What to do if license plates are stolen from a car. If license plates have been removed from a car, what should the owner do, how to deal with scammers Why are state registration numbers stolen from cars?

Each owner of a personal car may need instructions that are current for 2019 on what to do if the license plates from the car are lost or stolen. And if the loss of a license plate is mainly associated with weak fastening of the frame, driving at high speeds or falling into potholes, then no one is protected from the dirty hands of petty thieves, especially when the car spends the night not in a paid parking lot, but simply in the courtyard of the house.

Reading this article will equip the driver with the knowledge of where to go if license plates are stolen from a car, which will help avoid unnecessary fines in the future.

Number recovery procedure

There are two ways to restore stolen numbers. The first involves ordering a duplicate of a lost license plate and its installation, and the second involves re-registration in accordance with all laws and legal norms through government services to issue a new license plate.

By the way, you can use your car if only the rear license plate is missing, but you should not delay this, since such driving for a long period of time is fraught with fines. If the front number is lost, it should be replaced with the back number. Now let's take a more detailed look at each of the options:

1. Duplicate

Government services do not issue duplicate license plates. For this purpose, there are companies and private owners who, for a fee (about 2,000 rubles per set) and providing a vehicle registration certificate, make a duplicate of the lost license plate.

The Administrative Regulations and the Rules for Registration of Motor Vehicles do not require mandatory re-registration of a vehicle in the event of loss of state registration plates.

This means that using a duplicate state number is within the scope of the law.

The development of events along this path has one unpleasant nuance. If you are not sure whether the license plate was stolen, or it simply came off due to shaking on a tricky road, replacing it with a duplicate can lead to problems with the police for acts that you did not even commit. After all, nothing prevents scammers from using the license plate removed from your car to commit illegal actions, for which the individual assigned to this number (that is, the victim) will be held accountable.

To avoid such a situation, you should follow the second method.

2. Re-registration

If the license plate is stolen, you should obtain a new license plate by re-registering the vehicle. This will protect the car owner from liability for the use of the lost license plate by others. According to the situation in 2019, this requires taking three steps:

1. Write a statement to the police about the theft of state registration plates. When drawing up a statement, indicate the estimated time and place of the loss, as well as the time it was discovered. After submitting the application, the lost numbers will be searched, which will make their further use impossible (clause 51 of the Rules). Now you need to get new license plates.

2.Payment of state fees. Their amount will be 2,500 rubles: 2,000 rubles for issuing registration plates, and 500 for issuing a vehicle registration certificate (clause 36, clause 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

3. Contact the traffic police department with a set of the following documents (clause 15 of the Administrative Regulations):

  1. Application with a request to make changes due to the loss of license plates. It is best to indicate the reason “under unclear circumstances” in the application form, since if numbers are stolen, there may be delays in issuing new ones while the investigation is underway.
  2. Identity card - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. A power of attorney or other document indicating the applicant’s authority to represent the interests of the owner of the vehicle.
  4. Car passport.
  5. Vehicle registration certificate.
  6. Insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the car owner.
  7. If only one license plate was lost, provide the second one.
  8. Documents confirming payment of state duty (from step 2).

Based on clause 40 and clause 57 of the Administrative Regulations, provision of the vehicle for inspection is not required.

After the restoration procedure is completed, new license plates will be issued that can be installed on the car.

Search for stolen numbers

Most often, scammers steal license plates in order to make money through ransom. Police records show countless cases in which thieves removed license plates and then left a note, or even a call, to the car owner asking for the license plate to be returned. Basically, a certain amount is called (there are known cases of both 1,500 rubles and 5,000), and after it arrives at the account specified by the fraudster, he supposedly must tell the location where the license plate is hidden.

It should be understood that cooperation with a thief does not guarantee the return of the license plate, and with a high probability the victim may lose not only it, but also a considerable sum of money, relying on the integrity of the fraudster (which in itself sounds quite paradoxical).

If such a scam has not bypassed you, then you should not panic and run to the nearest bank or terminal to buy back your license plate. The police, thanks to statistics and the experience of victims, have long had recommendations on where to look for stolen license plates. In 90% of cases they can be found within a radius of 300 meters from the car, since a thief does not have much opportunity to walk along the street with someone else’s number:

  1. It is necessary to assess the potential perimeter of the possible location of the stolen sign. It is usually limited to the size of a parking lot or yard. There is little point in going beyond them.
  2. First of all, you should inspect the most convenient places to hide the license plate. These could be trash cans, bushes, gutters, gaps between steps, curbs or garages. It should be remembered that the number plate can be folded in half or rolled into a tube.
  3. Consider weather conditions. In winter, due to snow, the number of potential places increases several times, but thanks to it there is a high probability of stumbling upon traces of a fraudster.
  4. Pay attention to the most convenient escape route for the thief. With a high probability he will hide the number by following it. It is best to start your search in these places.
  5. If the license plates were stolen in a parking lot in your own yard, then connect to search for relatives or neighbors. This will significantly increase your chances of finding your stolen items.

Buying numbers if you couldn’t find them is almost always pointless. You should immediately contact law enforcement agencies, as thieves often use stolen registration numbers for their own purposes, for example, to steal a car. If you hesitate to call the police, you will have to answer for such an offense!

Attaching license plates

For additional protection, it would be useful for every driver to know how to secure license plates to prevent theft. Exist special anti-vandal frames, which can now be found in almost any auto store at a price of 1000-2500 rubles. This frame consists of two parts - the top panel and the base. The base acts as a substrate and, unlike conventional frames, is attached in four places at once, and not in two.

It is obvious that this method of fastening is much more effective. The upper frame will securely hold the license plate, and fastening with hidden bolts for a special key will protect it from unauthorized opening or forceful failure. Thus, even if a fraudster brings a screwdriver with him for his dark deeds, it will in no way help him achieve the desired result, at least not quickly and unnoticeably.

The anti-vandal frame also plays a decisive role in other issues that do not relate to break-ins and theft. For example, is it possible to drive on potholes and bumpy roads (of which, as you know, we have plenty) without fear of losing the license plate due to shaking? Obviously, yes, because if such protection of the license plate does not allow a person to deliberately tear off the number by force, then the likelihood of it being accidentally torn off is negligible. The driver can, perhaps, sometimes tighten the fastening bolts, which will gradually unwind due to jumps, but the need for such a procedure may arise once every six months, or even less often.

What to do if license plates are stolen from a car?

In modern times, unfortunately, theft of car license plates has become increasingly common. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to do if the license plates are stolen from your car. First of all, you should understand that the fact of number theft is fraud. They commit such crimes out of a momentary whim, or in an effort to get a ransom for the numbers, or, even worse, use them for fraud.

The license plate has disappeared, what to do in 2019

The registration plate that was issued to the car by the state can be restored in several ways:
  1. To replace the missing number, make a similar one. These cases are handled by companies whose job is to make duplicates.
  2. Go through the registration procedure with the traffic police again,

Each of the above options has its own disadvantages and advantages. Therefore, before choosing one of them over the other, you should think about it and determine the most suitable option for yourself.

What is the process of producing a duplicate?

Back in 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation made adjustments to the Legislative documents that will help a person find out how to get new numbers. It was noted that in case of loss of the license plate, the owner of the vehicle can order a duplicate with the help of specialized companies. It is worth understanding that not all institutions have the right to issue numbers issued by the state, but only those that have permission to do so.

In 2019, the process of producing a number does not take much time. The entire procedure can last from half an hour to two hours. As for the price, it ranges from 2 thousand rubles. up to 3 thousand rubles In order to start producing a new number, companies providing such a service require a person to provide a document proving his identity or, as an option, a license and registration certificate for the vehicle, as well as all copies of the listed documents. There are situations when companies may additionally require the writing of a statement in which a person indicates that if something happens, he will not open a criminal case against the company.

IMPORTANT!!! This method has a very significant drawback. The fact is that if the license plate was not just lost, but was stolen, then for the purpose of fraud, the persons who committed this crime will use the number to make a profit. As an example: having a stolen number in their hands, fraudsters can use it to steal another vehicle, and, of course, the person to whom the vehicle number was registered will be held accountable before the law.

What is the process for re-registration of a vehicle?

If the owner of the car is sure that the license plates were stolen and he did not lose them somewhere, then he has the right to re-register his car. At the end of this process, he will be given new numbers, and the previous ones will immediately be entered into the search database.

To begin the process of re-registering a car, a person must first go to the police and there file a statement that the license plate has disappeared and they have left a phone number for ransom.

Such a statement can take several forms:
  1. About the missing license plate. It takes approximately 10 days to study the application, only after which a person can visit the traffic police department and receive new license plates.
  2. About the loss of license plate. This type of application immediately entitles a person to receive a ticket, with which he is immediately sent to the traffic police. Is it possible to travel without a license plate? A coupon is a person’s official right to drive a vehicle without a license plate. If you meet inspectors along the road, they will not have the right to issue a fine to the driver.

Where should I go to purchase new license plates?

To get a new license plate, the driver must go to the traffic police. The whole process goes quite quickly. The owner of the vehicle comes with a collected set of documents, fills out an application and pays the state fee. After just a couple of days, he is given new numbers and a PTS, in which changes have been made and a copy, which includes all the information about the registration of the vehicle.

Required set of documents for the traffic police:
  1. Driver's identity document.
  2. Vehicle registration certificate.
  3. Car insurance policy.
  4. Certificate of vehicle registration.
  5. An application indicating the request for re-registration of the vehicle.
  6. A receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

ATTENTION!!! The cost of the procedure is approximately 2,500 thousand rubles. Of these, 2000 thousand rubles. goes directly to a new license plate, and the remaining 500 rubles. -these are the costs of a new car certificate.

Factors according to which numbers are stolen

The police have established a number of reasons why license plates are removed from vehicles.

Among them:
  1. Ransom. If the fraudster aims to obtain a ransom for the number, he leaves a note with the number to call. After the call, the owner of the vehicle learns how much money is being asked for the return of the numbers. The ransom amount can be either 2 thousand rubles or 5 thousand rubles. As statistics show, so-called “beautiful” numbers are stolen.
  2. Fraud. Fraudsters steal license plates in order to steal another car and put them on it.
  3. Petty hooliganism. Ordinary neighborhood boys can also steal numbers simply on a whim.
  4. To add to a rare collection of automobile signs. The license plates are attached to the car very carefully; the thief’s main goal is to preserve their integrity. Oddly enough, there are people who collect license plates, and they are not at all attracted by the fact of redemption. It’s just important for them to have a number that has rare signs.

What precautions should you take to avoid becoming a victim of license plate theft?

To protect themselves and not risk their license plates, car owners can resort to the following recommendations:
  1. Install a frame for protection. You can purchase such products at the car market. The price for them is approximately a couple of thousand rubles. The entire design is based on the presence of four bolts, which protect the number.
  2. Use bolts with rare threads. If hooligans or scammers try to remove the license plate from the car, they will face a serious problem. They need to act quickly in such situations, and they will not waste time choosing the right screwdriver.
  3. Use of a garage or paid parking. Of course, only a closed garage or a watchman can guarantee the safety of the car. But what to do if there is perhaps no such thing? Then, you should just leave your car on the street, which is well illuminated by street lights or in places where people often walk, even at night.

Investigation process

Unfortunately, most cases involving the theft of license plates remain unsolved. This is due to the fact that vehicle owners themselves do not want to waste their personal time and go to the police to write statements. They simply contact the traffic police, where they fill out a statement that the number was simply lost due to their carelessness.

But, if, nevertheless, there was a person who did not spare his time and went to the police station to investigate the theft of his number, only 10 days are allotted to identify the offense. If, during this period of time, the thief was not found, then the case is closed, and the driver has the right to receive new license plates. Cases of theft of license plates are considered extremely difficult to solve, since it is very rarely possible to find any traces of a swindler at the scene of the theft.

What responsibility will the thief bear?

If during the investigation it was possible to get on the trail of a fraudster or hooligan, he is prescribed a punishment based on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 325:
  1. If, after the theft of the number, a fraudster or hooligan demanded money for ransoming it, then the punishment for them will be either imprisonment for 15 days, or payment of a fine of 2 thousand rubles. up to 5 thousand rubles
  2. If, after the theft of the numbers, any fraud was carried out with their participation, then the fraudster will be fined in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for 4 years.

What actions should I take if I demand money for a room?

Very often, after the license plate is stolen, the fraudster immediately calls within a few hours and sets the ransom amount. Or, he leaves a number that the owner of the car needs to call himself. How to act in this situation? The decision is up to the owner.

He can pay the ransom and hope that the scammer will actually return the number after payment. But, as a rule, decency and a thief are two incompatible things. So, it is almost pointless to expect that the license plate from the car will soon return to its owner. After the call, it is difficult to identify the scammer, since basically he calls from someone else’s SIM card, and asks to leave money in one place or another, where, as a rule, there are almost no people. There may be another option: the thief will ask you to transfer money to, again, a stolen card.

IMPORTANT!!! It is better, when demanding a ransom, to ask for help from the police, and as evidence, give them the note left by the fraudster (if there is one), or simply write a statement in which you should indicate that the license plates were stolen and a ransom is being demanded for them.

Based on the frequent theft of license plates, the police have drawn up some recommendations that should be resorted to immediately as soon as the fact of license plate theft has been established:
  1. It is necessary to assess the perimeter where the stolen sign may be located. As a rule, it does not go beyond the parking lot or the yard where the car is parked.
  2. You should carefully examine the places where it is convenient to hide numbers. This could be a garbage container, bushes near the road, a pipe, or a very ordinary gap between steps or a curb. It is worth considering that, if necessary and desired, the license plate can be rolled into a tube or folded in half.
  3. Assess the weather. If the theft took place in winter, then you should understand that there are more places to hide the number, and thanks to the snow, you can even find traces of the fraudster.
  4. Imagine the road along which the criminal retreated. Most likely, the thief will hide the number along the road he chose for retreat.
  5. Get help from neighbors and family. If the theft of a license plate occurred in the yard where its owner lives, then you can try asking your neighbors and friends, maybe they saw someone.

Which cars are most likely to have their license plates stolen?

Absolutely any car can become a victim of a thief. But, as a rule, license plates are stolen from certain categories of cars:
  1. Vehicles with beautiful license plates. Thieves understand perfectly well that for an unusual car sign, the owner, in any case, will be ready to pay the amount of money they named.
  2. Cars from abroad or cars whose registration marks belong to other regions of Russia. In this case, the thief is also sure that he will definitely be paid the ransom he demands.

The theft of registration numbers that were issued to the car owner by the state is extremely common. And not a single car owner is immune from this. The first action of a person who has been subjected to the actions of scammers should be to contact the traffic police for its re-registration. And in order to prevent the theft of license plates, you need to take care of their reliable protection, using special grilles for this and leaving your car in a garage or on brightly lit streets.

Theft of government tags from cars is a common type of fraud. License plates are stolen for the purpose of ransom, further use in fraud with stolen cars, or simply because of hooliganism. No driver is immune from such a nuisance. Having discovered a loss, not all car owners know what to do if the license plates have been stolen from their car. In this situation, they are advised not to panic, but to follow a certain algorithm.

There are two ways to restore the state registration plate:

  • contact a duplicating company and order a similar number to replace the lost one;
  • re-register the car with the traffic police.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing one of the methods, you should think carefully and evaluate the most convenient option that ensures your continued safety.

Attention! When driving without state license plates (one or two), the driver faces a fine of 5 thousand rubles.

Procedure for making duplicates

Since 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the Legislative documents. In case of loss of a license plate, car owners have the right to order a duplicate from special companies that have received permission to produce state signs. Until 2016, it was prohibited to purchase duplicates. This was considered a serious offense.

In 2018, production of a number occurs quickly, taking from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. The average cost of a license plate ranges from 2 to 3 thousand rubles. The owner needs to provide his passport or license and technical passport for the car and copies of these documents. Some companies ask to provide a statement of refusal to initiate criminal proceedings.

The main disadvantage of this method is that if the number was stolen and not lost, then scammers can use it. For example: steal a car or commit other violations using your license plate number. In this case, the owner of the car signs, who has already suffered from the thieves, will be responsible.

How does a car re-register?

If the license plates are missing as a result of theft and the driver is sure of this, then he can re-register the car. In this case, he will be given new license plates, and the old ones will automatically be put on the wanted list.

Initially, the driver should contact the police and write a statement about the missing license plate.

There are two types of application:

  • About the theft of registration plates - in this case, the application is examined within 10 days, only after this period the car owner can apply to the traffic police to obtain new license plates.
  • Statement of loss - in this situation, the driver is immediately issued a ticket; he can contact the traffic police and receive new license plates. The coupon gives official permission to drive a car without registration plates. Inspectors do not have the right to fine such a driver.

Where to contact for new numbers

Drivers need to make an appointment at the traffic police department, where vehicle registration is carried out. The procedure itself takes only a few hours. The car owner brings a package of documents, writes an application and pays the state fee. A few days later, he receives new license plates, a passport for the car, with the changes made, and a copy of the certificate, which contains the vehicle registration information.

Before contacting the traffic police, you should collect the following documents:

  • driver's passport;
  • technical passport for the car;
  • car insurance;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • application requesting re-registration;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

The procedure costs around 2,500 rubles. Of these, 2,000 rubles is the price of a new license plate, and 500 rubles costs a new vehicle certificate.

Attention! If you still have one of the old numbers (back or front), then you should also provide it to the department.

Why do numbers get stolen?

In police practice, there are several reasons why state signs are removed from cars.

How to protect yourself from theft

There are several ways to reduce the risk of license plate theft, but they should not be considered a panacea:

  1. Protective frames are sold at car markets and stores. They cost 1–2 thousand rubles. Four hidden bolts are screwed into different places of the frame and reliably protect the license plate.
  2. When screwing in the number, use bolts with non-standard threads. This will also reduce the risk of theft. Hooligans will not waste time choosing the right screwdriver.
  3. Leave your cars overnight in garages or paid parking lots. If this is not possible, then choose well-lit streets or places near large shopping centers. There are always outdoor CCTV cameras working there.

How the investigation works

Most cases of theft go unpunished. Many victims do not write a statement about the theft, or indicate in it the standard loss of a license plate under unclear circumstances, in order to immediately receive new plates.

The police are given only 10 days to investigate a crime. If the offender is not found, the case is closed and the driver can receive other license plates. The difficulty in solving cases lies in the fact that kidnappers rarely leave evidence at the crime scene. Plus, license plates are easy to hide or recycle. If ordinary hooligans stole license plates from a car, then in most cases they are hidden within a radius of 300 - 500 meters from the car. For example: in the same yard or in the parking lot (in trash cans, in bushes, behind garages, etc.).

Responsibility for theft

If the offender is found, he will face the following punishment:

  1. If a ransom is demanded or hooliganism is committed, a fine of two to five thousand rubles or arrest for fifteen days is imposed.
  2. If the numbers were stolen for the purpose of further fraud with them, then the criminal faces a fine of 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 4 years.

What to do if they demand ransom

Sometimes scammers immediately ask for money and promise to return the number. They can leave a note on the windshield with their phone number or call the owner themselves to find out his contact information. In these cases, you should make the decision yourself.

You can pay the money, deciding that the scammers will indeed return the number, but hoping for the integrity of the thieves is stupid and pointless. You can be left without numbers and without money. Calls are usually made from unregistered SIM cards; money is asked to be left in deserted places or transferred to someone else’s, also stolen, bank card. As a result, it is very difficult to catch scammers.

It is best to immediately contact the police, provide a note as evidence and write a statement about theft and ransom demand.

The theft of state registration numbers is a common occurrence. Any driver can encounter it. If the license plates are stolen, the car owner can order duplicates or apply to the traffic police to re-register the car. To prevent theft, drivers are advised to secure license plates with security plates and leave the car in a garage or in illuminated and paid parking lots.

The video will help you understand what to do if the license plates are stolen from your car.

After purchasing a car, the owner must be given documents that confirm ownership of the vehicle. Moreover, in these papers, in addition to the make and model of the car, license plates are also indicated. However, it often happens that they are removed directly from the car.

There are various reasons why this situation occurs:

  • The hooligans decided to have fun;
  • Attackers out to make money;
  • Experienced hijackers for their own purposes;
  • Neighbors or just acquaintances wanted to annoy the car owner.

Read more about scams

License plates were stolen by professional car thieves

In this case, there is a possibility that the numbers will be used for unlawful purposes.

State signs were twisted for ransom

Most often, numbers are stolen in order to receive a reward in the future. Fraudsters, as a rule, remove them on those machines where owner's phone number. A few hours later, they call their victim and tell them exactly how much they need to pay to return the numbers.

By the way, in some cases, attackers return only one license plate, and again ask for ransom for the other. Some of them may even leave a note under the car wiper with account details where the money should be transferred.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, you don’t need to immediately fulfill all the thieves’ demands. First, look for the numbers yourself, usually scammers hide them next to the vehicle: in the bushes, in the adjacent territory or under the ebb of windows on the ground and first floors. In addition, you can interview passers-by to see if anyone saw the intruder. Another great way to find stolen numbers is to post advertisements everywhere.

The owner of the car became a victim of hooligans

Sometimes state signs are stolen by hooligans who simply have nothing better to do. They twist them and destroy them. In such a situation, there is no need to worry about numbers can be used for fraudulent activities, although anything is possible.

If you discover that there are no license plates, you can make a duplicate, unless no one has demanded a ransom. You should not waste your time searching for those who did this; it is unlikely that you will be able to find them.

In addition, it must be remembered that It's better to drive a car without a rear license plate, than the front one. Therefore, if the hooligans did not touch the rear sign, then it is better to move it forward.

What to do if license plates are stolen from a car?

The first step is to contact the police department. At the police department, the owner will have to draw up a report on the theft of state signs. 10 days after filing the application, the police initiate a criminal case. Wherein The owner of the car should not succumb to various provocations, because often law enforcement officers try to convince him that the license plates were simply lost and not stolen. Usually one application is enough to receive license plates, but sometimes you have to wait more than a week.

Procedure for restoring new numbers

This process is similar to the standard registration of a car, which all vehicle owners are familiar with. First, the car must be inspected on site. For this You can invite a traffic police officer However, you will have to pay for such a service. You can also deliver your car to the observation deck using a tow truck, so as not to risk driving without signs.

After this, the traffic police officer will check the engine and body numbers, and also check the technical condition of the car. If everything is ok then the owner will receive an inspection report, valid for no more than 20 days.

Then you should deregister the car to receive new license plates. For this you will need the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Completed application;
  • Insurance and technical inspection certificate;
  • Receipts confirming payment of state duty.

You may also need a resolution to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings, a notification coupon and a power of attorney if you are not the owner of the car.

Of course, it’s better to make photocopies of all the listed papers at once, so that you don’t have to run around the shops looking for a printer. Among other things, you will have to write an explanatory note explaining why the numbers are missing. Of course, if one sign remains, then it must be submitted. Stolen state signs will be wanted. A few hours after submitting all the documents, the car owner is given license plates, as well as a new inspection certificate and a vehicle passport with changes.

Financial losses when re-registering license plates

Of course, the first thing you will have to do is pay the state fee for issuing new license plates, which currently amounts to about 2 thousand rubles. The driver will then be forced to pay 500 rubles to register his vehicle.

More you will need to spend 350 rubles just for adding it to the registration certificate some changes. It is also necessary to take into account small expenses, for example, powers of attorney, photocopies of documents and public transport.

Of course, every owner, when he discovers a car without license plates, arrives in a state of shock, so he tries to reduce costs when replacing state signs and other documents. But unfortunately, this is impossible to do.

Creating duplicates

Now, to receive new signs, it is not necessary to undergo re-registration; it is enough to make a duplicate of the number. Although this was previously illegal, and such signs were considered fake. The driver could even lose his license because of them.

Many drivers whose license plates have been stolen prefer to duplicate them, since such a procedure is inexpensive, and it only takes about 10-60 minutes etc. In addition, you do not need to collect a huge package of documents, you only need to prepare:

  • Driver's license or passport;
  • Notification coupon;
  • Certificate of state registration.

Duplicates of stolen state signs are made at the traffic police MREO. However, this procedure has only one drawback, which can be seen by overly suspicious motorists who are left without license plates: fraudsters can use them for criminal purposes.

Driving a car without state signs

Drivers should know what to do if license plates are stolen from a vehicle. Always remember, driving without them is a serious violation of the law. The fine for such an offense currently it can reach up to 5 thousand rubles, and not as before - 500. Sometimes traffic police officers take away your license for driving without license plates, so it’s better not to risk it. Moreover, it has become much easier to restore them, and the procedure does not take much time.

Quite often, criminals choose to steal signs from cars owned by government officials, as well as simply beautiful license plates. They can get more money for them, because no one wants to talk about it, so they transfer the declared amount to the thieves.

Often scammers remove license plates from cars of another state or region, counting on the fact that the driver will not travel thousands of kilometers to obtain new plates.

How to prevent number theft?

Motorists who are faced with re-registration of signs take all possible safety measures to avoid this in the future. Mostly hooligans steal those signs which are the easiest to unscrew. This is why you should avoid using plastic frames because they make it quite easy to remove the signs without using any tools.

It is advisable to screw the number plates to the frame with self-tapping screws or bolts. To remove them, a fraudster will need at least a screwdriver and more time. But it is best to use special rivets to protect the numbers, since you will need a hand drill or screwdriver to unscrew them. Trespassers with tools will attract too much attention to themselves, so they are unlikely to decide to steal.

If you don't want to be left without license plates, then the car should be parked or install video cameras in the yard.

In conclusion, I would like to note that no security measure can protect a car owner from losing license plates; it can only reduce the likelihood of their theft. Therefore, every driver must know what to do in such situations and more.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

State registration plates (numbers) of a car are attached to the outside of the vehicle body, and this often leads to their loss or theft.

This article will talk about what a driver should do if the car’s license plates are lost or stolen. In addition, a fine for losing the number will be considered. Let's get started.

What to do if license plates are missing from your car?

First. If the car is missing at least one license plate, then you should postpone your trip. The fact is that the penalty for not having a number is quite serious. Therefore, it is better to call a taxi or use public transport.

Second. Try to understand under what circumstances the number or both numbers disappeared from the car. If both numbers disappear while parked, it is most likely theft. If only the front number plate is missing, for example, after overcoming a deep puddle, then the number is most likely simply lost.

Why is it important to understand number stolen or lost? If the number is lost, you can restore it without fear that the “old” number will be used in violation of the law. If both numbers are stolen, then we can assume that the scammers will install the numbers on a similar car. This will lead to the car owner receiving fines for violations that he did not commit. Problems may also arise when committing crimes using a clone car.

In addition, if the numbers are stolen, I recommend filing a report of the theft with the police. This must be done in case the stolen numbers are used in the commission of a crime. At least you will have documentary evidence that the numbers are missing.

How to recover stolen car license plates?

There are 2 ways to recover stolen or lost numbers:

  • production of duplicate(s);
  • obtaining other numbers from the traffic police (vehicle re-registration).

Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Production of duplicates of state registration plates carried out by private organizations. To obtain license plates, you need to contact such an organization with a vehicle registration certificate. The cost of the service depends on the region. On average, you will have to pay 1,500 rubles for the production of one issue, 2,000 rubles for the production of two. This method can be used if the car license plate is lost (not stolen).

Getting duplicate numbers is quite simple. Just find the contacts of the relevant organization via the Internet and contact them with a certificate of registration. Making duplicates occurs quite quickly, often within half an hour.

The cost of obtaining new numbers in this case will be 2850 rubles. To obtain them, you need to contact the nearest registration department of the traffic police. The procedure for changing registration data may take longer, but if you do, you can get new numbers in about an hour.

This method should be used if the car's license plates are stolen. Obtaining new numbers will protect you in the event that stolen numbers are used to commit crimes.

Please note that if the registration data is changed, the vehicle must be submit for inspection to the traffic police, however, you cannot drive a car without license plates. Therefore, the car will have to be transported to the traffic police on a tow truck.

Fine for losing a car number

In 2019, there is no fine directly for losing a car license plate. However, there is a fine for driving a car without a license plate(s), provided for in Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code:

2. Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in designated places, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that impede the identification of state registration plates or allow modify or hide them, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to three months.

Thus, driving a car whose license plates have been stolen or lost will result in a fine. 5,000 rubles or for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Note. In accordance with the resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 2 of February 9, 2012, the fine for the absence of one number is similar to the fine for the absence of two numbers.