The New Year is walking across the planet (scenario for the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group). Literature and Internet resources

- Good afternoon, dear guys, teachers, parents! We are pleased to welcome you today to this New Year's hall!

Today we will take a New Year's trip around our planet and find out how different countries celebrate the New Year.

- And so, meet the students of class 2 “B” and our performance


(children come out to the music of “Jingle Benz” and line up by country)

(Coming forward:

The sky sparkles with stars and lights.

Adults are happy and so are children.

New Year has come to Earth again

And he ran across the planet.

Raced through villages and towns,

Meeting winter and summer.

He'll come see us in a minute

We will be happy to meet him.

And he will give us a new dawn,

Having made a revolution around the planet.

There is no more generous holiday -

He is the most beautiful in the world.

New Year is a magical holiday celebrated all over the world.

Celebrating the New Year in different countries is associated with traditions that have been preserved since ancient times.

Even among the ancient peoples, a belief arose - how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

To this day, in different countries they resort to various tricks to “lure” luck, prosperity and prosperity.

We all know and honor the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country.

But other countries of the world have their own traditions, many of which are very unusual and interesting.

We will tell you about them today.

Me: - Sit down more comfortably. And listen carefully. And the first country you and I will go to is (slide with photo) In chorus:


Me: - Which country did you and I just visit? What is the name of Finnish Santa Claus? (Yolupukki)

- Now, guys, guess the riddle and tell me which country we will go to next?

-Here surrounded by blue seas
A green boot is floating.
In it, for Christmas gifts
Or for the New Year,
So many things are hidden at once,
What you can't do in a year:
Ancient cities,
Rivers and canals
Orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and so on...
And it's all - …

Bongiorno, Amigos!
The New Year is sweeping the planet!
Laughter gives joy, lights lights,
Everyone is invited to visit us in Italy!
There is Babo Natalle, a good-natured old man preparing gifts, garlands, firecrackers!
And Fairy Befana brings sweets to those who studied and were an example to everyone!
But if you've been naughty all year long
You will get a simple coal in your stocking.
Irons and pots fly from the windows
Old chairs, blues and pills.
We don’t greet the year in a bad mood, we sing songs and eat treats
It's fun in every home,
We invite you to visit too!

roles - Mama Agatha,
girl Mirella, girl Bella,
boy Antonio,
Babo Natale - another boy
(Grandfather Jose and Aunt Litizia off-screen)

A mother in a colored apron with a darned pillow (sew large patches on an old pillowcase, the pillow can be thrown into the hall) enters the room where the children are playing dominoes.
- Girls, Mirella, Bella, please help Aunt Letitia set the New Year’s table. For now, I’ll go throw away the old things with dad, because the new year needs to be celebrated with everything new.
- Hurray, there will be a lot of delicious things on the table, won’t Mama Agatha? (Mirella)
- And I really love * Bollito misto * and * Panforte *, which Aunt Letizia cooks so well (says Bella)
“And we must also make 12 wishes and eat 12 grapes each,” says Mirella
- and the main thing is to make it before the last strike of the clock! (Bella says)
- Antonio, choose the most beautiful grapes from the big basket that grandfather Jose brought.
And don’t forget to light the candles in the window, just be careful with matches!
Antonio sits on a chair, sulking, kicking the table leg.
-Antonio, why are you sitting there? Hurry up, let’s choose grapes for the New Year’s table. (Bella)
- Yes, Antonio, don’t be mischievous, because Babbo Natale will not bring gifts to the mischievous and naughty guys on this magical night. (Mirella)
-I don’t believe in your Babbo Natale, all this is fiction. (Antonio)
- Well, why fiction... he exists... we know for sure... come on, when the parents go to celebrate the New Year in the square, we will sneak into the room and you will see him yourself. (Mirella)
(mother's voice behind the scenes)
-children. We are waiting for you!
The children run away; on the other side of the stage, near the fireplace, in the twilight, someone is fiddling around.
The children quietly approach and see that it is Babbo Natale with a bag of gifts.
- Hello children! Where is the boy who didn’t believe in me? Ay-ay-ay, you have to believe in miracles!
Antonio with surprise and delight:
-you exist!
-I see you are good and obedient children! They behaved well and helped their elders.
Do you promise Antonio to believe in miracles and obey your elders?
-that's good! Here are your gifts!
Happy New Year!
A curtain.

Me: - This country is located in the southern part of Europe, which is why it is one of the sunniest and warmest countries. This country is home to the famous Port Aventura, as well as bullfighting and flamenco. Madrid and Barcelona are among the ten most stylish cities in the world.



Music plays and two couples walk across the stage. Anton comes out. The couples pause in the background.

Anton:BUENOSDIASOn New Year's Day in Spain, no one stays at the festive table; everyone rushes to the square to admire the bright street carnivals and take part in them. People dress up in carnival costumes, and it is also believed that the color red will bring good luck and there must be something red in the outfit.

Masha and Vanya come to the fore and continue the story, another couple laughs, chats and throws confetti in the background, Anton joins them.

Vania:The Spanish Santa Claus is called Papa Noel, and his other name is Olentzero, which means “good time.”

Masha:Olentzero comes to the children on December 28 and leaves his gifts on the balcony. And it is on this day that the Festival of Disobedience is celebrated in Spain. Only on this day children are allowed to do whatever they want.

Dima and Sasha come to the fore.

Masha, Vanya, Anton take bags of candy and start throwing candy into the hall.

Dima:For the Spaniards, a holiday that is not accompanied by throwing food is not considered a holiday. On New Year's Eve, candies and sweets are scattered in squares during carnivals, which is especially popular with children.

Sasha:And the Spaniards also store small bags with 12 grapes; at each stroke of the clock at midnight, you need to eat a grape in order for your cherished wish to come true, and you can make not just one wish, but twelve at once - one for each month.

Masha, Vanya, Anton take out bags of grapes and distribute them to the others. Everyone lines up on stage in a row (from left to right): Dima, Sasha, Anton, Masha, Vanya.

Anton:The chimes will strike
Soon it will be twelve times.
twelve berries
Everyone saved up that night.

Masha:Listen for hours
Raise a toast
Your desires
Make a wish at the magic hour!

Vania:12 grapes
To the chime of the clock on the tower.
12 grapes -
A sweet series of wishes.

Dima:Lost and Found:
Sadness in yesterday.
Lost and Found:
Happy warm look

Sasha:The soul so longs for miracles.
So that a fairy tale suddenly
She came to our house,
Giving us
More happiness and warmth.

Eats 1 grape and makes a wish out loud: May there be peace in the world

Antoneats a grape and makes a wish: I want a scooter

Masha:May everyone be healthy

Vania:I want to go to the North Pole

Dima:I want my mom to buy me a kitten

Casha:I want all the toys in the world to be mine

Anton:I want to go to Legoland

Masha:I want a talking parrot


Dima:I want a sea of ​​chocolate and an ocean of marmalade



The chimes sound and everyone counts together in Spanish and makes noise with musical instruments. At the end they shout:FELIZANONUEVOand leave the stage to the sound of instruments.

Me: - Guys, do you like winter? Then let's see how you solve the winter riddles.

New Year's riddles with answers

Decorated with toys

Balloons and firecrackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine tree,

And the festive one... (Christmas tree)

He comes with gifts

He leads round dances with us.

Overgrown with a white beard

Good Grandfather... (Frost)

Santa Claus visiting the children

He brought his granddaughter on a sleigh.

Snow figurine -

He will come to us... (Snow Maiden)

Both in boxes and in bags

Packed with sweets.

The candy wrappers are so bright!

There will be... (gifts) for everyone

It sat on the shelf for a whole year,

And now it hangs on the tree.

This is not a flashlight

And the glass one... (ball)

The lights flash quickly

They run from top to bottom.

This friendly team

It's called... (garland)

On the beauty of the forest

The rain is golden in waves -

From a silver cord

Hangs down... (tinsel)

A blizzard is walking around the yard,

The Christmas tree is sparkling in the house.

Children dance in a circle.

What kind of holiday? (New Year)

- Well, now guys from another country have come to us.

This is the birthplace of the famous composers Ludwig Van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach, as well as the famous storytellers Brothers Grimm



New Year in Germany

Acting persons and performers:

German boy (Letkin Maxim),

German girl (Grishina Masha),

Santa Claus (Balikoev Ruslan),

Snow Maiden (Katya Sorokina),

Chimney sweep (Melnikov Georgy)

Every January 1st, Sylvester arrives in Germany. Do you know what this is? New Year! This is the name of this holiday in honor of Pope Sylvester, who, according to legend, defeated the terrible monster - the Serpent Leviathan!

There are many customs associated with St. Sylvester's Day. One of them dates back to the ancient Germans, who believed that noise could drive away evil spirits and demons. That is why there is so much noise on the streets of German cities on December 31st. People sing, music plays, firecrackers fire, New Year's fireworks are displayed and bells ring.

Everybody's ringing the bells

Grishina Masha (cap, apron)

Traditionally, the whole family gathers at the New Year's table in Germany.

There must be a carp dish on the holiday table. It is believed that this fish brings prosperity to the house, because its scales resemble coins.

Also on New Year's Day, a brightly painted dish with apples, nuts, raisins and pies is always placed on the table.

The main dessert of the New Year's feast is considered to be gingerbread gingerbread (Lebkuchen [Libkyuchen]). The tradition of baking gingerbread for the New Year appeared in Germany a long time ago, back in the Middle Ages. German housewives bake gingerbread from flour, sugar and raisins. Gingerbread cookies can reach very large sizes.

Balikoev Ruslan (fur coat, hat)

The German Santa Claus is called Wahnachtsman. Father Christmas rides around on a donkey. On Christmas night before going to bed, the children put a plate on the table for gifts that Vainakhtsman delivers, and they put hay in their shoes - a treat for the donkey.

It was in Germany that the custom of arranging a Christmas tree during the winter holidays originated. This custom originates from the veneration of trees, which has been characteristic of all peoples since ancient times. The ancient Germans had a spruce as such a magical tree: on New Year’s Eve they went to the forest, where they performed ritual actions around a decorated and candlelit tree. The custom, which took root in Germany, gradually spread to other European countries.

Sorokina Katya (basket with apples, walnuts, gingerbread), white scarf on shoulders

And he shows up not alone, but with a sweet and kind German Snow Maiden, who in Germany is called Christkind. A sweet girl's face is covered with a snow veil, and in her hands she holds a basket with nuts, sweets, gingerbread cookies and apples. In Germany, an apple is considered a symbol of the knowledge of good and evil, and having dealt with the hard shell of the nut and eating the tasty core, a person learns the joy of overcoming the difficulties of life and achieving a goal.

If the kind Christkind sings a song or reads a poem, she will intercede for the scoundrel, and he will be forgiven - instead of rods, he will be treated to gingerbread.

Melnikov Georgy (chimney sweep costume)

Hello! I'm a chimney sweep!

Why am I here?

Because I am also an important symbol of the New Year in Germany. Meeting me on New Year's Eve promises good luck. But the one who gets dirty with soot at this time has even greater magical power - he is guaranteed good luck!

When we meet, I wish you happiness, good luck and success. And you, celebrating the New Year, congratulate each other like this:

Everyone wishes each other a Happy New Year in German:

Letkin Maxim (turns to Masha Grishina)

GutenRutsch! [Guten Ruch]. Happy sliding!

Grishina Masha

(turns to Ruslan Balikoev)

Dankeschö n! [Danke shön]. Thanks a lot!

GesundesNeujahr! [Gesundesnoya] Happy New Year!

Balikoev Ruslan

(turns to Sorokina Katya)

Danke, gleichfalls[Danke, glaishchvol]. Thank you! Same to you!

Gesundes Neues! [Gesundesnoyes]. Happy New Year!

Sorokina Katya

( turns to Georgy Melnikov)

Danke,ebenfalls! [Danke, ibenfals] Thank you! And you too!

AllesGuteimneutralJahr! [Alles gut im noyen yar] All the best in the New Year!

Melnikov Georgy

Danke, gleichfalls[Danke, glaishchvol]. Thank you!Same to you!

Melnikov Georgy

I would like to tell you about another interesting tradition - as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight on New Year’s Eve, people of all ages climb onto tables, chairs and armchairs and with the last blow, with joyful greetings, “Jump into the New Year”

Everybody jumps on site once

Georgy Melnikov

Beethoven's 9th symphony - "Ode to Joy" has become the New Year's anthem for the people of Germany.

Now you know how fun and interesting the New Year is celebrated in Germany!

The 9th symphony “Ode to Joy” sounds

Me: - This is truly a magnificent and mysterious country. It is the most populous country in the world. It was in this country that suspension bridges and kites were invented. The capital is Beijing.


- No matter how good it is to travel, a wise proverb says: “Away is good, but at home...”

- We are returning to Russia.

One of the traditions of celebrating the New Year is decorating the Christmas tree..

- In fact, it doesn’t matter how people celebrate the New Year and what the name of the snowy grandfather is.

The main thing is that on New Year's Eve we become the happiest people, because our cherished wishes come true, because it is so comfortable in the circle of our dearest and most beloved people.

- Such a wonderful mood that I want to sing and dance...

One summer I dreamed of New Year.The Snow Maiden is swimming through the green grass.And come to me with a bouquet of daisiesGrandfather Frost showed upAnd he presented me with such a magical casket.

They started a merry round dance,How funny are the forest people?

Time carries everything away, the unexpected dream has disappeared.But sometimes he comes to me again.And one day, among forgotten things,I accidentally picked up the casket -This means that the New Year's fairy tale is not over.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.They started a merry round dance,How funny are the forest people?And I couldn’t believe that everything would go like a fairytale dream.

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.

This concludes our journey through New Year's countries. I would like to wish you all the best and brightest New Year. Health and happiness to you and all your loved ones!

-Happy New Year!

- And the guys have prepared this holiday for you

2 “B” class and Mayorova E.A.

Hello guys!

Winter is a wonderful time of year. There is snow outside the window, everything is white - white.

Do you like winter?

Why do you love her?

What fun holiday comes to us in winter?

Today the guys came to tell you about the New Year, introduce you to the relatives of Santa Claus, and you will also play and solve riddles.

Game "Attach the nose to the snowman"

Who's in charge at the Christmas tree?

Who brings gifts?

A story about the relatives of Santa Claus.

In Italy, on New Year's Day, children happily waited for the fairy Befana; it was she who took care of the holiday in this country: she brought sweets, toys, and various things to good children. True, she was angry and harsh with the bad ones, “rewarding” them only with extinguished embers. The Italians believed that Befana brought stars, she entered houses through the chimney and placed gifts in stockings hung from the exhaust hoods of the hearths.

In Finland, Santa Claus has a very funny name, Joulupukki. Translated, this name means Christmas goat. And this name was given to Santa Claus only because at Christmas he rides around in a cart pulled by a goat.
Joulupukki also looks very interesting, he is wearing a short red fur coat and a cone-shaped red hat. His gnome assistants are always with him, and Joulupukki himself, due to his short stature, looks very much like a gnome.

Tricks with water.

To perform the trick, you will need three jars (volume 500–800 g) filled with water. Jars should have screw-on lids; water should not be poured to the very top of the jar. The inside of each lid is painted with watercolor paint (3 lids - 3 colors: blue, green, red). After saying the magic words, Old Man Hottabych takes one of the jars and shows it to the children, it turns out that the jar contains ordinary water. But after the magic, the water will change its color. The text is pronounced and the water must touch the lid. The watercolor on the inside of the lid dissolves and colors the water in the desired color. This trick is done with each jar. The words of the text change.

You are water!

My friend, you are cold.

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, green!

You are water!

Light as frost!

Become water-water

Not a simple one, but a blue one!

You are water!

You are my wonderful friend!

Become water-water

Not simple, but red!

Note. In order not to paint the lid, you can glue a circle of paper painted in any color.

Game "Yes and No"

The presenter asks a series of questions, and the participants quickly, without much thinking, must answer: “yes” or “no.” Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?

Do you like jokes and gags?

Knows songs and riddles?

Will he eat all your chocolates?

Will he light the children's Christmas tree?

Will he hide threads and needles?

Doesn't his soul age?

Will it warm us up outside?

Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?

Did a rose bloom under the snow?

Is the New Year getting closer?

Does the Snow Maiden have skis?

Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?

Are all the masks bright on New Year's Day?

Whose year is coming according to the eastern calendar?

In Rus' since time immemorial

Roosters were respected

Who else can compare?

With this brave bird?

In fairy tales he is ready to help

Resolve all disputes

After all, it’s not for nothing that he

There is a braid and spurs.

On him always, in everything

Can rely

So, no matter how you look at it, -

There is nothing more important than a bird!

Song "Peter the Cockerel"

Game "Funny Driver"

(pencils are tied to the tape on both sides and, on command, participants wrap the tape around the pencils. Who will “reach” the middle faster)

Game "New Year's Theater"

We wish you happiness and good luck,

Good health to boot.

Happy holidays, happy holidays,

But don't forget about school.

Study for “4”, “5”.

Help mom around the house,

We wish that every home

It was rich in peace and warmth.


Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

We say to you: "Goodbye!

See you happy next time!"

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"The New Year is sweeping the planet"

New Year is sweeping the planet

Velichko Elena Nikolaevna primary school teacher MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5 of Morozovsk" Rostov region

In Italy, on New Year's Day, children happily waited for the fairy Befana; it was she who took care of the holiday in this country: she brought sweets, toys, and various things to good children. True, she was angry and harsh with the bad ones, “rewarding” them only with extinguished embers. The Italians believed that Befana brought stars, she entered houses through the chimney and placed gifts in stockings hung from the exhaust vents. hearth caps.

In Finland, Santa Claus has a very funny name, Joulupukki. Translated, this name means Christmas goat. And this name was given to Santa Claus only because at Christmas he rides around in a cart pulled by a goat. Joulupukki also looks very interesting, he is wearing a short red fur coat and a cone-shaped red hat. His gnome assistants are always with him, and Joulupukki himself, due to his short stature, looks very much like a gnome.

Japanese Grandfather Frost's name is Segatsu-san - Mister New Year. Girls' favorite New Year's entertainment is playing shuttlecock, and boys fly a traditional kite during the holiday. The most popular New Year's accessory is a rake. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them in order to have something to rake in happiness for the New Year.

Olesya Bayanova
The New Year is marching across the planet (scenario for the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group)

« New Year is sweeping the planet»

New Year's holiday for the preparatory group.

Children under New Year's music, they enter the hall, waltz in pairs and stand in a loose position.

Presenter: Hello kids, girls and boys, hello guests! Look at our beautiful and festively decorated hall. Guys, what holiday will he come to visit us soon?

Children in chorus: New Year.

Presenter: Yes. You know many poems about this wonderful holiday, and about the time of year in which he celebrated - winter. Let's listen to the poems.

Poems. (3-4 pcs)

Presenter: Parish new great year for everyone holiday. He is especially happy with children who are waiting for gifts and are happy festive spruce.

Song "Snow Carousel"

After the song, the children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Oh guys, do you hear? Someone is coming towards us...

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost: Hello kids and adults. I see you're all waiting New Year's Eve and gifts

Children: Yes.

Father Frost: But I got into trouble! There will be no gifts, there will be no fun!

Presenter: What could have happened? Tell us, Grandfather Frost, maybe we can help?

Snow Maiden: Do you understand - Grandfather Frost is already old and began to forget what, to whom and where to take, and I gave him a modern miracle of technology - tablet. And who - what, tablet is a very useful thing, and can help with everything, but he stole it. And Grandfather Frost now doesn’t know for whom, what gifts he has prepared and where they need to be taken. We also don’t know where the robbers went.

Father Frost: I walked around my entire magical forest, but found no traces of the kidnappers!

Presenter: Don’t be sad Grandpa, we will help you find the thieves and return your tablet! Shall we help you guys?

Children: YES.

Snow Maiden: Then I will call my assistant Snowman and with the help of his magic ball he will tell you where to go in search.

Father Frost: Call me, call me quickly!

Snow Maiden: Hey Snowman, hey Snowman... (Takes out a mobile phone) Why am I shouting, I have a phone... Hello, is this the Snowman? Write to us soon, Santa Claus needs your help, and grab your magic ball.

The Snowman comes out with a magic ball.

Snowman: Hello Grandfather Frost, hello Snow Maiden, hello you guys too. I already know about your trouble and of course I will help. Well, we don’t have much time, we urgently need to find tablet, otherwise the guys will be left without gifts or receive them at the wrong time.

Father Frost: While the guys are going in search, I will go around my property again, ask the forest inhabitants if anyone has seen my tablet. (Santa Claus leaves)

Snow Maiden: Go Grandpa, go. We won't let you down.

Snowman spins the ball: The magic is about to begin

Spin the magic ball

Call me on a long journey

Smile brightly for the children (The ball is spinning)

Snow Maiden: Guys, look, we are in Bulgaria. Did the thieves hide it somewhere here? tablet?

Presenter:And here are the residents of Bulgaria already preparing for the meeting new years and folk dances are merrily danced.

Bulgarian dance.

Snow Maiden: Not visible anywhere tablet, you need to keep spinning the ball.

Snowman: (spins the ball again) The magic is about to begin

Spin the magic ball

Call me on a long journey

Smile brightly for the children

Oh guys, what should I do? The playful thieves turned out to be faster than us and we will have to look further.

Presenter: I hear foreign speech, and...I understand, we ended up in England. And the children are already singing with all their might New Year's songs.

The song is in English.

Snow Maiden: And our loss was not here.

Snowman: We'll have to ask our magic ball again

The magic is about to begin

Spin the magic ball

Call me on a long journey

Smile brightly for the children

(Spins the ball)

Presenter: Dear Snowman, what is it? Where did they go?

Snowman (looks at the ball): Okay, let's see now. Yeah, we went to America.

Presenter: So what should we do in America?

Snowman: Watch a funny dance. And then ask the local residents if they have seen any suspicious characters!

Pair dance Rock and roll

Snowman: We have very little time left. We need to move on.

Presenter: Where to?

Snowman: (spins the ball) The magic is about to begin

Spin the magic ball

Call me on a long journey

Smile brightly for the children

To Africa!

Snow Maiden: Well, how do we go there? It's hot there. We will melt.

Snowman: Well, why should we go there, we’ll ask those aborigines over there (the children are already ready, standing aside) cheerful natives, come to us quickly.

The natives run out

Aborigine 1: What's happened? Where are you from?

Aborigine 2: What are these jokes, what do you want?

Presenter: We help Santa Claus find him tablet.

Aborigine 3: Who - who? Tablet? I have never seen such an animal.

Presenter: The tablet is not a beast! This is a very important thing without which the guys will not have gifts.

Aborigine 4: Wow! We want gifts too!

Snow Maiden: To receive a gift, you need to sing a song, dance a dance or read a poem for Grandfather Frost. You can?

Aborigine: Well, now we’ll show you how.

Aborigine: Hey, guys, it’s our turn to sing a song today and please the people. And you guys all get up and help us sing together.

Song - dance "Somewhere in the world" (all in front in terms of aborigines) The children sit down.

Presenter: Wonderful dance, but we won’t see any gifts, Grandfather without doesn't remember the tablet, what and to whom he prepared!

Snow Maiden: They definitely don’t have it. But I heard a legend that there are many wise men, far away in the east, who know everything in the world. You need to look to the east, there we’ll see exactly where the thieves went tablet.

Snowman: We'll have to spin the magic ball again, we almost don't have time left. (Says his magic words, but the ball doesn’t spin)

Guys, our ball is tired of spinning!

Snow Maiden: Oh - she - oh, what to do now.

Snowman: Don’t worry, Snow Maiden, the ball is magical, and it can spin again if the children try to guess its clever riddles.

Snow Maiden (clapping hands) Spun! Spun! This means you guessed all the riddles correctly!

Hurry up, Snowman, look into the magic ball!

Snowman: See the Palace of the Eastern Ruler, and Eastern beauties are dancing nearby!

The Sultan claps his hands twice and the girls go out to dance.

Dance of oriental beauties.

All children sit down in their places. The phone rings. The Snow Maiden picks up the phone.

Snow Maiden:How? Found already? Well then we are coming to you! Guys, I was just informed that Santa Claus himself found his tablet and prepares gifts for you.

Snowman: Guys, Grandfather Frost is in a hurry to come to you holiday, prepared a lot of gifts, games and entertainment for children and adults. Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

Name is D.M.

Father Frost: Hello kids, girls and boys, as well as their parents.

Everyone greets D.M.

Father Frost: I came to you from...

Presenter: We know, we know, Grandfather, where you came from. Guys, let's say together loudly where Santa Claus came from! (Children: Veliky Ustyug) Right. And the guys will also sing a song about Grandfather Frost about Veliky Ustyug.

Song "Father Frost from Veliky Ustyug"

After the song, the children sit down.

Father Frost: How literate you all are! Yes, that's where I'm from. (Looks back at the Christmas tree) I see that your Christmas tree is out of order. The lights on the Christmas tree are not burning.

Presenter: Guys, we forgot about the Christmas tree while we were looking for the loss.

Father Frost: Well, we need to fix the problem. Come guys, everyone come to me (suitable) You blow on the Christmas tree, clap, stamp on it, and I’ll hit it with my staff.

Snow Maiden: Guys, I have 2 magic handkerchiefs. When I pick up the red one, you stomp, and when I pick up the green one, you clap. (play 4 times)

Father Frost: Thank you granddaughter! Well guys, we need to finish our magic. Ready to blow hard? (Yes) Well then, on the count of three, we all blow on the Christmas tree. One two Three…. (blowing) The lanterns on the Christmas tree light up.

Father Frost: Well done, now join hands together and dance in a circle.

Round dance with D.M.

The children take their seats.

Father Frost: Phew, how hot it got. Oh, Snow Maiden, help me.

Snow Maiden: Sit down Grandfather, rest. (The Snow Maiden stands nearby all the time)

Presenter: Relax, Grandfather Frost, and our guys will read wonderful poems to you.


Father Frost: What wonderful poems. Well done boys. And now I want to turn to my parents, otherwise they have stayed too long with us and are bored. I invite parents to turn into little children for a while and play with me.

6 parents are called. Santa Claus explains the rules.

Father Frost: So, dear parents, listen carefully to my assignments. (Gives each parent a note with a verse of the song and the parents, after reading the words, sing to the music)

Musical game with parents.

Father Frost: These are how wonderful your parents are. Thank you. Go to your seats. Do you guys like games? (YES) Well then, let's play with you too.

Playing with children (at the discretion of the music director)

Then the children sit down.

Father Frost (Brings out a bag of gifts from behind the tree): Well, here are the gifts. Sit down, children, and Snegurochka and I will give you gifts.

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost: Did I please with the gift?

Have you forgotten anything?

Well, then it's time to say goodbye!

We wish you happiness, joy, with Happy New Year. Goodbye friends!

They leave and wave goodbye.

Presenter: The moment of farewell has come, we tried our best to entertain!

I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Me for both adults and children.

And I hope this year

You will all be lucky in some way.

Children leave the hall to the music.

, New Year's customs and signs of the peoples of the world, New Year's storm, New Year's brain ring

The soundtrack of the song “Happy New Year!” from the repertoire of the group ABBA - instrumental version.


I hasten to tell you - hello!
To wish you good health.
I hasten to tell you - goodness!
To wish you new happiness.
I hasten to tell you - joy!
Good luck, success and luck!
To wish everyone in the hall
Have the most wonderful mood.

For most people, New Year's Eve is their favorite holiday. The New Year is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique, enchanting. People expect a miracle, a bright fairy tale, new happiness...

The New Year is sweeping the planet!
Adults and children love him.
Coming soon
Happy New Year to us!

All over the world people celebrate the New Year holiday, and in each country - in its own way. There are as many customs as there are countries. Our tournament of experts is dedicated to them today.

I round – Quiz “New Year's mosaic”

Presenter: We will find out how the New Year was celebrated and how it is celebrated in different countries of the world by answering the questions of the “New Year's Mosaic” quiz.

Question No. 1

Dear experts! You, of course, know that the first calendar in which the year began on January 1 was introduced by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. On this day, the ancient Romans made sacrifices to the two-faced god Janus, who was considered the patron of endeavors. The custom of giving New Year's gifts also came to us from Ancient Rome. It is believed that the first gifts were tree branches, which foreshadowed happiness and good luck in the coming year.

On your work tables is a vase with a spruce branch, a bunch of oat ears, a laurel branch and sorghum stalks. Choose from this unusual bouquet a gift from an ancient Roman. (Laurel branch)

Question No. 2

Santa Claus can visit Icelandic children any day from December 1st to December 24th. Knowing this, many try to behave well, because they know that they can find this vegetable in their holiday stocking instead of a gift.

You have vegetables on your trays: potatoes, carrots, beets, green radishes, onions.

Put the vegetable that naughty Icelandic children receive from Father Christmas in your Christmas stocking. (Potato)

Question No. 3

The goat occupies a privileged “position” in Norwegian society. Local legends (sagas) associate the beginning of such a strange, in our opinion, tradition with the reign of King Olaf II (it fell on the years 1015-1028). It is said that he once saved a wounded goat by removing it from a cliff. The poor animal was taken to the palace, treated and released. As a token of gratitude, the goat brought rare medicinal plants to the savior every night.

Children in Norway are waiting for gifts from a goat. She is greeted with festive treats, which are placed in children's shoes on New Year's Day. The next morning, instead of a treat, the children find New Year's gifts in their boots and shoes.

Please choose from unusual bouquets a holiday treat for your Norwegian goat. (Bundle of oat ears)

Question No. 4

Residents of England and Wales consider Christmas a more important holiday than New Year. They celebrate Christmas in church, but everyone, of course, considers the Christmas dinner on December 25 to be the most pleasant part of the celebration. The whole family is sure to gather for it. Dishes, tablecloths, and napkins on the festive table often have traditional Christmas symbols, and a traditional Christmas attribute must be placed next to each plate.

On your tables there are New Year and Christmas cards, firecrackers, candles, figurines of a bull and a tiger - symbols of the outgoing and coming year.

Which of these holiday attributes is sure to be on an Englishman's Christmas table? (Clapperboard)

Question No. 5

In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed in a white dress, and a crown with lit candles is placed on her head. On a festive night, the lights in the houses do not go out, the streets are brightly lit.

Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and this vegetable for the donkey.

Choose a treat for your donkey. (Carrot)

2nd round – test “New Year's signs”

Presenter: On your work tables there is a sheet of paper with the answers to the questions of the “New Year's Signs” test.

You need to choose one from the 3 proposed answer options.

1. In France, the one who gets this product in the pie receives the title of king, and on New Year's Eve everyone obeys him.

Name this product.

a) pea

c) beans

2. In Austria, Germany and Hungary, this dish on the festive table is considered a guarantee of prosperity and happiness.

What dish is this?

a) piglet

c) lamb

3. In Ancient Greece, this vegetable was often sent to quarreling spouses for the New Year - a symbol of quarrels and gossip.

Name this vegetable.

b) beets

c) radish

4. In Japan, for the New Year, they prepare dishes from products that, according to legend, bring happiness. Seaweed gives joy, roasted chestnuts - success in business, peas and beans - health, boiled fish - calmness and good spirits.

What does herring caviar bring?

and money

b) new friends

c) happy family and many children

5. In Greece, there is a custom according to which, at exactly midnight, the head of the family goes out into the yard and smashes a fruit from a fruit tree against the wall. If its grains scatter throughout the yard, the family will live happily in the New Year.

Name the fruit of the fruit tree.

a) apple

b) orange

c) pomegranate

III round – quiz “Where has this been seen?..”

Presenter: Each team has a landscape sheet on their work table with the outlines of states drawn on it, the New Year traditions of which we will now talk about.

To answer my question, you should write the name of the country on the outline.

1. People in this country try to spend New Year’s Eve without sleep. This custom is called “watching for the New Year.” There is a sign: whoever falls asleep on New Year's Eve will have white eyelashes. Mothers sprinkled flour on the eyelashes of sleeping babies.

Name this Asian state. (Korea)

2. In this South American country, the New Year is celebrated with a cannon shot. Hearing the sound of a cannon, people begin to hug, “regardless of their faces.” Many people believe that if at this moment you manage to kiss a person dear to you, then the whole year will be happy.

In which country does this New Year's tradition exist? (Brazil)

3. In this African country, the talisman of the New Year is considered to be a green, unripe nut. Finding such a nut means happiness and good luck throughout the year.

Name the country. (Sudan)

4. In this European country they bake an unusual pie. This pie is both a treat and a fortune teller. Dogwood buds are baked in it, which is considered a mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday. If you get one kidney, you’ll be healthy, two, you’ll be lucky, three, you’ll get married, four, you’ll become an excellent student. And someone will find a coin, which means they will get rich.

What is the name of this country? (Bulgaria)

5. This country celebrates the New Year when it is at its hottest. That’s why Santa Claus travels not on a sleigh, but on a windsurf.

Name the country. (Australia)

IV round – competition “New Year's poets”

Host: Friends, I suggest you become poets and within 3 minutes compose a New Year’s quatrain with the following rhymes:

  • ...................... winter,
  • ........................Hooray!
  • ...................will come
  • ...............will bring it!

V round – brain-ring “New Year's stuff”

Host: And now you will answer questions from the brain ring. 30 seconds are given to discuss each question. One point is given for the correct answer.


1. Until the 14th century, he came in March, but during the reign of Simeon the Proud, the eldest son of Ivan Kalita, he began to come on September 1.

2. The path of the forest beauty to universal veneration was not at all easy. Among the Russians, spruce was not considered a symbol of joy and prosperity. Spruce was perceived by them as a companion of trouble and misfortune. Therefore, the people accepted the decree signed by Peter I with caution, and after the death of the reformer Tsar, it (the decree) was happily forgotten.

Which tree did the Russians consider a symbol of joy and prosperity? (Birch)

3. In Russia, the celebration of the New Year according to European custom began to be celebrated after the decree of Peter I in 1699.

By his decree, he ordered to decorate houses with green branches, illuminate the streets and organize festivities there.

With the branches of which coniferous plant, in addition to spruce and pine, did the inhabitants of Rus' decorate their houses? (Juniper)

4. Since ancient times in Rus', many beliefs have been associated with the advent of the New Year.

In Rus' they believed that the starry sky on New Year's Day meant the harvest. Severe frost and light snow also promised a lot of bread.

The weather forecast for the coming year was as follows. They peeled 12 onions from scales and, pouring a pinch of salt on each, placed them on the stove overnight. In the morning we looked at which onion got the salt wet.

What did the wet salt on the onion indicate?

(On which onion the salt got wet, that month promised to be rainy.)

5. Listen to the description of an unusual house.

According to ancient custom, the foundation of this house is laid on birch bark, and silver coins lie under the crowns as a symbol of prosperity and well-being. The height of the house is 24 meters. 11 tons of copper went into the roof.

The main room in the house is the throne room. Anyone can sit in the throne of the owner of the house - both children and adults.

There is a wishing room in the house, in which, to the sound of a crystal bell, you need to close your eyes tightly and make a good wish. And it will certainly come true.

What is the name of this house and who is its owner? (Terem, Santa Claus)

6. The Snow Maiden established itself as an indispensable character of the New Year holiday only in Russia. And there is nothing surprising in that: this image has been known to our people for a long time. The mention of a girl born from snow is found in the legends of deep antiquity, dedicated to the origin of cloud spirits from melting ice in the spring.

Based on the plot of folk tales about a snowy girl, the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky wrote the play “The Snow Maiden” in 1873. Based on it, two great Russian composers created two wonderful musical works - the opera “The Snow Maiden” and the ballet “The Snow Maiden”.

(N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov - opera “The Snow Maiden”, P.I. Tchaikovsky – ballet “The Snow Maiden”)

7. This fruit was brought to Russia by Peter I. At first, the fruit caused bewilderment and was met with dissatisfaction. “Dark” Russian people ate the bitter peel and gave the pulp to horses. Only 5 years later in Russia they learned to eat this fruit correctly, and it became an indispensable attribute of the New Year's table in every home.

What is this? (Mandarin)

8. This decorative decoration made of branches and flowers is used for the New Year tree, interior design and festive table setting.

Name this decoration. (Garland)

9. This New Year's decoration first appeared in 1892 at the Parisian carnival. Telegraph workers decorated the Grand Boulevards with them.

Its name comes from the Latin “serpens” and means “snake”.

What kind of decoration is this? (Serpentine)

10. Think and tell me what Peter I called “the apple of the earth”? (Globe)

The team that scores the most points at the end of all rounds becomes the winner. Team players are presented with memorable New Year souvenirs.


May the New Year knock on you,
And the house will be filled with happiness.
And everything you dreamed of,
May it come true this year!

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With a song
With a joke
With a round dance!
With the firmament
Full of stars
With the white frost of birches,
With glitter
Christmas lights,
With faith in happiness
New days!

The phonogram “Songs about a good mood” from the movie “Carnival Night” plays.

Literature and Internet resources.

  1. >http://xmas4ever.narod/ru/about/html
  2. Yumagulova L.G. “Club of Connoisseurs, or Winter Kaleidoscope” newspaper “Last Call” No. 5 2007
  3. Kurochkina L.B., Milekhina R.K. “Beauty Christmas tree” Magazine “Read, learn, play” No. 9 2008


Guys, today let’s all go on a trip around the New Year’s planet together. And we’ll find out how other countries celebrate “New Year.” Imagine that we get into the festive carriage of the New Year’s express and it rushes us (the sound of train wheels) to snowy Finland (blizzard and blizzard) .

Are you frozen? So let's warm up. Finland is the birthplace of the wonderful dance “Letka-Enka”. Let's dance the dance "Letka-Enka"».

We continue our journey (the sound of train wheels). And we are in Germany. Guys, do you know how to celebrate the New Year in Germany? There at 12 o'clock they stand on a chair and jump from it, so they seem to jump into the New Year. Let's try to jump into the New Year just from a place and on the count of one, two, three.

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came to us from Europe.

Guys, do you like to decorate the Christmas tree? Now let's see if you can do it?

A game; Who will decorate the Christmas tree faster??

(The sound of train wheels) and we go to Italy. The Macarena is a favorite dance not only in Italy. So let's dance with you Macarena dance. In Italy there is a belief that the New Year should begin by freeing oneself from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw old things out of the windows. Therefore, it is customary to throw old things out of windows on New Year's Eve. It is dangerous to walk the streets of Italy on New Year's Eve.

A game.Children are also invited to get rid of everything bad by writing it on pieces of paper, crumpling the sheets into “snowballs.” They need to have time to throw them into a bag, with which the presenter runs around to the music. In Italy, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to shout loudly, scream with all your might, saying goodbye to the old year. Let us also say goodbye to the passing year in Italian (they shout).

And again on the road - the path. We took a ride around Europe, and now we’ll go to hot, exotic Africa, but there are no trains there, we’ll go by car (car engine noise).

Game - driving a car with your eyes closed.

On the ground in Abidji in N.G., villagers gather not only for ritual dances, but also for races on all fours with an egg in the mouth. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first and does not damage the shell. After all, Abidja’s egg is a symbol of life.

Contest. Squat running (goose step) with a tangerine in your mouth.

We continue our journey, transfer to a ship and sail to America. Every year on New Year's Eve in America there is a competition for the strongest, most resilient and dexterous man. And we will hold a New Year's competition for the most dexterous boys and girls.

A game.; tear the napkin with one hand and we'll make it snow in one fell swoop.

We board a plane and fly to Australia. And in Australia, Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit on a specially brightly decorated surfboard - this is a board. His clothes always include a red hat with a pompom, and a white beard at the end. But what to do, since they have no trace of snow , and there are no deer or Christmas trees.

What is the most popular animal in Australia? That's right, kangaroo. Of course, you know that kangaroos carry children in their pouch, on their stomachs and jump at the same time. Can you jump? What about the kangaroo?

Game: kangaroo

It’s good to meet N.g. at a party, but at home it’s better. We return to Russia (by plane).

In Russia, it is customary to decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also have fun with dancing, music and games.

Games; snowman, snowball fight, posters. We dance in circles, sing songs. We say goodbye.