A literacy lesson in the preparatory group "literacy lessons". Summary of a lesson on preparing for literacy in the preparatory group Topic: “What we do in kindergarten Individual literacy lessons, preparatory group

Summary of a literacy lesson for children in a pre-school group

- Improve phonemic perception, the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in a sentence.
- To promote the assimilation of the concept of a word as part of a sentence.
- Develop the ability to draw up sentence diagrams and write them down.
- Improve dialogic speech.
- Develop children's imagination and creativity, activate speech.
- Create a favorable emotional background.
- Learn independently, complete the teacher’s assignments.
- Develop the skill of self-control and self-assessment of work performed.

Progress of the lesson
Teacher: Good morning! A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness and beauty. And exhale through your mouth all the resentments, anger and grief. Children, guests came to our classes today. Let's say hello to them and sit quietly on the chairs.
Children: greet the guests and take their seats at their desks.
Teacher: Today in class another guest came to us, and you will find out who he is by guessing the riddle:
Angry touchy one,
Lives in the wilderness of the forest,
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread.
Children: Hedgehog.
Teacher: That's right guys. Tell me, why is the hedgehog so touchable?
Children: It has sharp needles and cannot be petted.
Teacher: Now look what the hedgehog saw? (seek a complete answer).
Children: The hedgehog saw a mushroom.
Teacher: How many words do you hear in this sentence?
Children: There are 3 words in this sentence.
Teacher: What's the first word? Second? Third.
Children: The first word is hedgehog, the second is saw, the third is mushroom.
Teacher: Let's slap every word. Who guessed what the proposal consisted of?
Children: A sentence consists of words.
Teacher: You can write it down as a diagram. Using the diagram you can find out how many words are in a sentence. Each individual word is represented by a rectangle. One rectangle represents one word. How many words are there in our sentence: “The hedgehog saw a mushroom.”
Children: Three words in a sentence.
Teacher: How many rectangles will there be in our diagram?
Children: Three rectangles.
Teacher: Look at our diagram below, how is it different from the first diagram?
Children: The second scheme has a dash above the first word and a dot at the end.
Teacher: A rectangle with a dash means the beginning of a sentence, and a dot means the end of a sentence. Now let's rest a little.

Physical education lesson “Hedgehog”
The hedgehog stomped along the path
And he carried a mushroom on his back.
(Walking in a circle one after another.)
The hedgehog stomped slowly,
Quiet leaves rustling.
(Walk in place.)
And a bunny gallops towards me,
Long-eared jumper.
In someone's garden cleverly
I got hold of a slanted carrot.
(Jumping in place.)

Teacher: Now let's play, the one I name sits down at the table. The first to sit are those children whose names begin with the sound “A”, etc. What is shown in this picture? (The hedgehog carries an apple). How many words are there in this sentence?
Children: The hedgehog carries an apple. Three words.
Teacher: Guys, each of you has a card with a task on your table. Find the correct pattern for the sentence: “The hedgehog carries an apple.” Place a check mark next to this sentence. Now let's see how you completed the task. Did everyone complete the task correctly? Why do you think the first scheme does not suit us?
Children's answers.
Teacher: Did everyone complete the task? Draw a smiley face on your cards. Let's play the game some more "Do the math, don't be mistaken". I will name a sentence, and you clap it, and then name the number of words.
Late autumn has arrived.
The swallows have disappeared.
The first snow fell.
New Year is coming soon.

Children count the words by clapping their hands and name them in the order of the sentences.
Teacher: What a great job you guys are! Let's remember what we talked about today? What was it called? So what does the proposal consist of? How do we mark the beginning of a sentence? What do we put at the end of a sentence?
Children: From words. A rectangle with a line. Full stop.
Teacher: Guys, it's time for the hedgehog to return home - to the forest. He is tired and wants to rest. You did a good job too. Who is happy with their job? Well done.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 16 with a health focus"

Compiled by: Petrishina E. N.. G. Kirishi 2017

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the basics of primary literacy.


  • To consolidate children’s knowledge of vowels and consonants, to be able to distinguish them intonationally in words;
  • Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables and highlight stressed syllables.
  • Continue working on proposals.
  • Fix the names of the streets of your hometown, road sign "Railroad crossing" .

Integration of educational areas: "Socialization" , "Physical Culture" , "Cognition" .

Materials and equipment: city map Certificate, tokens, medals for awarding children, presentation of the game “Where is the sound hidden?” , "Locomotive" , subject picture "Family" , notebooks, pencils.

Progress of educational activities:

Children stand in a circle.

Good morning, sun!

Good morning, day!

Good morning, children!

Good morning everybody!

Children, what is the name of the city in which we live? (Kirishi)

What streets are there in the city? (Lenina, Sovetskaya, Molodezhny Boulevard, etc..)

Yes, every town, city, village has streets. Today we will go on a trip to a city called Gramota. Why do you think we go there? (children's answers). Yes, in this city everyone learns to read and write. They also have their own streets, and they have unusual names. But in order to cross from one street to another, we will have to

complete tasks, but an exciting game awaits you on every street, and at the end of the journey - a surprise for those who are the most active. You are ready? Then go ahead!

We are walking along the path. (Walk in place.)

One, two! One, two!

Let's clap our hands together. (Clap our hands.)

One, two! One, two!

Raise the handles (Hands raised up.)

Towards the sun, towards the cloud.

Here is the long-awaited city,

It's called literacy. (Put your palms to your forehead, turn to the right,

There are so many beautiful streets here! Let's have fun!

For correct answers you will be given tokens, at the end of the lesson the smartest person will receive a medal "Honorary Citizen of the City of Gramota" .

So, we ended up on the first street, which is called "Street of Sounds" .

On this street you must answer the questions:

  • What sounds are there? (vowels consonants).
  • Name the vowel sounds (a, o, i, uh, s, y)
  • What are the consonant sounds? (hard and soft)
  • Name the hard consonant sounds (b, p, m, p, s)
  • Name soft consonant sounds (beat, drink, m, k, s, v)

Well done! I invite you to the game "Where is the sound?"

(Using presentation “Where is the sound hidden?” )

There are houses on every street. Look, we also have a house on the cards. And below there are squares. Who do you think lives there? (sounds: in red: vowels, in blue - hard consonants, in green: soft consonants).

A sound analysis of the word house is carried out.

Next street "Street of Syllables" . To enter there, complete the following task:

How many syllables are in a word "Street" ? (three). Name the first syllable (y). Second? (whether). Third? (tsa). Which diagram matches this word?

Children are given game visors with a sheet of diagrams inserted into them:

Underline the appropriate diagram. Place emphasis on this word.

Well done! We completed this task too. We find ourselves on the street of syllables, but stop! We see some kind of sign, what is it? (there's a sign on the way "Railroad crossing" ) . Something happened here... Now we'll find out. It turns out that the objects decided to travel, but do not know which carriages to sit in. Those objects or animals whose names have one syllable should sit in the first carriage, two syllables in the second carriage, and three syllables in the third carriage. Let's help them.

(Interactive game used "Locomotive" , consisting of a train, three carriages, on which one square is depicted (one syllable), on the other there are two squares (two syllables) etc. and pictures depicting animals or objects.

Well, well, you can easily cope with all the tasks. I invite you to the next street "Street of Proposals" .

What does the proposal consist of? (from words).

Listen to what I have to say: "Meadow, jumping, bunny" . Is this a proposal?

(No). What is this? (Words). Yes, I said the words. And you make a sentence from these words. (Bunny jumps in the clearing). It’s true, in a sentence all the words are interconnected, and from the sentence we learn about something. What did we learn from this sentence? (We learned that the bunny was jumping in the clearing.)

Now imagine a bunny jumping in a clearing, and tell me which bunny? (cheerful, nimble, small). Say a sentence using this word too. (A cheerful bunny is jumping in a clearing). I like this sentence better, because there is also a word here that answers the question what?, and we can immediately imagine this bunny.

Well, you've earned the game. It is called "Walk the offer" .

Look at this picture, make up your own sentence and

They made wonderful proposals, but I liked the proposal from ... the most, because ...

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten...Oh, my phone rang, excuse me, I'll answer it. (The teacher answers the phone and talks). You know, children, the driver of the train is calling me, in which our friends - animals and objects - went on a journey. Let's listen to what he has to say. (If children open their notebooks, they will see a surprise from their friends.)

(Children open their notebooks and see the outlines of animals that need to be shaded).

Children work in notebooks.

Well, our journey is over. What do you like most

Did you like our trip? What was difficult for you? Which task did you complete easily? And the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Gramota" receives... (the number of tokens for children is counted).

The rest get emoticons...

MBDOU Child Development Center – kindergarten No. 125 “Yablonka”







“TOGETHER WITH Smeshariki”

Prepared by the teacher

Nikolaeva M.N.,

G . Dzerzhinsk



generalization and consolidation of acquired knowledge in preparation for literacy training



    Improve children's ability to differentiate consonant sounds by softness and hardness

    Strengthen the skill of word creation by coming up with new names for familiar objects

    Improve phonemic awareness, sound analysis skills, and conscious syllabic reading skills.

    enrich children's vocabulary.

    Continue to develop learning skills


    Develop grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech;

    Develop verbal - logical thinking, attention, intelligence;

    Develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in practical activities


    Promote the creation of a relaxed atmosphere during joint activities with children

    Maintain interest in educational activities;

    Develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to help a friend.

    To develop the ability to listen and perceive an adult’s task, to develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

    Reinforce the value of group traditions

Preliminary work:

Verbal didactic games “Bridge”, “Say otherwise”, “Write a fairy tale”

d/i: “The sound is lost”, “Locate the place of the sound in the word”, “Change the word”

“The Fourth Wheel”, “Finish the Word”

printed board games;

competition for the best invented story

introduction of the group tradition “Question from the chest”



Krosh and Hedgehog toys


multimedia installation

presentation slides on the topic of the lesson

attributes for the d/game “Identify the sound”

signal lights of 4 colors for a dynamic pause



chest with questions (group tradition for every day)

tables arranged in 2 rows (for each team)


cards with letters and encrypted words

badges with the designation of the team (images of Krosh and Hedgehog)

cards of 2 colors with words cut into syllables in blue and red baskets

color pictures depicting various objects

clothespins green and blue

set of A6 coloring books (gift from Smeshariki)

Methodical techniques:

Creating a game development situation


Teacher speech sample

Developmental tasks

Using the competitive motive of activity

Use of ICT

Activating questions

Differentiation of individual tasks

Individual assistance from adults and peers

Positive assessment of children's activities

Differentiated approach:

- when preparing handouts for the task “Collect a word”

Provide words of varying difficulty:

Andrey, Dasha, Lera – 2-syllable words

Sasha, Dima, Nastya – complication: add extra syllables to the basket

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we have an unusual activity: our kindergarten teachers are visiting us.

I propose to start our lesson with the game “The One Who...”

I will name the action and those who will repeat it. Be careful. Shall we start?

The one who has stripes in his clothes today will clap his hands!

The one who has a little sister will stamp his right foot!

The one whose name begins with the sound “D” will sit down!

He will say “WOW!” the one who ate all the porridge today!

The one who came to the kindergarten on foot today will stand on his toes!

The one who was brought by car will take a step back!

The one who came to the kindergarten with pleasure today will wave his hands!

The one who knows who Smeshariki are will shout “YES!”

I had no doubt that everyone knew them!

That's why we're going to have a competition today.

In order for you to complete the tasks, you need to split into two teams: one team will score points for Krosh, and the other for Hedgehog. That’s why our teams will be called “Krosh’s team” and “Hedgehog’s team.”

The cards that I will hand out to you contain the names of the teams you will be part of. You need to make a word on a card from the letters circled and read it.

And from Yulia Petrovna and Anastasia Ivanovna you will receive the corresponding badge.

Well, our teams have been decided!

The Krosh team occupies the row with red baskets, and the Hedgehog team occupies the row with blue ones.

And today guests will evaluate the results and fill your baskets with funny balls.

First task.

All objects that surround us have their own name: window, table, towel, pencil case...

I invite you to dream up and come up with other names for the objects that I will call.

You will need to answer each command in turn. Ready?









Well done! I liked the new names!

Second task “Collect and read the word”

Your baskets contain white and pink cards. Each one contains syllables from a word.

from white cards and from pink ones. We will need to work quickly; time will be measured by an hourglass. We start at the signal. Ready? Let's start!

I help, advise, encourage children...

At the signal, the children finish the task.

Let's figure out what happened...

Now let's rest a little.

Dynamic pause "Slam, stomp"

Now we will determine which of our experts is the most attentive. I have multi-colored lights in my hands, each indicating an action: blue - clap your hands, green - stomp your feet, red - turn around, yellow - wave your arms.

You need to look carefully at what color card I am showing you and perform the movements correctly.

Third task “Identify the sound”

Before you are unusual circles. There are pictures of different toys on them. Each team has its own circle.

You will take turns coming here, determining whether the first consonant in the name of the toy is hard or soft and indicating the hard sound with a blue clothespin,

And soft -...

Yes, it's good that you remember.

So let's begin!

    Mushroom, train, elephant,

car, ball, tumbler

    Fox, squirrel, bear,

frog, butterfly, house

We check everything together and correct errors...

Fourth task “Guess the word”

You recognize your word and say it loudly:

    Glass, transparent, fragile

    White, fluffy, light

    White, cold, sweet...

Well done!

Guys, I'm happy for you, you completed all the tasks!

Which task did you like the most?

What task did you find difficult today?

You showed your skills, knowledge, and showed ingenuity. Well done!

And now, according to our tradition, I tell all of you our magic words:

Fidgets, “cook-maracuca”...(that means I praise you!)

What will the jury say?

In conclusion, according to our tradition, we will take the question out of our chest.

Let Andrey choose the question today. Do you agree?

I give all the children coloring books as a keepsake of today's competition.

Children greet guests


listen and take action

according to your choice

Children receive a card with a task, decipher

word, they get a badge “Krosh” or “Hedgehog”

Children take their places

Children from teams take turns coming up with new names, taking into account the lexical meaning


Children collect words:

Car, music, cubes, miracles, snowflake, game, children, sea, river, clock, birch. lego...

Children take turns reading their words

Children stand near their place and perform the movements




Ice cream…

If desired, children speak out on the issue

“What would you like to learn?”

Yulia Alatortseva

Lesson notes

By preparing for literacy

V preparatory group:

« Travel to the country of Gramatia»

Compiled and conducted:

teacher speech therapist

Alatortseva Yu. E.

Children's age: 6 -7 years (preparatory group) .

Duration classes: 25 – 30 min.

Integration of educational regions: "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction".

Types of children's activities: Gaming, communicative, educational.

Target: Consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in the section « Literacy training» .



Check the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children, formed on literacy classes.

Practice differentiating the sounds you have learned.

Practice sound analysis of words.

Reinforce general concepts.

Strengthen your ability to answer questions a common suggestion.


Develop phonemic awareness.

Enrich children's vocabulary.

Develop children's attention and imagination.

Develop coherent speech (monological and dialogic forms).

Develop independence and initiative.


Foster curiosity and creativity.

Educate children skills: work in a team, patiently listen to questions from teachers, answers from comrades and respect their opinions.

Cultivate interest in occupation and love for the native language.

Methods and techniques:

Visual: Show, demonstration, illustrations.

Verbal: Literary word, conversation, story, questions, explanations.

Game: Surprise moment, game.

Preliminary work: Writing notes, preparing attributes for the lesson.

Vocabulary work: Alphabet, word, syllable, vowel sound, consonant sound, letter.

Individual work: Encourage inactive children to engage in active speech activity.

Form of conduct: Gaming.

Used modern technologies: Health-saving.


Map countries.

Pictures depicting objects.


Traffic lights for sound-letter analysis.

Robe for Certificates.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment. Children come into group, stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today class. Let's say hello to the guests, to each other and to what surrounds us.

- Hello!

- Hello, sky! (Hands up.)

- Hello, earth! (Sit down, arms forward.)

- Hello my friends! (stand up, hands forward.)

– 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Bend the fingers on both hands.)

– Together we are in a circle again.

II. Main part.

Educator: Guys, do you love trips?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Today, I suggest you go to travel to the country of Gramatia. IN country of Gramacy the sorceress reigns Certificate. I have a map of this countries, but since it's magical a country, then in order for us to get there, we need to complete the task. And the first task, what is our name? class?

Kate: Is our the activity is called literacy training.

Educator: And our cheerful bell calls us to sit down at the tables to go to journey.

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Look, guys, we ended up in country of Gramacy.

And the first city is called Alfavitinsk.

Educator: What is the alphabet?

Zhenya: An alphabet is a set of letters.

Educator: Who do you think lives in Alfavitinsk?

Lisa: Letters live here.

Educator: What are letters?

Ilya: A letter is a symbol representing a sound in a letter.

Educator: How does a letter differ from a sound?

Alyosha: We see and write letters.

Educator: So we left the first city and ended up in the second city, which is called Zvukograd. Who do you think lives here?

Zhenya: Sounds live here.

Educator: What's happened "Sound"?

Varya: Sound is what we hear and pronounce.

Educator: What sounds are there?

Masha: Vowels and consonants.

Educator: Name the vowel sounds with which we became acquainted.

Kostya: A, O, I, U.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you play with vowel sounds. "Broken TV"

Children guess sounds based on silent articulation and show the corresponding icon.

Educator: Name the consonant sounds that we became familiar with.

Ksyusha: P, T, K, M.

Educator: I still want to play with you. Think of words with these sounds.

Children make up words.

Educator: What are the consonant sounds?

Igor: Consonant sounds are hard and soft, voiced and voiceless.

Educator: In the city of Zvukograd there are three Houses: Red, Green and Blue.

What sounds do you think live in the red house?

Ksyusha: Vowel sounds live in the red house.

Educator: What sounds live in the blue house?

Varya: Hard consonants live in the blue house.

Educator: What sounds live in a green house.

Arina: Soft consonants live in a green house.

Educator: And now, guys, determine the first sound of your name, take the corresponding chip with the sound and place it in the house.

Children take turns approaching the board and placing letters in houses.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Now, leaving the city and getting to another city, we need to go "Word Labyrinth". What are words made of?

Kate: Words are made up of syllables.

Educator: How do we determine the number of syllables in a word?

Dasha: You can determine by claps how many claps there are so many syllables.

Educator: And there is a rule: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables. Look, we have a lot of words in our maze, let's see which words are long or short? Words: book, pencil, alphabet, pen.

Children parse words into syllables.

Educator: And our sounds are so harmful that every now and then they end up in a verbal labyrinth, now at the beginning, now in the middle, now at the end of the word.

Educator: A game - “Determine the place of the sound [K] in the word”:

Book, pencil, primer, pen.

Educator: So, through the labyrinth we found ourselves in "Mirror City of Fairy Tales".


Now let's rest a little,

Let's have a physical minute.

Everyone has now stood up quietly,

Together we raised our hands up,

To the sides, forward, backward,

Turned right, left

They sat down quietly and got back to work.

How are you? - Like this.

How are you swimming? - Like this.

How are you running? - Like this.

Are you looking into the distance? - Like this.

Are you looking forward to lunch? - Like this.

Are you waving after me? - Like this.

Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this.

How are you being naughty? - Like this.

Children answer questions and perform movements according to the text.

Educator: Guys, Sorceress The diploma found out, what we We are traveling around her country and decided to check it out, have you learned well diploma, And prepared a task for you. Guess riddle:

Although not a hat, but with a brim,

Not a flower, but with a root

Talking to us

In a language everyone can understand.

Vika: This is a book.

Educator: Let's make this word from letters and do a sound analysis of the word "book".

Children work independently, one child at the board.

Educator: Please name the first sound in the word BOOK.

Lisa: Sound [k].

Educator: Who will characterize this sound?

Ksyusha: Sound [k] – consonant, hard, dull.

Educator. What color circle will we choose for this sound?

Vika: For this sound the circle is blue.

The sorceress appears Certificate.

Certificate: Hello guys, I'm a sorceress Certificate. Did you like it travel around my country?

Children: Yes.

Certificate: Which tasks were interesting and did you like the most?

Children's answers.

Certificate: Guys, you have emoticons on your tables, but they are different. Let's see. What is the difference? (mood: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness). If it was easy for you today class, have completed all the tasks - take a happy emoticon, if you encountered difficulties, but you tried to overcome them - a thoughtful emoticon, and if it is difficult - a sad one.

Well guys, now I know that you got mine. diploma, but I hope that you will continue to strive to become even smarter and more more literate, and I want to give you the Primer, but it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

Abstract of GCD

on literacy preparation

in the preparatory group

Compiled by the teacher of MDOU d/s No. 1

Bedrikova O.I.

Goal: to continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of the word (geese), to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonant sounds. Teach children to isolate verbal stress and determine its place in a word. To consolidate knowledge about the word-distinguishing role of sound. Practice dividing words into syllables; in composing sentences of 2 or more words, dividing sentences into words; in coming up with words with a given sound “s”, “s”; in determining the place of sound in a word. Continue working in your notebook: write down a diagram of the sound analysis of a word; a scheme for dividing words into syllables; proposal outline.

Individual work: practice distinguishing vowels, hard and soft consonant sounds -

Demo material: slides (presentation), strip - word diagram, chips (red, blue, green, black), subject pictures (for physical education), diagrams for dividing words into syllables, pointer.

Handout: strips - diagrams for sound analysis of words, chips (red, blue, green, black), screens, notebooks, simple and colored pencils.


What day of the week is it today (Tuesday). That's right, and our first lesson today is preparation for learning to read and write.

Guys, let's remember what syllables and words consist of? (from sounds).

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (vowels and consonants).

How can all consonant sounds be divided? (hard and soft).

Tell me, do all consonant sounds have a pair? (No).

What sounds are always hard and do not have a soft pair? (W,F,C). Which ones are always soft and do not have a hard pair? (Ch, Sh, Y).

How do we determine whether a vowel is a sound or a consonant? (when pronouncing vowel sounds, nothing interferes with us: neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue, we can shout it loudly, say it quietly, in a whisper, we can stretch it, sing it, but when pronouncing consonant sounds, we are interfered with by the tongue, teeth, lips - these sounds we pronounce abruptly).

Game "Who is attentive".

The teacher suggests once again remembering what sounds there are (vowels, hard and soft consonants), what color we highlight them with (vowels - red, hard consonants - blue, soft consonants - green).

Let's play. Take three chips (red, blue, green), place them in front of you. I will name the sounds, and you, having determined what sound it is, will raise the chip of the desired color (working with screens).

Sound analysis of a wordgeese (slide 1) - One child works at the board, the rest work at the tables independently.

How many sounds are there in the word geese? (four).

What's the first sound? (G). Say the word, emphasizing the first sound with your voice. What sound is this? (hard consonant, marked with a blue chip).

Second sound? (“U”). What is he like? (vowel, you can stretch it out, sing it, mark it with a red chip).

The third sound in the word geese? (the sound “s” is a soft consonant, denoted by a green chip).

And the last, fourth sound in the word? (The last sound in the word geese, the sound “and”, is a vowel, because when we pronounce it, nothing interferes in our mouth; let’s denote it with a red chip).

What can we say about the word geese by looking at the diagram (the word geese has two vowel sounds, which means two syllables). - That's right, we know the rule: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables.

Name the first syllable (gu), the second syllable (si).

Listen, I’ll say the word guuusi, and now gusiiii. Which syllable do you think is stressed: the first or the second? Let me remind you that a stressed syllable is a syllable that is pronounced longer, which is “more noticeable” in a word; we seem to hit it with our voice, with an invisible hammer. So which syllable is stressed (first).

In a stressed syllable, it is the vowel sound that is pronounced longer (we read the word with stress, synchronously moving the pointer under the word diagram, i.e. we hold the pointer under the second cell). A vowel sound in a stressed syllable that is pronounced more drawn out is also called stressed. The syllable is stressed - and the vowel in this word is stressed.

So what is the stressed syllable in the word geese? (huh).

What is the stressed vowel? (“y”)

We will denote a stressed vowel sound with a black chip, which must be placed above the red chip - the sound “u”. The teacher emphasizes that there can only be one stressed sound in a word; all other vowels are called unstressed.

What is the unstressed sound in the word geese? ("And").

Let's try to place a black chip over this sound and read the word (gusiiii).

It turned out right, are we saying this? No, that’s not correct (we move the chip back to its place, above the “y” sound).

Now let's draw a diagram of the word geese in a notebook and put the emphasis.

Physical education minute. Children stand in a circle, the teacher shows pictures depicting different objects and gives the task to divide the words denoting objects into syllables: jumping through them, clapping them, throwing out fingers, crouching, etc. For example, the teacher shows the picture “orange”, asks to jump the word A - PEL - SIN (jump 3 times), etc.

And now, guys, we will continue to learn how to divide words into syllables in diagrams. Today we will divide words in two ways: the first - on a segment (slide 2), the second - by putting the required number of syllables in circles (how many syllables, so many crosses we will put).

(Slide 3). We study the first word together on the board, the rest independently in a notebook. Then we all check together whether the answers are correct.

Make up a sentence with the word geese. Let's look at one of the proposals.

How many words are there in the sentence?

What's the first word?

What's the second one?

What's the third one?

Let's sketch out a diagram of this sentence in our notebook. How are we going to sketch it?

How do we mark the first word? (the first word is capitalized).

What comes at the end of a sentence? (put a dot) (Slide 4).

Game "Shop". (Slide 5).

We came to the store for groceries. You can buy those that have the sound “s” in their names. What will we buy? (salt, sugar, cheese, juice, sour cream, cabbage, beets, butter, sausage).

And now we need products whose names contain the sound “s” (slide 6) - (sausages, oranges, jelly, herring, sunflower seeds, crucian carp).

Maybe someone else wants to add products and come up with what they would like to buy.

Game “Where does sound live?”(slide 6), (several empty diagrams of houses were drawn in advance in the notebook).

The teacher pronounces the words and asks to determine where the given sound is (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word), the children, having determined the place of the sound, “populate” it in the house in the desired window (first on the board, then work in the notebook). For example, the sound “L” in the word onion is at the beginning of the word, which means we’ll paint over the first window, etc.

Summary of the lesson.

Literature: L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya “Teaching preschool children to read and write,” edited by N.V. Durova, publishing house “School Press” 2001.