Resist temptation. How to fight temptation. “Why doesn’t God kill the devil so that there is no evil?”

Sergey Khudiev

Woe to the world from temptations, for temptations must come; but woe to the man through whom temptation comes, says the Lord (). What is temptation? In advertisements, this word is pronounced with a languid aspiration - “Chocolate bar “Prelest!” Melting temptation! In this case, “temptation” simply means the opportunity to obtain pleasure - not necessarily morally vicious. In the Christian context, the word “temptation,” like another favorite advertising word, “temptation,” means something completely different—the desire to do something harmful and bad, evil, treacherous. Something that will bring temporary, and possibly eternal, unhappiness to us or other people.

Temptation is that specific thirst that an alcoholic feels when he sees a bottle on the counter; those thoughts about expensive things and pleasures that flash through the head of an investigator who is offered a bribe. This is the current that simply carries away a person who does not have solid principles, and which throws off course the one who does have these principles. Sometimes this desire is simple and rude - to steal an expensive and so desired item while the seller is looking away. Sometimes it is skillfully disguised as something harmless or even good - a struggle for truth, for freedom, and often for Truth.

Temptation often comes through certain people; Thus, the Russian people were seduced by the Bolsheviks, the German people by the Nazis. The Lord sternly warns those who may cause others to sin: But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and thrown into the sea.(). As a rule, those who succumb to temptation themselves become the cause of temptation for others - as if a deadly infection is seizing more and more new carriers. But unlike an infection that affects us against our will, we decide for ourselves whether to succumb to temptation or not; and the entire tradition of the Church teaches us to recognize and reject those impulses that can lead us to evil. The question of temptations arises especially acutely when it comes to people who are repelled by something from the Church, or people who, after being there for some time, left it.

Walk home

The psalmist David turns to God with amazing words: You know when I sit down and when I get up; You understand my thoughts from afar. Whether I am walking or resting, You surround me, and all my paths are known to You. There is not yet a word on my tongue, - You, Lord, already know it completely... My bones were not hidden from You when I was created in secret, formed in the depths of the womb. Your eyes have seen my embryo; in Your book are written all the days appointed for me, when not one of them was yet(Ps 138 ) Our faith says that people are not the product of an assembly line - each of us is designed by God separately, according to a special project, and God has prepared for each of us something inexpressibly beautiful. God has prepared that place at His table that you, the reader, should take, that reflection of the glory of God that should be reflected in you, that eternal and endless joy that you should experience in your own way, as a unique and in your own way only child God's. Temptation is something that threatens to deprive you of this, to tear you away from salvation, to prompt you to leave the eternal light into eternal darkness.

Various reasons can be intertwined in temptation - our own bad habits, sick passions and false beliefs; bad example and false words of other people; suggestions of spiritual forces of evil. sees behind evil not just human imperfection, but a certain personal force, which the Lord called “the prince of darkness.” We have an enemy who desires our destruction; and the first thing he wants to achieve is to tear us away from the Church, if we are already connected with it, or to prevent us from coming to it, if we are not yet in it.

“Why doesn’t God kill the devil so that there is no evil?”

Those who have read Daniel Defoe's famous novel "Robinson Crusoe" remember this question that the simple-minded savage Friday asks Robinson. Robinson, after his misadventures on a desert island, turned to God in repentance and faith and now wants to convert the poor savage to the light of truth. The following conversation takes place between them:
“Friday stopped me with the following words:
“Okay, you say, God is so strong, so powerful, isn’t He more powerful than the devil?”
“Yes, yes, Friday,” I answered, “God is stronger and more powerful than the devil, and therefore we ask God to cast him into the abyss, so that He will give us the strength to resist his temptations, and turn away his fiery arrows from us.”
“But,” he objected, “since God is stronger and can do more, why doesn’t He kill the devil so that there is no evil?”
His question struck me strangely... At first I didn’t know what to answer him, I pretended that I hadn’t heard him, and asked again what he said. But he was too serious about seeking an answer to forget his question..."

In fact, what could be simpler? One good lightning bolt, and the devil's temptations are over once and for all. Is it over? Will another of the same kind take the place of the destroyed evil spirit? God could have destroyed any of His creation that rebelled against Him, but He chose not to do so. He created a world in which there is true freedom and true choice. This means that some angels and people will make the wrong choice - and they will have the opportunity to do so.

But most importantly, if, as the simple-minded Friday wishes, “God kill the devil,” will this be a victory? For God it is possible; but not for us. We will have nothing to do with it - in the battle of good and evil we will be outsiders, the victory that will be celebrated in heaven will not be our holiday. But God decided differently - people are honored to take part in His battle and share His victory. As the Revelation of John the Theologian says, And the great dragon was cast out, that ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, he was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven: Now has come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the power of His Christ, because the slanderer of our brethren is cast out, who slandered them before our God day and night. They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and did not love their souls even to death. and (Open 12 :9-11).

God fights with the devil not for physical dominance over the universe, and it would be a mistake to imagine this struggle as some kind of star wars, in which regiments of angels, with varying degrees of success, try to knock out hordes of demons from our galaxy. In this respect, God is the undisputed, absolute and only Sovereign, whom His rebellious creatures cannot threaten in any way. The entire Universe belongs to Him and Him alone.

God fights not for territories or resources, but for something else - the souls of people endowed with free will. It's a bit like how a father struggles to raise his son to be a worthy man, or the relatives of an alcoholic struggle to get him to stop drinking. Here simple physical power helps very little.

People are active and free participants in the cosmic drama; the conflict between light and darkness unfolds in our souls, and each time we decide which side to take. Saints defeat the devil not by force of arms, but by loyalty to Christ “even to death.” Temptations that cannot help but come mean that we are involved in a battle - and our loyalty or betrayal has a universal, eternal dimension. Yes, usually we do not see behind our petty desires, petty displeasures and petty grievances our participation in this universal spiritual confrontation; but reminds us that we humans are inevitably involved in it.

Leave the cave

In H.G. Wells's story "Country of the Blind," the hero finds himself in a mountain valley cut off from the outside world, inhabited by people who have been stricken with hereditary blindness for many generations. The valley is distinguished by its fertility and mild, favorable climate, so that its blind inhabitants are fully adapted to their life in eternal darkness. The memory of the world from which their ancestors once came was preserved in the form of half-erased myths. The traveler tries to tell them about the world outside their valley, but to them his speech seems complete nonsense. These people have never seen the green grass on which they walk, nor the starry sky above their heads, nor the sparkling mountain peaks that surround the valley. They live in a very small world accessible to their senses - and do not believe in the existence of anything else.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato's famous myth about the cave talks about prisoners sitting in a cave who can only judge real objects by the shadows they cast on the cave walls. Everything that is accessible to their perception, their entire world, is shadows, so for a person freed from the cave, meeting reality will be an almost unbearable shock.
Both of these literary images have one thing in common: people can be deprived of the most important dimension of their lives, living like blind people, like prisoners in a cave, and almost not realizing it. The huge, mysterious and incomprehensible world of spiritual reality remains outside their lives. In our country, people have been taught for decades that the cave is the only reality, and now, when this pressure has long ceased, people have simply become accustomed to living in a cave. It is difficult for them to believe that there is anything else besides the cave. Yes, many vaguely feel that the cave is not everything; and some even speak with confidence about a vast and shining world beyond its borders. But most often people brush aside such conversations, even consider them harmful, distracting from the improvement of our dungeon.

A navigator setting foot on a new continent, or an astronaut going into outer space, experiences a less amazing discovery than a person discovering the reality of the spiritual world; suddenly regaining his sight, he discovers that the grass on which he has been walking all this time is emerald green, the snow on the mountain peaks is white, and the sky is blue. With a sudden shudder he sees the abysses along the edge of which he has been walking all this time, and with joyful trepidation he sees hospitable valleys full of amazing wonders. The habit of living with his eyes closed pulls him back, but he can no longer live as before.

And the Christian life is a life in contact with spiritual reality. Sometimes God makes us realize it very clearly; sometimes we must “walk by faith and not by sight” and simply be faithful to the decision once made. As spiritually awakened people, we are called to recognize that we are in a battle, and the temptations we experience are part of it.

Through the eyes of one who has received his sight

It is on the basis of this awareness of spiritual reality that we build our relationship with the Church. We begin to understand why the Church is needed at all when we recognize that the world is much larger than the cave we are accustomed to, there are things in it immeasurably more beautiful than anything we have ever desired, and inexpressibly more terrible than anything we have ever were afraid; not only the world in which we live, but also we, people, are much more than we dared to admit to ourselves; we are called to eternal life - not just endless, but qualitatively different; Moreover, this new, completely different life begins now.

In the rite of the Annunciation (preparation for Baptism) there are the following words: “Standing at the door inside the temple, the priest asks the catechumen: “Who are you?” He answers: “I am someone who wants to know the True God and seeks salvation.” Priest: “Why did you come to the Holy Church?” Announced: “To learn true faith from her and join her.” Priest: “What benefit do you hope to receive from true faith?” Announced: “Eternal and blessed life.” There is a famous song: “love changes everything - hands and faces, heaven and earth, the way you live and the way you die.” Faith, if it exists, changes everything even more profoundly; we are not adding a few architectural embellishments to our home, we are building it on a new foundation. We look at everything with completely different eyes - including what could serve as embarrassment and temptation to us.

Face reality

People leave the Church or refuse to enter It for various reasons. Some are burdened by the commandments, some cannot “hang out” or find an environment for comfortable communication, some are embarrassed by the (real or supposed) sins of church people. But the root of the misfortune is not in this, not in the other, and not in the third; rather, it is in the stubborn ignoring of the most important and, in fact, the only important question - is this true and why is all this? Is Christ Really Risen? Does the Gospel tell the truth? If this is true, then it is true no matter how comfortable I am in the Church or how pleasant I am to certain people standing next to me in the temple.

At school I had an excellent mathematics teacher. She knew how to teach her subject in such a way that everyone listened with bated breath; she stayed to tutor struggling students and put her heart and soul into her work. Everyone loved and respected her. Others may have been less fortunate - they may have encountered an unprofessional, irritable or indifferent math teacher. Moreover, quite rarely, there are even criminals among teachers. But what if one of us said: “I don’t believe in the multiplication tables! We had a terrible math teacher!”? Obviously, we just won't make the connection. A math teacher can be a wonderful person, or he can be completely unfit - this does not affect the truth of the multiplication table.

The doctor who advised me to lose weight was clearly overweight herself; did that make her advice false? No. If certain statements are true, then they are true no matter how consistent with these statements those who make them behave. Twice two is really four; Being overweight is really bad for your health.
If for some reason the multiplication tables were unpleasant to me, I could easily find examples of bad mathematics teachers or tell stories (quite true) of how excessive enthusiasm for mathematics leads people to a psychiatric hospital. But would I prove by this that the multiplication table itself is false?

As the school physics textbook says, reality is something that exists independently of us and our thoughts about it. The Church makes certain statements about reality: it talks about God, our Creator, Judge and Savior, that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead, that whoever believes in Him and follows Him will have eternal life , and the one who completely ossifies in unrepentance will perish. The Church claims that immediately upon leaving our body we will be convinced that we have made the most important choice in our lives - and made it either correctly or tragically incorrectly.

If all this is not true, Christ has not been resurrected, then we should not join the Church and should not, even if there were not a single person in It that was unpleasant to us, because in this case, untruth lies at its very foundation. If this is true, we should join the Church. If God himself, who became man for the sake of our salvation, meets us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, then no sins and weaknesses of the people standing next to us in the temple can turn us away from Him; if this is not so, then we have nothing to do in the temple.

We will definitely face temptations, and they will be very diverse. But if we face the truth and remember the reality of the spiritual battle in which we are involved, we will not be carried away by their currents. Our faith, as Scripture says, is a safe and strong anchor. As the holy apostle says, Put on the whole armor of God, so that you can stand against the wiles of the devil, because our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spirits of wickedness in the heavenly places. For this purpose, take on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on the evil day and, having done everything, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girded with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; and above all, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery arrows of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Pray with every prayer and petition at all times in the Spirit, and strive for this very thing with all constancy and prayer for all the saints. x (Eph 6 :11-18).

To follow the right path, you need to be clear about your life goals. Until you know your tasks, it is difficult for you to figure out what actions will be correct. Think about what you want from life, create a value system, set priorities. Keep in your head a picture of your future life as you want it to be. Keep in mind that if you succumb to temptation just once and act contrary to your principles, you can destroy everything you have built for a long time.

Temptation should not be taken lightly. If you allow yourself to break down once, it may happen again in the future. As a result, your plans may not come true, and the achievement of your goals will be pushed back. Know how to show strength of spirit and restrain yourself. If you succumb to temptation and do something that you should not do, you will face not only ruined plans, but also pangs of conscience and a heavy sense of guilt. At the same time, self-esteem and the level of faith in one’s own capabilities will decrease.

If you are able to resist temptation and do not deviate from the path originally planned, you can be proud of yourself and enjoy the fruits of your perseverance. For example, if you decide to adjust your diet in order to lose excess weight and give up starchy and sweet foods, every chocolate bar or cake makes you weaker as a person and harms your figure. Once you deviate from the rule of not eating forbidden foods, over time you may completely abandon the rules of nutrition and become disorganized. Believe me, it is much easier not to retreat from the very beginning and act according to plan.

Correct behavior

When temptation arises, you need to distract yourself to resist it. If a person is constantly busy working on himself or self-development, he simply has no time to pay special attention to various temptations. He knows what he wants, is passionate about his goal and is not distracted by unnecessary things. Be a goal-oriented, busy, business person. Don't waste time on any nonsense.

If you feel a craving for the forbidden fruit growing inside, imagine yourself not at the moment of enjoying it, but after. Perhaps such visualization will help you refrain from taking a rash step and will prevent you from committing any reprehensible acts. Remember how much effort, time and other resources you have invested in your endeavor. You simply do not have the right to waste everything because of a moment of weakness.

Sometimes it is worth replacing a big temptation with a small one when there is no other choice. If we return to the topic of diet, instead of the desired cake, you can eat something less high-calorie and harmful, for example, a light soufflé dessert or fruit. Learn to compromise if you feel that otherwise you will fall apart. Still, this is better than letting your life take its course and indulging your every whim.

How to resist temptation?
For example, you noticed that you had gained a few extra pounds and decided to go on a diet. But you soon discover that it’s difficult for you to resist if something tasty comes into your field of vision - “And if I take a bite, I can’t stop?”
You scold yourself, you are ashamed of your weakness, but every time the situation repeats itself. What should I do?

It is indeed not easy to resist temptations of any kind, as many researchers have confirmed.
During the experiments, they exposed smokers, sweet tooths, dieters, and other categories of citizens to temptation.
Experiments have convincingly proven: the closer and more accessible the forbidden fruit, the greater the risk of succumbing to temptation.
Therefore, it is better to avoid situations where it will be difficult to resist. However, many people know in advance where and when they can give up.
And they even begin to feel remorse for possible weakness in advance. In advance! And these negative thoughts only increase the risk!
Professor Deborah McInnis conducted an interesting study, the results of which have implications not only for losing weight, but also for counteracting any habits that you want to break.
Deborah tested how people react to temptation under different circumstances.
She placed three groups of people in a room containing a delicious-looking chocolate cake and tools to cut it and eat it.
First group placed in the room were warned that if they ate the cake they would feel shame and guilt.
Second told to think about the pride they would feel if the cake was not eaten.
Third (control) group, was sent to a room without any instructions.
And do you know which group ate the most? Third group. They were not given any restrictions.
And who turned out to be the most persistent? The group that was told about pride.
Remember: Shame and guilt work much worse in resisting temptation than pride.
This also applies to how we raise children, how we set up and instruct them.
Shame and guilt consume energy, taking it away from our intention to resist temptation.
Pride, on the other hand, adds energy to us, energizes our willpower, helping us resist.

In life, we are often faced with the temptation to do something pleasant, but at the same time, as we know, unhealthy or unwise.
How can we overcome these temptations? Comparing the pleasure of giving in to temptation with the pleasure and pride we will experience by not doing so.
Positive thoughts, a picture of the future where you are slim and proud of yourself, will provide you with great support.
You will definitely succeed!

Story One Hundred and Twenty-Two: How to resist temptations?

How can we develop the resilience and willpower needed to resist temptation? How can we remember to protect ourselves while leading others? After all, there is so much at stake: not only our children, but also future generations.

It is important to understand that there are no “small temptations.” It is very frivolous to compromise on matters of extramarital sex, or to embellish the truth a little, or to handle public money and get little benefit from it, or to criticize someone and make unflattering remarks about him in his absence. It is very easy to believe that a little weakness we show will not do us any harm.

When temptation comes, it seems that the easiest solution is to give in to it, justifying yourself by saying that it is small and cannot cause much harm. But the reality is that the temptation to which a person succumbed returns to him later with even greater force. Sometimes one moment of weakness can destroy relationships built over years, or even the work of a lifetime.

The first step in fighting temptation is honesty. Openly acknowledging the existence of temptations in our lives is a reliable defense, firstly against criticism in our direction, and secondly against our sinful nature. However, we often try to seem better than we really are, thus deceiving, first of all, ourselves. Most often, all our shortcomings become obvious to those around us who communicate with us for more or less long periods of time, and by trying to hide them, we end up hiding them only from ourselves. This is a great danger, secret sin, which pushes us much more strongly towards even greater mistakes, since, by hiding our shortcomings, we “capitulate” to them and do not resist them. When we openly admit our shortcomings, we gain strength to fight them.

However, just recognizing the problem is not enough; to defeat temptations, you need to surround yourself with reliable allies. When we form a certain community and build relationships as mature people, then by being open to each other, we simultaneously help each other fight temptations.

Hell is a very dark place, but people who have committed many sins go there of their own free will, because it is there that they can hide their shame from others. The Kingdom of Heaven is a very bright place, the light pierces through and through, which is why there may be people there who do not “cast even the shadow of sin.” In the same way, here on Earth, the desire to be alone, not to see anyone, and not to communicate with anyone, is often associated with secret vices. Only crystal clear people can lead a life in plain sight for 24 hours, because no one is able to pretend all the time.

In every organization striving for excellence, there must be principles by which all members of the organization, without exception, are equal. Moreover, they report to each other on how much they comply with these principles and help each other fight temptations.

“Educate yourselves as worthy citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, embodying the love and life inherent in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

“No one is perfect, not even God’s people. They are God's people not because they have no flaws, but because they recognize those flaws, fight against them, openly hide them from other people, and are always ready to change for the better.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed: the earnest prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
James 5:16

Usually, problems in the family arise when everyday life and routine absorb lovers and turn their love into a habit. They continue to love each other, but show it less and less, and gradually in the depths of their souls there arises a desire to replenish the lost feeling that you are truly loved, to shake up the established rhythm of life and feel loved and desired again. It is at such a moment that an offer made by a colleague, or explicit advances from a handsome man whom you accidentally met at a party, may seem tempting. You still understand perfectly well that family is the most important thing for a person, and your husband remains as dear as on your wedding day, but you terribly miss signs of attention from him. The temptation becomes stronger with each passing day, and you feel that you are ready to give up, but are still trying to resist. So, learn to fight temptation and return passion to family relationships. In this article we will talk about how to resist temptation...

How to make the right choice

Life is such that even the strongest love is tested. Everyone wants to feel love and attention from another person. If, over time, a woman feels that she is not getting what she wants from her husband, she begins to compare other men who surround her with him, and this comparison does not always end in favor of her husband. But the whole paradox is that when comparing her husband and the man she likes, with whom she works or meets with friends, she does not know about his shortcomings, which everyone has. Many men, in turn, want to feel desired and most in the arms of not only a single woman, but also a married woman. And they make titanic efforts to meet her, without thinking about the consequences.

In order not to make a mistake and not destroy your family, think about what will happen next when you agree to meet with a man who is so keen on you. Do you have a future together, is a long-term relationship possible, why do you need this relationship? It may be enough to bring a fresh spirit into family relationships, instead of entering into a relationship that is doomed in advance to separation and pain.

Remember that you will have to look your husband in the eyes and lie, trying to hide what is happening, and if you fail, everything will become known whether your husband deserves such pain. There is no need to reproach yourself that thoughts about another man appeared in your beautiful head; it is very difficult to resist the temptations that life presents. It is better to try to limit communication with those who evoke too warm feelings. If this is a work colleague, then limit meetings, keep communication to a minimum and only on work issues. Try to note to yourself all his shortcomings and remember the advantages of your husband. Believe me, sometimes an impartial analysis helps you set your priorities correctly. As soon as thoughts about another man appear, immediately remember your husband, how you met, how he proposed, all the moments that evoke a great feeling of love for him. And think about how you can bring back passion and fire into your relationship, which imperceptibly disappeared under the weight of problems. It may be enough to change the appearance of your home, go to a concert or theater together, have a heart-to-heart talk and try not to make unnecessary comments, so as not to cause dissatisfaction and reluctance to communicate. The more attention you pay to your husband, the more likely you are to resist temptation.

3 ways to resist temptation

  • To partially solve a problem, you need to talk about it. Meet with a married friend who you can tell about what is going on in your soul.
  • Tell her about your thoughts and experiences, doubts and desires. Having thrown out everything that has accumulated, you will feel relief and will be able to collect your thoughts and even make some kind of decision in the current situation. But in any case, after discussing the object of passion, you will, one way or another, return to discussing husbands. Moreover, your friend will want to understand why you have lost interest in your husband. As you talk and remember about your husbands, you will gradually come to the understanding that he is no worse than the man who captured your imagination. It’s just that everyday life and habit have done their job, and passion has given way to love, which warms, and does not excite and torment. But sometimes you want to feel the intensity of feelings, to feel passion and feminine attractiveness, which becomes the reason that another man begins to be considered not just as an acquaintance, but as a possible partner. Talking to a friend will definitely help you understand how lucky you are with your husband, you just need to refresh your memory a little.
  • After the conversation, have a lazy day. Run a bath of warm water, add ylang-ylang oil and plunge into the past. Remember all the funny and sweet things your husband did for you. Be sure to remember how he protected you, looked after you when you were sick, did some romantic act, took you from the maternity hospital, in general, everything that will remind you of his love and nobility.
  • And finally, move on to action. These include a joint vacation, a trip, a trip to the country, a walk under the starry sky, a romantic morning or dinner. Show all your imagination so that your husband cannot refuse your proposal, citing fatigue. Let him know how much you love him and want to be alone. If your trip is postponed, then have a romantic weekend by attending interesting events or having a picnic in nature. If your husband has a hobby, join him. The main thing is that you can enjoy communicating with each other and change your usual way of life, diversifying it.

How to resist temptation and remain faithful

To don't give in to temptation, try to remain faithful to your loved one, even in your thoughts. This does not mean that you have to give up communication with all men; on the contrary, increase this communication. So you can understand how many good men are around, but you chose the best and most beloved. Try to understand what caused the temptation to start an affair with someone else; maybe the whole point is that you are bored and want new emotions and impressions. To get them, you don’t have to cheat on the man you love; it’s enough to diversify your life with new activities and hobbies. Remember the dreams and desires that you could not fulfill, and direct your energy to fulfill them. When a person is passionate about something, he simply does not have time for anything else. But at the same time, do not forget to bring a fresh breath into family relationships. Invite your husband to play some kind of sport with you or organize a holiday together for friends for no particular reason. Start a new period of courtship with your husband, surprise him, intrigue him, make him remember how lucky he is to have you. In order to keep up with you, he will remember that a woman needs attention, even after 20 years of marriage.

Rearrange your apartment or room, change your usual daily routine, pamper and surprise yourself with spontaneous actions. Take care of your wardrobe, paying special attention to home clothes. If the man you love has begun to pay less attention to you, then capture his imagination again so that he feels that he should appreciate every day he lives with you. Instead of the comfortable clothes you wear at home, wear an evening dress. Buy a beautiful sundress and open sandals that are comfortable to walk in. No man can resist such clothes. Knowing you like no one else, a man will be at your feet, and no temptation will make you worry and be more nervous that you will ruin the life of yourself and your loved ones.

If you don't want give in to temptation, then as soon as it appears on the horizon, immediately sort yourself out. Is it worth putting a passing hobby above a lasting relationship? Be honest with yourself and answer whether you are really ready to risk everything for the sake of momentary pleasure. Give your loved one gifts, the joy you gave will return and warm the heart, displacing all doubts that you are the most desired and beloved. Start flirting with your loved one. Make eyes at him, remain mysterious and inaccessible, alluring and attractive. Remember, happiness lies in the fact that you can give love and care to the man with whom you have lived together for so many years. Feel the happiness of being with him and not with someone else.