes on frogs (he is the founder of the doctrine of electricity, after whom the unit of electrical voltage is named); Jan Swammerdam - physiologist who discovered red blood cells; Henry Stanley - explorer of African geography and wildlife; even the producer and so on Konstantin Ernst is a biologist by training.

Aquarius-Oxen do not shy away from a sports career. Here it is worth highlighting the great hockey player Wayne Gretzky and football player Evgeniy Lovchev. Aquarius, even in the guise of the Bull, remains a rationalizer and inventor, although in this combination there are not enough stars from the sky: Andre-Jacques Garnerin - the creator of the first parachutes; John Horsley - inventor of Christmas cards; René Lennec is the inventor of the stethoscope.

Let us mention several more representatives of this team, the range of occupations among them is unusually large: the saint, Patriarch of All Rus' Tikhon; writer Giovanni Boccaccio (“Decameron”); founder of sociology Pitirim Sorokin (“Forms of Government”); historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, chess player and champion Boris Spassky, political commentator Valentin Zorin, minimalist composer Philip Glas, artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, poet, writer, revolutionary, national hero of Cuba Jose Marti, artist, author of more than 300 portraits of heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 George Dow , leader of the Chizh and Company group Sergei Chigrakov.

Aquarius-Ox woman horoscope

Women of this group are freedom-loving, but idealistic, stubborn, but without prejudice, drawn to classical images and life stories, but in life everything turns out the other way around. It's hard to know what they're good at and what they're even better at.

Vanessa Redgrave is a famous actress. In the theater she played Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth and Cleopatra, Chekhov's Olga in Three Sisters, and in the cinema she won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the film Julia. Redgrave is an active left-wing politician, a woman of radical and feminist beliefs. She extends her passions to her personal life: she never entered into an official marriage, and kicked the father of her child, Franco Nero, out of the house.

Nastassya Kinski professes the image of a “fatal woman” in cinema, which she embodies in many films: (“Paris-Texas”), She starred a lot in film adaptations of Russian classics (“Humiliated and Insulted”), has open views on family life and marriage . Kinski is the wife of an Arab sheikh or prince named Ibrahim. This “progressive” person began her career in cinema with porn films, and only then turned to highly spiritual film production.

Crowned persons: Queen Anne Stuart of England, Holy Roman Empress Mary of Burgundy, Princess Matilda of Belgium. Athletes: runner Katie Freeman, volleyball player Natalya Morozova. Actresses: Irina Muravyova (“Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “Carnival”, “The Most Charming and Attractive”), Lydia Knyazeva, Irina Malysheva. Finally, pop singer, TV show host, Edita Piekha’s daughter Ilona Bronevitskaya.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The Aquarius-Ox sign includes people born from January 21 to February 19 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

Aquarius, born with mental acuity, love and the ability to actively relax, including traveling. Playing sports can be a way to realize your ambitions.

The Ox born under the sign of Aquarius is much more flexible and loyal than other Oxes. He has many friends and easily wins over people, capturing their feelings and moods, and shows care and attention to everyone. This is a strong personality who knows how to control his power thanks to the influence of Aquarius. From the outside, Aquarius-Ox seems overly strict and dry, but inside he always remains soft and intelligent. This person is always full of the most amazing ideas, and since he is charming and has many contacts, many of his ideas are supported and even come true.

Aquarius-Ox has extraordinary abilities, wit and originality. He knows how to achieve his goals, although not always as quickly as he would like. The main advantage of the Aquarius-Ox sign is its versatility. The same physical strength and psychological vigilance are noted. Reliable and cheerful, they can adapt to any life situation.

Aquarius–Ox characteristics

The external data of a person born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Ox is quite deceptive. In appearance, he is a strict and intelligent person, at first glance incapable of crazy actions, but this is only a mask. He likes to make surprises and appear before people in an unexpected way and with an unexpected offer.

The Ox-Aquarius combination gives a person activity and sparkle. Therefore, strong emotions, various events, adventures and extreme sports are always with him. Aquarius-Ox is a rather creative and interesting person, and he chooses friends to match himself, who are also creative and unbalanced. The Aquarius-Ox horoscope indicates that this person is dependent on society and needs it. Perhaps this is why he loves to receive guests and spend a lot of time among people. He deserves the respect of others thanks to his subtle mind and charm and, like a sponge, absorbs useful and necessary information from them.

Aquarius-Ox is a very unusual person. He has an unconventional mind, and his speech is witty and has original turns. He is a subtle psychologist who can easily find a common language with different people, is intuitive and knows how to infect others with his ideas. He has good self-control, but sometimes he can forget about the interests and hobbies of others and talk only about himself.

The Aquarius-Ox sign is characterized by the ability to work hard and for a long time in many areas, showing endurance at the highest level. For such a person, there is no work that he would not complete efficiently and on time. Perseverance allows him to act intelligently and quickly in any situation.

Born in the year of the Ox, and high moral qualities. His interests are much higher than material values ​​and he engages in earthly affairs only out of necessity. He wants to create and develop himself, while satisfying the need for spiritual development. He is romantic and open to everything unusual. But it is worth noting that this is where a serious contradiction arises between the aspirations for high goals and the passion for order. Aquarius-Ox has difficulty accepting change. If he learns to be calmer about the fact that plans can change or their implementation is postponed, then he will have more opportunities to satisfy his spiritual needs.

Thanks to his unusual perception of the world, Aquarius-Ox can easily master any creative profession. Particularly attractive to him will be: organizing projects and evenings, screenwriter or writer.

In his personal life, Aquarius-Ox is no less original. Relationships with him will always be full of romanticism and pleasant surprises. But not every person will be able to feel the love of the Aquarius-Ox sign. He easily attracts the attention of the opposite sex, intriguing their attention, but he himself can only fall in love with an equally interesting and original person. He gives a lot to his partner, but also demands a lot from him. Love, in his opinion, should inspire and move forward.

Due to the difficulty of choosing the right life partner, Aquarius-Ox can often change partners. The internal expectations of the holiday move him to search for a person close in spirit. But when he meets a soul mate, thanks to his flexibility, he can become an almost ideal partner.

Aquarius - Ox woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Ox is extraordinary, ambitious, active and cheerful. She loves to be the center of attention, but not due to her bright appearance or outfits, but due to her high performance. For her, it is important to surprise people with the results of her work, and not with beauty and clothes. At the same time, the Aquarius-Ox woman is very charming and knows how to establish contacts with different people, find compromises and come to a solution that suits everyone. She can't sit in the shade. An interesting life, full of adventures, events and emotions, is important to her, and to add spice to life, she strives to try everything, including extreme sports.

Born in the year of the Ox, any business. Of course, this does not guarantee success, but it is important for her to have a clear plan of action. Since her youth, she has been planning a career and working on a plan of action. Determination is in her blood. She performs all work efficiently, responsibly and on time. Colleagues consider her a good specialist, but such an active position, the desire to be the best, is not always appreciated in the team and they perceive her as an “upstart”. At the same time, it is important for her not only to achieve financial well-being or become successful, but also to receive moral satisfaction.

In love, the Aquarius-Ox woman strives to receive a lot of emotions and pleasure, wants to feel immensely loved and desired and is even more original than in the business sphere. In men, she values, above all, hard work and reliability. It is difficult for her to find a suitable partner, since her requirements for the opposite sex are contradictory. On the one hand, she needs a business man, and on the other, she is looking for an extraordinary personality, free from the dogmas accepted in society. As a result, love relationships turn out to be a difficult area for her. She is used to applying logic in everything, but in the sphere of feelings this does not work. In addition, the Aquarius-Ox woman strives to plan the development of relationships, which is naturally difficult to do.

In a family union with her, reliability, care and attention are guaranteed, but she can often try to express her unfulfilled ambitions through children.

The Aquarius-Ox woman becomes happier in marriage at a more mature age. At this time, she has already formed a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family and understands how to build harmonious relationships. In addition, by this time, as a rule, she already has a career, the financial side of her life is in order, and she can devote herself entirely to her family.

To be happier, the Aquarius-Ox woman should at least sometimes live with her heart and not with her mind. Too strict planning of affairs, and even more so of personal relationships, leads to disappointment. But with close people you need to be simpler and not demand the impossible from them.

Aquarius - Ox man

A man born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the Ox is always young, both in soul and body. He is dexterous, smart and insightful, so he rarely finds himself in difficult situations. He always has a goal in life, is persistent and hardworking, and achieves his goals by adulthood. The Aquarius-Ox man is interesting in appearance, has good manners, although sometimes he can get carried away and start talking about things that are interesting only to him.

Those born in the year of the Ox may exhibit opposite qualities when communicating with different people. With colleagues and acquaintances he demonstrates an evenness and simplicity of character, but at home he is a dreamer, a tyrant and a unique manipulator. At the same time, both roles are natural for him and he easily and imperceptibly switches from one to the other. This is a rather complex type, and first of all - for himself. Despite his outward simplicity, he is quite original in life. It is impossible to impose anything on him, but you can come to an agreement with him.

Thanks to his boundless imagination, the Aquarius-Ox man can achieve success in creative professions, become a successful director, screenwriter or writer. He is quite interested in the financial side. He strives for well-being, but does not always get everything at once. You need to be patient and reduce your impulsiveness, which also leads to difficulties. Both the financial sphere and the career of the Aquarius-Ox man have a zigzag appearance.

The personal life of a man born with the Aquarius-Ox combination is very diverse. This is not the ideal of a monogamous man and at a young age he is content with fleeting novels. He easily gives himself over to new emotions, sensations and feelings, commits crazy things first for the sake of one “beloved” girl, and then for the sake of another. For him, a love relationship is his own element, in which he will not miss the opportunity to realize his acting abilities and show his imagination.

But at a more mature age, the family for the Aquarius-Ox man comes to the fore, and if he decides to start a family, then it is unlikely that anything will interfere with him. By this time, he has already prepared a scenario for family life, and he calmly implements it.

Character of Oxen-Aquarius women: These women are distinguished by their regularity and planning of any business. This does not always lead them to success, but they simply need to have a clear plan in everything. Personally, these two characteristics give them the image of boring women, but this does not bother them at all. They generally do not pay attention to the opinions of others, trying to simply be themselves. For them, this is not a luxury, but a lifestyle.

Above all, they value quality and reliability. When building personal relationships of any kind, they adhere to these two main qualities. Determination is in their blood; they never try to make compromises, they only follow their plans. These women always know at what period of life they should start business, since they perfectly calculate their strengths and capabilities.

Oxen - Aquarius women in love and relationships: Love relationships are too complicated for these women. They are accustomed to applying logic to everything, but in the sphere of feelings they cannot do this. As a result, they become lost under a barrage of feelings. However, this is only the beginning, then they all find a basis for this feeling and again become calm and can plan their personal lives. Their distinctive feature is that they try to plan the development of relationships.

Oxen - Aquarius women in finance and career: They plan their careers and build strategies from their youth. This is a positive quality, since by maturity they receive all the privileges. In particular, this is a good position or your own business. On the path to success they will have to overcome many difficulties, but this does not stop them. They need not only to achieve financial well-being, but also to simply become successful and gain satisfaction. Usually they manage to achieve everything they set out to do.

Oxen - Aquarius women in family and marriage: The family relationships of these women will be happy provided that the relationship is built in maturity. During this period, they have a clear idea of ​​the family and understand how to build harmonious relationships. They can also devote more time to their family, since their career has already been made or the financial side of their life is in order. Attention, care and reliability are guaranteed in an alliance with these people.

Advice for Oxen-Aquarius women: These women are advised to at least sometimes live with their hearts, since planning any action too strictly can lead to disappointment. You need to treat yourself more gently, control your actions less, and not criticize yourself every minute. You need to be content with yourself, with your qualities, since they are very positive. In relationships with loved ones, you should be simpler, not demand the impossible from them, so that the relationship is pleasant and trusting.

This Bull deals with earthly affairs only out of necessity. His interests are much higher than material things. He is romantic and open to everything unusual or simply new. There is one problem here - a serious contradiction between the aspirations for high goals and the passion for order. If the Aquarius Bull learns to be calmer about the fact that plans can sometimes change or their implementation be postponed, then he will have more opportunities to satisfy his spiritual needs.

The Aquarius Bull man is always full of the most amazing ideas, and since he is charming and loves to communicate with different people (and people, it must be said, are happy to communicate with the Aquarius Bull), many of his ideas are supported and even come true! The Aquarius Bull is intuitive and masterfully infects people with his ideas - he is a subtle psychologist! People, without realizing it themselves, show a desire to participate in some kind of joint project.

Character of the Ox-Aquarius

In general, this person is very unusual. His mind is unconventional, his speech is witty and has original turns. It should be noted that for all its strangeness, the Aquarius Ox is very practical, knows what it wants and knows how to achieve its goals. He's just fun to deal with!

In love relationships, the Ox-Aquarius is also original. He is hardly interested in physical relationships. He is looking for something that will inspire him to have sex and love, by the way, too. He needs energy to turn it into creativity. We can say this: sex and love in themselves, in the understanding of the average person, are not needed by him. Everything that hovers around sex and love is important to him - sensations, anticipation, images. Love should inspire and move forward. Something like this!

If we are talking about oddities, then all these internal expectations of the holiday move the Aquarius Bull to search for a congenial love partner. Maybe because of the difficulty of making the right choice, these people change lovers so often.

Ox Aquarius Man

The Aquarius man is a charming big child whose life is filled with change and movement. He is easy-going, sociable and very inquisitive. His last quality extends to everything that surrounds him - he is interested in new people, events and knowledge. This also applies to women - in order to please an Aquarius Man, a woman must first of all be interesting to him. Catching Aquarius in your net is not easy - a woman will have to act wisely and carefully, since he reacts very painfully to the word “marriage”. It’s not that he was completely against it, no - Aquarians ultimately make excellent fathers and good husbands. But he will delay the decisive moment for as long as possible.

The Aquarius man is always loved by those around him - men and women, children and dogs adore him. He is very friendly and always ready to help. But this outwardly such an easy sign, in fact, will not let everyone into its soul. He values ​​the concept of friendship very much, and even in his future wife he looks first of all for an understanding friend. Even the thoroughness and down-to-earthness of the Ox is unable to restrain the flight of the soul of Aquarius. He remains just as sociable and attractive to others, constantly generates a lot of ideas - productive and not very productive, his projects captivate those around him - after all, the Aquarius Bull is always very convincing. Unlike other Aquarius, the Aquarius Bull is more reserved in appearance, although inside he still has the same big child who loves life.

Ox Aquarius Woman

The Ox-Aquarius woman is a nature capable of directing her extravagance to solving current affairs - curious, isn’t it? Ladies of other sign combinations are rarely forgiven for much of what is permissible to the Aquarius Ox woman. The whole point, of course, is not only in the charm of such a woman, but also in the ability to establish contacts, find compromises, while rooting for a common cause and not looking for personal gain.

In love, the Ox-Aquarius woman is more original than in business. She finds it difficult to find a suitable partner because her demands are contradictory. On the one hand, she is looking for a reliable and businesslike man, and on the other, she prefers an extraordinary, perhaps bohemian, personality, free from dogmas and prejudices imposed by society.

These women are distinguished by their regularity and planning of any business. This does not always lead them to success, but they simply need to have a clear plan in everything. Personally, these two characteristics give them the image of boring women, but this does not bother them at all. They generally do not pay attention to the opinions of others, trying to simply be themselves. For them it is not a luxury, but a lifestyle.

Above all, they value quality and reliability. When building personal relationships of any kind, they adhere to these two main qualities. Determination is in their blood; they never try to make compromises, they only follow their plans. These women always know at what period of life they should start business, since they perfectly calculate their strengths and capabilities.

Characteristics of an Aquarius-Ox woman in Love

Love relationships are too complicated for these women. They are accustomed to applying logic to everything, but in the sphere of feelings they cannot do this. As a result, they become lost under a barrage of feelings. However, this is only the beginning, then they all find a basis for this feeling and again become calm and can plan their personal lives. Their distinctive feature is that they try to plan the development of relationships.

Horoscope of the Aquarius-Ox woman in Family and Marriage

The family relationships of these women will be happy provided that the relationship is built in maturity. During this period, they have a clear idea of ​​the family and understand how to build harmonious relationships. They can also devote more time to their family, since their career has already been made or the financial side of their life is in order. Attention, care and reliability are guaranteed in an alliance with these people.

Ox Aquarius Woman - Career and Finance

They plan their careers and build strategies from their youth. This is a positive quality, since by maturity they receive all the privileges. In particular, this is a good position or your own business. On the path to success they will have to overcome many difficulties, but this does not stop them. They need not only to achieve financial well-being, but also to simply become successful and gain satisfaction. Usually they manage to achieve everything they set out to do.

These women are advised to at least sometimes live with their hearts, since planning any action too strictly can lead to disappointment. You need to treat yourself more gently, control your actions less, and not criticize yourself every minute. You need to be content with yourself, with your qualities, since they are very positive. In relationships with loved ones, you should be simpler, not demand the impossible from them, so that the relationship is pleasant and trusting.