What does the number 8 mean? Interpretation and meaning of the number eight in numerology. Influence on fate

An interesting and exciting science that interprets the designation of numbers in a person’s life, their magical influence and power is the numerology of numbers. The meaning of the number 8 is not known to everyone. Although the number symbolizes prosperity, success, luck and reliability. Knowing the semantic message of the eight, its significance and importance, it can be used as a protective amulet or talisman.

What does the number 8 mean in numerology: meaning, fate and its benefits

The number 8 is also called divine, “the gift of the Lord.” It seems to “cover a person with a wing of prosperity”, giving him the opportunity to feel happy and in demand.

The fundamental characteristic of the number eight is success in all endeavors and affairs, luck, and the materialization of the plan into reality. It helps and stimulates a person to action, gives the desire to fight, and fills him with strength. Despite the obstacles and obstacles on the path of life, he achieves what he wants and goes ahead. The number is strong-willed and decisive; it is subject to seemingly impossible plans and dreams.

She has a complex character, even the very writing of eight speaks of her duality and uniqueness, the existing problem is solved in several ways. Looks at one situation with two dissimilar views at the same time. The number has two principles: male and female, which explains this behavior and life position.

In business

A person’s career advancement is controlled by the number 8 in numerology. The value of the number eight for business is extremely valuable, as it has a powerful charge that sets you up for prosperity and well-being. The number has a positive impact on the favorable outcome of a business transaction and the signing of lucrative contracts. It is advisable that it be included in the name of the company, store, enterprise and in the work phone number. The more of it in the work sphere, the better things go and business improves. The number eight has a magnetic property.

It seems to attract money, success and growth in cash injections or investments. With her you can not be afraid to make risky decisions, as she is reflected by constant success in all endeavors. If you want to develop professionally and for your business to bring dividends, then pay attention to the number 8 in numerology. The significance of this number for business opens up prospects for growth and advancement; it is like a “key” that opens new doors of prosperity. A person born under its influence achieves his goals, develops professionally, and accordingly holds leadership positions or is the owner of large enterprises.

Number 8 in numerology - the meaning of being born under the number eight

If it is present in the date of birth, then it characterizes the person as kind, cordial, understanding and conscientious. For such a person, career comes first, and family and friends are not the main priority in life. The number eight personality cannot sit idle, it must always be on the move, be busy with something. Sometimes a person forgets to even rest, which has a negative impact on health. It is necessary to balance work and rest. The Eight is prone to self-flagellation, looks for shortcomings and shortcomings in itself, tries to be the first in everything and always, the spirit of competition prevails in its character. A person born under 8 speaks the truth, does not like lies, and demands the same from others.

Success and prosperity await a person whose date of birth contains more than two 8s, since the inverted number denotes infinity. Both systematic luck and success will accompany the lucky person throughout his life. Fortune is favorable to him, he is doomed to a happy life.

Love relationship

In love and marriage, numerology of numbers interprets the meaning of the number 8 in two ways. The Eight does not accept treason and betrayal. He loves sincerely and selflessly, but because of his ambitions and spirit of leadership, he often does not pay due attention to his soulmate, thereby provoking the possibility of separation. Admiration and adoration are vital for her, but it’s worth considering that love should be mutual. After all, a relationship is doomed if one loves and the other allows you to be nearby.


Children for eights are a real gift of fate. Therefore, they try to instill in the child from an early age the will to win, determination and the desire to be first.

But we must not forget that children cannot be a copy of an adult; they tend to frolic, play pranks, and make mistakes. The Eight controls his child, raises him in Spartan conditions, not allowing him to be weak or at least somehow show his weakness.

Abilities of number 8

The ability to use talents in various fields of activity is helped by the numerology of numbers. The meaning of the number 8 suggests that it has a large-scale impact in matters related to trade, industry and the management of certain work processes. Person Eight copes well with leadership positions and knows how to control the actions of subordinates. He is proactive and has a bunch of creative ideas, which sometimes seem ridiculous or unfeasible. But thanks to his intuition and ability to feel where danger awaits him, he can easily cope with any difficult situation and find a way out. Such a person is able to bring the company out of a difficult situation by directing the rest of the employees in the right direction. The Eight can lead people, finds the strength to convince others and has the gift of foresight.

It will be fruitful to work in real estate and banking. She is no stranger to painstaking work on piles of financial documentation and reporting. Eight can easily cope with organizing and managing a land business.

The Eight person will be interested in politics and investment projects. And on a particularly large scale, on a leadership scale. Also in literature and journalism, she is “like a fish in water.” It is not difficult for her to achieve success in this field. A career in publishing or writing books, running or managing a newspaper - nothing could be easier! There are no impossible tasks for her; she can do everything.

Purposefulness and the desire to achieve excellent results in the profession make Eights successful people. She is talented in everything from music to construction specialization. Thanks to his genuine sincerity and love of truth, he is an excellent speaker who will lead the crowd. She is not afraid to seem funny and misunderstood.

Negative qualities of the number 8

A fairly serious science is the numerology of numbers. The significance of the number 8 in a person’s destiny depends on the ability to suppress the negative properties of the number. After all, excessive ambition and cynicism, a thirst for money are the defining characteristics of Eights.

A person who cannot cope and cope with the power of numbers risks remaining lonely and misunderstood. The desire to always be in the forefront, noticeable and rich makes him a prisoner of the eight. Well-being, prosperity, fame and popularity are good, but you should not neglect family values, forget about your loved ones and your health.


Now you know the essence and numerology of 8. The meaning of eight in life is very strong. This figure can change everything for the better. If it does not control you, then let it serve as a talisman that will have a beneficial effect on the future, your career growth and family relationships. After all, 8 is luck, success, strength and the opportunity to “move mountains”; it is a dream come true.

Each number has its own special meaning according to different correspondence systems. For example, if we talk about the meaning of the number 8 in general, then this number symbolizes material success, financial well-being, and abundance. In addition, the number eight brings constancy and reliability. Everyone knows that the inverted number 8 is a sign of infinity, which means determination, enterprise and self-confidence.

The meaning of the number eight

First of all, the meaning of the number 8 refers us to success in various matters and the implementation of plans. Eight is a strong-willed number that reveals a strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for oneself and others, and the ability to move towards one’s goal. And the more difficulties there are along the way, the stronger the desire to overcome them. This is especially true in the business world.

The Eight is the patroness of large transactions and allows you to make a serious, informed decision. By the way, the Chinese character for the number 8 is translated as well-being and prosperity. And according to the Chinese calendar, from 2004 to 2024 is the era of eight, and starting everything new now is very favorable.

Number 8 in numerology

Every person who is even slightly interested in esotericism knows that the meaning of the number 8 in numerology is of great significance. Eight determines the entire human psychomatrix. It describes a sense of duty towards family, as well as tolerance and kindness, especially towards family and friends.

The number 8 has this meaning in numerology for a reason. If you write down a list of your immediate family, you will get a list something like this: mother, father, brother or sister, wife, daughter, son, wife's mother and wife's father. These are the 8 people towards whom you have a special duty. Of course, one can argue with this: some have no brothers and sisters, some have more than one, and large families do not fit this classification at all. And, nevertheless, there is an opinion that it is precisely because of this that the number eight has such a meaning in numerology.

Depending on how many eights are in your psychomatrix, you can judge your character and attitude towards loved ones. Let's look at different cases:

There are no eights at all

As a rule, such people are not at all familiar with the sense of duty, and at the same time they are very intolerant of loved ones and rarely show kindness.

In such a matrix, units play a huge role. Usually people who have 1-2 ones and 0 eights are selfish and at the same time weak-willed, irresponsible and defend their point of view with or without reason. Surprisingly, if there are more than 2 units, each subsequent pair recreates an eight, and we see a gentle, tolerant and kind person.

If you see that your child does not have eights, teach him by example. From an early age, watching you take care of your elders, be tolerant and kind, your child will certainly learn this from you. But remember: books and moral teachings will not save you: only sincere personal example.

One eight in the psychomatrix

Such a person is given a sense of duty from birth, but it is very weak, and the person will not be kind and tolerant in any situation. In any situation, such a person will start primarily from his personal interests, and sacrifice them in the name of good. can not.

The rule described above applies here. If there are 3 or more units, then every two gives 1 eight, i.e. The matrix should be read not as 111 and 8, but as 1 and 88. Such people will be kind and tolerant, but at times they can flare up. If such a person is put under pressure, he can become a real despot, so it is best to resolve issues with him gently.

It is possible to cultivate gentleness and tolerance in a person only if he sees his parents as gentle and tolerant. If scandals reign at home, the child will grow up to be quite cruel.

Several eights in the psychomatrix

These people are very kind, they are truth-seekers, gentle and caring. However, if there are 3 eights, then this indicates the instability of such qualities.

Number 8 resonates with the influences and fluctuations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, inner strength, professionalism, management, essential freedom, success, good judgment, money, finances, wealth. The number 8 is a symbol of perfection, infinity. In mathematics, the infinity symbol is represented by a sign that is nothing more than an inverted 8.

The mystical meaning of the number 8

In Ancient Egypt, the number 8 was considered a symbol of universal balance and cosmic order, and in Ancient China it expressed the total number of existing universes. According to Ambroise, the number 8 is the number of the New Testament and a symbol of the cosmic Christ. A symbol of new life, the expected and final Resurrection.

Clement of Alexandria argued that Christ was placed under the sign 8, which he made in order to be born again in the future. The followers of Pythagoras considered the number 8 to be a symbol of love and friendship; they called it the “great tetractus.”

And in Ancient Babylon, as well as in Arabia, the number 8 was dedicated to the Sun, which is why they usually decorated the image of the solar disk with eight crossed arms. In Japan, the number 8 still stands for diversity and prosperity. In any belief, this number is very favorable. Number 8 is the number of Destiny – the Universal Spiritual Law of the interconnectedness of cause and effect.

Positive traits of the number 8

Representing wealth, abundance and prosperity. The number 8 is a symbol of investment and insight, wealth, high social status, stability, self-confidence. If a person carrying this number in his basic life set engages in his spiritual development in time, he can reach unprecedented heights, become a Master who helps others achieve perfection, and his reward will be the greatness of the goals achieved.

Such people can achieve success in any type of business, sports and various games. The number 8 forces its carriers to be honest and sincere, sometimes they can be overly hot-tempered or harsh, but they quickly move away.

Negative traits of number 8

If a person whose ruling number is 8 does not carry out the necessary work on self-improvement, then he may suffer from a superiority complex, the greed to be tactless and have dictatorial habits.

Sometimes such people are quite cynical, they lack what is commonly called humanity, they may strive to suppress others and demand from them unconditional recognition of their merits.

What does the number "8" mean?

I have an important presentation soon and my number is "539"... the sum of the numbers (5+3+9) is 17. 1+7=8...
Tell me, is this a good sign?

Mila ****

The number eight bears traces of subtle form and is in some ways extraordinarily perfect and effective, but it should in no way be confused with the true harmony inherent in, for example, the three and six. She is internally flawed.

Under the number eight comes pure mathematics, mechanics, purely logical structures and methods of thinking.

Eight is logical with impeccable formal logic, cold, carries a reflection of the mountain heights and at a low level speculates on this, putting itself on a pedestal, and at a high level indicates the direction and ways of gaining spirituality; however, not everyone can follow the path indicated by the eight. The meaning of this path is to achieve unearthly perfection in earthly affairs.

(c) based on materials from “Kabbalah of Numbers” by A. Podvodny

The esoteric meaning of the number eight is that it symbolizes Progress, Fate with its inevitability, harmony, the law of cause and effect. Occultist M. Debarrol argued that eight is “the universal balance of things, harmony in the analogy of opposites.” In its divine aspect, the figure eight, according to Mobius, expresses “the idea of ​​balance of the great metaphysical scales” and acts as a symbol of the highest correspondence of polar principles. In its natural aspect, the number eight symbolizes the law of cause and effect, the violation of which will inevitably cause the action of a balancing force. In human terms, the number eight means the principle of Themis, which also means inevitable punishment and retribution if the balance is upset and moral foundations are shaken.

The graphic image of the figure eight is an eight-pointed star, or the so-called “wheel of Ezekiel,” which is a rotating circle divided into eight parts. The eight-pointed star in the Russian spiritual tradition was called the “star of the Virgin Mary”.

Attributes and essence of the eight
Being the number of Justice, eight contains within itself the Supreme Neutral force, which does not give preference to either of the two equal parts that make up its image.

The manifestation of this Supreme Neutral force in the human sphere is well described by Mobius:
“The four is opposed to the four, i.e. form - form, authority - authority; adaptation - adaptation. You offended someone (form), you will have to apologize (form); you created a revolutionary government (authority) - it is opposed to dictatorship (another authority); you manage to circumvent or break the law - the police will adapt something else to catch the culprits. This is a general form of karma and also of human justice. In magic, the opposition of forms predominates, in politics - the opposition of authorities, in the economic field - the opposition of adaptation (demand and supply)."

The number eight was previously considered sacred, firstly because it was the number of the first cube, which has eight vertices, and secondly, because it has eight vertices and is an example of an even-even number, close to the number 10.

Characterizing the hidden meanings inherent in the semantic space of the number 8, Manly Hall wrote:
“Eight is divided into two fours, each four is divided into twos, and each two is divided into ones, thus restoring the monad. Among the key words to the Ogdoad are “love,” “counsel,” “disposition,” “law,” and “agreement.” ..

Number 8 resonates with the influences and fluctuations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, inner strength, professionalism, management, essential freedom, success, good judgment, money, finances, wealth. The number 8 is a symbol of perfection, infinity. In mathematics, the infinity symbol is represented by a sign that is nothing more than an inverted 8.

The mystical meaning of the number 8

In Ancient Egypt, the number 8 was considered a symbol of universal balance and cosmic order, and in Ancient China it expressed the total number of existing universes. According to Ambroise, the number 8 is the number of the New Testament and a symbol of the cosmic Christ. A symbol of new life, the expected and final Resurrection.

Clement of Alexandria argued that Christ was placed under the sign 8, which he made in order to be born again in the future. The followers of Pythagoras considered the number 8 to be a symbol of love and friendship; they called it the “great tetractus.”

And in Ancient Babylon, as well as in Arabia, the number 8 was dedicated to the Sun, which is why they usually decorated the image of the solar disk with eight crossed arms. In Japan, the number 8 still stands for diversity and prosperity. In any belief, this number is very favorable. Number 8 is the number of Destiny – the Universal Spiritual Law of the interconnectedness of cause and effect.

Positive traits of the number 8

Representing wealth, abundance and prosperity. The number 8 is a symbol of investment and insight, wealth, high social status, stability, self-confidence. If a person carrying this number in his basic life set engages in his spiritual development in time, he can reach unprecedented heights, become a Master who helps others achieve perfection, and his reward will be the greatness of the goals achieved.

Such people can achieve success in any type of business, sports and various games. The number 8 forces its carriers to be honest and sincere, sometimes they can be overly hot-tempered or harsh, but they quickly move away.

Negative traits of number 8

If a person whose ruling number is 8 does not carry out the necessary work on self-improvement, then he may suffer from a superiority complex, the greed to be tactless and have dictatorial habits.

Sometimes such people are quite cynical, they lack what is commonly called humanity, they may strive to suppress others and demand from them unconditional recognition of their merits.

The ruling planet of number 8 is unpredictable Uranus. In numerology, the number eight is considered as a combination of two closed circles, as well as a sign of infinity, which makes the character of those bearing the names subject to it quite difficult for others to understand. Two circles symbolize a dual nature in which two opposite principles coexist. But at the same time, they are inextricably linked with each other (manifestation of the infinity sign).

Advantages. People born under the auspices of the number eight have a changeable and extremely unpredictable character. Just yesterday they were cheerful and full of strength, but today it will be difficult for them to force themselves to even get out of bed. The rosy mood in which they got up in the morning can be replaced by absolute despondency by the evening. Today they say one thing, and tomorrow they say something else. If they are not depressed, they are very active and tend to change the surrounding reality in accordance with their interests. These are reformers with a sharp and lively mind, capable of grasping information, as they say, on the fly. They are always at least one step ahead of their time.

"Eights" are very far-sighted, some are even endowed with extrasensory abilities and can predict the future. Eights successfully use their natural flair and insight for material purposes. They are quite ambitious and strive to achieve significant career heights, achieve authority among others, and earn a strong position in society. Power and financial well-being occupy a leading place in their thoughts. Almost always, their perseverance helps the bearers of such names get what they want.

To achieve success, the “eight” are able to fully concentrate on their chosen task, develop, deepen their knowledge on this issue and apply the acquired skills in a timely manner. The most preferred areas of activity for people with names of this type are those that require unconventional thinking and an unconventional approach. At the same time, they are recommended to deal primarily with large one-time cases. Among the “eights” there are a lot of those who manage entire corporations and create their own businesses. Despite the fact that these people do not like to go into detail and waste time on monotonous activities, they are simply irreplaceable in situations where an instant decision is required. Here they feel like fish in water.

It is very difficult for “eights” to find an understanding, calm partner who will not be confused or unbalanced by their changeable nature. In personal relationships with such people it can be very difficult. It is also important for those close to the G8 to remember that their highest priority is always freedom and independence.

Flaws. The instability of the emotional background brings quite a lot of inconvenience to the “eights” and their environment. On the one hand, this changeability attracts, on the other hand, it greatly complicates understanding and often offends people. “Eights” can be quick-tempered, which is why they often find unnecessary problems for themselves. Any little thing can make them angry and ruin their mood for a long time. In addition, these people can annoy themselves and others by listing all the insults ever inflicted on them, if you only give them the slightest reason for this. It is necessary to control these impulses and, gathering your will into a fist, try to cope with them.

The same is true with work. Bouts of extreme laziness prompt Eights to put off all matters until later, when it is no longer possible to delay them any longer. As a result, quality suffers, and “eights” create a negative reputation for themselves. If they are overcome by a passion for workaholism, here, too, everything is taken to the extreme: excessive persistence in achieving goals and neglect of the interests of others. It is important under no circumstances to bring yourself to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. For a harmonious existence, such people need to suppress manifestations of cynicism and some tendency towards violence. It should also be remembered that in order to attract attention, extravagance is not the only means. Sometimes, on the contrary, it can scare you away.

Number eight. Meaning.

Being the antagonist number of number 7, number 8 represents the forces of matter. Its ambiguity is reflected by the lemniscate - a symbol of infinity, identical in shape to the figure eight, but from a different perspective. The proper meaning of the eight is both materialism and infinity. Since this figure is double four, then the number 8 means

Achieved nobility and wealth. Origin story the magical meaning of eight originates in Ancient China, where it was identified with music, luck and “organized multitude.” Eight trigrams and pairs of opposites, enclosed in the shape of a circle, symbolized temporal and spatial concepts. In Buddhism, the number was associated with the completeness and totality of all possibilities represented by 8 symbols of good omen, which are displayed in the main symbol of Buddhism - a wheel of eight spokes. Taoism gives her many powers, manifested in the forces of the world, which are represented by the eight Taoist saints or immortals.

The trinity in the symbolism of the eight is reflected in its graphic representation. In an esoteric sense, the number is associated with Fate, Fate with its inevitability and harmony. Divine meaning is expressed by the idea of ​​balance of great metaphysical scales and the symbol of the highest correspondences of polar principles. The natural aspect is assigned to causes and effects, the violation of which irreversibly causes countervailing forces.

IN interpersonal relationships of people number 8 associated with the principle of Themis, which means inevitable punishment and retribution in case of imbalance and shaken moral foundations. The number has a mystical, occult and religious meaning, which sometimes leads some believers, endowed with a tender, loving heart and responsive to the suffering of others, to a fanatical adherence to faith. In the Russian clergy, the eight-pointed star is traditionally called the “star of the Virgin Mary.” The appearance of the magical meaning of the number eight in occultism is associated with the planet Saturn - the planet of fate. The graphic image of the figure eight is represented in the form of an eight-pointed star, the so-called Ezekiel wheel, in the form of a rotating circle divided into eight sides.

The dark side of the number eight reflected in greed and attachment to material objects. For individuals, adherence to the number 8, as a symbol of justice, can turn into an obsession. Such a person may develop paranoia, believing that he is assigned the role of sole possessor of the truth.

The figure eight represents two closed circles, symbolizing the infinity of existence. The number 8 is characteristic of extroverts and denotes prudence.

Those born on the 8th day of the month or having a total of 8 in their birth dates have a strong-willed and tough character. They are purposeful and decisive, powerful and energetic. But Eights are characterized by vanity and a craving for easy money, which can disrupt perfection. In addition, these people are prone to hypocrisy and often hide their real feelings for others.

8 as a symbol of prudence and strength of character

The positive qualities of people of this number include categorical judgments, energy, will and the ability to think. Such people know how to attract attention and lead. With their authority, they are able to force lazy people to work, inventors to generate ideas, dreamers to think realistically. This number calls for order, ensures stability and awakens in people the desire to improve, develop, and increase the fruits of their labor.

The colors of the number eight are dominated by tones from light yellow to dark, opal color.

Eights take root well in regulatory bodies: the prosecutor's office, the police, and administrative authorities. They have a well-developed ability to structure, establish cause-and-effect relationships and motivate subordinates to achieve results. Success will come to people of number 8 in the hotel business, politics, and real estate.

8 as a domineering and suppressive character

In some interpretations, 8 denotes duality. Therefore, along with positive character traits aimed at development, the Eight also has self-destructive qualities, such as vanity, cynicism, composure and thirst for profit. If these qualities begin to predominate in the life credo of the Eight, then such people become dangerous to those around them, they suppress and destroy the ability to understand and compassion.

Eights are capable of speaking harshly and unflatteringly towards other people. Although later they curse themselves for such incontinence. Friendship and love are not an empty phrase for representatives of this symbol. They just need to learn to be tolerant and patient with other people.

Determining fate by number 8

The number 8 in numerology is considered one of the most fateful for humanity. It determines the stability of a person’s psychomatrix, being responsible for the most important family values. Number 8 means a person’s attitude towards family, loved ones, loved ones: a sense of duty, responsibility for the weak, tolerance, respect and kindness.

Let's consider what the number of eights in the psychomatrix means.

The absence of the number 8 also indicates a person’s lack of patience and respect towards elders. In this case, the cultivation of these qualities depends entirely on the personal example of older generations. If in childhood such a child observes the care of his father and mother for his parents, then he will acquire these qualities even if the number eight is missing. But if there is no honor and respect in the family, then there will be no one to complain about later.

Also approximately with one 8 in the psychomatrix. This means that duty and responsibility are poorly developed, and efforts are needed to develop these properties.

Two eights may already indicate a sense of duty from birth. They say about such people: “Kindness itself.” They are very tolerant, honor loved ones, and take care of the elderly. They often find their calling in the profession of doctors, social workers, and rescuers.

The meaning of the number 8 in the triple version is tripled and represents the world as a lover of truth. Such a person can step over family values ​​if he is sure that the truth that he possesses is more valuable and important. To become happy in life, Eights must first of all achieve internal harmonization, realize their inner power and become softer, more sensual.

Number 8 in history

Traveling through historical eras, we can see the significance of the octave number for humanity.
In ancient Greece, 8 was the number of Dionysus (Hermes). For the Pythagoreans, this is a symbol of three-dimensionality, love, prudence - the Great Tetractys. The Sumerians have a magic number for the sky. In China, the basis of the world order, the lucky number “wa”.In Hinduism, temples are built on the basis of the mandala (square of eight).In Taoism, the Tao opens 8 roads to a person - all the paths of fate.