Baked turkey calorie content per 100 grams. How many calories are in boiled (steamed) turkey? Composition and nutritional value

Turkey, breasts, meat [PRODUCT REMOVED] rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 17.8%, choline - 13.3%, potassium - 12.1%, phosphorus - 20.3%, selenium - 41.5%, zinc - 11.1%

What are the benefits of Turkey, breasts, meat [PRODUCT REMOVED]

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, participates in the processes of synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient consumption leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and the presence of fetal malformations. Research in recent years has revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Why do many people prefer turkey meat over others and praise it? The answer is quite simple: the meat of this bird is distinguished by a high content of components necessary for the human body and is considered one of the most dietary. That is why experts in proper nutrition advise eating turkey more often than any other meat, because its calorie content is low, and there are no special difficulties with cooking.

Dietary properties of turkey

Turkey meat is considered not only one of the most dietary, but also one of the highest quality. Scientists have repeatedly proven that turkey meat is easily digestible in any form (fried, boiled or cooked in the oven). It contains almost no cholesterol, which is an advantage over other types of meat.

Turkey is considered dietary due to its relatively low calorie content; the meat of this bird is recommended for people with a sensitive stomach, for example, with gastritis or ulcers. In addition, it is actively used in children's diets.

However, you should not eat too much of it. Proper nutrition should consist of different foods and dishes.

Interesting to know: Turkey is rich in various components that the body needs. These include: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc.

How many calories are in turkey

Calorie content of different parts of turkey

Calorie content based on cooking method

The most popular turkey recipes

There are a large number of turkey recipes. The calorie content of the meat itself does not change much, but the complexity varies.

Turkey baked in foil (approximately 120 kcal/100 grams)

Most often, the turkey is baked whole, so it looks festive. In addition, this method significantly saves the housewife’s time, because baking it whole is much easier.

To make your baked turkey juicy you need:

  1. Marinate it. There are a lot of marinade options, but the fastest one is to put the carcass in a mixture of soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper, salt and garlic (chopped).
  2. After the meat has been marinated (it can sit for up to 12 hours), it must be filled with minced meat (usually apples and carrots, but other things can be added).
  3. You need to bake the turkey in foil. The first half hour at 250 degrees, and then lower to 180. It is noteworthy that the oven must be preheated.

Breast meat will also be easy to prepare. It will also be the lowest in calories.

Breast cooked in a slow cooker (approximately 98 kcal/100 grams)

To cook breasts in a slow cooker you will need:


  1. The fillet is prepared in the frying mode.
  2. First, onions and butter are added, after which the breast fillet pieces themselves are added.
  3. The breast with onions must be fried for 15-20 minutes, after which the remaining ingredients are added and mixed.
  4. Next, water is poured in and the dish is stewed for an hour (50-60 minutes).

Turkey cutlets (220 kcal/100 grams)

To prepare turkey cutlets you need:

  • 400 g. Minced meat;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 2-3 pieces of loaf;
  • 1 egg;
  • Spices to taste.


  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. If the minced meat turns out to be liquid, then the bread does not need to be soaked.
  3. After this, the cutlets are formed (it is not necessary to roll them in flour) and fried and stewed.

In addition, you can make a sauce for the cutlets, for example, tomato or sour cream.

It is very useful to eat steamed cutlets made from minced turkey meat - they are suitable even for those who are forced to adhere to a therapeutic diet due to gastritis or ulcers. Moreover, turkey meat can be stewed or baked with dough. And most importantly, the product in question is excellent for making pates and stews. And this is an opportunity to feed both young children and the elderly tasty and healthy.

Nutritional value of turkey meat and chemical composition

Turkey meat contains vitamins A and E, which are quite abundant. They are necessary for a person to function normally.

Turkey meat also contains protein, which is necessary to support metabolic processes and the normal functioning of systems and organs.

Important components contained in meat also include iron, potassium and calcium, which are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

It is noteworthy that turkey meat contains a large amount of fat, but it is easily and quickly digested and improves the absorption of iron by cells.

The chemical composition of turkey contains essential amino acids, microelements and macroelements. Of the trace elements in turkey breast, copper, manganese, and selenium are noted; macroelements are represented by potassium, sodium phosphorus, and vitamins - niacin, retinol, choline, ascorbic and folic acids, riboflavin. These substances are indispensable for the functioning of the most important organs.

Useful properties of turkey

Turkey is recommended to be consumed by people during the postoperative period and by people after chemotherapy.

In addition, it is useful to add it to the diet of those who suffer from insomnia and are subject to frequent depression and stress, since the amino acids it contains can reduce stress and anxiety.

Harm of turkey meat and contraindications

You can find out how dietary turkey meat is in the following video:

Based on the above, we can conclude that turkey meat is one of the best dietary meat options. It is easily digestible and is suitable for people with various diseases. In addition, it is rich in various vitamins and amino acids, which are necessary for the functioning of organs and the good functioning of the body. However, you should not abuse it; you need to dilute your diet with different products.

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Turkey calories: 180 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the part of the carcass and the cooking method

Turkey meat is a product that should be on the menu of everyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds. Turkey meat has a high content of nutrients and a small amount of fat.

How many calories are in turkey

The benefits of turkey for the body are due to its beneficial effect on the digestive system, the absence of the likelihood of allergies, the ability to maintain strength for a long time and at the same time not burden the stomach and intestines. Therefore, the product is recommended for use during recovery from many pathologies.

Poultry contains a minimum of carbohydrates and cholesterol. Even when preparing dishes from the fattest parts, you should not worry about your figure.

The product is recommended for athletes and those who want to emphasize muscle definition. The nutritional value of different parts of meat differs slightly. The calorie content of breast per 100 g is less than 90 kcal. This part is considered the most dietary. The values ​​are slightly higher in the bird’s drumstick and thigh (~ 130 kcal). The most fat is found in the legs, wings and skin. In the latter case, the value is about 390 kcal.

Turkey fried, boiled, baked

The energy value may vary depending on what kind of meat is chosen (red or white), as well as on the method of heat treatment. This should be taken into account when dieting. Boiled turkey fillet has the lowest calorie content - about 130 kcal, and steamed turkey fillet - only 90 kcal. Stewing and baking are also the best ways to prepare meat when creating a healthy diet (120 and 160 kcal, respectively).

Fried turkey with a calorie content of 165 kcal can be included in the menu when losing weight, but in small quantities.

Nutritionists advise making poultry cutlets, quenelles and zraza, since the value of the finished dish does not exceed 150 kcal. White poultry meat without skin is an excellent source of energy for active people: digestion slows down and the feeling of fullness remains for a long time. Compare with from our publication.

Calorie content of minced meat, liver and broth

Of all turkey by-products, poultry liver has the highest calorie content - about 276 kcal. If we consider the minced meat indicator, then when using fillet the calorie content will be insignificant - no more than 200 kcal. It is best to choose for further grinding only fresh meat with a pleasant smell, pink color and strong structure.

The calorie content of turkey broth is only 30 kcal, so you can safely prepare soups based on it while on a diet. At the same time, the product contains a large amount of protein. For cooking, it is recommended to use wings, but not entirely, but only some of them, so that the dish is not heavy.

Calorie table per 100 grams

A detailed table of caloric content per 100 g will help you determine with maximum accuracy what the nutritional value of different parts of poultry meat is when drawing up a dietary menu.

The possibility of frequent consumption of the product in question is due to its low fat content. The good digestibility of poultry meat, nutritional value and pleasant taste make it indispensable for weight loss.

For those who want to lose weight, the question of what to eat and what to give up is especially acute. If everything is more or less clear with products of plant origin, then you should be careful with products of animal origin during diets.

A good diet product is turkey. Its dietary meat contains almost no fat, so it does not threaten extra pounds. Turkey's low content, lack of carbohydrates and minimal cholesterol content makes it an approved product not only during weight loss diets, but also during therapeutic diets. Turkey meat is easily digestible and does not cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, from infancy (as complementary foods).

Turkey calories

Healthy and lean turkey meat is recommended to be consumed in small quantities during diets. Turkey has lower calorie content than pork or chicken, except for chicken breast. The calorie content of turkey meat together with the skin is about 200 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of turkey with grilled vegetables is 110 kcal. The calorie content of boiled turkey depends on what it was cooked with and with or without skin.

Almost all turkey meat contains minimal amounts of carbohydrates and fat. The exception is the skin and fatty parts of the carcass. Most of turkey's calories come from protein.

The fewest calories come from skinless turkey breast. The breast has no fat at all, but consists of water, protein and nutrients. The calorie content of turkey breast is more than two times lower than other parts of the turkey, and is 84 kcal per 100 g. The same calorie content and boiled breast.

The calorie content of turkey fillet per 100 grams varies from 104 to 115 kcal. If the fillet is grilled, its calorie content will increase to 120 kcal. And if you cook it, we get all 130 kcal.

If you make diet cutlets from turkey with the addition of onions, eggs, herbs and aromatic herbs and steam them, then one cutlet will contain about 60 kcal. Cutlets fried in oil become more caloric and already contain 140 kcal.

Baked turkey is considered a dietary product.

Turkey's low calorie content and large amount of protein allow you to eat meat during a diet, get the necessary nutrients, not feel fat, but do not accumulate fat.

Turkey is a traditional dish for Americans. This dietary and tasty meat appeared on our tables relatively recently, but has already won its rightful place in the diet of our compatriots. It is still difficult for it to compete with chicken meat in terms of popularity, but this product has enough regular “fans”.

Turkey meat has a particularly tender texture and does not require special skill when cooking. Turkey is prepared in a variety of ways: it can be boiled and stewed, added to salads and fried. Baked turkey is the most revered Christmas holiday dish on the tables of Europeans and Americans.

How to choose the “right” meat? Let us share with you some tricks.

Supermarkets offer us a variety of options to choose from: frozen and fresh turkey, whole carcass or cut into pieces.

  1. When choosing a carcass, be sure to pay attention to its “fatness.” A good turkey cannot be skinny.
  2. If you press your finger on the carcass and the dent remains, the meat is not fresh.
  3. You can store fresh turkey in the refrigerator for no more than a day. And if you have defrosted meat, immediately begin the cooking process, otherwise microbes will quickly begin to multiply in it.

You can cook turkey in a variety of ways; there are many recipes. Each country can boast of its own signature dishes made from this dietary, tasty and healthy product.

The easiest and fastest way to cook is to boil the meat b. You can get a delicious and aromatic turkey broth. To do this, the meat must be placed in cold water, the broth brought to a boil and the “noise” carefully removed.

If you are more interested in the taste of the meat rather than the broth, then put the turkey not in cold water, but in boiling water and cook for about an hour and a half. Please note that during cooking the carcass loses liquid and shrinks by about a third of its original size.

The average calorie content of turkey meat is 195 kcal per 100 grams of product. If we are talking about poultry fillet, then the calorie content is reduced to 130 kcal.

The calorie content of boiled meat depends on what part of the carcass you used for cooking.

When skinless turkey fillet is used for cooking, the energy value is even less - 84 kcal for every 100 grams.

There is another convenient and not complicated way of cooking turkeys - steamed. Please your household with healthy and tasty steamed turkey cutlets.

To prepare you will need:

  • 0.5 kg turkey meat;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • aromatic herbs and spices.

The meat must be ground in a meat grinder along with the onion. Add an egg and any herbs (fresh or dry) to your taste. It could be parsley, dill, rosemary, basil - whatever you like. The minced meat must be thoroughly mixed and formed into cutlets.

A steamer - your friend and assistant - will quickly cope with the task y. A wonderful dinner for the whole family is ready - healthy, nutritious and very tasty!

The calorie content of our cutlets is low - only 120 calories per 100 grams of the finished dish.

Turkey stew

This dish is not only for everyday dinner, but also for the holiday table. You can stew meat on its own or with a variety of vegetables: onions, tomatoes and bell peppers, cauliflower and white cabbage, zucchini and eggplant.

The calorie content and beneficial properties of the finished dish will depend on the composition of the ingredients.

The simplest version of stewed turkey - with onions and carrots - is prepared quickly and has a low calorie content - 118 kcal per 100 grams of the finished dish.

Energy value of baked and fried turkey

Another turkey dish is tasty, satisfying and easy to make - meat baked in a sleeve with vegetables. It is extremely simple to prepare.

2 onions are cut into half rings and placed in a sleeve. The next layer is potatoes (1 kg) – peeled and cut into large cubes. Next is a layer of eggplant (400 grams). Eggplants are either pre-fried in a frying pan without oil, or baked and cut into small cubes.

Turkey fillet is placed on top of the vegetables, and carrots grated on a coarse grater are placed on top of it.

100 grams of low-fat sour cream will be needed for pouring and adding juiciness to the dish. That's all - you can put our dish in a preheated oven for 50-55 minutes.

Calorie content of 100 grams of turkey meat baked with vegetables is 120 calories.

Roasted turkey is a much higher calorie dish. And there are fewer benefits in it, as in any fried foods.

100 grams of roast turkey is as much as 280 calories.

How many calories does grilled turkey contain?

When you arrive for a picnic, take the opportunity to grill a turkey. Dietary meat will turn out incredibly tasty, acquiring a smoky smell and retaining its beneficial substances in full.

The calorie content of a turkey breast prepared in this way is only 118 kcal.

Whatever cooking method you choose, a tasty, satisfying, aromatic turkey meat dish will bring you not only benefits, but also pleasure!

Useful properties of turkey meat

They have been well studied by specialists for a long time:

  1. Turkey meat has a remarkable property - it is easily absorbed by the human body. The protein from the meat of this bird is absorbed almost completely (95%). According to this indicator, turkey meat is even ahead of chicken meat, let alone other types. Due to its high digestibility, a feeling of fullness comes very quickly when eating this type of meat. This means that you simply won’t be able to eat a lot of it.
  2. Cholesterol in turkey meat is at a very low level and there is very little fat in the composition, which suggests the absolute benefits of this product for people suffering from excess weight and atherosclerosis.
  3. One serving of turkey meat contains unsaturated fatty acids in an amount that can cover the daily requirement of an adult. They are responsible for normal heart function and brain activity.
  4. The high calcium content suggests the benefits of this type of meat for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. There is plenty of phosphorus in turkey meat. In terms of the amount of this element in its composition, turkey meat can easily compete with fish. This trace element is necessary for the health of our joints and bones.
  6. Turkey meat is recommended for patients with anemia - after all, it contains much more iron than beef and chicken.
  7. For people with high blood pressure, an important positive point is the high sodium content of turkey meat. This chemical element normalizes metabolic processes in the body. It also allows you not to use salt during the cooking process without compromising the taste of the finished dish.

Turkey meat has a lot of beneficial properties. Does it have “harmful” characteristics?

Everyone else can not only eat turkey meat, but also need to.! Just remember to check the quality and freshness of the product you buy.