Guardian angel after October 19. Guardian angel by date of birth in Orthodoxy. Who according to the elements

A spiritual assistant protects a person from evil throughout his life. In difficult times, you can turn to your Guardian Angel, solve your problems, speak out and pray.

But how do you know who he is? Determine your Guardian Angel by date of birth.

How to identify a guardian angel by date of birth

The flying guard protects, protects and helps along the long journey of life. In the Christian faith, Angels are of great importance.

Born on the same day as the great Saint, a person acquires the character traits and strength of a Guardian. To find out more about the heavenly mentor, you need to make simple calculations.

The second digit in the birthday tells about the character of the defender: April 16 is the date of birth, which means the character number is 6.

Advice! Conduct a test to determine the age of your spiritual leader: add the date and month of your birth: 1+6+0+4=11 years.

Character number Description
0 A guardian of the highest level will follow a person through fire and water. There are no unsolvable problems.

Always in a hurry to help, so the owner of the guard does not find himself in hopeless situations

1 A strong, sometimes trusting defender. He can cope with any situation, but he is easy to outwit.

Evil forces create obstacles for the Angel that take a long time to overcome

2 A classic prototype of a defender with huge white wings. From birth, the Angel tries to indicate its presence, penetrates into dreams, and is registered in numerology.

A little entertainer sometimes rearranges things in your room

3 A flying friend will always come when called. As soon as you pray, an invisible wing wraps you in its love.

Frivolous character: The angel sometimes leaves the ward to solve his own affairs

4 The guard knows what to do. Angelic wise advice lifts a person up the career ladder.

It helps you make important decisions and encourages you to be proactive.

5 Strong and powerful Guardian. It’s as if the Archangel takes out an iron sword, destroying problems and obstacles on the path of life.

The Guardian's wards often choose a military profession

6 This type is choleric. The rainbow guard monitors the good mood of the owner. Creative, filled with unusual ideas.

Always tells a person the best way to get out of an unpleasant situation

7 Loves people very much. Although the person does not notice it, the Angel constantly tells him where to go.

He is no stranger to offense, he is vulnerable, so pray to your mentor more often so that the Holy Spirit will not be offended

8 The angel did not choose the man by chance. The protector and the ward are united by blood ties.

The spirit of a deceased relative observes the affairs of an earthly person in order to guide him on the true path

9 The main goal of a defender is to make a person happy. The angel fulfills wishes on birthdays and on major church holidays.

Pray to your patron so that the fire of the hearth does not go out

Important! Never drive away your Guardian Angel.

Emotional turmoil can provoke disaster. An offended spirit will leave a person for 7 years.

How to recognize a patron saint by name

If you were born under the name Olga, then your heavenly patron will not be the Saint of the same name. Anyone can hear your prayer if you turn to him.

The intercessor is given at birth. Who protects your soul - read in the article (link to article about intercessor icons).

A person can have two intercessors to whom he will pray:

  1. Guardian Angel by date of birth.
  2. Defender by date of baptism.

For sincere prayer any spirit will respond. Women who cannot have children send prayers to Saint Matryona.

George the Victorious helps in military service, in the police department. The Mother of God will hear any prayers and save you from any situation.

Intercessory icons and prayers in Orthodoxy

Humanity cannot imagine the Kingdom of Heaven. Icons are doors to Heaven. Church paintings help the imagination to construct the image of God and the Holy Trinity.

The iconography depicts heroes of great battles, martyrs, and Holy Apostles. They help protect a person from misfortune. It is better to choose an icon-intercessor of your patron by date of birth.

Start every morning with the prayer of the Optina elders. Stand in front of the icon and read the text. Do not forget, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, to be baptized before and after saying the prayer.

The day will end with a special night prayer. To complete the ritual, mentally thank the patrons for their help in business.

Advice! In Orthodoxy they pray to the Angel every morning and evening. When leaving the house they say a short prayer: “My angel, walk with me. You are ahead, and I am behind you."

Heavenly patrons for a child

The baby is a pure innocent soul, easy prey for evil spirits. The angel given at birth cannot always protect the baby.

Parents are in a hurry with Baptism in order to enlist heavenly support and illuminate the child’s path to adulthood.

The patron can be chosen specifically. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Defender by name. On the day of Baptism, the baby is given a different name so that the spirit of the same name will pay attention to the ward.

    Michael or Eugene is baptized like Athanasius and Kirill. The only restriction is that the named mentor must be of the same gender as the newborn.

  2. Defender by date of Baptism. Have a celebration on the Saint's name day. Do you want your baby to be protected by the image of St. Cyril?

    Find the nearest name day date in the calendar. On this day, perform Baptism.

Advice! You can consult with the priest about the choice of Saint. Arrange a meeting with a clergyman so that he can dispel all doubts.

Take care of your personal Guardian Angel and Heavenly patron. May your life path be easy and happy!

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If you feel that you are unlucky all the time, it will not hurt to establish a connection with your angel.

Meetings with angels occur in most cases in stressful situations when a person needs help. After all, the mission of angels is to help man. Skeptical people believe that the vision of angels is only the protective ability of the human psyche in a moment of crisis to change the situation for the better. Whether skeptics are right or wrong in this regard, the human brain truly has incredible capabilities. The help that comes, as we sometimes think, through angels, may be the work of our subconscious, which at a critical moment helps to resolve the problem in the best possible way. At such moments, we would rather admit that someone from the other world is helping us than acknowledge the help of our subconscious.

If you feel like you're always unlucky, it wouldn't hurt to establish communication with your angel. To do this, you need to use a numerological calculation: add 4 to your birthday. For example, 17+4=21 is your angel's age. He doesn't change - angels don't age. To find out gender and character of the angel you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth. For example: 12/17/1967 We add up all the numbers and bring the resulting number to a single digit: 1+7+1+2+1+9+6+7=34=3+4=7. If the number is even, then your angel is male, if it is odd, then your angel is female.

You can recognize him by your angel number element and character:

1 – Your angel is holy. This angel, without any requests or prayers, will come to the rescue and avert trouble. As a rule, such angels are given to those who have a very weak energy field. Their help can come in any way. They help not only their wards, but also their relatives. The people they protect are distinguished by their good character. These are the most active defenders.

2 – Angel of light. These heavenly patrons with large white wings often kiss their “guardians” at birth. This kiss manifests itself in the form of freckles or unusual moles on the face. Angels of light communicate with people through dreams and through mirrors. You should take your dreams more seriously. Besides, your angel is always nearby.

3 – Angel of the air. These angels, created from wind and ether, are almost invisible. They can be heard by unusual sounds and noise similar to rustling. The wards of such an angel often find themselves in troubles and difficult situations, so it is very important for them to keep in touch with their protector.

4 – Angel of Wisdom. This angel endows his chosen one with prudence, flexible intellect and does everything possible to ensure that he thinks through his every decision. The Angel of Wisdom gives luck and success in studies and career, rewards with high intuition and wisdom. He has some power over thoughts and constantly tells you how to do the right thing.

5 – Metal angel. These are very strong and brave defenders. Most often they come to a person at the moment when he is crying. Tears feed the energy of an angel, this makes him stronger and can move mountains for the sake of the one he helps. The angel of metal is found among strong and confident people. This angel also bestows long life.

6 – Rainbow Angel. This heavenly angel endows his charges with talents and original thinking. He is able to cheer up even in moments of sadness and melancholy. You can find contact with such an angel through creativity. This angel is rainbow with colorful wings.

7 – Angel of Energy. These angels are very sensitive and vulnerable. To enlist their support and help, you need to thank them and even praise them, then they will be more supportive. Most often, such angels suggest the right decision and warn about danger in dreams. But you need to show delicacy with them: angels of energy are very touchy, they can be offended by any rude word.

8 – An angel who looks like an ordinary person without wings. Most often, such an angel is a deceased relative or good friend, or rather, his soul. In general, a person who was not indifferent to his ward during his lifetime, who always looked after him. Such angels are the most attentive and caring and are always nearby.

9 – Angels of warmth. To communicate with those under their care, these creatures can take the form of animals or deceased loved ones. They give a person inner harmony and give a good mood.

Finding out who your guardian angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy is easy. Determining the character, gender and age of the patron, as well as finding out the name and establishing contact with the divine essence will be useful to every person.

In the article:

Determining the character of a guardian angel by date of birth

Everyone knows who a guardian angel is in Orthodoxy. But not everyone understands the importance of knowing his name, character, as well as other details about his own heavenly patron. The peculiarities of his character will help you navigate when you want to establish a relationship in order to receive help and be able to recognize clues.

To find out what your guardian angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy, this will require your birth number. In this way, the character of any person’s guardian angel is calculated. This gives a lot of information about an enemy or friend that you cannot find out in other ways.

The second number of the date of birth will tell about the patron’s character. When born on the nineteenth day of the month, the number that corresponds to the character of the angel is 9, and when on the second day - 2. Read below the meanings of all ten possible options.

  • 0 - got a keeper with fiery disposition. He is practically omnipotent and can be reborn like a phoenix. It will help in any situation - from minor difficulties to complex and dangerous situations. When he protects, you are lucky.
  • 1 - holy angel. Among everyone else, he is considered an active defender, he will never leave his ward in trouble. But not everything is so rosy - such angels go to people with a weak energy field, and they need powerful protection from evil.
  • 2 - angel light. In the images they have large white wings - larger than those of other representatives of the celestial protectors of humanity. They are constantly with those they protect. At birth, an angel kissed you. Angels' kisses take the form of moles and freckles. The bright angel keeps in touch with the ward with the help of angelic numerology, dreams and reflections in mirrors. Pay attention to unusual things in your surroundings more often, and you will be able to detect traces of the presence of a guardian angel.
  • 3 - air. He loves to express himself with the help of rustles and other sounds. Do not be alarmed, this is how the angel shows presence and support. But he shows frivolity and goes away on business, leaving his ward alone. But the latter can call on an angel, and also turn to him through prayer - the airy guardian angel will hear and rush to the rescue.
  • 4 - protection granted wise guardian angel His help lies in sending the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. The wards of the angel-sage are rapidly moving up the career ladder - they know what is needed for this. Such people are prudent, intelligent and know how to carefully think through the situation and consequences. It is better to listen to the advice of these people when you want things to be as they should be.
  • 5 - metal angel. Looks like an iron statue. The angel of metal protects brave, determined people with a strong character. Appreciates when the ward shows willpower. It helps both physically and spiritually, when you establish contact with him, it will protect you from any trouble.
  • 6 - rainbow. Such patrons go to people with creative inclinations. Representatives of creative professions are prone to sudden changes in mood - from inspiration to despondency. The rainbow guardian angel helps to disperse melancholy and get rid of depression, and inspires new creative successes.
  • 7 - energetic. Active and in constant interaction with the ward. But this guardian angel is distinguished by changeability and touchiness. In order not to lose his help, constantly thank for all the good things that happen to you.
  • 8 - acts as a guardian angel spirit of a deceased relative or close friend. After his death, he became your patron. Such an angel is quite familiar with the character of the ward, he is merciful and ready to help. To establish contact with him, honor his memory, thank him for his help and read prayers addressed to him.
  • 9 - from an angel warm character. He is kind to his charges and likes to instill optimistic thoughts in them. The life of a person under the protection of such an angel passes in harmony and happiness.

Are there icons of the Guardian Angel named after a person?

The icon of the Guardian Angel named after a person is an obvious myth. There is a Guardian Angel, and there is a saint in whose honor you were given a name at baptism. Both are your patrons, but they are completely different personalities.

This fact is proven, among others, by the existence of separate prayers to the Guardian Angel and the saint to whom you wish to turn. They should pray in the morning - first to the angel, and then to the saint. Guardian Angels named after a person are a myth. Only a saint wears the same thing as you, and it was given in his honor and has been known to you since baptism.

You can turn through prayer to any of the saints - you will be heard not only by the one in whose honor you were given a name at baptism. There are many recommendations regarding the suitability of saints and situations in which it is customary to ask for their help. For example, Saint Matrona They pray to get rid of infertility. There is only one angel, but there are exceptions, which you can read about below.

Guardian Angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender

Angels also have an age, but it never changes. In addition, you can find out his gender. If you are wondering who protects you from life's adversities, add up the numbers of the day and month of your birth. For example, for someone born on August 8th, the calculations will be as follows:

0+8+0+8 = 16

In our example, the angel is only 16 years old, but how many centuries in a row he is sixteen is unknown. However, he looks exactly that age. In order to find out the gender, you need to sum up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, in our date example 08.08.1996 the calculations will be like this:

0+8+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 41

Now we reduce the number to a single-digit form:

5 is an odd number, which means the angel is female. If the number were even, the angel's gender would be male. So, in our example it turns out that the angel is a sixteen-year-old girl.

How to find out the name of your angel - effective ways

If you know the name of your angel, it will be much easier for you to establish contact with him.
People who are in constant interaction with their heavenly patron are always protected. It is almost impossible to harm them in any other way. They are lucky even in the most difficult situations.

Next, we will describe techniques that are a kind of acquaintance with the Guardian Angel. Looking ahead, keep in mind that the name may be very unusual. Do not take it as nonsense; disbelief can offend an entity close to God. Try to concentrate better and say the name several times - perhaps you will find a secret meaning in it. Sometimes angels do not want to write letters familiar to their wards and use unfamiliar symbols and signs. Rest assured, they add up to what you were looking for, but the angelic message will have to be deciphered.

So how do you find out your angel's name? First way - mechanical writing. To do this you need to be able to go into a trance. Place a pen and paper in front of you, evoke a special state of consciousness, mentally call your guardian and ask his name. If you do everything right, the angel will write his name with your hand.

It can help to find out who your Guardian Angel is by name in Orthodoxy, meditation. He doesn’t necessarily have to answer during it; he might even dream about it, even after a few days. If there is no answer from the angel, most likely you did not concentrate enough, and the angel was offended by the abundance of extraneous thoughts in your head during such an important meeting.

Another way - dream. If you are, this will be a plus. You can call on your protector as you journey through the depths of your subconscious and ask for his name. If this is not available to you, ask the question mentally before you fall asleep. Most likely, the angel will answer it in your dream.

The face of an angel - can you see it?

In iconography, the Guardian Angel is usually depicted as a young youth with white wings, a drawn sword and a cross. His images appeared only in the 16th century, Byzantine the iconography, examples of which date back to the 11th century, does not contain them at all.

It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people. You can see him only after death - the Guardian Angel appears to the dying person to become the guide of his soul to the afterlife. The logical conclusion follows from this: no one has seen the Guardian Angels. Even if we assume that the icon painter died and was resurrected after this, he could only capture his patron, because it is known that every person has his own angel, or even more than one.

But you can try to look like a guardian in a dream. Again, if you are, you can try to call the angel, ask for a name and try to make contact. From the lives of saints it is known that sometimes angels show their faces to people, but this is very rare. Usually they prefer to help their charges while remaining invisible.

How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy?

Many people are concerned about the question of how many angels a person has according to Orthodoxy. Most people believe that there can only be one Guardian Angel, but this is not so. The number of patrons depends on the level of spirituality of a person. In fact, the average person can have from one to nine angels. The largest number of them patronized Saint Nicholas- he had 27 guardians.

The more patrons a person has, the luckier and happier he is. He finds it easy to solve problems and achieve goals. Losers are people who are abandoned by their angels. They can return, and for this you need to live according to your conscience, do good and not expect gratitude for it. You can also read a prayer appeal to the Guardian Angel to attract the attention of divine forces.

With the help of magic you can increase the number of guardians. As a rule, we are talking about black magic. However, the defenders summoned with its help will relate to dark angels, spirits of dead people, demons and other evil spirits. According to legends, most sorcerers have demon assistants who do not allow his soul into the afterlife. That is why black magicians die hard and for a long time - until they succeed in passing on the dark gift and demons to the next bearer.

In general, every person should know how to establish contact with his personal guardian, given by the Lord. With the help of simple manipulations you can find out the name, age, character and even gender of your patron. However, you can only see it in a dream or after death. There may be more than one angel; many people receive protection from two or more guardians.

Incredible facts

Finding out who your guardian angel is is very simple. Using your date of birth, you can find out the age and gender of your patron, his character and name, and also establish a connection with the divine essence. This information will be useful to anyone.

So, let's start with the character of your Guardian Angel.

Any person knows who the Guardian Angel is. But he doesn’t understand that you need to know his character, name and other features. But what does this knowledge give? The features of his character will help you quickly navigate when you want to establish a connection with him in order to receive help and learn to see and read his clues.

How can you find out what kind of character your Guardian Angel is? To do this, you only need the second number of your birth date. For example, if you were born on the 18th, then the number corresponding to the Angel is 8, but if you were born on the third day of the month, then this number is 3. Below is information about the meaning of all 10 possible options.

Guardian angel

0 – your Guardian Angel has a fiery character.

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He is very strong, almost omnipotent, he can be reborn. He can help you in absolutely any situation, from the smallest problems to serious, dangerous situations. You are very lucky to have such a defender.

1 – your holy Guardian Angel.

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Among everyone, he is considered the most active, who will come to the rescue even when he is not called. However, not everything is so wonderful. These Angels look after people with a very weak energy field, who more than others need strong protection from evil.

2 – your Guardian Angel is bright.

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These are angels with large white wings, which are larger than those of other heavenly protectors. They are next to their charges at any time. Your angel kissed you at birth. Kisses are freckles and moles, especially they are considered angel kisses when their meaning is positive according to ancient superstitions.

The bright angel maintains contact with his ward through dreams, angelic numerology, and even using reflection in the mirror. You need to be more attentive, and then you will be able to notice unusual things in your environment that indicate the presence of a guardian angel.

3 – your Guardian Angel of the air.

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It manifests itself with the help of various unusual sounds, rustling, rustling, etc. Do not be afraid of them, as your angel is thus demonstrating his presence and support. Often this angel becomes frivolous and can go about his business, leaving the ward unattended. However, a person can always call him, turn to him through prayer. The air angel will definitely hear and rush to help.

4 – your wise Guardian Angel.

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His help lies in the fact that he sends his ward the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. Such people move up the career ladder very quickly, because they know very well what needs to be done to achieve this.

The wards of this angel are smart and prudent, they know how to think through any situation and its possible consequences well. It is better to listen to the advice of such people, as they know what needs to be done.

5 – your Guardian Angel is metal.

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Of course, he doesn't look like an iron statue. Such an angel patronizes decisive and courageous people with a strong character. He likes it when his players show willpower. This angel helps both spiritually and physically, and if you establish a close connection with him, he will save you from any trouble.

Help from a guardian angel

6 – your rainbow Guardian Angel.

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Such angels take people with creative abilities as their wards. People of creative professions are more often than others subject to sudden changes in mood, from inspiration to complete despondency. The rainbow angel saves from melancholy, disperses depression, and often it is he who inspires his ward to new creativity.

7 – your Guardian Angel is energetic.

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This angel is very active and wants to constantly be in contact with his ward. However, he is very touchy and changeable. In order not to lose him, do not forget to always thank the angel for everything good that happens to you. In the same way you can establish contact with him.

8 – your Guardian Angel is a deceased close friend or relative.

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After death, this person decided to become your patron. This angel knows the character of his ward well, he is always ready to help, he is merciful. In order to establish a connection with him, a person needs to honor the memory of a friend or relative who decided to take him under his wing, he needs to be thanked and prayed for.

9 – your Guardian Angel is warm.

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Such an angel always treats his charges very kindly, he knows how to inspire optimism in people. Such a person is in harmony and happiness thanks to the protection of his warm angel.

Holy guardian angel

Now we find out the gender and age of our angel.

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Angels, like people, have an age that never changes. Here's how to recognize it. You need to add the date and month of your birth. For example, if you were born on October 5, then the calculations will be: 0+5+1+0=6. In this example, the angel is only 6 years old, however, no one knows how many centuries in a row he has been 6 years old. But your angel looks exactly his age.

In order to find out what gender your angel is, you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth. For example, 05.10.1986 = 0+5+1+0+1+9+8+6= 30. Now the number must be reduced to a single digit: 3+0=3. The resulting odd number indicates that the angel is female. If the single-digit number turns out to be even, then in this case the angel is male.

Thus, in our example it turned out that the angel is a six-year-old girl.

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Now let's talk about effective ways in which you can find out the name of your angel.

When you find out the name of your guardian angel, it will be much easier for you to establish a connection with him. When a person is in constant contact with his mentor, he is always under his protection. It is almost impossible to damage such a person or harm him in any way. Among other things, he is lucky in the most difficult and dead-end situations.

Now we will talk about techniques with which you can get to know your angel. Looking ahead a little, we note that the name of your angel may be very unusual. There is no need to take it as nonsense, because disbelief can offend the divine essence.

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In this case, it is better to concentrate and say the name several times; you will probably be able to find a secret meaning in it. Sometimes angels do not want to write in the letters we are familiar with, using unfamiliar signs and symbols. They add up to exactly what you are looking for, but you will have to decipher your angel's message.

Guardian Angel by name

So how do you find out his name?

The first way is writing. But for this you must be able to enter a trance. You need to put a piece of paper and a pen in front of you, evoke a special state of consciousness, mentally call your angel and ask his name. If everything works out correctly, your guardian will write his name with your hand.

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It will also help to know the name of meditation. The angel does not necessarily have to answer your question during it. You may dream of the answer, and not even immediately, but after a few days. If you do not get an answer to your question, then you were probably not concentrated enough, and your angel was offended due to the large number of extraneous thoughts during such an important meeting.

Another way is dreams. It will be a plus if a person has learned to lucid dream. You will be able to call your guardian while traveling through the hidden corners of your subconscious and ask what his name is. If you cannot see lucid dreams, then before going to bed, mentally ask the angel a question. Most likely, the answer will come in a dream.

Guardian angels of man

Is it possible to see your angel?

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Often the angel is depicted as a young man with a naked cross, a sword and white wings. Such images began to appear only in the 16th century. Before this period, in Byzantine iconography, which has existed since the 11th century, they are not present at all. It is believed that the angel's face is hidden from people.

A person can see it only after death, when an angel comes to a dying person with the goal of leading his soul to the afterlife. Hence the conclusion that no one saw the angels. However, you can try to see the face of your guardian in a dream. Again, if you know what lucid dreams are, then you can call your angel, ask his name and establish a connection with him.

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We know from the lives of the saints that very rarely angels show their faces to people. In the vast majority of cases, they help their charges while remaining in the shadows.

How many angels does each person have?

A lot of people are concerned about this issue. Many people believe that there can only be one guardian angel, but this is not always the case. An ordinary, average person can “have at his disposal” from one to nine patrons. St. Nicholas had the largest number of angels - 27.

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The more angels a person has, the happier and luckier he is. He easily solves all life's difficulties and quickly achieves his goals. People who are abandoned by angels are called losers. However, angels can return to any person. To do this, you need to do good without expecting gratitude, and live according to your conscience. You can also read a prayer to your angel to attract his attention.

According to the Bible, all angels are incorporeal beings. They also do not have a bodily image, but at the right time they can take on someone else’s appearance. To understand who your guardian angel most often reincarnates into - a man or a woman, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on March 9, 1987. You should count like this: 9+0+3+1+9+8+7=37. This means your heavenly patron is a girl or a woman, depending on how old she is. If the final number was even, the defender would be a boy or a man.

How old is your guardian angel?

Guardian angels are immortal beings. And they, according to religious beliefs, have existed since prehistoric times. Therefore, it is not possible to determine their exact age. However, you can always try to do this. For example, some experts recommend adding up the numbers of your day and month of birth. The final number will indicate the age. For example, for a person born on March 9 it will be equal to: 9+3=12. Teenager! If it also turns out that the angel is still a child, do not be upset. After all, even earthly children are more perspicacious than their parents. Who knows what abilities the heavenly ones are endowed with?!

Who is your elemental angel?

The most interesting thing about how to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name is the opportunity to understand what kind of character he has. To do this, you need to calculate the number of the element of the heavenly protector. This is not difficult to do: just look at the month of your birth. If the number is single-digit, you can immediately proceed to decryption. If it's two digits, you need to add it up. For example, if you were born in December, your angel element number will be: 1+2=3. Here is the transcript itself:

0 - "Fire". These are the bravest angels of all, ready to fight for their ward to the bitter end. Their charges are often called lucky.

1 - "Holiness". The most beautiful and kind angels of all. Their charges are often very polite and well-mannered people, ready to come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

2 - "Light". Angels with big wings and good character. They love to show themselves in the mirror and willingly send signs of fate to their wards. They often kiss their pets on the cheek, which is why they have a lot of freckles on their faces.

3 - "Air". Carefree guardian angels who are able to leave their charges for a while. But if you ask them for help, they will come right away.

4 - "Wisdom". Very wise angels who give tips in any situation. Their students are literate people who are successful in their studies and careers.

5 - "Metal" - Strong angels with powerful wings. They rush to help the person under their care when the person is crying or grieving. They are able to give him longevity.

6 - "Rainbow". These are angels who love to soar in the clouds and play the flute. Their charges are people with creative abilities.

7 - "Energy". These are energy “clumps”. They can take on different images and change their color. They are very touchy, but loyal. They give prophetic dreams to their wards.

8 - "Man". In this case, a person’s guardian angel is a close, but already deceased person. He is very kind and is almost always present.

9 - "Warmth". These guardian angels are constantly near a person. They may appear to him as a close friend, an animal, or even one of his parents.

What is the name of your guardian angel?

In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that the guardian angel has the same name that was given to you at baptism. Based on this principle, a church calendar was even created indicating name days. But the heavenly protector can be called differently. To find out exactly how, you can do the following: on your angel’s day or on any religious holiday, sit down, calm down, close your eyes and throw all thoughts out of your head. Ask the angel to identify himself.

If the same name comes to your mind several times, remember it. If you are not sure that you have understood the name correctly, ask for a sign. Then watch or listen to what is happening around you for a few seconds. A sign could be a knock on the window, a breeze, or even an unexpectedly loud meow from a cat.

Should you believe in calculations?

Now that the answer to the question of how to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name has been received, it remains to be seen whether the calculations are worth believing. In fact, everything is individual. It all depends on your faith and its strength. But in our opinion, all these calculations were made by people, and therefore allow us to only slightly touch the subtle world. How and what happens in Heaven and what kind of guardian angels they are, no one knows for certain.