Why do you dream of dirty, cloudy, clean or clear water? I dreamed about eau de toilette. What does water mean in a dream?

What could a river mean, in which the water bubbles between the stones? According to the dream books, any fast flow promises problems both in the work sphere and in personal life, communication with relatives and business partners. But depending on the details seen in the dream, the same plot may foreshadow the successful achievement of goals or important news. Let's take a closer look at the dream.

Life will become faster

Why do you dream of a raging river? This is a symbol of your regrets about lost time and unrealized prospects. Try to analyze your current situation, because there is always an opportunity to start making life better.

According to dream books, a powerful stream of water in a dream promises that many events, mostly negative, will happen in a short time.

Problems in business and personal life

If in a dream you saw a muddy fast river, then for unknown reasons your relationship with your loved one will worsen.

Also, such an image promises trouble at work. They must be dealt with quickly so that they do not take a terrifying turn.

Dream Interpretations believe that dirty water bubbling on rocks is an omen of conflicts with employees and business partners, which will bring many problems.

Don't make mistakes

Why do you dream of rushing water streams? This is how the difficulties you fear are reflected in your subconscious. Try to build a crossing across the river in your night vision, then in real life you will be able to cope with everything.

The dream book promises that people who dreamed of the clear water of a mountain river will create difficulties for themselves due to inattention. However, they themselves will be able to eliminate them. But in future it’s better not to yawn.

Positive interpretations

Material well-being, justified hopes and successful projects await those who saw a crystal clear rushing stream in a dream in the near future.

Did you swim across a cold mountain river in your dreams? It's time for self-development and learning something new. It is likely that you will find worthy use of the acquired skills and knowledge.

Problems to be solved

Why dream of crossing a fast river, feeling how the cold cuts like knives into your legs, and they go numb, hitting the stones? The plan will not be implemented quickly. It may have to be postponed altogether due to problems that have arisen.

The dream book states that if you managed to swim across a seething body of water, then all the difficulties will be resolved, and your plans will definitely come true.

Some components

If a stormy river appeared in your dream, then try to remember what you did next to it or in it:

  • watched from afar - there is a chance of quarreling with those who are dear;
  • crossed the crossing - completion of the project;
  • fell into it - you will receive important news;
  • sailed in a boat - to unsuccessful attempts to start a relationship;
  • splashing - to learning.

Miller's Dream Book

Why else would you dream about something like this? To quarrels. Don't give in to provocations.

Dreams will come true

If a girl saw something like this in a dream, then she and the young man will live together.

Why do you dream of boiling water? Interpreters are vying with each other to warn the dreamer that he is entering a dark period in life, his ill-wishers are becoming more active, and his health will leave much to be desired. But sometimes seething water in a dream promises that life will speed up, and temporary difficulties will be replaced by changes for the better.

A bunch of problems

What do dream books say about fast flow? You can say goodbye to the quiet period of your life. Soon it will begin to change dramatically, and you will have to adapt to new conditions.

The dreamer’s well-being may well deteriorate, and a new pathology will arise. You should not delay an examination by a qualified specialist who will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment before the disease becomes chronic.

If the dirty, seething water of a mountain river appeared in your dreams, then soon some difficulties will begin at work. In order to stay afloat, you will have to work hard.

If in a dream water was bubbling in a glass, then in the near future you will experience indescribable sensations. Be calm and everything will go smoothly.

The machinations of enemies

Why do you dream of a fast mountain river running next to you? Soon, ill-wishers may try to strike an insidious blow. Get ready to meet them fully armed so as not to lose this battle.

If in a dream a person stands in the middle of a seething stream, then in real life he will face a period of uncertainty and problems in communication. The dreamer is advised to carefully weigh each step so as not to create even greater trouble for himself.

Did you dream of a muddy mountain stream? Most likely, the dream books say, your enemies will try to denigrate you and destroy your reputation.

Changes and news

If stormy waves rose in the river, then dream books declare the beginning of a black life streak. But when it ends, life can change for the better.

If a raging river flowed in a dream, then news from distant lands will soon come to you. If the waters of the river were not clear, then the news would be bad.

What else could this plot mean? It can symbolize the uncertainty of feelings. Ultimately, your priorities may change.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of boiling water? The psychologist claims that the sleeper will not come to terms with a certain state of affairs. The implementation of your plans can only be achieved through persistent and hard work, fighting against competitors.

Type of reservoir

  • river - unpleasant coincidences, scandals;
  • lake - quarrels with your beloved or lover are coming;
  • sea ​​- you will lose control of the situation;
  • swimming pool - implementing a simple project will require a lot of effort.

Life will become faster, new problems

Why do you dream of a river running between stones, on the bank of which a sleeping person stands? The pace of his life will increase sharply. It is possible that he previously neglected some prospects, but now will get a second chance.

What other explanations could there be for such a plot? If you believe the dream book, what you fear will happen. To cope with this, you need to throw a bridge across the river in a dream.

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Water- This dream usually means a lot. If you dreaming clean transparent water, this means your spiritual purity, health, success and excellent well-being. If water dirty and cloudy, illness, trouble, major failures await you. If dreaming glass with seething in him water- you have to go through an emotionally intense period, which will end in a harmonious ending if you are restrained. See in dream water and he comes to life - for a trip to...Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Dirty water which they may offer you to drink in dream, a very bad sign, this may mean that you need to see a doctor soon, because the person who dreamed about it this dream, illness may lie in wait. Hear how dirty water in dream flows and seethes- a clear sign that in reality a person will become a victim of public criticism. fall into dirty puddle in dream means that in reality a person will experience grief or make a serious mistake. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "ufolog"

    Seen in dream strongly seething water indicates that you will take part in the development of a new teaching, the formation of a new science. Or a favorable period awaits you to make a discovery or bring a difficult experience into reality. Dream Interpretation Khamidova. Dreamed clean water portends you that bright, radiant relationships, love, and a prosperous future await you, not overshadowed by problems. If water in dream, on the contrary, very cloudy, dirty, which means your marriage will be unsuccessful, and your relationship with...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    water dirty. swim in water. under water.I dreamed about it seething Water, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming seething Water in dream in dream saw this symbol. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Julia Dream Interpretation: Natalya, what in dream water was dirty, most likely, indicates that trouble awaits the people who were in it. Hello! to me dreamed about it dream, as if I were on some island, and it’s coming seething water, very fast current. water neither clean, nor seemingly cloudy. I need to get to the other side, and you can see it, but I don’t know how to swim. Next to me is my aunt, who offers her help. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Great amount dirty water in dream carries a warning of trouble. Dirty sea, like any other dirty water, Maybe dreaming to banal gossip, conversations between enemies, showdowns. What if dirty sea seethes, it’s stormy, then this is more serious. Most likely, troubles are just on When you dreamed about it(xia) dirty sea? Today. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zhenskoe-mnenie"

    Seething water- anticipation of the most important discovery in the field of science. Blocked by a gateway water in dream is a sign of closedness, blocking of true feelings and experiences. Rodnikovaya water represents purity of thoughts, and dirty– clogging the mind with unnecessary “trash.” Floods, tsunamis and other disasters associated with water, symbolize an internal struggle between two sides of your essence, a kind of mental chaos, disorder. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation dirty River dreamed about it, for what dreaming in dream dirty River.” Then my husband and I approach the cliff there water seething, clean, with a strong current, I want to swim there, but I see that I wore a different swimsuit with a different top, it seems yellow, a white bottom and a tunic with a blue top. Then suddenly I was in a room that looked like a bathhouse, the water was flowing there water like a tap and stopped. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If dreaming glass with seething in him water- You have to Dirty water in dream like tap water Had a dream, What water in dream you get splashed water...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    seething water. dive into water. a lot of water.I dreamed about it Water dirty, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Water dirty in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If dreaming glass with seething in him water- You have to Dirty water- you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency. See in dream like tap water Had a dream, What water decreases - succumb to dangerous influence. If in dream you get splashed water...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    When the patient sees in dream streams and fountains with clear and quietly flowing water, this portends his recovery. If water dirty and is in full swing, this is a sign that recovery will be slow. If a young man will dream what does he draw? dreaming glass with seething in him water– You have to go through an emotionally intense period, which will end in a harmonious ending if you remain restrained. See in dream like a dead man being watered water and he comes to life - for a trip to the resort; to...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "cruisetour"

    I dreamed about it dirty seething water - Dream Interpretation water for what dreaming water in dream. Hello, in dream I seemed to sink to the bottom of what seemed like a lake, but as if on purpose and it seemed like I was drowning. I touched the bottom with my hand and began to float up, then swam, and it was as if I was already in the sea, but a week from the shore. And then there was a huge wave and as if covering me, it throws me to the shore, and I feel the bottom with my feet and go ashore. Then. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Muddy, dirty water- to danger, trouble. Dream Interpretation - Water. See in dream clean water- to prosperity and pleasure. Had a dream, What water decreases - succumb to dangerous influence. If in dream you get splashed water, then your soul will awaken...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Flow water boiling dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Flow water boiling?Stand in water in dream like someone drowning in seething And dirty Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Muddy, dirty water water- you will be consumed by worries Had a dream, What water decreases - succumb to dangerous influence. If in dream on you See strongly seething water Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Boiling water clean dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Boiling water clean?Stand in water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune. See in dream like someone drowning in seething And dirty flow, means that a scandal, separation from your lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If dreaming glass with seething in him water- You have to Dirty water- you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency. See in dream like tap water Had a dream, What water decreases - succumb to dangerous influence. If in dream you get splashed water...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Muddy, dirty water- to danger, trouble. fall into water- you will be consumed by worries Had a dream, What water decreases - succumb to dangerous influence. If in dream on you See strongly seething water- a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about it dirty water.Publish yours dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming BOILING WATER IN A VESSEL in dream dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about it dirty water. Well... if you're upset about the breakup, then yes... Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Carries me dirty water in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Carries me dirty water dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Carries me dirty water?Stand in water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune. See in dream like someone drowning in seething And dirty flow, means that a scandal, separation from your lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Water Rust Guy I dreamed about it dirty water. Dream Interpretation- Walking along the shaded water and fish fillet instead of a child. Post yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Pool with seething water in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If dreaming glass with seething in him water- You have to Dirty water- you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency. See in dream like tap water Had a dream, What water decreases - succumb to dangerous influence. If in dream you get splashed water...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    hot water- worries, stress. The same - seething or boiling, with the only difference being that there will be uncontrollable emotions. Cold, icy water dreaming to stagnation in business, stopping, and possibly cooling of relations. if you in dream I like the cold water, you yourself will want to end the relationship, cancel transactions. In this case will dream that the floors were washed clean or in another way - completely. Filthy snow is a warning about scandal and betrayal. Dirty bath in dream means illness and strong feelings. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation For what dirty water.Scoop water see in dream- to great trouble. Wash your face water- to joy. If dreamed what is pouring down on you from above water, then this is an omen of the coming wave of cosmic things. See strongly seething water- a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about it dirty water.Dream Interpretation - Filthy dream. Such dream tells you...if you don’t continue to tie yourself to the former MCH (you’re in dream they were looking for him), then you won’t find yourself in some difficult situation again... Part 1 sleep- this is your past, which consists of many troubles (we were together and separated, I’m going through very dirty premises.)Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from Russian dream book. Dream Interpretation - Water. See clean water- to health, dirty- to gossip, boiling- to scandals. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming BOILING WATER IN A VESSEL in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See strongly seething water- a sign of the birth of a new teaching or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. See water with blood - this one dream foretells the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Dirty water in the bathroom in dream.

May indicate that emotions are changing and being cleared.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Water?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Boundless sea and ocean waters dream of good luck, and being under water means that circumstances will arise that will protect you from any unpleasant situation. A white boat on the surface of the water is a possible disappointment in someone or something. Did you dream that you...

What does a dream about Water mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There is a lot of water here” - a lot of empty, insignificant, superfluous. “muddy the waters” - confuse, deceive. “let it leak” - failures, troubles. “stay afloat” - maintain dignity, authority. “sprinkle with cold water” - come to a sober decision, unpleasantly surprise. “pouring water” is idle talk. "soak...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Water?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There is a lot of water here - a lot of empty, insignificant, superfluous. To muddy the waters is to confuse, deceive. Let it leak - failures, troubles. Staying afloat means maintaining dignity and authority. Pour cold water on - come to a sober decision, unpleasantly surprise. Pouring water is idle talk. Soak...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Water?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Trouble is dirty, muddy water is weakness, clean water is health. Dreaming about water is a bad omen - there will be some kind of failure, or maybe illness. Clean water, running - good, joy, profit. Muddy - trouble, quarrel. Dreaming about big water...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Water?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Trouble, illness, failure, misfortune, funeral, tears. Pure - to goodness, prosperity, laughter, happiness, family joy, enjoy good luck, new acquaintances, health. Dirty, muddy - for the worse, trouble, they will scold, sadness, resentment, gossip, illness, death, quarrel, trouble. Wash with clean water, swim, walk...

I have a dream about a teapot

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you. If a woman dreamed that she was pouring cold water from a kettle, someone will soon pay attention to her. In general, a dream about a teapot usually foreshadows the beginning of difficult work. Boiling water - …

Dream book online - Seagull

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seagull means business relationships with stingy and not very noble partners. A dead seagull portends a long separation from friends. If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you. If a woman dreamed that she was pouring cold water from a kettle, someone would soon...

Miller's Dream Book

If clean water appeared to you in a dream, this is a favorable sign: good prospects, pleasant pleasures await you, and your material well-being will improve. A dream in which the water is cloudy does not bode well: you may be in danger, or your joy will be replaced by sadness.

If you dreamed that water, rising, filled your home, it means that you are facing a struggle, desperate resistance to something bad, an evil principle. But if the water in your dream decreases, someone will have a bad influence on you, put you in danger, and you will succumb.

If in your dream you step on wet ground and clearly feel how your feet are wet, this is a harbinger of future troubles, illnesses, poverty, because of which you will be forced to resolve difficult situations and problems, but you will be able to prevent them thanks to your vigilance. You should also interpret the dream: a dream in which muddy water fills a ship.

Dreaming of splashes of water irrigating your head indicates that a love shock will occur in your life, you will feel incredible passion that will make you very happy.

Aesop's Dream Book

Water is considered one of the most difficult symbols of sleep. Water is associated in our subconscious with the famous saying: “How much water has flown under the bridge since then!” This expression indicates that you are nostalgic for past events, the past.

This symbol can also be associated with the famous saying: “Pound water in a mortar.” This phrase means that you are doing something useless, or making promises that you then don’t keep.

There is a possibility that the symbol of water is also associated with the expression: “Carry water in a sieve.” Such a phrase means doing ineffective, even stupid work.

Also, many people have heard such statements as: “As if he sank into the water” (disappeared without a trace); “As I looked into the water” (this means the person made an assumption that became a prediction); “Getting away with it” (meaning being able to circumvent punishment for what you have done or coping with difficulties with ease, without losses). The phrase “Water off a duck’s back” can be interpreted in approximately the same way.

And there are also such definitions as “muddying the waters” (misleading, obfuscation, disinformation) and “grist to someone else’s mill” (slander, condemnation of a person, his actions and deeds).

If you happen to drink water in a dream, be prepared for the fact that in reality you will witness an extraordinary event, something unexpected will happen to you.

If you dreamed of a container or vessel containing water, such a dream foreshadows communication with a person who is a mystery to you, a closed book.

But being caught in the rain in a dream or being doused with water is a favorable sign: success and prosperity await you in all your endeavors. Such a dream may be a prediction that something in your life will turn out to be profitable, or that you will be given a gift that you did not expect to receive.

A dream about riding or sailing on a ship, boat, or boat should be considered as a warning. You should be careful about what you do, how you act and behave. Rash actions, hope for “maybe”, risky situations can provoke recklessness, frivolous behavior, which will bring you nothing but trouble.

The process of watering flowers, trees, and shrubs in a dream indicates the fact that your care and attention will allow you to gain many true friends, earn the respect and favor of your colleagues, and also strengthen the love of your children.

If in a dream you wash your face, wash your hands, or even bathe in water, it means that in reality you will successfully avoid problematic situations. And your inner sense, intuition, and intelligence will help you with this.

In a dream, did you feel a powerful stream of water rushing at you, knocking you off your feet? This means that soon you will experience an incredible event that you will remember for a long time with strong sensations.

If you dreamed that you were drowning, this is an indicator that you are not able to realize all your abilities and capabilities, as well as bring your plans to life. And this fact haunts you, forcing you to be more active, to work more without rest or respite.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you are the leader of a group of people who are crossing muddy water and suffering from thirst, and you promise to give them clean drinking water, such a dream foreshadows long and fruitful work. However, it will satisfy you only if you cooperate with decent, law-abiding partners who will play fair with you.

Seeing a glass in which water is bubbling in a dream promises you a series of emotionally intense experiences, which will ultimately end in complete harmony if you have the patience to be restrained and prudent.

If in your dream water is poured on a dead man and this revives him, it means that a journey or a resort vacation awaits you. Also, such a dream symbolizes recovery. However, you can interpret it the other way around: you will learn about a serious illness. Such a dream foreshadows an encounter with the supernatural, inexplicable, and surprising.

Culinary dream book

If in a dream you drink water that tastes warm, it means that you are under threat from a serious enemy. Cold water, on the contrary, symbolizes calm, tranquility, and devotion to your friends. Seeing holy water in a dream speaks of your sinlessness, or good health. Walking on water in a dream means that in real life you will be successful and win in a matter that is important to you. I dreamed that water evaporates, disappears, dries up, be prepared for the weather to change for the better. If you draw water while you sleep, in reality you will be engaged in long work that will require a lot of trouble from you. Did you dream about spilling water in your own room? Be prepared for worries and troubles. Moreover, the labor spent on this will be measured in proportion to the amount of water that was spilled in the dream.

Muslim dream book

Drinking warm water in a dream foretells possible anxiety or illness. And if in a dream you happened to wash your face with cold water, in reality you will enjoy something or be cured of a disease, you will be healthy.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Water in a dream foreshadows the fact that in reality you will have a calm period in your life without hassle or worry.

Dream Interpretation Food

If you had to drink warm water in a dream, it means you should be prepared for the threats of rivals and competitors. But drinking ice water means being surrounded by good people. If you dreamed that you were tasting holy water, beneficial events will happen in your life. Dreaming of walking on water signifies the successful implementation of your business. If the water has dried up in a dream, positive changes will occur in life. And the process of drawing water, for example, from a well foreshadows that a hectic time will come in your life.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Water in a dream is a symbol of the interaction of various environmental factors, acting as a fundamental element in the development of humanity, its life and existence. If in your dream, while in the water, you feel comfortable, the master of the situation, it means that you are able to personally participate in the improvement of the environment in which you and your surroundings live (and this is a big plus, despite the fact that the person understands that there are many big problems in the world). If a person sees himself drowning in water, or just being in water causes him a feeling of discomfort in a dream, this indicates that he lacks equilibrium, balance, or he finds himself in an unfavorable situation. In a dream, it is necessary to take into account what kind of water you dream about and its condition. Is it clean, dirty, running or stagnant, since the state of water in a dream demonstrates the current situation in reality.

Chinese dream book

If you drink clean drinking water in a dream, you will be happy. Did you dream about muddy water? You will most likely get sick. Walking in water that is muddy, experiencing disappointment in reality, which will turn into something good, going through this experience will be for the better for you. Seeing yourself immersed in water in a dream suggests that you may find yourself in a difficult situation regarding personal relationships. Washing your face with water in a dream means experiencing joy and a sense of freedom in real life. If you pour water, there is a chance of making a mistake and being ashamed of something. The process of pouring water promises losses. If you look at a waterfall in a dream, a dangerous encounter awaits you. If in a dream splashes of water hit your head, in reality you will experience a passion that will surge unexpectedly.

Lunar dream book

Seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity. But muddy water dreams of sadness. If you dive into water in a dream, it means that you cannot avoid a difficult situation in real life. Washing with water is a favorable sign: you will have reasons to rejoice.

Vanga's Dream Book

Water symbolizes change, helps resolve contradictions, represents renewal, evolution, cleansing from sins and even possible oblivion. If, according to the plot of the dream, you had a chance to taste cold, clean water, it means that in reality the world will be cleared for you, and you will directly participate in the renewal process and appear in a completely different role along with other people who are in your environment. If in your dream water pours over you from above, it means that cosmic waves will soon influence you, and you should not resist it.

If you can find harmony with cosmic forces, you will achieve greatness and earn worldwide fame. Did you dream about muddy water? This is an unfavorable sign: trouble will happen, problematic situations and difficulties will arise in relationships with other people. At such moments, it is recommended to be patient and kind, otherwise there is a chance of denigrating the soul with impressions that are considered unworthy. If in your dream you suffer from water flooding your home, in reality you will be overwhelmed by a stream of news, among which there will be one that will radically rebuild you, you will perceive yourself differently and communicate with other people. If you are drowning in your dream, in real life you will try to resist what is natural. And because of these attempts, you can undermine your health and even shorten your life. If you dreamed that ripples appeared on the water, it means that it will not be easy for you to accept the upcoming changes. However, this experience will make you stronger and wiser. And having managed to meet this incredible flow of events with dignity, you will be able to gain power, first of all, over yourself, and then over other people.

Ukrainian dream book

Water is dreamed of as an omen of trouble, trouble. If the water is dirty or has a cloudy color, this indicates weakness and illness. Seeing clean water means being healthy. Seeing water in a dream is considered not a very good omen; it promises failure and even possible health problems. Clean water, beating, foreshadows favorable events: something good, joyful will happen, profits are possible. Muddy water is a harbinger of troubles and quarrels. The appearance of so-called big water in a dream, that is, a huge amount of water, marks certain adventures that will happen in your life very soon. If you dreamed of a flood, you will have to go through temporary difficulties and deal with minor obstacles. If the water is cloudy in a dream, you will marvel at a miracle. If there is water around you in a dream, in reality you will know what luxury is. Clean water in a dream symbolizes life. If you dreamed of water with scale, you will have to face troubles. And if in a dream you fall into this scum, this is a very bad sign, it foreshadows death. It is no coincidence that the following sayings exist among the people: “Clean water flows - something good will float.” Seeing muddy water means that in the near future you will encounter something unkind and bad. If you had a chance to swim in water in a dream, this is a good sign. Water drops represent money. Spilled water is dreamed of as a harbinger of trouble. Pouring water in a dream means experiencing shame or making a mistake. To water something with water is to lose something. Drinking cold water in a dream promises good health in reality; if this water is clean, you will be happy. If it is cloudy, you will get sick. To see water that is boiling, to quarrel with someone, or to be at enmity. If you dreamed that water, as they say, rushed out from under the floor, you will suffer due to intrigues and serious insidious actions of your secret ill-wishers. There will be obstacles on your way that you did not expect. If water is pouring from the walls, you will find yourself in a situation where you will be defenseless and someone will encroach on you. If in your dream the water is clear to such an extent that the bottom and sand are visible, there will be a disastrous situation. Dark or even black water in a dream is a bad omen: this is a dream of death. If you dive into water in a dream, you will be involved in a risky business. Drowning in a dream means going through certain life difficulties. If you dreamed that the water was constantly rising, still remaining, you should be prepared for the fact that someone will come to visit you, arrive at your home. Drinking spring water is a sign of health. Do you draw water from a well? This is a harbinger of unfortunate events. Seeing yourself standing in water may mean death. If in a dream you fall into water, you should be extremely vigilant: you can end up in prison or suffer from another misfortune.